Darkness and the Heart

By Me

Published on Mar 17, 2013



What was I going to tell him? That I felt close to him? That I am attracted to him? He probably wouldn't believe me and just laugh at me. I honestly don't know how I feel, but I do know that I feel like I need to protect him. I don't know why maybe it's guilt. So I started with "Well....I guess now I have time to explain things." But I really didn't know what to explain. It doesn't matter anyways because Aaron walked in followed by Kate.

"What the hell is going on?" Aaron asked looking at my bloody hands.

"Aaron, Hunter punched Jack because he was being an ass.." Tiberius said.

"Oh. Well thanks Hunter, but I thought we had a talk and I thought that you would have sticked to it...I'm glad you didn't...and I'm sorry for being off towards you."

"Wait what is he talking about?" Question Kate and Tiberius at the same time.

"Uh, I asked Hunt to stay away from Ti...I know, I know...it's stupid and wrong but I was mad and wasn't really thinking." He mumbled.

"Yeah , but I, tried to avoid him which was also bad , but...Hey..guys I'm still drunk can we talk about this later? "

"Yeah sure! How about you guys get cleaned up? Aaron , Brent and Hunter can share this room, and Ti you can share a room with Haley and me. Not because your gay it's just that she would be all over Hunt if he slept in the same room with us...speaking of that where is she?"

"I ditched her...I think she was going to try to cheer. Plus it wasn't working....but I am going to go wash my hands and brush my teeth so excuse me."

I got up and left to go wash up before going to bed. It was about 4am and the party died down some what the music was turned down outside but there were people still in the pool, and the others were all downstairs drinking away. When I went downstairs there were people passed out everywhere. Sleep was the best thing....I guess talking to Tiberius can wait.


My head still killed me, and I can't believe Aaron would tell Hunter to stay away from me knowing that I liked him! It's not his choice, I'm so tired of everyone acting like I am some kind of damsel, that I need to be protected or saved. I can fend for myself, but I got over it and forgave him. Even Kate was surprised and upset with him.

For some reason my shirt was off and on the ground sweaty so I went to the bathroom to relieve myself and wash my face. Hunter was in there brushing his teeth and bending over the sink. I looked at his ass and I wanted it so BAD. His shirt was off too I could see his back and arm muscles flexing as he brushed. He was looking down so maybe its better to leave him alone for the night, but I wanted to talk...

I don't know what makes him so special. Why can't I just like some guy who isn't a homophobic guy who has been like my rival since the third grade. A nerd? Or maybe a skater would be nice.

"Hey Tiberius! Just come in, you don't have to stand there all awkward." He said smiling and noticing me.

"Oh, uh yeah thanks sorry I was just thinking about something..."

"If it's about that jerk..."

"No! It's not about him, but hey thanks for what you did Hunter. I am grateful, but! I could have handled it you know."

"I know. It's just....well I don't know why I did it. I mean I guess I feel guilty for how I treated you and I wasn't going to let some other asshole do it too."

"Well I'm glad you were here! Plus I wasn't in the mood to take him in anyways after knocking myself out." I joked.

" Yeah... I couldn't stand by and watch him hurt that pretty face, since he already hurt your heart...jackasses like him all eventually get what's coming to them." He whispered softly.

"Wait what?"

"Wow! I didn't think you had it in you protect anyone Hunt! " Kate said standing behind me.

"Kate you are so creepy! How long were you standing my there?!" I asked.

"Not long, but I'm really glad you guys are becoming....friends." She said with a strong undertone.

"Kate I was just being nice, and I meant it. Tiberius, I know you can take care of yourself man...so I'll back off. I guess I'll see you two tomorrow." Hunter responded a little bit embarrassed.

"Wow Ti, what are you doing to him?" Kate asked curiously.

"What do you mean??? "

"Well...I don't know if you have noticed...but uh...never mind. Hey I'll see you in the room ya?" She responded walking away.

Hunter has been acting odd, but is it because of me? I know he feels guilty about what happened, but I keep telling him that it was no ones fault, and for some reason he feels the need to punch people for me. And did he just call me pretty?! What he said was odd, but I felt like he was coming on to me. Oh well I guess it's the alcohol talking.


I think Kate is getting suspicious about how I have been acting. She is my best friend and knows me so well, it would be a surprise if she didn't know that I am....guilty. Tiberius obviously doesn't want me too feel like this but I am I supposed to care? I want to be there for him, I am his friend, but maybe in his eyes he still hates me and doesn't want admit it to me. This all makes me very sick like I want to throw up. Or maybe it's the alcohol, but I decided to go in to the room and lay down.

When I went inside Brent and Aaron were in there talking. They truly are brothers, I mean the could pass for twins if Brent wasn't so tall. Aaron looks like Brent's little clone, well not little but Brent is about 4in taller than Aaron, and Aaron is already like 6ft.

"Hey guys so what's going on?" I asked

"Oh nothing, I was just telling Aaron that you guys can share my bed, I am going to sleep downstairs in a buddy of mines. I will see you guys tomorrow sleep well and if you need anything just come find me." He said leaving.

"Aaron your brother is the coolest, you do know that right?"

"Yeah , but I am always compared to him so it's hard to live up to his standards. He is always the cool party animal that gets all the girls and has the best grades, while I am the "little brother"."

"Aaron! Are you serious man? Your the coolest guy in our school you know besides me! But you get all the girls you want with out trying. Your best friend is Tiberius who is like the other coolest guy in school. Plus your dating Kate!"

"Yeah I guess..."

"So find your own way! Don't walk in your brother footsteps make your own. If people can't see that then they don't matter."

"Wow Hunt who knew that you would be so smart...but you are also really drunk maybe it's time for bed, ha ha ha" he chuckled.

" I think you are right!


Last night I had to put my headphones in and fall asleep. Haley wouldn't shut up about Hunter and Kate couldn't stop talking about Aaron. Kate I understand because that's her boyfriend. Not Haley, she was more than desperate to get into his pants, and I'm sure he felt the same.

I looked at my watch and it said 4:07pm holy shit I slept about 12 hours. I looked around it looks like Kate and Haley were long gone. So I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth before finding Aaron so that we could leave.

When I stepped into the hall after brushing my teeth it smelt of beer and throw up , and I could here chatter downstairs. Then I remembered I have a broken leg and that this is going to be painful. Soon as I was about to take the first step down Brent's room door opened.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Uh hey Hunter. I was just going to go downstairs?"

"Nope! Not like that! I'll handle this." He said winking and stepping closer.

"That's okay I can do it, and I need to find Aaron so he can take me home. Plus you probably have your hands full already."

"Hands full? With what?" He asked raising a brow.

"I don't know Hunter stuff."

"Look Tiberius your shirt and shoe are in my car, Aaron and Kate left to go get lunch. It's her birthday and I am supposed to plan a little kickback. I need your help so any you help me please? "

"Well since you are my only ride home I guess I can't say no, but only if I can go home to shower first! I smell terrible and I'm half naked."

"Okay great well lets get a move on then." He said rushing to me and picking me up like a bride.

Hunter is a pretty weird guy, we are about the same build but he insist on treating me like I'm not. I do admit that it's cool to have him carry me down three flights of stairs though.

As he was carrying me I noticed that he had showered and put new cloths on. He was wearing a emerald green and black striped tank top that matched his eyes, and he had on white cargo shorts and brown sandals on. His hair was kinda messy and his cologne mixed well with his natural scent that intoxicated me.

My shirt was still off and I smelled and looked terrible. I smelled musky, my shoe was off, I had a cast on, my sock gone, and my pants were dirty from sleeping on the floor. He probably thought that I am some type of dirty, smelly, hobo.

"Thanks for carrying me Hunter, but you could have just assisted me walking down the stairs."

"Oh but, isn't this more fun!" He said throwing me up a bit.

"Ouch! Uh!" I groaned.

"Did I hurt you? I'm sorry!!!" He asked concerned.

"It was just my rips , but yeah it's fine...."

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you..." He said.

I noticed that we were now down on the first floor and close to the front door. He had his right hand supporting my legs and his left hand was on my ass. I looked at him, and I sensed lust in his eyes for a brief second and then it was gone as soon as it came and he set me down.

"Well lets go outside I already brought the car closer, I can carry you or you can walk?"

"I'll walk thanks for carrying me down the stairs though. And look here are my crutches!"

"Uh yeah don't mention it, but hey your showering at my place to save time so lets go!"

Hunter has been really pushing the limits of friendship lately. I don't know if he is joking, flirting, serious , or all of the above. Maybe helping him out won't be such a good idea...


When I was carrying Tiberius downstairs he was amused by me, I could tell. He was checking me out and I think I liked it. He also seemed surprised about me picking him up and carrying him, but honestly it was expected. Well at least I think so.

I could smell his cologne from yesterday and he had a light smell of musk, and he had a perpetual smell of the beach which turned me on. That's why I threw him up. He was slipping, and I didn't want him to feel that I was getting hard.

Then I made it worse by touching his ass. His ass is so perfect! I mean he is really fit but his ass is breath taking. Girls and even guys at our school love looking at it, and I guess I just took the chance to touch it... All big and perfectly shaped. My hand which is rather large had trouble fitting across a cheek.

At my house he was in the shower and I gave him some cloths to wear. I gave him a baby blue tank and some beige shants and brown sandals like the ones I'm wearing. We live on the beach in California so it's like perfect weather everyday. It's about 80 degrees and sunny so great day for a beach party for Kate.

I was planning a beach kickback with Mike, Jen, Haley, Tiberius, Aaron, Brent, me, and Kate. We were going to have food, listen to music, jam out ,watch the sun set, bonfire, s'mores, drinks, and relax. My parents are gone for a week so drinking and every one can crash at my place after.

I texted Brent and asked him to get the food and drinks since it was already 6:23pm and the sun will be setting soon. Everyone else was there and Kate and Aaron were at the movies and one their way soon. Now it was just Tiberius we were waiting for.

"Hey Hunter thanks for the cloths, and for letting me shower here." Tiberius said stepping out of the bathroom. I looked at him and I was speechless.

"What?! Do I look that bad? Keep in mind that these are your cloths and you choose them!" He said.

"Ha! No you just look great, I mean for a guy.."

Great was an understatement. All of his features made him look like a Hollister model. His really light eyes stood out more and his skin had an even tan everywhere. His muscles bulged and his was more ripped than I've ever noticed. His blond hair even seemed softer and his pink lips had a smirk that made me feel things I'm sure I'm not supposed to feel for him. His legs had blond hairs on them that were too light to really see and his legs were so ripped that he made me feel insecure.

"Thanks Hunter, that means a lot coming from you...Hey you have a nice room." He said sensing my awkwardness.

I had a shower in my bedroom which was large. I love music so I have 3 guitars a small grand piano, posters of artists every where. I also have football poster all over too. My favorite team is the chargers, so I had little things like cups, autographs , and other things with logos. My favorite color was blue so my bed spread was blue and black. It was a nice room I guess you could say .

"Yeah thanks , I guess you can see I love music."

"Yeah I never would have guessed that, and the chargers too? I know we live in San Diego but really? They kinda suck I thought you hated losing?" He joked.

"Careful! No one messes with my chargers and gets away with it!" I said picking him up and placing him on the ground. I was on top of him had his arms pinned.

"Ow! My rib and head!" Tiberius yelled.

"Oh my god I'm sorry! I need to stop hurting you..." I said

Before I knew what happened I was on my stomach and my left arm was on top of my back, and the other on my side.

"Ow shit! Okay you win Tiberius!"

"Who's my bitch! Ha! You still under estimate me!?"

"Yeah I won't make that mistake again." I said standing up.

"Well we should get going come on let's go it's almost dark!"

Now I can see why everyone loves him, he is full of surprises. Good looking, charming, and nice. He has a broken leg and bruised rips and some how managed to play the hurt card and then turn me over on me back? He is good, he is good.


After we wrestled a bit we left to the beach to meet up with everyone else. The kickback was going to about a mile down because our back yards were literally the beach we all had nice views and that over looked the ocean with nice balconies or more like mini peers for back yards. Except Kate's house was below mine so my "backyard" was on top of hers, and hers Extended more. Her house was closer to the water than ours but also more amazing. Her home was built into the rock under my house. We still don't know how stable it was but is is the best in the area hands down.

"Hey Hunter why don't we move the party to out back? It's less crowded , and we were going to come back here anyways right?"

"Oh yeah! We do have a bonfire pit in the back and it is more private! Wow great job Tiberius!" He said smacking my ass.

"Yup! Your welcome. And hey Hunter you can call me Ti you know. Tiberius is something my enemies call me."

"Yeah? Well thanks Ti, you have been great these last two days. A couple weeks ago I couldn't imagine you being in my house or me calling you Ti !" Hunter exclaimed excited.

"Yeah me either...but hey you should text everyone and tell them that the party moved here."

"Yeah I should , once again thanks so much . "

He walked away and called every one to come to his house. Everyone showed up about 20mins later and all agreed that this was the better place for a kickback. Even though Kate has been to his house a million times, we made it special by decorating our asses off.

In the back we had lights all over the bonfire already going. Mike and Jen brought snow crap , with cheesy potatoes; and steamed veggies. Brent brought some wine coolers and beers. Haley brought cheesecake with strawberries on it. Hunter and I put out the marshmallows, chocolate, and gram crackers for s'mores. All of this was Kate's favorite foods.

On the inside Hunter put down the big projector screen in the theatre so that we could watch the breakfast club, which was her favorite movie. There was also more beers inside and Carmel popcorn pre-popped. Hunter really went out to make Kate's perfect day come to life.

I texted Aaron and told him that the party moved to Hunter's place. He seemed happy about it too, and said that Kate has been enjoying their day, and was completely clueless about anything more.

His plan was to tell her that they were going to Hunter's so he could give her a gift. Which is true, he got Kate two pairs of the Gucci glasses that she wanted and a purse too. I just gave her a $1,000 forever 21 gift card. I think she will like our gifts, but Kate can be hard to impress at times , so this should be interesting.

So I went in to the kitchen with everyone else, who were getting shot glasses ready to take shots for when Kate came. I noticed that every seemed happy and that today was going to be a great day and I couldn't wait to eat.

"See what we can do Ti! This all looks great, am I right?" Hunter said.

"Yeah! We did a good job Hunter ,It all looks great. You really care for her don't you?"

"Like a friend yes...she is like a sister to me and I want to make sure her birthday is perfect. That's all." He said defensively.

"I didn't mean to offend you Hunter, I just meant as a friend.."

"Oh...sorry I didn't mean to...uh sound like a jerk I'm sure you didn't mean it like that."

"HEY EVERYONE GO HIDE TOGETHER UPSTAIRS! THEY ARE ABOUT A MINUTE AWAY!" Brent yelled pushing everyone except Hunter to go hide. We all split up not listening to Brent, I went by the bathroom and Haley followed me.

"Hey Ti, how's it going?" She asked.

"Good , how about..." I was cut off.

"Look! I know your gay and all but stay away from Hunter! I see the way you look at him, and I just wanted you to know that it's gross! Your hot and all but honestly you should stick to girls...I heard about Aaron and I heard about Jack you don't want a repeat with Hunt now do you? Look hun it's the way it is, I'm trying to do you a fav!" She said almost losing her cool , well the cool that she clearly doesn't have.

"I don't know what I did to make you feel like that but it's not like that..." I was cut off again

"Good! Then I guess we are done here!" She said stomping off.

"Wow well I guess there is a new problem to deal with..." I said to myself.


Everyone went to go hide and I looked around and I couldn't be happier. We all were about to have a good time and I get to spend it will the best of people. Except Haley...she is Kate's friend so we deal with her speaking of her here she comes stomping into the kitchen.

"What are you doing, your supposed to go hide?!" I whispered.

"Look we need to talk about Tiberius!"

"Wait I think they are pulling up! Here go hide behind the counter!" I whispered.

She moved behind the Island piece and crouched next to me. She started to rub my legs and up towards my dick. She then placed her other hand on my dick and started to rub it through my shorts.

"What the fuck are you doing!" I said jumping back.

"Feels like you have a third leg in there!" She said reaching for it again.

"Stop! They are about to come in are your seriously trying to come on to me?!"

The door opened and Kate walked in and everyone jumped out and yelled "surprise!" Haley just stood up and walked away looking pissed. Kate bad a surprised and pleased look on her face and was giving everyone hugs.

"Hey Hunter, are you alright?" Ti asked.

"Yeah...I am its just Haley trying to come on to me.."

"Well she thinks that I have a thing for you , and that your hers... Why did we even invite her???"

"I know what a buzz kill right? And Oh she did?... Well uh do you? Because..."

"Oh my god! Thanks so much Hunt and Ti! I knew this was mostly you guys! This is the best birthday ever!!!" Kate screamed hugging us both.

"Yeah your welcome, now lets go enjoy ourselves and get drunk! " Ti yelled handing us all shots.

"Cheers!!!" Everyone said taking the shots.

We ate the food really quickly and everyone was content. I told Haley that I don't feel the same way about her and that she should move on. She was talking to Mike the whole time, and she kept looking at me trying to make me jealous. Brent and Jen were talking and seemed to hit it off well. So that left me and Ti.

The sun was finally starting to set and everyone had a good buzz going . They were all cuddling next to the fire and We were sittings behind them. Music was playing and everyone was in their own world. I looked over at Ti and he was staring out to the ocean. If he didn't look like a Hollister model before then he def did now.

"What? " he asked not taking his eyes off the ocean.

"Well it was just a beautiful day right ? I mean it started off slow but ever since you woke up its been great for me."

"Really? Why? I know I'm great but I'm not that fun to be around ." He said now looking at me with those blue white eyes.

"Me either, but I guess I like being around you... we make a good team right? I mean every time we are together something bad happens. Getting hit by a car, falling and knocking yourself out, knocking out douche bags, and having a annoying girl bothering us both. Ha! Ha! " I said laughing.

"Yeah and we got through it! We didn't die or break down except for my bones , we ...just some how worked together."

"Yeah I could get used to this you know..."

"What? Me or this view??? Because it is breath taking." Ti said grabbing another beer.

"Ti can I tell you something? You have to promise not to judge me though"

"Yeah sure, what is it? !"

I looked at everyone to see if they were distracted. The sun was almost all the way down and Kate and Aaron were making out. Brent and Jen seemed to be trying to suffocate each other, because they kissing frantically and running each other everywhere. I almost wanted to help them out and tell them to stop. Even Haley was distracted! Mike was quite the charmer so that was a perfect match.

The smell the of the ocean and bonfire with sounds of the waves crashing had an cinematic feeling. Ti was looking at me waiting for a response and I felt my heart beating faster and an adrenaline rush. The bonfire light was reflecting off of his eyes. His arm was touching mine, which had goosebumps on them. I zoned out....

"You're...you're like this view you know?...beautiful..breath taking...different every day. Something that can't be explained with words, something you just have to experience...if your lucky enough. Even on a cloudy day you somehow have a even better view than when there wasn't any. You have an affect on people that brings out the best in them...the best in me. I used to take you for granted, but not anymore. I almost lost you once, and that made me realize how much I like you. I know what I want, what I feel, what I need...and maybe you feel it too... " I whispered sounding like an idiot.

All Ti did was laugh thinking I was joking. He then stopped laughing when he noticed I didn't and then his whole face changed.

We were making eye contact, then he put his hand on my face and moved in closer. He hesitated maybe testing to see if I was kidding or not. I touched his shoulders and pressed my lips against his. His lips parted granting me access to them. Our tongues met and fought for dominance. I felt him almost literally melt in the hands, his whole body relaxed and the kiss become more passionate. He kissed me like he has been waiting his whole life and then be put his hand under my chin and the other behind my neck now it was my time to melt. We broke the kiss so that we could breath.

I looked at him and he had a look of disgust on his face. His perfect white teeth had an evil smile, one I've never seen on them. He looked down like he was thinking and the sun got even lower almost to the horizon. Then I looked at him and he started laughing...everyone started laughing.

"Did you really think I could like you?! Your a faggot asshole!"

Then everyone stood around me and laughed and called me names like "fag" , "hypocrite" , and "bully". I looked at Kate and she had an evil grin on her face and she spat on me and called me disgusting. Aaron and Brent were laughing there asses off and Haley said "told you so!". Then she kissed Ti...then she kissed Kate!

"All I wanted was to be with you Ti..." I cried.

"You see, it's alright if Haley kisses Kate....but it's disgusting if you kiss me. Women on Women is fucking sexy, a delicacy if you must. Man on man? Well, that makes you some kind of pervert, you belong to burn in hell for it , and believe me.. You will!. " Ti screamed with disgust.

I closed my eyes wishing that this will all go away and when I opened my eyes and looked around everyone was gone. They weren't all making out and feeling on each other and the sun already set. I looked over next to me and Ti was sitting next to me with a worried look on his face.

"Hunter?! You were going to tell me something?" Ti said.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Yeah you were going to tell me something but then you zoned out for like 5 minutes?"

It wasn't real? So I just zoned out and imagined it all. Maybe it's a sign that it couldn't work with him and that I'm just confused , and need to avoid him.

"Well everyone went inside....did you want to come too?

"Um no it's fine I think I'll stay out here for a while. Go enjoy yourself I'll be fine man..."

"Okay, well if your not inside in 5 minutes I'm coming back and dragging you in." He said standing up and walking away.


Hunter was about to tell me something then just zoned out. He seemed so scared...whatever he was thinking about obviously changed his mind about what he was going to say. I guess I will give him space, and go inside.

Inside everyone was taking shots and just laughing and getting ready to start the movie. They were all heading to the home theatre down the hall to go watch a movie except for Haley who snuck outside to go see Hunter. Kate who was taking a couple more shots and Aaron went to go get her some water.

"Hey Ti! This has been the...bestest birthday!!! Eva!" Kate responded quite drunk.

"Yup it has. Hunter and everyone put so much into this day for you, you have some pretty good friends."

"Yeah I know...Ti do you like Hunt? He's cute right? I can totally see you liking him. How hot would that be? The two hottest guys in school dating each other!"


"Do you think he's gay??? Ti? Do you? I mean he is hot and has only dated me and we didn't even do anything! He has hooked up with girls but maybe he proving something to himself? Plus the way he treats you is better than he has treated anyone."

"I guess, we... I never noticed...but I don't think so."

"Your gay? Shouldn't you he able to tell these things?"

"Hey! Kate what are you doing?" Asked Aaron.

"Uh nothing just making conversation babe!"

"Okay babe why won't you go and watch the movie?"

"Okay! I will , hurry up babe don't keep me waiting" she said exiting.

Kate left and Aaron was staring at me. I looked outside the window and I see Haley kissing Hunter. Getting upset I closed the blinds and looked away.

"Ti...I'm sorry that you are always the one being hurt by assholes. Ti you are honestly good looking and super nice he isn't worth your time man. Find someone like you, you'll be happier that way...I'm going to go watch the movie , just don't do anything stupid, ok? "

Aaron words changed my point of view, but then left me standing there. He told me that Hunter and I are a lot a like, and now he is saying that I should move on....I need some space. So I grabbed a couple beers, opened the door and Jamie was standing there.

"Hey Ti! I came by , Aaron told me about the party, I texted you too?"

"You did? My phone is out back I think...But hey Jamie, and everyone else is in the theater which is past the kitchen down the hall on the left."

"Are you okay? Do you need to take a walk Mate?"

"Well I can't walk far with this thing on my leg...."

"How about we sit in front and have a little chat on the porch?"

"Okay...that sounds great!"

Jamie is British and Irish, he is a red head with almost no freckles and flawless skin . He has tanned skin from hours of swimming and dark blue eyes. He was about 5'8ft and was quite ripped with a swimmer body. Jamie was extremely athletic and super nice. He used to date Haley, but they broke up when she said Hunters name during sex...on more then a few occasions.

"I'm surprised that you actually came to Hunters house...with Haley being here. " I said.

"Well honestly I am too. I got over her though , but I'm glad I let that stuff go its senior year, time to get a move on with me life."

"So much maturity all of a sudden? Nice man! Yeah now since you are taking over as captain you'll have your hands full. Plus all those Advance placement classes you are taking , and stepping up as a lifeguard now; I don't think you'll have time to sleep!"

"Blimey! Well when you put it that way." He chuckled, "so anything new with you? Why were you about to run out of the place?"

"Well it's not important, but lets just say that I found some of the answers I needed inside, and didn't like them."

"I'm guessing it's a bloke?"


"Well instead of getting snockered out here maybe you should go talk to Hunter in there. Don't be a wuss mate , I've seen you play water polo and take on lots of blokes and you can't tell me that your scared of this one?"

"No I'm not scared...How did you know it was him?"

"Seriously? I watched how you two acted at the hospital, you were practically screaming "have sex with me" to each other."

"So your saying I should go talk to him right now? He's with Haley in the back. He probably doesn't even care..."

"Well who cares if he cares? At least your conscious would be clear."

"Well I guess I would feel better."

"Bobs your uncle! Now go!"

"Well walk me through how I should go through this one more time." I said feeling a nervousness coming on.


Ti went inside but I really wanted him to stay. I want to touch him, talk to him, and look into those eyes and lose myself. I heard someone come outside and I got excited thinking it was Ti, but instead it was Haley.

Haley looked pretty drunk and she had determination in her eyes. She jumped on me and started kissing me. I heard the blinds close and I pushed her off of me.

"Hunter......you have been avoiding me for so long. Why not just give in? I have been in love with you for years. Why not give me a chance....you hang out with that gay boy knowing that he likes you but you can't even give me a chance? "

"Wait what did you say?"

"The gay boy....you know Tiberius? He likes you a lot anyone could tell!"

Just then a text appears from Jamie saying I'm outside. No really knows Jamie's intentions and he always has a way of fucking with people's emotions. His innocent looks and British accent fools people and I can't let him influence Ti.

"Wait, I uh...have to go!"

I jumped up and ran inside to go find Ti. I walked into the theatre , and all I seen was Kate and Aaron snuggling and enjoying the movie. Jen, Brent and Mike were sitting by each other and they both seemed to be enjoying the movie. Assuming that Ti left I decided to go to his house and talk to them.

When I opened the door I seen Jamie and he had his arm wrapped around Ti and it looked like they were going to kiss. They both looked at me and I slammed the door. Feeling stupid and upset I went to the garage got in my car and decided to get away and leave....I needed time to think.

I texted Aaron and told her to lock up for me and that I'm sorry and I needed to get away. Not wanting to bother Kate on her birthday, I gave him little to no details. I needed time to think, to reevaluate my feelings, and most importantly to get over Ti....

Next: Chapter 4

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