Daphnes New Life

By Rogue Writer

Published on Jun 16, 2002


Daphne's New Life Part I (F/F, fan fic) by Rogue Writer

This is my first piece of fan fiction, so that's my excuse if you hate it.

Daphne Blake, Sharon Wetherby and all other characters from Scooby Doo are property of Warner Brothers and Hanna Barbara. I'm not making any money off of this, just having a bit of fun.

THE LEGAL SECTION- this is adult material, so if you're too young to read sexually explicit things please stop reading this now. The same goes for adults who don't like this stuff. This story should not inspire you to do anything more than have a good time.

Please email for permission before reposting this story.

Please send feedback to roguewriter@hotmail.com, I'll only get worse without it.

This story takes place right after the "What The Hex Going On" episode from the first season, so you might want to watch it to know what the heck is going on here.

Sharon Wetherby managed to get the sliding glass door open without spilling a drop from the two full glasses of iced tea in her hands. As she closed the door, she saw someone inside the house and jumped, spilling some tea from both glasses. She cursed herself as she realized the person she saw was her own reflection in the glass. It would be a while before the events of the past weekend involving her Uncle Stewart's attempts to make off with the family fortune, which included kidnapping Sharon, no longer haunted her. She was still scared to be alone, which is why her good friend Daphne Blake offered to stay with her when Scooby and the rest of the gang left and her father had to go out of town for a week on business he couldn't put off.

Daphne was a good friend, and more importantly, the girl Sharon had a heavy sexual attraction to ever since they had met. Daphne had no idea Sharon was a lesbian, much less attracted to her, and Sharon feared telling Daphne the truth, even though there had been many instances over the years where Sharon suspected Daphne was attracted to women. What confused Sharon was Daphne's crusade to attract the attention of Fred, who treated Daphne like a friend and even told her once he considered her a 'sister'. She called Sharon that night to ask what she was doing wrong. Grudgingly, Sharon told her she wasn't doing anything wrong, Fred was just blind to what was right in front of him.

Sharon looked at her reflection in the glass and realized Daphne was blind to something herself. A seventeen year-old body that inhabited her blue bikini as if it was poured into it, topped with long, light brown hair and a face her father once described as 'classic beauty'. Sharon smiled.

"How could I have been scared of something so beautiful?" she asked herself.

Sharon had a plan she was about to put into action, something that would finally test Daphne's attraction to women. She walked around the pool to where Daphne lay on a lounge chair, desperately trying to get a tan. Her eyes were closed and Sharon's bare feet cloaked her approach. She took a second to admire her friend- the long red hair framed her sweet face, her body looking more developed than it's sixteen years, milk white skin without a freckle or a blemish, long, firm legs leading down to the most beautiful set of feet Sharon had ever seen. Sharon had a thing for women's feet and Daphne's were incredibly sexy, especially since she didn't paint her toenails, because Sharon hated nail polish on women.

A devilish grin grew on Sharon's face as she decided to get her friend's attention. She held one of the glasses over Daphne's stomach and poured a splash of the cold liquid into her belly button.

"Yeow!" Daphne cried as she bolted straight up in the chair. "What'd you do that for?!"

"Relax, I'm just having a little fun."

Daphne used her finger to wipe out the iced tea. "Try pouring it on yourself if you want to have fun."

"Jeez you're uptight." Sharon handed Daphne a towel and sat in the chair next to her.

"Well, there's only one week of summer left to get a tan," Daphne said as she used the towel in her belly button. Sharon watched, dreaming her tongue was doing it instead. "I've spent most of my time these past three months in dark mansions or damp basements with the gang. I don't have much time to catch up. Great, now I have to put on more suntan lotion."

Sharon almost jumped out of her chair. "I'll do it!"

"It's not like I can't reach this spot."

"Yeah, but what I did wasn't nice, I'll get it back on for you. Just lie back."

"Okay," Daphne said.

Daphne lay down and Sharon sat next to her. She put some lotion on her hands and slowly rubbed Daphne's stomach.

"You're trying to get a tan for him, aren't you?"

Daphne looked up at her friend. "Who?"

"What do you mean 'who? Fred, the guy you've always been after. Still chasing the pipe dream."

Daphne looked away. Sharon put more lotion on her hands and slid them across Daphne's tummy.

"I'm not trying to be cruel." Sharon said, "I just hate seeing you try so hard for someone who doesn't even care."

"I don't think he doesn't care," she said, sounding unconvinced herself, "maybe he just hasn't noticed."

Sharon gave Daphne a look. "Even Shaggy and Scooby have noticed, and they're not exactly the swiftest pair in the world."

"So you think he's not attracted to me?"

"I think Fred has a thing for Velma, or at least her brain. They have a lot in common. You told me yourself they always come up with the solution to a mystery. You need to find someone like yourself, someone you're comfortable talking to. Like the way you and I talk."

Daphne looked away again. Sharon couldn't tell if she had given herself away or if Daphne was just thinking about what she said. She took the bottle of lotion and dumped some into Daphne's belly button.


"You need to relax and stop thinking about Fred so much."

"You say that like it's so easy."

"Well, why don't you start by getting this tan for yourself instead of him."

"If I get this tan it's just going to remind me why I was getting it in the first place."

"So do something to make it different than what it was going to be in the first place, something special. Personalize it."

"How do you personalize a tan?"

"Do something original, something you wouldn't normally do."

"Like your new little piece of jewelry there?" Daphne pointed to the silver ankle chain around Sharon's left ankle. "When did you start wearing those?"

Sharon smiled. "It was given to me recently, by someone special."

"Oh." Daphne gave a weak smile. Sharon had detected a slight bit of jealousy in Daphne's voice, so she decided this was the time to bring up that the special person was a woman, but Daphne spoke up before Sharon could.

"So how should I make this tan original?" she asked.

Sharon would have to wait for another moment. "Well, how many tans have you had without tan lines?"

"Well..." Daphne started, then stopped when she realized what Sharon was implying. "You mean without my suit? Like naked?"

Sharon laughed. "Of course naked, silly. Haven't you ever sunbathed nude before?"

"Well, no."

"That's a shame. I do it all the time."

Sharon stood and undid her top, letting it fall to the ground. Daphne started wide-eyed at Sharon's perky breasts while she stepped out of her bottoms. Sharon stood buck naked, wearing nothing but the anklet and a smile on her face. Daphne's eyes went up and down, taking in Sharon's body, pausing on her breasts and the trimmed mound of light brown hair between her legs.

"Well, are you okay?" Sharon asked.

"I...I..." was all Daphne could manage. Her face turned as red as her hair.

Sharon giggled. "Okay, I know you're shy about this. I'm going inside to get something I made for us this morning, but when I come back out here I expect to see that bikini of yours laying next to mine." Daphne watched her friend's bare ass walking away from her.

Sharon walked to the other side of the pool, but once she was through the glass door, her naked body ran across the first floor of the Weatherby mansion and up the stairs to her room. She ran to the window and barely moved the drape as she peeked out the side. Daphne was still lying on the chair, her bikini still on her body. Sharon was about to frown when Daphne sat up. Sharon's right hand went to her left breast and her fingers lightly brushed her nipple, slowly making it stand at attention. When Daphne stood up, Sharon felt like her heart skipped a beat, but then Daphne turned so her back was facing the house.

"Shit!" Sharon exclaimed.

Daphne's hands came around her back and undid the clasp holding the top to her body. Sharon tweaked her nipple as she watched the strip show. Her mouth watered as she saw Daphne's thumbs hook her bottom, followed by a moment of hesitation, and then she slowly slid them down her legs and left them at her feet. Daphne stood straight, her left foot stepped out of the cloth at her feet and the right foot hooked it in the big toe and made a toss that added to the pile of Sharon's bikini. While watching Daphne's tight ass on display, Sharon's hand moved from her breast down to her pubic mound and her fingers danced along the top of her slit. Without turning around, Daphne laid face down on the pool chair. Sharon was getting wet, her fingers started to probe deeper towards her lips, but she pulled her hand away before she got too excited.

Sharon left the window and walked over to the night table next to her bed, opened the top drawer and took out a small wooden box. From it she took out a lighter and a joint, walked downstairs and stopped in front of the long mirror in the dining room. Sharon looked at her naked body in the mirror, filled with excitement and anxiety. Next time I pass this mirror, she thought, I'll be stoned and I'll know if Daphne wants me. Sharon smiled thinking that least one of those two definitely has a happy ending no matter what. She turned and walked up to the sliding glass door. Sharon was barely able to contain herself. She took a deep breath and smiled.

"This is it," she said to the door, then opened it and walked outside.

She walked over to Daphne lying naked on the chair, her beautiful ass so inviting Sharon just stopped and started at it. Her hands almost reached out to touch the cheeks, to start licking and caressing them as she put her face...

"What did you get?"

Daphne's question pulled Sharon out of her trance. She must have sensed Sharon's presence because she was looking up at her friend admiring her bottom.

Sharon held up the joint. "A smile rolled into a stick."

Daphne's face brightened. "All right!" Daphne had forgotten to get some from Shaggy before the rest of the gang left.

Sharon took the chair next to Daphne, lying on her stomach as well. She lit the joint, inhaled a hit and passed it to her friend. While they smoked they talked about music and movies, traded gossip about people they knew and told funny stories they had heard. Daphne spooked Sharon with some of the mysteries the gang had solved, and Sharon shocked Daphne by confessing she had visited some nudist camps that summer without her father's knowledge. Sharon's parents were divorced and that summer Sharon spent some time with her mom, who had been going to nudist colonies trying to find a new husband who "had the proper credentials". Mrs. Wetherby figured it was okay to bring her daughter because she thought Sharon might find a boyfriend. Sharon explained it didn't work out that way, and was about to make her move by telling Daphne why, when Daphne asked-

"Sharon, have you ever...touched yourself down there before?"

She could have kissed Daphne right then. "Of course, all the time, haven't you?"

Daphne blushed a little. Even though they were good friends, Daphne and Sharon had rarely talked much about sex. Between Sharon's fears of how Daphne would react to her being a lesbian and Daphne's embarrassment over her inexperience it was practically an unspoken subject between the two.

"Yeah, I have." Daphne said. "Too much, really. I think I might be addicted."

Sharon laughed, but when she saw Daphne's hurt expression she stopped.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh. I do it a lot too, it's natural, especially since you haven't done it with anyone in a while."

Sharon let a pregnant pause hang in the air. Daphne squirmed a little in anticipation of the next question.

"How long has it been, since your last time?" Sharon asked, even though she knew the answer already. Daphne's aversion to the subject had long ago answered that question in Sharon's mind.

"Well, I've never actually...been with a man before." Daphne looked down, embarrassed.

Sharon's mind suddenly went blank. Everything she had planned to say to Daphne at this moment suddenly escaped her. Remembering all the times she'd had this conversation in her head (and sometimes out loud) didn't help because none of the exact words came to mind. She had to hurry because Daphne might use Sharon's silence as a chance to avoid embarrassment and start talking about something else- clothes, shopping, makeup, or any of the other topics Daphne had mindlessly chatted about in the past while Sharon sat half listening/half dreaming about kissing both sets of Daphne's lips.

Finally this moment had come, and the conditions were perfect- alone on the estate for a whole week, both of them lying naked side by side, both high and feeling loose enough to talk about a subject they had avoided for different reasons. And to top it off Daphne had finally begun to realize that Fred had no interest in her romantically. Those very conditions were to blame, Sharon thought, everything had gone so perfect, fallen into place like it was meant to be. Sharon had not expected it to go so well, much less the first day they were alone. Now Daphne had control of the moment and she could start talking about something else entirely, once again make sex the phantom subject between them.

"Have you ever...been with a man?"

Sharon was so shocked by Daphne's question that her first words were "Oh my God!"

Daphne's eyebrows rose at the look on Sharon's face.

"God, no! I've never been with a man before," Sharon recovered. Which was the truth, and Daphne smiled, no longer feeling like she was the odd one out. Sharon realized this was the moment to hit her with some more truth, adding, "because I only sleep with women."

"What?!" Daphne's eyebrows almost disappeared above her hairline and her jaw hit the chair.

"I told you it's natural to masturbate a lot when you haven't been with anyone for a while, and I said I've never been with a man, so..."

"But women?! With who? When?"

"Remember when I told you about the nudist colony? I met a woman there, and she knew, and taught me the pleasures of being with a woman."

"But, I don't understand," Daphne said, "what did she know?"

"That I was a lesbian."


"By the way I looked at her and all the other women there, compared to how I looked at the men. The same way you looked at me when I took off my suit. That's when I knew about you."

Daphne just stared at her. Sharon wasn't sure if she had overstepped her bounds by revealing her suspicions about Daphne, who suddenly looked away. Sharon was scared. She had said more than what she originally intended, the plan had been to only tell Daphne about her sexuality and see how she reacted. The nudity was for her to confirm her suspicions, not use as a tool. Sharon looked down as she realized she blew it.

"When you knew what about me?" Daphne's spoke in a soft, barley audible tone. Sharon looked up to see Daphne staring straight at her. She decided to go for broke.

"This." Sharon put her left hand behind Daphne's head, pulled her over and kissed her passionately on the lips. The two chairs were only a few inches apart so neither one of them had to strain to reach the other. Sharon felt the warm softness of Daphne's lips as her tongue boldly started to knock at Daphne's mouth. She was surprised when Daphne's lips parted, and shocked when Daphne's tongue met hers at the door. The tongues touched at the tip first, then Sharon's slid on top of Daphne's and started circling around it. Sharon took her hand off Daphne's head and slid it slowly down Daphne's back until it reached the top of her ass crack, then let her fingers slowly slide into it.

"Mmmmmmmm" was Daphne's reaction as Sharon's skin moved over her rosebud, continuing down to the folds of her sex. Sharon wasn't surprised to find Daphne moist, and she let her fingers just sit on the lips. She increased the intensity of their kiss, luring Daphne's tongue into her mouth and then sucking on it, lightly at first, letting Daphne get used to the sensation. Gradually increasing the pressure on Daphne's tongue, Sharon began moving her head back and forth so her mouth was giving Daphne's tongue a blowjob. She would press her lips down on the way out to the tip and use her tongue when it was fully back in her mouth. From time to time, she let her teeth lightly skid over the surface.

Daphne's breathing turned to panting while this was going on, her shallow breaths bathing Sharon's face in warm air. While Daphne's attention was on her mouth, Sharon started moving her fingers slowly back and forth. Sharon felt the warm air on her face turn to heat as a guttural moan came from the back of Daphne's throat. She pressed her fingers harder into Daphne's pussy, sliding on the endless flow of juices coming from it. Sharon ended the tongue job by pressing Daphne's tongue back in her mouth and wrapping her lips around Daphne's lower one. She pulled it away from Daphne's face and let it slide from her grasp.

Sharon licked her lips and said "Turn over." Daphne did as she was told. Sharon's fingers slid between Daphne's legs and for a second she and Daphne looked each into each other's eyes. Sharon saw a combination of innocence and desire in Daphne's green pools.

"Uhhhhh." Daphne's head snapped back in pleasure, breaking their gaze. For the first time, someone else's fingers teased Daphne's most private area. Sharon moved her head into Daphne's neck, showering it with tender kisses and licking the sides. She pressed her fingers into Daphne's lower lips and started rubbing. Her tongue moved down to Daphne's left shoulder blade, dancing inside the crevice, eliciting more soft moans. Leaving the valley, climbing to the peak of the shoulder, then diving down along Daphne's arm, Sharon ended at the inner elbow with a soft kiss. Her eyes were filled with the sight of Daphne's tight, round left breast, its nipple begging to be sucked. Sharon stuck her tongue out and brushed the pink areola, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from the recipient. Suddenly, Sharon clamped her lips down on the nipple.

"Oooooohhhhhhhh," Daphne cooed and placed her hand on the back of Sharon's head, pressing it further into her breast. Sharon feasted on it, sucking most of the white globe into her mouth, letting her tongue flick the nipple. She licked her way to the other breast, giving it the same treatment. Daphne's hand went to her other nipple and rolled and pinched it between her thumb and index finger. Her head was swimming- she was stoned and her best friend was sucking on her tit and massaging her clit.

Sharon broke off of Daphne's nipple "Lie down" she said.

Daphne complied, lying down on her back. Sharon's eyes looked over her naked friend as she picked her path to Daphne's red pubic mound. She took Daphne's right arm and placed it above her head, leaned down and started licking in Daphne's armpit. Daphne laughed as Sharon tasted her friend's sweet sweat, placing her hand on Daphne's breast for support, she started licking her way down Daphne's side while her fingers played with Daphne's nipple.

"Oh God," Daphne moaned as her body twitched, the dual action tickling and turning her on at the same time.

Sharon dragged her tongue along Daphne's stomach until she reached the edge of her belly button. She paused, remembering when she poured the iced tea into it. This is where it all started, she thought. Sharon plunged into the deep little hole and pushed her tongue in as far as it would go. Daphne loved the sensation of Sharon's tongue in her belly button. She looked up to see Sharon's body was stretching across the two chairs, her legs drawn up under her body. Daphne reached out to Sharon's hanging breast and started caressing it, then rolled and pinched the nipple between her fingers. Now it was Sharon's turn to start moaning and grunting.

Sharon left Daphne's belly button and started moving towards the red forest in front of her. She stopped just before she got there and sat up.

"Let's go where we have more room," she said. She got up and led Daphne by the hand across the pool deck to the sliding glass doors. Sharon realized that only half an hour before she was on her way outside with butterflies in her stomach, nervous about how her plan would turn out. It had taken some odd turns, but things had worked out better than she could have ever dreamed.

As they crossed the dining room, Daphne felt naughty walking naked through the Wetherby mansion, passing by old, expensive artwork and antiques, her nipples rock hard and her pussy wet with lust for her friend. Passing by a long mirror, Daphne caught site of their reflection- two naked teenage girls, one leading the other to their sexual encounter. That's a hell of a picture to put on a wall, she thought. How many other sexual scenes had it reflected in the years since its creation?

Sharon led Daphne into the large living room and had her sit on the couch. Kneeling in front of her, Sharon spread Daphne's legs apart, made her bend her knees and placed her feet on the couch. Sharon took in the sight directly in front of her face- Daphne's pussy, flanked by her beautiful feet. She turned her face and started sucking on the toes of Daphne's right foot, sucking on her big toe, moving on to the index and other toes. Then Sharon dove hungrily into Daphne's pussy, licking and sucking on her lips.

"UHHHH, Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh," Daphne called out. Her right foot lifted off the couch and she placed it on Sharon's side, rubbing it up against her body as her friend ate her out.

The feeling on her side caught Sharon by surprise, but when she felt the softness of her friend's skin she relaxed. Then she realized it wasn't Daphne's hand on her side, it was her foot. The toes flexed, giving a new sensation. This turned Sharon on and made her eat Daphne with a new vigor, her lips clamped onto Daphne's pussy, sucking and massaging the pink folds as her tongue worked its way into Daphne's hole.

"OOOOhhhh MY GOOOOODDDD!!!" Daphne cried as a sensation she never could have imagined before pulsed through her body. It wasn't just the feeling, but the realization that this feeling exists and she had never before experienced it, a discovery coupled with the realization that something this good is so easily accessible. The red head suddenly knew this is what she wanted in life- the love of a woman. She wanted this girl all the time.

Sharon pulled her tongue out of Daphne's pussy and licked up and down the slit, the fingers of her right hand playing with her friend's left foot, alternating between caressing the arch, sliding the fingers between the toes and tickling the bottom of her foot. She put her lips around Daphne's clit and started sucking it gently, gradually increasing the pressure until she began nibbling softy on it.

The sensations of her clit being nibbled and feet being tickled were driving Daphne crazy. Every nerve in her body was tingling and she felt like she couldn't catch her breath. Her body began shaking and her back arched, pressing her pussy into Sharon's face. She made muffled groans as she bit her lower lip.

Sharon knew the orgasm was coming when she felt Daphne's toes curl around her fingers. Sharon's teeth let go of Daphne's clit as her juices exploded onto Sharon's face. It took almost a minute before she was done, and Sharon gave the pink prize in front of her one more kiss before moving up to sit beside Daphne, who was panting hard.

Daphne opened her eyes to see her friend sitting next to her, Sharon's face covered in her orgasm.

"Wow," Daphne panted, "you look messy"

Sharon smiled. "I think I wear it quite well, actually." Sharon stood up and mocked a model walking on a runway. Daphne laughed out loud.

"Announcing our newest accessory!" Sharon said as she pranced up to Daphne on the couch.

"Could you imagine?!" Daphne cried. Sharon plopped down next to her friend and they exploded in laughter.

When they calmed down, Sharon asked, "Have you ever tasted yourself?"

"What do you mean?" Daphne looked puzzled.

Sharon pointed to her face and Daphne's jaw dropped.

"No! Never! I never even thought about it!"

"Well," Sharon said, "why don't you put that cute little tongue of yours to use?"

"Okay," Daphne said hesitantly.

Daphne put her hands on either side of Sharon's face and drew her close. She stuck her tongue out and slowly licked Sharon's cheek. The first sensations to hit her tongue were a bitter, tangy taste. She swallowed some and enjoyed the sensation of cum flowing down her throat. It was like silk on her skin. She licked her cum off of every part of Sharon's face, from her forehead down to her chin, from one cheek to another, her nose and even her eyelids! Daphne realized this is the difference with actual sex- she never had this much cum when she masturbated. Daphne finished off by licking Sharon's lips and pressing her tongue between them. They started kissing, embraced and fell back on the couch.

As they continued kissing and caressing each other, Daphne realized they were 'making out', something that she had never done before. Devoting her life to attaining the affections of Fred, she had blown off all other boys who had made passes or directly asked her out. She'd wanted Fred to be her first and had dreamed about what making out with him would be like, watching couples making out at parties and in movies, wondering when her time would come. Daphne had never imagined her first time would be with another girl! She wondered if this was the same as making out with a boy, so soft and wet, her friend's hands caressing her back, cupping her breasts and tweaking her nipples, Sharon's fingertips lightly brushing their way down her sides, grabbing hold of her ass cheeks and squeezing them.

After a while the kissing stopped and they just sat holding each other. Daphne noticed Sharon smiling a devilish smile, like a naughty thought had just entered her mind.

"What are you thinking?" Daphne asked.

"You owe me some pleasure," Sharon said. "You think you could do what I just did to you?"

"If you taste as good as I do, I don't see a problem with that."

"You mind doing it up in my bedroom?" Sharon said, "It's where I've had all my best fantasies about you."

Daphne just nodded, rendered speechless from what she just heard. It never occurred to Daphne that someone ever had fantasies about her, let alone one of her best friends. The thought of it made the young redhead smile. Sharon took Daphne by the hand and led her up the stairway. She looked back and saw Daphne smiling. Her friend was happy. This was going to be great.

They got into Sharon's room, closed the door and turned on the light.

"Let me just set the mood," she told Daphne, who stood there as Sharon went rummaging through some drawers. Daphne felt great, even down to her toes, which she started wiggling around in the orange plush carpet that covered Sharon's room.

Sharon heard Daphne giggling and looked over to see her staring down at her feet, watching her toes move around in her carpet.

"God, you're really stoned!" Sharon said.

Daphne looked up with a smile on her face. "It's such a wild sensation!" Daphne said, "What are you looking for?"

"Some candles."

"Like the ones right in front of you?" Daphne asked.

Sharon looked up to see the three candles she was looking for sitting on top of the bureau. She picked them up and turned to Daphne smiling.

"Look who's really stoned now!" she said as both of them erupted in laughter. Sharon placed the candles around the room and lit them, as well as a stick of incense. She went to the stereo and put on a Jefferson Airplane record, closing her eyes and swaying to the music.

"God I'd love to fuck Grace Slick," she said. Sharon opened her eyes and walked to her nightstand, opened a drawer and took something out. She sat on the bed and watched Daphne, who was staring at the psychedelic posters in the room.

"Hey, trippy!" Sharon yelled over the music. Daphne's head turned to her, a smile on her face. "Sit down with me."

Daphne sat on the bed facing Sharon, her legs crossed.

"There's something I want to give you," she said. "It's something that bonds us as friends..." Sharon leaned over and French kissed Daphne, their tongues finding each other like old friends picking up over lost time. Sharon broke the kiss "...and lovers. Give me your right foot."

Daphne uncrossed her right leg and placed it with her foot facing Sharon, who held up a silver bracelet, exactly like the one on her left ankle. She put it around Daphne's right ankle and clasped it shut, then picked up Daphne's foot and kissed the bracelet and gave soft wet kisses down to her toes, finally sucking each one into her mouth.

"There," Sharon said, "Now we seal our union with a kiss." Sharon pulled Daphne to her yet again and they opened their mouths to one another, their tongues dancing around.

When the kiss ended, Daphne surprised Sharon by pushing her back on the bed. She felt Daphne's fingers trace the outside of her breasts, slowly moving inward until they reached her areola. Leaning down, Daphne licked the left nipple until it was very wet. Sharon had just closed her eyes to enjoy the sensation of Daphne's tongue when she felt cool air on her moist nipple.

"Ooohhhh," Sharon cooed. "You sure you've never done this before?"

"I'm a fast study," Daphne replied. She started licking the right nipple while using her fingers to play with the left one. When Sharon felt the cool air on her right nipple, she opened her eyes to watch Daphne. Her lips, pursed to blow on Sharon's sensitive flesh, looked so sexy that Sharon reached out to touch them. Her finger traced the outside while Daphne took in another breath to unleash on Sharon's breast. Sharon's finger moved back and forth on Daphne's lips as she blew out. The sensation turned Daphne on, so she opened her lips and sucked on Sharon's finger.

The sultry look in Daphne's eyes as she sucked on her finger made Sharon shudder. Daphne finished by kissing Sharon's hand, bent down and took Sharon's right nipple into her mouth.

An "Ohhhhhhhh" escaped Sharon's lips as she put her hand on Daphne's flowing red hair. Daphne let her teeth lightly scrape Sharon's rock hard nipple. After another moan, Sharon said, "Oh yeah, you do learn fast."

Daphne used her tongue to trace her way down Sharon's side and down her leg until she got to Sharon's right foot. Once there, she licked down Sharon's arch to her toes, sucked in each one in turn, and finished by giving the bottom of her foot a long swipe with her tongue.

Sharon pulled her foot back. " That tickles!"

"Then I won't do it to the other one," Daphne said, taking Sharon's left foot and sucking on her toes. She licked the arch, then pulled Sharon's foot up and licked the bottom of it. Sharon laughed and Daphne did it again.

"You witch!" Sharon exclaimed. "I thought you said you weren't going to do that again?"

Daphne smiled, "I lied." She got down between Sharon's legs and used her fingers to spread Sharon's lips, "But there are some promises I do keep."

Sharon was already very wet, and Daphne stuck out her tongue to get her first lick of another girl's pussy. It tasted like her own juice that she had licked off of Sharon's face. Daphne felt amazed that she could make her girlfriend so excited. She took her time and slowly licked all over Sharon's pink folds, working her way into the center. Sharon's clit stuck out wanting attention, so Daphne nuzzled it with her nose for a moment before taking it between her lips and sucking on it. Sharon let out a deep moan, causing Daphne to increase the pressure and even flick her tongue at the tip.

"Please," Sharon managed between breaths, "Put your fingers inside of me."

Daphne continued her assault on Sharon's clit while moving her index finger to the outside of Sharon's hole. She slowly slid in, trying to be careful since she expected Sharon's virginity to still be in tact, but was surprised when her finger was buried to the hilt without any obstruction.

She took her lips away from Sharon's clit. "You're not a virgin?" Daphne asked.

Sharon smiled. "My girlfriend at the nudist colony took care of that. See if you can get another finger in."

Daphne pulled out her index finger and lined up her middle finger along with it. It was tight, but Daphne managed to make it all the way inside again and began pumping in and out slowly. She licked around the top of Sharon's slit and once again settled her lips around Sharon's clit. Sharon arched her back and tried to hold off the orgasm for as long as possible. It was hard because she had wanted this for so long and Daphne turned out to be very good for a first timer. Sharon looked down and saw Daphne's head between her legs, mouth and fingers working hard at driving her crazy. Daphne looked up at Sharon with her piercing green eyes and that's all Sharon was able to handle. Her moans had turned to screams and she felt the inner workings of her sex drive reach the top of the mountain as her body shook out of control.

When it was finished, Daphne crawled up to lay next to Sharon, who was breathing hard and heavy. Breathing was the only thing Sharon thought she would be able to do for a while, her body still having spasms from the monster orgasm she'd just experienced. She opened her eyes and was treated to the sight of her friend's face covered in her juice. Sharon couldn't believe she felt the stirring of another orgasm trying to start. She pulled Daphne's face to her and licked her clean. When she was done they lay in each other's arms until they both dozed off.

A few hours later Daphne felt herself waking up, but there was something strange about it, like something was forcing her to regain consciousness. She felt like she could get back to sleep if she really tried, but something was keeping her from doing it. It was like her body was acting on its own, the muscles tightening and relaxing without her free will. This wasn't a bad thing; actually it felt really, really good. Taking in a deep breath, she opened her eyes and noticed a pressure between her legs.

She raised her head and saw Sharon's ass in front of her face. Her friend had straddled her body and was facing towards her feet. Sharon was bent down and obviously licking her pussy. Daphne moaned at the pleasurable sensations she felt.

"You awake?" Sharon asked between licks.

"Uhhhh huhhhhh," Daphne responded.

"Awake enough to try a sixty-nine?"

"A what? Ohhhh"

"A sixty-nine. You lick me while I lick you. Here." Sharon scooted her butt back until her pussy was directly over Daphne's mouth. Stretching her arms to hold herself up, Sharon looked down the length of their two bodies to Daphne's face. "Now do exactly what you feel me doing to you," she said, then lowered her face back to work.

Daphne was still sleepy, but the stirrings of another orgasm prompted her to put her arms around Sharon's waist and bring her friend's pussy to her mouth. She licked and sucked Sharon in all the places she felt Sharon doing it to her, and before long both girls were moaning and writhing and sweating. Daphne was fully awake now and enthralled with this new thing she was experiencing. It was incredible, two people pleasuring each other at the same time! Giving and receiving all at once! Then Daphne realized the human body was designed to fit like this, made for two people to have pleasure as one unit. Definitely something they'll never teach in anatomy class, she thought.

As their tongues worked in unison with each other, the two girls began to moan at the same time as well. Sharon licked Daphne's lips, occasionally sucking on one here and there, until Daphne's whole crotch was soaked with cum. Then Sharon stuck out her tongue and swirled it all around Daphne's pussy. Daphne moaned loudly, and when she returned the favor Sharon understood why the moan was so loud- it was one of the wildest sensations she'd ever felt.

Sharon found Daphne's clit and went to work on it. Daphne did the same and soon both girls were fighting to stay attached to one another. Tightening their grip on each other's waist, they rode it out until each of them had two orgasms. Sharon turned around and laid next to Daphne and once again the two girls passed out in each other's arms.

This time when Daphne woke up she was alone in the bed. She noticed it was dark out and got up to find Sharon. She heard rustling downstairs and found Sharon going through the refrigerator in the kitchen.

"Hey there," Sharon said. "Do you realize we haven't eaten all day?"

"We've been eating plenty," Daphne said as she embraced her friend. "Just nothing from the five food groups." Daphne and Sharon shared a passionate kiss. They looked through the fridge and made themselves some sandwiches, eating them while sitting naked at the kitchen table. Afterwards, Sharon ran upstairs and got another joint and they smoked it in the living room. Just as they finished smoking, Daphne started giggling.

"What?" Sharon asked.

"I just realized," she said, "we did a sixty nine in the year 1969!"

Sharon laughed. "Hey, you feel like dancing?"

"Sure," Daphne said. Sharon turned on the stereo and found a tune for them to dance to. The two girls danced back and forth in front of each other to the music playing on the radio, the same music she'd danced to with Fred before. She couldn't believe how much time she'd wasted with Fred, trying to get him interested in her.

Sharon got close and started rubbing her nipples against Daphne's. Oh yeah, Daphne thought, forget Fred or any other man, they can't do anything like this. Daphne turned around and pressed her butt into her friend's crotch. Sharon reached around and grabbed Daphne's tits, squeezing and rubbing them until Daphne's nipples were as hard as rocks.

The song ended and the girls collapsed on the couch. After a few minutes Sharon asked, "Ever been skinny dipping?"

Daphne gave a wry smile. "I've never sunbathed nude before today. What do you think?"

Sharon went to the wall and turned on some lights for the deck and flicked the switch to light up the ones in the pool. Then she opened the sliding glass door and turned to Daphne with a smile on her face.

"Last one in is a rotten egg!" Sharon took off with Daphne right behind her. Daphne caught up to Sharon and they both dove in the pool side by side, both coming up at the same time.

"Who won?" Daphne asked.

Sharon swam over to Daphne and put her arms around her. "I think it was a tie," she said as Daphne embraced her and their lips found each other. The kiss had a slow build, growing in passion until Sharon suddenly broke it off.

"I'm going to dive. Watch me," she said and swam to the ladder.

Daphne watched her friend's ass as she climbed out, moving her hand underwater to play with her pussy as she ogled Sharon's naked body moving to the diving board. Jesus, Daphne thought, being stoned makes me horny as hell. Sharon took large steps on the board and executed a perfect dive into the pool. Daphne watched her friend swim towards her under the water, expecting Sharon to come up right in front of her. But Sharon didn't come up and before Daphne knew what was happening, she felt her fingers being moved away from her pussy and being replaced by Sharon's mouth. Daphne gave a loud moan as Sharon ate her out under the water.

"Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhaaaaahhhhh," Daphne called out to no one who could hear. Her climax came quickly, and as soon as it was over Sharon surfaced and gasped for air.

"You okay?"

"Yeah," Sharon managed around coughs. "That's the longest..." A cough and gasp for air, "I've held it...in a while."

Daphne moved in and kissed Sharon on the cheek, then showered her with little kisses on her neck while Sharon caught her breath. "That was something. Now I've got to do something special for you." Daphne looked across the pool and got and idea. "Go back up on the diving board," she said.

Sharon complied while Daphne remained in the pool and swam over. "Come out to the edge," Daphne prompted. "Now sit down on the edge and spread your legs." Sharon did as she was told. Daphne reached up with her hands, but just as Sharon thought she was going to touch her pussy, Daphne grabbed hold of the board and pulled herself up so her head was level with Sharon's crotch. She got the idea and used her fingers to spread open her folds. Daphne's tongue came out and began licking Sharon, slowly at first, bathing the whole area in her saliva. Then she licked up and down Sharon's slit, eliciting moans from her lover until she centered her attack on Sharon's clit, licking it and finally sucking it into her mouth. Sharon put her other hand on the back of Daphne's head as she began to buck back and forth on the diving board.

Daphne was trying really hard to make Sharon cum as soon as possible because her arms were beginning to tire. Just when Daphne thought she would have to let go, Sharon let out a scream and came all over her friend's face. Daphne didn't wait any longer, let go of the board and slipped into the water, leaving Sharon having post orgasmic spasms on the board. When Daphne resurfaced she saw her girlfriend lying back on the board. She swam to the ladder, climbed up and, when she got to the top, lay down on the side of the pool. She stretched her arms out to try and relieve some of the soreness. When she opened her eyes she saw Sharon standing over her.

"You okay?" Sharon asked.

"Yeah," Daphne replied weakly. "I'm just realizing how much my idea of a good time has changed in the past few hours."

Sharon kneeled down next to Daphne and kissed her on the lips. "Just think of how much it might change over the next week."

The End.

Coming Soon - Part II, starring another girl from the 'What The Hex Going On' episode.

Another reminder to send feedback to roguewriter@hotmail.com. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 2

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