Danny Taylors Domination

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 14, 2021


danny knew he was in trouble the minute he walked into the office. June was staring straight ahead at her computer, her red framed glasses pushed back on her nose, and she didn't even look up. "Good morning, June" danny said. He was in a good mood. He slept well in Jason's arms, and he felt almost on a "bliss cloud" as they said when he was younger. "Good morning Daniel," June responded, not changing her look. The joy began draining out of danny. He knew June was teasing when she called him "Mr. Taylor," but when she used "Daniel" rather than "danny," he knew, something was wrong. "June, did I forget something yesterday?" Without turning, June answered "maybe your common sense, but that's not my business." danny had a feeling, but... how did she know? "The daily paper is on your desk, Daniel. I put a tab at a page which I thought you might want to look at first.

Now danny was confused. What good it have been? He opened the paper. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SHIT!!!" he cried, as he saw the photo of he and Jock/Sam at the restaurant where they had had lunch. No one in town knew about his former adult film career (except June, and she could be trusted absolutely) but after they had worked together, "Jock" had been involved in more than one newsworthy story, and there he was... sitting with Jock, with a headline over the photo: "Local broker dating former porn star?" "SHIT!" He thought again. Now, if danny had worked in a big city like NYC, the chances of this getting around were slim. In this venue, however.... since nothing happened, everyone always read the gossipy sections first. "Jason must have seen this by now" he thought. "I'm fucked. And not in the way I want to be." He slipped out of his jacket and rolled back his sleeves. It wasn't more than an hour ago that Jason was forcing his tongue down danny's throat, after he told him the dark blue shirt made him look SO HOT, he probably shouldn't let danny go "in case you meet someone hotter than me." danny gulped when he remembered how he told Jason "that's never gonna happen."

He needed to call Jason. NOW. He pulled out his cell and dialed Jason's direct line. His call went to the message function. He didn't leave one, and called Jason's office line. "Good morning, Mr. Fromm's office, Flora speaking." danny had not met Jason's assistant, but he had spoken to her more than once. Jason had spoken of her highly, teasing that she and June should be lesbian lovers, except they were really the same person. "Flora, it's danny calling." There was a pause and danny felt a wave of coldness go through his body. "Yes, Mr. Taylor, how can I assist you this morning?" "OH BOY! " He thought. "She knows. It means he knows. Oh................" "Flora, may I speak with Mr. Fromm please?" She didn't hesitate. Clearly, she had instructions. "I'm afraid Mr. Fromm is not available. " There was no offer to take a message or to send his call to voice mail. "I understand. Is it possible to leave him a message or for me to call him back later?" "Everything's POSSIBLE Mr. Taylor, but I'd be lying if I said that I thought Mr. Fromm would call you back." "She didn't even add 'today' " danny thought. "Thank you Flora. I'll try his cell phone." "As you wish Mr. Taylor. DO enjoy your day."

"How am I gonna fix this?" danny was thinking as he punched in Jason's cell number again. This time Jason picked up. "What?" "Hi Jason. It's .. it's danny." "Yes, I know." Then silence. "Jason, I... I..." danny heard a big sigh on the other end of the phone. "Listen danny, you can have lunch with anyone you want, that's for sure. Just.... just... Remember how I told you I get very possessive?" "Yes sir. I do." "Well, right now I'm having a hard time danny. I guess we're dating, or something like that, but neither of us made any promises, and you clearly had sex with that guy." "Sir... I'm sorry for interrupting but.. how did you know?" Jason laughed acidly. "I guess it's something that we gay guys learned from women. You had a cologne on you last night that wasn't the one you normally wear - in fact, I think what I had smelled before was just citrusy soap, not musk." danny continued to listen. "And... without being too clinical, you were looser last night than usual. MUCH looser. I just came to a conclusion but figured I was just being jealous. Then I saw the paper this morning. " "I'm sorry Jason. I'm SO sorry." "You don't need to be sorry danny, so I'm not going to accept the apology. Like I said, we made no promises to each other. " He paused.

Then his voice rose. "BUT DAMMIT DANNY I'M POSSESSIVE. I TOLD YOU THAT. AND I GET JEALOUS. AND I'M JEALOUS NOW. AND NOW... I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M GONNA DO!!!" danny felt himself beginning to cry. "Jason... I don't want this to end. I... is there something I can do to fix it?" "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND DANNY. YOU DON'T GET IT. THERE'S NOTHING TO FIX! " Then his voice dropped. Flora had looked in on his office and put her finger on her lip like a school teacher. "I'm sorry, I should stop yelling. There's nothing to fix. Neither one of us could know that Jock was coming back to town, at least I couldn't and I think you didn't either." "I didn't Jason. I had no idea." "Well, you know. I have a feeling he's just drifting. Why don't you have your fling and then see if you want to try again. If I'm still a single man, we can give it a try." "I DON'T WANT TO GIVE YOU UP SIR!" now danny was yelling. "danny, I had my slutty years, but I stopped that a while ago. I'm a one man man. " Now Jason's voice began to quiver. "You have yourself a good day. You have stuff at my place. Do you want me to box it up and send it back, or do you want to send someone, how would you like to do this?" Jason had just given danny the opening he wanted. "I'll send someone Sir. Is it okay if he comes over after work to get the stuff?" "Perfect. Leave me a message when he's on his way so I can have it ready."

As he got off the phone, Flora came to the door. "Jason, I'm sorry to hear about all of this. Maybe interviewing the applicants will help you get over it. The first one is here. I'll send him in." Jason stood up and smiled, trying to pull himself together. "Good morning Mr. Fromm. I'm Sam Smith." Jason looked at Sam. And he began to plot as well.

"Hi Jason. danny here. I hope this is ok with you. I couldn't find anyone available to come over and get my stuff so... can I come over myself? I promise I'll just come in and get out, or just leave it on your porch. Thanks." Jason had just gone to the men's when the message came in. He was ready to leave himself. Then, he had a thought. He got his briefcase, and before he went to his car, he went down to the manufacturing floor. "Sam, I'm glad you're still here. A minute of your time please..." Off in the corner, they spoke. If you were watching, you saw Sam smile. If you were a fly on the wall, you heard him say "you shoulda written for the films, Mr. Fromm. "

When danny got to Jason's house, the box wasn't on the porch. He rang the bell. "It's open, come on in." Gingerly, danny pushed open the door. He didn't know what to expect, so getting grabbed from behind by Sam was the last thing on his mind. "I GOT HIM MR FROMM." "HEY SAM. WHAT THE...." danny struggled in Sam's grip, even though he knew, there was no way he was getting loose. They had never done a capture or bondage video together, but he knew Jock's reputation as being strong. He heard the steady, regular "click" of what sounded like boots on Jason's wooden floors. He heard what sounded like a strap hitting leather, and he felt Sam holding him tighter. His cock jumped when he saw Jason enter the room, in head to foot leather. A muir cap. A short sleeved, black leather shirt, chaps. Boots. "Get him downstairs Sam. I think if you strap him to the table, face down, that'll work." "YES SIR! LET'S GO FUCKER!" Sam began to push danny toward the basement stairs. He wasn't getting much resistance, and he laughed. "Everyone's gonna get what they want tonight, bitch boy. Look at you, bringing people together." "Don't sully his jacket Sam. Make him take it off before you tie him down." "YES SIR! It's a nice jacket." "Sam.. what we did we... mmmmmmmmmmph" Sam's hand covered danny's mouth. "SHUT UP. What you did was WRONG, and now... cocksucking BITCH. You're gonna PAY." "Thank you JESUS!" danny thought, as he felt the straps go around his wrists, and then felt his jeans being pulled off . He saw them tossed in a corner. Jason stood in front of him. He tossed the flogger he had in his hand to Sam. "You wanna smack him around before you tongue him?" "FUCK YES!" Jason smiled as he stood in front of danny and dropped his own pants. His cock stood out like a steel rod. "SUCK IT YOU WORTHLESS BOTTOM." After spending the afternoon lamenting how he was never going to have Jason's magnificent cock again, danny couldn't believe his luck. "NO TEETH" Jason warned, as the first strike of the flogger came down, and danny winced. "mmmphngnggng" he answered. Jason laughed. "How about you warm him up, Sam? Give him ten, then I'll fuck his face. "Can't have you lose that cock Sir" Jason backed off, teasing danny by playing with himself while he took the flogging from Sam. "NNNNNNNNNG. NNNNNNNNNNNG" Jason counted them down... 10... 9.. 3... 2... 1. DON'T RESIST CUNT. LET HIM GET HIS TONGUE IN YOU." "yes sir" danny got out before he felt Sam's tongue in his ass, and Jason's cock in his mouth again. "Don't work it too hard blondie. If I jizz, you're gonna stay tied to this table till I'm ready to fuck your bony ass." "MMMMMMMMMNNNNNG" danny couldn't answer. Sam's tongue work was really, REALLY good. He wondered if he had needed to do that with his sugar daddy. He never thought that... "OH FUCK I'M GETTING HARD" danny thought. He could feel Jason getting harder, and harder in his mouth. "Ok Sam, let's change positions. " Sam came up front and danny saw the cock he knew from so many movies. "My turn . Wait until..." danny screamed as Jason SLAMMED into him. "I SHOULDA TAKEN THE FUCKING 14 INCH DILDO TO YOU, AND MAYBE I WILL. " Jason slammed his cock into danny HARD.. REALLY hard. He calmed down after about five thrusts, and then it was "safe" for Sam to plug danny's mouth with his own cock. Jason and Sam developed a rhythm: they thrust forward and they pulled back. Everything he learned as a power bottom for film came back to danny. He had never been spit roasted before, but... it was just coordinating his ass and mouth, right?' It wasn't that easy, but he got into the rhythm. He was well lubricated from Sam's tongue, and now... he "begged" for more of Jason by trying to back into his cock as much as he could. He could feel Jason's balls slapping at his butt, and Sam's balls hitting his chin. "What have I done?" he thought. Well, at least for the moment, he brought two hot men to climax, at just about the same time. "Roll him over. Let's each take ten strokes on his cock. Let's see who brings him off." The two DOMS were having a blast, teasing danny's cock. One would hold down his wrists, while the other had his turn. Then they'd change positions. Every time danny thought he was close, the turn was up. But he was getting closer and closer and then. "OH MY GOD THANK YOU SIRS. THANK YOU." danny's hips pitched forward, and his shot was huge. "Ha ha. Guess he'll have to was THAT shirt, Mr. Fromm." "I oughtta make him wear it tomorrow. See what June says." danny blushed. He knew exactly what June would say. "Now listen up danny. Listen good. This is how it's gonna be. Sam and I are gonna share you for a while. We decided that, for maybe 3 months, we'll take turns: one night me, next night Sam, then again. On weekends, the two of us. At the end of that time.. you'll have to make a choice. Or...." Jason smiled a weak smile. "The three of us will go our separate ways" danny stifled the big smile he felt. Was there really a choice? "Sir... who am I staying with tonight?" he asked. "With me daniel. " Jason answered. "Your stuff is NOT packed up. You'll need something to wear tomorrow when we send you off to work. "I'll see you tomorrow Max Bottom" Sam winked as he got himself together. "Hey thanks bud. I appreciate it." Jason shook Sam's hand. "You're thanking ME? I got TWO jobs today." danny couldn't help but laugh at that. "You hired him?" "He came in right after you called me. How could I not?" danny was thinking: "I'd suspect June had something to do with all of this but... NAH. She couldn't have." At that minute, June was tossing out the box of maple cremes Jason had sent to her home that night. In fact, she didn't have anything to do with THIS one whatsoever. The cremes were to "keep an eye on that boy" in the future.

Next: Chapter 4

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