Danny Likes Taking a Dump

By Namab Mas

Published on Aug 26, 2023


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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Danny Likes Taking a Dump

Part Two

He watched me one morning the following week, when he had to be at work quite early and came round on his way in. I waited impatiently for him, getting more and more desperate for the toilet and wishing I hadn't had a cup of coffee earlier. Quite often I had to go for a shit right after my early morning tea and cigarette and only rarely could I hang on for more than an hour or so after getting up, especially when I'd eaten a lot the day before. I had that day and the coffee was the last straw, so I sat there squirming uncomfortably with the waste products from the two big meals I'd had the day before pressing ever harder at my chute and hole. Finally I heard a bicycle pull up outside and him chaining it up, and a moment later he knocked on the door.

We went straight through to the bathroom. He had the makings of an erection already, and he pulled his clothes off and stood naked whilst I hastily shut the bathroom door and started undoing my belt. Quickly I pulled my pants down and sat on the toilet with my bowels already starting to empty, and grunted with relief as I did a big chunky log.

`Plop! Plop! Plop!'

Cold water splashed up on my bottom and the departing turd left me with that wonderful empty, satisfied feeling I'd always found so intensely pleasurable. My smell rose up from the toilet. It was stronger than his but somehow lighter and less harsh. He looked at me with his cock now fully hard and waving in front of him like a gun, and a horny grin spread across his face.

`Oh wow, that sounded big! Lemme see it?'

`In a minute. I gotta pee first.'

I was pretty hard too, but I managed to nudge my cock down into the bowl and hold it there whilst I let out a long, splashy piss. My chute was filling up again, but I clenched my dirty hole, stood up quickly and leaned forward, like he did for me, to show him my turds.

Ooh!' he breathed. Oh you've done loads! You smell nice too!'

`You like it then?!' I asked, sitting back down and raising an eyebrow at the huge hard-on he was fondling.

`Oh yes!'

Good, cos another one's coming!'

He wanked excitedly as he watched me do it. My shit was a bit softer now and the smell grew stronger, and water splashed up on my bottom as one lump after another dropped into the bowl. When it ended and that lovely empty feeling spread warmly through my bowels again I looked up at him grinning, reached out and nudged his hand aside, and started wanking him myself. At once his breathing grew heavy and his cock seemed to swell in my hand.

Oh stop!' he hissed, pulling back. You'll make me cum!'


`No, but I'm starting to need one too!'

`What, you need a shit?'

`Yeah. Not badly but it's coming. You done?'

`Yup. Wanna wipe me and then do yours?'

He smiled enthusiastically and reached out for the paper, tore off the kind of long length he always used and scrunched it up. My bumhole felt sticky, but it was almost tingling in anticipation, like when some fit guy was about to start fingering me. Right then I felt very `bottom,' and the empty sensation in my arse was like the feeling of having been well fucked. When he motioned me to get up I stood up and bent right over so my cheeks were well parted, and the sensation of what came next made my dick spring right to attention. I folded my paper and pressed harder than he did, and he twisted the paper round rather than moving it up and down, so it felt delightfully new and sexy.

`Oh you got a dirty arse!' he breathed, pulling the paper away to look at it.

He was enjoying the moment too and his dick was standing rigid. Right then I craved to suck, or even for him to fuck my newly emptied arse, that he was busily folding up another length of paper to clean. This time he showed it to me before he chucked it away, still with a dark brown splodge in the middle, and smiled as he reached out to tear off some more. This time he ran his hand up and down my back as he wiped me. Having him do for me what most people only ever do themselves except when they're very small felt fantastically intimate, like there was some unique connection being formed between us by his fingers gently probing and cleaning my arsehole. I gave into it and stood there, bent over for him and grunting out loud with pleasure.

As soon as he was done he flushed the toilet and we changed places. For most men having to use a toilet someone else has just had a shit on is nasty, but he grinned up at me as he settled his bottom on the seat I'd warmed for him and got ready to add his turds to my skidmarks and his smell to mine.

You got a hot bum,' he chuckled. Seat feels really nice and warm!'

I sat down on the stool next to him, pants still round my ankles, and we sat and savoured the moment together. His eyes narrowed cutely and his face worked, and a slow smile spread across his lips as his load started to move inside him. I saw his bottom fill out and he farted softly, and then a moment later his expression stiffened and he strained lightly, and from under him came the low, leisurely crackle of a turd coming out. He sat there for a long time with a column growing down from his bottom and his smell starting to mingle with mine.


Unf,' he grunted. Oh, that was a big one!'

`Mmm, it sounded like it! Lemme see...'

I got up, and he lifted himself off the seat and shuffled forward so I could move next to him and see down into the toilet. He'd done a beautiful log, long and dark and cracked, that disappeared round the U-bend at the back and whose tapered tip was touching the front of the bowl, just below the surface of the water. When he settled himself back on the seat I stayed where I was, and he shuffled forward as far as he could so I could see the action. His dick was pointing out into the room but it didn't matter, because he was way too hard to piss. Instead I watched intently as his hole puckered rhythmically in and out and he began to grunt, and then his bottom heaved and he flared out properly, and grew another long brown tail. On impulse I bent down, so that my face was just inches from his bottom and the squeaking and clicking from his hole seemed very loud, and I could inhale his smell as if it was sweet incense. Once again his turd tapered off and hung for a moment before it broke and another hefty log dropped loudly into the water, before his hole pinched up and the end fell away. It hit the water with a sharp `plop!' and gave him a little splashback on his right cheek.

He sat up straight again and looked round at me with his eyes dancing. He reached out and took my hand, and then suddenly hauled me round in front of him again and took my cock in his mouth, grunting in his throat as he pulled me in so that his nose was nestling in my pubes. Once again his tongue started doing wonderful things to my shaft, and he kept on going until I was near to cumming and dribbling spunk into his mouth. But then he went still and I felt him pushing lightly, and another fart and slimy hiss emanated from underneath him.

`Plop, plop ... plup!'

As soon as he'd done shitting his tongue started to move again. He was wanking now, tugging at his cock and grunting in his throat in animal excitement.

`Ooh! Oh, Danny ... oh I'm gonna cum!' I said urgently.

He just nodded, throat still full of cock, and sucked harder still. That tipped me over the edge and I came into his mouth, and then stood back and watched him wank off on the toilet with spunk dribbling down his chin. He came explosively and fired almost across the room.

Only a few days later I was about to go into a meeting when he messaged me in the early afternoon.

  • Hi Mark, are u in? I'm starting 2 need a poo! X

  • Hi Danny. Not til later I'm afraid. Will be home about 4 I think. Can you hold it?

  • Yeah probably. I don't need 2 go badly yet. Want 2 message me wen u get home?

The meeting was long and dull, and I struggled to concentrate, especially after about an hour my phone buzzed in my pocket again. As soon as I could I checked it surreptitiously:

  • still not been! Feels like nice big 1 -- I ate loads yesterday lol! 1 more class 2 go...

My dick stirred in my pants when I thought of him sitting in his classes, trying to ignore the growing fullness in his bowels and clenching his hole to stop himself farting. I forced myself to focus on what was being said in the meeting, until finally it broke up. Some people I knew there were heading to the pub for a drink, but I made my excuses and headed straight to my car to get home. By then he'd messaged again, saying he'd just finished his last class and would be at my place in about half an hour. When I arrived home he was already there, sitting on the wall by his bike and playing with his phone. He stopped when he saw my car pull up, tucked the phone back in his pocket and stood up, looking fucking hot in his jogging pants and tight T-shirt. He winked at me as I got out of the car, and the thought of what he'd come for had me nursing a semi again.

I loved being with him when he needed a shit. He still wasn't desperate, so I made us a drink and we went and sat in the living room and talked, and enjoyed the anticipation together.

I dunno why I've not had to go yet,' he grinned, taking a swig of tea. I went after breakfast yesterday, and I've eaten so much!'

`Good! Go on, what've you had?'

`Erm, well, I went out for breakfast with my housemates and had a big fry-up. That was just before I had to poo, when I got home. Then I went into uni and ended up going for lunch with a couple of guys off my course, and there's this place near campus that does real nice vegetarian food so we went there and I had some sort of veggie burger, and then in the evening one of my housemates made a chilli and that was really nice, so I had loads! Oh, and I had a pretty big breakfast this morning as well. I'm trying to eat more fibre so I had some muesli and dried fruit and all that.'

Blimey, where do you keep it all?!' I laughed. Most guys'd be running to the bog constantly if they ate that lot!'

`I know! It's kind of weird, really, but it doesn't seem to make any difference. I still go as often when I eat loads, I just do more! Really does feel like a big one now though. You know that feeling when you've needed a poo for ages and it feels like you're really full, but you can control when you go anyway? That's me now.'

`Yeah, I know the feeling, but doesn't often happen with me. When I have to go I can't usually hold it like that. Well, sometimes I can, but normally only when I don't get chance go in the morning for whatever reason and I have to wait til later. That's normally when I'm away or I've got someone staying or something, so I'm not in my normal routine.'

`That sounds like my housemate Jon! He has to have his morning poo every day before he goes out, same time every day...'

He stirred in his seat, took another sip from his mug and glanced down at his crotch, where a semi was starting to show through his jogging pants, and shot me a little sexy smile.

`It's kind of horny talking about it, innit...' he said.

`Yup. It really is, especially knowing you need to go. So, gonna do it on the floor for me this time? I wanna see it come out! Do it on all fours for me...?'

Okay.' He smiled, but then his face stiffened, and he grinned slyly. Uh ... I'm gonna fart.'

`Ooh! Come here. Will you fart in my face?'

He grinned and got up, his semi more obvious now, came over and stood in front of me, and looked down coyly as I pulled his pants down round his thighs and freed his stiffening cock from his tight pants. Then I turned him round and got him to bend over, pulled his cheeks apart and leaned, in so my nose was between them. Right in front of my face his hole twitched and puckered out slightly, and he let out a squeaking, rasping fart.

`Oh!' I gasped.

His gas was like a hit of poppers, blasting up my nose and making my head spin. All of a sudden I couldn't help myself, and I fumbled my belt and flies undone and got my cock out, and all the while he kept his arse in my face and whispered that he had more to come. When he did it I almost came. His smell was delicious that day; not rank and nasty like when he was going to do a loose one, but fruity and rich, and it made me crave the solid turds that were about to come from him. More than anything I wanted to be his toilet, but that would still be too heavy for him and I fought it down and contented myself with the prospect of watching and cumming over his turds when he was done. Even that was driving me wild.

`Ooh, I need a shit now,' he breathed.

I took one more sniff of his musky crack, and pulled his pants right down. As he trod them off and peeled off his T-shirt I stripped naked too, and then I took his hand and led him through to the bathroom, both of us now with raging hard-ons that bobbed about as we went. I'd put a couple of bin liners ready in case this happened, and now he fingered his cock and watched as I spread one in the middle of the floor, and knelt down next to it. He was breathing quite heavily, and though he was completely calm I could tell he was really turned on. When I beckoned him to join me he bent his shapely legs and knelt in front of me, got down on all fours and knelt patiently whilst I pulled the bag back a bit, and then stick his pert bottom out further so his tight, almost hairless little hole was on display. Silence descended, apart from our hoarse breathing.

Now...' I whispered. Take a shit...'

He grunted softly and nodded. For a moment he knelt there still, but then his body seemed to stiffen and his back arched slightly, and his bumhole twitched a couple of times. It went still, but then slowly started to dilate and push out, and in the middle of the little pink ring that opened up I saw the tip of his turd. Slowly it came forward, pushing his sphincter out wider, until a little dark-brown point nosed through it, firm and smooth and dull.

`Uh...' he grunted.

Slowly, very slowly, his hole opened further and the point came forward, widening out until a lumpy cone stuck out of him. It stopped again, and in the few seconds' pause the first traces of his smell wafted out to me. His eyes were closed and his face was intense as he knelt there, and his long, nearly hard dick bobbed a couple of times. Then he arched his back again and gave a little push, and blew his lips out in a little sigh of relief. His hole relaxed and the point sticking from it came out further, and grew slowly into a solid brown column. It slid out of him steadily, his pink ring rippling around its lumps and cracks with a slimy crackling sound and a couple of squeaky farts. Suddenly it broke off. A hefty log fell onto the bag with a thud and fell forwards between his legs, leaving him with a snapped, jagged end sticking out that immediately began to grow into another long tail, his hole crackling and squeaking as it came. I watched with my dick throbbing, the filthy sound ringing in my ears and his raw smell washing over me, mesmerised by the obscene spectacle. Another long log thudded onto the bag and toppled backwards with its snapped end towards me so that his turds lay in a line. He pushed then and the ragged end curled upwards towards my face, before his turd tapered off and it bent quickly downwards and fell, right across where the two logs met. He grunted deep in his throat, and his dick bobbed up and down.

Mmm!' I breathed. Ooh, Danny...!'

His smell drove me wild. Without the water of the toilet to contain it the hot gas filled the room, really thick and fruity, and overwhelmingly erotic. In front of me his hole winked, just a little brown in the middle, and then tightened up, and his dick twitched again. I looked down at his shit, lying on the bag like a fat, dozing snake. Now that I looked more closely I could see little light bits, and a couple of pieces of sweetcorn buried in the solid brown mass. On impulse I reached out, put a hand on his bottom and fondled his left cheek, and he looked round at me with his eyes nearly closed.

Ooh...' he sighed. Havin' a poo...'

`Mmm, yeah! Does it feel good? Nice big log...'

He nodded vigorously and smiled, his face almost beatific, and let out a little whimper as I slid my hand round underneath him and gently milked his cock. A little bead of cum dripped onto the bag below him.

Oh, you' re so horny!' I breathed. Have you finished?'

Nah I've not.' He shook his head and grinned. Ooh, but you're so hard too! Like watching me poo like this, don't you?'

`Yes! God you smell so nice too! Lemme sniff your shit properly. Hold it in, don't do any more yet...'

I bent right down, so my head was under his dirty bumhole and my nose was right over his pile, took a deep sniff and let the smell gas me, until I too whimpered out loud and edged onto the floor. He watched intently, his dick throbbing and his face registering amazement at the sight of me getting off on his shit like this. Then his expression stiffened .

`Uh, I gotta poo again,' he whispered.

I straightened up again and let him do it. His bottom heaved and his hole winked a couple of times, and then he pushed and grunted, and his dirty pink ring flared out in a squeaky little fart. Now his shit was like a brown cable. It slid out of him fluidly but slowly, extended down from him in a smooth curve, and snapped off time and again. One smooth curl after another fell from him, building up into a hefty curled pile over the middle of his logs. They got smaller as the stream went on, until finally a little ragged sliver stuck to his hole for a moment, before he pushed and puckered it out once or twice, and it fell lightly onto the pile.

Ooh..' he sighed. That's it, think I've finished.'

`Mmm, what a shit! That's a proper toilet-blocker! Want your bottom wiped?'

He looked round, smiled and nodded, and I reached for the paper. His bumhole was all brown and sticky and it took a lot of paper to get him clean, and as I gently dabbed and rubbed at it his hard dick bobbed and his little grunts and sighs got deeper and sexier. When his hole was pink and clean again I folded up a last few sheets and gave him a quick rub to finish off, and he gave an ecstatic gasp. As soon as I'd done he shuffled round and turned to face me. I reached out, over his pile, and fingered his throbbing shaft and swollen purple end.

`Ooh! Oh you'll make me cum!' he breathed.

`Yeah! Wanna cum all over your own shit?'

I started tugging his cock gently. He tried to hold back but he was as turned on as I'd ever seen him, and almost at once his breathing grew heavy and he started to grunt. With my other hand I gave my own hard-on the attention it needed, and for a frantic few seconds I wanked us both off over his big shit. But then he screwed his face up and started to yelp, and a second later his head shot up and he fired a big gout of cum that spattered right across his pile, and another, and another. Smiling beatifically again, he knelt back and watched as I too came all over his beautiful dump.

That was only a couple of weeks ago. Now it's a Saturday, and I'm having a lazy day at home. I did intend to spend it doing housework, and I'd just started cleaning the kitchen when he messaged half an hour ago:

  • Hi Mark. Are u in? Finishing work soon + starting 2 need a poo ;-)

I got an instant erection, and whilst I wait for him I've still got it. I've spread a plastic bag on the bathroom floor, with a bucket in case he needs to piss, and a toilet roll ready for me to wipe his bottom when he's done. He messages again, and this time I can't stop my hand going to my cock:

  • On my way. Got a real nice 1 up me bum 4 u!

I can just imagine him now, making that cute face he does when he's busting for the toilet, with one of his big solid loads filling his chute and stretching it uncomfortably, sending him more and more insistent signals that he needs to go and take a dump. Soon he'll be naked, kneeling on all fours like an animal doing its business. I'll be kneeling behind him, watching his tight little bumhole twitch and pucker and the tip of his turd push slowly out through the dilating pink ring, sniffing the first little whiffs of his rough little smell. Just the thought of Danny having a shit is awesomely erotic, and minutes from now it will be a glorious reality. I can't wait!


Enjoyed this? You can find a complete list of my stories on the prolific author page. Name: namab mas

Feedback and ideas are very welcome: namabmas@gmail.com

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