
By itsaslave slave 640

Published on Aug 28, 2012


Danvers Part Four - written with the kind encouragement of Matthew Kernowski Matthew Kernowski is telling the story of a 'slave to the lash' from the point ofview of the slave Matthew who was just nineteen years old when he was soldat the slave market. However this slave has been fascinated by Ed Danvers who purchasedMatthew to join the forty odd slave on the huge ranch that was, at least fornow, under His management. So how does the same story looks from the point of view of Ed Danvers.

The progress of the wagon was carrying Danvers and forcing Ben and Matthew towards the ranch where their respective fates lay. Matthew would've stopped in his tracks. Danvers might have wanted to skip off. Ben by contrast had learned to accept where he was going and in any event, Ben and Matthew were chained and their chains were pulling them along causing them to keep walking, even though Matthew's feet were now raw and very sore.

"Crucified?.. Aren't you afraid?"

"A little, but it's the normal fate for all slaves at Danvers' ranch who have outlived their usefulness. You just have to accept it when the time comes."

Danvers wondered what Matthew had now learnt from Ben about the life that lay ahead - Matthew had been expensive - there were even times when Danvers wondered about whether it was worth buying slaves at auction when volunteers were forthcoming on the internet but Matthew had seemed like a good investment.

Purchased slaves always came with some risks but so did volunteers for enslavement - there had been attempts to escape and there had been slaves who had engaged in sex with each other - such slaves were punished ruthlessly and with immediate death. Danvers thought that it would be tragic if He had to put Matthew to death prematurely before He'd got a return on that $5,300 purchase price.

However, by now, Matthew would be developing his own reaction to what Ben had told him. He'd need controlling and he might even try to escape. Very early on, Danvers' doctor, henchmen and blacksmith would be taking steps to ensure that he wasn't successful.

The ranch was looming up ahead, Ben had little more chance to tell Matthew anything more and said, "We probably won't get the chance to speak again, but just remember what I said about breaking the emotional ties with your body."

Meantime Danvers told His henchman to get Matthew fitted up with some steel immediately they arrived at the ranch, get him branded and then get him ready for his first whipping.

So it was that Danvers' two henchmen took Matthew to the barn when they arrived at the ranch. Matthew was understandably apprehensive but he remembered what Ben had said "The thing you need to do is emotionally disassociate yourself from your body."

That wasn't easy as the resident blacksmith pierced his cock and fitted him with a heavy steel ring. The procedure was painful and the ring felt extremely uncomfortable but Matthew knew he'd have to get used to it. Danvers was not in the business of giving His slaves any choice about such fittings.

The same was true for the hinged chastity device known as the Kali's Teeth bracelet that the blacksmith showed him before installing it. Matthew could clearly see that the sharp internal spikes of the bracelet would penetrate the shaft of his cock if he were to get even the slightest erection. It went around the shaft of Matthew's cock and the blacksmith locked it into place. From now on Matthew's cock would be trained to remain flaccid at all times unless Danvers desired otherwise, in which case the bracelet would be temporarily removed.

Finally the blacksmith brought a steel chastity cage to fit it around Matthew's genitals rendering them completely inaccessible to anyone, including Matthew himself, who didn't have a key. Danvers believed that fitting these cages was a generous act since a slave found pleasuring himself would face severe penalities and a slave found playing with another slave's genitalia would die a painful death very soon after discovery.

Once the chastity hardware was securely in place, Danvers prepared to supervise the branding that would signify His ownership of this new piece of ranch livestock. Matthew was shackled to one of the thick supporting beams of the barn in readiness for the branding of his upper arm signifying he was the sole property of Ed Danvers. Again, the two henchmen held him while the procedure was carried out. The blacksmith withdrew an iron with the familiar "D" in the centre of a star, from the glowing coals of a nearby brazier. He levelled the red-hot iron with Matthew's upper arm before pressing it firmly against the flesh. Danvers breathed in the familiar smell of roast slave flesh - Matthew did too! But only one felt the pain, only one could not contain himself, screaming to the heavens as the branding iron seared his flesh and the boiling body fluids hissed. Danvers required the blacksmith to hold the iron in place for a while to ensure the branding was deep and permanent. Danvers believed in permanent scarring of His slaves.

Danvers looked at Matthew's body - just that one mark on his upper arm so far but the time had come to begin scarring the rest of that virgin slave body; Matthew would begin to learn what sacrificial punishment involved in terms of pain.

Danvers thought back to earlier in the day when He had asked the boy, "Do you reckon you could handle a whipping, boy?"

Danvers looked again at that almost unblemished skin and recalled Matthew's response, "I don't know, Sir" and how he had kept his gaze fixed to the ground.

Danvers had told him "You can expect to be whipped every day whether you deserve it or not." And no doubt Ben had reiterated that on the journey back to the ranch.

As Danvers approached Matthew with the whip he could see that Matthew lifted his gaze slightly to follow His progress. Danvers always wondered how a new slave would take their first whipping - with fear, almost always; with acceptance, sometimes; with defiance, occasionally - silent defiance being the usual choice - He disliked those who didn't take their whipping like a man and who cried out. He had been known to carry on until the cries subsided in unconsciousness.

Danvers thought back to the day when Ben's body had been unblemished and beautiful like Matthews - yes, every scar on his body could tell their shared story from the day when Ben arrived and Danvers had whipped it for the very first time. What would follow was simply inexorable, Matthews fate was now inevitable.

Danvers knew that Matthew's thoughts and fears would now be racing as the risked lifting his gaze a little more and made eye contact with the Master. He thought back to that first time that He had whipped Ben, tearing into the virgin flesh until Ben's blood was running freely from the many cuts that the whip had left.

Danvers knew that no matter how many times He had flogged as slave like Ben, Ben had never stopped having that combination of being afraid of the whip yet longing for the experience of having taken a severe whipping and knowing that he had taken yet another working over and survived. Would Matthew live up to that standard? Danvers had purchased that slave body - every inch of that slave body belonged to Him and He expected to do to it whatever He wished right up to crucifixion but He hadn't yet won control of Matthew's soul.

Danvers hoped that He would have that victory before Matthew hung from a cross and died as a slave should and as He expected that Ben would very soon die.

Next: Chapter 5

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