Danny Likes Taking a Dump

By Namab Mas

Published on Aug 20, 2023


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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Danny Likes Taking a Dump

Part One

I'd spotted Danny on Grindr, browsing profiles one morning while I was sitting on the bog having my morning shit. There was no photo, but a toilet and toilet roll emoji by his name, and when I opened his profile it read:

KINKY, 19 i know this is weird but i want someone to watch me having a poo height: 178cm body type: toned position: versatile/bottom relationship: single looking for: chat, right now

I didn't expect him to be any more than one of the usual fakes, flakes and time-wasters, but I couldn't resist messaging all the same. He was online and he'd got straight back to me, and when he didn't start trying to collect pictures I began to think he might be genuine. Sure enough, he was, and he was gorgeous. He was a dark, slightly sultry lad, with a cheeky boyish face and lovely deep, dark eyes. He played basketball and he worked part-time in the gym he also used a lot, so his wiry young body was toned and lithe, and smooth except for his happy trail. He seemed nice as well; a bright, friendly guy with no bullshit about him. I got the feeling he was pretty conventional in most ways, and that that just made his fantasy about being watched having a shit even more exciting.

He'd had occasional wank fantasies involving shit for years, he admitted as we'd chatted on Kik, and recently they'd grown stronger and led him for the first time to seek out someone else to play with. I didn't tell him everything about my own scat fetish, which I'd had for as long as I could remember, but I hinted I'd been into it for a while and would love to explore it with him. He liked the sound of that, and even though I was ten years older than him he came back with a nice little compliment when I sent him my picture. Three days later, when I was working from home, he messaged me after breakfast, came over to my place, and I watched him on the toilet for the first time. It had been a bit awkward, but tremendously exciting for both of us, and it had only got better over the three times it had happened since.

More often than not Danny did his shit in the morning, and when he could he came round on his way to work. On other days he went later, though, sometimes holding it until he'd finished work or classes for the day, and then he'd usually skip a day before the normal cycle resumed with a hefty dump the following morning. I kept a little stool in the bathroom, and I'd sit on it and wank as I watched him pull his shorts down and settle his pert, taut bottom down on the seat. He sat quite upright but with his head down so he seemed slightly hunched, feet flat on the floor and his elbows resting just above his knees, and his face made cute expressions as he did his business. He ate a really healthy diet and he did big shits, usually nice solid ones that filled the toilet with chunky logs, and he'd sit there plopping for a long time with his vapour trail gathering around him. He was all embarrassed about that the first time, until he saw how much his smell turned me on. By the time he'd finished he'd have a big hard-on and we'd have a wank together, sometimes while he was still sitting on the toilet, before I'd wiped his bum for him.

The best days were always when we weren't working, so we had time to take it slowly and enjoy it. That was what happened one rainy Sunday, when he messaged me about 9 in the morning.

  • Hi Mark. Are u in? I didn't go yesterday ;-)

Half an hour later he knocked on the door. He looked fucking fit in his trackies and the tight white T-shirt that hugged his pecs and flat tummy, the sun glinted in his almost-black hair, shaved up the back and sides but longer on top, and he grinned sexily at me when I opened the door.

`I'm really busting for a poo,' he said urgently as he came in.

`Can't hold it a bit...?'

Nah, not today,' he said, shaking his head. I ate loads yesterday, and I thought I was gonna poo my pants on the way over!'

I took him straight through to the bathroom, pulled down my pants, and sat massaging my dick as I watched the action. Right in front of me he put down the toilet seat, turned around and pulled his pants down. He had a nicely meaty cock, already starting to get hard so that he had to nudge it down below the seat before he settled into his usual position. At home he'd have got his phone out at this point, but here he just clasped his hands lightly in front of him, and the trace of a grin came to his face as he looked at me. Then he let out the faintest of grunts, and from behind him I heard a squeak of gas and a little slimy crackle.

`Plop-plop ... plop!'

He often started with a few small nuggets like this, especially when he hadn't been for a while. His bottom tightened up again on the seat and he started to piss, glancing down at his dick again to make sure it was pointing where he wanted. Sitting by him, I got the first gentle whiff of his smell. It gave me a renewed rush of blood to my crotch that got stronger when his piss tailed off, and his face stiffened as he strained lightly. His bottom squeaked again, and this time the slimy crackle and hiss kept on coming, the sound of a big turd coming out of his chute.

`Plop .. plomp, plomp, squelch ... plunk ... plup.'

The smell rolled out like a bank of fog. It was dark and raw and fruity, not super-strong but viscerally exciting, and I took a big sniff of it and edged into my pants. The sound from his bottom stopped for a moment, and then I saw his cheeks tighten.


He grunted, a deep, contented sound, and looked at me under his eyebrows with a sly grin.

`Better...?' I smiled.

`Heh, yeah. I needed this!'

`Yeah it sounded like it! Mmm, you smell really nice today. Can I see it?'

He liked showing me his shit. His dick was starting to get quite hard, and it hung heavily out in front of him as he got up and leaned forward to let me in behind him. He'd done a long, cracked, curved log and two shorter, fat ones, and nestled in with them a few smaller lumps, all of it a lovely dark-brown colour that matched his complexion. Above it his tight little hole was just a little dirty. He twisted round and watched me, grinning at the sight of me admiring his turds and massaging my raging hard-on, and then motioned me to let him sit back down again. When he did his cock wouldn't go in the bowl again, and he fingered it lightly as it rested between his legs on the seat.

Mm, you've done a good one!' I said enthusiastically. Nice big log. You got more?'

Yeah,' he grinned. It's coming now. Ooh, it feels good...'

His bum heaved on the seat and began to crackle, and then a moment later the lumps started dropping.

`Ploop ... ploop ... plup...'

I looked into his eyes as he sat dumping, filling the toilet with his pert young body's most taboo product and the air with his deeply personal smell. Eventually the plops tailed off into a last few little drops, and he grunted again. I loved the noises he made when he was having a shit. We sat together for a minute or two, enjoying the moment, with him straining softly a few times, although no more came.

Think I'm done,' he said softly. Wanna see it again?'

He'd done quite a lot. It was thinner and curlier, and he'd made a little pile that had forced his logs down under the water at the back and stuck up above it like a little brown island. His bumhole was dirtier now, with a little brown streak leading out from it on the inside of his right cheek. He looked down between his legs at what he'd done and then round at me, grinning proudly.

Mmm, nice,' I said. One of your biggest, that! Now, pass me the bog roll...'

He normally wiped sitting down, just shuffling forward a little so he could get his hand down behind him. Now he watched me tear off a length of paper -- less than he usually used -- and fold it up carefully, and then bent over in a high squat, pulling his cheeks apart so I could get at his hole. Gently I pressed the paper to it and gave him a slow, circular rub, pressing it well in. His little horny grunt told me how much he liked it!

The paper had a ragged brown smear on it when I pulled it away, and I folded it in half and gave him another slow wipe. I could feel his hard little ringpiece when he pushed it out slightly so I could get in deeper, and he squeaked under his breath again. I discarded that wad and he twisted round and watched me fold up another one. He was getting clean now, and it came away with a much lighter stain, and lighter still when I folded it and did it again. He was fully hard now, his dick standing up like a lighthouse, loving the unfamiliar sensation of having his hole cleaned for him. After two more pads he was nearly clean, and I folded up one more and gave him a final quick rub that left the paper slightly crumpled but not stained at all.

As soon as I dropped it into the toilet he turned round, his fingers closing around his dick, but then suddenly reached out and made a grab for mine instead. So did I, and we stood over the toilet, wanking one another for the first time. He let out a little horny gasp as I massaged his balls and tugged gently at his thick, hard shaft, and he began leaking cum at once. When I wanked him harder his breathing grew heavy at once, and I slowed down and went back to fondling his balls so as not to make him cum too soon. At that his soft fingers gripped my cock a bit more firmly and he wanked me more quickly until I was also on the edge of cumming.

Let's cum together,' he whispered urgently. Cum all over my poo!'

I began to wank him again and at once his face contorted and he started to gasp, and then quite suddenly his head went back and he yelped out loud. I'd never seen him cum so dark, and his dick jerked in my hand and spurted cum all over the toilet. Seconds later I did the same.

Danny seemed suddenly to become more comfortable with his fetish after that, and more willing to experiment. Twice in the following week I watched him on the toilet. Both times he was on his way to work or he had classes and we didn't have long; just long enough for him to have a shit and us to wank off together amid the smell. I had to wipe his bottom for him though! He really liked that, and by the time I'd got his tight little hole clean his dick would be up and throbbing, and he'd be near enough begging me to wank him off.

What we wanted was more time, though, and we got it the following weekend. He came over with a hangover after a night out, looking faintly dishevelled and with dark circles under his eyes. This time I stood next to him whilst he sat well forwards on the toilet, so I could watch his shit coming out. He was busting, and as soon as he sat down he let out a big juicy fart and did a sinuous turd that crackled loudly out of him and dropped three hefty lumps into the bowl.

`Plomp! Splash! Plop!'

`Mmm, Danny, that stinks!' I said approvingly, sniffing at the thick, rank cloud he was producing.

`I know!' he laughed, still slowly letting out a long smooth column that hung down from him for a moment before it dropped.


Unf!' he grunted, shuffled back on the seat and fiddled with his dick, and then looked round grinning. Ah, I'm way too hard to piss!'

`I'll wank you off now if you like, then you'll be able to!'

`Ha, no, I gotta finish my poo first!'

He grinned again, softening into a cute little pushing face. His bottom heaved and deep in his crack I could just see his brown little hole pucker, and he farted loudly again.

Heh, you're really gassy today,' I chuckled. You smell so bad too! Do you always shit like this when you've got a hangover?!'

Heh, yeah sometimes. I had a kebab on the way home too...' Deep in his crack his hole started to twitch and pucker again. Uh ... I'm gonna do some more.'

His hole twitched and flared out, squeaking gassily, and he did a big load of squelching shit. It curled and oozed from his bum and the farts as he did it blasted brown flecks onto the back of the bowl, and as the mushy pile underneath him grew the smell of his nasty hangover dump really filled the room. Then when he was finished he shuffled back on the seat and leaned back against the cistern, with his huge hard-on thrusting up from him, and looked up at me with his tired face all intense and horny.

`I really like it when you watch me poo,' he said softly.

`Yeah I know, I can see it gets you going! Want your bum wiped now?'

`In a minute. But I had a thought. Um ... can I watch you sometime?'

`Yes, of course you can if you want! Does that turn you on then, another guy doing it?'

`Yeah. I really love the sound of a guy having a poo on the toilet, and the smell and all that. There's this really fit guy who always goes at work when he comes in of a morning. Last time I heard him do it I had to have a wank before I went back to work cos I had a stiffie I couldn't control!'

`Ha ha, yeah, I can imagine! But yes, of course you can watch me. You'll have to be early, though, cos I usually go first thing. Tell you what, though. If you need to go too we could do it together. We could squat, if you like?'

His eyes lit up at that and my dick throbbed. I'd never been sure if he'd be up for doing it anywhere other than the toilet, but now that he'd got to trust me he seemed up for going further, and that was an awesome prospect. He sat and smiled up at me, and his hand went first to his own hard-on, before he reached out for mine and pulled me in closer. Then all of a sudden he reached out and pulled me right in front of him, leaned forward and dragged my cock into his mouth. He sucked me off greedily, wanking himself hard, still sitting with his bum unwiped and the toilet full of his shit.

Cum in my mouth,' he mumbled. Fuckin' spunk down me throat before you wipe my bum!'

That wasn't going to take long. His tongue was doing wonderful things to me and I was already edging into his mouth, and just a moment later I shot down his throat whilst he came all over my legs and spattered it all over the floor.

We had a shower together afterwards, once I'd wiped his bottom, and then since neither of us had to be anywhere for a while I made us a coffee and we sat and chatted, and got to know one another better. For the first time I admitted to a lot more of my fetishes; told him about my thing for guys shitting themselves and the fantasy I'd only once acted out of being a guy's toilet, having him squat across me and shit on my chest.

`Sorry, was that too much information?' I asked, seeing his uneasy look and realising it was as well I hadn't told him that I fantasised about taking it in the mouth.

No, it's okay...' he said slowly. Um ... it's a bit, well, a bit extreme for me. Touching it, I mean. But you're really into it, aren't you? The whole scat thing I mean. You didn't say...'

`No. I didn't want to scare you off by saying too much too soon. Don't get me wrong, though, I won't ever ask you to do something you're not comfortable with. Yes, I'm into some of the heavier stuff, but it's okay if you're not, and it's really awesome just watching you shit. And like we were saying earlier, if you want to watch me then I'm up for that any time you like!'

`Okay, cool. Yeah, I'd love to watch you, and maybe one day I'll do it on you! But you want me to squat sometime then?'

`If you want to. Let's see what we feel like doing when the time comes!'

He grinned properly at that and relaxed again, and we got back to talking about other things. When finally he left I watched him walk off up the street, reflecting on what a sweet young guy he was and looking forward to the next time we met.

Enjoyed this? You can find a complete list of my stories on the prolific author page. Name: namab mas

Feedback and ideas are very welcome: namabmas@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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