Dark Thought Rising

Published on Apr 24, 2023


Dark Thought Rising 2

The following story is for adults and contains graphic descriptions of sexual contact between adolescent males. If you are a minor, then it is illegal for you to read this story. If you find the subject objectionable, then read no further. All the characters, events and settings are the product of my overactive imagination. I hope you like it and feel free to respond.

Dark Thoughts Rising runs through fourteen chapters and 145 pages. If you would like the entire novella, contact me at eliot.moore.writer@gmail.com

There’s Got To Be a Morning After

“We are so fucked dudes.” Rey paced back and forth in the living room as Keegan nursed his blinding headache. Rey kicked at an empty beer can and sent it flying. Keegan wished he would sit down and shut up. The room stank of stale beer, dirty socks, and sex. He was pretty sure there was a stain of some sort in the carpet where Rowan had been lying. The remains of their food binge lay scattered about the room like so much confetti following a wedding.

Davon sat down with a full glass of orange juice. It trembled as he brought it to his mouth. Keegan had the satisfaction of watching Davon wince as Rey began fretting again. They let Rey voice their shared fear until he stopped facing Davon and asked, “How many of those pills we took last night do you have left?”

“Jesus, I don’t know, seven? Why?”

“We give them all to him. That should do it.” Rey nodded his head emphatically.

“Do what for fuck sake?” Keegan was spent. He just wanted to fall into bed and worry about everything later.

“We kill the little faggot before he can talk to anyone.” Keegan just stared at the insanity.

“Just shut up Rey, stop talking crazy.” Davon replied with annoyance. Keegan watched the boy slip a hand down his underwear and adjust a morning erection.

Rey glared at him, then his face was contorted by fear at some new thought. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, they’ll CSI his little ass and find we stuffed him like a turkey with our jizz. We’re fucked.

“We are not in trouble Rey, take a chill.” Davon replied quietly.

Rey looked at him in disbelief. Keegan had to admit he did not understand how Davon could be so calm about it all.

“Umm... We tag teamed raped the fag’s little ass Davon.” Rey yelled at him sarcastically. “Statue raped a kid, or something. We’re going to be orange popsicles melting on someone else’s stick for the rest of our lives!” Davon fended him off with his glass of juice, but Rey managed to punch him in the shoulder. Keegan stared at the the new stain on the chair cushion. Know it all Rowan could probably figure out a way to clean it.

“Listen you psycho, catch your breath and listen.” Davon answered back. Keegan needed a good explanation from Davon too. It would not be their grandfather or parents listening to a snivelling Rowan yet again squeal about being bullied. “Rowan is twelve years old. We are all fourteen. That is not statutory rape. That’s legal boys.”

“Seriously?” Keegan perked up.

“Seriously.” Davon confirmed with a nod his way.

“Dude, Earth to Davon.” Rey countered heavily. “We. Drugged. And. Tapped. The. Little. Girl’s. Ass.” Rey rolled his eyes in exasperation. “We tied the little skank up and raped the shit out of him. How is that okay?”

“Says who?” Davon snapped back, and that shut Rey up.

Keegan looked thoughtfully at Davon. “You have all the answers don’t you?” He accused quietly. Davon met his eyes for a moment, then his cheeks glowed and the constellation of pimples along his jawline lit up. He turned away. I was high. Rowan needed to get in line around here. What were you doing Davon? It was a reassuring thought.

“Okay, so maybe no jail time for Rey.” He sounded very relieved. Rey found a seat. He looked back at Davon, which Keegan realized was actually annoying. This was his house and he was pretty sure they should be asking him what to do next. Only, Keegan did not have any answers at the moment. He had a wicked hangover, but he still felt he had just scored a hat trick. He had slammed Rowan into the boards good. When he did that on the ice to some guy, it took the edge off the guy for the rest of the game. Keegan smiled to himself.

“Still, what if Rowan’s tells everyone we like doing boys. That’s not going to help my rep with the ladies.” Rey frowned.

“No he’s not. Would you let on you had taken it up the ass with three older boys? Rowan’s going to keep that to himself. Even his mommy is never going to know He’s a little fag now.” Keegan liked the way both boys looked at him. There was confidence in his voice. He was going to take charge now.

“He’ll say you beat him up.” Rey countered, but Keegan could tell he was ready to convince himself it would be okay. Keegan laughed, finally feeling better. He dismissed that by pointing out Rowan had been bitching steadily about that for five long years. If the baby wasn't not complaining, his dad would notice. It was nothing to worry about. “He’s a momma’s boy. He’ll tell.”

“Not a chance.” Keegan replied. Rey and Davon looked skeptical. “Rowan’s dad is a fudge packer. She won’t let Rowan near him for fear he will catch the disease. Rowan is not going to let on he is gay now.” The trick was, Keegan had to keep Rowan a fairy. Keegan stared at his friend. That’s where you come in Davon. You’ve a hardon for Rowan. “I’ve got this covered boys. Rowan’s skinny ass is mine.”

Keegan rubbed his temples. He really did want to crash again. He could have slept all day. First, he needed to high stick Rowan once more, hook his skates, send him sprawling on the ice. He stretched leisurely, liking the powerful message he was sending his friends. “That was an awesome party though.”

“Epic.” Rey grinned. “I should go though.”

“Go tap my brother again if you like.”

“No, I’m good.” Rey replied looking offended. Keegan got it. Rey was sober now, so he could not give himself excuses.

“Suit yourself.” Keegan made it sound like he did not care. “Jack off in the shower when you get home, or.” He paused. “Give the pansy some hetero meat. Dump another load in his tight little ass. Davon and I need to start cleaning up this shit Before my grandpa shows up.” With that said, Keegan pretended to ignore Rey completely. Davon caught Rey’s arm and whispered some encouraging joke in his ear. They bumped knuckles. Keegan smiled slightly when Rey went up the stairs. He tried not to share his delight when after some incoherent babbling, Rowan’s high pitched cry of pain drifted downstairs.

Rey was finally gone. Rowan curled over his aching body, eyes squeezed tight against the world. He finally stopped struggling against Davon’s belt. All it did was make his wrists burn and feed the constant ache in his shoulders. A fitful sleep, interrupted frequently by the embarrassment of a persistent erection, left him dazed. Rowan mouth was parched again too.

Sunday morning, Rowan thought glumly. His mom was going to be gone for another seven days. That was a long time. She might not even remember to message him till after the weekend. Rowan felt ignored much of the time. Both his parents were still ‘finding themselves’ after five years. His dad was busy being gay in St George with some man who looked like he could be Rowan’s older brother. Kim Bressler threw herself into her consulting work and evenings with her support group. She gave Rowan whatever he asked for, except his father. Rowan’s uncle Gage had told him he looked a lot like his dad now. He had only said that once. Even Rowan knew that was the wrong thing to say in front of his mother. Rowan tried hard to look like his mother.

Seven days left and Keegan and his drunken friends were totally out of control. Maybe Rob would hit Keegan with his belt like when they were little. Something to look forward to, but it had never really stopped the bullying before. Keegan’s grandfather Henry would just laugh when he heard the boys were drinking. As long as Keegan left something for the old man to drink, his stepbrother was covered.

Something gave way and Rowan farted. Oh shit, no, no. Rowan felt a cool wetness. With a contortion, he was able to reach it. Another painful twist and he peered at his fingers. It was okay, he was going to be okay, only that was not the way it felt. Rowan rolled onto his back and then sat up on the edge of the bed. Jesus Christ, still kinda hard. What did Keegan call it every morning? He had been having sex with boys and his cock was telling him he enjoyed it. Rowan stood up and looked at his rumpled sheets, nothing I can't wash out. Rowan did not know how to wash out the memory. The sour yeasty smell of beer, the burnt grass stink of weed, Rowan was pretty sure it would bring back the humiliation. His penis throbbed. That brought tears Rowan could not brush away.

Rowan jumped like a whipped dog and backed into the nightstand between their beds. The lamp tumbled over and Rowan’s precious iPad slipped to the floor. Keegan appreciated the naked fear in the brat’s face. He leaned against the door jam and folded his arms dramatically. Rowan twirled around to see the damage he had done, then back to face Keegan. “Untie me Keegan.”


Keegan came over to the boy. He gave Rowan a rough shove on the shoulder to spin him around. They were both silent as Keegan freed his wrists. Keegan played with Davon’s belt while Rowan massaged his sore arms. “Thanks.” Rowan grudgingly whispered. He turned to face Keegan again. “I’m really...”

Keegan dropped his hands on Rowan’s shoulders and drove his knee into boy’s groin. Rowan collapsed forward into him, so he took a step back to let the boy fall at his feet. Keegan squatted before his stepbrother. He grabbed a shock of Rowan’s hair and lifted his head. “Now look what you made me do.” It was his father’s quiet, patient voice. Keegan was pleased with it. Rowan was crying, mouth open, reaching for air like a stranded fish. “You’re a bigger pussy than Rey thinks, aren't you? Shake it off, get up.”

“What have I ever done to you Keegan?” Rowan complained through gritted teeth. Keegan chose not to answer. “Let me get up.” Keegan wanted to kick Rowan in the teeth. For some reason, the night’s gang bang had broken some dam and the rage was flowing. They did not speak again until Rowan was lounging in a hot bathtub. Keegan left him to soak by himself for twenty minutes.

“Time to get out.” Keegan announced. Rowan frowned at him. After a stubborn pause, he lifted himself out of the tub. Predictably, his step brother attempted to cover himself with a washcloth. Keegan was disturbed by the feelings Rowan had brought to the surface. He watched the slim boy drying himself off, ordering his thoughts about the night before. He had a new contempt for Davon. Clearly Davon was a fag. Keegan tried not to think about his childhood friend lusting after him in the shower after some hockey game all these years. That was not Keegan. Keegan was no gay boy. Last night was just a good chance to beat up on his proud little step brother. Then too Keegan reasoned, the three of them had wound each other up with their planned adventures with the hot girls in their school. Rowan skinny ass had been convenient. It was the Ecstasy and alcohol. They were all super drunk and horny Keegan explained himself. Rowan was such a little girl.

Rowan was towelling off his shaggy hair, back modestly turned toward Keegan. Keegan stared at Rowan's flexing buttocks and the graceful curve of his spine. He cursed under his breath. Just standing there, the frustrating kid managed to look like he was doing some dance, showing off his toned boy body, making Keegan horny again. Keegan tried to reconstruct a memory of the sensations of thrusting into Rowan, but all that surfaced was his bull-like, mindless, incredibly satisfying rage. Was that what his dad felt when he was doing Rowan’s mother? Keegan tried again to separate his admiration for Rowan’s lean maleness with his impulse to keep raping the boy. Rowan is such a girl, he repeated. He was just getting some sexual experience. When I tap one of those stuck up bitches we were talking about last night, it will be better. Keegan promised himself.

“I'm going to get dressed. When do you think Henry is going to come back?” Rowan never called them ‘dad’ or ‘grandpa Henry’. Keegan did not mind that. As far as he was concerned, Kim and Rowan Pence were not family.

“Stop.” Keegan ordered quietly. Rowan eyed him cautiously. Rowan mustered enough courage to put his fists on his hips. “I'm not done.” The boy's had talked while they scooped up the trash and Rey had pounded Rowan. Davon agreed, Rowan needed to know he could not tell anyone what happened. “You need to get things straight before grandpa Henry gets back.”

“I'm not going to say anything, if that's what you're afraid of.” Rowan snapped back. “I just want you guys to leave me alone.” His voice was trembling like the little girl he was.

“That’s your first mistake.” Keegan replied. “You really need to listen to me.”

“No I don't have to listen to you. You're not the boss of me. You and your friends are assholes.” Rowan tried to step around Keegan. “Get out of my way!”

Keegan punched Rowan below his navel. While he was on his knees retching, Keegan looped Davon’s web belt around Rowan’s neck. The weave was loose enough for him to fix the buckle into a tight collar. Rowan tried to fight him as he hauled the boy to his feet. “You're supposed to be smarter than me Rowan. That's four mistakes you've made now. Just stand still.”

Keegan stripped the heavy leather belt from his shorts. Rowan got a determined look. “Don't you dare try it!” His voice dripped with hatred.

“Face the window.”

“Fuck you, you pervert bastard.”

Keegan wanted to hit him again. Instead, Keegan pushed Rowan around till he had a good angle on Rowan’s rear. .”That makes six mistakes.” His doubled over belt cracked against Rowan’s soft flesh. Rowan jumped and when the belt came down a second time, Rowan tried to block it with the palms of his hands. Keegan paused. “And that was another mistake. Move your hands Rowan.” Rowan folded his arms tight across his chest and closed his eyes. He took the next five straps as well as Keegan ever could. Each time he flinched in silence. Keegan decided Rowan was not as big a pussy as Rey thought. This is going to be a challenge, Keegan smiled to himself. It was a good thing he had Davon as backup.

The bathroom was silent as they stood together. Rowan had opened his eyes. He was staring intently out the window, his chest heaving. Keegan figured the boy was as mad as he had ever seen him. “Should I strap you again?”

“No.” Rowan replied through gritted teeth. Keegan whacked him across one inflamed cheek. Rowan was caught by surprise. “Yes!” He wailed in confusion. Keegan hit him again. Rowan turned toward him in desperation. “What do you want?”

“And that is the first thing you have said right since we started.” Keegan felt so good about himself. He had thought it out carefully, kept control of himself Just like his dad would, and everything was working out just the way he wanted it to. He was the smart and strong one now. Rowan stared at him intently, calculating the situation. “Should I strap you again?”

Keegan waited patiently for Rowan to work out a response. It came in a very quiet voice. “What do you want to do?”

Keegan pretended to consider the question. “Maybe later.” Rowan’s face twitched, but he kept his peace. “Stand closer.” Keegan ran a finger over Rowan’s chest and down to his hip. He knew the boy was looking at him. “You're getting a tiny boner Rowan. What is it faggot girls like you have? Oh yes, clits. You like boys touching you. Do you want me to fuck your pussy?” He looked into the boy’s face. It looked back agonized, pleading for Keegan to stop.

“What do you want to do?” It came out bitter like vomit spewed all over Keegan.

Keegan grabbed the loose end of the canvas belt, wrapping it around his fist a few times. “I think you are just like your faggot dad. He found a real man didn't he?” The question might have been another slam in Rowan’s groin. Keegan watched closely as the boy tried to hide the pain. A fire started in Rowan’s cheeks then flooded down his neck to his chest. Keegan reached for the door. “I'm going to have a shower and crash on the couch. Don't bother me.” He opened the door and tugged Rowan forward into the hallway. Davon was sitting on a bed flipping through one of Rowan’s books. Keegan forced himself to rub Rowan’s crotch and then squeezed a globe of buttock which was more satisfying. “Davon wants you before he has to go home.”

Rowan’s heart sank. He held it together until Keegan was down the stairs. After that, he covered his face and stood in the door shaking like a leaf, crying. There was no moving forward until Davon came across the room and guided Rowan to the bed. The tears were brushed away gently and he was spun back into  Davon’s seductive web. It was humiliating, because once again, Davon knew how to arouse his passion. Rowan clawed at his headboard as fingers stroked places he had never imagined another boy touching. The boy surrendered completely to each rising tide. No furtive masterbation in the bathroom or guilty massage at night while Keegan snored across the room could match Davon’s fertile imagination.

Endless minutes later, Rowan clung to the edge of his mattress as his breath began to catch and spasm. He lost all control. Hips levitated off the sheets seeking the palm of Davon’s hand. His tingling cock craved the elusive contact. A small cry slipped out when his mentor rewarded his effort. Davon slid a bent knee under Rowan’s tailbone while he captured Rowan’s cock. Bowed back across the knee, Rowan shattered completely. Strong fingers milked his shaft dry.

“Roll over Ro.” It did not matter that his chest was striped with semen. Rowan knew what Davon needed. He could feel the thick cock nuzzling against his hip, leaving an adolescent trail of fluid. He was about to be taken again. “Lift your knee up.” Davon guided him into a new position. He was open now. The belt around his neck was fed into Rowan’s mouth.

The night before was a haze. Rey had used him in the morning when Rowan’s thoughts were clear. As Davon shifted behind him, Rowan feared the next penetration more than ever. Tears filled his eyes, but there was anticipation too. Rowan risked begging Davon to use more baby oil. “Sure Ro.” Rowan wanted it right inside him, but Davon was still shy of penetrating him with his fingers. Finally, Davon filled him by inches as Rowan ground his teeth into the belt, squeezed his eyes, and clung to the bed. “You’ll get used to it Ro. I’ll make it feel good.”

Then Davon was in. Rowan could feel Davon’s groin pressing into his spread buttocks. Davon’s fingers dug into his shoulder like a contented cat, drawing his torso down onto the long cock. “It feels good Ro. You're tighter than I imagined. Your body is unbelievable.” Davon began to move against Rowan, within Rowan. It was the now expected pain and something more. “Reach down and feel my cock Ro.” Rowan groped down past his own hanging groin, fingertips making contact with the slippery shaft gliding in and out. He probed the hard shaft and damp heavy sack as Davon moved. “No god, too soon!” Davon’s body crushed Rowan’s hand into his own groin where he cupped his scrotum and his own cock continued to betray him. Hands lost their gentleness, pressing his shoulders down. Davon pounded Rowan with a frenzy until the orgasm invaded Rowan. “That was awesome, oh God.”

Rowan lay on his side propped up on his elbow looking at Davon. The older boy’s lips were parted as he slept. He was not heavy like Keegan, but Rowan could be easily manhandled by Davon. There was the bare hint of fine blond hair at the upper corners of Davon’s mouth. The acne was manageable. Rowan envied the thick patch of hair crowning Davon’s crotch. It was hidden now by one draped thigh. Rowan compared the fine down on Davon’s forearm to his own smooth skin. He could not imagine himself looking like this in two years.

He wanted to get up. Rowan needed to escape the house before it could start again. He had to have time to think his way around all this. The end of the web belt, his leash apparently, was wound around Davon’s clenched fist. Davon had been drained by the sex, but he was not ready to let go of his new toy. Inexperienced as he was, Rowan got that about Davon. He was Keegan’s victim and Davon’s precious toy. Keegan could have had a worse friend. Keegan did have worse friends, but not very many. Rowan looked at the tight fist keeping him pinned to the bed, then he sighed. He picked up his iPad where it lay beside the bed and Googled ‘gay anal sex’.

Rowan read his iPad for almost an hour before Davon started to stir. He tried to focus on the words but Davon's wandering hand pulled Rowan back to present. “You make me horny all the time.” Fingernails tortured his sensitive anus.

“It hurts a lot Davon. Please, I really hurt now.” Davon spanked a butt cheek playfully and tugged on the belt. Rowan sighed and slipped his iPad under his pillow. He turned to to look at Davon. “What do you want to do?”

“Grab that bottle of oil and flip over onto your back.” Soon, his legs were draped on Davon’s broad shoulders.

Rowan lay looking at the ceiling. He had been crying, so right now he hated Davon more than any of them for being so selfish. He threw an arm over his eyes so Davon would not notice. Davon’s cock had been pink when he pulled out. A red froth of fluids circled the base of his shaft and clung to his scrotum.

“Move your arm.” Rowan swiped his forearm across his eyes, then let it drop to his side. He went back to staring at the ceiling. Davon unbuckled the web belt from around Rowan’s neck. It was a thin belt, but Rowan was relieved when it came free. The damn thing had been with him the whole time. Davon started threading it through his pant loops.

“Stop, that’s mine.”

Davon paused uncertainly. He fingered the worn webbing as he looked at Rowan. Finally, he pulled it off again and held it limply in his hand. “Come here.” He ordered Rowan gently. Davon tossed the belt on Rowan’s bed. Rowan bent his head back as Davon ran stiff fingers through his bangs. He hugged Rowan, capturing the naked boy close against his chest. “You’re right, I suppose. It’ll be okay Ro. I’m really sorry...” but then Davon caught himself and the guilt in his face was wiped away by his lying smile. “It will get easier.” The phone began ringing insistently across the hall. Rowan was a statue in Davon’s arms.

It was Grandpa Henry, phoning from Fort Walsh to let them know he was on his way back. “Clean up the mess before I get there.” Was all he said. Keegan was still fuzzy when Rowan slipped out the front door with Davon. He barked for his stepbrother for a few minutes and then started policing the house for anything he and Davon had overlooked. The carpet in the living room still looked stained to him. Finally, he decided it was his imagination. The cushion Davon spilled on was stained. He tried washing it off in the kitchen. Rowan was going to pay for making him do everything.

Keegan opened the window in his bedroom. The room stank and Rowan needed to wash his sheets. Keegan flipped the sheet over the pink stain. Did we wreck his ass? His own sphincter answered. He sat hunched on the toilet recalling his conversation with Rowan. Despite his assurances, Keegan was not that confident about Rowan’s next move. A great deal depended on Davon making him a fag.

The firm sausage he had pinched out lay like a fat cock along the bottom of the bowl. It reassured Keegan. Rowan could take it. For the first time, Keegan wondered what it felt like to have something pumping up and down in his colon. Maybe it feels fantastic. The porn stars all seemed to be junkies for cock, male and female. Keegan felt a wave of nausea as the haunting memory of what Davon and he had done together in grade six broke free from its chains. He tried to exorcise the recollection. Keegan flushed the bowl. The recalled sensations failed to follow his turd down the sewer. We were just stupid little kids.

Keegan sat on his bed and looked at Rowan’s rumpled bed. The tracks of damning memory shifted as he fabricated the image of Rowan and Davon rutting together. Davon was devious. All that touching and masterbation they had done in grade six had obviously been his idea. Like every fag, Davon wanted a strong straight boy to suck and fuck. Davon’s plan did not work. Keegan was not a pussy like Rowan. With just a little persuasion Rowan was every cock’s bitch.


After two hours, Keegan began worrying about what Rowan was up to. Davon answered his message right away. Rowan had left with him, but they parted ways. Kepler was a small town and there were not many places to go. Keegan needed Rowan home before grandpa Henry got back. He considered stealing another drink from his dad.

Keegan was mindlessly watching a show on CRAVE when Rowan walked in sucking a strawberry milkshake. He handed a Dairy Queen bag to Keegan before dropping onto the wet cushion across the room. He slouched there in silence. Rowan had brought Keegan a chocolate shake and his usual order. Keegan examined it suspiciously before starting in on it. The boy seemed absorbed in the shifting images on the screen.

“Grandpa will be here pretty soon.” Keegan broke the silence. There was no friction between them and that made Keegan tense.

Rowan pulled the straw away from his lips. “Okay.” The lips sucked the straw right back in. Keegan stuffed a few over salted fries in his mouth and frowned. He put the food down and wiped his hands on the couch.

“Come here.” Rowan wasted no time. He put his drink down on the floor and stood in front of Keegan, arms clasped behind his back as if he was on parade. Keegan had to try and catch up.

“What do you want me to do?” There was no way to read Rowan’s expression or his tone.

“Don’t push me.” Keegan snapped back. Impulsively, Keegan grabbed the long tongue of Davon’s web belt and tugged Rowan a step closer. “The mess from the party is cleaned up. Grandpa won’t know anything happened.” Keegan looked Rowan in the eyes. “Anything.” Rowan nodded his head imperceptibly, almost detached. Keegan wondered if they had managed to scare the kid to death. It was a comforting thought. “Fuck off, go sit down and play with yourself.” Keegan waved Rowan away in frustration. He seemed to be in charge, but not nearly as much as after Rowan’s soak in the tub. He went back to eating the DQ burger, eyes shifting to Rowan from time to time.

Rowan sat down, reached for his milkshake and went back to suckling on it. After a minute, he opened his pants, a hand went down to finger is cock and massage his scrotum absently. Keegan did not taste the burger in his mouth.

Rowan infuriated Keegan. Christmas Day, Rowan would lie on his stomach kicking his heels as he poured over the Lego instructions for his latest toy. Keegan had no patience for instructions. He would make his own haphazard spaceships and move on. Rowan was a good planner. He was inventive too. He would start a project, stop and stare at it for the longest time. It might sit on his shelf for days while he looked at it, then one day he would just finished it, long after Keegan would have forgotten.

Nobody could grind through a new game like Rowan. He had this habit of pausing the game for minutes at a time just to think. He and his friends would go on chattering like the stupid little dicks they were while he concentrated on the game in his mind. Satisfied, he would start it again. It was one of the things Keegan really hated about Rowan.

Rowan finished his drink and put it down. He went back to masterbating. Keegan’s nausea returned. The three friends were riding a tiger now. There was no way to get off without getting mauled, despite Davon’s assurances that they could avoid trouble. Rowan was thinking. Keegan had to keep slamming Rowan into the boards. Rowan had to bleed. Maybe the little bastard would stop thinking.

“Stop dicking around with yourself!” Keegan snapped. Rowan’s hand came out of his briefs. He tucked everything away without taking his eyes off the TV. Keegan considered pushing Rowan somehow. He gave up on the idea. Grandpa Henry would be walking through the door soon. Besides, Keegan did not have the energy.

Supper at the New Moon Cafe was dominated Henry’s description of the massive oil fire outside of Fort Walsh. Three derailed tanker cars had sent roiling clouds of toxic smoke across the plains for the better part of a day. The old man showed them a few videos on his phone. Henry allowed that since things had gone so well while he was gone, he thought it was safe to head back to the derailment the next day. Keegan assured him things were fine and Mrs. Holland was there if they needed anything. Rowan ate sparingly in silence.

There was a baseball game on the TV. Keegan did not care for baseball, but he plied his grand dad with questions to keep him happy. Rowan fell to looking out the front window onto the quiet Main Street. Henry never showed Rowan much interest. Rowan’s athleticism was too casual for the old man. He was like a pet that came along with the woman his son wanted to sleep with. Grandpa Henry only had time for his real grandson Keegan.

Henry must have felt uncomfortable sleeping in Robert and Kim’s bedroom. At about 10:00 he chased the boys upstairs so he could sleep on the couch in the living room. Keegan and Rowan settled onto their beds facing each other across the narrow space between their beds and the wider chasm of the party. Rowan busied himself chatting and reading on his iPad. Keegan sat fingering his old iPod, occasionally sending messages to teammates, but mostly watching Rowan.

“Hey pussy boy.”

Rowan looked up. His reserve gave way and Keegan saw the fear in the boy’s eyes. Keegan waited him out, enjoying the suspense. “What do you want?” Rowan’s voice cracked on the last word. He had probably thought himself safe with grandpa Henry in the house. He was wrong.

“I'm going to bed, so you better shut it down.”

Rowan slipped away to the bathroom. When he came back, Keegan was sitting on his bed naked stroking himself hard. Rowan’s heart hurt in his chest. He slowly took his clothes off, back turned to Keegan. He tossed each item on the trunk at his bed. It did not take long. How long could you drag out a t-shirt and a pair of shorts? He paused at his briefs, deciding to leave them on.

“Take the gotch off Rowan. Sleep raw from now on.” Rowan nodded his head. He felt vulnerable standing naked before Keegan. “I've seen your soft ass before Rowan, turn off the light and get onto the bed.” He turned around to see what Keegan was doing. The boy sat knees apart watching Rowan’s every move. His long erection brushed against the soft roll of his belly. Keegan’s testicles stretched his scrotum low. They rose and fell with each breath.

Rowan could not quite remember being taken by Keegan the first time. The night was a bad dream, but Rey and Davon’s sex in the morning was fresh. Pain, unnatural fullness, unexpected pleasant rhythmic stimulations, even his own orgasms. Feeling desired, these three boys, each in their own way wanted Rowan. He snapped off the light. A muted glow flooded in through their open window illuminating Rowan’s bed like some spotlight on what was about to happen.

He lay on his stomach, uncertain about Keegan’s intentions. A breath of wind tickled his back. Keegan made him wait. Somehow, Rowan knew he was playing games with him. “Cunt.” Rowan blinked and looked over at the shadow figure of his step brother. Keegan was still sitting on his bed. One hand moved rhythmically up and down over his cock. “That's all you are to us Rowan. You’re a boring little kid. Your obviously gay like your dad, but even if you aren't, it doesn't matter to me.” A few tears slipped down Rowan’s face. He buried his face in his crossed arms. It's not true. He whispered into the sheets. “We are only interested in your ass, your pussy, your cunt.” Keegan spoke about him with such contempt. It was beyond the normal arrogance of all the older boys at school. “All you have to do is be a cunt Rowan, it's really easy, just have your legs open when I come.” Keegan shifted off his bed and his heavy weight descended on the mattress between Rowan’s parted legs.

Keegan’s knees pressed against the inside of Rowan’s thighs, working his legs farther apart. Davon would be touching him everywhere, exploring his toy. All Rowan could feel was the knees and Keegan’s heavy shaft brushing his tailbone, reminding him of what came next. “Put me in your cunt.” This was new. Rowan reached a hand back and flailed around until he caught Keegan’s cock between his fingers. The round head was slick as if Keegan had already ejaculated. Rowan’s penis wept a little too when he masturbated, but there was so much more. The rest of Keegan’s shaft felt corrugated by thick veins and dry as a bone. “It's not your toy, fag boy. Stop playing with it. In the cunt, then get your pansy fingers off me.”

As soon as Keegan’s cock had found Rowan’s anus it started pressing in. Rowan bit his forearm as the tender muscles opened for the broad head. Rowan tried not to imagine what it looked like. He sighed with relief once his muscles began to relax around erection. Keegan tentatively jiggled his cock as if to test his own comfort. Rowan felt the gentle massage. It burned uncomfortably, a legacy of the sex they had forced on him earlier. “I can't believe you. I never would have guessed how big a slut you are. Jesus Christ, your pussy is dripping like a girl’s. You’re such a little bitch. My cock is swimming in your juices.” Keegan rammed into him.

Rowan’s face burned with his anger and shame. I'm not a little bitch you bastard, I'm not! His face heated up almost as much as it had in the pharmacy checkout line. The old woman took in his youth. He was left hanging there, humiliated as the contrary emotions flickered across her worn face. He could tell she wanted to ask him about all the items he had bought. The squeeze bottle of lubricant he had found next to the condoms was obviously the worst, but she also hesitated before she rang through the ointments and creams. She watched him walk away with his bag. Rowan hoped she had not guessed it all. Better she think him some deranged twelve year old addicted to masterbating.

The special lubricant was worth the money. After he adjusted to Keegan’s large penis the sex was not bad. The nightmare of unwelcome erections had subsided back to the familiar accidental embarrassing intrusion into his days. Rowan figured Keegan was mindlessly rubbing up against one of the special body parts he had read about. It was all very confusing. The rhythmic movement of his pelvis on the sheet and Keegan’s cock gave him an erection.

Some oil slid out each time Keegan pulled back. Rowan might have used too much. It slid down to cover his sack. Keegan was oblivious to everything except his own mindless rutting. Rowan snaked a hand down to his groin. His rising hips changed the angle of Keegan’s penetration in an interesting way. He cupped his scrotum letting the oil coat his palm. Rowan masterbated into his hand as Keegan continued moving his body back and forth with increasingly powerful thrusts.

The room reeked of sex and Keegan’s musky sweat when they were both finished. Rowan turned his head to the wall while Keegan wiped himself clean with Rowan’s top sheet. He brought his hand up from where it lay clutching his groin and let it rest on his pillow near his face as he usually did. Rowan flexed the hand, staring at it in the dark.  What’s happening to me? What did I do to let them think I wanted this? The trembling came on gradually. Before long, he could not stop. How do I get myself out of this? Tears fell. Rowan was afraid to imagine what came next.

“Shut the fuck up, cunt.”

Rowan became aware that he was sobbing hysterically. He bit his hand to silence himself, flooding his mouth with a mixture of oil and his own salty fluids. Long after Keegan’s breath had dropped into the rhythm of a satiated sleep Rowan’s thoughts circled frantically. “Your pussy is dripping like a girl’s.” had wormed its way into his ear. “Because you’re beautiful...” Davon’s voice echoed in the dark by way of explanation, and Rowan was supposed to understand that.

Body of Work

If you are here on the midway then you have come to the carnival seeking entertainment, company and of course excitement. There are a dazzling array of rides suited your every mood. There are gentle rides that conjure up soft memories of youth and rides that lift you from the dreariness of your grind and send you flying ageless through the night. There are also the side shows…

If you are here then you are in the house of mirrors captivated by the reflections around you. They are all curved in some way. Every mirror is imperfect and every mirror draws your attention to something new. The mirrors magnify or diminish parts of what we think is real. Sometimes you like what you see and sometimes you don't. Sometimes you believe what you see and sometimes you can't be sure what has been distorted. The distortions are intentional and we flatter ourselves into believing the mirrors only stand arrayed like this in such places as the midway. Before you go back to the mirrors of your life step closer to this one.

Eliot Moore, 2007

Here is a summary of the wide variety of other stories I have published.

Awakenings: This ghost story was posted to Nifty in November 2016. Middle aged divorcee Jake begins renovating a 1900’s Craftsman home in an old neighbourhood. He becomes entangled with Will, the 18-year old ghost of a Great War veteran and Chris, a 15-year old homeless addict on a desperate quest. As Jake’s failed life is rejuvenated by his love affair with Will, he slowly pieces together the hundred-year-old connection that has brought the three of them together.


For Your Eyes Only: This novella was posted to Nifty in November 2010. Simon meets Glyn and his younger brother James one August evening during a neighbourhood game. Simon and Glyn become fast friends but it is Simon's secret game with James Fleming that helps Simon accept his hidden self.


A Fragile Light: This story was posted to Nifty December, 2009. Graham (28) goes to the Christmas Eve service to be with his husband John. He is alienated from his deeply religious family and detached from the warmth of the service. He identifies a kindred spirit teenage Theo and learns they have more in common than he thought as Theo is joined by Jesse. Graham leaves strengthened by the encounter.


Janus: This story was posted to Nifty July 2009. Michael (18) is coaxed into attending a summer party by his older sister. He is college bound and uncertain about the choices he has made. At the party his encounters with Lauren (19) and Scott (20) help him discover himself and make a decision about his future.

http://www.dabeagle.com/stories/eliotmoore/janus/janusdh.htm and


Hound: This story was first posted to Nifty the summer of 2008. The first draft was completed in 2005 and in truth I sat on it a long time before I decided to post it. Six-year-old Ethan Yates is abducted off the streets by a pedophile ring. Cast into a nightmare world he struggles to hold on to his identity. Isolated and confused, he clings to fourteen-year-old Peter. As the years pass their mutual need develops into an indestructible bond.


Turbulence: This novel was first posted on Nifty between February and June of 2007. Fourteen year old Daniel Murrell finds the hazing at Riverview High School as freshie a serious challenge. He negotiates it with the help and hindrance of his friends. After a long year of discovery, he comes to terms with his bisexuality.

http://west.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/turbulence/ (first edition) and


Recovery: This story was first posted to Nifty in January 2007. Sixteen year old Greg Cox reluctantly joined his father in a small rural village in Saskatchewan. There his life becomes entwined with fourteen year old Seth Patterson. As he is slowly drawn closer to Seth he struggles with the memories and guilt associated with the loss of his mother, brother and sister while coming to terms with his promiscuity.

http://west.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/recovery/ and


Next: Chapter 3

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