Dark Thought Rising

Published on Apr 24, 2023


Dark Thought Rising 1

The following story is for adults and contains graphic descriptions of sexual contact between adolescent males. If you are a minor, then it is illegal for you to read this story. If you find the subject objectionable, then read no further. All the characters, events and settings are the product of my overactive imagination. I hope you like it and feel free to respond.

Dark Thoughts Rising runs through fourteen chapters and 145 pages. If you would like the entire novella, contact me at eliot.moore.writer@gmail.com

All Night Long

Robert and Kim Bressler left their sons with their grandfather Henry Bressler while they celebrated their fifth anniversary with a ten-day cruise. After one night, Henry was called away to deal with a major train derailment. Keegan argued that he was old enough to look after Rowan for a few days. After enlisting the next door neighbour, Mrs. Heather Holland, to keep an eye on the boy's from time to time, Henry Bressler distractedly agreed.

Under most circumstances, eighty-two year old Heather Holland, the notorious neighbourhood busybody, was a wise choice to watch two pesky boys on their own. That weekend, however, her eldest son made a surprise visit with her three grandchildren. All thoughts of the Bressler family evaporated.

Rowan and Keegan watched the bustle next door discreetly from an upstairs window. Keegan punched Rowan savagely on the shoulder before warning his younger brother to stay in the house unless Keegan said it was okay to go out. “We don't want that demented old cow to remember we’re over here.” He elaborated.

Keegan seized the moment and phoned his hockey buddies, Davon Ball and Rey Dougherty. Davon’s older brother Reuben was twenty. Reuben would pull for the boys. It was a lazy summer weekend and both boy’s folks would not mind. Rowan stood in the doorway listening to Keegan scheming. He frowned to himself and went to their room.

Keegan slipped two fingers of his father’s bourbon into a glass and topped it up with juice before trailing Rowan upstairs to their cramped bedroom. Rowan lay stretched out on his bed with his iPad. Keegan’s eyes roamed over the boy’s frame. Reading a damn book or messaging with a classmate, either way it annoyed Keegan. Being around Rowan made Keegan simmer with resentment. Sometime in the last half year, the weight of it started crushing Keegan.

It started with the unwelcome remarriage and being forced to share his room with an active seven year old stranger. Keegan rebuffed Rowan’s innocent overtures of friendship, first with sullen silence, then words, before finally resorting to his fist. After a year, Keegan was resigned to Rowan and fed up with lectures from his father. When Rowan let Keegan have his way, they played together.

Rowan liked to to read and he really wished his mother had not needed her own home office. It was time for them both to have their own room. He could feel Keegan behind him. They had the whole house to themselves and Keegan had to come and stare at him again. Just when he began feeling awkward and self conscious about his stupid body, Keegan had to make it worse. He would always be smaller and weaker than his stepbrother. Keegan never let him forget either.

Keegan moved to his side of the room and slumped on the side of his bed. After a good pull from his glass he continued staring at his step brother. Rowan had hair like a girl to go along with his faggy name. Keegan scratched a pimple, hyper conscious of Rowan's silky cheek and clean jawline. Rowan’s grey eyes flickered off the screen looking askance before dropping back to the screen full of words. The summer tan and blonde curtain of hair could not hide the flame burning on his cheeks. Keegan focussed on Rowan’s parted lips and the fluttering eye lashes. Rowan was insufferable to be around.

The notes of Stargaze interrupted the silence between them. It was his dad. Rowan hit the red button to hang up. He was not going to FaceTime with his dad while Keegan tried to intimidate him. He messaged his dad a heart and told him it was a bad time to talk. Rowan closed the app with the nausea of someone caught doing something wrong. He was not supposed to talk to his dad unless his mom was listening. She probably suspected they talked anyway. Rowan was not certain. Lying was wrong, he loved them both, but his father had left them, so he was the bastard. Life was complicated. Keegan was rubbing himself. He seemed unaware of it. Rowan bit his lip and tried to get back into his story.

Rowan used to prance around the room naked when he first moved in. He would walk right past his mom on the way back from the bathtub arguing about something. People did not do that in the Bressler house. Kim must have talked to him about that because he became more self conscious about it. Rowan had still thought nothing of sitting on his bed after a wash. He envied that. Keegan’s dad criticized him for being husky all the time. By Rowan’s age, Keegan was shy about his body.

“I'm having a shower.” Keegan announced unnecessarily. He drained his drink and slowly stripped. Rowan turned his head slightly away. Keegan scowled. Their roles were now reversed. As Keegan got older, he wanted to be envied by the younger boy, and much to his disappointment, Rowan avoided looking at him and turned bashful about his own lithe body. Rowan was insufferable.


Davon Ball and Rey Dougherty showed up at the front door with a case of beer poorly hidden under Rey’s singlet. Keegan punched him in the arm. “What the fuck man?” Keegan hooked Rey’s pants and pulled his shirtless friend into the house. Davin chuckled as he followed them in.

“Did you get me some?” Keegan asked Davon in a low voice. Davin patted his pocket. Children’s voices drifted over from the neighbouring back yard, old lady Holland was safely busy. Keegan peered into the twilight, sighed and closed the door.

Rey abused the controller as he grinded away at Keegan’s game. By 9:00 the three friends had pounded back nine beers. The boy's were feeling it. Davon stretched out on couch watching. “Fuck, these are our last beer.” Keegan told them there was more in his dad’s beer fridge in the garage. Being with his friends was uplifting. He was relaxed and feeling very happy after tossing back one of Davon’s pills. Davon’s foot massaging against his hip made Keegan vibrate. There was this overwhelming urge to get up and move. Keegan swatted at Davon’s socks, then started grabbing at his legs. This only started a wrestling match on the couch. It ended in a heap on the floor behind Rey. “The CG in this game is outstanding.” Rey murmured. Keegan met Davon’s eyes and they both giggled. It was too funny.

Keegan’s giggles stopped abruptly. The length of his erection ground into the heat of Davon’s hip. His friend’s laughter trailed off slowly and they absently caressed each other, revealing in the sensation. “We should have called some girls.” Keegan muttered to Davon. It was just talk. Davon was the only one to catch a girl’s eye, and he did not seem all that interested.

“I could bone someone.” Davon agreed softly. When Keegan looked down, he saw Davon’s erection. On an impulse, he grabbed the shaft, squeezing it through the thin fabric.

“You're a dangerous man Davon!” Davon grabbed Keegan’s wrist and twisted it free. “Better keep that in your pants man.” Keegan chortled as they fell back to wrestling. That ended with Davon straddling Keegan’s shoulders, letting the tight fabric of his crotch saw back and forth across Keegan’s nose.

“Speaking of girls, where’s your faggat brother?” Rey broke in. They stopped their horseplay, and untangled themselves. Keegan searched out his open can. He poured it into his mouth and told Rey he could not care less. His teeth ground together. He did not want to think about Rowan. Davon broke in to say he thought Rowan was okay. “He doesn't play hockey. That makes him a fag as far as I'm concerned.” Scorned Rey.

“Rowan skates okay. He can handle a stick playing shinny.” Davon countered. Keegan looked down at the floor. They could both just shut up about Rowan.

“Bet Rowan wants to handle your stick Davon. Bet Rowan pervs your morning wood, Keegan.” Rey tossed over his shoulder. “Anyhoo, they're all fags at that age. Hands down their pants fingering their noodles.” That was another observation to disturb Keegan. If either Rey or Davon remembered Davon’s eleventh birthday party, they did not care to say so. “This is turning into a sausage party boys.” Rey dropped the controller and turned around. “Say one of the bitches from school knocked on the door right now, hot for our meat, who would you want it to be?”

They all had opinions on that. They exhausted the beer about the time they had settled on their top three picks. Keegan grabbed a bottle and three of his dad’s shot glasses. The bourbon made Keegan feel tough. He challenged his friends to tell him what they would do with a girl if she was there. When he liked what he heard, Keegan rewarded them with a shot. After a while, the plans were past outrageous. “Fuck I'm hard. I've gotta toss a load.” Keegan started to laugh, then stopped gut punched, staring at Davon. Finally, he stood up and told them he was getting some fresh beer from the garage.

Rowan was startled when the light came on. Davon Ball stood with his hand on the switch. Rowan combed the tangled hair out of his eyes with a swipe. It was hot and the sheet was tossed to one side. Rowan noticed Davon’s eyes travelling up and down his body. He began reaching for the sheet. “Hey Rowan, you should join the party.” The fuzzy expression exploded into a smile. Davon was cool, as far as Keegan’s jock group went. Rowan began to shrug off the invitation. Davon moved quickly and sat on the bed beside him. Heat shimmered off of Davon. You could smell the liquor and sweat mingling. Rowan abandoned the sheet and pulled himself away from Davon, opting to hug his knees to his chest.

That earned Rowan another disarming smile. Davon was easier to handle than Keegan. Feeling self conscious, Rowan tried to relax. He leaned against his headboard and loosened his grip on his knees. Davon offered him a can, but Rowan shook his head. Davon did not push. “That's cool. I'll get you some juice maybe.” Davon put the can on the floor between his feet and swiftly pulled his shirt over his head. “Man is it hot tonight.” Davon picked up his beer and scooted across the bed till he had Rowan trapped in the corner. The teenager wiped himself down with his shirt before tossing it to the end of the bed.

Davon teased information free in an easy manner. Rowan answered some questions about boys and girls Davon seemed to know. His replies drew Rowan out more. They switched to talking about books on the shelf above Rowan’s head. He twisted around so he could see the titles as he talked. Davon smiled at him when their eyes met.

Rowan’s chatter faltered when Davon reached into his pocket for a worn leather tobacco pouch. “Do you mind? This was my grandfather’s.” Davon grinned as he casually pulled out a small pipe and filled it. “So tell me what you’re reading now.” Rowan paused uncertainly, reluctantly fascinated by the seeming ritual of lighting the pipe. He thought about the story he was reading and hesitantly began.

The burnt grass spiciness of Davon’s smoke was unfamiliar. Rowan tried to banish the guilt. He did not want Davon to think he was stupid. Davon went back to asking hard questions about his book. Rowan focused on his hands as he talked until Davon nudged him with the pipe. “Want a toke?” Rowan froze. “Just a quick puff.” Rowan nodded. He did not take the brass pipe. Davon held it for him. Before he relit the bowl, Davon advised him to take some air in with the smoke. His lungs burned and he started coughing.

Rowan flushed, but the older boy dismissed his inexperience with a wave. They returned to the book. It was intense. Rowan could not help wishing Davon was his step brother. Davon got why Rowan liked to read. Rowan sat, legs crossed facing the teenager. The words just came to him as he waved his hands around for emphasis. A few times, Davon waved a lazy hand and Rowan would lean towards him, hand on Davon’s thigh, while lips almost touching, he filled his lungs with Davon’s warm breath. Davon drew him close with a gentle hand.

Rowan lost the thread of his thoughts. He sat looking at Davon through bloodshot eyes. Davon studied him in the silence. “I need a beer. Are you thirsty? Come on down and we’ll get you something to drink.” Rowan nodded agreement. He started to cast about for where he had left his shorts. “Oh, don’t worry about that, nobody but us guys chilling together. Too hot for clothes.” Rowan snickered. It was all just too funny.

Keegan just stared at Rowan. The kid stood, in nothing but white cotton briefs, taking in Keegan, Rey, and a room full of empty beer cans. Davon caught his attention with a hand between his shoulder blades. “Sit down, I’ll grab you some juice. You better get your game on. These guys don’t think you can play hockey worth shit. You’ve got to prove them wrong.” The little prick grinned at Davon and dropped happily beside Rey.

Keegan followed Davon to the kitchen, his short fuse sputtering. He watched Davon pour a glass of juice. “What the fuck are you doing? Why’d you bring him down?”

‘Relax Keegan. We are just going to have some fun with Rowan.” Davon pulled his tobacco pouch out and pulled out the twist of Ecstasy. “You good?” He asked Keegan. Without waiting for an answer, he split one and shared it. Keegan watched as he crushed another pill on a scrap of paper. They looked at the pile. “I’m not sure how much to give him. Rowan’s tall, but he’s pretty spare.”

Keegan took offence at that. “Give it all to him.” He muttered unsteadily. Davon shrugged and cut off about two thirds of the powder. He tapped it into the juice. “I’ll get some vodka.” His friend stopped him. Rowan would not drink the juice if he knew it was spiked. Davon told him to go check on his brother.

Davon took a pale blue pill out of his pouch. He rolled it between his fingers as he stared at his reflection in the kitchen window. A cocktail of drugs and alcohol swirled through his body. It was all getting unreal. Davon could smile for Rowan, joke with his friends, but he could not find an emotion to share with himself. He was wasted and he was hard again. Davon gave his reflection another look, You grab chance by the balls and squeeze. He started to pop his grandfather’s Viagra in his mouth and paused. Half of it went into Rowan’s juice.

Rowan hardly noticed the metallic tang of vodka in his second juice. He was chilled briefly sitting naked with the boys, but then he felt feverish. The second drink vanished quickly. Rowan was pretty sure he was not going to try marijuana a second time. Things got unreal and he was really thirsty. When he zoned out on the hockey game he was playing with the older boys his temples felt like they were getting squeezed. Everything was flooding into him. The flickering images of the game were psychedelic. He felt everything. The scratch of the carpeted floor, the texture of his bare thighs as he ran his palms over them. The light Cotton briefs tugged at his groin, tickling his erect cock.

Davon’s loud voice startled him. With an effort, he focused on him. “Here, let me show you something really freaky Rowan.”

Rowan dropped the controller and swivelled around to face Davon expectantly. He had been put out when Keegan dragged him into his party plans. His mom and Rob were going to dump most of the blame on Keegan, but he would get his share for not ratting on him. Being included by Davon excited him now. “Put your hands on the floor beside you and close your eyes. No, just a second, I’ve got a better idea.”

Keegan let his eyes rove up and down Rowan’s bare body. Rowan’s chest and face glistened with sweat, damp strands clung to his forehead as the boy’s body was buffeted by Davon’s cocktail. Keegan’s erection strained his pants and his groin ached. Rowan’s trusting eyes were fixed on Davon. Davon pulled a canvas belt free from the loops and slowly moved behind Rowan. Keegan resented Rowan’s half smile and the way he dropped his chin down as Davon whispered something softly to him, lips almost brushing Rowan’s earlobe. He shifted uncomfortably, recognizing how similar Rowan and Davon were, naturally athletic and totally unselfconscious. One look at Rey told him his stepbrother had become the always unwelcome centre of attention.

Even as the resentment twisted his gut, Keegan could not take his eyes off Rowan. He watched, sick with envy, as Davon’s fingertips started lightly tracing the curves and hollows of Rowan’s face. Keegan’s eyes flickered to Davon’s face and absorbed the hooded eyelids and parted lips. Keegan’s eyes flicked the other way and he saw Rey was rubbing himself.

Maybe he would try Marijuana again. The dryness in his mouth had passed and the sweat cooling on his body just added to the unimaginable sensation of Davon’s light touch on his eyelids, lips, arms and back. Keegan and Rey were watching, but all of Rowan’s attention was on Davon’s touch. There was a pause while Davon shifted in front of him. Rowan closed his eyes. The fingers touched his face again. Another pause, then hot, moist breath blew across his lips. “Breath in.”

Rowan inhaled as soon as the rich odour of the pipe rushed toward him. Fingers on his neck tracing his windpipe, again on his collar bone, nipples, then down his tensed belly. Rowan ejaculated in his underpants. Fingertips never stopped as the electric shocks hammered at him. Rowan curled over his groin and his wrists pulled against his bindings. Someone laughed loudly and there was a muttered curse of disgust. “Shut up.” A low voice said tersely.

Keegan relit Davon’s pipe and sucked the dregs into his lungs, then he inhaled half a can of his dad’s beer. Rey came over to take the pipe and refill it. “What a little faggot. I told you. Little pervert sleeps right next to you. Bet he’d do anything for your fat cock.” The words barely registered. “Fuck, the pussy is still hard!” And Rowan was. Davon coaxed him up on his knees, when he slipped Rowan’s briefs down a proud erection snapped free. The boy’s eyes snapped open, suddenly aware, slightly alarmed.

Davon defused the tension with an appreciative word, “Cool.” Rowan was ready to keep following him. “Lie down and chill for a minute.” Davon helped Rowan onto his back, bound hands resting on his tailbone uncomfortably. The briefs slipped off his legs and he rested, knees slightly splayed. Davon smiled at Rowan, then turned to Keegan and Rey. “Give me a second guys.” They watched him race upstairs.

Keegan sat with a fresh beer to his lips staring at the parted cleft between Rowan’s long legs. It was too much, his need too great. “Fuck.” And then he was beside his step brother rolling him over onto his stomach. His fingers fumbled at his fly and then he gave up in frustration and yanked the band down his thighs. He was ready for this. Keegan knew he was more than ready to end the misery that was Rowan.

Rowan came out of his dream when Keegan flipped him over. He realized his hands were still bound. When he tried to twist and look over his shoulder he caught a glimpse of Keegan between his knees. “Hold him down Rey.” Keegan’s hands were on his hips. Rowan began to wriggle away, twisting violently to avoid Keegan. At the first touch, Rowan screamed. “Shove this in his mouth.”

The cotton filled his mouth, muffling Rowan’s desperation. Rey’s weight pressed him down, smothering him in the nap of the carpet. Rey and Keegan were talking to each other. The words were meaningless to Rowan. Rey grabbed a handful of his hair and slammed his forehead into the carpet, then a fist hammered into his kidney. Rowan struggle stopped momentarily, then it began in earnest because there there was pain. Keegan seemed to find ways to make the pain worse. Rowan’s pleas were lost between Rey’s legs. Incomprehensibly, each scream brought on worse pain, as if his agony was simply inviting Keegan to press deeper into body.

“You stupid jackasses. Now you’ve fucked up everything!” Keegan paused and stared mindlessly at Davon. His friend stood at the bottom of the steps with a small bottle of baby oil hanging limply in one hand. Keegan’s cock burned from the assault, but he had never felt so powerful. Life was coursing through his body. Everything that would ever matter was concentrated along his shaft. He owned the body spasming beneath his hands. Despite his own pain, Keegan thrust viciously three times. He sneered at Davon’s pussy weakness as he finally lay buried to the hilt in Rowan. Davon’s face had become an undecipherable mask. The bottle of baby oil hit Keegan’s chest and landed between Rowan’s bound arms. “Use it, it will be easier.” Davon advised, defeated. He sat on the steps and collapsed into himself.

Keegan had to admit, the oil made it easier. The long night of torture driven by their fantasies and Davon’s ecstasy found expression in his broad strokes. I'm talking to you Rowan. Do you hear me? Do you understand what I’m telling you? My room, as he thrust in. My toys, another long thrust. In Keegan’s mind, his cock was twelve inches long. My dad, and he withdrew quivering with rage. Rowan’s body began to relax, so he went in again. Fuck your books, fuck your long hair, fuck your grades, fuck your laugh, fuck your body, your body, your body, your... He spent himself too soon. Keegan had more to say and somehow, the orgasm was not as satisfying as raping Rowan.

Despite his contempt for gays, Rey took the next turn. “I’m thinking of Angela.” He explained off hand. He started a long monologue about the charms of Angela’s fifteen year old body and revisited the many things they would do together once school started. Davon and Keegan listened mutely to his fantasies. Rey went on a long time, barely moving until the end. Keegan had decided Rey was somewhere else until his cock lay temporarily limp across Rowan’s tail bone. Rey spared a look at the boy beneath him and laughed weakly. “Fucking little faggot.” Rey did not look at the boy again. He pulled his pants up and went for a fresh beer. He slouched in a chair with his eyes closed.

Davon had not move off of the steps. His eyes were fixed on the floor before him. Keegan stared at the shallow rise and fall of his bare chest. Not even a tiny roll of fat pinched over his waist band. Keegan sucked in his belly. Fuck you Davon. Keegan was on the first line because he could cross check a guy like Davon into the boards without breaking stride. Leave you hurting Davon.

Rowan was trying to sit up. He had worked the briefs out of his mouth. Keegan’s resentment for Davon boiled over. He was on Rowan before he could rise from his knees. Rowan cried out as Keegan clamped his hand onto his neck and shoved his head back down into the carpet. “Who said you could move?” Rowan jerked against his arm, but Keegan simply ground the boy’s head into the floor. He gave Rowan a rabbit punch to the side for emphasis.

Rey had passed out in the chair and Davon was being a pussy. Keegan followed the curve of Rowan’s back from his tangled hair to the parted buttocks. I can do this anytime I want. Keegan realized. He opened his fly. Like a pussy, Rowan cried at his first probe. “Shut up, shut up, shut the fuck up or I'll beat you right into the ground.” The pussy cried on quietly, which maybe was not such a bad thing. Keegan lasted a lot longer the second time.

It has to end sometime, Rowan kept promising himself. They would be satisfied and leave him alone. “Fag.” Keegan hissed in his ear when he pulled out. Rowan kept his face buried in the carpet, waiting for the next blow. His groin ached from an erection that would not fade. It scared Rowan. Am I gay like dad? Is that what it means?

“Do it you goddamn pussy. You started this. You don't get to sit there all high and mighty.” Rowan realized Keegan was talking to Davon. He turned his head, still afraid to move. “Do it. Your cock is ripping through your shorts. Get up and do it!” Keegan slammed a meaty fist into Davon”s bicep. “Finish it!” Davon pushed himself up and shoved Keegan back a step. The next fist connected below Davon’s left eye, sending him back onto the stairs. “We are all in on this Davon.”

Davon finally nodded his head wearily. Rowan could see, despite the fight, the older boy was as hard as he was. Davon did not look at him as he slowly opened his pants and let them drop free. Rowan could not turn his head away. He closed his eyes when Davon stroked a hand along his flank. “I've got to go to the bathroom Davon.” Rowan whispered.

“Get up kid.” Davon’s gentle voice was an immense relief to Rowan, but dazed and confused as he was, he knew somehow, Keegan’s hockey buddy had betrayed him. He would remember that. Davon followed him up the stairs with a hand gripping the belt still restraining his arms. Rowan was his prisoner.

“It won't go down.” Rowan looked down at himself. “What's wrong with me?” Davon had freed his hands. He leaned in the doorway naked, his own cock full, ready to rise and return Rowan to agony and humiliation. Rowan hated Keegan now with a passion. He did not hate this boy, not yet.

“Don't worry about it Ro. Just sit and point it down.” Davon looked away and that helped. He was not rushed. Afterward, Davon touched his forehead like his mother would. He made Rowan drink two glasses of water. He had not realized how thirsty he was. He felt better, and then Davon was standing before him, belt held out.

Rowan lifted his arms and Davon silently bound him. It was what he had expected now. Davon’s groin confronted him beyond the khaki canvas belt. Hands roamed about his body. His mother’s hand lotion, and he was wet and hard once more. “Why?”

“Because you're a little dude and we’re big dudes.”

“Keegan.” And the name was laced with bitterness, “hates me, why?” Rowan knew Davon understood he was asking why he had done this to him. His thoughts were confused because sex was all so strange still. Why am I so hard all the time?

“Hands.” And Davon squeezed cream across his palms. Rowan understood. He coated Davon’s cock, feeling another body for the first time. “Okay, stop.” Another stroke, contemplating its mature length.

Davon took him to his bed. Rowan lay on his back, hands above his head. It hurt, but perhaps because he knew what to expect, or because he was on his back, legs resting on Davon’s arms, not as much as he feared. Like the other boys, Davon came very quickly. He stayed inside Rowan nursing his erection with small movements, reluctant to withdraw. Rowan thought he came a second time before he pulled out very gently.

Rowan was surprised when Davon fell beside him on the bed. He fondled Rowan’s erection until Rowan arched his back and came across his chest. Rowan’s erection barely died. He closed his eyes, centred somewhere between his pounding heart, Davon’s fingers on his straining cock, and the awful damp tenderness between his cheeks.

“Because you're beautiful and I'm a selfish bastard.” Davon whispered. Rowan opened his eyes. He peered down his soiled chest at his companion. It took a moment before he realized Davon had just answered his question. There was nothing Rowan could say to that. He understood Keegan’s jealous rage better than Davon’s troubling admission. Rowan trembled in shock and exhaustion. Confusing, disappointing as he was, Rowan did not want Davon to leave his side. He was drowsy and beyond caring when Davon said, “One more time Ro.”

Body of Work

If you are here on the midway then you have come to the carnival seeking entertainment, company and of course excitement. There are a dazzling array of rides suited your every mood. There are gentle rides that conjure up soft memories of youth and rides that lift you from the dreariness of your grind and send you flying ageless through the night. There are also the side shows…

If you are here then you are in the house of mirrors captivated by the reflections around you. They are all curved in some way. Every mirror is imperfect and every mirror draws your attention to something new. The mirrors magnify or diminish parts of what we think is real. Sometimes you like what you see and sometimes you don't. Sometimes you believe what you see and sometimes you can't be sure what has been distorted. The distortions are intentional and we flatter ourselves into believing the mirrors only stand arrayed like this in such places as the midway. Before you go back to the mirrors of your life step closer to this one.

Eliot Moore, 2007

Here is a summary of the wide variety of other stories I have published.

Awakenings: This ghost story was posted to Nifty in November 2016. Middle aged divorcee Jake begins renovating a 1900’s Craftsman home in an old neighbourhood. He becomes entangled with Will, the 18-year old ghost of a Great War veteran and Chris, a 15-year old homeless addict on a desperate quest. As Jake’s failed life is rejuvenated by his love affair with Will, he slowly pieces together the hundred-year-old connection that has brought the three of them together.


For Your Eyes Only: This novella was posted to Nifty in November 2010. Simon meets Glyn and his younger brother James one August evening during a neighbourhood game. Simon and Glyn become fast friends but it is Simon's secret game with James Fleming that helps Simon accept his hidden self.


A Fragile Light: This story was posted to Nifty December, 2009. Graham (28) goes to the Christmas Eve service to be with his husband John. He is alienated from his deeply religious family and detached from the warmth of the service. He identifies a kindred spirit teenage Theo and learns they have more in common than he thought as Theo is joined by Jesse. Graham leaves strengthened by the encounter.


Janus: This story was posted to Nifty July 2009. Michael (18) is coaxed into attending a summer party by his older sister. He is college bound and uncertain about the choices he has made. At the party his encounters with Lauren (19) and Scott (20) help him discover himself and make a decision about his future.

http://www.dabeagle.com/stories/eliotmoore/janus/janusdh.htm and


Hound: This story was first posted to Nifty the summer of 2008. The first draft was completed in 2005 and in truth I sat on it a long time before I decided to post it. Six-year-old Ethan Yates is abducted off the streets by a pedophile ring. Cast into a nightmare world he struggles to hold on to his identity. Isolated and confused, he clings to fourteen-year-old Peter. As the years pass their mutual need develops into an indestructible bond.


Turbulence: This novel was first posted on Nifty between February and June of 2007. Fourteen year old Daniel Murrell finds the hazing at Riverview High School as freshie a serious challenge. He negotiates it with the help and hindrance of his friends. After a long year of discovery, he comes to terms with his bisexuality.

http://west.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/turbulence/ (first edition) and


Recovery: This story was first posted to Nifty in January 2007. Sixteen year old Greg Cox reluctantly joined his father in a small rural village in Saskatchewan. There his life becomes entwined with fourteen year old Seth Patterson. As he is slowly drawn closer to Seth he struggles with the memories and guilt associated with the loss of his mother, brother and sister while coming to terms with his promiscuity.

http://west.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/recovery/ and


Next: Chapter 2

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