Danny Taylors Domination

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 8, 2021


The day after his date with Jason Fromm, danny got to his office a little later than usual. Jason had been amorous (according to him), or horny (according to danny), when they woke up that morning. danny's protestations did him no good, and he found his legs in the air and Jason's cock in his butt, after Jason had worked over his nipples and neck with his morning scruff, until danny was moaning "Yes sir. FUCK ME. FUCK ME PLEASE." Now, sore, and with the "burn mark" on his neck, danny was trying to get past the office manager, June, who always got to work a half hour to an hour early, and was sitting at the reception area as we got in. "GOOD MORNING MR TAYLOR" she teased. She knew about danny's formal nature, so she would always call him "Mr Taylor" at least once a day. A "child of the south, " and old enough to be danny's mother, she acted like it too. He was "Mr Taylor" when things were fine, but if she were angry, she called him just "MISTER" and danny knew: find out what was wrong, and get to the store to get her a Whitman sampler or something (her favorites were the maple cremes). "Someone looks like he's got a love bite," she smiled and winked at him and danny blushed. "Uh, you can see it from your desk, June?" "danny, I think they can see it from Mars. Does it hurt?" When danny smiled, she said "forget that I asked it. I guess you had a good date with that Jason Fromm?" "It was ok. Thanks for asking." Then he saw a HUGE bouquet of camellias: pink white and red , on the side table. Camellias were his favorite flower. "Where did those come from?" He asked, and June smiled "They have your name on them. I'd bet my mom's pot roast recipe they're from that Mr. Fromm." danny went over and looked at the card: "I hope you had as good a time as I did, and I hope that we have another one soon. Jason" danny looked up. "HOW DID MR FROMM KNOW I LIKED CAMELLIAS?" June had pulled out a nail file and was working on her dark red, long nails. "I told him. He called and asked me." "THIS MORNING?" She put down the file: "NO MISTER. After he spent all that money, foolishly I think, on bidding on a date with you, he called and chatted me up. " She smiled. "And somehow, he found a box of nothing BUT maple cremes, a feat that you have not managed to do in three years." The flowers brought the whole date back to danny's mind. He smiled. It was a classy move: Jason had found out about his favorites BEFORE they got together, and then had arranged for them. And he took care of June too. He liked that. "I'm sorry if I raised my voice, June. It was... it was a REALLY good date, and... " "And you haven't had a good date in a long time, danny. I get it." She sighed again. "No one sends ME flowers." "He sent you maple cremes and...." he stopped. "Finish it Mister... and I didn't even put out for him." "How do you know I put out for him?" June's big red framed glasses had slid down her nose. She looked over them at danny, and didn't say a word. "Ok, ok. Yes, you're right. I did put out...." She interrupted him "Momma doesn't need to know the tawdry details. I'm just glad you're dating a man with class. Now show some proper Southern etiquette, get into your office, close the door, call and thank him, and then talk dirty. I promise I won't listen.." She reached into the box of candy that had already been picked over thoroughly. "MMMM. These are good too. Way better than Whitman's."

"Jason Fromm speaking , how can I help you?" "Hi. It's danny. " "DANNY! I'm so glad to hear from you. I was thinking about you too. Sorry I was so aggressive this morning. What can I say, it's just... I never dreamed I'd be in bed with a porn star." "FORMER porn star, Mr. Fromm." As he said "Mr." Fromm, danny felt a surge in his cock. "I love the flowers. Thank you so much." danny could almost hear Jason smiling as he said "How about you take a picture of yourself smelling them or something and sending it to me." "I'm dressed, Sir." "That's ok. I can use my imagination." "Ha ha. You sure did. I just told June that it was one of the best dates I ever had." "AWWW. You're sweet danny. But you know, you don't have to flatter me. I was gonna ask you out on second date anyway." "And I'll accept, Mr. Fromm." (Every time he called this man, Mister, danny got more and more excited). "What did you have in mind?" "Dinner tonight?" "DARN. Tonight I can't make it. I have some late showings for clients. " He paused "AFTER I go and find some flesh tone makeup to cover certain... abrasions." "SHUCKS," Jason answered. "Take a look at your calendar. Tell me what's best for you." "Hmmm. That didn't sound very dominating," danny thought. "baby steps," he continued in his head. "I'll get him there." "Well, Thursday's good, so is Friday and so is the whole weekend. " Jason was silent for a minute, and his voice dropped low. "If you were thinking I was about to ask you which one you preferred, you're mistaken, danny." "NOW we're talkin" he thought and responded, as his hand dropped to his crotch. "No Sir. I apologize for not being available tonight. If you tell me where and when you want me, I'll be there." "Now, and in my bed" Jason was usually very forward, but even he blushed at that. danny did too. And he got harder. "The sooner the better. I'll drive by your office on Thursday. All I need is a text telling me when you're done for the day. " "I can do that Sir. " "Pack clothes. You'll be going to work on Friday from my place. In fact, maybe you should bring some extra for the weekend." Now, danny was opening the zipper on his pants and his hand was sneaking in. He was going to need to... do something." "Yes sir. I'll see you then. Thanks again for the flowers." "Don't forget the photo." "No Sir." When he got off the phone, danny heard his door opening. His legs were under his desk so June - it HAD to be June, she was the only one at the firm who came in without knocking - couldn't see the state of his pants. She said nothing, and just put a tube of foundation on his desk. "Closest they had to your peach like complexion Mr. Taylor," she tossed him a kiss, and closed the door on her way out. "Better use the men's room instead," danny thought, and took the foundation with him. It worked. And he jerked off. So far, a productive day.

Early that afternoon, danny got a call he wasn't expecting. It wasn't on the office phone, but on his cell. "Hello, Danny Taylor here." "danny boy. It's been too long." The caller didn't give his name, but the voice was unmistakable. "Jock? My GOD, how many years has it been?" "Too many danny boy." (Danny boy was the nickname Jock/Sam had given danny on the set. He used to tease him by singing the song with the same name, because danny hated it. He had heard it all through grade school from the other kids). "Too many danny boy. Took me a while to track you down." "I thought you were in Europe with your man. Are you here, visiting?" "Well, not exactly. I'm here, for sure. But for good. And I'm single." "GEEZ. What happened?" "No gory details, dan. Let's just say I got too old for him and he found a 20 something Frenchie. So, I'm back here, looking for work, looking for a place to stay, and looking for love, or at least a hot lay." danny paused. He'd be lying if he said that hearing from Sam didn't bring back all the fun they had had on the set. "So where do I fit in, Sam?" "Ha ha. I was thinking I'd fit into you, danny boy, the way it used to be. But beyond that, all help is appreciated." danny took a deep breath. It was probably a little bit of an exaggeration, but he said "Sam, you need to know, I'm seeing someone right now, and the relationship is new. I don't wanna." "danny boy, I'm not looking for an engagement, I'm just looking for a little fun." danny thought about that. He hadn't been seeing two men at the same time, well, since college. "Tell you what, Sam. Let's meet for lunch tomorrow and talk things out. I'll see what I can do to help." "You were always generous danny. It's what made you a star. See you tomorrow." danny got off the phone. He had to gather the files together for his showings. "SHIT. What am I getting myself into?" He thought. "Well, we'll see." He got up, and headed to his car. "Let me see, lambie," June said as she saw him. "You gay guys aren't all as good with your makeup as you think. " She inspected danny's neck. "Excuse yourself during the first showing and reapply it. You'll be glad you did." "Thanks Mom. Any way I could talk you out of one of those maple cremes?" June's head gestured toward the garbage pail. The empty box was in it. "Next time then." danny headed out.

Sam had gotten older looking, but he still looked like "Jock." That's what danny thought as they sat down at the cafe', iced teas (unsweetened for danny, regular for Sam, who never seemed to gain weight), for lunch. There was no question: of all the actors from that period, Sam had "made out" the best. His sugar daddy, Osbert, was related in some complicated way to the British royal family. He was "about 900 years old," as Sam had described him. Sexually, he didn't demand much from Sam at all, and didn't mind Sam's forays with other men, as long as he was back in time to cuddle him in bed when he went to sleep, and stayed home to entertain when Osbert gave his monthly parties. Those parties took place wherever they were in Europe. Osbert seemed to know everyone. One month, they were staying in a palazzo in Venice, the next month, they were in a castle in Bavaria, and the next month, a chateau in Provence. Osbert knew everyone. When he saw Yves, who worked at a bookstore in Nice, Sam's fate was sealed. One day, Sam had been on the beach and when he got back to the chateau, he found that his bags had been packed, and there was a one way first class ticket to Washington DC on top of them. There was a note "Au revoir. Thank you for the good times. O". Sam looked at the ticket: it was for that evening, and Osbert was not around. Yves was in a room, playing a video game on the computer. He didn't speak much English, but he looked at Sam, smiled, and tossed him a kiss. Sam could've broken his neck, but figured "time to move on." There was a driver on duty, and he took Sam to the airport. Sam pretty much drunk his way back to the United States, and used some of the not insubstantial cash in his bank account to get back home. He was staying at a rooming house now - just outside of the city limits, trying to figure out what to do. "I figure I have enough money for about six months, danny. Then I'm gonna have to work, so.... " He sighed. "What does my resume' show? Porn actor and trick to sugar daddy? " He laughed. "Not much to work off of." danny took a deep breath. He remembered Jason saying that the plant needed more workers. It was minimum wage, and it was sweat labor, but...." "Sam.... I don't mean to insult you with this, but.... the guy I'm seeing. He runs the manufacturing plant in town. I know he's looking for workers. It's not great work, and it's not skilled labor, but... do you want me to ask?" Sam laughed. "Skilled labor? The only skill I have is making a bottom beg for it. Not many jobs where that's a quality they're looking for. Sure. Ask. What could it hurt? Thanks." "I will. Now, about a place to stay, you don't like the boarding house?" "It's ok for a bit danny, but.. I really need a place of my own. " "Ok. You said you could get by for about six months. Let me know how much you can afford and I'll check what we have . You never know." Sam smiled. "Thanks danny. You never let a guy down." danny felt Sam's foot running up his leg. "Do you?" The bolt of electricity from the touch ran through danny. He had been called a slut before. Was he about to do something slutty? Yes, he was. He and Jason hadn't made each other any promises and... "No. I don't. My place is closer." He called for the waiter and paid the check. Half hour later, he was naked, and on all fours, with a naked, and very hard Sam behind him, shoving his cock into his ass. "OH GOD. It feels as good as it did the first time Jock. " "THEN SHUT UP AND TAKE IT YOU MOUTHY BOTTOM. SHOULDA GAGGED YOU." "Yes sir. Yes. OOOHHHHHHHHH. OH GOD." "That fucking businessman fuck you this good?" danny felt his orgasm drop. He was trying to keep the two of them separated in his head and Sam's comment just broke the barrier. "Sam. Jock. Please.. Just fuck me. Get it done..." Sam was too lost in what he was doing to realize what had happened. When he finished, and cum was dripping out of danny's ass, the two of them lying next to each other, he spoke. "I blew it, didn't I, danny?" danny took a deep breath. "Sam. Sammy. Sammich." ("Sammich was his nickname for Sam because, well, he was always eating him), "I don't know. I... I feel something about this guy, and I don't know what it is. He's GREAT in bed, just great. And he gives me back my sass and then some. " "Is he smart, danny?" "He is. Wicked smart." Sam made a bit of a sad face. "That's why we didn't work off screen danny. I wasn't smart enough for you." danny ran his hand through Sam's hair. That was the truth, but he wasn't going to say it. "There were a lot of things. Remember the old expression, 'don't shit where you eat'? We were fucking on screen and it was SO good, I didn't want to spoil it." Sam gave a quick laugh. "You always WERE a good salesman danny. But I know you too well." He began to get up to get dressed. "Can I still see you? Maybe for lunch, or a cocktail if your man is working, or..." "Sure. I'd like to introduce the two of you. You should get to know each other because, well, you're very much alike."

Meanwhile, Jason realized he hadn't been this excited about a date in a long, LONG time. What were they gonna do? danny had mentioned something about going fishing, but this was Thursday. Could they take the day off and fish? Jason didn't think he had ever been fishing. He couldn't remember doing it anyway. Were they going to do something else? He didn't know, but all he knew was: when he thought about how good it felt when he finally got danny underneath him, his pants got decidedly uncomfortable.

"Hey, Mr. Fromm. It's danny. " danny called Jason on Wednesday afternoon. "Hey there. I was going to call you in a bit. See what's happening on Thursday. Did you say something about fishing?" danny laughed. "Well, yeah I did, but maybe that can wait until the weekend. I'm not sure we can pull the whole thing together in time for tomorrow. But.... I did have something in mind. You ever go country/western dancing?" Jason laughed. "OH MY GOD. I've seen it on shows, and as parts of shows, but no, I've never done it. I'm not even sure I have the right clothes. "AH HA. Well, you're gonna get them, because I'm gonna send over my expert shopper. June's gonna come visit you today, and take you out so you can get outfitted right. Don't worry about not knowing the steps. This time... I'm gonna lead. " "You have no idea how hot that makes me danny." "And you have no idea how nervous it makes me," danny answered. "Come by, dressed, at about 7. I promise, if you're not enjoying yourself in an hour, we'll leave. " Then he headed out to June. "Momma, you're gonna go meet Mr. Maple Creme," then he told her what he wanted her to do. She smiled as she turned off her computer. "I get to spend someone else's money and I may get some of that FINE candy too. Perfect end of the day."

"Let me tell you something handsome," June was talking to Jason as she took him through the stores. "danny picked one helluva a FINE looking man to date, and I am going to do my maternal duty and make you look even finer." Jason blushed. "I can't thank you enough June. " "SURE you can. Send me some more of those maple cremes." "OH, you liked them?" "LIKED THEM? Honey, that's the best sugar this momma can hope for. That and seeing her danny find himself a husband." She didn't even blanch. "I'm NOT apologiing for that Jason, cause I'm gonna do everything I can do to see you two get married. He's besotted with you." "Besotted?" "YOU KNOW THE WORD, SMARTY PANTS." "Ha ha. Yeah, I do, but... I just didn't think..." "It's the right word. And don't worry about giving him love bites this weekend. I gave him proper foundation." By the end of their shopping spree, Jason had a snap button shirt in a red and black pattern, some tight fitting wranglers, a belt with a huge eagle buckle, and an appropriate hat. "The hat comes off when you kiss. It's hard to get close enough otherwise. " Jason smiled. He had to introduce June to his assistant, Milly.

"YOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mr. Taylor. Your date has arrived." June had stayed for the moment. danny had changed in his office: a light suede colored button down corduroy shirt, a tight pair of faded jeans with his own buckle- a young wolf - and his own hat. He looked at Jason moving toward the doors of the office. "OH MY. He's even hotter dressed like that. I'm doomed." "You sure are honey," June smiled. danny blushed. He didn't realize he was speaking out loud. "Howdy Mr. Fromm" danny was smiling ear to ear. He never thought Jason would go along with this. "Howdy back" He looked at June and handed over another box of candies. He crooked his arm for danny. "Is my date ready?" "Show me to our horse." June turned around laughing.

The LGBT had a Western swing dance night once a month, and that's where danny was taking Jason. He went most months, but always alone. He'd dance with a few guys, and a few chicks, but when they did the slow one that always indicated the night was over - to a medley of "Happy Trails" and "Good night Irene," danny was already heading to his car. Not tonight. Jason was a TERRIBLE dancer. It wasn't just that he couldn't follow: it seemed he had two left feet, and his boots were made of cement. "DANG. I finally found something I'm better at than you Mr. Fromm"

Jason looked at him. "Let's see who kisses better." He moved in. In the middle of their kiss, the closing song began. "I DO know how to waltz. This time, I lead." Jason said, and danny just answered "yes sir," as he put his head on Jason's shoulder, and let the music carry them. His knee, against Jason's crotch, let him know: the evening wasn't ending with the dancing.

"On the bed. Face up." They were back in Jason's bedroom: too late to use the playroom. "Yes sir," danny complied, stretching out his arms. He knew bondage was next. It was. A restraint went around one wrist and then the other. Jason started opening the snaps on his shirt. "One TRULY good thing about these shirts, is how easily they open" He spread danny's shirt apart, and he moved his lips down to a nipple. "OH SHIT. OH. OH SHIT... MMMMMMM" Jason was making little sucking noises as he took one, then the other nipple. "I'll try to be gentler tonight..." He began nibbling danny's ear, and rubbing up and down his neck, as he fumbled for danny's buckle. "OH MY. OH. OH SIR. My ass. my ass. It's... It's sore." Jason stopped. "STILL from last weekend? I didn't fuck you THAT hard, did I?" "No Sir, it's just.... " Jason didn't let him finish. "You used a toy too hard." If Jason heard the sigh of relief, he didn't indicate he did. "Yes sir, that's it. I ... I was thinking about last weekend when I used my dildo and... I just pushed too hard." "Well, I'll be gentle danny, because... I'm gonna have that ass." Tied down, under the man with whom he WAS besotted, danny just said "yes sir," and thought about how Jason was going to feel. Jason noticed a strange look on danny's face, but he was so horny, he pushed it out of the way. As he slid into danny's ass, and danny began to moan, he was thinking: "something's up. Someone had his ass recently. " But he smiled, and probed danny gently, moving in little by little, until he found danny's prostate. "OH FUCK SIR. OH FUCK. OH FUCK. THAT'S THE SPOT...." Jason smiled. He rubbed his cockhead back and forth over "the spot," until he had danny whimpering in a mixture of pain and pleasure. "SIR.. SIR. I shouldn't be cumming before you, but.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "Now THAT wasn't faked," Jason thought to himself. "And neither is mine" as he exploded inside danny. He smiled, putting his lips on danny's. "Wanna go to sleep golden boy?" "Oh, that sounds good Sir. Will you hold me like last time?" "I will. Better be careful about asking me to hold you though." "Why's that Sir?" Jason began untying the restraints. "Because I'm a very possessive man, and sometimes I hold onto things I want so tightly, they can't breathe." It was very heavily coded, but danny sensed: Jason knew he had been with another man, he just didn't know who." "I understand Sir. I'll let you know if I can't breathe." Jason smiled and kissed him again "Do that. And whatever you do, don't try to escape once I have you."

Next: Chapter 3

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