
By itsaslave slave 640

Published on Nov 14, 2012



Part Five - written with the kind encouragement of Matthew Kernowski

The henchmen who had accompanied Danvers to the sale and back again with Ben as well as Matthew in tow now prepared Mathew for his first whipping. Danvers' was already standing with His trusty coiled whip thinking about what He was about to do. So the two men led Matthew from the barn and over to a whipping post - a sturdy wooden frame where the victim could be secured in spread eagled fashion. This whipping post was just one of many strategically placed about the ranch and they were designed so that once the slave to be whipped was in position there was unobstructed access to both the back and front of his body.

Over the years Danvers had learned a number of lessons about such spread eagling and whippings - much depended upon the uses to which a slave was expected to be put yet every single slave needed to be in no doubt about their position as a sacrificial offering heading though an intense life of control, pain and hard labour towards their eventual execution. During a slave's life of servitude, there were always balances to be struck between the spiritual value of pain and the physical impact of damage that was done through corporal punishment and tortures on immediate and future usefulness as a slave labourer. Each slave's life, as well as its eventual death, was offered in atoning sacrifice and Danvers never forgot that aspect of His sacred duty within our community.

His henchmen had been trained to think about how wrists were attached to the frame because some wrists had been damaged in the past and that could limit the value of a slave for work involving manual dexterity. Likewise, damaging the testicles could reduce a slave's testosterone level and their physical capacity. At least today the protective cage in Matthew's groin would stay in place. Danvers decided when a slave's manhood was to be damaged or even destroyed though every slave died a eunuch even if their manhood survived until the morning of their crucifixion.

Through His years of practice, Danvers had become skilled at placing each lash. Though there were moments when He would simply lash a slave with scant regard for placement let alone for any aesthetic quality in the scarring. There were also slaves on whose bodies He wanted to lay systematic scars, patterns that would remind Him of His efforts and of that slave's experience of His whips.

Danvers reflected on what Matthew might be thinking, feeling and deciding - each slave had choices to make about how they took the harsh treatments to which they would be subjected and about which they had no choices whatsoever - Ben had spoken to him and Ben had become excellent at accepting punishment or at least appearing to do so. Later on He might interrogate Ben about the conversation.

Meantime Matthew was trying to work out how best to steady himself physically for the coming blows - his feet were still raw and sore from the journey and so far apart that it was hard to get much stability from them. He tried testing the first of the wrist fastenings and found it hard to get much purchase from them. He suspected that he'd soon be hanging loose once the whipping was truly underway. He'd learn that his wrists would take quite a bit of punishment.

Matthew was also trying to work out how best to steady himself mentally for the coming blows. Ben's advice had been, "The thing you need to do is emotionally disassociate yourself from your body."

The next words Ben had spoken echoed though his thoughts, "Your body belongs to Danvers, it's his property to do with whatever he desires. You are merely the spirit that carries that body around. Remember, the Master can beat your body but He cannot break your spirit... unless you let Him."

Fear, yes, of course but also spiritual defiance - that was Matthew's positive choice as Danvers came towards him whip readied for action. And it drove his spirit to prayer in the face of uncertainty - deep down Matthew believed that his spirit was not alone.

Danvers needed to psyche Himself up for the task ahead - only that day He had selected a beautiful 19 year old boy with virgin flesh that He was now setting on the road to destruction. The same destruction that was about to take Ben from Him and that would one day sweep Him Himself away. For now Danvers knew His duty and He went at Matthew's back with all force and skill that He could muster.


Both Matthew and Danvers felt that first lash that had sliced open the new slave's back but for Matthew it was a greater shock. In cricketing terms, Danvers had broken his duck and could now set about that back with purpose.

Danvers skill lay in cutting into a slave's back with the sheer velocity of His whip and the first lash was delivered with so much force it made Matthew buckle forward. Matthew was right in thinking that he couldn't steady himself in the face of this whipping. He would have fallen to his knees had it not been for the chains holding him.

Matthew felt as though someone had sliced his back open with a red-hot sword, and, before he had chance to recover from the first lash, Danvers was striking him again and again in rapid succession, barely allowing him any respite in between strokes.






Though the whipping felt far worse to Matthew than the branding he'd just endured, Danvers was concerned that the rapidity of strokes 2 to 6 had been at the expense of cuts sufficiently deep to provide lasting scars. Danvers glanced at Matthew's face and teeth tightly clenched - OK - Matthew would prove defiant - after screaming when he had been branded, Matthew was now holding on grimly not knowing how much more he had to endure today let alone in future.

There seemed to be pain all over the place; his feet still painful; his arm in pain from the branding, his wrists now beggng him for release as they took his weight and, of course, his back now wracked with pain after just 6 strokes.

Matthew felt that crying out would have just made matters worse - stirring Danvers on to further punishment. Somehow Matthew must endure it. He had no idea how many strokes Danvers intended to give him. Matthew just prayed that it being his first day Danvers might go easy on him.






"SCHWISH!... SCHLAKKKK! and so on

Matthew had no idea of Danvers' system - Danvers worked down his back from one side for a dozen and then from the other side for a second twelve.

After a couple of dozen lashes, Danvers reckoned that He had made a reasonable job of introducing Matthew's back to His whip and gave the back just one more for luck. Now He needed to make a start on Matthew's front. So just when Matthew thought that the whipping had stopped and seemed to relax a bit, thinking that his prayers had been answered, Danvers positioned himself in front of him and proceeded to whip his belly.







Danvers must have administered another ten lashes, although nobody was keeping score, before stopping altogether. By this time Matthew was close to losing consciousness but one further task remained as Danvers must take full possession of Matthew's arse. Danvers had judged the first whipping to leave Matthew sufficiently aware of what would happen next but in a state where a small draught of something a bit sedative would soon carry him away for a while.

"Take him down!" Danvers said as he started to undo his pants. His two men instinctively knew what that meant. They unshackled Matthew from the whipping frame and bent him over. Danvers approached the boy and as He had done at the slave market earlier that day, he spat on his hand and used it to lubricate Matt's butt-hole before ramming His cock inside him.

The moment had come for their physical union - each of Danvers' new slaves had that special privilege coming to them as they became one flesh with their Master and He with each of them.

To a casual observer, Danvers penetration might seem no more than rape but Danvers saw it very differently, as He planted His seed deep within each slave's body, He felt Himself profoundly united with that slave - His seed had never conceived a child in the heterosexual way but in this sacred act, each new slave was received into the Danvers' family and became a sacrifice consecrated by His seed.

Danvers fucked him hard and fast grunting with an ecstasy at once physical and spiritual as he shot His load deep inside Matthew. He could tell little from the feeble, barely audible, moan that emanated from the slave's lips - He doubted that - at that moment - Matthew was in a fit state to appreciate the initiation through which he had just been taken let alone its and now his significance in Danvers' eyes

Matthew's induction had been all over in a matter of minutes. Danvers pulled His cock out, wiped the last drops of cum on the slave's arse cheeks, straightened Himself up, fixed His pants and strode away, leaving his two henchmen holding the latest slave addition to the Danvers household.

itsaslave@hotmail.com with acknowledgements to Matthew Kernowski(mattie2316@yahoo.com)



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