Dark Thought Rising

Published on Jun 17, 2023


Dark Thoughts Rising 10

The following story is for adults and contains graphic descriptions of sexual contact between adolescent males. If you are a minor, then it is illegal for you to read this story. If you find the subject objectionable, then read no further. All the characters, events and settings are the product of my overactive imagination. I hope you like it and feel free to respond.

Dark Thoughts Rising runs through fourteen chapters and 145 pages. If you would like the entire novella, contact me at eliot.moore.writer@gmail.com

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Mad World

It was already 10:30 and Davon would not wake up. Rowan sat on the bed and gave the teenager a small push. Gaining nothing by that, he gave him a larger shove. Davon stirred a little. His eyes were glazed when he smiled sleepily at Rowan’s frowning face. “Your dad said you were up.”

“I was, for a bit.” Davon stretched. “It's the last day before school, so I thought I would just chill a little.” Davon seemed to drift back to sleep. Rowan studied his slack features. Even at rest, Davon had a hint of that winning smile he used to make Rowan feel like they were really partners exploring each other’s bodies.

Rowan drew the tangled covers slowly down so he could look at Davon’s chest. The flat pans moved gently as Davon drew each breath. The heavy mat of dark hair filled his armpit. Rowan ran two fingers over his own pit, trying to imagine what it would be like. Rowan admired the broad shoulders, then looked at the athletic stomach. He ran his hand down Davon’s chest, hoping to wake the teen. His skin was as free of hair as Rowan’s, till his fingers slipped under the waistband and reached a moist tangle of bristles.

Coming down the stairs, Rowan had paused to look at the gallery of school pictures Davon’s mom collected in a brass schoolhouse frame. There were four empty spots beyond the progression of Davon’s morphing through the years. Davon’s seventh grade picture was a skinny blonde kid who looked not much different than Rowan. The smile was so familiar. Rowan had seen that lanky boy about the house, always keeping Keegan’s fury under control with a joke.

Keegan did not have many nice friends, Davon was one of them. Rowan was flattered Davon noticed him. The things they explored together were amazing. Rowan pushed his hand farther into the dampness until he could squeeze Davon’s respectable penis. Still no reaction from his friend. It did not frighten Rowan now. The familiar organ swelled in his palm.

It could swell inside of him too. Rowan’s sphincter tightened at the memory. He did not think about being a pussy boy, bitch, or whatever other names the teenagers liked to call him when Davon wanted him. It felt good. Sex felt good when someone thought you were hot. If being a slut meant really liking sex, maybe Rowan was a slut. I don't know. Rowan puzzled, Maybe all boys are sluts when it comes to sex. Pressure built and Rowan craved the next orgasm. These days, there was no relief from it. Zander and Hayden admitted they felt the same way. Davon was hard now, so was Rowan.

“Davon!” Rowan shook his shoulder insistently. He sniffed the teen’s face. There was no burnt leaf odour of Marijuana on his friend’s breath. Rowan sighed with disappointment. He had never seen Davon quite so out of it.

“Okay, okay my persistent little cunt.” Davon levered himself up on an elbow and groped for drawer beside his bed. The tobacco pouch came free. Davon paused. “Where is my old man?”

“I don't know, upstairs I guess.” Rowan looked at Davon expectantly.

“Go lock the door.”

When Rowan turned back, pharmaceuticals, the stone pipe, and sundry items were spilled across the sheet in front of Davon. Rowan’s eyes widened at the sight. He shuffled a little closer, alarmed by what he was seeing. Davon pawed at the pile and popped something in his mouth. He washed it down with a glass next to the lamp and smiled sleepily at Rowan. “I forgot you were coming over kid.”

Rowan sat beside him when Davon patted the bed. Davon hummed softly as he sorted his horde. He palmed a tablet of some sort and bit another blue one in half. He held the drugs out to Rowan. “I don't think so Davon.” Rowan stared at the poison.

“Oh shit Ro, you’ve had this before. It will help you party.” Rowan didn't understand. Davon grabbed his hair and forced his head back, when Rowan gasped, the pills went back into his throat. He gagged, trying to dislodge them. Davon slopped some water on his lips. “You worry too much Ro. Just do what you’re told.” Rowan wiped his face with his shirt. Davon’s voice sounded so calm. Rowan felt violated and realized he had broken his vow to Hayden. He sat imagining the drugs dissolving in his bloodstream. “You're too stressed Ro, everyone’s too stressed. Keep breathing Ro.”

Davon fussed about with a tiny bottle, dumping its contents on the bed. He resumed humming to himself as he dropped light blue pills into the empty bottle. He added a few larger ruby red tablets. “You’re a little cunt, so just take half for now. Give me your bag.” Davon dropped the bottle in the bag and dismissed it with a wave. “Help you party.” Rowan stared at his bag, feeling ill. Davon packed his little bag and tossed it casually back into the drawer.

“Let it take you there Ro. You overthink it.” Davon slid a hand up Rowan’s shorts. Fingers fondled him affectionately before slipping under his groin to thumb his perineum and finger his lubricated anus. Rowan leaned back to offer him better access. This was what he had walked across town for. He was hard when Davon pulled the web belt free. He stripped at a word and let Davon collar him. Rowan stood beside the bed so eyes could devour his offering. The belt always freed him from the guilt and responsibility of wanting sex. Davon’s cock needed to be touched and the collar demanded his obedience. The sheet slid back revealing Davon’s crotch. The familiar contours commanded all Rowan’s attention. “Make me cum in your mouth Ro.”

The fourteen year old cock was reeled Rowan in. He wrapped his fist around the base and set his mouth to work. Davon coaxed him deeper on the shaft, reminding him constantly that his mouth and tight pussy belonged to every normal boy who wanted them. Davon pulled away as he shifted on the bed. Rowan crawled over to it on his knees. A hand engulfed his groin like a second collar, tugging his small package playfully. “Which do you like more Ro, the taste of cock, or the rod making this wet cunt quiver?” A pair of fingers found his cunt and drove into him. Rowan was dizzy now, his every overstimulated fibre on fire. It was the drugs, he knew that now. He did not care.

“I don't know.” He answered in confusion. His penis, or his clit, whatever, erupted over his fingers as Davon attacked his gay spot. It was only a temporary relief he understood. His body would need more. The watery juices mingled quickly with the sweat on his overheated body. Fingers slipped out of him and massaged his sack roughly. When the convulsions passed, he looked at Davon, needing the older boy to like him as Cameron had. There still had to be some ghost of the feeling Rowan had for Hayden.

There was something in Davon’s eyes, Rowan could not be sure what it was. His groin was abandoned while Davon pushed back until he was settled on his pillows. His knees spread offering Rowan a fresh approach to the wet shaft brushing his navel and the excited globes nestled tightly at its base. Rowan shifted around between the teen’s legs.

In a familiar gesture, The teen’s hand cupped his aching jaw and a thumb traced his puffed lips before pushing between his teeth to open his mouth. Davon nodded seriously. “That’s okay Ro. You don't have to know do you? It doesn't matter what you think.” The cock went deep into Rowan’s mouth. Rowan gagged, trying hard not to let his thoughts matter.

“Don’t you like me Davon?” Rowan blurted out when Davon closed the door. Davon had left him while he went upstairs. Eventually, Rowan had drifted off to sleep. The clock said 3:17 now. The fever was gone, but the pressure on his cock reminded him he was still drugged. He should never have let that happen.

Davon was still ensnared by his own device. He offered Rowan a glass of clear water. Rowan swallowed it greedily. Davon stripped.

He sat beside Rowan, running a hand possessively over his body. “Yes I do Ro. You're a smoking hot guy. You’re a good person Ro. If things were different....” Rowan asked him, different how, but Davon did not have a ready answer. Instead they fucked one more time before Rowan needed to go home and school caught up with them. It was a protracted coupling sustained by Davon’s drugs. Davon whispered reassuring words in Rowan’s ear and kissed his shoulders. Rowan listened for the praise, wanting to believe Davon liked him. He did not want to hate Davon as he hated his stepbrother. There was no distracting talk of pussy, cunt, or fag. It was like sex with Cameron, something honest between horny boys.

“I need you Ro.” Davon confessed in a broken voice. Whatever light the pills had given the teen faded and there was only gloom in his voice. “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, I love you!” Davon cupped Rowan’s crotch with one hand and hugged Rowan tightly with the other. “You love me don't you Rowan? You want this don't you? You're glad, right?”

It was not what Rowan had been asking for, and Davon’s powerful challenge overwhelmed him. Rowan’s voice cracked, “Yes?” There was an uncertainty in Rowan’s mind. He felt himself step away from the emotional overload. Love was a strong word.

“It doesn't matter what they think.” Then almost on top of that, “We shouldn't tell anyone how we feel, they don't understand me.” The hand slid off Rowan's crotch and grabbed the belt around his neck. “It's okay, as long as you are mine.” Rowan thought Davon meant to take the collar off, but instead Davon was choking him with it. The belt forced him up on his elbows. “You're mine right Ro? We belong together like Romeo and Juliet.” Rowan tried to stop the choking with a hand, his back arched.

The lazy coupling had morphed into a desperate struggle for air. “Yes! I'm yours!” Rowan panted, anxious for Davon to relent, but Rowan could not say love. Davon finally let his head drop to the mattress. The four teenagers had taught Rowan many things about his body that summer. Things that shamed him deeply, but also keys that unlocked secrets to pleasure a twelve year old boy could not know on his own. He needed Davon now, but Rowan was not sure what that really meant.

Davon went back to hugging Rowan’s torso tightly to him. Rowan’s body felt completely open to the hypnotic rhythm of Davon’s mindless cock now. That was one of the things Peter could not do for Rowan. The teenager’s orgasm went barely noticed. Rowan’s hips rocked along with Davon’s several times and it was over.


Keegan found himself walking beside Brooklyn behind Tessa and a tenth grader named Brogan Horton, which should have been good for a few laughs, but Brogan was really big. The freshmen had been warned endlessly by their eighth grade teachers as they strutted their stuff in the elementary school, but it had not sunk in until they were dodging hulking juniors and seniors in the hallway. A starter on the football team could give Keegan and Rey a cool look and they were scuttling to give up their sunny spot on the bench.

The twelfth graders were goddamn men with beards and they dismissed him as easily as, well as easily as Keegan dismissed Rowan and his gay little friends. He was beneath the notice of the confident young women. The only thing that kept Keegan going was the thought that once he clawed his way up this fresh ladder, it would be his turn to look down again. He tried to listen to Tessa’s one sided conversation with Brogan as he mumbled responses to Brooklyn.

Brogan was not such a big man in the showers. You could just imagine the tenth grader’s relief when the nine freshmen joined the team. The first morning Keegan had been forced to share a shower head with another rookie. The boys had to listen to stupid crap about being gay and threats about getting their hairless balls tarred at the first after game party. All nine of them had danced along a line of veterans snapping towels at their asses. The coaches just laughed of course.

He was bruised from trying to show how tough he was. The coaches let the veterans hit the little grade nines just enough at practice to test their metal. Keegan thought he was holding his own. He was not fast, so he opted to drop any pretence of dieting and bulk up instead. He was on the team, that was what mattered. Some asshole might give him a vicious titty twister in the locker room, but when he walked the halls he had more credit than Rey or Davon. He’d sit on the bench most of the season, but he wore the uniform and soon he would be wearing the jacket that set him apart from the herd. His dad was proud anyway, that was important.

He saw a flock of elementary school girls chattering their way across the street. They were probably walking downtown like he was. Seeing the two little boys trailing behind the flock reminded him that Davon had ditched him as soon as they cleared the side door. Davon had been ditching them a lot that week. It was partly Keegan’s fault. He was anxious to be accepted by the jocks. Davon did not seem to care. Davon gravitated to the stoners, Keegan courted the older football players. Keegan could not decide if his friend was dealing for his brother Ruben or buying for himself. Maybe it was none of those things. Davon had ditched him to go see Rowan.

“I'm sorry, what did you ask me Brooke?” She wanted to know if he was going to the party Saturday. He told her he was not sure. He was shy about going to his first high school party. The crack about getting his crotch covered in pitch made him nervous. He had forgotten about the party. Keegan’s mind was on Rowan. It was part and parcel with Davon’s scurrying off to the Bressler’s just because his dad was at work and Kim was in St. George being the expert till 6:00. “Are you and Tessa going?” He remembered to smile as he asked.

He almost missed the answer. It really was not his fault. Tuesday had been rough on Keegan. Rowan did not care if he was stressed by high school. Rowan had so many friends. Naturally his teacher boned for him. Kim was quick to mention some text and picture Mr. Gagnon fired out from his classroom before the precious little pet had even made it to lunch. Keegan watched him roll his eyes as if gushy notes were boring. The prick liked that sort of praise anyway. By the time his plate was empty, Keegan was seething.

He had homework the first day. Kim was all concerned and his dad reminded him that if he fell behind he would be suspended from the team. Football was not like hockey. The coaches really meant it when they said grades came first. Kim pinned him down in his bedroom till he finished everything. It was 9:00 before he escaped to the basement. He did not feel like playing a game. He just needed to watch something to unwind. Of course, Rowan would not let that happen.

Rowan skipped his little ass right past him with barely a glance on his way to the bedroom. Private shower for the precious one. No stepmother creeping a guy out after a shower. No dad judging your weight. Rowan just flashed his tight body like he used to when they shared a room. Davon fucked the shy right out of the little fag, Davon remembered thinking. Davon, Rey, the cow-fucking cousin, probably Hayden, they all got off on Rowan. Keegan was left with the grief.

Rowan was fingering the pair of shorts he wore around the house when Keegan came to look at him. He must have guessed Keegan would follow him. Skinny hairless body, shorts hiding his pathetic little crotch. Keegan stared him down with a contemptuous sneer stolen from a senior linesmen. He liked the self conscious anxiety in Rowan’s face. It reminded him he was the big one here. “What do you want Keegan?”

That was music to his ears. The day’s stress vanished as he dropped it on Rowan’s thin shoulders. Keegan closed Rowan’s door and came up to him. He looked down and slowly pulled the shorts out of his stepbrother’s hand. “Yes, what do I want?”

Tessa turned around to suggest they get a snack somewhere. Keegan did not have much money to spend. Going home too soon would be awkward. He put a good face on it, reminding himself to take whatever money Rowan had. The kid had a bank card now that he thought of it. The cafe was full of high school kids. Keegan and Brogan paused to bump fists with a table of players. One of them gave Keegan a friendly nod. This was the high school Keegan had been waiting for.

He’d broken his promise letting Rowan suck his cock Tuesday night. He passed on the titty twister first. Keegan would earn the team’s respect by the end of the season. Rowan would never get that. That was the difference between them. When Keegan had a girlfriend he would stick to girls. Till then, he might as well take advantage of the situation. Brooklyn sat next to him on the bench. He ordered a coffee because it was the cheapest thing on the menu. High school, anything could happen. He looked at Tessa. His dad would let him go to Saturday’s party.

The parents were not home yet. Keegan figured supper was going to be seriously late yet again. It was quiet in the basement. How long has Davon been gone? Keegan felt put out. He messaged Davon telling him to meet at Rey’s at 8:00. He went down stairs knowing it was not to play a game on the PS4. It smelled like Rowan was sleeping off a good fuck.

When Keegan’s heavy belt snapped across Rowan’s tight ass, the kid levitated off the bed and landed on the floor. “Get back up here.” It took Rowan a minute to bring himself to do it. “Pull the panties down.” Keegan thought about the football showers and the shoves in the hallways. He thought about the mess he had made of algebra that morning and the homework he had for Monday. He thought about Tessa kissing Brogan goodbye in the cafe. He did not think about what he was doing till he noticed Rowan curled into a tight ball in front of him with red welts from his thighs to the small of his back. Rowan’s left arm showed he had finally started trying to block the blows. He had probably been screaming, so Keegan hoped nobody had come home. What the fuck was I doing? Keegan took a breath and rolled his shoulders. “Well shit, you're not much use now are you?” Keegan smelled urine. He ran his fingers over his handiwork, a little anxiously. Just a strapping, it would probably not even bruise much. How would a fag like Rowan handle a 220 pound senior tackling him for an hour? Rowan was sobbing softly. Keegan did not want to hear that. He took the bills from Rowan’s money clip and wondered about the missing debit card. Rowan never talked about money. It might not be worth the hassle. With a last look at the boy shuddering on the bed, he went upstairs to his sanctuary.

Keegan mentioned going over to Rey’s place during a fast food dinner Rowan could not eat. He had been curled up on his mattress while his bedding went through the cycle when his mom came home. He would have stayed there if it had not led to questions. Better to slide into loose sweatpants and a baggy tee shirt. Somehow he endured dinner and cleaning up with Keegan.

Rowan read the prescription bottle carefully. There were no instructions, just a name, Celebrex. Soaking in his mom’s bath salts had helped, but he was still tender. Rowan chanced a pill and slipped two into Davon’s unwelcome bottle in his purse, just in case he felt worse in the morning. Rowan spread lotion over his bum and thighs. That reminded him to pick up his beads from the side of the bathtub. He tucked everything away before unlocking the door.

His mother was sorting papers on her desk. He dropped gingerly into his favourite chair. The older he got, the more Kim Bressler seemed to wrap herself in her own world. Robert must be downstairs watching TV, but she was up here by herself. Rowan noticed things like that. “You don't look very good sweetie. Is everything okay?” She did not stop to look at him.

“School’s fine. Hayden and me joined volleyball and cross country. Mr. G is okay.” Without Keegan there reminding him constantly that life sucked, it was possible to act normal around his mother.

“I hope letting you use your iPad in class is not going to be a problem.”

Rowan rolled his eyes. Her parental reticence had not stopped her from messaging him in class throughout the week. “I can handle it mom. I guess I wish Hayden was in my class still.” She would believe that. The truth was, the friends had reconciled to that sort of meaningless separation in fifth grade. She nodded her head and then shifted papers around yet again. Going down to the basement alone while Keegan was in the house scared Rowan. He pulled his phone out of the bag and began catching up on the never ending conversation.

“Rowan.” He looked up at her. “I was thinking it would be nice if you started calling Robert, dad. We have been together as a family for five years now. I asked him and he thought it was a good idea too.”

Rowan was not surprised. He smiled at her as best he could, loving her so much. The idea hurt him, but he hid that from her, as it seemed a son had to hide so much from the parents who cared for and frustrated them. This was his next gift to her. Rowan understood that. “Sure mom.” Was all he could manage. Rowan rationalized it for himself. Lots of his classmates had more than one dad or mother. Robert might as well be dad too. He supposed Santino was dad in his way, though they had barely spoken a word to each other. There was really only one dad that mattered though. Kort Pense, the man he looked like. He loved his mom so much, but he could not tell her how he felt. He could not tell her that the day he had his licence was the day he drove to St. George so he could see his dad again.

She smiled gratefully, and turned back to her piles. Rowan frowned. She forgot what the messy divorce had cost him over the last seven years. She forgot that for the year before she married and exiled him to Kepler it had been Kort who watched six year old Rowan while she went on business trips. His mom would not know what calling Robert dad would cost Rowan either. Keegan’s rage was going to come down on Rowan with fearful cost. It was agreed between them long ago. They were never going to be family. Rowan shivered.

Rowan distracted himself with the delicate problem of answering Faith’s messages without flaming out like a spaz. He cautiously ran each idea past Hayden on another stream. Hayden found a funny gif and Rowan passed it on. It seemed to go well enough. Faith said goodbye and it was a relief to simply message with the guys and exchange funny YouTube videos. Faith wanted him to SnapChat more. His mom liked Faith. He liked Faith.

“What are you up to tonight?” She had paused to look at him again.

“Nothing much.” Rowan shrugged. “Hayden’s off to St. George tomorrow morning to see his grandparents and dance.”

“We are going to watch a movie tonight.” It was something Rowan was interested in, so he let her lure him into joining him with the promise of heaping nachos dribbled with leftover chili smothered in melted cheese. The painkiller was having its way with Rowan now. She smiled at him once more.

Keegan’s door opened. He poked his head into the study. “I’m off to Rey’s if you guys are wondering where I’m at.” Kim nodded. Rowan imagined she wanted to tell him something like, be careful or don’t do drugs. She wisely kept her peace. Keegan was on his way to fifteen and a learner’s licence for the car grandpa Henry had already promised him. All that was over the horizon and across a vast ocean of time as far as Rowan was concerned. “Hey Rowan, can I see you for a minute in my room buddy?”

He did not smile for Kim’s benefit, but his voice was innocent. It would not have mattered, she was back to finishing up her work, mind already shifting to a quiet evening with Robert and Rowan watching a guy’s movie. Rowan dropped his phone into the leather bag and zipped it closed. Once they were clear of the door, he felt Keegan’s hand on his shoulder like Davon’s belt choking him. Rowan would have bolted, except it would have been pointless delay.

Rowan was backed up against the bedroom door feeling the light pinch of Keegan’s fingers on his nipple. It was just a warning to behave, nothing serious. “We’re going to start the movie pretty soon honey.” His mom was just outside.

“Okay mom.” Rowan answered, his eyes on Keegan. He was very glad for the Celebrex. The fingers gave his nipple a quick twist. Hands pressed down on his shoulders. He understood. Rowan dropped to his knees and as soon as the cock was free, he began servicing his stepbrother. He had barely started when Keegan climaxed unexpectedly. Rowan liked to think Keegan tasted as sour as his disposition.

Keegan kept him on the exhausted member until it deflated. Whenever Rowan’s lips and tongue rested, he was smothered into the fabric of Keegan’s jeans and pubic hair. “Should I bring the guys back over later Rowan?” Keegan’s voice was low. It seethed with raw anger and a resentment that mystified Rowan. He wanted Keegan to leave already.

Why do you hate me so much? It’s not my fault! Keegan twisted his hair and he gagged as Keegan swelled toward the back of his mouth again. Hands grabbed the scalp and began sawing his tired mouth up and down the expanding shaft. Rowan instinctively held onto Keegan’s hips as he tried to control the penetration.

“Take it again you little shit. God damn you, you pussy. You’re clueless Rowan. Fine, just take more cock down your throat. It doesn’t matter how I feel around here does it? I’m supposed to call Kim mom now? You got Davon running over here after school to satisfy your selfish cunt.” There was a brief struggle as Rowan reacted to this. Keegan risked getting bit by cuffing the side of Rowan’s head.

The cock went too deep and Rowan choked. “Eat it all, Rowan. It’s yours, just like everything else around here, right?” Keegan sobbed unexpectedly. “That’s what I’m here for isn’t it Rowan? Just a handy cock for you to use?” Rowan gasped as the penis came free. He thought he was supposed to say something, but there was nothing sensible to say. “There it is Rowan. You got me hard again.” Was Keegan crying? It was crazy backward. “Swallow me, damn you to hell. Just do it already, you fucking cunt.” Keegan was worked up now and Rowan remembered the blows raining down on his body. His fist grabbed the slick cock and he began desperately masterbating Keegan, mouth ready to swallow the engorged head before it exploded. It was never sex with his stepbrother. It was a never ending war with no hope of surrender.

He took Keegan’s fresh jets on his tongue, lips sealed around the thrusting cock, wishing it was pleasure for a different boy’s shaft. Keegan turned away from him while he tucked himself away. Rowan hoped he would stop talking and just let him be. “You disgust me Rowan.” It was a whisper coated with self loathing, as if being in Rowan’s presence contaminated Keegan with Rowan’s perversion. “How am I supposed to enjoy myself when any moment my friends are going to expect me to bring them back here so you can do this shit to them? I don’t want your slutty body poisoning my friends.” Keegan turned back to Rowan. “Do you ever think about how I feel? You are such a spoiled cunt. It’s unbelievable.” Keegan looked at him kneeling there his face contorted into the shape of utter horror.

Rowan collapsed forward crying in a heap. He felt so worthless. It was true. He liked fooling around, touching and being touched by friends. His stepbrother knew it. Rowan cried silently. Keegan told him to stop, but he could not do it. He lay there holding himself, confusion and guilt wracking his body. No, no, no, the words rang in his head. Not true! Hayden tell me it's not true! Keegan dragged him away from the door and stepped out. The door closed behind Rowan. It was a mad world.

Body of Work

If you are here on the midway then you have come to the carnival seeking entertainment, company and of course excitement. There are a dazzling array of rides suited your every mood. There are gentle rides that conjure up soft memories of youth and rides that lift you from the dreariness of your grind and send you flying ageless through the night. There are also the side shows…

If you are here then you are in the house of mirrors captivated by the reflections around you. They are all curved in some way. Every mirror is imperfect and every mirror draws your attention to something new. The mirrors magnify or diminish parts of what we think is real. Sometimes you like what you see and sometimes you don't. Sometimes you believe what you see and sometimes you can't be sure what has been distorted. The distortions are intentional and we flatter ourselves into believing the mirrors only stand arrayed like this in such places as the midway. Before you go back to the mirrors of your life step closer to this one.

Eliot Moore, 2007

Here is a summary of the wide variety of other stories I have published.

Awakenings: This ghost story was posted to Nifty in November 2016. Middle aged divorcee Jake begins renovating a 1900’s Craftsman home in an old neighbourhood. He becomes entangled with Will, the 18-year old ghost of a Great War veteran and Chris, a 15-year old homeless addict on a desperate quest. As Jake’s failed life is rejuvenated by his love affair with Will, he slowly pieces together the hundred-year-old connection that has brought the three of them together.


For Your Eyes Only: This novella was posted to Nifty in November 2010. Simon meets Glyn and his younger brother James one August evening during a neighbourhood game. Simon and Glyn become fast friends but it is Simon's secret game with James Fleming that helps Simon accept his hidden self.


A Fragile Light: This story was posted to Nifty December, 2009. Graham (28) goes to the Christmas Eve service to be with his husband John. He is alienated from his deeply religious family and detached from the warmth of the service. He identifies a kindred spirit teenage Theo and learns they have more in common than he thought as Theo is joined by Jesse. Graham leaves strengthened by the encounter.


Janus: This story was posted to Nifty July 2009. Michael (18) is coaxed into attending a summer party by his older sister. He is college bound and uncertain about the choices he has made. At the party his encounters with Lauren (19) and Scott (20) help him discover himself and make a decision about his future.

http://www.dabeagle.com/stories/eliotmoore/janus/janusdh.htm and


Hound: This story was first posted to Nifty the summer of 2008. The first draft was completed in 2005 and in truth I sat on it a long time before I decided to post it. Six-year-old Ethan Yates is abducted off the streets by a pedophile ring. Cast into a nightmare world he struggles to hold on to his identity. Isolated and confused, he clings to fourteen-year-old Peter. As the years pass their mutual need develops into an indestructible bond.


Turbulence: This novel was first posted on Nifty between February and June of 2007. Fourteen year old Daniel Murrell finds the hazing at Riverview High School as freshie a serious challenge. He negotiates it with the help and hindrance of his friends. After a long year of discovery, he comes to terms with his bisexuality.

http://west.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/turbulence/ (first edition) and


Recovery: This story was first posted to Nifty in January 2007. Sixteen year old Greg Cox reluctantly joined his father in a small rural village in Saskatchewan. There his life becomes entwined with fourteen year old Seth Patterson. As he is slowly drawn closer to Seth he struggles with the memories and guilt associated with the loss of his mother, brother and sister while coming to terms with his promiscuity.

http://west.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/recovery/ and


Next: Chapter 11

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