Danny and Eric

By Eric Tightjeans

Published on Jan 8, 2006



It was late afternoon of the last day of my trip home from college. I had spent a few days camping along the way visiting rock art sites in the Southwest. Tonight I was staying in a small motel at the edge of town. I had showered and put on a clean pair of cutoffs, and sat outside in a spot of shade looking at my newest picture book of rock art. The quiet was broken when a young guy about my size rounded the corner of the motel pushing a power mower. He wore only shoes and a pair of snug faded blue jeans that hugged slim legs and a sexy toosch. The sun glistened on the perspiration on his bare chest and the slight breeze ruffled his blond hair. Looking at him made me horny. I put down the book and watched him mow the yard. I enjoyed the warmth stirring in my groin and touched my cock while I daydreamed about the one in the basket of his jeans.

The yard was small and he soon finished and shut off the mower.

"That looks like pretty thirsty work on a hot day like this," I said. "How about a glass of water or a coke?"

He wiped his brow with his hand and said, "Sure sounds good to me. Water would be fine."

I brought him a glass from my room.

"My name's Eric," I said. "I just finished my Freshman year at State."

"I'm Danny," he replied. "I'll graduate from High School this month. My cousin runs this motel and I spend an hour or so a day helping out with some of the chores. I'm glad I'm finished for today. It's really a scorcher.

Danny looked at the book on the patio next to my chair. "I have that same book at home, Eric. It's one of the better ones. I really like Rock art."

"I've recently become interested," I said. I just finished spending a few days checking out what's around here."

"There's a lot of it around. More than you would think. Much of it isn't easy to get to and not publicized. That prevents vandalism," Danny replied. "I could show you some good examples off the beaten track if you're interested."

"Am I ever!" I replied, wondering whether I was more interested in Danny or the art. "Would you take me to them?"

"You'd have to keep the location a secret," Danny replied, and "you'd have to spend about an hour going into back country on the back of ATV and then hike a quarter mile up to the rock face."

"Thanks Danny! When do we go?" I was going to get to spend half a day with this hunk, two hours of it on an ATV with our thighs touching and my crotch snuggled up against his sexy ass.

"We should leave here tomorrow morning by seven. That will get us back before the heat of the day and before I have to be at the gas station at Noon to relieve my dad for lunch."

Danny looked at my cutoffs.

"You should wear jeans to protect your legs from the brush."

I looked at the label on Danny's Levi's. "You wear the same size as I do," I said. "Do you have an extra pair I could use tomorrow?" (I had jeans of my own but I wanted to get my prick into a pair of jeans that had touched Danny's cock.)

"I'll bring an extra pair along for you to use. See you here at seven tomorrow morning Eric. Thanks for the water."

Danny took the lawn mower and pushed it toward the back of the motel. I watched and stroked my cock through my cutoffs until he was out of sight. Then I went in my room and jacked off thinking of Danny's beautiful ass. I laid on the bed for a while thinking about his chest before I jacked off again fantasizing about what was behind the fly of his Levi's.

The next morning I got up early, had breakfast, and answered Danny's knock at my motel room door promptly at seven.

"Morning Eric. Here's the jeans you wanted to borrow." Danny said handing me a rolled pair of faded blue denim.

"Thanks," I replied. "I'll be right with you."

I took the jeans into the room, leaving the door ajar in case Danny wanted to watch me change. I stepped out of my cutoffs and pulled on Danny's Levi's. I wasn't wearing underwear. I wanted my cock and balls to touch the jeans that usually hugged Danny's crotch. Just thinking about it caused me to button up the fly over a boner.

"I'm ready, Danny," I said coming out the door.

"So I see," he replied.

Danny got on the ATV and jump started the motor.

"Sit right behind me," he said over the sound of the motor. "Don't sit back too far or the ATV will be back heavy and hard to steer. Sit right up close to me, hang on, and we'll be off."

"OK!" I couldn't have asked for any instructions that would have pleased me more. I hopped on the back, snuggled my crotch up next to Danny's buns and put my hands on his waist. My boner throbbed. I hoped I wouldn't come in Danny's Levi's at least not right now. Danny opened the throttle and we were off down the paved driveway. I could smell the soap Danny had used in the shower this morning, a clean masculine smell. We turned up a side street to the edge of town.

The ride was smooth and I relaxed my hold on Danny's waist and let my hands slip down to rest lightly on his hips. We left town and started up a hill on a dirt road.

"This road can get kind of bumpy," Danny shouted over his shoulder. "You better hang on."

I gripped his hips at the waist band of his jeans. The cotton fabric was soft and warm from Danny's body heat, but the flesh underneath was lean and hard. His trim legs were all muscle. My boner wanted me to massage his thighs and find and caress his cock. I was pondering how to do so when we hit a bump. My chest was thrown into Danny's back and my hands were thrown forward from his hips. I grasped for whatever was handy to keep from falling. My right hand caught a grip on Danny's leg just below his crotch. My thumb felt his cock. It was firm but not hard like my boner.

Danny stopped the ATV just before it crossed a dry wash. "We're going to go up that wash about a half mile then we will be almost there," Danny said, "Better hang on tight. You almost fell off just then."

I got a good firm grip on Danny's hips and he started up the wash. It was slow going and bumpy and my efforts to stay on the ATV overpowered the sexual desires sent by my cock. It took about 5 minutes to cover the half mile up the wash.

Danny stopped and said, "We walk from here. We only have about a quarter mile left to go up the wash, but we'll need to hike. It's too rough to use the ATV. Help me push it up out of the wash."

We got the it on high ground and Danny said, "It will be OK here. I'll lead the way. Stay close and watch out for the cactus."

We hiked up the wash for about five minutes. I was glad it wasn't longer. Danny was quite athletic and hiked over boulders and scrambled up rock inclines in the wash as if he were dashing across a level parking lot. I was hard pressed to keep up but I did. He stopped where the wash turned into a canyon and pointed up to a rock wall to the right of the mouth.

"There it is," he said. "I've never shown this to anyone else. As far as I know we are the only living people who know about this."

The wall was covered with rock art. We climbed up to the wall and studied the pictures that were carved into the wall eons ago. We examined each drawing minutely. When we finished we found a shaded place to rest before our return to town.

"You say you haven't told anyone else about these pictures and their location?" I asked.

"No one," Danny replied. "I don't want them to be vandalized. They are remote enough that it's unlikely that anyone will discover them by accident. About the only people around here that trek out in the back country are hunters and this land is in a corner of a National Park. Hunting is not allowed. Some ATV riders do come up the wash, but never this far. It's too rough."

"Have you ever considered telling an archaeologist?" I asked. These might have significant archeological information."

"Yes," He said. "I've thought about it. I even suppose that I will some day, but till now they've been just my secret and I kind of like that."

"What moved you to bring me to see them?" I asked.

"Well, Eric, there were a number of reasons." Danny replied. "You notice that I brought you here. I didn't tell you how to get here. Chances are you wouldn't be able to find your way back again. Even if you could, you had that book about rock art when I met you. It's an expensive book, not one that would be a casual purchase, so I thought you probably seriously cared about rock art and you weren't likely to deface or vandalize it."

"I feel flattered." I replied.

"Well there's another reason too." Danny said. "Yesterday I'm not so sure I would have been able to tell you the main reason I'm sharing these with you, but after this morning I reckon its OK.

"I'm gay and that's not an easy thing to be in this part of the country. I can usually size people up pretty well and figure out whether they are gay bashers, indifferent, sympathetic or interested and I then act accordingly. When I met you yesterday I sized you up as sympathetic, or possibly interested. Frankly I hoped for interested. You have a sexy body and I wanted to see more of it. When you put on my jeans this morning with the door open so I could watch I was pretty sure. When I felt your hard on pressing against my buns on the ATV I became more positive, and when you groped my thighs feeling for my cock I was sure. We have about half an hour before we need to start back for town. I hope my estimation is correct."

Danny pulled his tee shirt over his head, rolled it into a small cushion and slipped it behind his head as he lay back on the rock we were sitting on. He raised his knees and spread his legs providing me a view of his cock and balls snugly wrapped in soft blue denim.

I touched Danny's nude chest with my index finger. I drew random designs on his chest and stomach.

"Your estimation is correct."

Danny was silent. His cock spoke for him now. Its outline on the snug jeans moved and grew. I lowered my hand and caressed his cock through the soft denim.

"I'm so glad I was right," Danny said. "I hope you do blow jobs. I really would like your mouth wrapped around my cock."

He straightened his knees and lay prone on the ground.

I opened the fly of Danny's Levi's one button at a time. I folded back the flaps to form a V that cut lower from his waist as I released each button until his blond pubic hair was revealed. I opened the last two buttons to reveal his cock. Released from the confines of his jeans it stood erect, pointing towards the sky.

I held the outside of each of Danny's hips with my hands and leaned down over his Rod. I could feel the warmth it was radiating against my cheek. I began to lick his cock, starting at the base. At first I flicked lightly at it with the end of my tongue. Then I caressed his thighs with my hands while I stroked his boner with my tongue from base to tip. Danny's legs trembled and his cock throbbed. It's head was purple and hot. I kissed it and tasted precum on my lips. I waited until the throbbing and trembling stopped. I slipped my hands underneath Danny and cupped his buns while I took his cock in my mouth. I licked around his ridge and sucked, slowly sliding my lips up and down his shaft, able to take about half of his length in my mouth. My cock had become as hard as his and it was sending pleasure sensations similar to what I knew Danny was feeling. I moved my hands to massage Danny's scrotum and prostate and continued to glide my mouth up and down his shaft. Danny was trembling again and his cock was hotter and throbbing. My fingers sensed a pumping movement at his prostrate at the same time that he raised his groin up from the ground. Danny was breathing heavily and uttered a loud sigh simultaneously with the ejaculation of the first spurt of cum. He continued coming and I held as much of the jism in my mouth as I could, but some seeped out of my mouth and ran flowed down his cock into his blond hair. Danny relaxed and his buns settled back onto the ground. I held his cock until it softened and removed my mouth. I massaged Danny's thighs until his breathing returned to normal and then I began to lick the cum from his soft cock starting at the base. I washed it thoroughly working my way to the head. It began to swell again, but was not as hard as a few minutes before. After I had licked off all the cum I took his penis in my mouth again and continued to lick and suck. His rod did not become fully erect again, but some aftercum oozed out. I swallowed it and held his shaft in my mouth until the swelling was gone. I sat up and watched the saliva on Danny's cock evaporate in the morning air. When it was dry I put it back into his jeans and buttoned up his fly.

"That was marvelous," Danny said, sitting up. "When you pumped my cum I felt pleasure all the way to my toes."

"So did I," I replied. "I love sucking young cock and I got into sucking you to where I almost jizzed at same time. I didn't have a full orgasm, but I'm afraid I did spot the jeans you lent me."

Danny looked at the dampness on the jeans at my crotch.

"Let me tell you something about that pair of Jeans." he said. "Sometimes when you are wearing them the fly unbuttons."

Danny popped the buttons one by one and pressed his hand against the open fly.

"Then the cock behind the fly comes out through the opening.

Danny reached in, encircled my cock with his fingers and released it from the confines of his 501's.

"The next thing you know," Danny said, "your cock is being stroked and you get a boner."

Danny squeezed gently and moved his hands back and forth along the full length of my boner. It had been excited so many times already this morning that it was almost instantaneously as hard as a rock. I had a full load of cum from the excitement I experienced giving Danny a blow job. He seemed to sense the urgency of my need to climax.

"The first thing you know after getting a raging hard on you ejaculate."

My cock throbbed and Danny had barely stroked it a dozen times when I shot a wad of jism. The milky cum shot onto Danny's leg. He kept stroking and I kept coming spitting spunk from the end of my cock.

"These jeans are notorious for this. It has happened to me practically every time that I have worn them. Now I see that it has happened to you too."

My cock softened and Danny tucked it back into the jeans and buttoned up the fly.

"You've been prolific this morning." Danny said looking at his leg. "You've managed to cream two pairs of jeans in less than half an hour. It must be something special about the jeans you are wearing. They provide a lot of pleasure if you let them have their way."

Danny looked at his watch.

"I wish we could bring these up again," he said, giving each of our baskets a squeeze with this hands, "but we have to leave now or I'll be late to relieve dad for lunch."

We hiked down the wash to the ATV. Danny started it up and I got on behind. I didn't fret about where to hold on. I hooked my left arm around Danny's waist to keep from falling off the back and placed my right hand on his crotch and played with his cock until we got back to town.

Danny stopped a few blocks from the motel.

"I'll have to let you off here," he said, "or I'll be late to work. I'll swing by the motel about 1:30 to pick up my Levi's. If you have to leave before then, leave them in the room. I'll get them with my pass key."

"I'll be there." I said and gave Danny a little love pat on his rear as I got off. I walked toward the motel and Danny rode off to work.

I stopped for a bite of lunch on my way to the motel. I don't remember what I had. I was thinking of Danny. Knowing that the jeans I was wearing had spent many hours snuggled up to his basket and had been accomplice to multiple Danny orgasms aroused my cock causing it to press harder and harder against the soft blue denim.

I didn't want to take any chance of missing Danny when he returned so I headed to the motel. Still sporting an erection I showered and slipped back into Danny's Levi's. I left the fly open and lay down on the bed, my raging hard on pointing toward the ceiling. I dozed off making an imaginary list of everything I would like to do to and for Danny's cock. I awoke to someone stroking my manliness. I opened my eyes to see Danny sitting on the edge of the bed caressing my dick. My boner had gone limp while I napped, but Danny was bringing it back to life.

"There was no answer when I knocked. I thought you had gone so I used my pass key to come in for my Levi's." Danny whispered. "I like what I found in them." He released my cock and began lightly caressing my shoulders. "I'm glad you're still here. There was no time for me to get to know your body this morning. There is time now."

While he was talking he was gently rubbing my chest. "Nice sexy pecs!" he said. "I could cum just feeling them but there's so much more."

I had goose bumps all over and a dick turning into a flagpole.

Danny ran his hands along the side of my ribs and traced the outline of the waistband of the Levi's on my stomach. He drew circles around my navel with his fingers and ran his hands back up toward my shoulders. "Very nice skin. I need to see more of it." He lowered his hands to the button securing the jeans around my waist and released it, and opened them up to form a V pointing to my balls. He slipped his hands beneath my waist. I raised my hips and he pulled my jeans down to my ankles and slipped them off onto the floor. He rubbed my legs with gentle strokes easing back toward my waist. My cock was standing at attention. Danny stroked the inside of my thighs and my rod twitched, thrusting toward the sky.

Danny took my dick in one hand and cradled my balls in the other. He caressed my cock with slow light strokes, barely moving his hand. My cock was going wild. It stretched and reached for the ceiling. I was at the brim, ready to cum any time.

"Jack me!" I cried. "I'm at the peak, Jack me now! Make me come!"

Danny stopped caressing my dick and held it still. I thrashed around on the bed begging him to bring me to climax. He held me securely to the bed, kept me from moving, and didn't move a muscle. My cock shuddered in his hand, but I did not come. My tool stopped quivering and I relaxed on the bed.

"It feels so good," I said. "Now I want it to last forever, but when I get so close to coming I want to climax so bad I can taste it. You make me feel better than I have ever felt before."

Danny released my cock and gently caressed my waist just around my pelvis. I got goose bumps all over again and my cock tried to swell and grow bigger. It began twitching again and I thought I might come without his touching it at all.

"Please," I begged, "Jack me now! Make me climax!"

Danny took my balls in one hand and caressed my prostate behind them while he stroked my cock with his other hand. I was so high that I came practically immediately. I shot cum into the air and it landed in my navel. Then a seemingly never ending stream of milky white jism flowed from the end of my cock and down over Danny's hands. He stopped stroking and gently squeezed my hot basket while I experienced wave after wave of ecstasy. My whole body trembled.

I stopped quivering and Danny released my cock and balls. "I loved that," he said. "I only wish I would be able to do it again, frequently."

Without thinking I said, "It could be. Come to State University next year and be my roommate," but I didn't regret saying it, I only hoped that he might take me up on the offer.

"It sounds like a good idea but I don't think college is in my future." Danny replied. His sparkle and joy dissipated. "I better go now," he said. "I'll just take my Levi's and be on my way."

He picked up his jeans and headed toward the door.

"Just a minute." I said. "Don't leave like that. Whatever I may have said that put you off I'm sorry. I really do want to spend more time with you and get to know you."

"It's nothing you did," Danny replied. "It's just that I have wanted to go to University as long as I can remember, and I've even been accepted, but there's no money. Short of a miracle I'll be pumping gas or mowing lawns here next year."

"I'm sorry," I replied. "It's a shame that you can't come whether we would get together there or not. I'm really sorry."

"It's OK. Let's not think about it now. Let's just think about the good time we just had. Keep it upbeat. I really did enjoy today more than any day I can remember, but I do need to get going."

He headed toward the door.

"Before you leave I have a favor to ask," I said. "Wearing your Levi's today really made me horny. I'd like to keep them to remember you and what we shared. Any chance of trading them for a pair of mine? I've been hiking in them this week and they need laundering, but I'd really like to keep yours. I like the magic they perform."

"Let me try them on to see how they fit." Danny said.

I pulled them out of my bag of laundry and held them out toward Danny. He stepped out of his jeans and reached for mine. I pulled them out of his reach.

"Try them without your underwear," I said. "I want to see your cock once more before I have to leave and I'd like to see its outline in my Levi's."

Danny pulled off his briefs. God he looked sexy standing there wearing only a trim body shirt. I gazed at his cock and my gazing seemed to make it swell. I handed Danny my jeans and his rod lengthened and grew harder. He stepped into the Levi's and pulled them up to his waist, by this time a swollen boner was pointing straight towards me. He buttoned the waist, but left the fly open, his hard staff protruding.

"I don't know if I can wear these or not," he said to me. I can't seem to close them."

"Maybe I can help."

I crossed to Danny and dropped to my knees and stared directly at his basket. The scent of soap I smelled this morning was gone and replaced by a slightly funky scent of crotch sweat. I cradled his glans in my tongue. I wiggled my tongue around rubbing this extra sensitive area of Danny's cock. It wiggled back. His heat radiated and warmed my lips. I grabbed one of his tight buns in each of my hands and slipped his cockhead into my mouth and sucked all at the same time. Danny's whole body gave a little jump, he sighed and grabbed my head with his hands. We became one in motion, all our movements synchronized to pump his cock back and forth in my mouth. I timed his hip thrusts to my sucking and slurping with my hands clasping his ass, while he synchronized my movements to his sensations with his hands on my head. He was hot and close to climax in no time at all. Our motion was as one and there was no stopping it. Danny's whole body shivered. I knew he was at the verge of coming. At the same instant he thrust his hips into my face while he pulled my head into his crotch with his hands. I clutched his buns and pulled him toward me, his cock deep in my throat. Danny shot spunk into my throat. I had to swallow as fast as I could to keep from choking. I pulled his buns back and eased my head back from his pelvis, cradling his cock on my tongue. It continued to shoot jism and I held it on my tongue.

Danny folded in half over my shoulder, his cock still in my mouth and his face pressed into my back. His hot breath gave me goose bumps. His strength came back and he knelt facing me. I stuck out my tongue and pointed at his jism resting on top of it. Danny moved his head close to mine, our noses almost touching and stuck out his tongue trying to lick his jism from my tongue. I pulled my tongue inside my mouth and his followed, wrapping itself around mine to taste his spunk. Our lips touched.

Since the day my groin had sent its first sexual message twinge I had only been excited by other boys and had managed to be sexually active with lots of them. But up till now I had only exchanged hand jobs or blow jobs. All my sexual activity had been centered around the groin. This was my first kiss and I knew that Danny's meant more to me than another opportunity to get my rocks off.

We embraced, wrapping our arms around each other and french kissed for the longest time. We came up for air, looked at each other and began to laugh.

"Look at us," Danny said. "You naked as a jaybird, me with a spent cock sticking out of my fly, and both of us reeking of spunk."

I poked his relaxed cock inside his fly and zipped it up. "There," I said. "Those jeans fit now so I can keep yours!"

We both laughed again until we were rolling on the floor. After what seemed like hours of laughing we lay gasping for breath. We sniffed each other and said in unison, "We need showers!" Danny stripped and we shared a shower lathering each other's bodies, taking special care to lather each others cock and balls thoroughly.

All good things come to an end as did our shower. We dressed in our exchanged jeans and prepared to leave, Danny to his odd jobs and me to continue home. Just before we left the room I stopped and turned to Danny.

"A hug good bye." I said and I took him in my arms. He hugged back and we stood embraced for minutes, kissing and gyrating our hips. We probed each others mouths with our tongues while we dry fucked in our jeans without boners. The feeling was there but we were spent. There were no more hard ons for us this afternoon.

We broke our embrace and left the room. Danny rode off on his ATV and I drove off toward home in my car. My crotch was hot all the way home remembering the day's pleasures. It got so hot that to my surprise I had a raging boner again less than ten miles out of town. I opened my fly and drove with my hard on sticking out of my Levi's. At the first rest stop I pulled off the highway and masturbated slowly, my eyes closed, watching my memory of Danny's beautiful hot cock. I licked the jism from my fingers imagining it was Danny's spunk.

I got home late that night. All my family had gone to bed. Still warm in the groin, I slept on top of my bed in Danny's 501's and dreamt about him all night.

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