Daphnes New Life

By Rogue Writer

Published on Oct 31, 2002


Daphne's New Life, Part II (F/F, fan fiction, romance, surfing) by Rogue Writer

This is my first piece of fan fiction, so that's my excuse if you hate it.

Daphne Blake and all other characters from Scooby Doo are property of Warner Brothers and Hanna Barbara. I'm not making any money off of this, just having a bit of fun.

THE LEGAL SECTION- this is adult material, so if you're too young to read sexually explicit things please stop reading this now. The same goes for adults who don't like this stuff. This story should not inspire you to do anything more than have a good time.

Please email for permission before reposting this story.

Please send feedback to roguewriter@hotmail.com, I'll only get worse without it.

NOTE - This story takes place right after the "What The Hex Going On" episode from the first season, so you might want to watch it to know what the heck is going on here. The first season of "Scooby Doo, Where Are You?" first aired in 1969, so I've kept these events in that year. Of course, my sick mind used that for another naughty idea.

When Daphne got home a week later she was a mix of emotions. One part of her was excited that her friend Sharon helped her see that she was interested in women. It was something Daphne couldn't believe she never knew about herself. She always thought she looked at other girls to see how they measured up to her in fashion, body type, etc. All that time she'd wasted trying to win the affections of Fred, a guy who was barely interested in her. Maybe there was something to that- chasing after a guy who was obviously not interested. In any case, Daphne felt like an enormous burden had been lifted off of her shoulders.

Another part of Daphne was disappointed. After a week together, Sharon and Daphne had come to the conclusion that a long distance relationship wouldn't work for them. It wasn't because they didn't have a good time together, if anything they clicked very well with each other. The two were able to spend the whole week around each other the whole time without feeling the need to have a few minutes to themselves, able to share every private moment with the other. They almost needed to be together if one was in the vicinity, and that, they realized, would be a problem since Daphne lived so far away. If they couldn't be together all of the time, it wasn't worth torturing themselves being apart for so long. It wasn't an easy decision to make and there was a lot of crying, but in the end they knew it was in both their best interests. They would still have fun, in and out of the bedroom, on the occasions when one would visit the other.

Daphne's mom told her Shaggy had called to let her know the gang was over at Velma's. After unpacking her things, Daphne sat down with her journal and wrote about everything that had happened in the last week. She expressed herself best through writing, which was why she wanted to be a professional writer one day, and usually wrote to help make sense of things.

As much as she was happy about what happened, she was sad that she couldn't continue her relationship with Sharon. As far as her discovery, she was a mix of emotions. On the one hand, she felt an exciting new world had been opened up before her, on the other she felt like she was going through it alone. Where would she find other girls who liked girls? Were there any girls like her at school? How would she know who they are? It wasn't like she could just go around asking. These questions continued to trouble her as she walked the three blocks to Velma's house. Daphne went around back and down the stairs to the basement rec room Velma's parents let them use to hang out. When she walked in she found Shaggy and Scooby there with a girl she didn't know.

"Hey Daph!" Shaggy said. A bong sat on the table and the three were watching TV.

"Hey Shag," Daphne said as her eyes fell on the girl. She had long black hair stretching past her shoulders, pale skin and piercing blue eyes. Daphne smiled at her and the girl smiled back. "Who's your friend?" Daphne asked.

"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. You remember last week when we were in that mausoleum and I saw that book on Crystalomacy and said I knew a girl named Crystal Nerdlinger? Well when we got back I called her up and told her to come hang out and here she is!"

Crystal stood up and put out a hand for Daphne to shake. "Hey," Crystal said. "I've heard a lot about you."

She stood the same height as Daphne and looked to be the same weight. She wore a multi-color bikini top and brown jeans. Her tummy had a deep bellybutton, and while Daphne looked at it she noticed Crystal wore a gold chain around her waist. Daphne had seen something like it only once before, on a girl in a nudie magazine Fred had left lying around. Daphne shook Crystal's hand.

Crystal continued to smile as she looked at Daphne, who could feel herself blushing. Why was she so embarrassed?

"In case you're wondering," Shaggy said, "Fred's upstairs with Velma in her lab, trying to figure out something."

"That's okay, I'll hang down her-" A surprised look took over the redhead's face.

"You okay Daph?" Shaggy asked.

Daphne was okay, beyond okay in fact. A wide smile grew on her face as she realized that for the first time, it didn't bother her to hear that Fred was alone with Velma. Then it hit her she hadn't even asked where Fred was when she first came through the door as usual. Everything was different now.

"I'm fine." Daphne asked as she looked at the bong. "Anything left in that thing?"

For the next forty minutes, Daphne smoked and talked with Shaggy, Scooby and Crystal. When asked about her week with Sharon, Daphne talked about hanging out by the pool, listening to music and doing a little horseback riding. Of course, she left out the fact that they'd done it all nude and spent most of the time having sex. Just thinking about her little secret made Daphne tingle inside. Of course, Shaggy and Scooby got hungry just listening to Daphne talk, so they decided to go out for pizza.

"You game for some chow, Crystal?" Shaggy asked.

Crystal looked at Daphne. "What are you going to do?" she asked.

Daphne was dumbstruck. Crystal had just asked her if she wanted to go or not, implying she would do what Daphne wanted to do. She took a chance.

"I think I'm going to stay here and watch some TV," she said looking at Crystal. Then she smiled, hoping Crystal took it the right way.

Crystal looked up at Shaggy. "I think I'll just hang out here too." Daphne soared. She wasn't sure which part of her body soared, but it soared.

"That's cool. Just means more chocolate anchovy pizza for me and Scoob."

"Yeah!" Scooby said, "Chocolate anchovy pizza! Scooooby Dooobie Doooo!" And with that they left.

Crystal shook her head. "Those two are so funny."

"Yeah. They ought to have their own TV show." Daphne and Crystal started watching TV, but had a hard time finding anything good to watch. They started talking about what shows they liked, and Daphne mentioned Bewitched.

"I think it'd be cool to be a witch," Daphne said. "Just wiggle your nose and make things happen."

Crystal laughed. "That part would be cool, but unfortunately it's nothing like that."

"What do you mean?"

Crystal smiled and looked at the stairs to make sure no one was around. "Well, don't tell anybody, but I'm a witch."

"You're a witch?!" Daphne exclaimed.

"Shhhhhh," Crystal said, "Yeah, but the good kind. My mom taught me. It's not like this crazy dark shit or devil worship. It's about respecting the Earth."

Daphne's face twisted in confusion. "Witches are really environmentalists?"

Crystal laughed, then explained Wicca to Daphne. The red head seemed enthralled in this part of witchcraft she'd never heard about. Crystal told Daphne she'd lend her some books about it. They ended up trying to watch TV again, but got bored quickly.

"Hey, I've got an idea," Crystal said, "Let's go to the beach."

"I don't have a suit," Daphne said. "I just got back from a trip and all mine are in the laundry right now."

"That's okay, I always bring extra's in my van. You look about my size." They walked out to Crystal's red Volkswagen van parked on the street and got in. Daphne noticed a surf board in the back. "You surf?" Daphne asked.

"Hell yeah," Crystal said. "Waves should be good this afternoon too."

When they got to the beach, they sat in the van and smoked a joint Crystal had in her glove compartment. Listening to the radio, Jefferson Airplane came on. "I love this song." Daphne said as she turned up the radio.

"Yeah, me too." Crystal took a hit off the joint. "Grace Slick is so hot."

Daphne stared at Crystal. "What?" Crystal asked.

"You like women?"

"Of course. So do you." Then a concerned look crossed Crystal's face. "Unless I read you wrong?" Daphne smiled. "No, not at all."

Crystal blew out the hit. "Cool." While smoking the joint in the van, Daphne and Crystal started commenting on all the girls in bikini's walking past them, pointing out who they found hot.

"I noticed you don't look at guys much," Daphne said.

"Nah. Never really been into guys."

"I thought I was into one once," Daphne said, "but a friend helped me realize what I really wanted."

Crystal put out the joint and stuck the roach in the ashtray for later. Daphne climbed in back to change. Crystal watched as Daphne stripped completely naked before putting on the bikini. "Got you're hot," Crystal said while Daphne was nude.

Daphne looked up at Crystal and smiled. "I'm hot for you." What she said and how she said it made Daphne realize how bold she was becoming. The way Crystal was looking at her gave Daphne had a naughty idea. "You wanna see how hot I am for you?" she asked Crystal, who responded with a nod. "Then stay right where you are, just watch."

Daphne sat back onto Crystal's surfboard and spread her legs. She used both hands to rub her tits, then tweak her nipples. She looked straight into Crystal's eyes as her hands moved down her sides and across her tummy. As they slid down between her legs, Daphne shut her eyes and let out a sigh.

Her fingers spread apart her folds, giving Crystal her first view of Daphne's pink pussy. Daphne's breathing became heavy as her fingers started caressing herself, moving back and forth over her lips. She opened her eyes again and looked directly at Crystal, whose face showed surprise and excitement. Daphne used her tongue to seductively lick her upper lip, causing Crystal's jaw to drop. She closed her eyes and laid back on Crystal's surfboard as one finger made it's way into her hole, careful not to break her hymen. Daphne let out a moan as she moved a juice coated finger up to her left breast and rubbed her nipple while she continued to stroke herself below.

Crystal just sat there dumbfounded, completely turned on by this seductress who Shaggy had described as a cold fish. If Shaggy were here right now, Crystal thought, he'd know different.

Daphne was very turned on as well, not to mention surprised by how much she had changed over the past week. There's a dirty little mind in this head of mine, she thought. It just took finding what she really wanted to unlock this wellspring of naughty thoughts and ideas. She liked looking at women, in and out of bikinis, she liked having sex with women, and most of all she liked doing things that turned women on. Daphne started pinching her clit and felt herself about to climax.

"This is what I've wanted to do since I first saw you," she said to Crystal, followed by "Ohhh, Ohhhhhhhh, Ohhhhhhhhh!" as she shuddered while her juices leaked out onto Crystal's board. Daphne was breathing heavily as she leaned up on her elbows to look at the subject of her affection.

Crystal looked like she'd just witnessed a UFO landing. "That," she stated, "was the hottest fucking thing I have ever seen in my life. Where the hell have you been hiding?"

Daphne let out a giggle. "Lately, I've been asking myself that same question."

Crystal got on her knees in front of Daphne. "Wherever it was, I'm glad I found you." Daphne smiled. "Me too." Crystal leaned down and kissed Daphne on the lips. She tried to make it more, but Daphne pushed her away.

"Let's go hit the sand."

Crystal made a wry face. "After turning me on like that?"

"Sometimes patience pays off." She leaned up and gave Crystal a quick kiss. "Now I want to see you surf." They changed into bikini's and Crystal grabbed her board.

"Do you have something I can use to clean that off?" Daphne pointed at her secretions.

"No way," Crystal said. "I'm surfing with it on the board."

Daphne smiled. "Groovy." Daphne and Crystal found a spot on the sand and laid down beach towels. Crystal pulled out some suntan lotion from her bag and started rubbing it on Daphne, who laid back and enjoyed the sensation. It occurred to Daphne how much everything had suddenly taken on such sexual connotations. Her eyes had been opened to something new, but the really wild part about it was that this was something that had been right there the whole time, something that had existed everyplace she had been before, hiding right under the surface. While she put lotion on Crystal, Daphne realized that while she knew what sex was, and her Mom had taught her about makeup and how to dress, she never really understood how something felt sexual until this past week. Now it seemed to be part of so many things she'd never noticed before.

Crystal grabbed her board and ran out to catch the waves. Daphne watched as Crystal rode a few, then stopped to talk to some of the others sitting on their boards out in the water. Two separate guys came up to talk to Daphne, and she talked back to them, but she didn't engage in any flirting that would keep them there. She realized she had no desire to put up a front, she was interested in girls and that was it. While she smiled at that thought, the sight of a couple passing while holding hands brought another one to her mind- did she have to tell her parents? The rest of the gang? What happens when the rest of the kids at school find out?

Crystal was riding the waves again and Daphne watched while her mind was on these more serious thoughts. While Crystal was riding along a small wave, she looked at Daphne and waved. Daphne waved back right as Crystal wiped out. Daphne took in a sharp breath and stood up, looking for Crystal to surface. She spotted Crystal's board floating in a wave, but didn't see the girl anywhere. She was about to run for the lifeguard when Crystal popped up and shook her head. She smiled and waved at Daphne, who realized she was still holding her breath. Daphne waved back and sat down as her mind turned back to more serious thoughts. She was so engrossed in them that she didn't notice Crystal until her new friend was blocking the sun from her face.

"You okay?" Crystal asked.

"I should be asking you that. I was about to get help"

"Ah, that was nothing. You should see it when a big wave comes down on me." Crystal put down her board and sat on her towel. "I was asking because of the look on your face. Is there something wrong?"

"Kind of, but..." Daphne wasn't sure if she should bother Crystal with this. When Daphne looked at her, Crystal had a sad look on her face.

"Look," Crystal said without looking Daphne in the eye, "if you're trying to tell me that you're not looking for anything serious or you're having second thoughts-"

"It's not anything like that. I'm just...worried. Now that I know I like girls I'm just worried about how other people are going to react."

"Oh," Crystal said. She was concerned for Daphne, but she was also happy that this situation wasn't like the other girls she'd been with. "I understand how you feel, believe me."

"Does your Mom know you like other girls?"

"Yeah, but the way she was brought up is probably different from the way your parents were. My Mom was taught to respect the Earth and all the creatures on it, and that's always helped give her an open mind about things. But only two of my closest friends know, and they know not to tell everyone else at school. Most people can't handle this type of thing."

Daphne thought about this for a moment, then asked "So what do you think I should do?"

"Keep quiet about it for now. You can still have fun, just don't share it with everyone you know."

"So what are you saying, that I have to live two separate lives?"

"Not two separate ones," Crystal said, "just starting a new one along with the old one. You know how you have a group of friends, but then you meet someone else you become friends with and occasionally you hang out with their crowd too? Well, this is the same thing. You can still have the old part of your life with your old friends, you just have new ones too."

Daphne frowned. "I don't know, it still sounds complicated."

"It won't always be that way. Eventually you can feel it out with some people, there's ways to test the waters without saying too much. I can help you with a lot of it if you want."

Daphne smiled, taking Crystal's hand in hers. "Thanks."

Crystal smiled back, then decided to change the subject. "You know what I think about when I surf?"



"You're kidding. Really?"

Crystal looked out at the ocean. "It's the same thing basically. I'm riding a wave whether I'm on a surfboard or on a bed, just enjoy the thing until it crests and rolls. And no matter what happens I've enjoyed the ride."

Daphne smiled, "Do you think about surfing when you're having sex?"

"Yeah, right before I have an orgasm. Either way I'm about to get wet."

The two of them laughed. They spent the rest of the afternoon at the beach, taking a walk along the surf so they could check out other girls and then jumping in the ocean to swim for a while. At one point Crystal went below the surface and felt up Daphne's crotch and ass, reminding Daphne of all the time she and Sharon spent skinny dipping and having sex in the pool last week. Suddenly, Daphne felt her bikini bottoms sliding down. Her mouth dropped as she realized she was facing the beach, which was crowded with people, and dozens of people were nearby in the water. Crystal's fingers rubbed her pussy, causing Daphne to breathe hard. The red head was thankful that she was up to her tits in water so none of the people could see what Crystal was doing. She looked around at the crowded beach and the swimmers in the water, wondering if any of them were looking when Crystal went below the surface, realizing she hadn't come back up and wondering what was happening. Her eyes stopped at the lifeguard chair, but the guy was talking to some girls. For that she was thankful, the thought of a more attentive lifeguard jumping in to save Crystal and what he would see turned Daphne's face the same color as her hair.

Then without warning, Crystal slid her fingers into Daphne's hole. Deep into her hole. There was the quickest bit of pain, followed by an extreme amount of pleasure. But Crystal removed her fingers and her head surfaced with a horrified look.

"Did I just...take your cherry?" Crystal asked. Daphne nodded in response.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"It's okay," Daphne said.

"By the time I realized what it was I was through," Crystal said as she stood up straight and pushed her hair back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think to tell you. I hope it didn't scare you too bad."

Crystal smiled, then laughed. "Before I came up all I could think of was 'I hope I'm a faster swimmer than she is because she's going to be mad as hell.' Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah," Daphne said, "I'm glad you did it too. I wanted it to be someone special."

The wide, beaming smile lit up Crystal's whole face, "Wow. I've only known you a few hours and I'm already someone special. I must be doing something right."

Daphne smiled back. She almost leaned in and kissed Crystal, but remembered about all the people that could see them. So she took Crystal by the arm and turned her toward the beach. "You made it special too. How many people can say they lost their virginity in front of a crowd." The two girls erupted in laughter. They got out of the water and walked back along the surf to their towels, the sun was starting to head for the horizon. Crystal grabbed her towel. "I want to take you someplace."

"Where?" Daphne asked.

"Someplace special to me." They shook the sand from their towels and went to Crystal's van.

Twenty minutes later they were on a secluded spot on top of a grassy hill. There were trees behind them and nothing but rolling hills of grass in front of them.

"It's part of a park," Crystal said. "I come up here all the time because the hill faces the sunset, it's the most beautiful thing." They were still only wearing bikinis when they got out of the truck. "Let's sit on the grass, I love the feeling of grass on my skin."

They laid next to each other, watching the sun disappear over the horizon while its rays colored the clouds gold, then red. Crystal had brought out the roach and lit it up, they smoked as they watched the scene before them. When the joint was done, Crystal leaned over and kissed Daphne lightly on the lips, then pulled back to look at Daphne's face. Daphne leaned in and continued the kiss, adding tongue and roaming hands. Crystal felt Daphne's body pressing against hers, so she wrapped her arms around Daphne and pulled at the strings of her bikini top. She felt Daphne's hands performing the same function on her top and soon the two were naked from the waist up, their nipples pressing into each other as they continued making out.

Crystal pinched Daphne's right nipple, eliciting a moan that Crystal felt in her own mouth. Daphne reciprocated by breaking the kiss and leaning down to take one of Crystal's nipples into her mouth. Crystal took in a sharp breath as she sucked and licked the nipple until it was rock hard, then started giving the same treatment to the other one. While Daphne was working away, Crystal looked down at the mass of red hair that was giving her so much pleasure. Crystal always wanted a red head, and she had no idea how close she was to fulfilling her dream when Daphne walked into the basement this morning. From everything Shaggy had told her, Daphne sounded like a cold fish with an obsession for Fred.

Daphne licked her way down to Crystal's belly button, where she let her tongue snake in and lick around. She left Crystal's belly button and moved lower, coming across the jewelry she had noticed before.

"Where did you get this?" Daphne asked.

"It's a belly necklace, I found it at a store on the Avenue."


Crystal tilted her head. "I like your anklet."

"Thanks. A girlfriend gave it to me."

"A girlfriend?" Crystal asked.

"Yeah, Sharon, the girl I was staying with last week. But we decided a long distance relationship wouldn't work, so..." Daphne shrugged.

"Well, maybe you're new girlfriend can take you to that store and we could get something together."

Daphne smiled. "Okay."

"Shouldn't you be getting back to work?"

"Oh yeah, sorry." Daphne stuck her tongue out and continued to lick lower until she got to Crystal's bikini bottoms. She pressed her lips to the fabric covering her prize and gave it a kiss.

"Ohhhh," Crystal cooed.

Daphne smiled, then planted a line of small kisses down the slit as Crystal spread open her legs. Daphne felt a wet spot as she planted the last kiss, so she released her tongue on the spot, casing Crystal to moan. Daphne let her tongue play on the moist spot as she imagined the juices waiting for her on the other side. She decided to wait no longer as her fingers slipped between the bikini and Crystal's skin and slowly pulled them down until they were off.

Crystal felt a huge burst of excitement when Daphne got the bottoms off. She always felt this when she was naked outdoors, the feeling of being closer to nature as the breeze hit her nipples and she felt the grass against her skin.

Crystal sighed. "People have gotten so far away from where they're supposed to be."

"What do you mean?"

"Creating man-made buildings and cities instead of living around trees and grass and animals. My mom says it's caused by the passage of time. The further away we get from the time we were created the further away we get from the way we're supposed to be, each generation forgetting more and more the way we were intended to live and growing more accustomed to living around steel and concrete instead of grass and trees."

While Crystal spoke, Daphne was laying between her legs, fingers lazily playing with the black pubic hair in front of her. It truly is a beautiful thing, she thought as she looked at Crystal's pussy, a work of art created by God's own hand. She extended her tongue into the most perfect of nature's creations, licking in and out of the pink folds, savoring the taste of the juices as her fingers teased outside the opening.

The attention paid to her pussy quieted Crystal's diatribe on nature and society. She started to breathe heavily as her hands went to her nipples to pinch and pull on them. Her last wandering thought came as looked at the sun setting on the horizon, wondering how many other women throughout history watched the sun setting while another woman ate them out. Probably more than she thought.

Crystal moaned as Daphne targeted her clit, her tongue circled around it several times and then sucked it in hard. Daphne realized Crystal produced more juice than Sharon, a lot more. Every lick coated her tongue, giving her almost a whole swallow's worth, and her fingers were covered in Crystal's cum as she played in the pink folds. The dual action had Crystal writhing on the ground like a woman possessed, and it only got worse as Daphne pressed her right index finger into Crystal's hole and eased it in slowly.

"Ohhhhh, huh, yeah," Crystal moaned. "Put in another one, uhhhh God."

Daphne eased out her index finger, then added her middle finger and went back inside, only slower than before. It was a trick Sharon had taught her, going slowly to increase the pleasure by adding anticipation. Crystal had never experienced this before, but she knew it was something she had to remember and wanted to try it out on someone else, namely her new redheaded friend.

Daphne pumped her fingers in and out at a maddeningly slow pace, Crystal kept wanting to scream for her to go faster, but this made her feel so great she didn't want it to stop. She felt Daphne use the fingers from her other hand to spread Crystal's lips, and suddenly she felt a breeze down there. Crystal realized Daphne was blowing on her pussy, which added to the incredible sensation she was already feeling. Her body jerked repeatedly as Daphne continued to drive her mad.

As she began to gradually increase the speed of her fingers, Daphne's pursed lips moved closer to Crystal's clit, still exhaling her breath until she made touchdown on Crystal's clit and sucked in the little nubbin, her tongue playing with it inside her mouth. Crystal's breathing came in shorter and shorter gasps, punctuated by moans that grew increasingly louder. Crystal imagined herself riding the wave of her orgasm, aiming her board along the wave, trying to ride it out as long as possible. But just when she felt the crest of the wave was about to overtake her, Daphne pulled her fingers all the way out of Crystal.

"Huh, wait! Put them back don't- uhhhhhhhhhhhh!" While she was protesting, Crystal didn't notice Daphne's finger aiming lower and finding somewhere else to stick it. When Daphne's tongue took the place of her fingers in Crystal's hole, the teenage surfer's back arched off the ground so high that Daphne had to move along with Crystal so she wouldn't lose her place in both areas. Each of Crystal's hands grabbed grass and tore it up from the ground as the orgasm crashed down upon her. Daphne's lips sucked up the cum from the outside as her tongue swam in it on the inside.

"Wipe out," Crystal breathed as she regained her senses.

Daphne looked up from between Crystal's legs with a smile on her face and every hair in place. That purple hair tie does some job, Crystal thought.

"I can't believe it," Crystal said.

"Can't believe what?" Daphne asked.

"That you stuck your finger up my ass."

Daphne's smile disappeared and worry gripped her as she felt a lump in her throat. She'd done it with Sharon all last week, so she'd just assumed...

"None of the girls I've been with were into it, so I always stuck my own finger up there. But that's never as good as when someone else does it."

The lump went away and Daphne breathed a sigh of relief.

"C'mere," Crystal said. Daphne crawled up to her and they shared a kiss. Crystal pulled out of the kiss and showered Daphne's face with little kisses, tasting the remnants of her expulsions. Moving to the redhead's neck, Crystal let her tongue do the talking as she thanked Daphne for the orgasm she was given. She planned to show Daphne a few tricks of her own, starting with torture by teasing. She licked the area underneath Daphne's right breast, slowly working her way towards the nipple. When she got there, the most she did was give it a quick kiss, then proceeded to do the same to the other one.

"No fair!" Daphne cried.

"Yeah, I know," Crystal said. "But if you're a good, patient little girl I'll give you a surprise." Daphne pouted, so Crystal added "Sometimes patience pays off."

With that, Crystal licked the space between Daphne's breasts, continuing all the way up to her chin, giving Daphne a peck on the lips and then crawling down to her bellybutton. Once there she stuck her tongue into Daphne's deep hole, swirling her tongue around.

"Mmmmmmmm," was Daphne's response. Crystal then concentrated on Daphne's sides, treating each one to long, slow licks that both turned Daphne on and gave her goose bumps. Crystal took a moment to look up at her victim and see if her actions were having the desired effect. Daphne's eyes were closed and her fingers were pinching both her nipples.

"Don't stop," Daphne muttered, causing Crystal to smile and return to her work. She licked the space between Daphne's bush and her leg, a place she had never failed to find sensitive on a woman. Daphne didn't break the pattern, she moaned when Crystal did it, then seductively bit her lip on the right side as she moaned again.

Crystal stuck her nose in Daphne's sparse red bush, sniffing her musky sweet odor and pressing the tip against her mons. The gasp that escaped Daphne's lips when she did it proved to Crystal that her torture had been successful.

She moved her way down Daphne's long, sexy right leg with kisses along the top while the tips of her fingers lightly grazed down each side. When she got to Daphne's foot she licked her ankle and the ankle bracelet, then kissed along the arch of her foot. Crystal used her tongue to lick across the tops of Daphne's toes, then sucked each one into her mouth. Moving to Daphne's left foot, she licked and sucked the toes there and told Daphne to turn over. Crystal used the same technique to get up Daphne's right leg, only she stopped when she reached the spot behind Daphne's knee. She swiped her tongue horizontally along the spot, causing Daphne's whole body to jerk.

"Hey, that tickles!"

Crystal smiled, "I know it does." It was another spot she'd found to be sensitive. Crystal continued her assault on Daphne's skin until she reached the bottom of her ass. Crystal leaned up and took a moment to appreciate Daphne's beautifully shaped ass. It was the most perfect butt she'd ever seen. Leaning back down again, Crystal started in the center of Daphne's left butt cheek and, moving her tongue in slow circles, worked her way out until she was grazing the crack. She moved over and did the same with the other cheek.

Finally, Crystal planted herself between Daphne's legs and put a hand on each cheek. She spread them to reveal the crinkled rosebud, but only took shallow swipes with her tongue along Daphne's crack.

Daphne couldn't take it anymore. This torture was maddening. Crystal had been licking her entire body without touching anything overly sensitive and it had been driving her crazy with anticipation. She pushed her butt towards Crystal, trying to prompt the girl to get the job done. But the witch was having none of it, every time Daphne moved her ass Crystal moved with her so her tongue was no deeper than she'd already had it.

"Please..." Daphne whined.

"What do I get out of it?"

Daphne turned, "Whatever you want!"

Crystal smiled, "That's what I like to hear."

Crystal lowered her head and her tongue speared between Daphne's cheeks and landed on her rosebud. Licking back and forth on the puckered hole, Crystal heard Daphne moan and realized she was trying to say something.

"What did you say?" Crystal asked.

"Put it in," Daphne breathed.

"Soon enough," Crystal said. "Turn over."

Daphne complied and Crystal found herself once again looking at Daphne's red bush.

"Spread your legs more," Crystal said. Daphne did so and Crystal dove right into her pussy.

"Oh God!!" Daphne yelled as Crystal licked all over Daphne's folds until she plunged her tongue into Daphne's hole, swirling it around in the tight space. The sensation was driving Daphne crazy, Crystal could tell because of the muscle contractions she could feel around her tongue.

Crystal looked up and saw Daphne pinching and pulling on her nipples, her eyes were closed and she was biting on the corner of her lip again. She noticed Daphne always bit her lip like that when she was being pleased sexually, and something about how it looked turned Crystal on. She took her mouth away from her work.

"Now it's time for your surprise," Crystal said.

"Now?!" Daphne said. "Believe me, I can be patient more."

Crystal laughed. "Trust me, this goes with what I'm doing. Can you get your breast to your mouth?"

Daphne raised her eyebrows, she'd never even thought of it. Cupping her right breast, she pushed it towards her mouth, but couldn't get very far.

"Try and bring your head down to it," Crystal suggested. Daphne bent her neck as her hand pushed her breast, but it still had a little distance to go. Daphne's breasts were just not big enough, certainly not as big as Crystal's C-cups.

"Stick out your tongue."

Daphne extended her tongue and managed to reach her pink nipple. She flicked it across the tip, then managed to lick around most of the nipple. Her tongue moved faster as she enjoyed the new little trick.

Crystal smiled as she leaned lowered herself into Daphne's folds and put her tongue to work again. Moving around her folds, up and down her slit and teasing around the hole, Crystal finally centered around the nubbin of flesh that represented Daphne's on-switch of pleasure. Taking it between her lips, Crystal moved her head from side to side, letting Daphne's clit roll in her lips. Then she sucked it into her mouth and let her tongue play with it. At the same time, Crystal's fingers easily slid into Daphne's wet hole.

"Ohhhhhhh!" was Daphne's automatic reaction. Crystal pumped her fingers slowly back and forth as her mouth continued its work. Daphne felt an overload of pleasure as her limbs went wild. Realizing she'd lost the attention she had been paying to her own breasts, she grabbed her left one and bent her neck and extended her tongue until she managed to reach her target. Daphne didn't know what she couldn't believe more- how good this felt or how an experienced masturbator such as herself had never thought of it before. Accompanied with the sensations of Crystal's tongue on her pussy it was the most exquisite pleasure she'd ever felt.

Daphne stopped moving and put her hands on Crystal's head, raising her legs slightly off the ground as she thrust her pelvis harder into Crystal's face.

With one last cry she felt the pleasure of an orgasm wash over her body. When it was over Daphne lay back completely exhausted. She didn't resist when she felt Crystal turn her over onto her stomach and spread the checks of her ass. Daphne felt pressure for a moment, then pleasure as Crystal's finger entered her anus. As she basked in the afterglow of her orgasm, Daphne loved the sensation of Crystal's finger pumping in and out of her, and loved it even more when Crystal removed her finger and started using her tongue.

Daphne stared at the grass in front of her and thought about what Crystal had said before about nature, along with what she'd been thinking earlier about things taking on a new meaning. Was this the way things were really supposed to be? The same God who created the grass in front of her created her, thus He created her ability to experience so much pleasure during sex. So why were so many people, like her parents, saying sex is only for procreation and nothing else? Because we're getting away from nature, like Crystal said, and sex is part of our nature. If Shaggy were there he would say she was thinking too much again, like she always did when she got stoned. Daphne smiled when she realized Crystal did the same thing after they smoked before, apparently something they have in common.

Crystal turned Daphne back over and crawled up beside her. "How was that?" she asked.

Daphne answered by pulling Crystal to her and engaging in a passionate kiss. She put her lips over Crystal's, sucking on them playfully, then pressed up against them as her tongue slipped through. Their mouths covered each other's as their tongues intertwined. Daphne loved making out, and since Sharon spent so much time teaching her how, Daphne had become an expert at it. This was not something lost on Crystal, she'd noticed the redhead enjoyed spending a considerable amount of time with her tongue in Crystal's mouth.

Suddenly, there was a rustling in the bushes. Crystal sprang off Daphne and got to her feet. "What the hell was that?" Daphne asked.

Crystal signaled Daphne to stay there as she crept up on the bushes. She sprang up and spread them apart. "Boo!" Crystal yelled. Three young boys, about twelve or thirteen years old, ran away screaming. Crystal and Daphne burst out laughing.

"Fucking kids," Crystal said as she walked back over to Daphne.

"How long do you think they were there?"

"Who knows?" Crystal said, "but I bet they don't need to sneak into Daddy's Playboy collection tonight for something to jerk off to." Crystal helped Daphne up and they collected their bikinis. "Hey, my mom is out of town tonight. Can you stay over my place?"

"Sure, that'd be groovy. But we need to stop by my house to see if it's okay with my parents." They put their street clothes back on and got into Crystal's van.

Daphne's parents had no problem with Daphne staying over Crystal's house, as long as no boys were staying over. With huge grins on their faces, they assured her parents that would not be a problem. Daphne grabbed some extra clothes and they left. On the way to Crystal's house they stopped by the shop that Daphne had told Crystal about. The place reeked of pot and the couple that owned the place looked like they'd just walked away from a Grateful Dead concert. To Crystal's disappointment, they were all out of the belly necklaces, but Daphne bought a beaded anklet for Crystal. When she paid for it, Crystal asked when they'd have more belly necklaces.

"Hey, Sarah!" the shop owner called to the back, "when are we getting more of those things this girl is wearing?"

His wife came out of a beaded door holding a baby. "I think we're getting some more in two weeks. Maybe."

"Awww, he's so cute," Daphne said when she saw the baby. "What's his name?"

"Bob," the shop owner said, then looked at his wife. "But it's gonna be Baked Bob if his mother doesn't stop smoking shit around him."

"It's not like you don't smoke it either!"

"Yeah, but I don't do it around the kid."

"Well maybe if you helped watching him now and then I wouldn't have to!" she said as she went into the back again.

The owner turned to the girls and shook his head. "God help me if that boy takes after her."

Crystal's house looked spooky from the outside, very big, very old and very dark. The house sat on a large lot of land, with trees and branches obscuring the view from the road, and had a wraparound porch with rocking chairs and a hammock.

Once inside, Daphne sat on the couch in the living room while Crystal made some drinks. Crystal handed her a glass with some brownish liquid that Daphne presumed was iced tea. She smelled a hint of mint as she put the glass to her lips, but the liquid was very bitter tasting. Not wanting to be rude, Daphne had to work hard to get a smile through the cringing features on her face.

"What is this?" she asked.

"It's a little potion my mom makes. It's not about what it does, but what it does for you."

"What's it going to do for me?" Daphne asked hesitantly.

Crystal smiled a sly grin. "Trust me, and relax."

They talked as they finished up what was in their glasses. Daphne suddenly noticed she felt horny. Not an average horny, but a heightened sense of wanting to have sex.

"I'm surprised your mom lets you drink this stuff," Daphne said.

"Actually, my mom would kill me if she knew I was using this on you. But since she's on a little trip until tomorrow..."

They drank some more, then Crystal slid into Daphne's arms and they proceeded to make out on the couch. After a few minutes of tongue dancing, they began to remove each other's clothing and soon they were both naked.

While they kissed and fondled one another, Daphne began to feel strange, but it was a good kind of strange. She felt looser, like all worry was lifted from her shoulders. At the same time, her attentions to Crystal became more aggressive, almost ferocious. Her kisses became more desperate, hungry, like she was starved for this woman. Daphne took Crystal's right nipple and sucked on it like a baby milking her mother. She switched to the other nipple and gave it the same treatment.

Crystal was enjoying the attention paid to her breasts. She saw the effect the potion was having on Daphne as well as feeling them herself. Her mother said it was an ancient recipe, great for getting a lover very horny and heightening every sensation. Daphne was practically attacking Crystal, driving her crazy with lust. The potion was having it's own effect on Crystal, she felt every inch of her skin burning with need and setting her sex drive on fire. Daphne's attention on her nipples finally brought it to unbearable levels as Crystal grabbed Daphne under her arms and lifted her off the couch and sat her on the coffee table. Crystal was surprised for a moment at her burst of strength and boldness. Daphne was no less surprised, and yet it turned her on at the same time. The raven haired beauty pushed Daphne down until she lay sideways on the table, then spread her legs to give better access to her target. This time there was no playing around, no build-up, no teasing. Crystal simply kneeled on the floor and clamped her lips onto Daphne's nether set and sucked on the whole package. While her lips attacked the outside, Crystal's tongue stabbed and licked at the pink wall in front of it.

Lying on the table, Daphne moaned and shook as every inch of her body felt pleasure. "Ohhh, Ohhhh, Ohhhh, Crystal, Ohhhh, Ohhhhhhh" Daphne's hand rubbed her breasts as the sensations caused by Crystal were amplified by the potion.

Crystal's mouth backed off as her hand moved in and stuck two fingers into Daphne's hole and began pumping. Daphne's back arched as she bent her knees so her feet were near Crystal's face.

"Suck them." Daphne managed between moans. Crystal continued her fingering as she leaned up and sucked on the toes of Daphne's right foot. Daphne pointed her toes at Crystal, who took the big and index toes in her mouth at the same time.

As she was coming close to orgasm, Daphne's moans were getting very loud, almost obscene by her standards. "Fuck yeah! Oh God! Fuck! Fuck me! Fuck me Crystal!" She suddenly remembered the trick Crystal taught her, cupping her breast and bringing it as close as she could to her mouth. Sticking out her tongue, Daphne began licking the nipple as she pinched her other one. Looking down the length of her body, she watched Crystal's fingers pumping in and out of her pussy while her new friend sucked on her toes.

Daphne licked her other nipple for a few minutes before she began to ride the orgasm. She lay back until her head and shoulders were off the side of the table, closed her eyes and felt the most intense orgasm wash over her body. It was better than any orgasm she'd experienced with Sharon, which she thought were mind blowing in the first place.

When it was over, Daphne lay on the table completely exhausted. Crystal's fingertips lightly massaged Daphne's belly, occasionally teasing her belly button. Daphne enjoyed the sensation in her post-orgasmic bliss.

"That," she breathed, "was fucking incredible." Crystal leaned over Daphne's body and gave a quick kiss on each nipple, then moved up and lightly kissed around Daphne's mouth. When she got to her lips, Crystal used her tongue to lick them slowly until she slipped between them and turned it into a passionate kiss.

When the kiss ended Daphne's eyes lit up, her exhaustion replaced by tingling excitement as an idea entered her mind. Now it was Daphne's turn to take charge, jumping up from the table, grabbing Crystal by the hand and leading her to the front door. They each felt their own tingle of excitement as they stepped onto the porch, naked outside again. Daphne led Crystal to the hammock and they both got in to lay side by side.

"It's so funny you thought about this," Crystal said. "I lay out here naked all the time, reading or doing homework."

Daphne cuddled up to Crystal and they lay there in the hot summer night, making out or just sharing the occasional kiss as they looked out into the night sky. They could hear the crickets and the occasional car pass by. Twice they could see people walking on the sidewalk, but it was too far for anyone to see someone lying on the hammock, let alone two naked girls.

After a while Crystal brought Daphne back inside the house and they scrounged up something to eat. Daphne noticed jars on shelves, labeled with the kinds of things she'd expect to see in the residence of a witch. But luckily witches liked tuna fish sandwiches and Coke-a-Cola too. When they were done with the meal, Crystal dragged Daphne upstairs.

"There's someone I want you to meet," she said as she opened the door to her room. They walked in and Crystal switched on a light. The room was typical for a Sixties teenager, and it was surprisingly neat, Daphne thought, although a bit crowded with a dresser, bureau, desk and a long table with a fish tank on it. The bed took up most of the room, a four poster with a dark brown canopy over it.

"Edgar!" Crystal shouted, "Edgar! C'mon out! We have company!" Suddenly, a black object with long, large wings dove from above the canopy and with a high pitch screech flew across the room. Daphne screamed and dropped to the floor as it swooped down past her.

"There's a bat in your room!" Daphne yelled. When she looked up she saw Crystal standing there calmly, watching the creature fly.

"Of course it's a bat. That's Edgar, he's my pet."

"You're pet?!" Daphne said as she looked around for where Edgar went. "You keep a bat as a pet?"

"You expected anything less from a witch?"

Daphne thought about it as she slowly got to her feet. "I guess not."

"C'mon, he's harmless, not to mention cute."

Crystal went over to the bed where Edgar landed, picked him up and held him in her hands. Nuzzling him to her face, she gave him a little kiss and held him towards Daphne, who stepped back.

"Don't be silly," Crystal said, "he's not going to hurt you." Daphne put up her hand and tentatively touched Edgar on the head. She stroked him a little.

"See, he's harmless." Suddenly, Edgar took off from Crystal's hand. Daphne jumped back as she saw him fly to a perch on top of the bureau, taking a position hanging upsidown.

Crystal laughed. "You're easily spooked for a person who spends so much time in haunted houses."

"Bats scare me."

"How about snakes?"

"You have a snake too?"

Crystal smiled, grabbed Daphne's hand and led her to the fish tank. For the first time Daphne noticed there was no water in the tank, but a long, thick snake laying in the bottom.

"Daphne Blake, meet Sally the Snake." Crystal laughed at the rhyme she made. "Isn't she beautiful?"

Daphne cocked her head. "I guess."

Crystal opened the top, reached in and took Sally by the head and neck and brought her up. Sally stuck out her tongue, flipping it around. Crystal gave Sally a kiss on the lips, then held her towards Daphne. "Want to give her a kiss?"

Daphne closed her eyes and pushed herself to give Sally a kiss. Sally stuck out her tongue and Daphne felt it on her lips.

Daphne said as she pulled back and made a face. "Yuck!"

"Looks like Sally wanted to add some tongue. Maybe she's a lesbian too!" Crystal laughed as she put Sally back in the tank and closed it.

"Put on some music while I grab some things," Crystal said, then walked out of the room.

Daphne looked through Crystal's record collection. There was lots of Beach Boys, no surprise for a surfer, Jefferson Airplane and a few other things Daphne liked. There was also the Black Sabbath album, MC5, The Doors, Grateful Dead and something called Pink Floyd. When Daphne saw Jimi Hendrix she knew what song she wanted to hear. Crystal came back holding Daphne's green scarf, the one she always wore around her neck.

"What do you need that for?" Daphne asked.

"You'll see." Crystal busied herself lighting some candles around the room and a stick of incense. The stereo came to life with "Foxy Lady", and Crystal closed her eyes and swayed a little to the music.

"Good choice," she said. Suddenly she felt Daphne's naked body against her back and opened her eyes. In the mirror in front of her she could see Daphne standing behind her, the red head's hands reached around her body and play with her nipples. Daphne put her head next to Crystal's ear.

"Before last week, my only sexual experience was masturbating."

"You poor thing," Crystal breathed as she watched Daphne's left hand slowly creep down her stomach.

"Yeah, but I was good at it," Daphne said. "You know what I loved to do best?" Daphne's hand reached Crystal's bush and started toying with her pubic hairs.

"What's that?"

"Looking in the mirror when I played with myself," Daphne whispered. "It was like watching myself in a movie. Seeing all the things I did to myself, making all those faces, seeing what pleasure looked like."

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm," Crystal cooed as Daphne's fingers went between her legs and started having fun. Crystal spread her legs so Daphne would have better access. She watched in the mirror as Daphne's one hand continued to pinch and pull at one of her nipples while the other hand was rubbing her pussy. Daphne took her hand away from the nipple to brush Crystal's hair away from her neck, then gave little kisses along it while her hand went to the other nipple. Daphne started sucking on Crystal's neck, giving the occasional lick along it's length.

Crystal continued to watch what was being done to her in the mirror. There were times she had to let out a chuckle, Daphne was right about the strange faces one makes while being pleasured. Before she knew it, Crystal felt the orgasm brewing inside of her.

"Stop," Crystal said, putting her hands on Daphne's wrists to emphasize her wish.

"What's wrong?" Daphne asked.

"Nothing. I just want to cum in your mouth." Crystal walked to the bed and sat down on the edge, spreading her legs, then gestured with her finger for Daphne to come over. When she was in front of Crystal, the other girl guided her to her knees.

Daphne started by using her hands on Crystal's body, realizing whatever the witch gave her to drink had increased her sensitivity to touch and the same must have happened to Crystal. Crystal felt Daphne's hands move down her arms from her shoulders to her fingertips, then down the front of her body to her breasts, where she cupped them from underneath and gave them a playful squeeze. Crystal moaned when Daphne went over her breasts again twice, once on the outer edges and once over her nipples, letting the hard pebbles slip back and forth between her fingers. Daphne's hands glided down her tummy, then spread apart to cover her hips, over the belly necklace and down her legs to her feet. Daphne picked up one of Crystal's feet and brought it to her face, letting her tongue snake out and lick the tips of Crystals toes. The she looked right into Crystal's eyes as she brought them to her mouth and sucked in each toe one by one. Crystal cupped her breast and brought it to her mouth, easily sucking the nipple into her mouth as she kept eye contact with Daphne.

"That looks good," Daphne said, putting down Crystal's foot and moving in to suck on the other nipple.

The combined sensations were driving Crystal mad. They continued sucking on Crystal's tits until Crystal took Daphne by the back of the head and drew her in for a kiss. The potion was still working wonders on their libidos. Daphne broke the kiss and used her tongue on Crystal's neck, licking and nibbling her way down until she reached muff.

Once there, she ran her fingers on the insides of Crystal's legs, then used her tongue to give a long lick on the inside of each of one. "Torturing me, huh," Crystal said, smiling. "You're learning."

"I'm enticing you with the things to come."

"Namely me, I guess."

Daphne gave a bashful smile, followed by a giggle. Crystal put her hand on Daphne's face and stroked her cheek. Daphne kissed Crystal's hand, then used her own hands to open the pink flower in front of her. She had learned to be patient, finding out that going slow increased the pleasure of her partner. But the potion was in control now, causing her to ravish Crystal's pussy with abandon. Her impatience didn't cause any problem for Crystal, every stab of the redhead's tongue made her whole body spasm, every lick made her twinge with pleasure, and when Daphne stuck her fingers inside Crystal's pussy she found it as moist as if she'd been working on it for half an hour. It was one of the effects of the potion. Crystal didn't even get a chance to imagine the wave, the orgasm simply took hold of her body and had it's way with her. Crystal let out a scream that made Edgar fly from his perch and hide under the dresser. Daphne stood as Crystal laid back on the bed, enjoying the results of Daphne's work. Crystal felt the weight of Daphne's body as her friend laid on top of her. Their faces found each other and so did their lips. They embraced and kissed passionately, each one taking turns playing with the other's tongue. Daphne finally slid off of Crystal and they lay together on the bed, holding each other.

After a while, Crystal looked at Daphne and said, "I want to try something, but I need you to trust me."

"What is it?" Daphne asked.

Crystal smiled, "That would ruin the surprise."

"Is it going to hurt?" Daphne asked, half-joking.

"Actually it is," Crystal said. "But in a good way."

"How can it hurt in a good way?"

"Try it and you'll see."

Daphne was hesitant but also intrigued. She wanted to know what this surprise was, and after the past week of her eyes being opened, she wanted to try new things with women. Last week's Daphne would have said no, but this week's Daphne looked at the girl in front of her and was willing to find out what hurt in a good way. She smiled the naughty smile that was becoming a regular resident on her face.

"Sure, let's do it."

Crystal smiled and got off the bed. Opening a drawer in the dresser across the room, Crystal rummaged through clothes until she came out with four different colored scarves. Daphne found herself surprised and excited when Crystal tied a scarf around each ankle and then each corner of the bed. She did the same with Daphne's wrists and soon the redhead found herself bound spread-eagle on the bed.

Crystal looked at Daphne and smiled, then went over to the record player and changed the music, putting on Iron Butterfly's "In A Gada Divida". She stood there waited until the first beat, then her hips began swaying to the song as Daphne watched her cute ass move from left to right. Crystal turned around and brought her hands above her head as she continued to dance to the rhythm of the song. Crystal as she grabbed Daphne's green scarf and danced around with it in her hand, the scarf trailing like a kite. Crystal moved around the room, almost like a ballerina, but this was the most sensual ballerina Daphne had ever seen. She danced next to the bed and began moving the scarf along Daphne's naked body, over her nipples and down past her belly button, the material moving her pubic hairs and down her legs until her feet.

Crystal danced some more at the foot of the bed, then stopped and looked down at Daphne. "I'm going to blindfold you, okay?"

"Okay," Daphne said with a little hesitation in her voice. Crystal took Daphne's green scarf and used it to cover Daphne's eyes. She walked over to the dresser and took one of the thick candles off the top, then climbed on the bed and straddled Daphne's waist. The redhead was able to feel how moist Crystal was by the residue left on her stomach. Crystal leaned down and kissed Daphne briefly on the lips, then leaned back up and aimed the candle over Daphne. She only wanted to drip a few drops, but when she tipped the candle a good portion of wax dropped on Daphne's stomach.

"Yeow!" Daphne exclaimed as her body jerked under Crystal, who tried to wipe away the puddle of wax with her hand.

"Shit! I'm sorry!" Crystal grabbed her bed cover and got the wax off before it hardened. She used her tongue to try and cool off the area, even though it tasted horrible.

"Jeepers! That's supposed to hurt in a good way?"

"No, I dropped too much at once. Let me try it again."

Daphne almost told her not to, but the adventurous side of her kicked in again. "You're lucky I have the hots for you," she said.

Crystal smiled as she aimed at Daphne's left breast. Carefully she tipped the candle until the wax dripped down the side, then pooled at the bottom edge until a small drop flew down and landed just to the left of Daphne's nipple.

Daphne took in a sharp breath and let it out with a soft "Ooohhh." She knew in her mind it was supposed to hurt, but in such a small dose like that there was something exotically erotic about it, something that hit her just below the waist.

Crystal was fairly sure Daphne liked it by her reaction, so she let another one go, this one landing just below where the last one hit. Once again, Daphne responded with sharp intake of breath followed by a soft exhale. Crystal repeated the process on her right breast in the same places, then took a shot at the nipple, followed by a quick strike again. Both times Daphne gave a "Ah!", then relaxed her tense body.

Crystal was going to do the other nipple, then decided to strike somewhere unexpected. She aimed at the top of Daphne's stomach, right above where she was sitting, and let a few drops go in succession. Each hit was confirmed by Daphne with an "Oh!" The last drop was bigger than the rest, and when it landed it rolled down Daphne's skin and between Crystal's legs. Crystal's head went back as she felt the drop touch her pussy before it cooled and hardened, letting an "Ohhhhh!" escape from lips. Crystal got up and turned around until she was facing Daphne's legs.

"What are you doing?" Daphne asked. Without response, Crystal let a drop of wax land on the top of Daphne's bush.

"Mmmmmmmmm!" came from Daphne, surprising Crystal. She thought Daphne would let out more of a yell, but realized Daphne must have liked it, since that was the sound she made when she was biting her lip in ecstasy. Crystal wondered if her friend was wet from all this treatment, then decided to find out for herself. Crystal placed her free hand on the red hair in front of her, rubbing it softly. Daphne let out a short "Oh!". The touch of flesh sent an electric jolt through Daphne, who expected another drop of hot wax. When Crystal let two fingers slide down to Daphne's lips, it felt like she'd dipped them into the ocean.

Crystal scooted her body down so she could get her mouth to Daphne's pussy.

She spread Daphne's lips and put her tongue to work, licking Daphne's lips and taking the occasional shallow dip into her hole. Of course, this position put Crystal's pussy right over Daphne's face. The blindfolded redhead moaned as Crystal ate her pussy, but as she sucked air back into her lungs she smelled a familiar odor. Daphne couldn't really see anything through her green scarf, but she recognized the smell of something she had tasted not long ago.

Daphne arched her head up as her nose bumped into something wet. She stuck her tongue out and tasted Crystal's sweet nectar, and began to swirl her tongue around. She couldn't see, so she just kept licking everywhere and in any direction, up and down, side to side and in circles.

Crystal had almost laughed when she felt Daphne's nose poke into her pussy, thinking it was a mistake. But when she felt the soft, warm caress of a tongue on her nether region she knew the girl had been hunting. She hadn't expected this to turn into a sixty nine, but she wasn't going to complain. Crystal kept up on Daphne's pussy, using her lips to suck up the free flowing fluids. Meanwhile, Daphne managed to get one of her hands free from the scarf binding her to the bedpost. She didn't take off the blindfold, but instead used two fingers to spread open Crystal's pussy lips, giving Daphne better access. She liked not being able to see, it turned her on to only be able to operate by touch.

Crystal had no idea that Daphne's inability to see was the cause of so much pleasure. She pushed two fingers into Daphne's pussy and started pumping as her lips sucked on Daphne's clit. The sensation was driving Daphne crazy, so she did the same, using two of her fingers to fuck Crystal's hole as her tongue worked on the clit. Both girls were eliciting louder and louder moans. Crystal took her fingers from Daphne's pussy, found the girl's rosebud and slid one into her rectum. Crystal didn't pump in and out, but simply wiggled her finger inside. It was too much for Daphne, who managed to stifle a scream as her body shook from an incredible orgasm. She pressed her tongue into Crystal's clit, then buried her fingers into Crystal as far as they'd go. Soon Crystal came as well and both girls licked and sucked the juice from each other. Crystal freed Daphne's feet from the bedposts, and crawling up to Daphne's face, she untied the still bound hand but didn't remove the blindfold. Putting her face right in front of Daphne's, she used her nose to trace around Daphne's cheeks, nose and lips. Then she kissed Daphne on the lips, letting a few soft pecks turn into a passionate open mouthed kiss. Both girls could taste their own fluids in each other's mouth. When they finished, Crystal took off Daphne's blindfold and the girls smiled at each other.

"Hey there." Daphne said.

"Hey there yourself." They cuddled for a few moments, until Crystal remembered something. Reaching into the night stand, she pulled out a large hunting knife. Daphne's eyes widened at the site of the blade, as wild thoughts of Crystal wanting her blood or witches making a sacrifice of their lovers flooded her mind. But Crystal put the edge of the blade to the headboard and carved a notch in the wood, and for the first time Daphne noticed a small line of notches above her head.

"Counting something?" Daphne asked.

"That's the number of sixty-nine's I've had this year." Crystal looked down at Daphne, a wide smile on her face. "I decided to keep count so I'd always know the number of sixty-nine's I did in the year 1969.

Daphne laughed, remembering how she'd picked up on the significance of it last week with Sharon.

"You've had sixty-nine's with that many girls this year?" Daphne asked.

"No, I've done it that many times. I've only been with four girls and your the fourth." Crystal smiled and looked back up at her notches with pride. "Hey!" Crystal yelled, "You're the thirteenth sixty nine I've had this year!"

"Unlucky thirteen," Daphne said.

"No way, I was born on the thirteenth of February, and when I was thirteen I had my first crush and I learned to masturbate. Thirteen's always been my lucky number. So that means you're my lucky girl!"

Daphne put her arms around Crystal's neck and drew her down for a kiss. That drew the girls into another lovemaking session and before they fell asleep in each other's arms Daphne was the thirteenth and fourteenth girl on Crystal's count.

The next morning Daphne woke up and looked at the alarm clock, it was nine-thirty. The drapes in the room were so thick that they kept any hint of the sun out of the room. Daphne turned to cuddle up to Crystal, but was surprised to see she wasn't there. Daphne was alone in the bed. She got up and realized her clothes were downstairs in the living room. Hesitantly, she walked naked out into the hallway. Crystal said her mother was out of town, but she hadn't mentioned when she was coming back. Daphne looked in an open door and saw a bathroom, so she went in to pee. The bathroom was simple, but contained several plants and other items that made it seem off somehow. It reminded her a little of the ladies room at a department store.

When she finished she washed her hands and looked in the mirror. It looked like the same girl, but there were defiantly some changes since last week. It amazed her how much could change in someone and you'd never notice it on the outside.

Daphne went into the hallway and called for Crystal, but got no response. She looked in the next door. A sparsely furnished room, bare wooden floor with a white circle drawn in the center, two walls with built in shelves that contained jars of various shapes and sizes, and a small table by a window with candles and a wooden box with symbols drawn on it. This must be where Crystal and her mother cast spells and make potions, Daphne thought. Curiosity got the best of her and she stepped in, looking at the jars and flipping through a book of spells. Daphne stopped herself when she realized she was looking for clues. To what? She knew Crystal was a witch. But there was something gnawing at the back of her brain, something that wasn't right with this place.

Behind the next door was a bedroom. It was a nicely furnished room, small tables and bureaus with lots of little trinkets all over, flower wallpaper a tall plant in the corner. Daphne thought how much her own mom would approve of Mrs. Nerdlinger's sense of taste, Mrs. Blake would love to see this house. Just keep her out of the room next door.

A picture on the makeup table had Crystal, maybe when she was ten or eleven, and an attractive woman in her late twenties. Daphne presumed that this was Crystal's mom. The closet had some very plain outfits, but some really nice dresses as well. It occurred to her that there were only women's clothes in there, and with that thought she realized what was bothering her- there was no evidence that Crystal's dad lived there. Or had ever lived there. Nothing in the bathroom or the bedroom and no pictures of him anywhere she'd been in the house.

Daphne suddenly felt the need to leave the room. She realized she was spying in someone else's house, and doing it while naked of all things. She went back out into the hallway and towards the stairs, stopping when she heard some kind of noise from down below. Music. The Doors, "Twentieth Century Fox". I have one, Daphne thought, I just don't know where she is.

As she walked down the stairs, Daphne noticed the front door was wide open, letting in the sunshine and warm, breezy air of a late summer morning. Her clothes were nowhere in sight.


"Out here!"

Daphne walked out the front door and saw Crystal laying in the hammock, naked, reading a book. The book was small and looked hand made.

"It's a book of spells," Crystal said, answering Daphne's question before she asked it. "I hope you don't mind, I put your clothes into the washing machine. When I came down this morning I noticed some of the potion had spilled on them, and if you don't get that stuff out quick it stains real bad." Crystal held out her hand for Daphne to join her.

"Thanks." Daphne slid in beside her friend. "I know you're going to think I'm weird for asking, but are your parents separated?"

"Why would I think that's weird?" Crystal asked.

"I realized I don't know anyone whose parents are divorced or don't live together."

"Well, my parents really only knew each other for one night."

Daphne's face looked like she just stepped in something. "Oh."

Crystal smiled. "It's no big deal. My mom just calls him 'The Random Event'. They met at a party one night, I don't think they even knew each other's names. By the time mom found out she was pregnant, she figured trying to find the guy was useless."

"That doesn't bother you? The fact that you don't know who you're father is?"

Crystal smiled and shook her head. "No. Actually I think it's cool. Adds a little mystery to my life. Any older guy I see on the street could be him. He could be the guy at the next table in a restaurant or the man who sells cotton candy on the boardwalk."

Daphne laughed, "For all you know he could be Principal Miller!"

"God I hope not." Crystal thought for a moment, then said "Sometimes I imagine what he's like. If he's sitting at a bar or a desk right now, does he have a family or if he's single, if he drives a car or a motorcycle. He could be anybody. I could have run into him a dozen times already and wouldn't have known it."

"That would drive me crazy, not knowing."

"Are you one of those people who doesn't like surprises?"

Daphne looked into Crystal's eyes. "I like knowing where I stand. Like with you and me. Did you mean what you said last night about being my new girlfriend?"

"Yeah," Crystal said.

Daphne smiled and hugged Crystal. "I don't want us to be some random event."

"We won't be," Crystal said, then giggled, "I have you under my spell, Daphne Blake."

Daphne smiled. "There isn't any other place I'd rather be."

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