Dark Room

By Rt Scribe

Published on Dec 7, 2005


This is a story. One that is made up in my mind. Regardless of how "real" it seems, only I know if the plot is similar to anything I have experienced. For all anyone knows, it might be "completely fictional".

It assumes nothing of the reader, or the characters within, even the celebrity ones. If you aren't into this sort of thing, don't read it. If it is illegal in your state or country, don't read it. If you are underage, don't read it! If there is anything but enjoyment involved in your reading, don't read it! The author assumes no liability, hence this disclaimer.

AS well, I try to include a "soundtrack" as part of the story. Similar to RealWorld, where lyrics from a song either convey the feeling I was going for when writing that scene, or maybe what I was listening to when I was motivated to start typing. I am not endorsing you acquire these songs in any non-legal way, but I think it does add to the story if you are at least familiar with them.

Dark Room - Ch 2

Kevin parked the school's truck, he was done with the long day and was happy to be going over to Shaun's. He got out and walked over to his Volkswagen GTI R3.2. In the trunk was his overnight bag he packed, it was finally happening. Kevin and Shaun had known each other for over three years, but only in the past year or so had they become ever more closer. Deep down inside the forces drawing them together were as strong as any either had ever felt. Even though both parties have remained "innocent until proven guilty", they had progressively done more things than platonically watch tv. Both had eluded to what would really happen if one were to stay over. That is the rough quick and dirty story that has brought our listening audience to this point.

"It will be cool to stay over, since I have to be over here in the morning early. It will be easy." Kevin was mumbling outloud to himself, bystanders would have labeled it as 'justifying his actions' or 'convincing himself', then again nut job would have been an appropriate label as well.

"What am I worried about? Its just a couple of best buds hanging. Just a couple of best buds gonna spend the night together. Just a couple of best buds having wild sex all night long and spending the night together... WHOA!!! What am I saying? I am not gay, and besides Shaun isn't into me. I can't go... wait, I gotta or he will definitely know something is up and will stop talking to me, which will be the... just grow some fucking balls Kevin." He took a deep breath.

"Its OK. The world will not end if you tell him that you like him like him. You're in fucking college. You can do this. You lost your virginity to a girl like when you were 13. You were a stud, you are a stud." The pep talk was not really helping. "OK you have a 10" dick, if you two do get it on, he will love it." That kinda helped. He quickly got in the car and saw his watch. It was getting late. The engine's V6 purred. Any car buff would also have heard the silent whine of a turbo waiting to attack the cold night air.

Kevin sat in the car, looking at his bag in the back, a seat folded down that had his Xbox on it, and Chinese take out from lunch on the floor of the passenger seat. "Just calm down, breathe. You didn't give him a time, it will be ok. Maybe - just listen to some music and you can relax." He pulled out of the lot, opened the sunroof and windows and turned on the radio. Jesse McCartney's "Beautiful Soul" was playing. The lyrics were talking to Kevin as if they were written from his own mind.

  • I know that you; Are something special - To you I'd be; Always faithful - I want to be; What you always needed - Then I hope you'll see the heart in me

  • I don't wanna another pretty face - I don't want just anyone to hold - I don't want my love to go to waste - I want you and your beautiful soul

Kevin closed his eyes and thought of Shaun standing there with a smile on his face. Khaki shorts, button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, Kevin was walking towards him up a staircase.

  • You're the one I wanna chase - You're the one I wanna hold - Don't want another minute to go to waste - I want you and your beautiful soul

Kevin's cell phone rang it was his ex-girlfriend. He turned off the radio. The dream was shattered and Shaun's image slowly faded away. Kevin looked down at his dashboard. He answered the phone. Her grandmother was ill and in the hospital. She needed someone to talk to.

Kevin sat at the decisive intersection, in silence. If he got on the freeway going west, it would take him to Shaun. If he went east, it would take him to his ex.

Kevin sighed heavily, turned off his cell phone. "He will understand." Kevin drove up the East Freeway On Ramp.


Shaun awoke with chills, cold air from the air conditioner blowing across his naked body. He had goose bumps all over his body, his nipples were hard from the cold air.

He got up and looked at the clock. It blared 11:00pm. His first thought was that he had passed out and missed an entire Saturday. "Gee, what did you do this weekend? I don't remember." He went to the bathroom and came back to his bed. He sat back down and got under the covers. His feet touched something. He quickly turned over and saw Mikey's naked form sticking out from the bedsheets. "Gee, what did you do this weekend? Apparently I had great sex with a hottie." He silently laughed at his own bad joke. "I think I like the second answer better." Shaun said to himself. Of course that one good voice that sits in the back of your mind, usually doing crosswords or reading bible verse decided to chime in... "excuse me - are we just going to let him stay here all night - no food? No conversation? Just exchanging cock rides until dawn break? WAIT DON'T LISTEN TO ME... THAT LAST SUGGESTION WAS SUPPOSED TO BE RHETORICAL" and then there was silence. Shaun sighed, his conscious had obviously pummeled his good sense, the vote was cock rides 1, moral goodness 0.

He slid under the covers until he was in good position to take hold of Mikey. He propped up his head with his right arm and with his left reached over to Mikey and dragged a single finger down the middle of his chest down his abs and over his slightly sweaty happy trail. As Shaun's hand was about to reach Mikey's obviously trimmed pubes, his eyes opened.

"What time is it?" Mikey asked and smiled.

"Just 11" Shaun whispered and took this moment to slide his hand down farther. He reached Mikey's already stiffening penis. His fingers glided down the side and to the tip. Shaun lightly pinched his fingers together. "How does that feel?" Shaun leaned in to ask Mikey.

"I think you had enough control over our fun the first time. I think this time it should be my turn." Mikey pushed Shaun onto his back and Mikey straddled his waist. He rocked his hips back and forth just slightly. The crack of Mikey's ass was still lubed and the head of Shaun's hard penis was just pushing into Mikey's ass when he would stop and rock forward.

"So, if you are in control... what are we going to do?" Shaun asked as he looked up into Mikey's blue eyes.

Mikey slid his right hand down Shaun's front, slightly tugged on his hard cock, and then without warning was about to slide a nicely lubed finger into Shaun's tight ass.

"I have to tell you, I don't do this often." Shaun said very quietly. Part of him wanted him to stop. Part of him said, no it will be fun. He had tried to promise himself that he would only bottom for the right guy, but being that he has been waiting for his right guy to make a move for almost 1 year, that promise had been stretched thin a few times, tonight looked to be no exception.

"I am not worried how often you do it. I just think it will be fun to do, unless you would rather wait." Mikey cooed seductively as one hand was stroking Shaun's dick, and the other was sliding along his tight ass. Shaun closed his eyes for a moment to enjoy the feeling and then said to everyone's shock, "I would rather wait on bottoming, but I am game for anything else." Shaun's brain probably didn't even register when Mikey leaned backwards and Shaun's rock hard penis started to slide into Mikey's ass. About 2 inches of his penis was in and Mikey was about to push down harder, but when he didn't feel Shaun's hips pushing up, he stopped.

I think Shaun's brain was still trying to get a hold of things when Mikey in a quick move slid forward and was offering his glistening tool to Shaun's mouth. The precum oozed out of Mikey's tool onto Shaun's lips. He parted his lips slowly and Mikey's head disappeared. He leaned forward and rocked his hips, as he did, more and more of his cock vanished into Shaun's throat. He felt Shaun's hands slide up his thighs to his ass and pull him in closer. Shaun tilted his head and took the entire length of Mikey's cock into his mouth. He sucked hard as Mikey slid out and slowly let out a moan that caused chills to run up his spine.

Mikey began to rock faster and harder. Shaun fingered Mikey's hole as he sucked the hard cock. Suddenly to Mikey's surprise he was really close to finishing. He never came that fast and was surprised to see it happening. Before he could open his mouth and say he was going to cum, he felt his dick spasm inside of Shaun's mouth. Shaun didn't flinch at all, as each shot of spooge hit his tongue he swallowed the warm salty sweet liquid. He slid Mikey's hard cock all the way in and pulled him out slowly one last time. Mikey was out of breath and his dick was still jumping.

"Oh my God... I have never done that before. I have never cum so fast I am sorry." Mikey still sat on Shaun's chest, when he realized and quickly got off of him and leaned down to kiss him. Instead of the deep and passionate kiss from before, a closed mouth peck was received. Mikey opened his eyes and look confused towards Shaun. "What's a matter?"

"Nothing" Shaun smiled. "It was good, right?"

"Um.. it was great, but you seem different then earlier." Mikey said quietly.

"I am sorry, I don't mean to be. I had a great time. I haven't fucked someone like that in I don't know when, and you were fun to give head to. I can't complain about any part of the night."

"Did you want me to stay?" Mikey asked, now feeling slightly better.

"Well I don't think I can cum again right now." Shaun said as he felt his cock slowly softening. He had cum while he was sucking Mikey, but not very much this time.

"Oh, okay. Well its late anyway, I don't think we'll go riding this late. Maybe tomorrow we can go though?" Mikey said as he sat up in bed.

"Yeah that could be fun." Shaun smiled, patted Mikey on the leg and stood up. He had no idea why he didn't want Mikey to stay the night. After all - it was only the beginning of the weekend. But something told him they shouldn't right now. He didn't want to be mean though, and he knew he was not coming off as nice.

He looked over his shoulder and smiled seductively. "Before you go, I think you could maybe use a shower though."

Mikey shot him a bright smile and stood up. He walked over and followed Shaun into the bathroom.


Kevin's car merged onto the freeway and passed a blacked out Tahoe flying by him.

Inside the Tahoe Greg sat in the backseat. One privilege of being privileged was having that opportunity to be driven to the airport when he needed to be. Greg's Mother had always been successful, and was only that much more after a freak accident left her a widow. She didn't know her husband was dead until after not hearing from him for 3 days, a lawyer representing the US Government called her to request a meeting regarding a Loss of Life Settlement. With the money that she collected, her pride and joy Greg would never have to worry about anything again, but he had never told anyone about that, not even Mikey.

He sat in the back wearing khaki pants, a French blue button down shirt and a wool trenchcoat over his knit sweater vest he had just gotten as a present. That was the nice thing about living so close to the water, it was hot during the day and so cold at night, one could have a quite large wardrobe. He had his sunglasses on to slightly hide his tears.

Gary the driver knew Greg well, as he had driven him every time Greg had gone anywhere, and although Gary had never attended college, he was not a dumb man. He knew exactly who Mikey was, but never said anything.

"Where's your friend tonight?" Gary asked. "Not coming. Well, actually I am sure he is cuming, but not with me." Greg didn't care at this point how that sounded.

"Well, if you think you don't deserve better than to be cheated on, then you need to get your head examined. You have a lot going for you, and he was never one of those things." Gary said and then quickly followed with, "not that you asked my opinion, but I thought I should share how I feel."

Greg smiled and looked down at his new Rokr phone his mother had gotten him for his birthday. He had just downloaded some new tunes before leaving the apartment. He was listening to James Blunt's "Goodbye My Lover".

  • Did I disappoint you; Or let you down - Should I be feeling guilty; Or let the judges frown - Cause I saw the end before we'd begun - Yes I saw you were blinded; And I knew I had won - So I took what's mine; My eternal right - Took your soul out; Into the night - It maybe over; But it wont stop there - I am here for you; If you'll only care - You touched my heart; You touched my soul - You changed my life; And know my goals

He closed his eyes and saw Mikey standing there in front of him, the first time they met in high school. They both were at a military academy for kids who had been in trouble. Greg was just sent there because his step-father didn't want him at home. Greg's mother didn't learn that until Greg was a junior in high school and by that time he had already fallen for Mikey. Mikey's tale is another tale of getting tail and how he ended up at the school.

Greg relived that moment in his mind. Introducing himself to Mikey, finding out Mikey was his roommate, finding out Mikey later had switched with another guy so he would end up in Greg's room, night after night after night. He drifted back to reality, the song was still playing.

  • And love is blind but that I knew when - My heart was blinded by you - I've kissed your lips; And held your head - Shared your dreams and shared your bed - I know you well; I know your smell - I've been addicted to you

Greg felt like he was laying down. The room was lit with the same charm any dorm room has, except for Mikey standing above him. He remembered this night, he remembered being at school, he remembered this is where the 'us' stemmed from. It was late and Mikey was still in his soccer kit, he had a late game. They fought earlier in the day, as good friends often do. Greg vowed to not attend Mikey's game, and went to bed at 7PM before eating any dinner. For Greg to not be around Mikey on campus was like finding a dollar bill without Washington's face on it. He also couldn't think of why the fight meant so much at the time it happened.

Mikey stood there and removed his shirt, a white tight tank top underneath still shining white. Greg opened his eyes fully and stared into the dimly lit room. Greg remembered seeing Mikey strip slowly, his hard cock poking through his briefs even before they were off. Greg quickly slid his shorts off under the covers, trying to do it quietly also his own now rock hard dick to poke free, desperately praying something would happen. Mikey peeled off the tank top revealing a defined physique and placed one finger from each hand into his briefs and slid them to the floor. He pulled the sheets back, slid in and laid against Greg's stomach. Their muscled physiques pressed against each other, and on the eve of Greg's 18th birthday, something good was around the corner.

"I am sorry about tod..." Greg started to say but was interrupted by a gentle kiss. Their first kiss. "It was just as much my own fault." Mikey smiled slightly.

Greg tentatively rubbed his hands down Mikey's back to his ass and slid them back up again.

"I um... I have never... I have never done this before." Greg said quietly. "Don't worry about it, as long as you want this to happen, we'll embark upon this together." Mikey said as he pushed his cock against Greg's and kissed deeply.

The next vivid memory into Greg's mind was feeling a wet substance being rubbed against his ass, as Mikey rocked forward and backward gently pushing the tip, then the whole head, then the head and shaft of his penis into Greg's ass.

As the two of them continued to fuck holding each other tighter with each thrust, Greg felt his penis tighten and then he started to explode against their chests and before his last shot he felt Mikey start to explode inside of him. Mikey started to pull out but Greg stopped him with a kiss and said, "you said if I wanted this, and we're together now. I don't want to stop our first time."

The heavy panting from their multiple orgasms was enough to wake anyone nearby up. Matter of fact, Henry in the other room that shared a wall with them could be heard for weeks saying - at least that's over, and now the rest of us can sleep at night because the tension is gone. That was almost a year ago. Since then, they moved into an apartment, began university, and decided to become EMS so they can pay for school. Over time, Greg also found out that Mikey liked a few tight ends, not just his. He stirred from his dream, tears on his face. The song was almost over, but the words still rung true in his heart.

  • Goodbye My Lover; Goodbye My Friend. - You have been the one - You have been the one for me

  • I am a dreamer; And when I wake - You can break my spirit; Its my dreams you take - And as you move on; Remember me - Remember us; And all that used to be.

He stepped out of the car at the airport and walked into the terminal.


The clock said 11:41PM and Shaun was getting into bed again. This time, no one was with him. He heard a vibration under the bed and reached for his phone. '2 missed calls' 1 from Kevin and the other from Greg. He called Greg back first.

Greg seemed shocked to be getting a call back from Shaun, but as Shaun profusely apologized, Greg said that he was asking something stupid anyway for him to accompany him on the trip.

Shaun thought about it for a moment and then decided without hesitation, maybe getting out of here for the weekend is what he needs to do. He needed to call Kevin first however, to make sure he wasn't going to stop by.

Kevin's phone rang. Covered by his jacket, in a heap, it was a muffled quiet ring. On the couch sat Kevin's ex girlfriend and Kevin. Together they sat on the couch, asleep, but not in any sexual position. Kevin was doing what he said he would, comfort her. The phone rang again.

As the last ring happened, Kevin woke up and looked around. He heard the phone tell him it had voicemail waiting and a single tear rolled down his face. He knew who had called, without even looking at the phone. He sighed again. He looked up at the ceiling and said quietly, "Never again. Never again will I do this to him."

Shaun looked into the mirror and smirked. "Maybe everyone else is right, maybe I am not supposed to end up with him. Maybe I should switch to boxer briefs, these look good on me."

Comedy was his way of protecting himself from the problems. It was now 11:45PM and he had to be at the airport by 12:30 for a 12:45AM flight.

He left a note on the counter, and quickly ran downstairs jumped into the car and sped off to the airport.


Greg was sitting in the airport terminal looking at himself in the window's reflection.

"What the hell did I just do? I can't believe he is going. What if... what if?" Greg shrugged, it was time he stopped worrying about the reaction from those that obviously didn't care.


Mikey pulled into the apartment's garage and took the elevator up to the apartment. He opened the door and was met with an open balcony window, a breeze blowing and one lamp on in the bedroom.

When he walked in, he saw the closet was open and a lot of stuff was missing. He also noticed the photo of them together was missing.

He sat down on the bed and collapsed backward in utter shock and dismay.


Shaun walked through the airport looking for the Gate number that Greg had told him. Greg was sitting on a bench on his cell phone.

"I found you." Shaun smiled.

"Yeah, sorry bout that, my mom is picking us up, so I had to tell her you were coming." Greg said somewhat sheepishly.

"No worries" Shaun said. "I figured something as much. Thank you for thinking of me again, cause I was just going to be at home all weekend just dicking and or fucking around."

They both chuckled at that and no one knew why really. They boarded the flight and as the plane took off, their conversation switched from computers and EMS to what makes their ideal mate.

Little did Shaun know, he was soon going to be the object of desire from two different people, because of two different capacities.

I know it's a lot folks, but I feel we developed the characters, you know - all that good stuff. Let me know what you think - good, bad, ugly, etc... Also tell me if you like the size of the story, or if you want it smaller. You can reach me at artznla (at) gmail (dot) com.

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