Darkest Desires

By gaberial lair

Published on Nov 12, 2023


Robbie opened his eyes groggy in another strange place. The room offered no light but his body was not trapped as it had been. His hands explored carefully the surface around him; cries escaped his mouth as the movement made pain surged through his body. From his own best guess, he lay on a thin mattress upon a floor but what laid beyond that was an unknown. Any attempt to move only resulted in screams that pounded off the walls. What had happened to him? What left his body in such a horrid case of distress? Agony covered every inch of his body.

The truth slowly hit Robbie. The first encounter with job that was too good to be true. Tears rolled down his face, it was too good to be true. The first encounter was filled with a fiery passion he had not before experienced. But now it was coldness, nothing but horrific pain and fear. The woods, he had tried to run away. Robbie's heart sank deep in his chest, but he had been captured. Oh god, that's what had happened to his body. The beating, the beating it refused to end. The small chamber with the burning liquid, Robbie's skin crawled. Was this his slow death?

There was one final undeniable thought that Robbie now knew. Whoever he had been, whatever life had once lived; it would never be again. This man had kidnapped him for his own sick pleasure, now whatever those pleasures would be Robbie was left with no choice but compliance. Somehow he had to find that playful fun flogging that he first experienced with the Man or was that person just a fraud as to draw him back.

Robbie shivered, it felt so cold. But with every movement his muscles overwhelmed him with an unbearable burning pain. Robbie searched for that dark place in his mind where the pain ceased to exist, but it could not be found. He had come so far to escape this kind of fate. Feeling defeated as if this was what God had intended for him. Thinking back to his stepfather and the hell he had lived there.

"No!" he cursed to himself he wouldn't go back there. That place didn't exist anymore then the rest of his past. Darkness flooded him.

Slave...slave...slave...how the word taunted him! Robbie saw it float in the darkness. A new thought drifted through his weary mind... survive as slave... there had to be a way to reach out of this hole. Slave... what had it meant... what would this Master want from him? What would avoid .... Deafening screams startled Robbie who took a moment before he realized they were his own.

Slaveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pounded in his brain as he found that dark hole far away from his body.... Slave.

Three Months Later

Robbie paced the small cell anxious. He had not seen his Master since that last horrible beating, where He had been was not any of Robbie's concern as he was told over and over again. But today was the day, Sir had told him today was the day his Master would return. His body had healed but scars reminded Robbie of that night. It reminded it had been real, the pain the experience had been real, not a dark dream. Sir had been watching him, caring for him. It had been a peaceful time while Charlie had been away but it ended today.

Robbie's heart sank to the pit of his stomach, what awaited him drove him insane. Sir was forever vague a repeat of just be a good boy, your Master will return soon. Slave, yes, Robbie had come to accept it in the darkness of his room. He cried it in his sleep over and over again. When today was He to come? Robbie worried Sir had only said at breakfast to prepare today was the day. Robbie mumbled over and over to himself obey anything just do it.

Sir opened the door sending panic flashing through Robbie's body. Sir gently touched Robbie's hair tracing his fingers down over the boy's cheek. He clipped a chain to the razor chain still around Robbie's neck and led him out of the cell. Despite his best efforts to calm himself, Robbie still found himself shaking.

The moment the footsteps ahead of him stopped, Robbie dropped to his knees putting his forehead to the floor his entire body trembling as he knelt not daring to look to see if his Master was in the room or not. It seemed a given to him at this point and he did not wish the immediate confirmation. The leash clicked as it was unhooked from the chain and he heard more footsteps moving away from him then a door closing.

Listening carefully Robbie knew that he was not alone in the room. He could hear the breathing of another, his Master, it must be. God let Him be kind tonight, Robbie silently prayed.

Charlie looked down at His slave. It had been a fight for Samuel to get Him to take that job overseas but the boy was looking in excellent condition. Perhaps, Samuel had been right He thought to Himself. Charlie had to smile to Himself, after all this time, the boy still feared Him. Whoever he had locked away beaten three months before was gone, and before Him was the slave He had dreamed of for so long. His mind almost overwhelmed Him in the possibilities of what He could do.

Charlie stood from His chair and walked towards the kneeling boy who flinched with every step He took. It caught Charlie by surprise when He stood right in front of the boy's face that he moved forward slightly kiss each of His boots. Charlie smiled pleased, He should have known that Samuel would try to coach the kid to help him out.

"Look at me, boy," Charlie said softly meeting those beautiful eyes as the boy sat up looking up into Charlie's eyes.

Robbie met those eyes a little relief to see the softer of Master looking back at him. His feelings were confused as to how he felt about this Man, hated Him and at the same time knowing that total devotion might be his only saving grace. Yet deeper down after a great time of thought he felt that his Master was just as misunderstood in life as he had been.

Charlie cupped Robbie's chin in His hand admiring him for just a moment. It was good to be home, it was good to see His boy. Robbie overwhelmed in emotion grabbed Charlie's legs tightly and sobbed into his Master's knees. For the first moment Robbie realized that he had feared Him not returning more then his return. For a moment he was that boy left behind at a rest stop while his stepfather drove off with his family. Charlie stepped back not sure how to take the reaction.

Robbie sobbed frantically against the floor knowing he was truly alone in this world. This Man was no different; no one would ever love him. He'd always be that boy his family left behind, he could never kill him.

He grabbed the boy's hair roughly and yanked his head back, "Why are you crying, slave?" Charlie barked harshly His walls flying up before the boy's tears could touch Him.

"I'm sorry, Master," Robbie stuttered. Silently Robbie prayed just for it to be over. Please God haven't I endured enough hatred for this life? his mind cried.

Charlie threw the boy against the floor. Charlie closed His eyes breathing deeply trying to wash away the image of His childhood. Everything just shattered and He was there that boy crying on the floor. He hated it, He hated being that weak that helpless. His eyes flashed a dark red at the sobbing boy.

"NO WE ARE NOT WEAK!!! WE DO NOT CRY CHARLIE!!!" Charlie screamed out reaching for the boy hurling him across the room. Robbie cowered helpless in the corner as Charlie came at him again the Man's fists landing against his body over and over and over and over again.

Violent images kept flashing through Charlie's mind, each one sending His fists harder into Robbie trying to end that pain trying to destroy that boy He was. His large hands grabbed at the weaklings neck and strangled it until all life slipped away. But the screams continued as he choked harder and harder. Still he could hear the boy's cries even as the body was limp in His hands. Charlie kept choking and banging the boy against the head. Why couldn't He kill those cries??

Charlie let the body drop to the floor falling back to the floor. His heart pounded, His hands covered in blood still His screams of the past filled His ears. No, that boy is DEAD, Charlie screamed in His mind.

"HE'S DEAD YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE," Charlie screamed back to the cries. Still they echoed off the room filling His ears. Charlie swung wildly to the air nothing to battle nothing to be seen. "NO, HE'S DEAD!!!!"

The room was spinning so fast, He was so very dizzy, no He was not that scared boy anymore, He was dead, He was dead, Charlie told Himself over and over again. Charlie felt his chest tighten a horrible panic hitting Him. The room spun faster the cries grew louder and louder until all that was heard was the hard thud of Charlie hitting the cement floor passing out.

It was Samuel who discovered them later that night. Worried after many hours had passed and Charlie had not returned to the house. Tears ran instantly down his face as he touched Robbie's whose life had long been gone now. Samuel stumbled back up to the house as Charlie laid still passed out on the floor. His father had started this, now Samuel had no choice. A second boy was gone because of that monster that had been bred in his father's basement. He went into the house and found Charlie's pistol and loaded it shaking still crying.

He went back down to the cellar to Charlie and knelt beside Charlie lifting his head up onto Samuel's lap. Stroking his hair gently laying the gun down beside them he sobbed.

"I'm sorry, love, I'm sorry love. I don't know why he hurt you, I'm sorry I didn't stop him, I'm sorry I couldn't save you," Samuel cried. He leaned down and kissed Charlie's lips, "I'm sorry I have no more choices. I'm sorry, love, please know how sorry I am. I have to let you go now. I can't let you kill anymore innocent boys. It has to end tonight, love, it has to end. I'm sorry I'll love you until the end of our eternities."

Samuel picked up the gun still sobbing putting it to Charlie's forehead then closing his eyes squeezed the trigger. The shot echoed hard off the walls the blood covered the floor and Samuel. He cried over the body for hours covered in Charlie's blood as he did the only thing left he felt he could do mourning the lost of the only one he had ever felt true love for.

The Next Day

Samuel had changed from his blood soaked clothes. He drove all night and most the day to return to his childhood home. His blood boiled as the image of Charlie dead and the boys.... the poor victims of Charlie... dead. He thought about their past, how Charlie had come who he was. There was one man to blame, and now he too must die. The pistol was tucked away in his pocket Samuel raced on.

Their mothers had been the best of friends from what his mother had told Samuel. But Charlie's father was abusive and when they were only four years old, Charlie's father had beaten his mother to death. After the trial and after his father was locked away, Charlie had come to live with them. To Samuel's mother it was only right; she was like a sister to his mother.

But his father, Samuel's father, stayed convinced that the devil inside Charlie's father lived inside Charlie. He was a demon, he was evil. Samuel cried to himself thinking about poor Charlie, only four years old his family gone. Samuel's father was convinced he could beat the demon out of Charlie and that's what he did. Everyday for that boy's life there he was beaten. Samuel saw Charlie die inside as it happened but he didn't stop it. He never stopped it he was at much to blame. But there was someone else first that had to pay for this mess.

He pulled into the yard of his childhood home. His mother had passed away years ago but his father an old fragile man now still lived there. Samuel slammed open the front door racing through the house to confront his father, the father he had not seen the day they buried his mother. Samuel could find no words as he found the man who started all this hatred, the man who now because of, three people lost their lives long before needed. Samuel shot over and over and over and over again emptying the gun's round into his father not so much as blinking.

He then walked out back to his car and loaded the gun with one more bullet. There in his car he said good bye to the world around him. He closed his eyes and pulled the triggered off to join his love in a world without pain, a world that they'd at last be free to love each other.

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