Darkness and the Heart

By Me

Published on Mar 25, 2013


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"Well walk me through how I should go through this one more time."

"Okay so what you want to do is first tell him how you feel and that you have always wanted to be with him."

"Like pour my heart out, and be touchy???"

"Yeah! All of that!"

"Okay what if it goes wrong?"

"Then you get closer you were looking for and know that it could never work..."

"I don't think I could live with that, but that's better then it going good I guess....I wouldn't know what to do."

"Well you would grab this hands, look into those eye eyes. Put your hands on his neck...and move closer...then.."

While he was demonstrating this Aaron burst through the front door. He looked at Jamie with anger, then at me with pain , and slammed the door. I looked back at Jamie and he had a surprised look on his face.

"Look Ti maybe you shouldn't go explain things now. It will be the prefect opportunity when he has calmed down and not on the verge of a mental breakdown..." Jamie suggested.

"Yeah maybe....but I should go talk to Haley though."

I stood up to go inside but I heard the garage door opening. Hunter was in his car and he looked confused and broken and he drove off in a hurry and didn't even bother to close the garage door. I felt anger and guilt , and most of all confused. I'm sure he was upset about Haley, but he came outside for reason so did I do this to him?

"What do you mean talk to her? He was obviously upset about what he witnessed...what he thought he witnessed."

"So I'm not crazy and imagining that he was mad at me?"

"Look...lad...it's pretty obvious that he is confused. I don't know his intentions of coming out here but I'm sure it involved you."

After we talked I decided to walk home. I called Hunter and left various messages and even showed up at his house the next day. Even my parents noticed that I was not fully myself.

"Hey son how are you?" My father said.

"I'm okay father, I'm just confused. You probably wouldn't want to know anyways.."

"Tiberius you know you can talk to me, your my only child! I know I haven't been the most encouraging parent about your sexuality, but when I almost lost you, I did a lot of thinking...you can be who you want. Why shouldn't you? Everyone else gets to be who they want to, and I feel like you should be able to also. Love is love so I support who ever you want to be with." He added.

"Thanks father! That's all I wanted! Now if you can get mother to feel the same way that would be great..."

"I do feel the same way Tiberius, and your father couldn't have put it better. Now, tell us what's the matter?" My mother said striding in the kitchen with grace.

"It's Hunter, he has been so nice lately and I am falling for him...it's obvious that it will never work out though."

"Well Hunter did seem to turn a new leaf, however that doesn't mean that he doesn't have feeling for you. Quite often the most homophobic people question their sexuality the most."

"That is true mother, well I guess I will have to pursue a conversation rather than guess."

"I don't mean to be rude, but Aurelia we do have a meeting with my boss in an hour."

"Oh! I almost forgot! Well Lucifer we should get going. Tiberius I love you and I wish you luck, we shall return soon enough."

"Yes! Good luck chap, tomorrow we will go out for brunch and talk things over."

"Okay, have a good time!"

Maybe it's time I explained my parents. They both have odd names but it does define them. My mothers name Aurelia which means golden fits her hair color, and her higher standards of living. My father Lucifer, is not the devil, it means the carrier of light or son of the morning . Also the devil but I'm pretty sure that's not what my grandparents meant by it.

My mother and father were both born in Rome, Italy, but were raised in England. My parents are both heirs to their family's legacy and they are very proper. I have been raised in California but my accent isn't as strong as theirs. Plus I use American words not British , so I wouldn't seem to stuck up.

Lets be honest a rich British kid that talks proper, and is a heir is like the ultimate American stereotype. So I talk like a Brit but use American words, get over it. This is also why Jamie and I connect so well.

Back to Hunter, no one has heard, or talked to him. Nothing. Not even Kate has heard from him and he missed school monday through Friday , but their were rumors he still went to practice.

At school Monday I found out that Jack switched classes , and he gave me dirty looks in the hall. I don't know why though, he is the one that acted like a lunatic. He made new friends and fitted in with them well. I hope that he doesn't continue to go down the wrong path, because his new friends aren't they best people to hang with.

Even while dealing with Jack I couldn't help but think about Hunter. As the days went on the more I longed for him. He had his first football game Friday and I didn't go support Aaron because I couldn't deal with Hunter ignoring me. They won and Aaron went to a party at Carlos Mendez house and urged for me to go. I being partied out wanted to stay home, but he didn't take no for answer. Most of the people there were on the football team or in the popular crowd. I am pretty popular myself so I wasn't out of place....I just felt like I was. There were about 250 people there and they were all focused on how drunk they could get, or what they could do to impress others. I thought about leaving to avoid Hunter but then I seen him. He had his football jersey on with his letterman jacket, well fit dark blue pants, and his hair was styled in a messy way. He looked sad and broken. Girls were around him, almost fighting each other for his attention. I thought about helping him, and I thought about leaving. I guess he decided for me because he got up and disappeared into the sea of people.

I went home that day and cried myself to sleep. I'm not one to cry easily, but now I was the one confused and broken and no one noticed. Aaron was so caught up in his own world that I didn't want to bother him , and Jamie has his own problems. Feeling alone and too stubborn to complain to others, I felt depressed and alone until Kate showed up at my house Saturday evening.

"Hello Tiberius, we need to talk..." She almost demanded.

"Okay come in.."

We walked to my kitchen and sat at my table and I got her a glass of water and we sat in silence for a couple of moments. I looked out the window and I could see the waves in the far distance that would soon come to the shore. The weather was perfect. No overcast, completely sunny and I soon became more depressed. I should be at the beach overlooking and protecting people but instead I'm inside suffering from depressing of self pity.

"Okay...well I guess you're wondering why I'm here."

"Not really Kate. Your dating my best friend , so I'm guessing this has to do with him?"

"Actually no, this has to deal with you...and Hunter." She said with a serious tone.

"Me, and Hunter? Did something happen?"

"Well not quite, Aaron and I just want to fix the awkwardness. So Aaron, Hunter, you , and I are all going camping! Now go pack we can talk on the way there! Oh and your only option is to go. Now pick your head up, wipe the crusted tears off of your pretty blue eyes, and go to your room and pack!" She demanded.

Not having much of a choice I went and packed cloths for an over night stay. Kate rushing me I think I probably forgot somethings but she reassured me that I didn't. We got in the car and drove for god knows how long in silence. I borrowed Kate's phone and told my parents I would be back the next day , and that I was with Aaron Hunter and Kate. Getting fed up with the awkward silence I demanded Kate tell what's going on.

"Okay so Aaron and I are dating and you are our best friends so we want you guys to get along..." Kate explained.

"That's all? How do you even know there is a problem between us?" I asked.

"Well you guys were all buddy buddy a week ago then after my party you weren't...Aaron told me I said something's and we feel like it's our fault whatever happened between you guys."

" Nothing happened between us , and you didn't do anything . You should talk to Haley though..."

"I did she told me that you were all over him, also that you got a text from Jamie and he seen it and then flipped out."

"Oh shit! That's where I left my phone? I forgot, maybe its still there!"

"Don't try to change the subject."

"Oh, sorry Kate I didn't mean to. Honestly I really wasn't all over him, or at least I don't think I was. If anyone was all over him it was her."

"Ti, I'm his best friend I can tell that there is something wrong with him, and it's not Haley. If it's you maybe you can work it out, and if it's not you then maybe you can help him?"

"Yeah sure thing....but what about my problems?"

"Same for you, you and Hunt work well with each other, I'm sure you will work things out too."

Soon we pulled up to a cleared area with 2 tents a fire already going. We had enough fire wood to last a couple days and lots of food. I had no idea where we were but I seen a lake about 200yds away. Aaron was checking the tent and Hunter was down but lake and seemed to be skipping rocks. We got out of the car and Aaron had a huge smile on his face.

"Well! You actually decided to come!? Wow your good Kate, Ti is pretty stubborn so it would have taken me longer and he would have still said no, leaving me to kidnap him!" He yelled.

"I'm not that stubborn asshole. Anyways this is nice...are you sure that we shouldn't put the food in the car?"

"Yeah well after we make dinner we will. Which is almost done by the way. Hey babe can you help me out? And Ti why don't you go say hi to Hunter?"

As I walked down to the lake I didn't want things to be awkward. I thought about everything Jamie said and it made me even more nervous. Hunter usually isn't intimidating but I feel like he was waiting for me. I know he knew I was coming, so did he already decide how this camping trip would go?


I missed a week of school and it really didn't help. I acted dramatic and people were noticing. Ti and I were suppose to stop acting rude around each other and I was being a dramatic dick. Aaron said that we were going to the movies and ended up taking me here. Then he told me Kate and Tiberius were coming too and I didn't know what to do. So after helping Aaron set up I came down here to think.

Tiberius scares me honestly. He is always so calm and confident , and it's hard to keep up with. I could hear him walking towards me and I didn't know what to say...or feel.

"Hey Hunter! How's it going?"

"Hi, Tiberius. It's going good you know me...just skipping rocks."

I felt awkward because he looked so good, as usual. Normally he wears light or bright colors but right now he has on a dark blue V neck and black pants. Which was weird because I have on light colors. He also seemed happy rather then depressed like he was at the party last night.

"Ha! Well we are going to eat soon."

"Okay sounds good." I said making it more awkward.

"Look Hunter, I don't know what I did but I'm sorry...I feel like we came too far to not be friends now."

"That's true. I'm sorry too man. I shouldn't have ignored you and acted so dramatic."

"Hey I did that too! Remember? I understand completely, but lets just not be so awkward from now on ya?"

"Okay sounds great!"

"But why did you ignore me at the party?"

"Well for one you didn't go to our game! And two I was ashamed for ignoring you..." I said sounding stupid.

"So let me get this straight; you felt bad for ignoring me so you ignored me more?"

"Yes! Pretty stupid huh?"

"Yeah it is. Also! You notice when I'm at your games?"

"Well you always sit in the middle of the stadium and come on to the field after the games and I didn't see you there."

"Well I'm sorry, yeah you weren't the only acting dramatic."


Fixing my problems with Ti , eating great food , and camping with my closest friends. Sounds like the perfect weekend. I just hope I don't do something stupid to mess it up.


Aaron and Kate made hamburgers with steak sauce, and we had chips and fruit to go with it. We had a radio so we were playing music and just hanging out. The warm summer breeze was soothing, and the sounds/smell of nature mixed with fire it was hard to feel depressed.

We were all laughing mad making jokes , and we were making to have s'mores for desert, that added to the perfect day. Looking at Aaron and Kate I felt a little jealous. He was helping her make the s'mores , holding her hands, and sitting super close. I wanted something like that...with Hunter. He was oblivious to what I wanted which was natural, because its not like be could read my mind.

"So wasn't this a good idea guys?" Kate said.

"Yeah! It has been seriously one of my most relaxing days since forever for me..." I said .

"Yeah for me too, I'm glad I came. Thanks for kidnapping me guys!" Hunter joked making everyone laugh.

"Well it's getting kinda dark guys, Kate and I are sharing a tent and you two are sharing one. I Think Kate and I are going to take a walk though and look at the stars."

"Aww how romantic! Taking a walk at night in a forest with my boyfriend, oh and bugs and other animals." Kate said laughing.

"Yup! And you have your boyfriend to protect you. Well, see you later guys!"

"Bye!" We both said at the same time.

After they left we were sitting there in awkward silence. He occasionally looked at me and we made eye contact. We kinda listened to the radio and to the sound of the water. It was getting almost unbearable until he moved closer to me.

"I felt awkward sitting that far away. Didn't we agree no more awkwardness?!"

"Yeah we did. Fail!" I joked.

"So tell me Ti, do you have anyone your're interested in now?"

"Yeah I do, it will never work though...he isn't attracted to me. Plus I probably messed it up." I said looking down.

"Well...does he feel the same way?"

"No. He doesn't. That's why I have to get over him."

" I'm sorry about that man. He'll come around...if it makes you feel better I liked someone that I can't get over. Ha! Who would have thought right?"

"Really? I think...that things will work out for the both of us! Maybe not the way that we want it to, but we will find happiness. I also think that she is stupid if she isn't head over hills for you!"

"Ha! I wish...only if....but hey man lets take some shots by the lake, ya?" He said already grabbing the bottle of Jack Daniels.

"Well I can't say no to that!" I responded getting my crutches and following him.

Hunter offered to carry me again and I told him no. He looked surprised that I kept a nice pace all the way down by the lake. He seemed extremely happy and I couldn't help but let my guard down around him.

When we by the water he put down a blanket so that we could sit. He took my crutches and laid them down, then assisted me sitting down. When we sat down he stared at me, he looked amused my by confusion. He then looked back at the lake and I looked at him wondering how I will survive the night with my sanity.


We walked down to the lake and Ti kept up and showed no sign of pain from walking with crutches on a slope. I helped him sit down , and suddenly felt like this was a date. I realized that I was staring at Ti and he tilted his head and raise a brow. His blue eyes had the reflection of the moon, and his blond hair almost seemed silver. I looked away to regain some sort of dignity, and then I felt his gaze upon me.

"You walked pretty far Ti...and you might be a little thirsty. Want to do the honors and take the first shot?" I said still looking away from him.


We took shots and we eventually lost count . Ti was probably more open with me then he ever has been, and it may be that I never have been alone with him this drunk. It's obvious that Aaron and Kate wouldn't be back for a while, and we weren't close enough for them to see or hear us.

"Hunter...can I ask you something?" Ti asked touching my arm.

"Yeah! Sure thing buddy, go for it!"

"How come you always insist on protecting me? The guilt thing only goes so far..."

"You are my friend! Or as Jamie would say...my mate or lad! Ha! He def has the hots for you....kissing you on my porch..."

"Uh, Ti we never kissed on your porch...."

"Ha! Ti you don't have to lie, I'm over it!" I said , saying too much; "I mean, I'm over taking about Jamie..."

"Look, Hunter...if that's why you were upset then I just want you to know..." He started

"ITS NOT!!!!" I yelled cutting him off.

"You don't need to get mad... I think I'm going to head back to the tent it's getting late..."

"NO! Ti....wait... ok ....I'm sorry, please stay with me....I will be nice I promise!" I stammered

touching his inter leg.


"No Ti! I think it's time we talked...I...I...I'm..." I started.

"Your what? Hunter you can tell me anything!" Ti said so sobering up.

"I know I have done wrong by you for years.... and was a homophobic jerk....but I changed...a lot. I've imagined how this would go for days. Ti, I....think, no! I know that I am attracted to you. I want to kiss you so bad you don't even realize how bad I do!" I whispered.

I leaned in and kissed him softly. He just froze and then he realized I what was happening and he started kissing me back. We made out gentle at first, then it became wild with passion. I broke the kiss not wanting to overwhelm him, and looked at me with confusion.

"I've been waiting so long to do that!" I whispered.


Hunter just kissed me and told me that he is attracted to me. I was shocked but all I want was to jump on him and kiss him until I can't anymore, but my better judgement told me not to. He probably isn't all that comfortable with what just happened and doesn't know how to deal with it.

"Ti? Are you okay? You seem freaked out. I mean it was my first time missing a guy shouldn't I be the one freaking out?"

"Oh I'm not...it was great, it's just hard for me to believe that you feel the same way."

"Well believe it , because it's true." He whispered in my ear while kissing me again.

Our kiss became extremely passionate as we fought for dominance. I was surprised by Hunters experience and roughness. Kissing a girl, they normally let you do everything. Kissing Hunter we alternated, and it felt different.

As we kissed Hunter laid down and I got on top of him. We then started to grind our hips together and our dicks got hard. I could feel that his was thick and long as fuck. Mine was thicker but he beat me in length.

"Whoa...Ti I didn't think you would be so...aggressive!"

"I'm sorry, is it too much?"

"No it's fine, honestly...we can do anything you want."

"Oh really?" I whispered pulling down his shorts and briefs.

"You don't have to do this..."

"I know."

I pulled off his briefs completely and his hard huge hard dick popping out. It was really long about 11in , and thick. I could barely get my hand around it. I started to stroke his long veiny cock and it seemed to get even more thicker.

"Oh yeah Ti...."

My own cock started to get hard as his soft moans turned me on more. As I jerked him off he reached for my cock and took it out of my pants. My cock was 9in long and really thick. Hunter who has pretty large hands was surprised and scared when he felt how thick my cock was.

"Whoa! This is a monster...you have a nice dick Ti!" He whispered stroking faster.

We eventually were as hard as we could get so we started sucking each other cocks at the same time. He couldn't really fit mine in to his mouth because it stretched out his mouth so much.! As for me I could only fit about 5in inches in, but based off his moans that was probably more than enough for him.

"Ti...fuck me!" Hunter moaned.

"Are you sure? "

"Yeah! Just be rough!" He yelled.

"Only if you fuck me too!"

"Lets do it."

I was more turned on then ever! I turned him over and started spread his big ass cheeks open. His exposed hole was pink and tight. I put my tongue on his asshole and started lapping it up, earning a moan from him. I tongue fucked him for a good two minutes until I surprised him and put a finger in his ass.

"Oh yeah! Fuck Ti add another"

I added two fingers in his ass. He opened up quickly and I sprint on my hands and added a third finger. Since I am quite thick I decided to add a fourth and then that's when he really was begging.

"Come on Ti just fuck me, stop torturing me!"

I decided to torture him a little longer and get him a little more loose. He got brave and spit on his finger and started to finger me. I moaned and my cock started oozing precum. I looked at his dick and his whole chest was cover him precum and sweat. It was almost like a war. Hunter now had four fingers in me and I had four in him. We were both on the verge of cumming so I stopped.

"Okay enough! I think it's time we fucked."

"Finally, I was about to burst!"

I spat on my thick cock and summer it towards Hunters still tight but looser hole. He looked at me with complete lust and submission. I slowly entered him, and his green eyes teared up with pain. I gave him time to settle with ever inch, until I was about 7in inside and I hit something. Until I pulled out and rubbed against something.

"Ahhhh! Shit! What was that?"

"I think I rubbed against your prostate..."

"Uh! do it again!" He moaned forgetting about the pain.

I pushed back inside and pulled out hitting the same spot. He scared and clawed my back. His hole clamped down tight on my dick and I continued to fuck him in that spot making him bet for me to go faster...but I didn't.

"Ugh ! Ti just fuck me hard!"

"Sshh I will" I said leaning down and kissing him, starting to plow his hole.

"Oh....ohhhh....yeah! I'm going to cum!" I stopped. He looked at me like I just hit him.

"Your turn Hunter!" I said laying down on my back.

Hunter got up and turned me over to my stomach. He pushed my back down and lifted my ass. His experienced tongue dug deep into my asshole. He showed no mercy on my ass.

"Oh yeah! Eat my ass Hunter!"

"With pleasure! I've wanted to fuck this ass since as long as I could remember..."

Before I would say anything his mushroom hard was pushing against my hole. He entered and I almost fainted. He turned me over so I was facing him and he rubbed my back as he went in deeper. We kissed as inch after inch entered me. If this hurts like hell for me, I wonder how he felt. Eventually the pain went away and was replaced by pleasure.

"Ready to get fucked Ti?"

"Yeah! Fuck me!"

He pushed inside and I felt no pain! I could feel the head if his big cock pulling back and forth and the veins on his cock against my anal walls. He kept a stead pace driving me wild then he hit something that made me want to cum.

"I see I found your prostate. Time for you to cum!" He moaned going faster against my prostate and jerking me off.

I felt my ass get tighter around his cock and he looked at me with surprise. My hole was literally milking his cock and I felt like I was about to cum. His cock got bigger and he pressed hard against my prostate and I stared to cum.

"Oh shit I'm Cumming!!!!" I yelled squirting six shots of cum all over my chest.

"Ah! Ahhhh! Shit!" He moaned pulling out and cumming all over both of us.

After we cleaned ourselves up we got dressed and laid back down. For about an hour we just held each other and kissed. He looked like he wanted to say something but couldn't. I sensed doubt in his eyes...and I can't go back to being friends with him....not now.

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