Dark Room

By Rt Scribe

Published on Nov 20, 2005


This is a story. One that is made up in my mind. Regardless of how "real" it seems, only I know if the plot is similar to anything I have experienced. For all anyone knows, it might be "completely fictional".

It assumes nothing of the reader, or the characters within, even the celebrity ones. If you aren't into this sort of thing, don't read it. If it is illegal in your state or country, don't read it. If you are underage, don't read it! If there is anything but enjoyment involved in your reading, don't read it! The author assumes no liability, hence this disclaimer.

Dark Room -- Ch 1

The room was dark, except for a CD/Radio combo alarm clock his brother sent him a few birthdays ago. The neon green numbers read 1:13am and gave everything that familiar wash of light that turns sweaters into monsters and ordinary people into ravenous lovers.

A Motorola cell phone was sitting on the bedside table, vibrating and playing its ringtone for all its worth, like the karaoke bar's regular last song closer. The annoying ringtone blared the chorus from Fall Out Boy's recent hit -- "like a loaded gun complex, cock it and pull it". He usually got a chuckle out of the "cock it" line, but not right now. It was the 3rd call in less than 10 minutes. A hand flailed at the phone knocking it on the floor. The ringing stopped.

"Finally the evil monster stops." Shaun let out a long sigh. He adjusted his head on the pillow and as his eyes closed, coming from under the bed he heard a familiar noise. He opened his eyes and reached for the phone. "This is gonna be good."

He looked at the faceplate and read the caller id, "Kevin". He flipped open the phone and tried to produce his best 'first awoken from a good sleep voice'.

"H-h-hello?" "I know I woke you up. I am so sorry about tonight, about Cris, about... about everything. Please let me come over, I am just leaving campus, please let me come over." "I don't know, I am kinda asleep and its almost 2am."

"Please. I am sorry. You didn't need to answer the phone, but you did -- "

"You didn't stop calling me."

"Well, the stalker routine works occasionally. [and Kevin tried to laugh -- it was awkward] Just, just let me come over -- please?"

"Fine. I'll see you when you get here." And Shaun hung up the phone. He turned on the light and Mel his Australian Shepherd moaned with the light and rolled over. "I know honey, you think here he goes again being stupid. Honestly, I do too." Mel moved her paws down over her muzzle and let out a huff. Shaun stood up and walked into the bathroom.

The master bedroom has an 'old world' feel of warmth and family, but a more contemporary city need to it. The king size bed has a large headboard. Currently the blue plaid comforter was over taken by the dog, and the coordinated blue sheets and white pillows were clearly arranged for one person, trying to make it feel as if they weren't sleeping alone. The tv hung directly across from the bed, and except for two dressers, the room's only other accent was an adjacent sitting area that had been turned into a small gym.

Shaun walked into the bathroom and hit the light switch, and immediately turned it off when the blinding light reflected off of the white walls. "Wow, I need to change that." He moved to the sink, and looked up into the mirror. Shaun just turned 26, 2 weeks ago. His light brown hair was completely messy, even though it was extremely short. As was the rule growing up, short as you like as long as you can do something with it. His vibrant blue eyes looked tired as he reached for his vicadin. He had always been a good athlete, until his father died on his 21st birthday. He was being depended upon by his then girlfriend, his mother and several other people all at the same time, while school was pressuring him not to take a leave of absence and you can guess what happened. Ironically it was Kevin who had a helping in the 'rebuilding' of Shaun from the pile of rumble that was created. He had started working out and in the process tore a muscle in his left lower quadracep. The surgery was a success, he would not be a cripple or limp, but the pain and physical therapy was another story.

He figured if nothing else, the vicadin might cause him to pass out before he made it downstairs, which would solve some of his problems. He stepped back from the mirror and took a look. His physique could be best described as something similar to that of a farmhand or competitive swimmer. He had a 36inch waist, defined chest and abs, and no hair. He was very impressed with his ability to get back into shape as fast as he had. He slipped out of the scrub bottoms he was wearing and walked out and over to a dresser. He pulled out a hooded sweatshirt and a pair of soccer shorts. He pulled the shorts up over his briefs, adjusted his package so it wasn't as bulging and proceeded to slink downstairs in his white ankle socks.

He just made it to the couch when there was a light tap at the door. He looked out the peep hole and saw Kevin standing there. He opened the door about 3 inches and before he could get it the rest of the way open, Kevin pushed in and grabbed him into a tight and deep hug. "I am so sorry, I am so sorry."

"Yeah I got that." Shaun ended the hug by turning to close the door. He walked over to the couch which was in the family room attached to the kitchen. As he sat down Kevin leaned up against him and tears started to run down his face. "I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you." Kevin was almost pleading.

Shaun reached for a blanket pulled it over their laps and he said quietly. "I answered the door didn't I?"

Kevin again hugged him tight and quickly stood up. "So tomorrow it is."

"Tomorrow what is?" Shaun tried to clearly say as the vicadin started to kick in.

"Tomorrow I will spend the night here for the first time." The statement was made as if it required a fanfare at the end.

"So I assume you are leaving now?" Shaun asked letting his hand slide out of Kevin's.

"Well its late, and you need your sleep and I am driving out to my parents house and I think it would be best."

"Ok then." Shaun stood up and dragged himself towards the door. He opened the front door, turned and started to climb the stairs. "You can close it behind as you leave."

"Goodnight my friend. I will call you tomorrow." Kevin said as he walked out the door. Shaun just waved as if he could care less. Anyone who he would've told this story to would have laughed hysterically if he tried to say 'he didn't care'. He made it to his bed and in one move was able to get out of the sweatshirt, under the covers and turn out the light.

Mel stirred and moved up next to him.

"Fine. You were right. I was stupid again. What do you want a new doghouse?"

Mel licked Shaun's nose, and Shaun fell asleep.


Shaun woke up the next morning and got into the shower. He stepped back when the warm water hit his very erect 8" penis. If his penis had had a voice, it could've been heard saying -- play with me, its been 2 days.

He looked down at his watch to see what time it was, and decided if he could get it off in under 3min with that weird dude 2 years ago in the back of a classroom, he could have a mildly entertaining time by himself with 5-6min. He slid his hand down his body till it reached his hard tool. He squeezed hard and gently pulled upward. A slight moan broke his lips. As if someone had pressed play on the VCR, images started playing in his mind. The grocery bagger, that really hot Starbuck's barista that gives him his extra caramel in the shape of a pierced heart, then the barista and the grocery bagger standing naked in a room together. Then the door bursts open and Kevin is standing there. He slides his sweatshirt and tshirt off over his head, he takes a few steps towards Shaun. Shaun can feel himself grabbing his penis harder and making the strokes a thrusting motion with his hips. Kevin undoes his pants and lets them slide down off his hips to the floor.

Shaun opens his eyes. "Stop. Think think think think.." He closes his eyes again.

Steven Sandvoss and Shane West fly into his mind and rip each others clothes off.

"This is much better."

They wrestle naked on the floor. And Shane slides his tool into Stevens ass. Shaun was getting good at this imagining he felt. His hand continued to work his throbbing tool, gently playing with the head as his fingers brushed over the tip on their way back down the shaft. He stroked faster and teased the head more with the other hand, as his mind started playing through the images faster. Suddenly everything went black and he was kneeling on top of a person. His hands caressing the small of the back, brushing over the top of their ass and sliding all the way up to their shoulders. It was as if a spotlight was over them. He tried to lean forward to see if he could tell which one of the studs he was rubbing, when he noticed a snail shell tattoo with a rope tied around it being held by a small figure, on the right shoulder blade. He focused on the tattoo trying to recognize it and then as the head of this person started to turn he was pulled out of the dream to the warming sensation of his cum shooting out of his dick over his fingers and dripping onto his leg and the wall of the shower.

"Who was that? I don't remember seeing that tattoo before."

He finished washing up and got out of the shower. He stood in front of the mirror and looked at his left shoulder. The same DNA unwinding helical tattoo was there. It was a reassuring look, like he might have forgot he got another tattoo. He made it into the bedroom in time to get on his boxerbriefs when the door opened and Sally his maid walked in. "I made your favorite coffee this morning, cause we're getting low on the stuff I like. Hint. Hint."

"Well just go get what we need, and make sure to check the fridge for what we need before you go." Shaun was pulling up his uniform pants.

"You act like I have never been here before. Hello, I used to change your diapers ok? Your mother was a good lady, she trained me well."

Shaun gave her a look that told anyone, why bring that up.

"Anyways, I know you need some Corona, cause you are out." "But I just got a 24pack last weekend," Shaun said with much frustration.

Sally looked at him and said "If you think I am going to not have a beer, with the view and pool you have when its 95 outside, then you must be getting too close to the formaldehyde again."

She breezed by him and got everything out of the bathroom and as she left his bedroom she could be heard singing 'proud mary'. "I wonder if she ever realizes how much use that shower gets." He chuckled to himself and finished putting on his uniform. Today he got to teach 17 year olds, who had a hard time putting a condom on if they had to, to stick a needle into someone's arm as if they had done it their entire lives. He opened the closet and took out his EMT jacket. The badge on the shoulder said "Children's Hospital -- Paramedic". He was proud of it. Hanging next to the now empty hanger was a couple pair of jeans and some sweatshirts. They were isolated by themselves on the side of his closet. He touched one of the jackets and immediately closed the door. He wiped his eyes and left the room. Sally was standing at the front door with Mel on her leash and a cup of coffee to go. Shaun took a swig and grabbed his keys and was gone. He made it down the flight of stairs and into the garage in no time. His leg didn't even bother him. Today was looking good. He straddled his Suzuki GSX-R and was on his way for another day.

Sally went into the bedroom and was bringing up the bed. She finished tidying things up and noticed the closet door ajar. She walked over to it and reached out to close the door. One of the hangers were caught on the floor so she picked it up and as she stood up, she saw the isolated clothes. "He told me he had already gotten rid of all these. Well, maybe I should... no. No, he wouldn't want me to. It's a shame he has been through so much so early in life." She closed the door and left the room.


Shaun was sitting down to lunch with Kallie, his best friend since 3rd grade. They had thus far in life either been at the same school or job. "So you let him come in?" her shock was forced.

"Yes I opened the door. I know I know..." He continued to eat whatever it was that the cafeteria had called baked penne.

"When are you going to figure out that even though the rest of us all know he is GAY with rainbows flying out of his ass, he still thinks he is a proud member of the hetero team."

"First of all Kallie, I know that. Secondly, he is just so... I don't know so, something. It is easy to get mad and then you sit there and go -- WHERE IS HE??? I haven't felt like this in a long while and damnit, I think I deserve it."

"I didn't say you don't deserve it, I just don't know if I have the energy to move in again and help pick you back up right now. I mean work is swamped and if you haven't noticed, I just moved into my new apt. This one I like." She smiled warmly.

"I will remember that when I get a 2am phone call asking me to come over and help get your stuff cause you are leaving insert-his-name-here and desperately need someplace to go." He was beginning to sound pissed. That was a theme in their relationship. Always closer than siblings, but both had the ability to completely destroy the other with a few words. "Anyways, he said he was going to stay over tonight, cause he has some early program tomorrow. He is finally taking me up on my offer."

"Straight" she said.

"Ok, so how many straight guys do you know that go over to another guy's house. Sleep over, in the same room, in the same bed, and have asked repeatedly to get a massage with an adult happy ending?"

"I am sorry. Straighty McStraight." She smiled again.

"Well, all I am saying is, it will be interesting to see what happens. And if nothing happens, so be it. I am ok with that. I am in to deep to lose him as a friend."

"Then I would make a point of keeping it out of his hands and his ass and keep it in your pants." She stood up and walked away. Her 1/2 latin history showed clearly in the bounce of her ass as she walked away in scrubs. It wasn't a huge ass, but just enough to have a head turning ability on most men. She had great genetics too, for she has never worked out so much as a 30min bike ride 2x a week. Shaun on the other hand wasn't always as lucky.

He finished eating, checked his phone -- no calls. He put it away, stood up and was immediately confronted by Greg, a student in his class. "Hey Shaun, how are you?" Greg smiled brightly.

Greg was 18, and a typical California native. Always slightly tanned. Defined build, tall, dirty blond hair, bright green eyes, and wore his sunglasses on his head 24 hours a day. Shaun had wondered if he slept like that to, as they seemed glued in place. Greg was the only one this morning who was successful learning how to draw blood and start IVs. Greg therefore was the first one who got to pick who would be his partner for the rest of the class. He chose Mikey, a fellow student as his class partner, and Shaun as his instructor partner. For the rest of the 3 week class, there would be 6 teams, made up of 2 students and 1 instructor. Shaun had spent the last 3 weeks getting his friends to sign up to be instructors. Some looked forward to working with the younger ones, and others thought of it as some forced jail community service they had to do, in order to get a promotion or something at work.

Mikey was rather cute. Short military buzzed black hair, electrified blue eyes that looked like they were battery powered, definitely had a 6pack, but couldn't see it, as he NEVER even untucked his shirt. Wore his sunglasses backwards when they weren't over his eyes, which is why Shaun felt that it was a classic choice for Greg to choose Mikey as his companion in class.

Shaun started to walk to the trash can, and as Greg followed, Shaun decided he would try to strike up a conversation.

"Nice job this morning."

"Thank you, I try." Greg grinned.

Shaun looked at his watch and decided to take the scenic route back to the parking lot outside of the bungelow they were working out of. The hospitals ambulances were all parked outside waiting for the teams. As they stepped outside, Greg slid his glasses down slightly, and waved at someone. Shaun looked over and saw Mikey was coming to join them. Mikey had a Boston area accent, but had never lived there. Shaun was perplexed by this at first meeting Mikey, but gave up on that a long time ago. The three of them walked down towards the sidewalk and hung a right to follow it all the way around the hospital. Today was 90 degrees and so Shaun was able to leave his jacket in the classroom and enjoyed the short sleeves. As Mikey and Greg were still learning, they were rookies, therefore had to wear longsleeve shirts.

Greg talked about how he was interested in beginning to work with the rigs and etc... and Mikey chimed in that he was happy to be on this team, and they both were happy to have Shaun as the instructor and blah blah blah. Shaun caught himself daydreaming about NOTHING. Which was also weird, but by the time he had come back to reality he noticed they were in front of his motorcycle.

Mikey ran his hands slowly over the seat and tank and crouched down to look closer at the engine. He stood up and looked over at Shaun. "Mind if I hop on?"

"Um no go ahead." Shaun suddenly had all focus on Mikey as he stepped over and sat down on the bike. Mikey, typical to all people who ride, laid down against the tank, having their body conform to the shape of the motorcycle. Even though he wasn't moving, it was as close to simulation you could get, like closing the car door when you get in to test drive. You aren't moving, but you can get the sense of it.

Out of nowhere, Shaun noticed you could see the waistband for Mikey's briefs. That was all she wrote folks. Shaun felt his own tool start to harden. He was shocked, 'what is going on', he thought to himself as he tried to adjust without being noticed or have his wood noticed.

Again he had no clue what was being discussed when suddenly they were looking at him. He tried to act cool, but failed. "Um.. what did you say? Couldn't quite hear you, there was a trash truck or something." Obvious lie, no one had driven by for like 10 minutes, but he couldn't think of anything except how to get rid of his now erect penis in his pants.

Mikey grinned widely, "I said, I should come over sometime to go riding, I have a CBR. Its parked over there." Shaun blushed and said "Absolutely, anytime."

ANYTIME!!! What was he thinking, Mikey had now moved from student in class to SEX OBJECT to SEX OBJECT WHO VOLUNTEERED TO COME OVER -- all in 3 seconds flat. Shaun tried to change the subject but "So Greg, do you ride?" was the best he could do.

"My older brother worked for Ducati, so I learned young how to handle one, but I haven't ridden in a long time. It would be fun sometime to ride though. Maybe you could take me." And before Shaun could comment, Mikey blurted out "Yeah maybe, so anyways Shaun whats on deck for the rest of the day?"

Shaun caught a glimpse of that blatant subject change, but his penis was screaming 'you saw briefs! Hot boy and body! Shut up!'.

"Well first we have to take apart our rig, load it, and then learn how to drive it and work with it as if it were attached to your body. Do some wheelies, cone driving, defensive driving, standing up in the back while someone tries to make you throw up. Just a quick starter before the weekend off."

They both looked at Shaun and smirked "sounds like fun." Mikey turned and walked toward the classroom, Shaun couldn't tell, but it seemed he was shifting his hips a bit more than usual.

Greg picked up his jacket and Shaun said, "um.. forgive me but I just was uh.. I am not really good at.. here. Here is my number, and if you would be interested in riding or me giving you a ride, etc... just let me know."

"Thanks. Sounds good." Greg smiled.


Shaun got home before Sally had left for the day. She was sitting out on the patio with a Corona in her hand and 2 emptys under her chair. Shaun was about to say something when he noticed the house, as usual, was immaculate.

He walked out to the patio, threw down his jacket and sat in the chair next to Sally.

She silently reached down into a bucket of ice, pulled out another Corona, opened the top and handed it to him.

"Here, drink, then we talk."

He laughed and drank almost half it was so good.

"I would almost think you hired a cleaning crew so you could sit out here all day."

Sally looked over at him "Why did they leave a card or something? I only did that one day." She cracked half a smile that said she was kidding, he thought. "Honey we need to talk, you need to get rid of those clothes in your closet. Its been 3 years, its ok."

Shaun didn't want to think about it, but the fact was true. It was time to move on. Shaun's father had died on his 21st birthday. His mother had died last year, and his twin was killed 3 years ago by a car accident. They were EMTs together and helping a 16yo who had been hit by a drunk driver, when another car came around the curve and slammed into the wrecks killing Robert and the 16yo.

They had bought the house they lived in now when their father had died, which devastated their mother. When she died last year of a broken heart and unwillingness to survive, Sally who had been with them since Robert and Shaun were 1yo, told him that she would come work for him. He at first thought this was a completely sentimental gesture and he had said, no no that is ok. Then she said, I am not doing it for you, honey, I need a job! That humor allowed them to get through the hard times and move on to something nice.

"You are right about the clothes. I will take care of them tomorrow. I have the day off."

Sally patted the top of his hand. You got any Tequila? We can have a little celebration.


It was now 6pm, he was nicely buzzed. Sally had left at 5 and he had no clue how she was still sober. He thought he saw her toss one shot into the pool, and he was still pondering of jumping in to taste and find out.

He stretched his legs out and carefully looked over his scar. It was healing nicely, and it dawned on him that his leg had not hurt all day. It was a miracle. Normally by this time, he would be on his 3rd vicadin for the day.

He stood up and cleared off the table. He was walking through the house wearing a pair of loose lacrosse shorts and a tshirt when his cell phone started screaming. He went to get it but it was a missed call, private number. Then the doorbell rang.

He walked over to the door and saw Mikey standing outside. He quickly put down the trash and opened the door.

"What are you doing here? How did you find me?" Shaun was shocked.

"So obviously someone has a drinking problem. Its not hard to find you when you leave your drivers license at school. I just thought I would bring it by and see if you wanted to go riding. I can see you aren't in the mood or the mindset to head out though." Mikey smiled and placed the drivers license on the table.

"I don't have a drinking problem, I just had a bad afternoon. I thought I had lost my driver's license forever, and that is a good picture of me. You know how hard that is?" He hiccupped a couple of times and then smiled wryly. "That's no reason for you to leave though." Shaun tried to by coy, but failed miserably.

"OK." Mikey chimed as he walked in, set his helmet and jacket down by the staircase and walked in towards the tv.

Shaun suddenly realized what he had said and done, and quickly moved the trash into the hall closet, he would deal with that later. By the time he made it into the family room, Mikey was sprawled on the couch wearing his jeans and a tank top; his shoes, socks, tshirt, and belt were in a pile next to the couch.

"I felt over dressed. I thought I would even it out a bit." Mikey looked back at the tv as if it were all that mattered.

"I still say you are overdressed, I mean I am in shorts and you have on jeans. In some parts of the city, jeans are business casual. Unless you play lacrosse, this is not business casual." Shaun immediately was berated by his conscious. WHAT ARE YOU DOING! YOU ARE FLIRTING! WITH A STUDENT! A hot STUDENT, BUT STILL A STUDENT!!! THIS WILL BE YOUR -- WAIT HE IS TAKING OFF HIS JEANS, NEVERMIND! GOOD JOB!

He watched as Mikey undid his button and fly, and then as if he performed this trick every night of the year, lifted his hips off the couch, slid his jeans down past his butt and off onto the pile already made of the rest of his clothes.

"There, is that better?" Mikey jokingly sounded pissed.

"I guess that will do, but boxers don't count as shorts, but whatever." Shaun was blatantly trying now.

"They are actually knit boxers, thank you. My briefs were in the laundry." Mikey said without looking over at Shaun.

Shaun saw the image of Mikey standing there with nothing but briefs on. He wished that were the case now. Of course Shaun glanced down to do a preliminary check for any hard penises or clear outlines of mammoth sizes. Nothing 'stuck out' when he just glanced, but his attention was distracted by the hand on his leg, that was now moving north.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry, dude I thought... I mean" Mikey was stuttering and beginning to move. Shaun had to act quickly or this would be over fast and not in a happy way.

He quickly turned, placed his hands on Mikey's shoulders and before Mikey could get off the couch, Shaun was kissing Mikey on the mouth. Shaun let his lips part as he felt Mikey's tongue gently work its way in. Their tongues briefly played with one another before both sides retreated and the kiss was broken.

"Ok, now I am officially confused." Mikey said sheepishly.

"I crown you Mr. Dazed and Confused 2005." They both laughed. But Mikey was clearly embarrassed still. "I mean if you're not single, or not into that sorta stuff, I just..." Mikey looked at the floor.

"There is nothing to be confused about, I just was shocked when you put your hand on my leg. I had no idea that was the intention or anything, and when I figured it out, I definitely didn't want to miss out. " Shaun looked deep into Mikey's eyes. "Besides, if I was involved with someone, would I do this?" Shaun leaned over and kissed Mikey again.

"Do you have any place else that has tv and is a bit more comfy than this couch? Its kinda awkward." Mikey tried to explain as he tried to rotate around.

"Yeah lets head upstairs." Shaun let go of Mikey, and Mikey stood up. His erect penis tenting out his boxers, and almost poking through the fly.

"This should be fun." Shaun had a slight smirk on his face as he lead Mikey up the staircase and into the bedroom.


Greg sat alone on the couch. He was watching tv and glanced occasionally over at the wall clock.

"I should really move out." Greg stood up and went into the bedroom. He crashed on the bed and tried to turn out the light with one hand. Instead, he knocked over a frame. He sat up and reached for the picture.

He turned it over, looked into it and a lonely tear ran down his face. "I guess that part of my life is over."

As he laid back on the bed, a few more tears starting to flow, he let the photo of him and Mikey sitting on the beach in a hug, drop to the floor.

His cell phone rang and he answered quietly.

"Hi mom. Yeah... actually, can you pick me up at the airport? I think I am coming to visit for the weekend."

He stood up, wiped his eyes and threw some clothes and things into a bag. He emptied his pockets and saw the home number that Shaun had given him. There was a tingle in his shorts when he looked at it. "Wouldn't that be the great kick in the pants if he took a flight with me?" Greg dialed the number.


Under Shaun's bed, beneath a pair of knit boxers, was his cellphone, vibrating away.

Greg's call went to voice mail.

I know it's a lot folks, but I feel it gets you in the story, develops characters, you know -- all that good stuff. Let me know what you think -- good, bad, ugly, etc... Also tell me if you like the size of the story, or if you want it smaller. You can reach me at artznla (at) gmail (dot) com.

Next: Chapter 2

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