Daring to Try

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Mar 11, 2008


This is a work of pure fiction born from my many fantasies. It depicts the gay sexual awakening and explorations of two high school boys, and is intended to entertain adult audiences. Comments are widely solicited at the email below.


The silence hung inside the car like a blanket of fog as the two boys sat side by side, gazing down on the flickering lights of the sprawling city far below. From their vantage point high atop the remote bluff the lights of the city appeared as tiny pinpoints of brightness that winked on and off as the currents of warm summer air flowed over the city.

In addition to the stony silence, the air of tension was nearly palpable in the narrow confines of the moonlit car, the only audible sounds being the occasional soft sigh, or deeply inhaled breath of one or the other of the boys. Scotty and Jordan were both sixteen, and would each be entering their junior year of high school in the coming fall, albeit at different schools. In the physical sense they might easily have been mistaken for brothers, each of them being about six feet tall, and a lean and proportionate one-fifty or so, with similar brown hair trimmed fairly short, and hazel eyes that had a tendency toward brooding from beneath somewhat prominent eyebrows. Each was all-American handsome, if still slightly boyish, with a warm and welcoming smile that projected an air of confidence, and calm. Calm, however, was the furthest thing from what each of them was feeling at the moment as they sat there stealing small glances each at the other while they respectively worried that the other must be able to actually hear the thudding of his heart inside his chest.

Their being here together in the dimly lit car perched atop the high bluff had been largely the work of fate, or luck, or perhaps a bit of both. Although the two attended different schools, Jordan a student at the Christian high school and Scotty attending the public high school, they had for some time been casual acquaintances given that both schools were located within the same section of the city where both boys lived, and socialized, so that their paths crossed fairly frequently at the shops, and the mall, and the movie houses. They had each secretly admired the other from afar over the last couple of years, although their mutual inherent shyness had prevented either of them taking any sort of overt action to approach the other beyond some murmured "hi's" and "hey's" in passing. There was one other commonality shared by the boys as well, this one perhaps the most telling of all, and that was that though neither of them was at all certain about the other, each was decidedly certain that he was gay, and strangely attracted to the other.

And so here they sat, silent and nervous, their lithe bodies separated by scant inches of the car seat while their minds raced to find something to say, or for some way to make that dreaded first move that each yearned to have happen. Their being here like this had been the result of their destinies aligning sufficiently to have pure chance cause them each to show up at the same house party at nearly the same time earlier that evening, and then a subsequent quirk of fate intervened a couple of hours later when the deafening noise and the crowded throng of the packed house had driven them separately to the back yard for a break from the raucous partiers.

Being the only two in the back yard at the time, it would have seemed more awkward not to speak to each other than it had been to actually do it, and before long their conversation had become free and easy, and pleasant, as they had sat at a patio table. After some time had passed, and without any actually planned motivation, one or the other had suggested that they ditch the loud party, and maybe just go for a drive to enjoy the warm summer evening, to which the other had readily agreed, and thus it was that they now sat silently in the moonlit car. Neither could quite explain why the easy banter from the back yard patio table, and the drive to the bluff had seemingly died with the switching off of the ignition, but it definitely had, and this tension filled silence had ensued.

Sitting behind the wheel, Scotty drew in a deep breath, and then let it out, as he shifted slightly on the seat, and looked over at Jordan. Jordan shifted his gaze away from the hypnotizing display of flickering lights below, and looked into Scotty's eyes as he felt a deep warmth flood his face, and he knew he was blushing furiously though he had no idea why. Scotty held the gaze a moment, and then dropped his eyes to scan over Jordan's lean torso, and he let the gaze linger on Jordan's shorts clad crotch. The overt look was not lost on Jason, and he felt his penis react as it bucked inside his shorts, and began to inflate. Flustered, and more than a little afraid that Scotty would realize he was hard, Jordan shifted quickly on the seat, and fumbled with his door handle, as he muttered,

"Oh, Jeez!"

Scotty's hand shot out, and closed over the firm warm skin of Jordan's thigh, and he gripped it, telling Jordan,

"Don't Dude...don't get out...it's all good...hell, mine has been hard as steel since before we got here...don't worry about it, okay?"

Feeling the searing heat on his face, Jordan settled back against the seat, and released a long sigh, and then looked down at Scotty's hand on his thigh, and then at his erection where it poked at the lap of his shorts. Excitement and desire welled up inside him, and he looked forlornly at Scotty as he shook his head slowly, and mumbled,

"Are you serious, Scotty...?...oh man...no, don't answer that...damn, this is so fucked up...shit!"

Scotty moved his hand slowly, gently stroking the smooth skin of Jordan's thigh as he reached out his other hand to lift Jordan's chin off his chest so that he could look into his eyes, as he told him,

"Jordan...listen man...please...yes, I'm serious as a heart attack...and...this is so not fucked up...not at all!"

Jordan grimaced, his cute face reflecting some mix of desire, and uncertainty, as he muttered,

"How can it not be fucked up...shit...just think about it...two guys...all hot and fucking bothered...sprouting fucking hardons...for each other...?...gotta be fucked up...!"

"Jordan...damn it...just stop...I waited too long for this...for you...and it is so damn right that it's not funny...it's who I am...and...who I really want us to be, too...please Dude...at least just give up fighting it, okay...just chill, and go with it, okay?"

Jordan took another deep breath, and released it slowly as his body relaxed slightly, and he looked down once more to see Scotty's hand high on his thigh, a mere inch or less from his balls, and he felt his cock throbbing in his shorts. Rolling his eyes to look at Scotty, he sighed again, and then nodded slowly, even breaking a tiny nervous smile. Scotty leaned closer to him, moving very slowly, as he flashed a quick smile of his own. Nearly touching noses, Scotty paused, and looked deeply into Jordan's dark eyes, and the faint and pleasant aroma of Jordan's cologne filled his senses. Inching forward again, Scotty gently pressed his soft lips to Jordan's lush mouth, and kissed him as gently as he had ever kissed another human being.

He felt Jordan tense up for a second, and then soften, as his mouth moved against Scott's, and then opened, as they tentatively explored each others warm mouth with their dueling tongues. Jordan moaned against Scotty's mouth, the sound muffled and tight, as Scotty felt him slide his arms around him, and pull him even closer, as the last visages of doubt washed away from both boys in an instant. In seconds they were locked in a series of frantic kisses and hugs, performing the ancient dance of lovers everywhere as their kisses grew in ardor, and lust. Their tongues washed each others hungry mouth as Jordan ran his hands over Scotty's back, pushing up under his tee shirt to revel in the smooth warm skin beneath, as Scotty boldly moved his hand into Jordan's swollen crotch, and gripped is rigid penis, squeezing the pulsing hardness as he moved his hand up and down its ample length.

Jordan felt as if his cock, and balls had caught fire, the searing jolt of heat coursing through his loins as Scotty gripped and stroked his rampant cock, and his long pent up desire exploded within him, filling him with a need that made him dizzy. Breaking the long kiss, he pulled back, and gazed hungrily into Scotty's equally smoldering eyes, as he slowly shook his head in wonder of it all. Never breaking the burning eye contact, Jordan reached for the hem of Scotty's tee shirt, and then quickly peeled it up and over his head, regretting that Scotty's hand left his throbbing cock in the process. Scott quickly mimicked Jordan's action, and pulled his shirt off as well, tossing it into the back seat to join his own. The two were still then, each slowly running his hands over the hairless chest, and stomach of the other, and timidly exploring each others small dark nipples as ragged breathing sounds filled the small space of the car. Taking Jordan's face in his hands, Scotty kissed him again, long and wet, and loads of tongue, and Jordan shuddered in pleasure as his arms encircled Scotty, and pulled him close so that they were bare chest to bare chest, panting, and moaning softly.

Finally breaking the kiss, Scotty pushed Jordan down on the car seat, so that he was nearly lying on his back, and then grabbed at his shorts, tugging down the zipper, and popping the snap. Jordan lifted his butt off the seat, allowing Scotty to slide the shorts, and his briefs down his well shaped legs, and off his ankles to the floor. Naked now save for his tennis shoes and socks, Jordan's thick cock lay rigid against his abdomen, its heavy veins swollen with his pulsing blood, and Scotty stared at it as if in disbelief. As his trembling hands moved upward along Jordan's inner thighs, he ever so carefully let his fingers trail over Jordan's plump scrotum, tracing the shape of the heavy nuggets it contained, he shook his head slowly, and said, barely above a whisper,

"Oh God, Jordan...it's beautiful...you are beautiful...damn...I want that!"

Jordan released a gasping sound, and sucked in a breath as Scotty continued to gently explore his balls, before moving to again grip his pulsing cock in his hand, this time without the restrictive layer of clothing. Jordan and Scotty moaned in unison as Scotty began a steady stroking of Jordan's rock hard shaft, and Jordan ran his hands over Scotty's chest, and fingered his stiff little nipples. Scotty could hardly believe that he finally, at long last, held a live and pulsing erection in his hand, and he marveled at its silky smoothness, and it's abject hardness as he stroked it's length. Passing his thumb over the spongy mushroom like head, he felt the wetness leaking from the tiny slit at its center, and he felt Jordan's body jump with sensation as he spread the slippery fluid over the glassy smooth knob several times.

"Holy shit, Scotty...fuck...that...feels...sooo...good...!" hissed Jordan, his slender hips bucking upward to meet Scotty's steady pumping.

Grinning wildly, Scotty nodded his agreement, and then slid his free hand between Jordan's splayed thighs to cradle his heavy pouch, and gently roll his balls between his fingers, his other hand continuing the rhythmic stroking of his leaking cock. Jordan felt the familiar burning deep in his balls, and he closed his eyes, surrendering completely to the incredible sensations that flooded through his panting body, and Scotty seemed to intensify his pace as his fist rode steadily over Jordan's cock, and his other hand tugged gently on his tender balls.

Jordan's breath came in deep and rapid gasps now, and his hips bucked up and down, and he suddenly knew that he was on the edge of an orgasm more intense than any his young body had ever known. Scotty watched in awe as the flow of clear fluid from Jordan's rigid cock became a nearly steady output that oozed from the tiny slit at the center of his plumb like cock head, and he actually saw the little slit gap wider, as Jordan bucked sharply upward off the car seat, and let out a deep and continuous groaning sound, and erupted. The rigid cock bucked in Scotty's hand, and it seemed to thicken, and then spasm, and a veritable fountain of creamy ejaculate spurted from the slit, jet after rapid jet of the thick white fluid spraying everywhere, coating Scotty's hand, and Jordan's smooth stomach, and chest with streamers of the stuff until Scotty wondered if he would ever stop cumming. Finally the torrent ended, Jordan's wilting cock giving up its final few drizzles that oozed from the slit to cascade along the shaft of his cock, and Scotty's fingers. Jordan shuddered strongly, drained and spent, and sagged weakly onto the car seat. The force of the orgasm had left him gasping for breath, and his smooth chest rose and fell as he struggled for air. Scotty stared in awe at the numerous streaks of thick fluid painted over Jordan's heaving torso, and he let go of the now soft penis, and slowly moved his hands up to spread the warm, thick fluids all over Jordan's smooth skin, savoring it's slippery thickness, and the tart aroma of it filling his nostrils. Finally Jordan opened his eyes, blinking several times before meeting Scotty's stunned gaze, and both boy's broke out in wide smiles, and then uttered in near unison,

"Holy shit...that...was SO awesome...!"

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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