Darkest Desires

By gaberial lair

Published on Mar 10, 2005


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Chapter 4

Charlie pulled up to His home in a black Mercedes. It was a two hours drive out of the city, tucked away far from the rest of society. Charlie often stayed at a small apartment He had over His studio in the city during the week, but He lived for the quiet retreat deep in the woods. The idea of Robbie had been in His mind a long time now. He prepared for it a tiny bit year by year.

Charlie had a tendency to plan things down to the last detail. The plan for His permanent live in toy had been no exception. The land He bought was due to the dense forestry around it so that it offered the most extreme of privacy. The house was not elaborate but comfortable. The outside had been constructed in a dark heavy stone that gave the home an ominous look and feel to it. The interior of the home revealed little stone, but was rich in dark woods and deep rich colors.

Charlie walked into the study. He poured Himself a glass of brandy before He sat down in His easy chair to unwind. His mind wandered back to James once again. Charlie had always known that He would never find Himself in the company of a woman. However, that day with James stunned Him initially. A sensation overcame Him, a strong power that drove Him to make the move on that boy. He saw it in His mind first as the camera flashed. The body naked, the leather that welted the flesh, He even saw Himself as He raped the boy.

There would be no other way for Charlie. He lived for the agonized screams, for the sound of leather that pounded on the flesh. He could never fathom another way of being with another. He was without mercy on the earliest of His boys. His untrained hand often cut the flesh which left permanent marks. He shook His head as He tried to clear the vicious image that flashed into His mind. Charlie scolded Himself. He hated to recall that day, that boy, that image.

Charlie drank down the remainder of the brandy as if it could somehow have erased the past. He had come a long way, He reminded Himself. The boy would know horrific pain beyond his wildest dreams, but never would that past repeat itself. He caught a glimpse of Himself in the mirror.

He had aged, not badly, but time had past. His dark black curly hair peppered with some grey. He had contemplated coloring it, but He liked the distinguish look. He stroked His fingers through His small goatee. It was a feature on His face that came and went with His whims. Yes, it was time for something more final and steady. It took a great deal of work to break a boy. He felt Himself stir as He thought about the young lad about to be His till the end.

Charlie strolled to the desk, picked up the phone, and dialed the beeper number. He could not wait any longer, in forty-eight hours, Robbie would be His. He smiled pleased with Himself as He went upstairs to His bedroom to get some rest.

The rest of the letter advised Robbie to settle all affairs. That excited feeling was gone and Robbie sat depressed in his empty apartment. He had followed Charlie's instructions to the letter all that was left was that damn beeper and the two leather items he had received from Charlie. He sat slumped against the wall, just staring at the thing, wondering when it would go off; and then the last 48 hours. The last 48 hours; then who was to know what was to become of him. He thought about going to the police, but the shame was just too deep. Nothing would have erased what was now so dark and bold on his pubes. The beeper went off which stirred Robbie from his thoughts....... he made a note of the time...... and so it began.... the last 48 hours of his life.

His mind raced with all the things he should run out and do. What he should at least experience one last time, but he stayed there. Curled up on the floor as he stared at the time. Robbie watched it pass by. Tears fell from his eyes as his mind wandered to the tattoo he now would wear to his grave. Why had this happened to him? Worse yet, how, despite everything, was there, this deep desire to see that Man again? Why, was he so drawn? Yes, there was a great risk in running, but if there wasn't a part of him that wanted to be what this Man was making him, wouldn't he have at least tried?

It wasn't too late. He had 48 hours left, 48 hours to disappear. He looked over to where his life's savings sat in a small bag. He could just disappear into the night. He would get a two day start on Charlie. But he didn't move from the floor. He was just frozen there in time.

Minute by minute, Robbie sat there, as he watched his life tick away. His fingers rubbed the tender flesh where the tattoo was. He wanted that word gone, but was it not the truth? That was what he was now. Nothing, he had forfeited his identity. But a voice quietly in the back of his head whispered, He wants you. But, he protested back, just as slave. Tears that fell turned to deep sobs as he looked down reading that bold word. All in capital letters that crossed his skin just above his cock "SLAVE." As he saw the word again, he crumpled into a tight ball on the floor. Devastated, he sobbed there the rest of the night.

Robbie woke up filled with a fire burning in his stomach. NO! his mind screamed at him. He would not just take this. He was a man, he was human, and he was not some sick fuck's toy. Dressed in the leather outfit, he took the money which he was supposed to drop off at a charity and fled his apartment.

Robbie's feet pounded on the pavement as he ran from his home. He was no doubt a freak to the people he fled past. He did not care. They stared, and he ran. Far from the looks. Far from home. But mostly; far from Charlie. His heart pounded in his chest as he raced out of the city. He felt it was safest if he took the bus from the next town over. The chain of slavery around his neck could not crush the great sensation of freedom he felt as he ran.

As the sun raised high in the sky, Robbie dodged off the main road towards the woods. He ran just inside the woods as he tried to follow the main road. He found even if he lost sight of it, in time he'd find it again. The woods were peaceful and quiet. His muscles were fatigued but it felt great as he ran, ran towards freedom. Robbie had run before, he had started over new before. Last time from his sick fucks of parents, this time from a twisted photographer, but he would not be defeated.

As the sun set and the woods grew dark, Robbie decided to stop and rest for the night. Nervous as he thought about how Charlie would realize soon that he was missing. He'd only have one more day to get ahead of the mad man.

Charlie walked outside, a warm cup of coffee in hand. A day had passed, His mind raced as He thought about the next evening. As He sipped the hot drink, He walked away from the main house, to what from the outside appeared to be, perhaps; a storm cellar. He walked down into a small pantry which completed the cellar look. He walked to the shelving and twisted one lid on a jar half a turn and stepped back.

The shelves moved forward and to the side. That exposed another stairwell. It took Him many years to build this particular part of His estate. Once within the stairwell, He pushed on one stone and the door sealed behind Him. He turned on the small flashlight He carried in His pocket. The staircase was a narrow spiral walkway down deep underground. He smiled as He thought of how this walk would frighten the boy. At last, He stopped at what appeared to be a vaulted door. He put His thumb to a security pad that identified His print that unlocked it.

The dungeon was more then ready, but being thorough, Charlie wished to check things again. He looked over the many devices of torture. He inspected them for flaws that might cause unintended damage. The boy would endure enough intended pain without an accident. Satisfied His devices were in good working order, He looked into the rooms off the dungeon.

Robbie would learn quickly his life did have choices. The first room was small with a heavy wooden door that was bolted shut from the dungeon. In this room, the boy would barely be allowed to fit. The hands could be secured to the ceiling of the room. The walls had a rough jagged texture. This room served no purpose other then cruel punishment. It held a few more surprises that Charlie secretly hoped the boy at least would experience once.

The second room mocked a prison cell. A thin mattress on the floor with a metal toilet and sink, it also had a small shower head in the corner which only had ice cold water. This room would be the boy's main home. The door was a heavy wooden one as well with a small slot towards the bottom so that food could be passed into the room. It was pitch dark with the door locked shut.

The third room was a small exam room. It was well equipped just like any small clinic's exam room. It was well stocked with the things Charlie would need to tend to wounds. In case of dire emergency, the only one who knew Charlie's truth would have a space to work in. For this reason solely, it was a comfortable space.

The last room would be used the least, Charlie suspected, but none the less He had felt it was important. It was a small bedroom. It had a comfortable twin bed with soft warm blankets. It had a large bathtub with the option of hot water as well as a sink and toilet. In the one corner was also a small black and white television with a DVD player. It would be the boy's ultimate reward, but it would not be received easily. At the very least, it gave the boy a motive.

Charlie grinned as He walked back into the dungeon, everything was ready. Soon the boy would be here. It was hard to wait. It took great restraint to not collect the boy that night. Tomorrow would arrive soon enough.

Robbie barely slept. His heart raced nervously. There was no doubt that the man would seek him. Maybe, he thought, it would be best if he avoided people all together right now. His new plan consisted of retreating deeper into the woods. He was a master of wood. He would hide deep in the forest. He had built many things, this would be no different. He just had to find the right spot. It was his safest bet for now.

He knew time was almost gone, and soon the mad manwould know that he had fled, so Robbie ran at twice the pace today. Deep into the woods, he heard civilization fade away behind him. The sounds of nature filled his soul. He felt so calm, the thoughts of the tattoo, that chain of slavery, invisible to him for now. He was not a slave, he had proved that. He had not returned at the man's call.

It grew harder to tell what time of day it was, so he simply ran until his muscles refused to carry him another foot. Robbie collapsed to the earth exhausted and his mind wondered if Charlie knew yet... and if He did, how mad was He?

The time had come as Charlie drove into the city. He questioned whether or not the boy would be there, but He was not concerned if he was not. Charlie had spent too much time to not have planned for the boy not being there. He hoped though, that the gorgeous thing would be there on his knees. He was so eager to begin the torture, the fun. How long He had dreamed of this moment. The drive seemed much longer tonight, He thought. God, how hungry He was for that boy. He heard the cries of Robbie already. They pounded in His ears; He sped up in a sudden hurry.

He looked at the clock; the boy should be there now. He turned down the road that led to His studio. He got out of His car and saw the spot empty. It did not surprise Him in the least. He smiled and just whispered to no one, "If that's how you want to play boy, I'm game. I hope you are."

He got back into His car. He knew if the boy was coming, he'd have been on time. It had not been so long that he had forgotten the caning. Charlie drove back to His retreat in no rush. Let the boy get a head start; let him start to think he was safe. Charlie would know his exact location when He got home. The chastity device had included a tracking device as well. He was not so foolish as to believe that the boy would not run. It was to be expected. His mind already was excited as to the ways He would punish the boy when he was found.

When Charlie arrived home, He went immediately inside to His den. He booted up the laptop and punched in some codes. Charlie burst out in loud laughter as the computer mapped Robbie's exact location. The boy would die if he only knew where he was. The boy was right in His back yard. Less then five miles away in His woods. Charlie laughed again. He'd let the boy have another night thinking he was safe. Then, tomorrow. Tomorrow the hunt was on. There was no chance at all that the boy would win.

Next: Chapter 5

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