Danny Taylors Domination

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 20, 2021


What followed was, for danny, the most intensive period of sexual activity he had ever had. Jason and Sam were both always ready:

ALWAYS. And that meant that he always had a cushion on his chair to make sitting a little bit easier: his ass was getting used every single night, and the weekends.. One weekend stood out. They were at Jason's house. When he got there, after work on Friday, Sam was already there, as was Jason. He was ordered to strip down: all the way. He did. There was no hard on in front of him because he was caged. He had hopes of getting to climax this weekend. After he was totally naked, Jason tossed him a dark red jock strap.

"PUT IT ON STUDMUFFIN." "yes sir" danny did what he was told. He saw that Sam was dropping his own clothes. Only Jason was dressed, but that would change in a few minutes. "Tie him up" he said to Sam, and soon, danny found his wrists tied behind him. As Sam was doing the tying, danny could feel his warm breath, and his hard cock brushing up against his ass. "This is gonna be GOOD, manbitch" he whispered into danny's ear. After Jason had stripped down, he put a collar on danny, and handed the leash to Sam. "Lead him down. Over the horse. After we..." and he stopped. "It's a surprise for you danny boy. I bought a new toy today." "yes sir." Sam was aggressive in pulling him down the stairs. "MOVE FASTER OR I'LL THROW YOUR BONY ASS OVER MY FUCKING SHOULDER" he commanded. danny tried to pick up the pace. Jason was behind them, and danny could feel Jason's hand passing over his back.

When they got downstairs, danny saw the new toy: it was a hood. In his whole porn career, he had never used one, and he had never used one after that either. He gulped. If the hood went on... "You won't be able to see a thing, blondie. And that's part of the fun today." danny felt Jason slip the hood over his head. Black. Nothing but black. "We're gonna take turns putting our cock in your mouth, and in your ass. You're gonna have to tell who's who. Ten penetrations, each hole. If you get 16 right, then we'll just spit ya. If you get less than that..." danny couldn't see, but he hear the sound of the large paddle, and then the flogger in the air. They bent him over the horse, and then, Jason signaled to Sam. Sam was taking danny's ass first, and Jason was going into his mouth. There would be 3 minutes of penetration, followed by five minutes of rest. Sometimes, Jason would fuck danny's face twice in a row, or Sam would take his ass twice in a row... it was all about screwing with danny's head. It worked. The short bouts of penetration were frustrating: he wanted the WHOLE thing. Getting it ten times made it really, really tough. And the thought of the paddle: maybe he wanted to lose: he enjoyed the sting of the wood on his ass. But if he tried to throw the thing, would he succeed? "SHIT." danny started thinking. "I wasn't paying enough attention... I THINK that's Jason's cock in my mouth, which means its' Sam in my ass, but... he's not there long enough. EITHER OF THEM. I can't tell. I can't get a feel. And sometimes, there wasn't double penetration, so he couldn't play "mouth is a, therefore ass is b" He heard Sam and Jason laughing when they were done. "Better than we thought," Jason was laughing. "You got 11 right. Guess you don't know your cocks as well as you thought you did." He began loosening the hood. Gasping, danny begged. "Please Sirs. Can you leave it on for the rest. Please? Just for tonight.." He didn't get an answer, but he felt the first WHACK on his ass. "We're gonna be taking turns with that too Mr. Taylor. Five short of passing, ten whacks per point, that's 50. 25 each. " WHACK. Another one came down. danny didn't know if he were going to survive this one. It was at about 30 that he began to cry. "PLEASE SIRS. ENOUGH. ENOUGH. I CAN'T TAKE IT. " There was a pause. "You think he's had enough Sam?" "Hmmmm. I think you have to make that call Jason. " "Ok... He held up danny's chin. "You ever gonna double cross a boyfriend again?" "NO SIR. NO. NO. NO SIR. PLEASE NO. I'LL NEVER CHEAT ON YOU AGAIN. NEVER." Sam heard that line: "I'll never cheat on you again." He expected it. For all of the fun he was having with danny, he knew: he knew from the first date: danny was Jason's boy. "Then get ready for what you REALLY deserve pretty boy" Jason took a position in front of danny to feed him cock, so that Sam could take danny's ass. Sam shook his head and said, loud enough for danny to hear: "No. You belong back here. His ass belongs to you." With that, Jason knew what was happening. Sam was bowing out. danny did too. danny didn't hear the two of them shake hands or embrace. The next thing he knew, Jason's cock was threading his ass, and Sam's cock was in his mouth. He sucked furiously. danny felt like he owed something to both of them, but he wasn't going to be able to do anything but take Jason's cock. Sam, on the other hand.... " Sam was the first of the two of them to cum. danny didn't know it then, but it was the last time he would ever take Sam's cock. Jason took a bit longer, and then... the large load danny was used to, filled his ass.

When they took the hood off of danny, Jason backed off to let Sam and danny french. He was smiling. He knew something was happening. Sam had gone from being a rival to a friend, and he had certainly enjoyed watching danny take his cock.

They finished kissing, and then Sam stood up. "Guys, you gotta excuse me. I'm not gonna be able to hang out tonight. I have... Yeah, I need to call my mom. She hasn't been feeling well, and... " He started getting dressed. "I gotta go." "Sam, if you get the time, please feel free to..." Sam smiled. "I'll do that Jason." He looked at danny. "Enjoy your weekend bottom. Take care of Jason. He's a good man." He kissed danny one more time, and for the only time, it was a tender, sweet, loving rather than lustful kiss.


"MR TAYLOR!" June exclaimed when she saw danny walk in on Monday morning. "DAMN you always look like you ran a marathon on the weekends on Monday morning." She was eating "breakfast." : "Want a maple creme?" "Uh, I'll pass June. Any messages." "HELL YEAH. DOESN'T ANYONE SLEEP IN ANYMORE?" She shook her head. You've got four phone messages, a bunch of emails, and that Jock guy - he came by with this." She handed him a small envelope, written in very careful handwriting. "You best get to those emails. That money ain't gonna come in itself. " It WAS a busy morning. danny didn't get to open the envelope until around 1pm, and by that time, well..

"Mr Fromm, is it ok if I come in?" Sam was at Jason's office door. At work, he made sure to maintain proprieties. "OF COURSE Sam. Have a seat." "Thank you Sir, but... this will be quick. Mr. Fromm. I'm handing in my resignation, effective immediately. " Jason looked at him. "It's what danny said, isn't it?" Sam smiled. "That was a big part of it, but it's not all of it." He sighed. "I should have made my move when he and I were working together but, to be honest, I thought he was a big whore." Jason laughed. "Well he was. So were you." "I know, I know... " Now Sam laughed. "I guess somewhere in my head, I got the dumb idea that if it was topping it wasn't whoring. Only bottoms were whores, and...." "Say nothing else Sam. It's ok." IS your mom ok?" "She's old, Sir. And she misses me. I'm going to head back to Vermont and move in with her. I can always get a job there." "And you can always get a recommendation from me." "Thank you Sir. I didn't want to ask." Jason got up and gave him a big hug. "You know, when I learned you were back in town, I thought I was gonna hate you. Nope. I respect you, Sam. I respect you a lot. Are you gonna go and see danny?" Sam blushed. "I left a note for him. I don't think I could see him without..." "Be well, Sam. Please keep in touch. " "I need to call danny," Jason thought. "This sort of changes everything."

Jason didn't get to call danny before danny called him. "Sir... I'm sorry... did you..." "He tendered his resignation a few hours ago danny." "OH GEEZ. If I come over there could I see him?" "He took off. Apparently he packed his car overnight, drove to work, and then just left. I'm glad I was able to expedite his paycheck. " He heard danny sniffeling. "Listen stud. Dinner tonight? Your pick? And then we'll head back, maybe have a drink, talk things out?" "I think that would be great Sir. I don't think I could be alone tonight. "

danny picked a very southern restaurant, but he was picking at his catfish and okra. Jason put a finger under danny's chin and lifted it up. "Sweetie, it's a stupid statement, but it may work here. You ever hear some variation on 'don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." danny giggled. "I have. I'm not sure I'm there yet, Sir." Jason took danny's hand and squeezed it. "What can I do to help make it easier?" danny blushed. Jason knew what the answer was going to be, so he interrupted. "Incidentally, I DO plan to fuck you silly tonight, so if that's the remedy, I've got the prescription." danny smiled. "Just a spoonful of sugar Sir?" "It ain't sugar, and it's not just a spoonful. But we gotta talk some too. Now, Mr. Sweet tooth, are you gonna have peach cobbler or are you gonna have... man sausage." danny had both. After the cobbler, but before the sausage, they talked at Jason's house. "danny, I want you to know some things. I could very, VERY easily, spend the rest of my life with you." He squeezed danny's hand. "But it HAS to be on my terms. That's just the kind of man I am." danny smiled, and looked down. "I know that Sir, and...well, if you're asking me to be your... I don't know, man? bottom? sub? Whatever? I'm willing to try. Just let me know what the rules are."

Jason's rules included danny moving in. That was easy, especially since he didn't want danny to give up his own place. "We have employees moving in all the time. They all need a sublet. You'll make a fortune. " Jason was at the office, usually, from 9-6. He wanted danny to move his hours to 8-4 because he wanted danny there "to take care of things, especially me, when I get home." They tried it for a week. That's how danny learned to make martinis, how to shackle his own ankles and wrists, and how to massage Jason's feet. He learned other things, too, and we're getting to that. It was a no brainer. He moved in. And that brings us to the point where we began: remember we opened with danny chained to a ceiling beam, and gagged. This was AFTER he had moved in to Jason's place. See, danny STILL occasionally had thoughts about... is it over for me? That day, he had stopped at a bar to get a drink after he left the office. He hadn't had more than two, and he drove home safely, but... when he got home, at 6:30, Jason was sitting in his arm chair, all in leather.

"ON THE FLOOR BITCH" he ordered danny, who was about to ask if he could take his tie off first, but thought better of it. "Yes sir. " danny knelt in front of Jason, his head down, so that he could put the collar on more easily. Rather than the collar though, he got a WALLOP across his cheek that sent him flying. "YOU WON'T BREAK THE RULES AGAIN, DANNY BOY. THAT IS SOMETHING OF WHICH YOU CAN BE SURE." Jason got up out of the chair, grabbed the back of danny's neck, and pushed him down to the play room. After he had chained up danny's wrists, and gagged him with duct tape, he smiled. "I'm gonna go and finish my drink. Then... there's gonna be some payback for a bad , bad boy." "mmmmmmmmmmph." danny felt his dick stir in the cage. Tonight was the night it was coming off for his weekly climax. He guessed that wasn't going to happen now. What WAS going to happen? He had no idea. What he knew was that the basement was very, VERY warm, and he was sweating. Jason hadn't taken his necktie off, and he was still dressed as if for work. He heard the regular steps of Jason's feet coming down the stairs. He was still all in leather. Jason was carrying something that he put on the table. "Now... I have some good news and some bad news for you danny boy. Here's the good news: I'm taking the cage off. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" escaped from danny. He worried what the bad news was. "The bad news is... if you thought you were gonna cum.. you're mistaken. " Jason opened the box. It looked like nipple clamps, except. "OH SHIT. They're attached to a battery," danny thought. Jason followed danny's eyes and laughed. "Oh, this is gonna be fun." He attached the clamps. Then he took a free hand, and wrapped it around danny's cock. He turned on the battery. For a man like danny who had extremely sensitive nips, the electric charge, while Jason was edging him, was close to excruciating. Every time he began to push his cock because he was close: Jason let go, and sent a large enough shock through him to kill the orgasm. Then he repeated it again. And again. After the fifth one, he took the gag out of danny's mouth. "PLEASE SIR. I WON'T DO THAT AGAIN. EVER. I PROMISE. " "Nope. You won't." Jason sent one more shock through danny's nips, before he took them off and began working them with his fingers. "Because.. if you do... " He said nothing else . One hand went to one of danny's tits, the other was around danny's cock, and he shoved his tongue down danny's throat. He kissed him for a long time. Then he looked at danny, and he looked more serious than danny was used to seeing Jason. "Do you love me, danny boy?" danny's answer was low, almost pleading. "Yes sir. I do. I've been in love with you for months. I just... I was afraid..." "Afraid of what? " "That you wouldn't want a used up porn actor like me. " Jason smiled. He began unlocking the wrist restraints. He took danny in his arms. "To the contrary. I want MORE of this used up porn actor. I want you in my bed every night. I want your face at the breakfast bar every morning. I want you to make sure I don't puke on myself when I get seasick fishing with you. " He licked his lips. "I wanna be the one keeping you smooth. I wanna be the one keeping you sore." The he just stopped. He began to choke up. Then he got down on one knee and pulled a box out of his leather pants. "DAMN IT DANNY TAYLOR MARRY ME." It took danny by surprise. He didn't expect this. Ever. "OH DAMN. OH GOD. I JUST GOT MY BIRTHDAY PRESENT, MY CHRISTMAS PRESENT, MY DRIVER'S LICENSE AND A WHOLE LOT MORE. PUT THAT RING ON ME BOSS. MAKE ME YOURS OFFICIALLY." Then danny whispered "Now FUCK me. Let this used up porn actor show you what he can really do.


They referred to that night as their "engagement fuck." danny hadn't shown Jason ALL the things he had learned bottoming for his films, and Jason hadn't let danny know about the varying speed, 10 inch dildo that he was saving for a special occasion. He took it out after he had strapped danny to the bed. "Tell me when it makes you think of me, danny," he said as he began inserting it into his fiancee. "It could never remind me of you, Sir. It's not warm. It's not.. it's not you. Please put YOU in me Sir." "I was hoping you'd say that, danny boy." Jason complied. He started sliding his fully engaged cock into danny's ass. As he did, he took danny's released cock and began a slow jerk off. "OH SIR. OH. I always wanted this in the movies. OH. OH........THANK YOU SIR!!!!" After danny had climaxed, Jason pulled out his cock . "Gonna give you something I've wanted to give you for a while danny boy: a fucking facial. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH" Jason shot all over danny, most of it getting on his cheeks, his chin, all over his face. danny closed his eyes to avoid getting a shot there. "Let me kiss that stuff away, husband to be." danny felt Jason's warm lips on his eyelids. Then he felt Jason's teeth on his ear, and his scruff on his neck. He pulled at the restraints, but never once wanted to be free.


"MR TAYLOR. If you two are going to continue to cavort like wild minks, I'm going to insist that you keep a tube of this in your office." June brought in another tube of the flesh colored foundation. danny blushed. "June... Can I show you something?" "If it's candy, sure. If it's below your waist, NO. Anything else, maybe." danny smiled and held out his hand. He showed June the ring. "OH MY GOD. MY LITTLE BOY. MY BABY. OH... MAMA'S GOTTA GIVE YOU A HUG." She squeezed danny harder than Jason squeezed him. "You best tell me your wedding colors when you pick them. I gotta get Maxine to work on my dress. " A similar discussion was happening at the other end of town, as Jason told Flora.

So, readers, you're all invited to the wedding. It'll happen next time as we end this tale. Hope you've been enjoying it. If you have, toss a few bucks the way of this website.

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