Daring to Try

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Mar 17, 2008


Still feeling weak, and at the same time wonderful from the shattering orgasm, Jordan slouched against the car door, and watched Scotty retrieve his tee shirt from the back seat, and then use it to swab the semen from his hand. HIS semen he suddenly realized as a rush of warmth flooded through him. As Scotty tossed the soiled garment over the seat back once more, Jordan let his eyes drift over his bare torso, and then settled his gaze on the very obvious protrusion of Scotty's thick erection where it poked obscenely at the front of his shorts.

Suddenly desperate to see his new friend as naked as he was himself, he all but lunged at the boy, and pushed him flat on the car seat as his hands moved quickly to the fly of Scotty's shorts, and practically ripped them open. Scotty laughed, lifting his butt to allow Jordan to work the shorts and his underwear down his legs, and off his feet. Jordan dropped the shorts to the car floor, and then sat back on his haunches and paused to study Scotty's very erect penis, and the heavy pouch of balls that rested between his well toned thighs. The thick stalk pointed straight up, and lay pulsing against Scotty's abdomen, the neatly circumcised head shining wetly in the moonlight, and the wider root of it emerging from a thatch of dark pubic hair. Jordan felt his heart hammering in his chest as he studied the bulge of Scotty's heavy balls, and he was keenly aware of the impression that all of it looked even more exciting, and attractive than he had ever imagined regardless the hundreds of times he had fantasized this exact moment during his countless jack off sessions.

The tight constriction at his throat made Jordan fearful of even trying to speak, so instead he slowly extended his arm, and laid his hand on Scotty's upper thigh. Scotty flinched at the contact, and moaned softly, as Jordan inched his fingers higher along his inner thighs, until his fingertips lightly grazed over Scotty's ball sac. He lingered there a moment, his senses reeling as he gently cupped the silky pouch, and hefted its weight, as he felt the enclosed orbs move freely within. Unconsciously, Scotty lifted his hips slightly, and Jordan took the hint, releasing the plump scrotum to inch his hand higher, trailing his fingertips along the underside of Scotty's cock until he reached the plum shaped head. He wrapped his fingers around the rock hard shaft. His fingers barely able to close around its width, and then circled the wet head with the flat side of his thumb several times, spreading the oozing wetness over the highly sensitive skin. Scotty groaned again, and dropped an arm across his eyes, as he again lifted his hips slightly.

Jordan savored the sensation of the surprisingly warm cock throbbing in his grip and he relished the amazing hardness and the silk-like smoothness of the skin covering that incredible hardness. He tightened his grip, and felt Scotty flex some inner muscle to make it his cock buck in Jordan's hand as he began a steady stroking motion. He found a rhythm, and then brought his other hand into play as he once more began gently fondling Scotty's balls. Scotty was emitting a steady chant of soft little moans as Jordan stroked him, and his bucking hips matched Jordan's rhythm and his lithe body was alive with the breath taking sensation of being touched this way for the first time. Jordan was equally mesmerized by the sight and feel of Scotty's rigid shaft in his hand and the weighty balls he manipulated in the other. He stared transfixed at the dark helmet of Scotty's cock head, and at the wetness that oozed steadily from its tiny slit, and he longed for the forceful eruption that he knew was coming.

He picked up his pace a bit, and began swiping his thumb over the drooling plum, and in moments he had his wish as Scotty released a deep guttural growling sound, and thrust strongly upward, as his cock swelled in Jordan's grip, and ejaculated. Rapid steamers of his creamy fluids spewed repeatedly from his slit, arching high above his heaving stomach, and then tumbling over to splatter his smooth chest and stomach with strings and puddles of the viscous fluid as Jordan watched in awe, his fist a blur as he continued to drain the spitting cock. Finally, the purging of Scotty's balls slowed to a series of dribbles, painting down his softening shaft, and over Jordan's fingers, and Scotty reached down to tug at Jordan's arm, signaling him that the sensitivity was too much now, so Jordan reluctantly released his cock, and sat back, a dazed but happy expression on his flushed face. Their eyes met in the dim light, and held, as each grinned coyly at the other, and then burst into nervous peals of laughter. Scotty extended his balled fist toward Jordan who lifted his own and bumped it in their version of a high-five, and Scotty enthused loudly,

"Fuck yea, Dude...now that's what I'm talking about...!"

Laughing, Jordan nodded his head, and replied,

"For sure, huh...that shit is awesome, big time!"

The lingering afterglow of orgasm made them somehow comfortable with their nudity, and they relaxed against the car seat, quietly chatting and gently touching each other to further explore the others body. Jordan felt a sense of elation, and of new found freedom that he had never before experienced, and he voiced his inner feelings, telling Scotty,

"Man...I'm not really sure why exactly, but this just feels right to me somehow...not especially the gay issue of it...which, by the way is an issue we need to sort out at some point I guess...but I mean it just feels right being this way with you...does that even make sense at all...?"

Scotty chuckled softly, and nodded, as he lightly stroked Jordan's smooth thigh. Daring to let his hand wander into Jordan's lap, he ran his fingers over his soft penis slowly, and replied,

"I hear that, Dude...and yup, it makes all kinds of sense to me...and if I am going to tell the truth here, I have been doing a lot...and I mean a LOT... of thinking about this... with you...like, for a really long time."

Jordan felt a sharp jolt somewhere deep inside his balls as Scotty toyed with his penis and he shuddered as it began to swell and harden once more. While he digested Scotty's little confession he watched Scotty bring him to full erection, and then he closed his eyes, savoring the reality he had so often imagined, of being sexually touched by Scotty, and touching him in return. He drew in a deep breath, and released it, as he said,

"Really...?...wow...so okay then...truth time for me too...yea...me too, Scotty...I mean...I've been doing a lot of thinking about...this...with you, too...guess we have been pretty much wasting a lot of time, huh...?"

Scotty chuckled again, his eyes locked on his hand slowly stroking Jordan's renewed erection, and he felt his own penis stiffen as it rose thickly against his abdomen. Slowly nodding his head, he answered,

"Yea we have...but hey...playing catch-up is really gonna rock, I think...!"

Jordan chuckled, his lithe body shuddering as Scotty tightened his grip on his erection, and began slowly stroking its length, and he drew in a deep breath, and said softly,

"Oh man...yea...definitely!"

Some brief time passed in silence, the only sounds in the car those of the boy's ragged breathing, and repeated soft groans of pleasure as they concentrated on exploring each others penis and balls. Scotty finally broke the silence, and very nearly sent a stunned Jordan teetering off the edge again, as he spoke the breath taking phrase,

"Uh Jordan...dude...would it freak you totally out if I...um...oh shit...Dude...I really think I wanna...suck you...hell yea I do...okay Dude??"

Jordan's heart skipped several beats, and then resumed hammering inside his chest as he struggled to believe what he had just heard Scotty say. He swallowed, and blinked, and was searching for his voice to reply when Scotty apparently took his lack of response as a yes, and he quickly scooted down on the car seat, and washed his tongue over the knob of Jordan's rigid penis.

"Oh shit Scotty...DAMN...!" chirped Jordan, as he sucked in a whole tank of air in one quick go.

Scotty licked over the bulbous head several times, his saliva exploding to fill his mouth, and then opened his mouth, and, following some instinct, he steadily engulfed Jordan's rigid cock into his warm, wet mouth. The wide knob suddenly stuck in the back of his throat, and he gagged loudly, and then pulled back a little to allow the air to reach his lungs. He paused, holding Jordan's pulsing shaft in his mouth, as he adjusted to the unfamiliar feeling of the thickness filling his mouth, and then began slowly moving his head in an up and down motion as he figured out how to roll his lips over his teeth. Bobbing his head up and down over Jordan's erection, he quickly found a rhythm that he was sure was working, judging from the grunts of delight that Jordan was issuing in a steady cadence, and he rapidly warmed to the task, savoring the sensation of the heavy cock moving in and out of his sucking mouth, and the slightly almond-like flavor of the oozing seminal fluid Jordan was emitting in ever increasing volume.

Jordan thought he might simply pass out, so intense was the pleasure that Scotty's warm mouth was providing, and he arched his back, instinctively driving his rampant cock deeper into the wet warmth, and he threaded his fingers into Scotty's thick hair, his hands following the bobbing movements of Scotty's head. His balls ached, and mind was reeling with sensory overload, and in far shorter a time than he would have wanted, he knew he was there, and that he was going to explode any second, no longer able to resist the powerful orgasm that flooded his senses. Grabbing at Scotty's hair, he managed one loud shout of his name before his overcharged balls released, and a torrent of his creamy ejaculate jetted forcefully from his spasming cock, flooding Scotty's already filled mouth with his hot cum.

The flood of semen spurted into Scotty's mouth like a water cannon, one jet instantly followed by the next, and Scotty simply gulped it all down as quickly as it presented, thinking it was either that, or drown in the sea of the stuff that Jordan seemed to be delivering. As Jordan's powerful eruptions began to subside, Scotty pulled back slightly, keeping only the plum-like knob of Jordan's cock trapped inside his cream filled mouth, and he stabbed his tongue at the spongy head, and sucked strongly, as Jordan actually hurt him from yanking so firmly on his hair. Finally, Jordan was drained, and he sagged weakly against the seat back, huffing like a sprint runner as he released his death grip in Scotty' hair. Scotty savored the slightly acrid tasting fluid he held in his mouth, and decided that it really wasn't bad at all, and that he actually enjoyed the feeling of the viscous fluid sliding down his throat as he swallowed the final drizzles. Sensing that Jordan was squirming from his continued stimulations, he backed away, releasing the rapidly wilting penis from his battered lips, and he sat up, and gave Jordan a sheepish little smile as he automatically swiped at the errant strings of cum that dribbled from the corners of his mouth. Jordan met his gaze, his face flushed a deep shade visible even in the dimness of the car, and he too smiled, as he inhaled, and then said weakly,

"That was...is...the most totally amazing thing that I have EVER felt...damn Dude...here...lay back here...you have GOT to check this out man...that's as freeking good as it can get...lemme show you!"

Scotty was definitely not going to refuse that offer, and he quickly lay back on the seat, opening his legs widely to allow Jordan free access to his throbbing erection. Jordan quickly slid between his thighs, and grasped the base of his cock, and then leaned in close to lick all over the drooling knob of Scotty's cock, and then, as Scotty had done, he opened his mouth, and took the rock hard staff inside. Jordan pretty much mimicked all the moves that Scotty had put on him, and the result of his effort was exactly the same as well, as mere moments later Scotty's cock bucked strongly in his mouth, and erupted. Strong pulses of the warm fluid spewed over Jordan's tongue, flooding into his mouth, and causing him to reflexively swallow, and he gagged only slightly as the tart warmth washed down his throat until he sensed a softening of the wide shaft, and realized that Scotty was pushing at his head in an effort to tell him to stop, the super-sensitivity becoming too much. He pulled back then, releasing Scotty's cock from his lips, and then sat up, grinning widely at his friend. Scotty shuddered, his long eyelashes batting rapidly, and he looked into Jordan's eyes, and muttered,

"Oh...my...GOD...!!...Dude...!!...and to think that I thought you jacking me off was amazing...!!"

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3

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