Danny in the Dorm

By lukex

Published on Feb 5, 2002


Danny in the Dorm Part 4

Note: This story contains some bondage and authoritarian themes. If you are not interested in that, read no further. Also, to everyone who emailed me, thanks very much for the encouragement. I really appreciate getting the e-mail, and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to write this latest chapter. Hope you like it.


I ended up sleeping with my hands tied behind my back and cum on my face, since Danny had gone to sleep without untying me after I'd blown him, Adam, and Marc. The more I thought about it, I felt alternately angry and excited about the way Danny had treated me, exposing me to a vulnerable situation when I was in the dorm hallway with my hands tied behind me and his cum all over my face. I feared that it could get out of control and was mad at Danny for behaving that way, but I also found it strangely exhilarating when he had pushed me out into the hallway, and of course I had loved sucking off Adam and his friend Marc after they found me in that state.

But I resolved to tell Danny that he shouldn't do anything like that again when he woke up.

The next morning, Danny woke me up while I was lying on my side on my bed. It had taken me a long time to fall asleep, so I slept pretty late. He had already showered and was standing near my bed wearing only a towel, his damp hair dripping on his broad, bare shoulders. He looked, of course, fantastic.

"Hey, cocksucker," he said. "You gonna spend the whole day in bed?"

I rolled over and lay on my back, my hands uncomfortably pinned behind me. "No, I have to get up."

"You still got all that cum on your face?" he said as he leaned over me, peering down into my face. "Looks like it all dried up. Maybe you need a fresh load, huh?" He slipped off his towel and climbed aboard my bed and on my chest, straddling my shoulders with his crotch in the air above my face.

He flopped his still soft penis on my face. "Open up, sperm bank. I want to make a deposit."

When I didn't open my mouth right away he started slapping me in the face with his dick, which began to get hard. "Come on, cocksucker, open your faggot mouth and suck me off."

But instead I turned my head to the side, away from his crotch. I don't know what I was thinking; after all he was straddling my chest and my hands were tied behind my back beneath me--there was no way I could stop him if he wanted his dick sucked.

Surprisingly, he settled back away from my face and said "What's the matter? You don't want to blow me?"

I turned towards him and looked at his face. His hair was damp, and his bare, muscular chest looked fantastic. "I don't like what you did last night, making me suck off those guys."

"Hey, cocksucker, I didn't make you suck them. You did that all on your own."

"But you pushed me in the hall so they could find me."

"You didn't have to tell them you liked to suck cock. You got down on your fucking knees and begged me for my dick. Didn't you?"

I didn't answer. He was right, of course, and this wasn't going the way I had wanted at all. When I still didn't answer, he said "Well, didn't you? Didn't you beg me to let you blow me, you cocksucker?"

I looked up at him, gazing down at me with a sneer on his face. Then I turned away, towards the wall. "Yes," I said softly.

"Damn right you did." He got off me suddenly and stood. He started walking towards his bed as I watched his naked hard ass and then he turned back towards me. I looked up at his face, and his eyes were blazing. He came over and grabbed me and pulled me down onto the floor, where he pushed me down on my back and again climbed on top of me, straddling my chest. He reached down and grabbed my face with one hand, and with the other he roughly pushed his thumb into my mouth. "You sucked those cocks because you are a dick-hungry faggot cocksucker who can't resist a real man's dick. But if I ever do tell you to suck someone's dick, you will do it, you got that?" He was holding my head so I had to look up into his face and pressing down into my throat. I nodded my head slightly, as much as I could move it with his hands holding me tightly.

"And one other thing, you cocksucker. If you ever turn away again when I tell you to open your mouth and take my dick, I will drag your faggot ass into the bathroom down the hall, tie you to a stall, and tell every fucking guy on this campus to come get his dick sucked. You got that?"

I nodded again, his eyes locked into mine. Then he pulled his thumb out of my mouth and inserted his rock-hard dick. "Now take this cock, homo," he said as he pushed his dick all the way into my mouth. It hurt a little because of the angle of our bodies, but even though I tried to keep it from going in too far he slowly pushed it forward relentlessly until his cock was fully lodged in my throat and my face was pressed up hard against his crotch.

"I think you deserve a good face fuck today, cocksucker," Danny said as he proceeded to rise up from his sitting position and stretch out above me. Then he began doing push-ups, with his hard cock pulled up just to the edge of my lips and then roughly forced deep into my throat with each downward motion. He was able to get his cock really far down this way, and he kept pushing his body down hard each time until it smashed into my face. I looked up at his hard, flat stomach, unable to move position with my hands tied behind me and his body stretched out above mine.

He had probably done about forty push-ups, fucking my throat raw until my jaw ached, when he dropped the whole weight of his body on me, with his dick buried in me. I could hear him breathing heavy, though I couldn't see his face. I guess he was resting from the exertion, but he didn't say anything. He lay there like that for a moment, and I couldn't breathe and felt myself getting ready to gag on his dick. I squirmed a little, hoping he would realize I needed him to pull his cock out, but he remained motionless. Finally when I couldn't take it anymore I started coughing and gagging on his dick, and then he pulled his body up and his cock slipped all the way out of my mouth.

I lay there, looking up at his cock, pointing down into my face and poised for insertion. When I stopped coughing, he pushed his dick forward into my mouth again as the force of his body moved his dick deep into my throat, and he said, "Choke on my dick, cocksucker." He kept it down deep for a few seconds and then resumed his intense face-fucking but after only about ten more thrusts, he pulled it out all the way and swiftly got up on his knees as his cock started to pour cum. He dumped a load of his sweet, thick, creamy cum all over my face again.

Danny knelt there next to me for a second, his cock leaking a little. He held it over my face as he looked down at me and squeezed out the last few drops onto my cheek. "Gotta make sure I get all the cum out, right?" he said, and then proceeded to bang his cock against my forehead and wipe the last little bit of wetness into me.

His beautiful chest, which I loved, looked spectacular after his push-up workout. Danny had the most muscular yet graceful body I had ever seen, his muscles in perfect proportion. I just lay there taking in the breathtaking view while he gathered himself.

Then he stood and walked over to this dresser. I waited while he dressed himself, expecting him to untie me so I could get ready for class. I craned my neck over to see my alarm clock; I still had more than an hour before my first class.

When he sat down on his bed and started to lace up his tennis shoes, I got a little worried. Putting on his shoes was always the last thing Danny did before leaving (he obsessively disliked wearing shoes) and I began to fear that he might go without untying me. Even though I worried it might provoke him, I said, in the most friendly voice I could summon, "Hey, can you untie me so I can get to class?" When I opened my mouth to speak, some cum dripped into my mouth. It tasted great.

Danny stood and reached for his backpack. "No, faggot, I don't think I will. Maybe you should spend the day thinking about what happened this morning. That way you can decide if you will ever turn his cocksucking face away from me again when I deign to let you suck me off. You got that, cocksucker?"

"No, Danny, come on...I've got to go to class. You know I'll suck you whenever you want it. I was just a little mad from last--"

"Shut up," he said, cutting me off. "I'm going to class. Tell you what, though, I'll leave the door unlocked, so maybe someone will come by and you can ask them to untie you."

"Wait, don't leave," I started to say, but he walked out. I was incredulous. I didn't want to miss class, and could not believe that he had left me like this. I suppose that after the previous night, I shouldn't have been too surprised, since he had already raised the stakes on our sexual game-playing by exposing me as his cocksucker to two other guys.

I rolled over on to my side and began trying to release myself. He had buckled his belt tightly around my wrists and I tried to unclasp it but my fingers couldn't reach.

I sat up and slid across the floor over so I could lean against my bed, and considered what to do next. My first thought was that I should lock the door, since in our dorm people did sometimes walk into each other's rooms, and I didn't want someone else wandering in and finding me tied up with Danny's cum on my face. At least, I probably didn't want that to happen.

As I was sitting there considering what to do next, the door began to open. My heart started to beat faster and faster as I watched the door swing open and waited to see who it would be. I relaxed slightly when I saw it was Adam, the buff, quiet guy from down the hall who had at first befriended me last night when he thought Danny might have taken advantage of me, but who had eventually stuffed my face with his cock too.

Adam stood there in the doorway, leaving the door open while he looked at me, sitting on the floor, hands tied behind me and Danny's fresh load on my face.

"Could you shut the door, please?" I asked, and Adam immediately did.

He stood there, looking at me, not saying anything. I said, "Danny never untied me from last night, and now he's left for class. Can you untie me, please?"

Adam nodded. "Yeah, I know. He came by my room a couple of minutes ago and said you were in here waiting for me. Told me to come by for a blow job and to let you go."

"Oh," I said. So Danny hadn't really left me like this for the day after all. Though it was possible that Adam might not have come by. Adam just stood there, a look of uncertainty on his face. "So can you untie me, please?" I asked again.

"Yeah, sure," Adam said and I scooted away from the bed as he crouched down behind me and removed the belt that tightly bound my wrists together behind my back. They were very sore and I rubbed my forearms as I looked at the crimson bands the belt had left in my skin over the hours I had been tied up.

Adam continued to stand there in the center of my room, looking really hot in his jeans and sweatshirt. "So do you want a blow job?" I asked.

"Uh, no, I, uh" Adam stammered, his inarticulateness ultimately giving way to silence and sheepishness.

"It's okay. I'll suck your dick if you want." I was starting to get hard thinking about it. A minute passed, me sitting on the floor and Adam just standing there. I had given four blow jobs the previous night and one this morning, and I had time for another before my class. I interpreted Adam's continued presence in my room as an implicit yes, so I switched from sitting to kneeling and reached for the button on his jeans.

"No, wait, this is too weird." Adam said and backed away slightly.

"Look, whatever, Adam. You were nice enough to come in here and untie me, which you didn't have to do. And Danny told you you could get your dick sucked when you did, and I will suck you off if you want it. And if you don't I won't. But there's no reason to get all wigged out over it."

I suppose it might have seemed odd for this quiet, withdrawn jock that the guy down the hall was perfectly happy to kneel before him and suck the cum from his cock. But he wasn't leaving either. And the longer he stood there with his crotch at eye-level and looking unbelievably sexy in his unself-conscious way, the less reserved I became about getting that cock.

Again, I reached for his jeans and this time, while he took a very slight step backwards, he didn't stop me. I unbutton the top button and pulled down on his fly. "I don't know," he said very quietly, under his breath. I reached up with both hands and yanked down on his jeans and his underwear all in one motion, pulling them down to his thighs and exposing his short, fat dick.

"Wait..." he said, again trailing off and leaving his though incomplete.

I leaned my face in towards his crotch but did not touch him. "Look, if you want to feel your cock in my mouth, you can, and if you don't, don't. I leave it up to you." And with that I opened my mouth and titled my head back, so that my open mouth was positioned just underneath his jutting cock, waiting for him to enter. I looked up at him and waited.

Adam looked down at me uncertainly. I can't imagine what he made of all this, but after a moment of consideration he made the sensible choice and, leaning his body forward, he slid his cock into my waiting mouth. I slurped it in and sucked him down.

I slid my mouth on and off his dick. It was very wide but not too long, so though I had to stretch my lips to get all the way around it, it was easy to swallow it down to the root. He stood there rather passively as I sucked him, and since my hands were free (for once), I reached up under his sweatshirt and T-shirt and felt for his pecs. He made no move to stop me, as Danny almost certainly would have, and I rubbed his hard, muscular chest. He was bigger than Danny was, bulkier, and even though I preferred Danny's more graceful muscles, I could definitely appreciate Adam's rock hard chest.

I knelt there sucking his thick cock and rubbing his big pecs, sometimes playing with his nipples, for a few minutes. At one point he placed one hand on the back of my head, and I looked up as he did so. He was looking down at me with a very placid expression. He used his hand to guide my head as I went up and down on him. Not pushing me exactly, just gingerly guiding me and still letting me control the blow job. After a few more minutes of this he started to moan and began rubbing his fingers through my hair as I pushed down on his dick. Then without warning he started to shoot his hot, thick cum into my mouth. He pushed my head down hard onto his cock at that point, forcing his shooting dick deep into my throat where he sprayed his cum. I swallowed it down.

When he had finished, he released his hold on my head and stepped back. He reached down awkwardly and pulled up his pants. I remained there, kneeling on the floor, waiting to see what he would do next. I could taste his semen on my tongue.

"Well, thanks," he said. "I gotta get to class." He was obviously still a little freaked out by the whole thing and anxious to leave.

"Hey, Adam," I said, "who was that guy who was with you last night? His name was--Marc?"

"Yeah," Adam replied. "He lives up on 4."

"I thought I'd seen him around. He a good friend of yours?"

Adam shrugged. "We hang out."

"He seemed to get into it last night."

"I suppose," Adam said. "When we left here he just kept talking about how great it would be to have a roommate who would give you a blow job whenever you want one."

"Don't you think so?" I asked.

He just shrugged again. Then he gave me a slight smile and walked out.

I reached up and rubbed my face; Danny's cum hadn't dried completely, and I could feel a little wetness on my cheek. I licked the small amount of goo from my fingers, and jerked myself off while I rubbed the cum on my face. Finally it was time to shower and then off to class.

Our room was empty when I got back from my classes. I was pretty tired from not getting too much sleep the night before, so when I climbed on my bed with a history book, it didn't take long for me to fall asleep. I slept for about an hour or two; when I woke up it was starting to get dark outside, and Danny still was not home. I resumed my reading, sitting up on my bed.

A short while later someone knocked. "Come in," I called out, and in walked Marc followed by another guy. I didn't know Marc (in fact, I only knew his name from hearing Adam use it the night before) and seeing him again I took a closer look at him. He was definitely a stud. He had a very handsome face, with piercing almond eyes that drew you in. And a toned, muscular body. He was wearing just a tank top and jeans, so I could see his strong, broad shoulders and sizable biceps. He wasn't super bulky like Adam, but decidedly strong and powerful, commensurate with his body size.

The guy behind him looked instantly familiar, though I'd never met him. I definitely remembered seeing him in the dorm before, because it is not possible to forget seeing someone as hunky as he was. He was tall, very tall, with tight, dark, curly hair and deep blue eyes. And he also had a toned, muscular body. He would regularly play basketball on the court right outside our dorm when the weather was warmer, and I remembered fondly taking in the view as he gracefully controlled the court. Plus, he used to regularly play with his shirt off, so I would often admire the view of his smooth, muscular chest.

They came in and shut the door. I looked up at them from the bed, feeling a slight pang of nervousness.

"Hey," Marc said, "where were you this morning? I thought I told you to come up to my room and suck me off before class?"

"Um," I said, unsure how to respond.

"Well, what the fuck? You walk around the halls with a load of cum on your face, but you won't come up to the fourth floor to blow me?"

"I, I, didn't know."

"I told my roommate Greg that you were coming up to suck my dick, and then you didn't show up. That's not right."

I looked over at the roommate Greg, who was watching this exchange intently but not saying anything.

"Well, I'm here now, faggot, so get ready to eat my dick." And with that Marc moved closer to the bed where I was sitting. He got to the edge of my bed and stood there. I was sitting back on the bed, resting up against the wall. "Well, come on," he said. "Take out my dick and suck it." I didn't move for a minute, until he said, "now, cocksucker." Then I scooted forward on the bed and reached for his belt.

Greg walked over to Marc's side while I was undoing his belt. "And you're going to blow my friend too, you got that, faggot?" Marc said. I nodded as I unsnapped his jeans.

Marc pulled down his jeans, and I could make out the shape of his big dick inside his boxers. When I reached up to pull down his boxers, he swatted my hand away. "No, faggot, take Greg's jeans off first."

I swiveled slightly and reached up for Greg's waist. As I was starting to unbutton his 501s, I reflected for a second on how remarkably things had changed. All because of what started as an innocent game, just horsing around, Danny had uncovered in me a fierce desire to suck cock, and had taken full advantage of it. And now I was about to blow some guy I had never spoken to, which seemed weird, a little crazy even, but on the other hand, here was a guy that I had seen and lusted after for months, and now my hands were at his crotch. It was strange and unexpected, and I couldn't believe my luck.

I pulled down his jeans, exposing his dick profiled against his leg inside his underwear. I was unsure what to do next, whether I should pull down his shorts or Marc's, but Marc made sure I did what he wanted. He grabbed my head and turned it back towards him, pushing his crotch hard into my face. He rubbed his crotch all over my face while he said, "Get ready for a good face-fucking, boy, because I am gonna split your throat open with this cock."

He let go of my head momentarily while he pulled down his boxers, and I was once again greeted by his beautiful dick. "Look familiar, queer?" Marc said. "Remember eating that last night?" I nodded. "Open your cocksucker mouth," Marc ordered. I opened my mouth and looked up at him. "Keep it open," he said as he grabbed his dick and slapped my face with it. By now his dick was looking pretty hard, and he just kept hitting me in the face with it. I could faintly smell that great cock smell, and occasionally his balls would brush up against my face as he pummeled me with his cock.

By this point, Greg had pulled out his dick as well, and he moved in a little closer and began slapping my face with it also. One of them on each side, Marc mostly hitting me in or near my mouth while Greg dick-slapped around my forehead.

"Can you believe this little faggot just sitting there getting dick-slapped by two guys?" Marc said.

Greg kind of grunted and said, "Never thought I'd see anything like this."

"Alright, that's enough," Marc said, and he turned my face more directly towards him and inserted his stiff dick into my mouth, pushing it as far inside as he could get it. I had gotten unbelievably hard while these two studs dickslapped me simultaneously, and I didn't think it would be possible to get any harder, but the feeling of Marc's cock plunging into my throat did the trick.

"Now, suck it good, faggot," Marc said, and I did my best. I sucked his cock hard and deep while I watched his buddy stroking himself out of the corner of my eye. "You should be jerking off Greg while you suck me, cocksucker, so he doesn't have to." I reached over for Greg's dick and began pulling on it while I continued to suck Marc down.

After a couple of minutes Marc instructed me to switch, and I turned over to Greg's cock. It was very long, though not terribly thick, so it slid in easily, but it was a bit tough to get it all the way in. (And by now, after all the workouts Danny had given me, I had become a master at deep-throating.) I slid my head up and down on his cock, now jerking Marc while I did. Then I felt Marc's hand on the back of my head, pushing me further down onto Greg's dick. Marc used my mouth as a toy for Greg's cock for a couple of minutes, and then pulled me all the way off. I was starting to get a little tired; there hadn't been more than two seconds that a cock was not deep in my mouth since I started blowing the two of them.

"Get down on the bed," Marc said. "Let's try another way."

I lay down on the bed, with them standing by the side of the bed. "No, not like that, you stupid faggot," Marc said. "Lie on the bed with your head hanging off the side, so we can fuck it good." And he reached down and, with Greg's help, turned me around so that I was on my back with the head hanging off the side of the bed. Of course, the bed wasn't wide enough for me to lie in that direction, so my legs were up against the wall on the other side of the bed. After they had positioned me the way they wanted me, Marc adopted a firmer stance, with his cock poised over my face.

As he pushed down on top of me, I took a deep breath, and then Marc slid his cock all the way down my throat and held it there. His balls were pressed against my nose at this angle (they smelled great - clean and masculine and jock-like). Then he pulled out and began a steady in and out rhythm. Each time, he would pull his cock almost all the way out of my mouth and then give a firm downward thrust that completely plunged his dick deep into my throat and basically covered the top part of my face with his crotch.

"You get a good angle this way," he explained to Greg as he fucked my face. "Saw it in a porn movie once: some girl who blew a bunch of guys while she was lying on a bed. But she couldn't take it as deep as this faggot."

"Cool," I heard Greg say, though I wasn't exactly sure where he was standing, as my vision was partially obscured by the body of the stud drilling his cock into my face. Marc started picking up speed, which made it harder and harder for me to breathe.

After a couple of minutes of this intense face-fucking, Marc pulled out, breathing hard. "You have a go," he said to Greg.

Marc stepped back and Greg moved into his position. Again, I felt the firm pressure of a hard dick entering my mouth and then my throat. Because Greg's dick was so long, I could feel it deep in me, though I don't think he went in as far as Marc, because I didn't feel his balls forced against my face the way Marc's were. But little by little he began his thrusts, and it began to feel like they were getting deeper.

It was around this point, while I was lying with my head off the edge of the bed getting face-fucked by a stranger, that I heard the door open. "Hey!" I heard Danny's voice in the background. "What's going on?"

"Hey, dude," Marc said. "Came down to use your faggot roommate."

"Alright!" Danny replied. "He giving you good service?"

"No complaints. It's Danny, right?" he said. "Marc. This is my roommate Greg."

"Yeah, I know Greg. We played hoops a couple of times."

"How ya doin', Danny?" Greg said.

It was surreal, really, listening to this conversation around me while Greg plowed my face.

Greg really began picking up speed now, and each time when he would thrust in, he would push it very far and hold it. With each successive thrust I was finding it harder and harder to take and to breathe. Finally, at one point when he just kept his cock pressed down into my throat for an extended time (saying "Take it, faggot"), I couldn't take it anymore, and I reached up with both hands and pushed hard against his pelvis, pushing him out of my throat.

Greg stepped back and his dick slid out of my mouth and plopped onto my upturned face. Then he stepped back again and I could see the three of them. I lifted my head slightly, feeling a little dazed from all the cocksucking.

"Hey!" Danny called out. "What is that? That's not nice. If a guy is kind enough to let you suck him, cocksucker, you don't push him away. What kind of service is that?"

"I needed a rest," I said.

Danny walked over and straddled my face. He had jeans on, and he just lowered himself onto me. "I don't give a fuck. That's not how we treat our guests, right? Say 'right,' " he ordered.

"Right," I said, though with his body covering my face I can't imagine they heard anything but a grunt.

"Good cocksucker," Danny said. "Go ahead, guys, he won't do that again." And then Danny climbed on top of my bed and straddled my chest, leaning over and pinning my arms by my sides.

Greg resumed his position and began fucking my face again. He set a good, firm pace, and even though my jaw was tired at this point, I loved the feeling of his dick spearing my throat. Plus with Danny on top of me and holding down my arms, I was getting close to shooting myself. Greg kept talking while I sucked him, saying things like "take that cock," and "yeah, swallow it," and "take it all, cocksucker."

Marc moved in a couple of minutes later and they traded positions again. This time I could feel Greg's dick against my chin while Marc fucked my face. After a brief warm-up, Marc got faster and faster and rougher and rougher until he was plowing my mouth like there was no tomorrow. He let out a great shout and I felt a spurt of cum in my mouth. But he was moving so fast that his dick slipped all the way out, and I felt another two shots of cum spray everywhere. Then a third one hit my chin, where Greg was still rubbing his cock, and Marc was able to get his cock back in my mouth where he dumped the last couple of shots. As he pulled out and stepped back, Greg turned my head to the side where he was standing. I could see a white strand of Marc's cum down the length of his dick. He held my head and then slid his dick against my lips, wiping Marc's cum off onto my lips. When he finished, he forced my lips open with his cock and starting thrusting again. I could still taste Marc's cum on him, and after another minute or so, he began to shoot. He was jerking himself as he did, with his dick half in my mouth, so his hand kept banging up against my face. He shot most of his load into my mouth, but towards the end he pulled out and jerked it a few more times. Two or three final pearls landed on my face. When he was completely done, he turned my face all the down and wiped his cock on the other side of my face (the side without any cum on it). Then he wiped his fist, which was a little slippery with his--or Marc's--cum, in my hair.

Danny released his grip on my arms, but stayed in position straddling me. The guys pulled up their pants.

"So what's the deal, Danny?" Marc asked. "When can we get blow jobs? Do you have a schedule for the cocksucker or what?"

"No, just take them whenever you want one. Unless I'm using him, he's all yours."

"Alright, dude, see you later. Later, cocksucker," Marc called out, and they left.

"Well, well," said Danny, snickering. He climbed off me, saying "you are turning into quite the dorm cocksucker, aren't you?"

E-mail me: lukex@subdimension.com

Next: Chapter 5

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