Dare or Die

Published on Apr 23, 2022


Dare or Die Chapter 2

While some of the characters and aspects of this story are true, ALL names and locations have been changed. Graphic language and sexuality between teenagers is expressed throughout. If you do NOT agree with this or you are not allowed to view this content for any reason, do NOT continue.

Feel free to email me about suggestions, opinions, or what you felt when reading at: coreylndnr@protonmail.com

Chapter 2: The Talk

"Mrs. Crass, I must apologise for interrupting your workday, but I am grateful for your cooperation in resolving this matter at hand."

Mum clutched her handbag with both hands to her chest in a defensive gesture. We all know I wasn't the patron saint of school boys, but being called out in the afternoon for a `matter of utmost importance regarding a sensitive instance', would, I assume, alarm any caring parent.

"Please," Headmaster Wright signalled toward the seat in front of his obnoxiously large oak desk. Mum looked at me with a tight lipped expression that seemed to indicate this news better not be as bad as it was being presented to be, before sitting down, still clutching her bag.

Headmaster Wright glanced at me and then fixed his attention to mum. Sighing heavily he began,

"Mrs. Crass, as you may well know, we have an incredibly strict policy toward flagrant use of technology in this school,"

My throat tightened and my heart rate began to rise. He wasn't wasting any time getting to the point.

"and while your son here has demonstrated himself to be a relatively respectable pupil with whom all our faculty only have the highest praises for, today has been an unfortunate breach of said policy by this young man of yours."

Mum peered at me with a raised brow. She had no idea where this was going.

"Now, one of our teachers confiscated Mason's phone and upon reviewing the evidence, it was pretty clear he violated the rules set in place and as a result, jeopardised not only his digital safety and public privacy, but threatened antisocial exposure to his classmates."

"Oh god," mum gasped, putting her hand to her mouth and turning a slight shade of red. Headmaster Wright leaned over his desk to hand my phone to mum and as he eased back into his recliner, he folded his arms expectantly while glaring at me with a stern disproval.

"Well, thank you for bringing this to my attention, Mr. Wright. I'm afraid teenage hormones seem to the issue here but I'll be sure to have a talk with my son about what exactly he's been up to," mum said, now glaring at me.

After being let out early from school, mum and I got back to her car to begin making our way back home. The walk from the headmasters office to the car was in stone cold silence and my anxiety responded. I had no idea what I would have in store for me when I got indoors, but I had a feeling it would be something to do with another `no phone zone' that had been initiated when I flunked my maths exam. We got seated in the car and mum reversed out the lot, still without a word.

"Geez, he's a bit of a tight ass, isn't he?" I said rather shakily. My nerves betraying my attempt at lightening the mood. Mum wasn't buying it.

"What the hell have you done, Mason Maxwell Crass?" Mum sighed. Mum wasn't one to throw a loud tantrum or shout my confidence down. She always disagreed with the iron-fist approach other parents had on their kids and felt it usually lead to behavioural abnormalities like a meek demeanour or having a penchant for lying. A soft, but stern approach seemed to be enough to carry the message over without destroying the will of the child and so far she lead by example. Dad was more or less the same. I was the one to sit in silence this time, but my nerves were wreaking havoc.

"Judging by what he said, I'm going to go out on a whim here and assume you filmed something explicit with your phone...in class?"

"Oh god," I winced.

"Oh no, please, don't be embarrassed now," she chuckled, "if ever there were a time to be forthcoming and upfront, now would be it, hon," she seemed to be lightening up, but I wasn't.

"Eh, I kinda don't wanna talk about it," I said, fidgeting in my seat.

"Now, now. You know what I've said before. The only way we stay on solid ground with one another is by being open and honest, especially when owning up to things."

I sighed, took a deep breath and sighed again. This was annoying and torturous. I had yet to have the bird and the bees talk and while we were open about most topics in our house, my masturbating habits was not one of them. After a few seconds of saying nothing, mum cleared her throat.

"Ugh. Fine. I wanked. There!" I yelled, throwing up my arms in exasperated defeat. There was a moments quiet before a roar of laughter erupted from beside me. I was both relieved and irritated that this was hilarious to her.

"Oh my god, you crack me up, mase!" She howled.

"Oi, eyes on the road!" I retorted, my chest slowly loosing that tightness that came as a side effect to the anxiety I was usually good at dealing with.

"Wait `til your dad hears about this," she giggled, taking the potential sinister sting that was usually associated with that statement. I couldn't help rolling my eyes but smiling at the thought.


"So you popped one off in the middle of class and thought no one would notice?" Dad smirked while nursing a beer.

"Guess so," I shrugged. I was beyond past the point of fear at this point and kinda wanted to just be on with my day.

"Son, that's not exactly normal behavior," he mocked, throwing up some air quotes, "and what's this about you filming the task at hand?"

"Dunno. I guess just wanted to keep it as a memory or something," I said half distracted by the squirrels sprinting up and down the tree in the garden. It was a terrible excuse, but I hadn't considered it, either. I appreciated dad being the casual lad that he is, but I doubt he'd think favorably of me recording a wank video for my best mate.

"Hmmm," he stared at me unconvinced. I know there's more to this than you're letting on, but I'll trust your judgment, even if what you did was gross and callous to say the least."

My chest tightened. This was it - the sentencing.

"Alright, big boy, I'll tell you what; delete the video, show me your browser history and you'll get your phone back."


"You heard me." He handed me my phone to log in, but kept his hand help out for me to provide the evidence. I groaned, looking for the video.

"I'm sensing some hesitation. You're not planning something, are you? This is a fricken sweet deal, if I say so myself."

"No, I know. Just getting to it now," I found the thumbnail of my crotch and hit delete. I'd just have to repay Jay some other time. I then opened my browser history, and at a cursory glance, saw a couple lesbian porn links, but nothing soul destroying. I placed my phone in dads awaiting open palm and watched as he swiped through.

"Hmmm. Oh. Hmmmm. Wow. Okay. Mhm," he nodded with a neutral expression. My guess was that it was nothing he hadn't expected of me already.

"Right, thanks," he finally returned the phone to me and smirked, "I've heard you in the shower and on a few occasions late at night in your bed."

My face started to burn hot. I could be forgiven for thinking someone had lit an invisible furnacc next to me.

"I get it. You're fourteen going on fifteen in a few months time, so you're incredibly hormonal and you're also interested in a lot of adult things in life,"

Oh god. It's happening

"and while I think masturbation is very healthy, in fact, necessary for a teenaged boy, I do think that amount of porn is having a detrimental effect on your mental state."

"Dad, I swear, I really -"

"No, don't worry," he interjected, "I'm not going to ban you or anything. I just want you to maybe think about curbing your viewing and to try being a little more natural about how you express your sexuality."

"Ummm, I don't..."

He smiled, taking a sip of his beer before continuing, "porn is not what sex really is. And on top of that, it provides an unrealistic level of mental stimulation that real life will struggle comparing to."

"Okay?" I was still perplexed, but had eased up considerably. This didn't seem like it was going down a bad route.

"So what I'm trying to say is, maybe try to be a tad experimental with only the aid of your mind and real world stimulation. Now before you get any ideas, I don't want you screwing anything on legs. I will still destroy you if you so much as announce a pregnancy at this age,"

I gave a half-hearted, nervous chuckle.

"I think exploring yourself whilst borrowing from the real world is the safest way at maturing sexually. The less porn, the more in-tune you'll be to the needs of others."

"Alright, dad, I think I get it. Porn bad," I groaned with embarrassment. Dad gave a hearty belly laugh in response, clearly enjoying my discomfort. He pulled me into him, fluffed my hair and kissed my head before making his way back to his office.

"Oh, and before I forget," he said, turning around with a deadpan expression, "don't ever do anything like that in class or general public again. Understood?" His face was a steel stern expression the likes of which I'd only ever witnessed the day they found out about the flunked maths exam. Hopefully it was the last.


I texted Jay the second I entered my room.

"bruv, you would not believe it."

Almost instantly came his reply,

"Bro!!!1! We NEED to meet up!!! Want to hear this shite in person :P"

"M8, I dno. Need to ask dad to be honest but he's in a good mood. Be right back"

I jetted back downstairs made a b-line for his office. Before I could tap his door, he threw it open.

"I expect you've told Joe -"

"Jay," I corrected.

"Jay - what happened?"

"Err, kinda. Would it -"

"Yes, but be back for seven, will you?"

"Thanks, dad! Love you," I shouted from across the room, already grabbing my key to leave.

As I walked briskly down Victoria Road to Kensington Gardens, I flashed back to Mr. Surta standing over me. My cum-drenched hand still gripping my softening cock while my phone continued recording in the the other hand. I was left mouth agape in utter despair at the unexpected presence of my history teacher. He leaned down, placing his hands on my desk and looked me in the eyes, his face inches from mine,

"Clean up and take yourself directly to the headmasters office. I'll send your phone to him with a note about what's happened," he whispered.

Without a word, I extended my shaking hand and handed over my phone, and stuffed my deflated dick back in my pants. He was still leaning into me, only stepping away once I had gathered my belongings. It was only when he distanced himself that I realised the entire class was watching. His invasive positioning now made sense. He was protecting me from the eyes of everyone around me. I cringed at the memory, shaking my head to concentrate on the present. Jay was going to absolutely love all this.

I got to the field where we usually hung out, and looked for the tree we had agreed to meet at. It was the third one in from the canopy situated diagonally from the fountain. I looked around the dense wooded area but saw no one. Maybe he was running late? I walked further inward, out of sight of the public footpath near an isolated picnic area hardly anyone knew of, let alone used. Jay wasn't one to be late or ditch me, so this was puzzling. I reached into my shorts pocket for my phone before I was tackled from behind, crashing me to the ground.

I yelped as the body fell on top of my back, leaving me defenceless with my chest and face on the grass.

"Mmmm, tasty fuckboy ass," the absurd gravelly voice whispered.

"You couldn't get this ass if you paid your life's earnings," I mocked with a smile.

"Oh yeah?" The slim body's crotch ground into my ass, a breathy moan humming into my ear, "I'm gonna breed your tight boy hole," he rasped as his hands caressed my smooth legs while his now evident semi-hard cock ground into my clothed crevice.

"Mmmm, I always knew you were a bit bent, you pervy cunt," I howled.

The thrusting stopped and the familiar, recently broken voice of my best friend whined, "oi, that's a bit harsh, fuckin' hell!"

I was laughing hard, but the lack of breathing room was agitating me.

"Get off me, you bellend. I'm suffocating," I cackled.

He rolled off onto his back with a giggle. I looked down to see his shorts tented. I quickly grabbed his cock and squeezed,

"Looks like someone enjoyed that a little too much," I smirked, smacking his hardening pole. He winced, grabbing at his junk in pain.

"Fuck off, that hurts!"

"That's for trying to rape me, you bender," I smiled.

For some odd reason, even though neither of us ever hinted that we were into guys, there was always this sexual energy between us that we sorta just navigated casually. And even though I was definitely straight, our antics never seemed to bother me. I did notice a while back that Jay had become increasingly more physical with me, but I put it down to us just being horny assholes, and I was never against it.

"Whatever, Joey Birlem," Jay retorted.

"Oh my god, can you stop. I'm not a fuckboy," I groaned with annoyance. He was right, though. For some reason I seemed to be the exact twin of instagram celeb Joey Birlem, right down to being a being the son to wealthy parents.

"Bro, who the fuck cares, he's fucking hot, so that makes you..." he trailed off, but I knew where he was headed at.

"Yeah, and what about you, Asher?" I poked back, trying to ignore the weird compliment.

"Jesus Christ, I do not look like Asher Angel! He's a fucking Disney boy," Jay rolled his eyes as he sat up.

"Are you kidding? You are the spitting image of Asher Angel!" I laughed, "I'd be worried about Disney accidentally calling me for a role if I were you."

"Whatever Joey," Jay teased back, but this time with a broad smile.

"Let's be real for a sec. Both of us are clones of two insanely attractive celebs. I doubt we can complain," I said as I jokingly caressed my fave parodying vanity.

"Well, it ain't getting us any pussy, is it," he said, absentmindedly pulling at the grass.

"True, you have a point," I agreed. We sat in silence for a moment before he piped up with his signature mischievous tone of voice,

"So...what happened?"

"Fuckin' hell, where to start?" I chuckled.

I recapped the entire days events, from the moment Mr. Surta approached my desk, to the text I had sent him after dads insanely cringe talk. His face was one of horror, bewilderment to overwhelming joy. We both agreed I had gotten away with murder.

"You sneaky bastard!" He yelled.

"Yeah, but Wright still suspended me `til Friday. So I'm only gonna back next Monday," I grinned.

"What?! And your parents let you out still?" He asked, genuinely shocked.

"Yeah, I'm still kinda waiting for the fallout, but they seem chill as fuck for now. They haven't brought it up yet, so I guess they're gonna wait for dinner or something; no thanks to that fucked up dare. I'm gonna get you back ya for that, by the way," I jabbed.

"Oi, firstly, I didn't ask you to fucking go at it there and then! Secondly, that was your fault for not realising when he came back to class that it was gameover."

"Yeah, I guess you have a point," I replied with a tinge of embarrassment.

"Anyway, it's not like you have the video anymore, either," he said while leaning on his hands, legs crossed and closing his eyes to the sky. Relaxing as if this was any other ordinary day.

"Why'd you want the video, anyways?" I retorted. His neck grew a shade of red that gave away his self-consciousness.

"I-I dunno, just a dumb rule I made up for the dare," he mumbled.

"Yeah, but like, it's a bit weird, isn't it? Wouldn't the wank be enough?"

"Well, Yeah..." he trailed off into a surprisingly rare shyness I was never used to. I hated it. It made him seem vulnerable and weak which I never wanted to see in anyone I liked. Whenever he got self-conscious, it was like he was a completely different person who withdrew into himself.

"So I guess I have to make up for it then?" I decided to throw him a bone and even pull him out of whatever strange shell he was withdrawing into. It seemed to work, because his apprehension quickly turned to eagerness.

"Well, since we're here, I do have an idea," he teased.

Next: Chapter 3

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