Danny Taylors Domination

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 26, 2021


danny taylor stood in the basement of the house he had sold to Jason Fromm. His arms, extended above his head, were shackled at the wrist, and the chain joining the shackles was positioned over one of the ceiling beams in the cellar. danny could stand flat on his feet, but just barely. It was warm, and he was sweating: his blue shirt was beginning to show the marks of his perspiration. Although he never would have screamed for help - he didn't want to, and it wouldn't have done any good - there was a tight strip of black duct tape over his mouth. Jason had put it there because "he liked to know that danny was helpless." danny did too, and his cock was bulging in his pants. He should have expected this: Jason expected danny to be home from work at a certain time, and to have his evening cocktail ready when he walked in the door. That night, danny had decided to stop at a bar to get a drink and to see if "he still had it." He had stayed too long. Jason was already home when he got in. "In the basement. NOW" was all Jason had said. danny had answered "yes sir," which was the only acceptable answer, and here he was. He listened carefully. Did the door just open and close? YES! It did.

And he heard Jason's footsteps walking down the steps. He had no idea what was in store for him...

danny had lived a full life. He had gone to school at the local college, studying English and history. It was at college that he discovered two things about himself: he loved the gym, and he was gay. He studied more experienced guys at the gym, and soon developed a buff physique that wasn't overstated: he didn't take steroids or anything else: he could honestly say he had earned every muscle. His head of straight blond hair, and his blue eyes, made him a favorite among the other gay guys at the college too. danny tried topping and bottoming. He preferred topping, but if a man who was his "type" came along: taller than him, dark hair, olive skin, hairy, maybe a mustache - he would do anything the man wanted. And he had. He graduated college with a B.A. summa cum laude with a double major, and extensive experience in sex.

Even with his grades, jobs were scarce. During his studies, danny had developed an interest in folklore, and got a fellowship to go to a university about 100 miles away, to begin graduate work in that field. As he began developing his Master's thesis, he also realized that there was no chance of getting a job in his field, and his options for employment in others, were limited. Except....

Graduate work didn't leave him much time for going out, so danny began watching a lot of internet porn. He also had a collection of movies that he could watch on the computer at any time. He loved the movies, and began thinking "I could do that." He got the contact information for several studios, put together a portfolio of photos and sent them off to about six studios. He heard back from four. He set up an interview with the one closest to his university, and that interview would very much determine his life.

"So, your photos are enticing. If you don't mind, I'd like our casting director to have a look at you to make sure that the photos are accurate. Would you mind meeting with him?" "Not at all, Sir?" danny's smile and his Tennessee twang were seductive. His lack of inhibition helped too. The casting director looked him over with the practiced eye of someone who had been in the business for over 30 years. danny couldn't help noticing that the casting director spent a lot of time looking at his ass. "Could you bend over, please, and spread your cheeks?" "Not at all Sir" danny had answered. "Hmmm. Used, but not too badly. Interesting." "With all due respect Sir, I'm much more interested in using this." danny grabbed his six incher and showed it, smiling. The casting director was not impressed. "Why don't you get dressed and go and speak to Mr. Messner. He'll talk to you. "

By the time danny had gotten back to Mr. Messner's office, the casting director had called him and filled him in. Messner asked danny to sit down. "danny, Charlie was impressed with your body. You take very good care of it." "Thank you Sir. I work hard. I enjoy it" "He also told me that you were mostly interested in working for us as a top." "Well, that's true Sir. I mean, I could bottom if I had to, but..." Messner smiled. "See, danny, your look says 'bottom' and that's really why we called you in. We've been looking for a new blond bottom to replace our former star, who, well... let's say he had some substance abuse issues. We'd like to take you on, but the contract we're prepared to offer you is as a bottom. Exclusively. danny sighed. "Would you mind if I thought about it Sir?" Messner smiled. "I can give you 3 days. Right now, you're the one Charlie would like to sign up, but we really can't wait longer than that." "That's fair Sir. " danny stretched out his hand to shake Mr. Messner's. "And I thank you for the opportunity." danny thought that one of the other studios might be more receptive to him being a top man, or versatile. What he found, in the next 3 days, was that his looks said "bottom" to all the studios, and no one was willing to give him a try in any other role. He thought about the first studio: he knew their films, and one of their topman, who went by the name of Jock Fuller, was a favorite: he WAS danny's "type." Maybe.... He called the studio when he got home. "Hello Mr. Messner. This is danny jackson calling. I HAVE given it some thought, and if you're still interested, so am I." "Wonderful danny. Welcome to our stable." "Just one thing, Sir. If I'm going to bottom, I'm wondering, well.. is there any chance I could bottom for Jock Fuller." Messner smiled as he sat in his office. "Now THAT'S a question every one of our bottom's asks danny. Tell you what. I think the chemistry between the two of you would be hot. Can you come in tomorrow, I'll have you meet Jock, and, well, he makes the decisions on whom he'll fuck." "Can I come in after my last class Sir? Say at 4:30?" "Consider it done. Jock will be here." danny spent the night twisting and turning: he could be on film, with Jock Fuller! But what if Jock didn't like him? The years since college had taught him how to dress to seduce, and he did the next day: tight red t shirt, his tightest jeans, no product in his hair so that it looked "street punk," shaved his face (but not his chest: guys seemed to like a hairy blond), and off he went. His worries were unfounded. He knew the minute he saw the look Jock gave him: like a starving wolf seeing a lamb on a leash. "I'd like to FUCK you right now, danny. Right in this office," he said. danny felt his erection growing. Jock saw the bulge. "I think you'd like that." "Sure would. " He turned to Messner. "If I sign the contract can I start working right away?" "Ha ha. How about next week. Jock is in the middle of one shoot. We'll get you some good material."

danny started next week. They gave him a "screen name". He became Max Bottom. He learned Jock Fuller's real name was Sam Smith. Jock was already a star, and once he began working with danny, well, danny became a star too. He finished his degree, and rather than looking for work, began working "full time" for the studio. Working "full time" for an adult film house, even as one of their stars, is not a very lucrative position. danny was commenting on this one day, as he was talking to some of the other actors on the set. One of them said "Well, why aren't you escorting? That's where the money is. We all do this just to attract clients." "And... do you do what you do in the films?" danny asked. "Sometimes. You know, you have the reputation now as being a hot power bottom, so that's what people are going to want to pay for. You can TRY topping, but I'll tell you danny, the money is in bottoming. " Raul, who was telling him this, knew it well. He, too, had started wanting to top. Now, as a total bottom escort, he was making 350 an hour, 1500 overnight. For a blow job, he helped danny with his ad, and the calls started coming in. They started coming in just about the time his hair began to fall out. danny had expected that. His father and his grandfather were both bald, and had started to loses their hair when they were young. He knew it would happen... just. not. now.

Losing his hair was not a problem. While there were guys who were turned off as he began to lose it, he gained new fans. And for about ten years, he and Jock and then he and Matty Pounder, the topman who replaced Jock when Jock gave up the industry, were the top sellers for the studio.

It has been said by at least one critic, that porn stars have the shelf life of a container of milk. danny/max had a longer run, but as his hairline receded, so did his popularity and his escort bookings. He was savvy enough to see that this phase of his life was coming to an end, and that he needed to find another line of employment. One of his regular clients was a real estate broker, and he seemed to enjoy his work, and to always have enough money both to pay danny and to tip generously. danny asked him if he had any tips for getting into the business. danny followed his suggestions, took courses, then the real estate agent's exam. He began working for one of the leading firms in the area and after he gained experience and went through a certification program, he took the exam and passed. The firm that had hired him as an agent recognized that they had a good salesman on their hands, and hired him right away. Soon, danny was gaining experience with small scale properties, and began making a good living. Then there was the day that the call from Jason Fromm came into his office. Everyone else was busy, and so the call went to danny.

Now, danny had never heard of Jason Fromm. Jason was the son of a man who had made a fortune in what some would call "a doorknob industry." These are the manufacturers who make the things people take for granted: doorknobs, fan belts for cars, keys, and in the case of Jason's father, ceramic tiles for homes, pools, etc. When Jason had finished his college and graduate school work, he started working for his father's firm. His father thought it would take Jason's mind off of sex: Jason was gay, and he preferred his sex rough, and his men passive. Jason's father thought that if he gave Jason a project to work on, it would take his mind off of his latest break up: Jason had come home to his apartment one day, and found his lover in bed with another man, whom he had picked up at a local bar. It took some doing to get the charges dropped against Jason after he had beaten the two of them to a pulp, and his father needed to get Jason away from "the scene of the crime." He had just bought a tile manufacturing company in Tennessee, and he appointed Jason the president. It meant that Jason would have to move to Tennessee and so, he began calling around to find help with finding a house.

Given Jason's proclivities, he wanted a house with space where, bluntly, he could construct a dungeon playroom: he needed a house with a good basement. And given some of his other pleasures, which included entertaining, he needed a place that could accommodate the parties that the Fromm family was known for. He explained all of this to danny when he was speaking to him that first day.

"Well, Mr. Fromm, this is what I would suggest. I know you're not in Tennessee right now, but when you arrive here, we can certainly find you some short term housing that would be suitable. I can arrange that if you'd like. And after you've had a chance to settle in, we should meet, I'll show you some houses, and then, we can proceed." Jason liked danny's direct approach. He also found his "accent" sexy. Finally, when he looked him up on the firm's website, he hoped the photo was accurate: he was Jason's type. "Plenty of fantasy material" Jason thought. He looked at the photo again, and thought that danny looked vaguely familiar. He thought that again when he was sitting opposite danny in danny's office at the real estate firm.

danny was looking at Jason, and thinking "calm down boy, calm down." Jason was sitting there in a black shirt opened at the throat. danny could see his chest hairs poking out from the top, and it was hard not to stare. Jason's family originated from southern France, and he had the olive skin tone danny loved, and which reminded him of Sam, as did his moustache. "I'm going to get in trouble" he was thinking, but he tried to gain his composure. "Well, Mr. Fromm, I have the information that you provided, and I've chosen five houses we can visit today, if you're so inclined. Before we go, let me ask, Sir: the rental we found for you: is it suitable."

Jason smiled. "Perfect. And please call me Jason" danny smiled "Mr. Fromm, you're in Tennessee now, and at least in business dealings, we're a bit more formal than you may be accustomed to. It will be very difficult to call you Jason." (danny was also thinking: and since I'm imagining you bending me over and fucking the shit out of me, it'd be even harder). Jason nodded. "I understand. I guess I'll have to get used to it." "Well, so how would you like to do this, Sir?" I can drive and you can follow me in your car, but I think it might be better if we drove in my car. I'll drive you back, and the drive from house to house will give me a chance to get a better feel for what you'd like." "I know this man from SOMEWHERE" Jason was thinking. "Maybe it'll come to me in his car." He agreed. danny had chosen five high end properties, all with basements. As they drove, danny ventured a question. "If I may, Mr. Fromm, why is a basement important for you? I may be able to rule out some of the houses if I knew that, and save you some time." Jason took a deep breath. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. He explained to danny how he intended to create a sexual playroom out of the basement, so he was looking for a place with enough "bones" to make that easier. As Jason explained this, danny found himself getting rock hard. He had to focus hard to not let his mind move to imagining himself on the floor of a basement, legs in the air, while Jason pounded him. "I think then, Sir, we'll start with one particular place. It has many exposed beams and I think, well, you'll find it suitable for restraints, and that kind of thing."

danny stood back as Jason walked through the basement. His silence, danny knew, was a good sign. Clients who didn't like a place were vocal. Those who were pleased, were pretty silent. Jason was dead silent. He had taken off his jacket, and through the perspiration, danny could see he was hairy. "I'm gonna have good dreams tonight," he thought. He was lost in thought, when he saw Jason looking at him. "Sir, is something wrong?" "No, danny," Jason laughed. "I just realized I've been thinking I've seen you before, and now I realize what it was. My mistake, but... you remind me very much of an adult film star I favored when I was younger. Someone known as Max Bottom." danny smiled. "I WAS Max Bottom, Mr. Fromm. You have a good memory." "NO! Are you kidding me? OH WOW. I had ALL your films. I watched them over and over and over again." danny began to laugh, because this serious, intense man, was gushing like a child. "I bet you can't guess which one was my favorite," Jason asked him. "Well, everyone likes 12 inches plus, so, I'd guess that one." "NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT. I mean, yeah, the scene where Jock puts that huge dildo in you is hot but... no imagination. No nothing. My favorite is 'Ten Rooms'" "TEN ROOMS? NO ONE liked that film." "Ten Rooms" had been made near the end of danny's porn career. It was almost an experimental film. Only two actors: Jock and himself. The premise was that in order to find his perfect man, danny had to move from room to room, and have a different sexual experience in each one. After he did, he'd move to the next one. Jason didn't tell him that he had fantasized about doing to Max what Jock had done to him. He said "I thought the last scene, the ending, was disappointing." "Oh, yeah, the director was really stupid." The last scene had danny enter the tenth room, and that room only contained... a mirror. "What would you have had the scene play as, Sir?" "Well... my mind on that hasn't changed. I imagined Jock coming up behind you, saying "let's go," then throwing you over his shoulder, and taking you away from the ten rooms to HIS house, and keeping you as his personal sex slave forever." "Hmmm. Now maybe I can get Jock out of retirement and we can make a sequel." "Is he still around?" Jason asked. "He is, but he's partnered." danny sighed. "He found an older man who doesn't demand much, but keeps Jock very well." He sighed. "Not all of us can be that lucky." Now Jason asked "would you trade with him, danny? I doubt it?" "Not for a minute Sir. You're right." He paused. "Well, not to be rude Sir. We can talk about this all you like since you're the client, but why don't you tell me about the house. I think it's well priced, but I'm sure that price can be negotiated." "You know, I don't think I know the price." danny told him. It was high but.... well, it was a way to get to know danny better. "I think that's a fair price. Let's make the offer."

Two weeks later, at the closing, Jason and danny saw each other in their business "finery" . Each was wearing a suit and tie as the formalities of the sale happened. And after two hours, the deal was done: Jason had his house. As the closing broke up, and the lawyers packed up their papers, Jason went over to danny. danny held out his hand, but Jason wrapped him in a hug. "Thank you Max," he laughed. "You look very good in a suit. I wonder if I might take you out tonight for a drink to celebrate." danny wanted to. He wanted to desperately, but he had a strong sense of formality, and Jason was a client. "I don't think that would be a good idea Sir," he said. "I'm sorry to disappoint you." "I AM disappointed danny. But I understand." danny reached into his pocket. "You know, I wonder if you'd like to be my guest at this fund raiser. The local LGBTQ community holds it once a year. There are raffles, games of chance, a full bar, the whole nine yards. I'll be there. Maybe we can chat then. " "I'd like that danny. When is it?" "Three weeks Sir." "I'll put it on my calendar." Jason did. For three weeks, he would go to the tile factory during the day, and head home and work on his dungeon. Renovators took care of the main house, but he wanted to do the work on the dungeon himself. The basement had no windows. If it had, he might have seen danny drive by the house most days, hoping for a look at Jason. He only saw him once: on his front porch on one of those beastly hot days, in nothing but a wife beater and really ratty jeans. danny's orgasm when he jerked off that night, was one of the biggest of his life, and bigger than any he had ever had with Jock.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Jason drove to the fundraiser on the night it was held. It was crowded. He looked around for danny, and didn't see him. Still, he looked around: these were going to be "his people" now, and he was recognized by some of them. Many of them just wanted to introduce themselves to the employer of a good portion of the community, but there were a few who came on to Jason more than gently. He was getting ready to leave, when he heard the sound of a microphone being tapped. "Excuse me folks," the young announcer spoke into the mike. "It's time for everyone's favorite part of the evening: the bachelor auction. Now, in case you don't know the rules, each of the men behind me is single, and is available for a date to the highest bidder. In each case, his employer will double the bid. So, gentlemen... AND LADIES.... if you're ready, let's start." Jason looked at the stage. danny was one of the bachelors! He didn't know if danny had seen him (he hadn't), but now, he was staying. If danny wouldn't give him a date the old fashioned way, well....

Thirty minutes, and 500.00 later, Jason had won himself a date with danny. When danny met the man who had "won" him, he laughed. "I didn't think you'd come, Mr. Fromm." "Oh, I wouldn't have missed it. But I was about to leave when I saw the auction was starting. I was still going to leave, but then I saw you up there." He paused for effect. "You didn't tell me about this." "I know Sir. I didn't because, well, I assumed you'd do exactly what you did." Jason looked puzzled. "I don't understand. Do you NOT want to go out with me? I'll still make the donation and, well, we can shake hands as friends." He saw danny's pale skin blush. "No Sir, I very much WANT to go on a date with you. Perhaps... too much. I think... I think I have a crush on you. You remind me of Jock, only, well, better looking." Now Jason blushed. "Well, thank you. I need something going for me, because I'm sure I'm not as well endowed as Jock was." "You know Sir, my father always used to say 'it's not the pen you use, it's how you sign your name." "Ha ha. No one's ever criticized my penmanship, that's for sure." danny was about to say "well, let me see you write," but instead said "do you want to choose a restaurant or something, Sir?" "You know, I'm still new here, danny. I want you to pick a nice place. Somewhere we can feel comfortable talking a bit, where people won't mind if we stay late, and where, well.... " Jason didn't finish. "Uh, is next Friday okay for you, Sir?" "Tomorrow would be better," Jason laughed. "But I'm sure you're busy." danny wasn't. He laughed. "I'll clear my calendar. Let me call your office once I've made the reservation." "danny, price is no object. It wasn't for the house, it isn't for dinner. Pick a nice place. Please???" "Yes sir. If you like French food." "My family's French. I'll try not to be critical."

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Jason thought it WAS a beautiful restaurant, worth dressing up for. He and danny had an angled table, so they were sitting next to, rather than across from each other. There was some small talk at the start, and then after they had each had a drink, things got a little more serious, and also a little more silly. There was laughter from the table. Other guests found it charming. At one point, the conversation stopped, and danny put his hand on Jason's thigh. Jason smiled, and put his hand on danny's. He squeezed it gently, before he removed it, also gently. "Not without permission. That's how we roll." His dark eyes stared into danny's, and danny knew: this was a man who was going to take control, one way or the other. He adjusted his seat to account for his hard on. "Yes sir. I understand." Jason smiled at him. "I'd like you to come back home with me. If for no other reason, to see the house." Now it was danny's turn to smile: "do I get to see the basement?" Jason grinned. "Let me just get the check, pay it, and we'll be on our way."

danny couldn't help himself as he looked around the main part of the house. Jason had his furniture from New York delivered, and it had been placed well. There were paintings - portraits - of his parents, and his family on the walls. "They say that my kid brother is the cute one in the family." He said as he put his hand on danny's shoulder. "And I'm the demanding one." danny laughed. "I think demanding is cute." He turned around briefly. Jason had dumped his jacket on the sofa, and he had taken off his tie. "That hair!" danny thought. "I want my head buried in it." Jason helped him out of his jacket "Downstairs?" Jason asked, and danny answered: "is that an order or a question?" "Both." With a smile on his face, danny went down the stairs. "WOW! We didn't have anything THIS elaborate at the studio!" danny looked around at the St Andrew's cross, the restraints fixed to the wall, the stocks, the pommel, and there were two horizontal platforms, with restraints on them. Also, a large chair - almost a throne - that stood to the side, elevated slightly from the floor. "What's that for? I've never seen one of those," danny asked "Well, learn what something is, by using it." He felt Jason's hands slide down his arms, from shoulder to wrist. He felt his wrists get pulled behind him and then... the necktie Jason had been wearing, roped around those wrists. danny didn't struggle. He wanted this. He felt Jason's moustache brush over his neck, as Jason began nibbling his ear. He whispered, as he pressed into danny. "You feel that? It needs to be taken care of." As Jason began sliding his hands over danny's body, all danny could do was whisper "yes sir." "Now you'll see one of the uses of the chair, danny boy." danny winced a bit at an expression he was used to, and hated, but his cock was as hard as Jason's was, and he wondered what Jason had in mind. He felt Jason's strong grip on his arm as Jason led him over to the chair. There was a cushion for kneeling and Jason indicated that's where danny was to go. While danny was adjusting himself, Jason opened his zipper, then moved to the front of danny, sitting on the chair. The way it was configured, danny could take Jason's cock in his mouth without any difficulty, even with his hands tied behind him.

"Room number 3. Get started." danny grinned. In Jason's favorite of his movies, Room number 3 was where he gave Jock a blow job. "Yes sir. " danny leaned down and opened his mouth. Then he fooled Jason by closing his mouth and thrusting out his tongue. He began to lick Jason's cockhead. Then the shaft. "OOOOOOOOOOH YES. I didn't expect that..." danny looked up and said "I'm full of surprises Sir," before he slid his mouth down Jason's shaft. danny heard the moans, and he knew that Jason was enjoying it. He was thinking "are we going further? I hope so." He wasn't sure. Jason was pushing faster and faster and in danny's experience, that meant the top was ready to explode. Jason grabbed danny's hair as best as he could and pulled his head back. "Nice. But enough of that right now. He reached up and loosened danny's tie. That act caused danny to whimper. He didn't know what Jason was doing to do. "Move to the platform. Lay down. Face up. I wanna see your face when I give you my load." "Oh God, yessir." Jason opened the restraint and tied one of danny's wrists to the platform. "The silk is gentler than my restraints" He used the second necktie on danny's other wrist. "You know, I've never been tied down for sex, Sir" danny said, as he pulled at the restraints, realizing he wasn't going anywhere. "Well, I'm hoping you'll get used to it." Jason opened danny's shirt, and then his own. Now, danny saw the full furriness of Jason's chest and he began to think "please. On top of me. PLEASE" He felt his shoes getting pulled off, and then, his pants. "My my. Maybe they SHOULD have let you top. Look at that monster." Jason held danny's balls tightly, and danny began to whimper. "OH Sir. OH. I'm so loaded and so hard.... Jason said nothing, but he let go of danny's balls, and moved his finger to danny's "taint" and gently rubbed it back and forth. "FUCK SIR. OH FUCK. OH FUCK. " Again, without saying a word, Jason opened his own pants and stepped out of them. "MOTHER OF GOD CAN I TAKE THAT?" danny looked at the fat, 7 inches that were in front of him. "Lube?" Jason asked. "Maybe not unless we need it Sir?" "Sounds good to me," and Jason began sliding his cock into danny's ass.

If danny were an expert at giving blow jobs, Jason had learned what his bottoms liked, and he fucked like a gold medal winner. He picked up, right away, that danny liked it slow, and he moved slowly. He used his fingers to tweak danny's nipples, which responded immediately. danny began to moan. "Only thing missing is a gag, handsome," Jason spoke. "But I'm not getting one. THIS time." Slowly he pushed his cock in further. One of danny's hobbies was fishing, and he imagined he was spinning on Jason's cock the way fish did when he hooked them. He closed his eyes, and didn't see Jason lower his body on top of his. He just felt... that mat of chest fur. "OH GOD SIR. OH GOD. I think. I think.

NNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" danny exploded between them. "I guess then it's my turn to take full measure of you stud." Jason began to pump danny in a way that had nothing to do with what danny liked, and everything that he liked. He was relentless, and at some point, he crossed the pain/pleasure barrier into pain. danny bit his lip. This was hurting. He wanted it to stop.... soon. It did with a yell. Jason screamed something in French, and danny felt the old familiar sensation of cock pouring into him. It didn't seem to stop. DAMN. This man's balls must have been loaded. Jason looked at danny, tracing his fingers over each of danny's nipples. "I hope you liked that, sweet stud." "I did Sir. I've never been tied up for sex before. It was... it was.... HOT." Jason looked away for a minute. "Right now, I'd like to keep you tied down like this... oh, maybe for about three weeks. " "I guess I don't have anything to say about that do I Sir?" "Nope. Ha ha ha. You didn't see the cell over in the corner. Fully equipped for keeping a sex slave. " "I think being in bed with you would be more than sufficient to keep me here Sir." "You'll spend the night?" "If you tell me too Sir." "I'm telling you. I'm gonna untie you and then... You're gonna see that for some of us, our muscles aren't as obvious as others." danny found out what he meant when Jason hoisted him up off the palette, and brought him upstairs to the bedroom. "Before you get undressed." Jason pulled danny to him and kissed him for about ten minutes. Then he stopped. "Lots of things to discuss if we're gonna go further. Just not tonight danny." "Yes sir. I understand." "When was the last time I slept in another man's bed?" danny was trying to remember, and he couldn't. And Jason was thinking "when was the last time I wanted a man as much as I want this one? I can't remember."

Both snored when they slept, a fact that would amuse them for a while. "I have to take this man fishing," danny thought, just before he fell asleep

Next: Chapter 2

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