Dark Thought Rising

Published on Apr 29, 2023


Dark Thought Rising 3

The following story is for adults and contains graphic descriptions of sexual contact between adolescent males. If you are a minor, then it is illegal for you to read this story. If you find the subject objectionable, then read no further. All the characters, events and settings are the product of my overactive imagination. I hope you like it and feel free to respond.

Dark Thoughts Rising runs through fourteen chapters and 145 pages. I will be posting chapters weekly. If you would like the entire novella, contact me at eliot.moore.writer@gmail.com

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Let’s Get Physical

Keegan arranged a playdate at Davon’s house on Tuesday. Davon lived a ten minute walk across town, past the civic pool at the top of Main Street. He walked the distance with a bottle of Cleanstream shoved into a deep pocket. Rowan hoped any friends he met would take it for sunblock. Rowan sweated in a light hoodie and dark glasses.

Keegan was distracted by his friends all Monday after grandpa Henry abandoned them for his toxic train derailment. They expected the old man back after supper. Rowan understood that this would make little difference in his life regardless. Rowan was ready for some time alone. His mom and Rob checked in from a  Barbados. Rowan could talk with his mom without the slightest impulse to vomit the horror of his life all over her holiday. Whatever goodwill Rowan had for Robert was gone. Robert was an aging version of his sadistic son. After navigating that awkward conversation, Rowan vegetated in seclusion.

Rowan was FaceTiming with his dad when Keegan came in with Rey and two others. Rowan ended the conversation quickly, but not before Keegan maneuvered all his friends past the iPad just so they could all see his gay but otherwise unremarkable father. Rowan defied their sniggers and pointedly asked his dad how his young partner Santino was doing. His dad was grateful.

Keegan weighed into Rowan as soon as his friends left. “Stop talking to that faggot, cunt.”

Rowan remembered closing his eyes while he counted to ten. “If that's what you want Keegan.” A hard fist split Rowan’s eyebrow. Instinctively, Rowan covered his face. Still unconvinced, Keegan used Rowan for a punching bag.

Grandpa Henry blustered about it and grounded Keegan for a day. So Keegan arranged a play date with Davon and Rowan wore sunglasses and an uncomfortable hoodie as he detoured around the civic pool, furtively scouting for the friends he could not face.

Keegan must have told Davon what he had done, because he only took Rowan’s shades off and clinically inspected his black eye. An anxious cloud turned Davon’s face grey. His eyes shifted away and with a shrug his shoulders he dismissed Rowan’s bruises. “Come on, I want you to see the camper.”

The Balls had a North Point filling too much of their back yard. Everything was popped out. Rowan glanced toward the house. “They went into St. George today, follow me.” It was very nice and Rowan could not care less. “We’re getting ready to go next week.” Davon circumnavigated the camper drawing the shades as he chattered on about some national park and fishing.

Davon finally ran out of words. He wandered over to the kitchen counter and picked up a beer and a glass of juice. He held the juice for Rowan. “Here, drink this. I remember you don't like to drink.”

“Can we skip the marijuana Davon? I didn't like it.”

Davon fingered the rim of the glass with a slight frown. “Sure, we’ll just sit for a bit and share a few drinks.” Rowan took the glass and drank off half of it. The hoodie was hot so he took it off. The lubricant jammed into Rowan’s hip when he sat down. He left it on the floor with his hoodie. Davon paced while he sucked back a beer. He grabbed a second before sitting down beside Rowan.

Rowan relaxed after he finished his orange juice. Sitting together on the couch, listening to Davon ramble on about travelling with his family about Western Canada, knowing the sex would start eventually, was uncomfortable. Despite that, the twisted knot in his gut slipped free. His understandable preteen modesty around the intimidating males like Keegan and his buddies slipped away. He recognized the tingle with anticipation. Davon had a way of enchanting Rowan.

Davon stopped talking. That was fine with Rowan. He was entranced by the way Davon wet his lips and then he was focussed on the teenager’s unruly hair. It had a way of curling around Davon’s ears. Rowan smiled and closed his eyes. The quiet luxury of the large 5th-wheel seeped into his pores.

Rowan opened his eyes. Davon was studying his face. It made Rowan’s heart beat frantically and the summer heat invaded his body. Because you’re beautiful. Davon’s fingers travelled lightly up his thigh reading the opening words of the next erotic chapter in his goosebumps like Braille. The message across his thigh urged Davon’s fingers into his pant leg, drawing closer to his crotch. Rowan closed his eyes again as fingers invaded his briefs, baring his anxious erection. The fabric of his briefs twisted his scrotum, binding his sensitive balls like a rope. It was a relief when he felt the fingers wrap around cock. He had never thought Davon more than the least offensive of Keegan’s friends. Since the weekend party, Davon made him hard with an intensity he never thought he would be brave enough to share.

Davon stopped before he could ejaculate. Rowan was disappointed. “Stand up, come here.” Davin stripped him quickly. He stood self consciously under the critical eyes of his handler. Curious hands roved over his hyper sensitive skin. Davon was in his own world as his fingers continued to read Rowan’s body. Rowan’s inhibitions left him under a thousand soft strokes.

Something brought Davon back. He stopped touching Rowan and sat looking very sad with his hands loose between his legs. Rowan wanted to touch his shoulders and ask him what was wrong. He brought his arms up and Davon caught his wrists. After a spin, Davon trapped his crossed wrists with one hand. Rowan could feel Davon’s forehead pressing into his back. The other hand snaked between Rowan’s thighs and fingers tugged experimentally at his scrotum. Rowan spread his legs and arched his back as fingernails raked his balls away from his rampant cock.

Davon pulled the web belt free from Rowan’s pants and buckled it around his neck. He found himself back on the couch. “It’s... it’s time to learn something new.” Davon said. He cleared his throat nervously and would not meet Rowan’s eyes. A plastic smile formed on his face. “You should like this.” While one hand pulled on the end of the belt, drawing Rowan’s head back, keeping control, the other hand clamped around the base of Rowan’s cock. Rowan gasped as Davon’s mouth engulfed his erection down to the root.

It seemed obvious that Davon had never done this before. He stopped chewing on Rowan’s cock when the boy yelped at him. He stopped from time to time looking at Rowan’s wet member before continuing. Rowan squirmed as Davon probed this most elemental part of his being. This was his manhood, only recently understood and a source of shy pride and private wonder. Davon’s weekend party masterbation was the familiar territory of his own explorations over this last year. Rowan had never considered being in someone’s mouth any more than he expected a girl to actually kiss him. It hardly mattered how inept Davon was, Rowan began pumping into Davon’s mouth in under a minute. Davon pulled off and watched the small penis jet Rowan’s thin juice across his convulsing belly.

“Don't move, I don't want you to mess up the couch.” Davon abandoned a dazed Rowan on the couch. Still heaving from the upheaval, the boy looked down his chest and touched his semen with a finger. Drops clung to his persistent erection. It jumped at Davon’s return as if to signal it was ready to begin again. A wave of embarrassment swamped his fragile confidence. His novice ejaculation seemed childish compared to the casual floods the three teens released on him. “There you go.” Davon ran a damp cloth over the visible evidence of Rowan’s climax. “Stand up.”

Davon stripped quickly. He stepped close to Rowan, the bow of his erection reaching out to brush Rowan's skin. The shorter boy’s cock tickled the taller boy’s heavy scrotum. “Touch me everywhere, just like I did to you.” Rowan nodded shyly. He started with the penis. “Not there.” So he moved into the impressive grove of wiry pubic hair. When he reached Davon’s flat chest, his guide hoarsely whispered, “touch them till they’re hard.” Feeling vaguely foolish, but also curious, Rowan rubbed the small areolas until the nipples swelled like tiny erections to match the master now etching sticky lines of precum below his rib cage.

Rowan explored Davon’s shoulders, noting the scattering of blemishes. He felt the sweat beading off Davon’s armpits and inhaled Davon’s increasingly familiar musk when he was told to. He played with the muscles along Davon’s back. Davon urged his fingers into the cleft between his strong flexing buttocks. At that, Davon swung back around and Rowan discovered he was kneeling before Davon’s erection. “It’s your turn to blow me.” Davon cupped Rowan’s jaw, easing it open with his thumb. “Keep going till I cum in your mouth, swallow my stuff, all of it.” Davon guided his cock past Rowan’s parted lips.

Davon did not like the angle. Rowan was too short and Davon’s unyielding erection was being bent uncomfortably. He sat down on the edge of a chair so the kneeling Rowan could come down on him. The novelty of it all swept the shyness away. Somehow, Rowan’s addled brain could not think past the active moment to the resolution of his clumsy efforts. Davon offered encouragement and suggestions. There was no pressure to duplicate Davon’s feat, swallow a penis entire.

Rowan was the rare licker. Hayden Ratt, Rowan’s best friend, was a biter. Give Rowan a popsicle or a fudge bar and it would melt into his mouth as slowly as the prairie summer day would allow. Long after Hayden had nibbled and tore at his own treat like a velociraptor, Rowan would still be systematically capturing the melt on an agile tongue, shaping the remains with his lips. Rowan knew from all the ridicule he suffered that most everyone impatiently crunched their way through a popsicle. Rowan savoured the moment, and never offered to share his with Hayden. The guy would strip the frozen treat off Rowan’s stick and giggle devilishly as Rowan punched his shoulders in frustration.

Rowan might as well have been as inept as Davon that first time. He was experimenting with how much of the impressive length he could draw into his mouth when Davon’s fingers clenched onto his hair like he was having a seizure. Rowan had to pull back and hold Davon’s hips at bay. A teaspoon of salty fluid coated the back of his mouth. With his mouth filled with Davon’s jerking organ, the ejaculation felt more like a flood. Rowan choked on it all, swallowing around Davon convulsively.

Davon deflated in his mouth. The older boy refused to release his hair so he found himself continuing to suckle on the cock. “God Ro, that feels good. Suck me to the root Ro. Yes, just like that. Kiss my balls.” Rowan did it all, Davon’s taste in his mouth mixing with the rank, oddly stimulating odours of his adolescent groin. Davon ran a thumb over Rowan's puffy lips. “First time is always crazy fast. Next time I should be able to let you work harder for it. Stay there.” Rowan thought that over as he knelt waiting for Davon to return from the master bedroom.

Davon came back with a short length of rope. “Let's give your mouth a rest.” Later, Rowan would realize how callously he was being treated. Gently as he managed it, Davon expected Rowan’s complete submission just like Keegan. In the moment there in that camper, Rowan’s mind and body were enslaved by the attention of the older boy. He let Davon rope his wrists in a vaguely handcuff arrangement that still offered him some movement. Just to emphasize his control, Davon wrapped the hanging belt tongue around his fist, as if Rowanstill  had the will to fight him. He pulled Rowan up and dangled his limp cock before Rowan’s lips. He understood and returned to suckling. Before too long, Davon pulled his head away. “That’s good for now Ro. Time for something else.”

Davon spread a rough car blanket over the carpet and helped Rowan lie down on his belly. It was hard to see what Davon was doing. “I'm really thirsty Davon. I need some water.” Davon fussed at the counter and brought him another juice. Rowan sat up and drained it. His mouth was still dry. His jaw hurt slightly from taking Davon’s cock. His cheek twitched nervously and he felt an uncomfortable pressure around his eyes. “Some water maybe.” The glass of water did not help the cotton in his mouth. It might have been the ejaculation he had swallowed, the feelings confused Rowan because they had not done any marijuana. Davon was staring at his face again. Davon’s eyes sparkled like gems and there was a rose blush to his lips which completely absorbed Rowan’s attention. “Lips.” He muttered to himself by way of explanation. Once again, his heart was pounding like a bass drum and his aching groin joined the rhythm.

“Yep, you're all set aren't you Ro?” Davon whispered sadly. The teen slipped two fingers in Rowan’s mouth. Rowan rolled his tongue around them, sucked and smiled slightly. “Let's get started then. On your knees.” Davon explained Rowan needed to try a few more positions. “Straight guys like taking cunts in a variety of ways. Is this good stuff?” He added, examining the bottle of lubricant Rowan had brought. He did not wait for an answer. Rowan was on his knees bent over absorbed in the texture of the car blanket against his cheek. An over generous squeeze sent a trail of lubricant across Rowan’s perineum and onto his hairless scrotum. Rowan’s attention shifted to the sudden coolness of his anus and testicles.

Davon pushed a long condom clad sausage through the ring of muscle and deep into Rowan. “It's just a little thicker than I am Ro.” Rowan did not understand. “We will fuck later, before you go home. You're a hot little pussy boy Ro, I can't keep up with you, so we will practice with some other stuff. It's coming out now.” The sausage popped out.

Davon coached Rowan for a half hour. Rowan practiced accepting a shaft and moving his narrow hips so the makeshift dildo bucked and twisted in Davon’s hand. With the lubricant, the penetrations were not frightening. He could appreciate the painless stimulation he was finding on his own. Davon talked of random things. He asked about Rowan’s friends, curious about which boys he liked and why. “I should take a video of your cunt so you can see what it looks like when you take a cock. It sucks in and pouts just like your mouth.”

Rowan was annoyed everytime Davon casually called him a pussy or called his bum a cunt, but he did not want to fight. At Davon’s urging, Rowan sat back and began fucking his own cunt with the sausage against the floor. Fucking your cunt was Davon’s expression. Davon was excited by the sight. He forced Rowan onto his back, exchanging the sausage for his own member. Then it was Davon’s eager cock fucking his cunt. The belt around his neck choked him as Davon reined him in with each powerful thrust. When he climaxed, Davon ground his cock deep burying Rowan under his weight. They stayed that way, Davon jerked on the belt each time his hips spasmed into the wet warmth of Rowan, a strong arm wrapped possessively around Rowan’s chest.

Rowan got another glass of water and a bathroom break. He was tired and sore. He was grateful he was not hurt. “Are you clean?” That was embarrassing. Rowan did not answer, but he took a moment to check himself. Davon was texting on his phone when Rowan returned. He snapped a picture of Rowan casually and sent it off somewhere. “Back on your knees Ro.”

“Davon, it's too big!” Rowan stared at the small zucchini. Davon rolled a fresh condom over the squash.

“We have to train your cunt.” Davon sounded put out. “Listen, if I was Keegan you would remember not to talk back like this. I'm trying to help you here.” Rowan did not know how to respond to that. “What should I hear pussy boy?” There was the plastic smile Davon used to reassure Rowan that this was all some harmless fun between them. He gave Rowan’s bum a light spank. “Answer nicely Ro.”

Rowan rolled his eyes and with a sigh, said the magic words, “What do you want me to do?”

This time there was pain and despite his determination to stay calm and not give these older boys the satisfaction of getting to him, the tears began to flow and he sobbed quietly. “Your muscles need training. Guys like to think their big cocks stretch a pussy boy like you open like a girl.”

“I don't like this. You know I don't. I like girls.” Rowan tried to explain. The zucchini filled him now. It had to be larger than even a full grown man’s penis. Rowan worried about damage again. “Oh god Davon, this hurts too much!” That ended in a sob.

“Well sure you like girls Ro. Gay boys like you always get along well with girls. Girls are your natural best friends, just like straight guys like Keegan and I are best friends. That's only natural. I’m not sure you can really be friends with a boy. The other gay boys are your competition for cock and the straight boys know you are only perving after them.” Davon slowly pumped the long shaft, his free hand rested on the small of Rowan’s back.

“You know Rowan, you're guilt is quite natural. Straight guys are proud to be boys. I mean, like we rule and we have these awesome cocks. I suppose girls like being girls, although I suspect the smart ones wish they were boys. You’re a faggot who has this need for cock up your ass and you wish you were not one. That makes sense to me.” Davon let the squash slide out, a squirt of lubricant and he pushed it back in deeper until Rowan gasped.

“That is a lot of shit.” Rowan risked with a grunt and a long moan. He wished Davon would just fuck him with his own cock.

“Ro, don’t be mad when I call you a fag. I know ‘gay’ is the polite way to say it. “You’re gay, your dad is gay, the man he left your mother for is gay. I could call you a bitch, but I respect you, so I call you a fag.” Davon slid his hand between Rowan’s thighs. “You are as hard as a rock Ro. You are always boned when we satisfy your needs. You get off on this because you're gay like your dad. It's genetic Ro, that’s science. You were born this way. I’m here pushing a zucchini into your cunt because we can’t keep up with your tight pussy. That's why you need lots of straight boys to fuck you hard and long.”

“That’s not true!” Rowan gasped as Davon squeezed his testicals. Davon pulled the zucchini free again. “It doesn’t even make sense!”

“Okay, I'll prove it to you. Now straight boys don't like to do stuff like this, but I like you. I'm not sure where to look, but I will try.” Rowan felt Davon push two fingers into his relaxed bum. Davon probed around until he made Rowan yelp with surprise. The massage after that was unbelievable. “I think I found it. You pussy boys have this extra thing in your boy cunts that excite you. It’s called a gay spot I think. This is why you need so much straight cock.”

Davon’s fingers were sending shocks through his groin. He started pressing back against Davon’s hand and panting each time Davon’s fingers found his new weakness. “Give it to me Ro, you know you want to bust open. It’s okay to let go Ro. This is just who you are.” Rowan groaned and finally started ejaculating into the palm of Davon’s hand. “You can't get enough of it can you?” Davon pulled his fingers free and started squeezing Rowan’s tight scrotum until the testicals relaxed. “See, you have the gay spot.” He held his cupped hand up to Rowan’s mouth. “Here, don’t waste it. Clean it off my hand.” Rowan’s head was spinning, he was so tired now he could barely think. “It's okay Ro. I won't tell anyone. I'll take care of you.”

He was on his back again, confused, almost certain Davon was wrong and not to be trusted. Davon filled him with the zucchini and ordered him to play with it. He was still hard and somehow, still driven to have sex. When Davon straddled his face, he resumed practicing on the teen's perpetual erection. Rowan was so tired now. After a time, he simply let Davon fill and empty his sore throat, Davon’s tight scrotum travelled around his face, filling his senses with musk. “Your cock is still hard Ro.” He wanted to deny it, but it was probably true. It was always hard with Davon’s encouragement. I’m not gay,  I’m not a fag. Rowan did not know why his hardon contradicted him all the time. Davon climaxed and simply continued moving in and out, unable to end his own need. Rowan lay under him struggling for breath, nose running, tasting Davon for the second time, realizing when he got home he would be tasting Keegan too. Rowan heard the click of Davon’s phone.

They slept on the big bed till late afternoon. Rowan woke with Daven’s arm hugging his chest. His hands were free, but the web belt collar still wrapped loosely around his neck. Davon must have been awake because as soon as Rowan stirred, his hand strayed to Rowan’s crotch, because you're beautiful. His mother used to dote on him this way, touching him for reassurance before the divorce, Rowan suspected his father missed him. Rowan liked the closeness of his friends. Hayden and he could sit knotted together reading the same book or watching as one played on a PS2. It was time for distance from parents though. No more hugging, public or private.

Rowan came over onto his back when Davon urged him. There were tears in Davon’s eyes. The teen turned away abruptly and sat on the edge of the bed with his back to Rowan. He sat slumped over his thighs with his face smothered in his hands. “What's wrong Davon?” Rowan sat up and crossed his legs.

Davon finally gave a ragged sigh and scooped the front of his shirt up to wipe his face. He twisted and gave Rowan a searching look. He did not find what he was looking for and turned back to the camper wall. Rowan left him to his silence. He thought he might put his own clothes on, but Davon had not said to. He played with his toes content to be left alone.

Davon looked up at the ceiling. Rowan followed his gaze curious. He was looking up when Davon grabbed him and swept him across his lap. The teen was smiling now. He started tickling Rowan’s sides. It was so surprising Rowan giggled. The boy retaliated, hoping to turn the tables. They wrestled playfully, laughing and gasping. Davon won the contest, pinning Rowan on the scattered bedding. They froze, faces close. Davon leaned forward. He’s going to kiss me. Rowan’s head pulled away in surprise. The movement stopped Davon. For a beat, he hovered over Rowan’s lips, then turned away. Davon assembled his smile, “Hey, I have something for you!”

“It's a purse!” Rowan was dismayed.

Davon fingered the soft leather pensively. “Okay, I admit it's one of my mom’s old bags. You are sensitive about being too girly. That’s understandable. I don't want you getting beat up walking over here.” Davon blanched at his own remark. Rowan’s angry black eye and the bruises on his arms clearly bothered him. He touched Rowan’s cut eyebrow gently. “Be careful, don't let him hurt you.”

“Look.” Davon flipped the distressed leather flap back so he could share the inside. “It's big enough for your mini iPad. I put this bottle of hand lotion in here, but I like the stuff you brought better. It's got room for lots of stuff” Davon looked at Rowan hopefully.

Rowan took the bag from him, looking it over critically. It was nice soft leather and sort of rugged. It did not scream ‘mom bag’. Basically, he wants me ready to fuck all the time. Now I'm using words like ‘fuck’. There was room for a paperback and an iPod. The short nap on the bed had cleared his head quite a bit. He felt grounded again, less inclined to do everything Davon asked. What could he say though? “Thanks Davon, I'll try it.” Maybe Hayden would think it was cool. He would use it if Hayden did not laugh at him. Rowan set it aside.

Davon looked at his phone. “It's getting late. My dad messaged me they are on their way home.” Davon started straightening the bed so Rowan stood up clutching the bag self consciously. “I'm off for two weeks tomorrow.” Davon was already undressing as he jumped down the short steps to the living room.

Davon thought there was enough time to make Rowan practice swallowing his cock and using Rowan for a long fuck. Rowan realized Davon was reluctant to see the sex end because the teen kept stopping his rhythmic strokes to cool down. Rowan guiltily squirmed about on Davon’s cock searching for his gay spot. It was all about angles and a cooperative partner, which Davon was not. Rowan worked it out finally and his satisfying climax clenched around Davon’s cock. Rowan's contractions pushed Davon over the edge. “Fuck no, too soon Ro!” Davon took his revenge, scoring Rowan’s lower back with painful scratches. The teen’s super powered cock remained active in Rowan long after the ecstasy melted away. They collapsed onto the car blanket joined together at the hips. Rowan felt no pain, just the familiar presence of a boy’s comfortable circumference filling him with a gentle massage.


Rowan skirted the civic pool at the top of Main Street again. It was Tuesday. Wednesday, Hayden Ratt would be back in town. They had messaged, naturally enough, off and on since Hayden went to the Pow Wow. Rowan was not sure he had the courage to face Hayden. He glanced at the thin white scar on the palm of his hand. Their moms went through the roof when they saw the blood. Such an unnecessary fuss from their moms, the pain made it real for them

There was no avoiding Paul Oryema and Zander Nowicki and his little brother Alf. They lived near Rowan in the Housing Authority. They yelled and started running to catch up with him. Rowan was worn out, so he stopped to let his classmates catch up. He was missed at the pool. Rowan shrugged at the pair, hands deep in his pockets and said he felt feverish. It was the best explanation he could throw out to explain the hoodie and his absence. They moved on together. It was easy to let the other three boys chatter on.

Zander fell back and put a hand across Rowan’s chest to stop him. The other boys moved ahead. “Your parents are away right? Things okay?” Rowan knew he was busted. Zander’s dad had a bad temper and a heavy hand. The Nowicki boys knew a cover up when they saw it.

Rowan lifted his dark glasses to let Zander see his black eye. They dropped back in place quickly. Zander lifted his hoodie before Rowan could prevent it. There was no comment on the bruises on his side and livid scratches. “Arms too?” Rowan shrugged. “Take it off Rowan, we understand. You're going to have a stroke if you wear that thing.”

The problem with doing that was his friends would notice the purse. Rowan struggled on his own for a minute until Zander grabbed the bag’s strap and held it for Rowan. He gave it back without comment. Rowan slung the hoodie over the bag as if that was why he had it in the first place. Paul and Alf had stopped to wait for them half a block closer to home. Zander glanced at the bruises on his arms. “Keegan always gives me a hard time.” Rowan barely managed to make that sound like it was a minor annoyance.

“Your older brother is a first class dick.” Rowan nodded agreement. He was grateful the glasses hid his eyes again. The conversation continued as they passed the last of the cookie cutter split levels and reached the older neighbourhood where Rowan’s mother had moved them when he was seven. He let them hold him in the driveway, letting Paul and Zander chase his blues away with their cheer. Finally, they moved on and he had no choice but to go into the house.

A book on his Kindle App and a chat stream with his friends occupied Rowan’s evening. He sat close to Henry as he and Keegan surfed the sports channels. Henry checked Rowan’s face sympathetically and half heartedly reprised his disapproval of Keegan. Well meaning as it was, it was a weak gesture. Henry followed it up by allowing his fourteen year old grandson a beer, “Just don’t tell your father.” The evening played out like that until eleven.

Body of Work

If you are here on the midway then you have come to the carnival seeking entertainment, company and of course excitement. There are a dazzling array of rides suited your every mood. There are gentle rides that conjure up soft memories of youth and rides that lift you from the dreariness of your grind and send you flying ageless through the night. There are also the side shows…

If you are here then you are in the house of mirrors captivated by the reflections around you. They are all curved in some way. Every mirror is imperfect and every mirror draws your attention to something new. The mirrors magnify or diminish parts of what we think is real. Sometimes you like what you see and sometimes you don't. Sometimes you believe what you see and sometimes you can't be sure what has been distorted. The distortions are intentional and we flatter ourselves into believing the mirrors only stand arrayed like this in such places as the midway. Before you go back to the mirrors of your life step closer to this one.

Eliot Moore, 2007

Here is a summary of the wide variety of other stories I have published.

Awakenings: This ghost story was posted to Nifty in November 2016. Middle aged divorcee Jake begins renovating a 1900’s Craftsman home in an old neighbourhood. He becomes entangled with Will, the 18-year old ghost of a Great War veteran and Chris, a 15-year old homeless addict on a desperate quest. As Jake’s failed life is rejuvenated by his love affair with Will, he slowly pieces together the hundred-year-old connection that has brought the three of them together.


For Your Eyes Only: This novella was posted to Nifty in November 2010. Simon meets Glyn and his younger brother James one August evening during a neighbourhood game. Simon and Glyn become fast friends but it is Simon's secret game with James Fleming that helps Simon accept his hidden self.


A Fragile Light: This story was posted to Nifty December, 2009. Graham (28) goes to the Christmas Eve service to be with his husband John. He is alienated from his deeply religious family and detached from the warmth of the service. He identifies a kindred spirit teenage Theo and learns they have more in common than he thought as Theo is joined by Jesse. Graham leaves strengthened by the encounter.


Janus: This story was posted to Nifty July 2009. Michael (18) is coaxed into attending a summer party by his older sister. He is college bound and uncertain about the choices he has made. At the party his encounters with Lauren (19) and Scott (20) help him discover himself and make a decision about his future.

http://www.dabeagle.com/stories/eliotmoore/janus/janusdh.htm and


Hound: This story was first posted to Nifty the summer of 2008. The first draft was completed in 2005 and in truth I sat on it a long time before I decided to post it. Six-year-old Ethan Yates is abducted off the streets by a pedophile ring. Cast into a nightmare world he struggles to hold on to his identity. Isolated and confused, he clings to fourteen-year-old Peter. As the years pass their mutual need develops into an indestructible bond.


Turbulence: This novel was first posted on Nifty between February and June of 2007. Fourteen year old Daniel Murrell finds the hazing at Riverview High School as freshie a serious challenge. He negotiates it with the help and hindrance of his friends. After a long year of discovery, he comes to terms with his bisexuality.

http://west.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/turbulence/ (first edition) and


Recovery: This story was first posted to Nifty in January 2007. Sixteen year old Greg Cox reluctantly joined his father in a small rural village in Saskatchewan. There his life becomes entwined with fourteen year old Seth Patterson. As he is slowly drawn closer to Seth he struggles with the memories and guilt associated with the loss of his mother, brother and sister while coming to terms with his promiscuity.

http://west.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/recovery/ and


Next: Chapter 4

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