Daring to Try

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jun 10, 2008


After driving Jordan home, Scotty had returned to his own house, and quietly made his way through the darkened interior to his bedroom. As he stripped naked, he was very aware of his disheveled appearance and of the somewhat strong scents of sperm that wafted from his body and his clothing, and he was grateful that his parents had retired for the night before his arrival. His Mom would have been all over the slightly acidic smell in a heartbeat given her uncanny olfactory senses that Scotty often swore must be somehow akin to a bloodhound.

He yanked back the bedspread and sheet on his bed, and then padded naked into the bathroom that adjoined his bedroom, a luxury touch that had been added during a remodel his parents had contracted a couple of years back. He flipped on the light bar above the vanity, and studied his reflection in the mirror for a moment, and then smiled as he ran his tongue through his mouth and once more savored the faint lingering flavor of Jordan's creamy semen. His cock thickened at the memory of his friends rampant penis bucking in his mouth as it gorged forth a surprising volume of the thick fluid, and he suddenly wished that Jordan was still with him so that he might be able to suck him off again, and relive that intensely exciting moment. He looked down at his renewed erection where it swayed at a sharp upward angle from the small nest of pubic hairs, and he brought his hand up to grip its thickness and he stroked it back and forth several times. The sweet feeling tingled along his

backbone once more as he rubbed his hardness and thought of Jordan, and how incredible it had been to hold and stroke his rigid erection, and then to take it into his mouth and suck it. Damn, he thought, that was uber hot, all of it, even just the kissing, and holding Jordan's lithe body against his own as he savored the silky smoothness of his friends warm skin. Hot, definitely he decided, and, something that he would definitely be doing again, and hopefully again.

Reluctantly he released his rigid cock, and opened the drawer to extricate his tooth brush, and he freshened his mouth with a gargle of mouthwash after he finished brushing. He washed his face and hands, and then moved to drain his bladder before killing the light, and moving back to his bed where he slid naked into the fresh cool sheets. He propped his pillow under his head, and switched off his bedside lamp, and then lay back on the pillow, staring at the soft streaks of moonlight that danced along his ceiling as his thoughts again turned to Jordan, and their stunning evening at the bluff. His hand once more moved to grip his erection, and he slowly pumped at it as he recalled each detail and nuance of the evening, and as he clearly visualized the moment of Jordan's rampant cock erupting into his mouth, he groaned softly, and ejected another heavy load of boy-batter onto his groin, and tummy. He sighed loudly, and reached to his nightstand for some tissues to swab away h

is third offering of semen of the evening, and then settled back, his eyes suddenly heavy as he drifted into a peaceful slumber.

Jordan had stood at the front door of his house, watching as Scotty pulled away from the curb, and he silently watched his departure until the red taillights faded from view. He inhaled a deep breath, and shuddered as he recalled the stunning events that had occurred over the last few hours, and then shook his head as if disbelieving as he turned and quietly opened the door, and went inside the house. He stood still in the foyer a moment, listening to the silence of the sleeping house, and then tiptoed down the hallway to his room. He closed the door behind him and moved over to his bed where he sprawled across the mattress spread eagled on his back. He grinned widely as he stared up at the ceiling and struggled to resist the powerful urge he was feeling to just shout out a giant "YES!!!" as he thought back over the amazing evening he had just experienced. Oh my God, he thought, how freaking hot was that! Scotty...wow...and himself...jeez...I freaking kissed him...amazing it was, to

o...and playing with each others cocks...oh man...and...well...sucking too...! How many times have I dreamed about doing all those things with Scotty...fuck, hundreds I bet...for a long-ass time anyway...imagining how it might feel to hold him close like that...and yea, wondering about kissing his lush mouth too...and holding his great cock in my hands...mouth...aw jeez...it was SO freeking awesome...we really have to do that more...a LOT more!

Shaking his head in the wonder of it all once more, Jordan pushed himself to a sitting position and peeled off his shoes and socks, then stood, and skinned off his shorts and briefs and tee shirt. His hand went to his tumescent penis, and hefted it as he once more imagined the much better sensation of Scotty handling it instead, and he shuddered once more with the memory of the incredible evening. He padded quietly across the hallway to the bathroom, and washed up and brushed his teeth, though he was reluctant to surrender the lingering tartness of Scotty's creamy juices. He giggled softly as he told himself not to sweat it, there was plenty more of the thick stuff to be had, and from the very same source that first taste had "cum" from. He giggled at his little metaphor as he quietly slipped back into his room, and crawled into his cool crisp sheets, nearly instantly falling into a very relaxed slumber.

Among the many interesting quirks of life is how everything always seems different in the cold light of day, and in the case of both Scotty and Jordan the adage held true to form. Scotty awoke as the bright light of the new day flooded his bedroom, and he rolled over onto his back, stretching widely. He stared up at the ceiling, and idly reached to grip his morning erection, and he suddenly felt a sharp pang of fear grip at his guts. Jordan, he thought...oh shit, Jordan! He will probably never speak to me again...fuck...what the hell was I thinking coming on to him like that...Jesus...kissing him for Christ sake...and...well shit...touching his...cock...and worse...aw fuck...I sucked him off...sucked his beautiful cock, and swallowed his amazing load too...oh fuck...he probably wants to kill me or something...shit, shit, shit! He sighed heavily, and realized that his normal morning erection had wilted totally in his hand. Oh well, he chided himself, it's not like I will probably ever need a hardon again

anyway, not after Jordan kills me. With another big sigh, he rolled out of bed, and headed in to his bathroom for a long hot shower, thinking that he solved the majority of his problems while in the shower, and man, this was definitely some kind of problem for sure!

In similar fashion a few blocks away Jordan awoke with similar thoughts, first a sense of elation as he once more recalled the stunning events of the previous evening, and then the elation quickly evaporated, leaving him with a serious hollow feeling deep in his gut. Fuck, he thought, Scotty must think I am a complete asshole by now, and a simpering fag to boot...Jesus...kissing him, and jerking his amazing cock...and then...oh God...sucking him off, and loving his sweet creamy load...oh man...my best ever bud forever, and now I bet he won't ever even look in my direction again...shit...I SO suck! His mind racing with possibilities of anything he might say, or do to make things right with Scotty, Jordan stumbled across the hall for a shower.

Showered and dressed in shorts and a tee, Scotty paced the width of his bedroom, still unsure as to how he should approach Jordan when he finally summoned the courage to call him. He had debated simply ignoring the fact that they had delved into the realm of gay sex together, but that route came with the very real risk that they would never repeat the events of last evening, and that was a risk Scotty wanted no part of whatsoever. Another option would be to just confront things head on, and openly discuss what had transpired, and admit a strong desire for a repeat, and then a repeat of that, which Scotty very much wanted, but he was unsure of how Jordan might view such a suggestion. With a loud sigh Scotty decided on his third option, admittedly the more cowardly of the choices while at the same time carrying less real risk. Assuming he would even take his call, Scotty produced his cell phone, and with a slightly trembling finger, he dialed up Jordan's phone. His plan was

to just approach Jordan as he would on any other day, and let the subject of their intimacy work itself into the conversation wherever it best seemed to fit.

Jordan started, the sudden ring tone of his cell phone startling his reverie, and he moved over to his desk to answer the call. Looking at the caller ID bar, he felt his tummy do a little flip as he recognized Scotty's number, and after taking a breath, he thumbed on the phone, and said,

"Hey, Dude..."

Scotty felt two things simultaneously as he heard Jordan' voice over the phone; first his stomach filled with butterflies, and second his went hard. Jesus, he thought, I've got it even worse than I thought. He gulped, and spoke, his voice sounding hoarse as he replied,

"Hey yourself J-Man...what's up?"

Jordan found himself smiling at the sound of Scotty's voice, and he unconsciously reached into his lap, and squeezed his thickening penis as he managed to answer,

"Nada...sorta just got up...you know...shower, and like that...you?"

Scotty relaxed some, and gave his pulsing boyhood a squeeze, wishing that it were Jordan's nice cock he was fondling, and he replied,

"Nice...me too, pretty much...was a righteous sleep for sure...and now I have, like, major hungries...you up for going to get some breakfast or whatever...?

Jordan nearly giggled as he worked his erection and it occurred to him how much better it had felt when it was Scotty's hand squeezing and rubbing his cock, but he checked the urge, and answered,

"Sounds like a plan to me Dude...you gonna come get me, or...?...and if so, when...?"

Scotty bit his tongue to hold back his initial urge to respond by telling Jordan that he wanted to indeed "come and get him," and thereby get him to cum, and then cleared his throat and replied,

"Yup, and in like maybe ten...that okay with you?"

Jordan sensed the short pause in Scotty's reply, and he wondered what his friend had not said that he actually had wanted to, but he simply answered,

"Cool...see ya then."

They both broke the connection, and each stayed right where he was for a moment as very nearly the same thought process worked through their separate minds at once; "Oh man...what am I going to say when I see him...?...shit, this is too weird.

Almost exactly ten minutes later Scotty pulled up to the curb in front of Jordan's house, and Jordan crossed his front lawn, and slid into the passenger seat of Scotty's car. He settled, and then looked at Scotty, and he felt his cheeks go warm as their eyes met, and held. Scotty felt his heart hammering in his chest, and he managed a small nervous smile as he kind of croaked,

"Hey J-Man...how does Pappy's sound for some eats...?"

Jordan resisted the strong urge he felt to slide across the seat and kiss Scotty, and he chided himself for letting the idea fill his mind as he nodded his head, and muttered,

"Sure...Pappy's is cool."

Scotty pulled away from the curb then, and headed off toward the favored coffee shop as Jordan rearranged himself on the seat beside him, his eyes focused on the road ahead. Scotty glanced over at Jordan, and eyed the smooth skin of his exposed thigh below the hem of the shorts he wore, and he really wanted to reach over there and touch the firm smooth skin, but he held himself in check as he shifted his hungry gaze back to the road. Neither boy said much of anything during the drive, and when they arrived, they walked inside, and settled into a booth facing each other. As they were given menu's, and ordered some coffee, Jordan shifted around on his seat, reaching for a menu, and his bare leg brushed against Scotty's, and he flinched, mumbling,

"Oops...sorry about that, dude..."

Scotty smiled, and moved his leg so that it again brushed against Jordan, and he left it right there in contact as he winked at the flustered Jordan, and told him,

"Don't be sorry J-man...I actually like it...a lot."

Jordan flushed, but smiled broadly as he looked sheepishly at Scotty. He added some return pressure to Scotty's leg with his, and said softly,

"Yea...me too...I like it too...a lot!"

Their eyes met across the table, and held for several beats, and then Scotty gave a small nod, and said,

"Excellent then...it's a good thing to find agreement before eating, you know?"

Jordan flushed again, and smiled as he nodded in agreement, and then added,

"Actually, it's not a bad thing to find...agreement...after eating either, you know?"

Scotty chuckled, and pressed against Jordan's leg again as he simply nodded, and winked.

As they worked through the lumber-jack portioned breakfast the place was known for the boy's reverted to idle chatter about their everyday lives and events, and while neither made any kind of reference to the previous evening, they purposely kept their legs in contact under the table, and each sported a somewhat serious bulge at the fly of his shorts. When nothing was left on the plates but the painted flower design, the boys dug out their wallets and divided up the bill, then stood, and exited the restaurant, then climbed back into Scotty's car. They drove around more or less aimlessly for a while, and as they waited at a stop light, Scotty's cell phone rang. Answering, he held a short conversation that apparently had his Mother on the other end, and Jordan heard him tell her something about sure, that would be cool, have a good time, and I'll see you tomorrow before he hung up, and then turned to Jordan, a huge grin crossing his handsome face as he said,

"Oh darn Dude...that was my Mom...she and my Dad got invited to the city to go to some fancy dinner with friends, and they are going to stay there overnight tonight...and jeez J-Man, you know how much I hate staying home alone...how about if you come and stay over with me?"

Jordan felt his tummy turn over, and his balls draw tight as he grinned coyly at Scotty, and answered,

"For sure Dude...I'm there...can't have you being all alone in that big house of yours now can we...!"

Laughing, Scotty this time did reach over and grip Jordan's firm upper thigh, and then let his hand ever so briefly slide into Jordan's lap and brush against the firmness he found there before pulling away, as he said,

"You're the best Jordan...you really are!"

Jordan's pulse raced as Scotty brushed against his dick, and exhaled a huge sigh of relief that the ice had at last broken between them, and he too reached over and briefly groped Scotty's lap, and then said saucily,

"Well, it's sort of what being buds is all about, right?"

Scotty gasped in pleasure at Jordan's brief touch, and he made no response other than to give his friend a wide smile, and a nod.

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

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