Darkest Desires

By gaberial lair

Published on Apr 12, 2005


Disclaimer: Strong gay BDSM themes, if either of these offend you please do not read any further. This is a story, remember in real life the importance that everything is safe, sane, and consensual. Please do not reproduce or republish this story without consent of the author.

Chapter 5

Charlie woke with a great smile. He actually felt excited that the boy had run. His mind raced with the things He would do after the capture. It was very early in the morning. He wanted to catch the boy still asleep. He rushed to ready for the trip. Charlie slipped on tight leather pants. He buttoned up a black shirt then put on a lighter leather jacket over it. He then covered his hands in thick leather gloves.

He assembled a backpack of odds and ends. A sturdy length of rope, a leather face mask, a smaller bull whip, a leash, as well as a first aid kit, just in case. He checked the map again on the computer monitor. The boy hadn't moved. Charlie grabbed His cell from the desk. He could access the map from it if the boy was gone by the time He got there.

Charlie made coffee and took a thermos of it with Him. Lastly, He grabbed a flashlight since it was still pitch black out. He strolled out of the house headed for the woods to the east. The boy was about two miles east of the house. Charlie walked at a good clip, but He knew time was still on His side. It'd be a few more hours before the daylight broke.

Charlie heard the boy before He saw him in the dark of the woods. He killed the flashlight and slowed down as He walked towards the rustling sounds. He was almost on top of the boy before He saw Him lying there in the grass. The boy thrashed around, caught in a bad dream perhaps? Charlie thought. Little did he know that his bad dream was just beginning to get started. Charlie reached for the leather hood first.

It enfolded the head completely. It allowed for breathing through a small hole over the mouth. He pushed the hood on quickly tightening the straps as Robbie jerked awake. Charlie never missed a beat as He grabbed the chain on Robbie's neck.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Robbie screamed as his hands raced for the chain.

Blackness, total blackness, where was he, what was happening, Robbie's mind raced. Where was he? Fuck, what dug into his neck? Slowly it came back to Robbie. He had been in the woods hiding.

"OHHHHH SHIT, YOU SICK FUCK, LET GO!!!!" Robbie vainly tried to fight the hands that tugged on the chain around his neck. He reached back blindly as he tried to get a grip on Charlie.

Charlie laughed, "That's right, boy, fight Me. Show Me what You have. Oh, come on, boy, you are turning me on." Robbie kept grabbing for Charlie but missed again and again. The chain cut too deep into the neck if he moved too much.

Charlie jerked the boy up to his feet and released the chain. Charlie taunted Robbie as the boy kept lunging at Him. Charlie just stepped to the side and watched the boy charge air. Charlie allowed this to continue for a bit since it entertained Him. When it was no longer entertaining, Charlie buried His fist into the boy's gut which knocked the wind out of Robbie. The boy fell easily to the ground where Charlie took the rope and tightly tied the boy's arms and legs up behind his back. He then clipped the leash to the razor sharp chain. He took the excess rope and dragged the boy belly down over the rough terrain. He sharply pulled on the leash from time to time which made the boy howl.

Charlie dragged the boy back to the main yard of His home where He hoisted the boy up into the trunk of His car. The boy knew where he was or whereabouts now, but after the car ride, he would have no idea. Charlie got into the car and drove with no destination in mind. He kept the car on back roads. He turned often. He spent two hours on the same roads.

Robbie sobbed in the truck. How had he been found so quickly? Where was the man going to take him? What was going to happen? Was this going to be the end of him? Robbie trembled as he struggled to free himself of the ropes. It was impossible with him getting tossed around the trunk with the turns. It seemed like it was a long trip, he must have made quite a distance from the studio. Oh fuck, but how did Charlie find me so fast? Robbie asked himself.

When they got back to the yard, Charlie untied the boy's legs only and yanked him out of the car. With the heavy leather glove on His hand, Charlie grabbed the chain. He pulled on it tightly in the direction towards the cellar. He threw the boy down the stairs ahead of Him. The little fuck was going to regret the day he did not show up. He stepped on the boy as he struggled to get up off the concrete. Then proceeded to open up the secret passage way. He yanked on the chain to toss the boy into the stairwell.

He forced the boy up on his feet. Charlie held the chain tight, forcing His body tight against Robbie as they made their way down the stairs. Charlie taunted the boy quietly into his ear on the way down. Robbie gasped for breath the chain so tight around his neck. His body went weak at the words he heard. Robbie had not known the man long, but felt he knew Charlie well enough; that what He said, was not an idle threat.

Charlie jerked the glove off one hand to open the door by His print. He threw the boy hard forward which knocked him down. Robbie tried desperately to free his hands. How his body ached. The rope cut into his wrists and earlier into the ankles. The ground clawed up his flesh on the chest and stomach. His knees throbbed from the two hard landings on the concrete. The blood dripped down from his neck. Robbie trembled on the floor. He knew the worst was yet to come.

Charlie shoved the boy onto his back. He sat on the chest, His boots dug into the boy's neck. Charlie then tugged off the leather pants. Charlie grabbed the metal tube around the boy's cock and twisted and pulled on it hard. The boy howled and squirmed under Him. He took the key from around His neck and unlocked the device removing it. As He climbed off the boy, He put the boy back on his stomach to remove the rest of his clothes. He cut the rope to get the jacket off. The boy now sprawled out on the cold floor with only the leather hood and the torturous chain on.

Charlie circled around Robbie. The heavy footsteps, a steady beat around and around the body, as He watched to see if the boy dared to move. The boy made no lunges for Him, but only curled his arms protectively over his head. Charlie watched amused as the boy cringed with the sound of each step. A slow mental game, when would it come, He reached for a bull whip.

Time, such a wondrous thing, Charlie thought to Himself. It can be Man's ally or enemy. Simple seconds that felt to be eternities; He stalked around the room calmly. When the boy started to relax, the body stopped its trembling. He cracked the whip harshly to land right beside the boy. The fear was again very much alive. Slow deliberate heavy steps on the concrete. Intentional missed cracks of the whip right by the boy's ears. He smelled the fear now.

Charlie set the whip aside for the moment. With the still gloved hand, He pulled Robbie off the floor to his feet. He took out a small controller from His pocket as He pushed a button a heavy chain lowered from the ceiling. The heavy iron cuffs locked tightly around Robbie's wrists. Charlie then knelt on the floor to lift two stones a few feet apart. Each spot holding ankle restraints that released out length. He secured these to the boy's ankles. Then He pushed a button to tighten the slack and locked the chain in place. Overhead, the chain raised which pulled the body off the ground and trapped him tightly between the two restraints.

Charlie went over to a counter. His eyes never left the boy as He leaned against it. The boy cried now. The soft sob was clearly heard, the body shook, but he said nothing. No words would have saved him now just the same. He pulled out a container and walked over to the boy. He took out a metal ball stretcher. He used an allen wrench to undo the screws which opened the ring to two parts. He put it around the boy's balls then used the wrench to tighten and lock it in place. Charlie then took out the ball crusher that went along with the ring. He attached it carefully and adjusted the tension slowly to crush the balls up against the steel ring. From the container Charlie pulled out two 6 ounce weights which He attached to each eyelet on the screws of the ball stretcher.

Robbie's body jerked in the binds. He howled in agony helpless to stop the torture. His balls felt smashed in a vice that was being drawn away from his body. Were the balls being removed? his mind panicked. The lips opened, they moved, desperately they tried to form words, to make sounds. A low cry of unbearable anguish was all his lips mustered.

Charlie proceeded to take out two more weights which He attached to each nipple ring. He returned to the counter and got out another container. This one was filled with black clothespins. The pins started at just below the armpit and went down to the waist. Charlie smiled with each small yelp the boy gave as He clipped them on. Charlie worked to match the other side to the first one. He took out a few small pins and attached them to shaft which pulled the flesh tight. The one clipped over the slit on the boy's cock seemed to satisfy Charlie so He put the rest of the pins away.

Robbie struggled in the chains, a low mournful cry sounding from his lips. The pain was long and dull as opposed to the sharpness in the blows of a cane. Slow torture that built up. What was to come next? He hated not being able to see what the Man was up to. Charlie was pacing again, the heavy footsteps sent chills down Robbie's spine. His arms ached from bearing the weight of his body. Although the punishment was just started, he knew already he regretted running.

Charlie looked over His collection of heavy leather straps. He wanted something that would send the clothespins flying off the flesh. The one He selected was a thick wide long piece of leather with a good sturdy handle. He circled around the strung up boy slow deliberate steps as He planned His first target. The first blow landed with a loud thud across the middle of the chest, Robbie's screams followed it. The chains rattled as Robbie's body jerked wildly.

Charlie stepped back to eye the first welt. His heart pounded a cool steady beat as He stalked around the boy with slow heavy steps. He wanted the boy to be aware of His movement as He eyed the body in search of the next target. The leather cracked loudly and violently against the stone just under Robbie's feet. The body twitched and cringed at the very sound. In a quick flash of leather, Charlie snapped the strap again that nailed Robbie's side. Two clothespins flew across the room as the howls grew louder. The screams only increased Charlie's sense of urgency.

Each blow landed in full force against the flesh. He hammered on the chest, the stomach then the side in alternately to knock the clothespins off. Some refused to come off so easily and the leather landed over and over in rapid succession until it went flying. The dungeon air filled with tortured cries. This drove Charlie on harder as He assaulted the body with all the force He could muster. Charlie then debated the best way to knock the clothespins from the boy's cock off.

He walked back over to His counter and looked around inside until He found a thin long chain. Charlie walked back over to Robbie and threaded the chain through the springs of the clothespins then tied the ends together. He took the slack in hand and in one quick swoop pulled them all off. The cock exploded cum with an agonized high pitched scream that filled the air.

With a bull whip now in hand, Charlie walked behind the boy. He removed His shirt first His body covered in sweat. The boy would remember this whipping for the rest of his life. The whip whistled through the air. It landed down the middle of the boy's back. The only time between that blow and the next was the time it had took to draw the whip back and forward again. The screams weakened as the voice gave out. Hoarse raspy sounds from the boy as the whip continued to whistle through the air. The whip seemed to sing a soft song with a hard beat. The song went on and on, the body jerked and twitched to the rhythm, as the whip continued to fall. Ugly angry welts overlapped each other on the boy's back when Charlie paused for the first time. The back was a solid mass of blood and welts.

Charlie stopped long enough to take a long drink of cool water. He wiped off the sweat from His face then gathered the whip back in hand. The boy's still bruised ass His new target as the whip cracked through the air to land harshly against the flesh. The spots random as the whip repeated its attack to the bum. The ass turned a deep crimson from the brutal whipping. The bull whip fell, each blow right after the other across the ass. No inch of it was left untouched. Charlie lost count; it had been at least fifty if not much more by the time He stopped. The backside was a deep scarlet; the welts pulsed, while the blood ran down the back and legs.

Charlie undid the zipper of His pants to free His cock. He mindlessly stroked it as His eyes traveled up and down the boy in front of Him. He lowered the chain which brought the boy back to the floor. Charlie looked him over, he had possibly passed out, and the body was relatively still. With the voice cords exhausted, it was hard to tell. He removed the leather mask from the boy. Charlie went into the first aide room to retrieve smelling salt. The boy was going to be awake while he was being fucked.

Charlie undid the binds from the arms and ankles and carried the boy over a wooden sawhorse. He secured the arms and ankles to the base of it before He waved the salt under the boy's nose. It took a few moments before the head jerked and the boy was back in the conscious world. Charlie grabbed the boy's hair roughly. He forced the boy's eyes to meet His. The cold darkness of Charlie's eyes stared back into the terrified broken Robbie's. Robbie opened his lips, tried to beg for mercy, but ragged breath was all that was heard.

Charlie reached up and gathered some blood from the boy's back. He made Robbie watch as He coated His cock in the blood. He leaned into close to the boy's ear and whispered, "you nod off while I'm fucking that ass, and I'll make this all seem like a vacation day. Understand, slave?" The tone icy sent immediate chills through Robbie who nodded rapidly his understanding.

Charlie slammed into the tight hole. Blood splattered as He rammed into the boy in and out harder and faster. Both hands dug into the shredded flesh as His cock thickened and balls raised unloading into the ass. He rested for a moment before He untied the boy who slumped down to the floor.

The boy had stayed conscious through the fucking but now almost passed right out on the floor. Charlie dragged the limp body over to the small cell. He hoisted him up to secure the arms over head and shoved the body into the tiny space. The boy barely fit. Charlie inserted a small feeding tube device into the boy's mouth. He put protective gear over the eyes. He removed the ball weights and crusher but left the stretcher ring on as well as the nipple weights. He shut the door and set the system for the room for the night. Every other hour it would feed the boy a clear liquid mix that would hydrate and nourish the body. The second setting on opposite hours would give the boy a shower in an antiseptic spray to prevent infection.

He went inside and made a phone call. He talked a bit franticly as the boy from His past again taunted Him. He screamed into the phone, "Now! The past can not repeat itself."

Next: Chapter 6

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