Darkness and the Heart

By Me

Published on Feb 27, 2013


Darkness And The Heart part 2

This story is 100% fiction. Thanks for all the feedback! Please continue to send it, thank you.


In my short life I have made some pretty big mistakes, with those come being jerk, arrogant, and disrespectful. I think the worst thing that I could have done would have to be not forgiving Tiberius. Sitting in the waiting room I have decided to be nicer to him. He is a really nice guy and I can get past his sexuality. I honestly don't have a problem with anyone gay, it's just him! I don't know why though, he is masculine and plays sports like I do and is a normal guy. Now I feel more guilty and sure that this is all my fault.

"Hey! I heard what happened! Is he okay?" Kate yelled quite shaken.

"Yeah...he is fine for the most part... He has a couple bruised ribs and a broken leg. The car served and only hit his side. His parents are in there with him now."

"Oh my god, he was soooo lucky. Tiberius has a good support system , the whole water polo team is on their way here." Kate responded trying to cheer me up.

"Yeah that is great..." I said not really hearing her.

"Hey, I know what you are thinking and this isn't your fault Hunter! It's not like you pushed him in to the street."

" I MIGHT AS WELL HAVE! If I didn't provoke him we wouldn't have been in this situation!" I yelled with tears now forming in my eyes.

"Look Hunt, I know you feel bad but you were trying to make things right and that's all that matters!" I had no time to reply because Tiberius parents walked in.

"Hello Kate and Hunter, Tiberius is not fully rested but he wanted to see you guys before we leave." said Tiberius dad.

"We will go get something to eat and allow for his friends to visit we will be back in an hour" said his mom.

"Okay thanks so much , and once again we are sorry you had to go through this" added Kate standing and hugging both of them.

"Well I'm just glad he is okay!" Said his mom looking at me.

"Yeah thanks Hunter, if you didn't drive him to the hospital who knows what could have happened...And son pick your head up he is fine, we all know that you two haven't been the best of friends but I'm just glad your here in his time in need" he said walking out.

His parents were a lot like him; they had strong features given their roman background. His mom was beautiful she had the presence and grace of a queen. She was always well put together even now she holds he her head up to be strong for him.

His dad was a pretty intimidating because he was so tall and muscular. If Tiberius looks like him when he gets older, which he may because they are splitting images of each other, then won't have any problems finding a nice guy or what ever he likes.

"Hunter I think you should go talk to him!" Kate demanded.

"Well I don't know if I can.."

"Stop being a little girl! Get your butt up and go talk to him now before I make you!" Kate yelled now getting angry.

Kate isn't usually that pushy but when I am difficult she definitely can handle me. I don't blame her she is gorgeous and usually sweet. So I guess she has to take advantage of people's weakness to be stern, also having a friend like me she has to be tough.

Tiberius parents said we both can go see him, but Kate decided to stay behind while I went. While walking to the room so much was going through my head. Will he hate me? What will I say? And how can I ever make this right?


After I woke up I found out I was hit up by a car but I only broke my leg and have a couple bruised ribs. I am lucky that Hunter drove me here. When I broke my leg the bone broke through the skin and there was a lot of blood. I probably bled all over his seats. I feel ashamed and stupid. My thoughts were interrupted because Hunter walked in the door and looked like he was about to cry.

"Hi Tiberius....you....um look great. I mean, you don't look like you just got hit by a car." He whispered while forcing a smile.

"Well thanks, Hunter I'm glad you drove me here and that you waited."

"Yeah don't mention it, because it was all my fault anyways. I provoked you and then I allowed it to go too far and I'm so sorry! I know that I can never make this up to you and don't know that you will accept my apology, but I do want you to know that I swear I will forget about the past and would like to be friends!" He exclaimed while his emerald green orbs tearing up more looked in to my blue ones.

"Whoa there Hunter! This isn't all your fault it takes two to fight and I never should have punched you... I hope that you can forgive me too, and I would love to be friends." I said while touching his muscular arm.

He looked at my my hand and didn't move it, he just looked back at me while a tear fell from his left eye. His arm was so warm with little black hairs. The muscles bulged from and his skin was surprisingly soft. Then I felt that same shock I felt when we wrestled and removed my hand. I then looked at his face which was really attractive I have always noticed but not like this.

He had the perfect bone structure and a small noes. His eyes I think are his best asset. They are deep and mysterious, and since he is crying right now they look even more amazing. I know that sounds odd to say but they really are! Usually he oozes sex and confidence, but now he oozes compassion and sincerity . The fact that he is opening up to me makes him more attractive. I should just forget these thoughts though, he may want to be friends but he is still straight!

"Also Tiberius I want you to know I don't have a problem with you being gay. I don't know why I was acting homophobic earlier I was just jealous of you I guess... and you have something I wanted...." He mumbled.

"What do you mean?" I said getting excited.

"You had Kate's attraction, all the friends in the world, and you're humble."

"Well I am gay so don't have to worry about Kate, and you have a lot of friends too! Me humble? That's a joke right? " I said while laughing.

"Well yeah, it WAS things I wanted. Now I know life will be easier now that I don't have to hate you..." he added changing the mood.

"But hey, Tiberius how long will you have to stay here?" He said shyly.

"Just for two hours to make sure I don't have any internal bleeding then I will be home for a week. You know running with this whole thing I could use a couple days off"

"Oh....well....um since you, will be home....maybe after school....we can hang out? I mean if you....if you're not ...um busy?" he stammered putting his hands in to his pockets.

"Yeah! I would love to, you know since I can't swim....and you can't go to practice for a week." I said realizing that my high school polo season will be over before it even started.

"Sounds great, and hey I know you can't swim...and once again I am truly sorry for all this even if it isn't all my fault..." He then leaned in closer, "plus you can go to all my games and watch me" he whispered and flexed his arms.

My cock started to get hard and throb in my pants. I had a 9in one so if it got fully hard it can be hard to hide. I shouldn't feel this way towards him, he just treated me like shit a couple hours ago for being gay what makes me think that he would like me?

"Uh hey! Guys sorry to interrupt..." Said a familiar voice.

I looked and it was Jamie he was the co-captain of the swim team, which were all behind him. Jamie looked at Hunter then back at me and gave us a weird look. Which I understand completely, to walk in to a room with Hunter and I joking around when everyone knows that we have hated each other since way back.

I think it's obvious that we can become good friends, but I don't even know what just happened. I am pretty sure Hunter was only joking around with the whole acting sexy and whispering and shit like that, but it's true now I do have time to go to his games that I already would have gone to!

"Well I guess I will catch you later, feel better Tiberius" he said messing with my hair and walking out.

When he was walking out I had time to check out his back side. I liked what I seen. He was a nice athletic ass that seemed too hard and well formed for its own good, but also very soft too. Those aren't easy to find. I guess I can get used to having a friend like him around.


I feel much better now that Tiberius knows that I am sorry and wants to be friends. I feel like we finally on the same page, or are we? Something weird happened in the room. I felt something that I haven't felt in a long time, true happiness. I don't have to be bitter anymore to him and all the awkwardness can go away. He might still hate me though , even though I opened up to him and cried in front of him. Maybe he thought it was all bullshit? I hope not because I was being sincere.

"Hey Hunt, how did it go? You look happy!" Kate said.

"Yeah...I am. We cleared things up and I don't feel like a jerk anymore!"

"Good, because we all know that behind those muscles and big ego hides a little sensitive girl!" She added laughing hysterically.

"Not that funny Kate! Well I am going to go home and try to get some rest, are you coming?"

"Nope. I am going to wait for Aaron to come" she said smiling huge.

"Oh I see, well you two have fun. Be safe and don't do anything that I would do " I joked.

"Well if I did what you do, I would be known as the town slut! Also would have spread more STDs than a stripper pole on valentines day!" She dished back.

"Well shit! Only one stripper pole? I need to step my game up."

"Oh my god Hunt! No, you need to find love. Not sex! "

"I will some day, maybe senior year will be different...Well anyways I have to go" I said walking out to my car.

With many thoughts running through my mind it took no time to get to my car , which was all scratched up and someone keyed it. There were words on it like "Homophobe", "Asshole", "Murderer" looking at this I felt like shit again. Who would do this? The polo team maybe? A random student Aaron? I am determined to find out who did this....


After the polo team left; Mike , Jen, Kate and Aaron came in to visit me. We talked for a while, and Aaron blamed himself for not driving me home even though it was not his fault. The subject was dropped because it was the past. On a new topic I guess him and Kate are getting close and might start dating soon and I told him I think that is a great idea.

The doctors sent me home when they found out I was okay . Then told me I can swim in 6 months and that I can still be a lifeguard but only for land duties and that's once I get out of the cast. This will be hard because I live on the beach and I go swimming every day. I honestly don't know what I will do with my time. So now sitting in my room with Aaron I don't know what to think.

"Have you ever changed your mind about someone....and then felt stupid because the way you treated them....then started to be attracted to them.....after not liking them for a long time?" I ranted.

"Well, uh. I am guessing you are taking about Hunter because he is the only person you have disliked for a long period of times." he responded with anticipation.

"Yes! I'm sure I made that clear, but I don't know what to do Aaron! Today in the hospital I felt this connection that I haven't felt with anyone else and it was real...I know this sounds stupid but I just feel like I am on cloud nine"

"Well stupid is an understatement! You do realize you are talking about the homophobic asshole that indirectly almost got you killed right?! I like Hunter I really do Ti but I don't see this ending well...honestly I should kill him for the things he said to you...but hey by the way I am proud of you for punching him in the face. I guess I taught you well." he boasted.

"Yeah I guess you did Aaron. And you are right what was I thinking right?"

"Yeah! Now don't be stupid and fall for this guy!!! He isn't gay for one, and this is only the second guy you have liked. All guys won't be as understanding as I was, and Hunter is one of those guys..."

"I guess you are right.." I said then thought, with a week off from school I guess now I have time to get over him and stop all this nonsense.


The day after the accident I went home to find out that I was suspended from school and when I come back I will have a week of detention. Since the accident I guess people wanted to look more into why Tiberius was walking home in the first place, and our wonderful principal told them the whole thing. With much exaggeration to save his own ass I must add!

Tiberius was suspended to even though he was going to stay home too. I feel really bad for putting him though this....but now it's been almost two weeks after it happened. I'm in weights next to Aaron working out. This two past week I did nothing but sit in my room, work out, and think...I haven't seem Tiberius since the day of the accident which was almost two weeks ago and we were only suspended for one so I don't know where he could be.

"So...Aaron how is Tiberius? I'm pretty sure you have to be his friend to ask that question." He responded coldly.

"Well I told you I was sorry. Aaron we are teammates and good friends what can I do to make this up to you and him?" I pleaded.

"For me? Nothing. For him , leave him the hell alone! Don't talk to him, don't look at him, don't even let his name come out of your mouth! We could have lost him that day all because you had a problem with his sexuality? How fucking shallow of you? No one has a problem with you being a dick! Well until now, and let me make something clear! I don't know what the fuck your doing but play with my best friends heart or hurt him again....in any way...I promise you, you'll more than regret it...because I will kill you." He whispered with so much rage I could feel the heat coming off of him.

"Aaron, look I don't want trouble with you and I understand you are mad, but don't you think I changed? I had a reality check that day, and I have been thinking about all the dumb things I said, I hope that he and you can eventually forgive me...."

"Look Hunt I don't mean to be so pissed, but I just need to make this clear because this has gone on way to long. Don't worry I am pissed at Ti too." He said calming down.

"But what about this playing with his heart?"

"Oh, um..."

The bell rang and he just left. Since I was suppose to already be in detention I started off there so I would get in to more trouble , but I found Kate on the way there.

"Hey Hunt! How's it going?" She said cheerfully.

"Oh it's going great...why so happy?"

"Oh no reason, just that we got offered to go to a San Diego University party! The best way to end your last day of torture!" She yelled.

"Oh...okay well that sounds great! I can use that. Getting drunk hooking up"

"Oh about that" she interrupted, "It's kinda a date for you..."

"What?! Dude Kate, no! I already told you i'll find someone by myself"

"It's too late, I already set it up and she is pretty so you can't say no and I'm not going to tell you who so I will see you at the party at 10:00 pm. You better not stand her up or ill kick your ass Hunter! Way worse than what Ti did to you" she joked.

"Wow! Your so encouraging, and you'll like a midget to me I wouldn't want to step on you. "

"Okay enough! I'll text you with the details" she said while walking away.

College parties, every high school seniors dream. I hope it will be more interesting then detention, my guess it won't be.


Since I was suspended from school, I decided to take some extra alone time. I can't drive but I have been wheeling myself around to get some new cloths or food. It was pretty boring , but at least I started to get over Hunter. Actually that's a lie. I only want himself for some reason I really miss him and his cocky personality, his nice toned body, and those eyes are probably what I miss the most. I want to tell him how I feel and kiss his soft lips. I know I can't do that but it's nice to dream...

"Ti! Ti! Are you okay!?" Jack said.

"Yeah I'm okay . I was just thinking about something.."

"Oh, what ever it is it must be important because you look so serious"

"It's not that important."

"Hey Ti I heard about this party at UCSD we should go to it, I mean if you want to it will be cool"

"Yeah. We should , that actually sounds like a good idea"

Well it's already 10:23pm we should get dressed. Mind if I shower here?" He asked while already taking off his shirt showing off his washboard abs.

"Um. Uh. Nope. I don't mind let me get you some cloths to wear" I said while l obviously checking him out.

"Okay, don't take too long." He said with a smile that was impossible to read.

Jack and I have became close every since the accident. Aaron brought him over one day because he kept asking about me. Which I thought was really cool, and when he came he brought flowers. I thought it was weird because I never had someone give me flowers before, but I still accepted them. So everyday since then he has came over and we have hit it off pretty well. I'm sure he likes me and I'm not sure how I feel about him though but I guess time will tell all.

I grabbed some cloths that would fit him and walked back in to my room to find Jack gone. I stepped out off closet and into my room more and then the door slammed shut, and I heard it lock. I turned around to find Jack completely naked and he was walking towards me.

"I've wanted to do this for so long." he said jumping on me and we were both fell on the bed.

"What are you doing?!?!" I yelled.

"Ssshhhhhhh! Don't worry Ti ill take care of you, really good care of you. " he whispered while winking and starting unbutton my pants.

"Jack....I....uh" I stammered.

"Hey, hey, hey...Tiberius , relax. You can't tell me you don't want this your cock is fully hard and throbbing. Now relax and let me woke my magic" he whispered so seductively that I thought I would burst right then.

Jack started to kiss my cheek and lick the side of my neck a the way to my chest . At the same time he would grind his hard dick into mine and I would respond with;

"Uhhh oh yeah"

"See I told you, you would like it"

He started kissing all the way down my stomach, and there he stopped and kissed a couple times making me squirm. Then he licked all the way to my briefs and started to suck on the head of my cock through them, which was starting to become soaked with pre cum.

"Uhhhh, don't tease me Jack..." I moaned.

"Okay babe I won't any more" be said now freeing my dick from its cage.

He then grabbed my cock and started stroking it slowly while wrapping his tung around the whole thing.

"Ooooooh yessssss, suck my dick Jack" I groaned as he started to go down on me.

My dick was so hard, and the veins popping out were so sensitive that every time they brushed past his lips, I would have to literally hold back from cumming.

"Yeah go faster"

All that could be heard was my moaning sounds and the slurping sound of Jack sucking my dick. He had soooo much saliva that it was oozing all the way to my ass crack which he was rubbing turning me more. He the started to deep throat me and literally trying to swallow my cock and it felt so good because of his throat muscles that I couldn't hold back anymore.

"Ahhhh ah ah I'm cumming! Uhhh! " I yelled as spurt after spurt of cum emptied deep into his throat.

He pulled back a little to taste some of my cum I guess. I've never had any one swallow my cum before and I never would have thought that a guy would give the best blow job I've ever had.

"That was great Ti, who knew that you would have a big cannon dick like that in the pants. " he said smiling big.

"Let me repay the favor" I said stepping closer.

"Not necessary..." he said. I looked down and I guess he already cummed.

"I am going to shower though you can come along. You know to save time?" He responded with the same smile.

"Okay I can't say no to that face." I said while following him.

We showered together and I couldn't help but to touch him all over and lather up his body. He has a dick that was 6in soft I wonder how it will be hard. His ass was really nice but not as nice as Hunters though.... uh why do I keep thinking about him.

"Ti...your doing it again. You sure are okay?" He said lifting my head up so our eyes can meet.

"Yes I am sure. " I lied.

"Well good but you know what will make it better?" He said leaning in closer.

"What?" I said also moving in closer.

"A kiss" he whispered grabbing my whole body and moving it in close. I could still taste my sweet cum on his tung as we made out.

This whole experience can go three ways. It would be great if we just kept it as friends with benefits and nothing more, but by the way he is acting I'm sure he doesn't want that. Or I can fall for him and move on from Hunter. Which I don't think will happened, because yeah he gives great blow jobs, but there is no connection or sparks. From just touching Hunter I get all tingly and can't think...with Jack it's nothing there. I hope this thing will work it's self out. The third option could be not having anything to do with him sexually and just be friends.


So I got dressed and headed over to the party Kate keeps texting me non stop it's only 10:30 I'm not that late! Walking up to the frat house where the party was at I see Kate outside with this blond girl I can't see her face back her back is turned to me.

"Hey Kate!" I yelled.

"Hey Hunt! This is Haley, you remember her right?"

It was Haley Spence. Haley Spence was the most girly preppy girl at our school. She is in student council and head cheerleader. No one under estimates her because she can be really nice one second and a total bitch the next. She's Kate's friend so I'm guessing she never seen the bitchy side, or hasn't noticed because Kate can have one too.

"Uh yeah I remember you! How is it going?" I awkwardly asked.

"Great! Kate told me you have a thing for blonds ! Both of our initials are H.S. , and since your the quarterback and I'm the head cheerleader I would say it's meant to be!" She exclaimed.

"Oh. Uh. Yeaaaaaaaah I do I guess, and oh that is interesting..." I said giving Kate a secrete evil eye.

"Hey Haley do you want to go get Hunt a drink?"

"Yaaaaaa sure!" She said jumping up.


"Hey, don't get upset with me. She has been in love with you since like 7th grade I mean you could give her a chance. Plus you do have a thing for blonds Hunt! Pleeeeeeeease! She isn't that bad!" She pleaded.

"Uhhh! Okay!!! This one time but I'm not sleeping with her and I'm not promising anything. At any point in the night she cheers I am going to leave, I swear it!"


"Ha Ha! So funny!" I said sarcastically.

I really have a thing for blonds but not that one. It's weird because the only blond that has been on my mind is Tiberius. I think I miss him. Well not him but maybe talking to him. I don't usually open up to people except Kate and he is the only other person that I have. I guess it doesn't matter because he seems to avoid me and Aaron made it clear that he doesn't want me to even associate with him. So it's best to shake these thoughts and enjoy myself with this annoying girl.

When I went inside it was crazy. Since this was there first party of the year everyone was there the house was packed . I can see drinking and kegs everywhere. Girls were in skimpy cloths dancing everywhere. Guys were in tanks and shorts trying to get the girls drunk. The pool had bubbles and people in it. There were two Dj's one inside and one outside. Everyone seemed drunk and everywhere there seemed to be couples making out and others going upstairs or into the bathroom to have sex. This whole party is like project X came to life.

"Hey Hunt!!!! I'm back! You need to take some shots!!!!" Whined Haley, holding a platter with seven shots.

"Thanks! I need it, this will be a long night..." I whispered taking five of the shots.

"Hey there slow down, you want to remember this night! " Haley nagged.

"That's funny" I groused taking the last two shots.


Jack for some reason insisted on driving to the party. I texted Aaron and I guess he was going too since it was his older brothers party. I get the feeling that he is trying to hook me up with Jack because he could have told me, but instead he had Jack do it. I need to tell Aaron that I don't feel that way towards Jack even though I have been leading him on.

"Ready to enjoy yourself tonight Ti?" Said Jack.

"Well I'm on crutches going to a maxed out party. I'm sure it will be the most fun I've had in my life."

"Hey well I'll make sure that'll be fun, but we could always leave?" he added knocking on the door.

"Well uh , Jack there is something I need to tell you about our friendship..."

Just then Aaron's older brother Brent opened the door. Brent looks similar to Aaron except he is 6'6, even more buff then Aaron. He has green eyes , but his hair is just as blond. I would say that Brent is the better looking of the two, but Brent is like the another brother to me so that thought would never take any action.

"Oh my god little Ti what the hell happened to you?!" His deep voice roared.

"I, um got hit by a car. I'm fine, I only broke my leg and some other minor injuries."

"Well your the craziest guy I know! On crutches and still going to party hard! But uh hey Ti who is this?"

"Oh this is Jack he is a friend of mine, we just met but he is pretty cool."

"Well that's great! Well come inside boys and enjoy yourselves, I do believe Aaron is still here or unless him and Kate may have snuck off. I always knew they would end up together they always used to flirt when they were younger... Anyways the drinks are in the kitchen and my room is the first room to left on the third floor if you fellas...uh need some alone time." he said winking and walking away.

"Might take him up on that offer now" Jack said while grabbing my hand.

"Look Jack I know that you may like me or just might want me for sex, but! This is too fast we just met and Iv'e never fully been with a guy. So can you tone it down?"

"Oh, tone it down? You offered to suck my dick like an hour ago! Ot is there someone else?! I'm just a little confused because you seem into me and everything was perfect! This whole night was going to be perfect!" He yelled and disappeared into the crowd.

What the fuck just happened?! I think I made a good choice , because if he is acting like this now imagine how he would have acted if it went any further.


After those seven shots I was pretty hammered but I kept drinking. I was also drinking water and pissing a lot too. I was trying to avoid Haley most of the night but she just keeps following me and won't stop talking.

"So hey Hunt, do you think I am good at cheer leading?!"

"Yeah...yeah I guess. Hey you want to do me a favor and find my jacket? I think I want to sit in my car and I kinda need it." I said sobering up enough to send her off.

"Okay! I'll be right back and then you'll answer my questions!" She giggled stupidly while almost skipping off, or maybe she was skipping I don't know, I'm drunk!

I then started to walk upstairs to find somewhere quiet because the party was getting hectic and I needed to sober up before I drove home. When I first came here Aaron's big bro Brent told me that I can use his room to crash but to be careful because he also told other they can use it too. On my way upstairs I found Kate and Aaron making out I front of the room.

"Kate you are so hot I can't believe it"

"You are too, It's been weeks and I can't believe that WE would actually be dating." Kate said breaking the kiss and noticing me.

"Uh hey guys....I didn't mean to interrupt...I uh...can...can...can...come back, or go home.." I stuttered, now that the last of the alcohol is hitting me.

"No it's okay we were just leaving, we are going to go down stairs, are you sure you're okay man?" Aaron asked while raising a brow. I also sensed a bitterness in his voice.

"Yeah I can go get you some water if you want?" Kate added.

"No! No...it's okay I think I am going to lay down before I ....uh throw up..."

"Okay well go lay down , I'll come back and check up on you in a few okay?" Kate said while patting my back.

"Okay...good night!" I said laughing and stepping into the room.


I was pretty drunk and upset because of what Jack said. I texted him and told him that I was going to crash here and he can leave when ever he wants. I thoughts maybe I should go upstairs and go to Brent's room, but 3 flights of stairs on a broken leg not going to happen...unless I hop all the way up, oh well it's better than staying down here.

I started to hop up the stairs and it was on the second story when I realized I was more drunk then I thought. Going up the stairs to the third floor I slipped and almost fell back but some pulled me up.

"I got you man..." Said a voice

"Oh my god thanks! That could have been terrible if I fell and got back in to the hospital" I said reclaiming my balance and continuing to walk up the stairs.

"Hey...hey...it's okay! We all fall some times." Said this guy walking up the stairs.

He was obviously drunk, and walked like it too. I think it's me that should be supporting him as he walks. I wonder who this is, the lights were dimmed so I couldn't tell but I feel like I know him.

"Hey do I know you ?" I said tripping on the step and falling forward. I landed on my head and was out.


I walked down stairs to get some water when I see this guy almost falling and I catch him. I just go back up the steps forgetting why I went down in the first place and this guy just falls on me. I can fill something hard in his pants pressing against my ass. I push him off and turn on a hall light and I see that it is Tiberius.

"Holy shit! He's dead!" I say to myself.

"Hmm uh" he grumbles.

"Oh..I..gu...guess your! Not! Dead!"

I picked Tiberius up and brought him to Brent's room and laid him in his bed. Tiberius was in no condition to go down stairs so I pulled off his shoes. I also took his shirt off because it was all sweaty and looks like it had alcohol stains on it.

I looked at his body while checking out to see if he had any head injuries but it was just a small bump. Given that he just knocked himself unconscious, he looked so peaceful.

He had a slight smile on his face and I couldn't help but touch it. I looked at his ripped body and his light blond hairs that rested on his chest. His full lips were lightly parted and I touched them too and felt their softness. I felt a twitch in my pants as my hands roamed on to his pecks and abs. His nipples were erect and his cock was semi hard and left a nice lump in his jeans.

I don't know what's going on with me...why am I feeling so attracted to him?! He is a guy, I shouldn't be having these feelings. I then remembered when he touched me at the hospital...It felt so right and I felt a strange closeness. I think when Tiberius wakes I'll tell him about this weird connection maybe he feels it too. For now I decided to go get him some water for when he wakes up, so I quietly snuck out the door.


I woke up my head hurt and in Brent's room. My shirt and shoes were off and my cock was semi hard. What the hell just happened. As I was thinking this someone came in the door.

"Hey I thought I might find you here" it was Jack.

"What are you doing here?!"

"Oh I wanted to say sorry. I acted like a jerk earlier...it will never happened again." He said touching my hand.

Just then Hunter walks in holding a glass of water in his hands and it looks like he was in deep thought. Jack looked at Hunter and then sighed frustrated and then looked at me. Tiberius noticing Jack, he came out of his deep thoughts.

"Hey Hunter..." I said noticing that he was the one that helped me.

"Um I can leave....if you want."

"Yeah maybe that will be best." Said Jack now standing up.

"No! Hunter you can stay. Jack was just leaving, we have nothing to talk about. Now please leave before I make you."

"Before you make me?! You in crutches and I'm bigger than you I would love to see you try! You know maybe you deserved to be hit by that car! Only thing is that they didn't do it right!" He yelled.

Before I could say anything Hunter punched Jack in the face. Jack fell down, surprisingly and Hunter kept punching him.

"Don't you ever talk to him like that! You pathetic asshole!" Hunter screamed punching him again.

"Ha...ha...your calling me pathetic??? Your the one that put him in a hospital and bullied him for years."

Hunter punched him in the face again almost knocking him out. I was in complete shock Hunter and I pretty much forgot about what happened, but it was the effect that caused me to stay away. I needed to get over him but defending me is a major turn on. Also taking on a guy as big as Jack was pretty sexy too.

"Unless you want more I suggest you get the fuck out of here and never come back!"

"You better watch your back. Pretty boy! I hope you lame ass fairies are happy with each other!" He said getting up and leaving.

Jack left and Hunter looked crazy sexy. I don't know why but that's the second time that he showed that he cares for me , like a friend? Or more I don't know. I do know that he cares a lot either way it sounds crazy but that's just how it seems.

"Okay good I got rid of that asshole. If he bothers you again let me know."

"Uh Hunter, what the hell just happened???"

"Well....I guess now I have time to explain things." He said stepping closer "lately I have been..."

He was cut off by Aaron walking in.

Next: Chapter 3

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