Danny and Chris

By Big Al

Published on Feb 6, 1995


This story contains sex between consenting teen age boys. If this is not your thing. Please quit reading now.

Chris and Danny - Part 3

The Exchange Student

A couple of mornings after our LA excursion, Mr. Rogers, my home room advisor asked me to stay after everybody else left. Puzzled, I waited for everybody to leave, and when the last student left the room he said to me. "Danny, the principal has a problem that he thinks you might be able to help with." Seeing the puzzled look on my face, he said, "Don't worry, I don't think you're in any trouble. I got the impression that it was something that you could help him out with, but he didn't give me any details. He wants you to come to his office right now."

"Shit, what could this be all about," I thought as I walked to the Administrative offices. When I walked into the outer office, Mrs. Wilson, the principal's secretary, said "Are you Danny?"

"Yes," I said.

"Go on in, they're waiting for you she smiled." Puzzled, I walked in. To the left of the Principal, Mr., Bennett, a man and woman sat; I didn't recognize either of them. They were smiling, so I wasn't too concerned but I had a puzzled look on my face. The Principal stood up and held out his hand, and shaking mine, said, "Danny we've got a problem that I thought that you might be able to help with." He nodded to my right and then I noticed that somebody was there.

"Sprechen sie Deutsch," I heard.

Without thinking, I replied. "Jawohl," before I realized we were speaking German. Before me sat this gorgeous blond boy with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. If Chuck the past weekend was right, he had a big dick because his ears stuck out. He had the most penetratingly blue eyes and flax colored hair. He asked me how well I spoke German and I replied that I spoke it pretty good, having lived in Germany for 5 years. His face lit up as I explained this. He said he was an exchange student but didn't speak English very well and was desperate to find somebody he could talk to. He said the only person at school that could speak German was the German teacher and she wasn't very good. In fact, he thought his English might be better than her German.

The Principal interrupted, "Wolf, Danny," just a minute. I told Wolf, if that was his name, to cool it a minute (in German) and turned around to the Principal. "Danny, Wolfgang is an exchange student from Germany, staying with Mr. & Mrs. Schaeffer here," nodding to his right. "Wolf has been here a few weeks and is having a hard time adjusting. His English is pretty poor and of course almost nobody here speaks German. He's apparently gotten quite homesick and wants to go home but Mr. & Mrs. Schaeffer talked to his father and agreed to try to find some other solution.

Wolf interrupted and asked what we were talking about. I answered him in German and summed up what the Principal was saying. In German, I told him to cool it. I'd pass along anything that was pertinent and turned back to face the Principal.

"To make a long story short, Mr. & Mrs. Schaeffer, came to me and I recalled that I'd seen the records of some student here who had spent time in Germany. You turned out to be that student and it appears that you are fluent in German.

I said to Wolf, "The principal wants to know how good my German is."

In German he replied, "like a native," grinning. I translated for Mr. Bennett.

"Well, Danny, I guess my question then is would you be willing to take Wolf under your wing and show him around? I'm mainly thinking of after school and such, but we might need you to translate for us if something comes up."

Without thinking, I said, "Well, sure."

"You don't think your parents will mind, do you"

"No," I said. I don't think so.

"You two aren't in all the same classes. I can re-arrange your classes so you have more of them together. Especially, study hall and Phys-ed. Come back here tomorrow morning with Wolf and we'll work it out. Since it's too late for your first class, why don't the two of you go outside and get acquainted. Wolf can stick around with you today and go to your classes. Here's a note for him to show your teachers," he said handing Wolf the note.

I turned and translated to Wolf what had been said and he said, "lets go"

"OK, boys, you're excused"

"Come on," I said to Wolf, as I turned and walked out of the Principal's office. We went outside and sat on the steps and talked.

Since Wolf had been sitting, inside, this was the first chance I had to see him standing. He was taller than me, probably about 6' 2". Wolf it seems had come here as an exchange student, not realizing that almost nobody would speak German and although he could read and write English fairly well, his verbal mastery of English was poor. Mr. & Mrs. Schaefffer didn't speak any German and thus when Wolf became homesick, there wasn't much they could do. As we sat there and talked, I became more and more aware that Wolf was very attractive. I noticed that his eyes kept drifting to my crotch and I looked down at him and saw that he probably had a hardon, a pretty good sized one too. I asked him whether anybody had been unfriendly to him but he said that it was hard to make friends when you couldn't talk to them. All of a sudden, it came to me that I knew what the problem was; he was gay! So, I asked him. "Wolf, are you gay? Is that what the problem is?".

"Ja," he replied.

"Well, you are among friends and I think you're pretty cute too" I said. The way his face lit up was indescribable. "I think my friends will love to meet you," I said. Then I went on to tell him about Chris and the boys, Tim and Kevin and the rest of our circle. He was grinning from ear to ear as I told him and I think he even had a few tears in his eyes.

I heard the bell ring for the next class and since my next class was Mr. Woodward's math class, I rushed there with Wolf in tow hoping to catch Chris before class but he was already sitting down. I walked up to Mr. Woodward and had Wolf show him the note from the Principal. Mr. Woodward motioned for us to sit down so we went to the back. As we walked to the back of the room, Chris looked up at me questioningly. "Later," I murmured as we passed him and whispered to Wolf, "That's my lover, Chris". Wolf winked at Chris who got even more perplexed.

Mr. Woodward, started class by announcing that I had been assigned by the Principal to guide Wolf around because I was the only student in the whole school who spoke German.

After class, Chris was standing there impatiently waiting for me and asked, "How in the hell did you manage to arrange this? "

Believe me, it was a complete surprise," I said. "He's one of us," I said. Chris looked up with renewed interest at Wolf and stuck out his hand which Wolf shook with a grin. "I'll fill you in later," I said.

Later that day was gym class or Phys-ed if you prefer. On the one hand, I was dying to see what Wolf looked like nude. On the other hand, I wondered what my reaction would be. When we got to the locker room, Chris was already there. When Wolf changed into shorts Chris and I standing there got a good look. Wolf, if anything was hung as well if not better than Chris. Chris just whistled and I couldn't help but let out a "Holy Cow" myself. Wolf, inquired what was being said and I replied that we were admiring his big cock. He grinned and said that Chris and I looked pretty big to him.

After class, when it came time to shower, Wolf was the main attraction. He was so attractive and so obviously hung that even guys I thought were straight as an arrow were making whimpered comments to their buddies. I heard more than a few comments like "Jeez, look at that" or "Holy Cow, I wish I was hung like that" and so on.

After school, we were waiting at the car when Tim and Kevin sauntered up. I quickly explained the situation to them and then again to Wolf in German. With the introductions made, we all piled in. With Wolf in the back with the boys, it was a tight squeeze. Chris unfortunately had to work that night and reluctantly left us at his house. Wolf got in front to the displeasure of Tim and Kevin who by now realized that Wolf was hung at least as well as Chris and wanted some of it. They were really disappointed when I dropped them off. I told them that Wolf would be here for the next year, so they'd have plenty of time to check him out.

I told Wolf that I'd better stop at my house and tell my mother what was going on. When we got there, Mom met us at the door and said in German, "You must be Wolf, the Principal at school called to tell me about your special project, Danny. I've already called Mrs. Schaeffer and told her that I'd be glad to help." While this obviously pleased, Wolf, I was less than pleased; things were moving just a bit too fast. For one thing, I was afraid that Chris would feel left out. I was afraid that he'd get jealous. Everybody was dependent upon me to be translator, friend and possibly to Wolf, lover. Also, I hadn't clued Wolf in to the fact that my parents were unaware of my being gay and I couldn't depend on the language barrier to protect me since my parents also spoke German fluently. So, my first action was to get Wolf away from my mother long enough to at least explain that situation. So, I grabbed him by the hand and drug him out to the patio where I explained the situation with my parents.

Wolf said he understood well enough. His parents knew he was gay and in fact, they had encouraged him to get into the student exchange program in part because he had been through a severe emotional trauma in Germany when his best friend was killed in an automobile crash. He promised to be discrete around my parents. After showing him the pool we went back in and Mom said that Wolf was going to have supper with us; that she had arranged it with Mrs. Schaeffer. Soon dad came in and Mom introduced Wolf to him. Dad, having worked for his company in Germany, also spoke fluent German, and him and Wolf hit it right off.

At supper, Mom dropped a bombshell. "This afternoon, when I talked to Mrs. Schaeffer, she suggested that perhaps, Wolf might be interested in staying with us rather than them. The last few weeks have been a real trial for them; they didn't realize that language was going to be such a barrier. She's already talked to the people that supervise the Student Exchange program and they said there wouldn't be any problem as long as Wolf's parents agree. As I sat there dumbstruck, I heard my dad say, "That's great. Wolf, what does your father do?"

"He's the President of a manufacturing company, Kessler und Sohn, GmbH."

"Not, Eberhard Mueller?," he asked incredulously.

"Ja, do you know him".

"You bet, we did a lot of business together. We used to play golf once in a while. He's a fine businessman and I'd be proud to take his son into my home. Would you like to stay with us? I'll go call your father up right now".

"Sure," he said.

"Well, it's settled. I know for certain that your father wouldn't hesitate for a minute to give his OK."

Wolf grinned from ear to ear and said in English, "Whoopee!". After that, I tried to smile the best I could but couldn't shake the feeling that I was going down in flames.

Dad got up and said to Wolf, "there's the phone, go call your dad, now".

I sat there in shock as I heard Wolf explain the situation to his dad. Grinning he handed the phone to Dad who picked it up. Well, it sounded like old home week from this end. Dad and Wolf's dad carried on like old long, lost buddies. Pretty soon, Dad passed the phone back to Wolf, who said good-bye to his dad and hung up. Dad said that Eberhard would call the Schaeffers and then call the Student Exchange people tomorrow and let them know. Tomorrow, it would be official. Also, Herr Mueller would be coming to spend Christmas with us.

Wolf was obviously overjoyed and I couldn't help but absorb some of the joy that everybody else seemed to be feeling but deep down inside, I was worried that this whole thing was quickly turning into a disaster. I figured that the first thing I needed to do was talk to Wolf. Then I badly needed to talk to Chris, so I said., "Since it's not official yet, and it is getting late, wouldn't it be better if I took Wolf back to the Shaeffers for the night and bring his stuff over here tomorrow or when the Student Exchange people make it official. "that would give me time to get a room set up for Wolf, I guess, I'll have to give up my sewing room, unless you want me to move an extra bed into Danny's room". Mom said. I groaned inwardly as Wolf replied that Danny's room would be OK with him.

"Great, that will make it a lot easier," she said.

"Come on, Wolf, let's go," I said.

Wolf followed me to the car and we took off. When I got out of sight of the house, near some vacant lots, I pulled over. "Wolf, I know you and everybody else is happy with the way that things turned out, but you've put me into an impossible situation". I explained about Chris and I being lovers and how I was sure that he was going to come between us. To make matters worse, I was really attracted to him but would feel awful having sex with him for fear of hurting Chris. Furthermore, with him moving in, it's going to be impossible to convince Chris that I wasn't doing it with Wolf. The language barrier was going to make it difficult for Wolf to relate to Chris and vice/versa. These were just the major problems. It was going to be a difficult 9 months. The worst part of it is that this whole thing could be considered a dream come true if it wasn't for me and Chris.

Wolf said, "I'm sorry, Danny, I didn't realize. I was so happy when it looked like I'd finally met somebody who could speak my language, was attractive and gay. Then when it turned out that your father knew mine, it seemed like a perfect solution. I'm sure that you and Chris can work it out. I had a lover and I know something about these things".

We went over to the Schaeffers' and went in. Mrs. Schaeffer met us at the door and said to Wolf, "Your father called and said that you'd be moving in with Danny's folks. He told me how he was good friends with Danny's father and was confident putting you in his care. I'm sorry it didn't work out here, but all we're interested in is your welfare." I translated for Wolf and he answered her in English, "Thank you Mrs. Schaeffer, things fine will be".

I told Mrs. Schaeffer that Wolf wouldn't move out until we heard from the Student Exchange people, at least not before tomorrow. This would give my mom a chance to get things ready. With that, Wolf and I went to his room and talked. He told me about his best friend/lover and how he got killed and how he missed him and how he got here and he couldn't communicate except rudimentary with anybody. How he got frustrated and homesick and wanted to go home, how he was horny as could be and was scared to ask anybody. How I was so beautiful, and nice to him and gay besides. He started crying like a little boy and I was really touched. I went over to him and embraced him and said that it'll work out, just let me talk with Chris first. He turned to me and kissed me and all I could do was push him away and walk out.

I was holding back tears when I left and Mrs.Schaeffer asked "What's the matter?".

"You wouldn't understand," and walked out.

I drove over to Chris's house and sat in the dark waiting for him to get home from work. Shortly after midnight, his car pulled up in the driveway and looking in, he saw me and hopped in beside me. Seeing the anguish on my face, he asked, "What in the hell's the matter, Danny, You look terrible". I reached out for him and fell into his arms and started sobbing uncontrollably.

"Wolf," I said.

"What did he do?," Chris asked.


"Then why are you crying like a baby?"

Slowly, I recounted the evening's events and finally, Chris said, "Holy shit, I can't believe this is happening. So you're mainly worried about me, aren't you? You're worried about what I might think. Danny, I don't want you to worry at all about me. I know the situation with Wolf will be trying but I believe you when you said that you had nothing to do with the situation. We're going to have to live with it. I love you and obviously you love me or you wouldn't be here telling me this. What will be will be".

"You're already assuming that I'm going to end up as Wolf's lover," I said accusingly.

"No, I'm not. I'm praying that you won't fall to Wolf, but if it happens, there's not much that I can do about it. All I can do is have faith in you"

"Oh Chris, take me inside and FUCK me," I said.

"I'd be glad to," Chris replied.

So we went into Chris's room and fucked. I mean fucked. I told him that I wanted him to hold nothing back and fuck me as hard as he could. Somehow, Chris always seems to get it right and I held on to Chris for dear life as he pounded my ass. Our mutual climax was a beyond belief. All the frustration, pain and anguish seemed to have been pounded away by our frantic coupling. For the first time since early that morning, I felt at ease. We lay there quietly, for a few minutes and then Chris said, "I love you Danny".

"Thanks, Chris, I love you too," I replied. "see you in the morning"

"Danny, I think Wolf needs you too," Chris said

The next morning, I was so sore, I could hardly walk. Mom asked what the matter was and I said that I had slipped in the shower and fell on my butt but I'd be OK. "really, Mom it was a freak thing".

As usual, on the way to Chris's house, I picked up the boys. They asked me if I got in Wolf's pants and I said no. "and that ain't the worst of it," I said as I recounted the tale one more time.

"Wow," Tim exclaimed, "You've got that hunk movin in with you and you don't like it?"

"Tim what if it were Kevin that he was moving in with? What would you think?"

"I think I get your drift, I'm sorry. Does Chris know?".


About this time, I pulled up in front of Chris' house and he hopped in, his usual cheerful self. He reached out and squeezed my hand. As I took off, Kevin asked. "When are we going to the beach again?". Chris replied that it didn't look good. For one thing, there was the storm which more than likely washed the beach away. The sand wouldn't come back until next spring. Also, it depended upon Danny.

Wolf was waiting near the door. He said he was ready to go back and see the Principal. We walked in the office and said, "Danny and Wolf, go right on in. Mr. Bennett's expecting you".

We went in. "Well boys it looks like everything is working out. Mrs. Schaeffer called and said that she talked Wolf's father and he is an old friend of Danny's father and that you'd be hosting Wolf. Boy it's a small world, Who'd have ever thought that things would work out like this? Danny, tell Wolf that he's been transferred to all of your classes except English"

"Why not English?" I said.

"Wolf's obviously isn't going to learn much in advanced English Lit. I think he'll actually learn more in German class so I'm assigning him to German," he said grinning. I'm moving him to your home room also.

"That ought to work," I said.

It was a trying day for me. It seemed that Wolf was always asking me to translate what the teacher or somebody said. The teachers were irritated with me and Wolf but since my relationship as translatorwas officially sanctioned, they couldn't say much about it. Wolf was also busy checking out all the hot guys in class and would occasionally comment on one. I was flustered the first few times it happened until I realized that he could say anything he wanted in German and nobody would understand.

Then, that afternoon, before my last class of the day, Wolf was standing next to my locker while I changed books and a voice said in German, "Guten tag, Wolf, Ich heisse Paul". Shocked, I turned around and said, "Sprechen Sie Deutsch".

"Ja," he said. It was Paul Taylor. He was a lot shorter than Wolf, about 5' 9", but well built kid with dark hair. Later, I had a lot of people ask whether he was my younger brother. I had seen him around and thought he was sort of cute, but so are an awful lot of guys in school. Also, he was a Junior, so I didn't run into him in my classes.

Wolf asked him where he learned German. He replied that his mother was German. His father had married her when he was stationed in Germany. His mother spoke German to him at home. Although his pronunciation was excellent, his vocabulary was limited, especially when it came to more technical and contemporary things. I had to translate occasionally a word or two but Wolf and Paul seemed to be able to communicate pretty well. Paul said he'd heard that there was a German student in school and decided to look him up. We stood there talking until I realized that the halls were emptying out. I grabbed, Wolf and told Paul to meet us in the parking lot after school.

On the way to class, Wolf blurted out. "Don't you think Paul is cute?"

"I wouldn't throw him out of bed but cute doesn't make gay," I replied as we entered the classroom.

When I got out to the car that night, Tim and Kevin were already there. So was Wolf and Paul who were talking to each other in German. Paul was trying hard to keep up with Wolf but occasionally, he had to use an English word and then Wolf would repeat it back in German. He was very patient with Paul. Tim and Kevin were just standing there grinning, as I walked up. I pulled them aside and said, "What do you know about Paul Taylor?"

"I don't know" said Kevin. He's cute. He's in a couple of my classes. I've never seen him hang around with girls much or boys either for that matter. Who knows?"

"He's in my gym class. He's not hung too bad, maybe 7 or 8 inches but fat," said Tim.

"Well, I don't know if he's gay or not, but he sure seems to be infatuated with Wolf. Look how he looks at him. And I know that Wolf has the hots for him bad. You guys keep your eyes and ears open and your mouths shut. Until we're sure about him, play it cool. Believe me, the best thing that could happen is if Paul turns out to be gay."

About that time, Chris walked up. He saw the grins on everybody's face and said, "what the hell is going on, you all look like the cat that swallowed the canary?

Motioning over to Wolf and Paul, I said, "Wolf's in love. That's Paul Taylor, do you know him?"

"No, I've seen him around. He sure is cute isn't he? He looks like he could be your younger brother."

"Wolf sure thinks he's cute and Paul appears to be smitten, but we're not sure," I said. "Come on, we've got to get moving. I've got to move Wolf's stuff over to my house. As the guys got in, I went over to Wolf and Paul and said, "Paul, we've got to get going, but if you want to come along, we'll drop you off. Wolf squeezed in the back with Tim and Kevin. Chris was in the front seat. "There isn't any room for me," Paul cried.

"He'll just have sit on your lap, Wolf," I said in German. "Go on, get in, they'll make room for you" I said in English. With that, Wolf reached out and pulled Paul in the back with him and sat him on his lap.

The boys cheered them on saying, "Hooray, I knew we could do it somehow." The only one that didn't seem to be all that happy about it was Paul who appeared to be embarrassed. Fortunately, the boys kept their heads and didn't embarrass Paul with any smart remarks. As it turned out later, it was rather funny. What I didn't realize until later was that this impromptu seating arrangement worked out better than I expected. Because of the lack of space in my Suzuki 4x4, Wolf had no choice but to place his right arm across Paul's lap. By this time, Wolf had the hots real bad for Paul and so he got a raging hardon that Paul was sitting on. Paul of course realized that Wolf had a hardon and got one himself. Wolf couldn't help but feel Paul's hardon but seeing that Paul was turning beet red from embarrassment, wisely kept his mouth shut and didn't otherwise acknowledge it. But the did convince Wolf that he was definitely turning Paul on.

It was just a couple of blocks to where I dropped the boys off. I told them that I'd see them in the morning. Now there was plenty of room in the back for Paul and Wolf who resumed their discussion. We went over the Shaeffers' house and picked up Wolf's belongings. It was mainly a couple of suitcases which I was able to stash behind the back seat. Rather than have to bother with introducing Chris and Paul to Mrs. Schaeffer, only Wolf and I went in. Shortly we were headed for my house.

When we got there, I introduced Mom to Paul in German. He was able to converse with her pretty well. She said that was great that Wolf now had two friends that could speak German. We took Wolf's belongings to my room and sat while he started to unpack. Although it was fall, it was a pretty warm day so I said, Why don't we take a swim. What will we do for swimsuits, Paul asked?

I've got something that should fit you, I said and went in the drawer and pulled out one for me, Chris and Paul. I threw them to them and started taking off my clothes. Paul tried to act nonchalant but again was obviously embarrassed. Not wishing to embarrass him more, I kept quiet as he turned around and slipped down his pants and got the trunks on. In the meantime, Chris, and I were stripped and as Paul turned around, he got a good look at both of us and managed to turn beet red. With this, Wolf announced that he had found his trunks and dropped his pants. He unashamedly turned around facing us and pulled the trunks up. His cock was not hard but he had a partial erection and it was about 10 inches, uncut of course. Paul's jaw dropped and I thought he was going to lose it.

"Come on," I said and grabbed Paul. Wolf and Chris followed.

We splashed around in the pool for a while unit finally, Mom came out and said, "Danny, if all you guys are going to stay for dinner, I'm going to have to get you to run to the store.

"OK," I said, Chris and I will go. I went out and got Chris and told Wolf what we were going to do. I made a point of saying, "we'll be gone at least 45 minutes!" "I guess we'll have to let nature take it's course," I said to Chris as we were dressing. Just as we finished getting dressed, Paul and Wolf came in. I whispered a German phrase to Wolf that essentially meant 'Good Luck' or 'good hunting' but one that Paul was unlikely to know as we walked out the door.

Chris and I took our good time getting the stuff on Mom's list. When we got back, Chris and I went into my bedroom and found Paul and Wolf sitting on the bed. "Well," I said as we walked in.

"It's OK," he said giving Paul a hug. Paul smiled but was obviously uncomfortable.

"Relax, Paul, you're among friends," I said "we all know what's happening. It's OK, believe me".

About that time, Mom called us for supper so we went to eat. I was worried about Paul who didn't say much. He was trying to keep up appearances but it was obvious that he wasn't with it. As soon as we finished eating, I said, "let's go down to the game room at the mall, then I can drop Paul and Chris off. We went out to the car and Paul said, "I don't want to go to the mall, just take me home".

"I don't care for going to the mall either. Paul, I think you need to talk to us". I repeated it in German for Wolf's sake.

"What do you mean?"

"We know you had sex with Wolf. It was your first time wasn't it?"


"Did you like it?"

"I guess so, I mean it felt real good when we were doing it, but now I'm not sure"

"I know what you mean. It's happened to all of us".

"Really? But now I'm queer!" he cried.

"So are the rest of us. Are we all that bad?"

"I guess not".

"Do you like Wolf?, he likes you."

"I guess so".

"Paul, well then be happy that somebody loves you."

"I'm afraid that my parents will find out."

"Some of us have that problem too. If you are careful they won't find out. If they're understanding, it might be better for you to tell them but first you have to come to grips with what you are. I'm proud to be gay and glad that I have Chris as my lover. Don't worry, none of us are going to tell on you. You didn't suspect we were gay before today did you?".

"No," I never had any idea.

"Have you heard anybody around school talking about us being gay?"


"Have you heard any comments about anybody at school being gay?"

"There was some talk about Jerry and Mike".

"Paul, Jerry and Mike were stupid. They got drunk on a picnic and went off into the bushes to suck each other's cock and Mike's girlfriend caught them. If they'd had an ounce of sense, they wouldn't have got caught. We don't intend to let that happen to us. We all stick up for each other and believe me, we'll be here if you need us. I know this is difficult for you but don't let it get to you. Accept what you are".

"Paul, Wolf wants to give you a hug. Will you let him?"

"Yeah. I guess so".

"Wolf, give Paul a hug. We'll drive around a while to let you get to know each other better".

Wolf reached over and pulled Paul to him and gently kissed him on the forehead.

I pulled out on the highway and drove out to the beach. We pulled into our parking spot and Chris said to me, "Danny, it's a full moon tonight, lets walk up to the top of the cliff and see if we can see what damage the storm did to the beach.

"We'll be back in about a half hour," I said to Wolf.

"You ought to be a psychologist, Chris said as we walked off. You analyzed that situation a lot better that I did. It never occurred to me that it was Paul's first time. The way he was coming on to Wolf, I figured he was just another horny little stud like Tim and Kevin"

"I thought he knew what he was getting into but when I got back from the store, I realized right away that he was having a guilt trip. I just hope I said the right things. Given enough time, Wolf could have explained it well enough himself but Paul lacks the German vocabulary, so, I had to do it".

We got to the top of the cliff. We couldn't see the beach all that plainly in the moonlight but it was obvious that breakers were breaking where the beach used to be. "So much for that," said Chris. We stood there embracing each other for a few minutes and headed back to the car.

When we got back to the car, we heard Wolf and Paul talking earnestly. Making some noise, deliberately so as to not startle them we got back in the car. I turned around and asked Paul, "how are you feeling?"

"Better, thanks for talking to me. I think I'll be OK"

"Good, we'd better be getting back before your parents send out the police for us."

"I called my mom from your house so she knows I was there".

"Good, Mom will tell her we went to the mall. If we get back fast enough, there shouldn't be any problem."

In about an hour, I dropped Paul off at his house and then I in turn dropped Chris off. We pulled in my driveway just before 11:00. Mom and dad were watching the news. We talked a little bit before I said I was going to bed. Wolf stayed behind and came along just as I was slipping into bed.

Wolf came over by the bed. "Danke, Danny" he said and turned around, turned out the light and slipped in bed.

The next morning, the alarm woke me up. I went over to Wolf's bed and shook Wolf. Wolf threw back the covers revealing that he had a considerable hardon. "Damn," I thought, that thing has to be 12 inches" as Wolf got up saying he had to piss. "This is going to be hell for a size queen to live with," I thought.

Somehow we managed to get showered and dressed without getting in each other's way too much and soon we were on our way to school. I picked up the boys. I didn't mention Paul and I told Wolf not to mention him either. "Let the boys wonder. When Paul's ready, he'll let us know". Chris was his usual cheery self. Kevin asked about what we were going to do over the weekend. I said "Chris is pretty sure that the storm washed away the beach so that's out. "All our parents are home so I don't know what we can do unless we went camping."

"I know just the place. Death Valley.," Chris said. At this time of the year, the temperature is only in the 80's & 90's. It gets chilly at night so we'll have to take a tent.

"We've got a big tent that should hold all of us," I said.

"Who's all going, are we going to invite Alan and Duane?"

"Sure, Why not," I said. "If any of you see Alan tell him what we're going to do".

That evening after school, Tim and Kevin were standing by the car when I got there. Paul and Wolf were talking nearby. I asked Kevin, "You didn't by chance happen to see Alan today did you?"

"Yeah, He said he'd call you tonight."

"Good, everybody go to bed early tonight, we want to leave early in the morning.

"I've got to ask my parents," Paul said. "Mom wants to meet Wolf. She said she'd love to be able to talk to somebody in German besides me".

"OK, let me go home and tell Mom and I'll take you and Wolf over to your house".

I got to the house and went in. "We're all going camping tomorrow. Wolf wants to see the desert. We're going to Death Valley".

"That's nice, Danny. Wolf ought to enjoy that. Who's going with you?"

"Oh, Chris and a couple other guys from school. Paul wants to go too and his Mom would like to meet Wolf. Apparently, she's excited about being able to talk in German to somebody. Chris and I are going to drop them off and then we're going to get the girls and go down to the Bucket. We'll stop later and pick Wolf up".

We went to Paul's house and Paul introduced us to his Mom. We talked a while in German and she said, "I didn't know that anybody here spoke German".

"I didn't either," I said. "They found out through my school records that I went to school in Germany for 5 years and drafted me to show Wolf around. It was a big surprise when Paul turned out to speak German too. It's a relief to me since I won't have to be with Wolf all the time".

"Do your parents speak German too?"

"Yes, both of them came from German families and my father spent 5 years as the head of his company's German subsidiary. Mom would love talking to you; Paul said that you miss not having anybody to talk German to".

"Yes, it will be a pleasure. Paul learned German from me and I always hoped that he would be able some day to go to Germany and take in some of his heritage. He is really excited about Wolf coming to stay with you. I'm amazed at how much he's come out of his shell. He hasn't any real friends and maybe you and Wolf will be a friend to him".

"Well, Mrs. Taylor, Chris and I had better get going. He doesn't speak German and is getting sort of impatient".

We went over to Chris' house and picked up Tammy and Lisa. We went down to the Bucket and had a hamburger and a coke. A lot of kids from school were there and we had a good time as usual. I was feeling a lot better now that it appeared that a lot of complications were dissipating.

About 10:00, I said, to Chris, "We'd better get going and pick Wolf up. Tomorrow morning is going to come early".

When we got to Paul's house, I went in and Paul, Wolf and Mrs. Taylor were all sitting in the kitchen. She said, "Wolf's going to spend the night here. We're having too good a time for him to rush off. I've already called your Mother and told her. We had a great talk and we're going to get together sometime next week and go shopping or something. Oh, it's so exciting to be able to speak German to somebody besides Paul!"

"OK, I'll be here about 7:00, you guys be ready!".

"I got back to the car and said, "Mrs. Taylor won't let Wolf leave. He's going to spend the night there!"

"Great," Chris said. "Since Wolf is spending the night there, why don't you come over to my place".

"There's nothing I'd love to do more," I said. "Let me drop by the house and get my stuff".

When I got home, Mom said, "Danny, Mrs. Taylor called and asked if Wolf could spend the night there".

"I know, we stopped there already. She said you and her were going shopping next week".

"Yes, I'm really looking forward to it. She seemed so glad to be able to speak German to somebody".

"Mom, you don't mind if I spend the night with Chris, do you. We figure it would simplify things in the morning".

"No, I don't mind. You boys have fun and stay out of trouble this weekend. Oh, by the way some guy named Alan called and left a number".

"Jeez, I forgot all about him calling, he's one of the guys that's going with us. I've got to call him and tell him where to meet us".

First, I went to my room to get my things and called Alan. We made arrangements to meet in the morning. Then we went back to Chris's house and went to his room. As soon as the door was shut, Chris embraced me and started kissing me passionately. "Oh Danny, this is great! I think things are really going to work out fine!"

"Yeah, I'm still in a state of shock. It couldn't be going any better than if we planned it".

"We'd better get some sleep," I said.

Turning off the light, Chris reached over and kissed me. He reached down and grasped my hardon and said, "Your turn?"

"Yes," I said. Chris started kissing my stomach, he worked his way up to my nipples and nibbled on them gently, then he went down to my cock and took it in his mouth. After getting it good and wet, he climbed up over me and laid down with his back to me.

From the back, I positioned my hard cock between his cheeks. I reached over his hip and grasped his throbbing cock. He wiggled his ass and I felt my cock slide into his warm asshole. "Oh, that feels so good, Danny, I love you". He started wiggling his ass and I responded with long strokes in and out. Every time I stroked in, I could feel his cock swell as I stimulated his prostate. Faster and faster I lunged until I felt the cum rising in my nuts and I filled his asshole with cum. I felt his cock get hard and then pulsate as he shot his load. Spent, I relaxed, "Stay in me," he said as the bliss that comes with lovemaking swept over me and I fell asleep.

We slept like babies. The next morning, I woke and my cock was still in him. Feeling me stir, he started wiggling his ass. As his body pushed back against mine, I murmured, "Stop unless you want an ass full of piss."

I guess that woke him up because he rolled over with a slurp as I pulled out of him and said, "Boy, I've got to piss too". We dashed for the bathroom, and Chris grabbed me in an embrace in the shower.

"Chris, I've got to piss!"

"Piss!," he said and I felt a warm trickle on my stomach so I let go too. Kissing me madly, we should in the shower pissing all over each other. Laughing, Chris turned on the shower and we stood there washing the cum and piss off of us. The warm water and the touch of Chris's body was marvelous. Finally, the water started to cool down and Chris said, "we'd better get moving". Shortly thereafter, we were in the car and moving

We went to a filling station where we agreed to meet. Pretty soon, Alan and Duane drove up with the boys. They'd already filled Duane and Alan in on Wolf and Paul. Alan said he knew Paul, they lived near each other.

It was about a four hour drive to where we were going so soon, Wolf and Paul were wrapped up in each other's arms, fast asleep in the back. Chris scooted over close to me and placed his hand on my thigh. Pretty soon we were at Death Valley. Wolf, having dozed most of the way was amazed by the desert landscape. We got instructions on camping sites and decided to hike a couple of miles up a canyon to a wilderness site that would hopefully be remote enough so that we wouldn't be disturbed. Chris figured that anybody that wanted to get away from it all, wouldn't hike up to a camping site that was already occupied and our cars parked at the head of the canyon would serve to warn others away.

We hiked up the canyon with our stuff. By now, it was getting pretty warm and pretty soon all of us were only wearing shorts and shoes. It took an hour or so to hike up the trail. The campsite was in a grove of trees that were growing near a spring. At least, we had water. Chris and I sat up the tent. When we got done, I noticed that Wolf and Paul weren't there. Kevin grinned and said, "They went up that way," pointing to a small canyon that led away from the campsite.

We laid out the blankets and Chris said, "I'm going to get some sun" and proceeded to strip. The rest of us followed suit. Since everybody was tired from the hike up the hill, we all paired up and pretty soon everybody was dozing in the sun. Hearing a noise, I looked up and saw that Wolf and Paul had returned. Paul had an absolutely radiant look on his face.

Wolf, seeing that everybody else was nude, stripped off his shorts and Paul did likewise with a grin. This was my first chance to see him nude and I was surprised to see that he was uncut. I sat up and Chris, not having me to lean against, had to get up too. I snuggled up next to him and put my arms around him and motioned to Wolf and Paul to join us.

"Well, Paul, What do you think of Wolf," I said in German.

"He's really neat. He's so beautiful. He's like a dream come true. I've fantasized for a long time about meeting somebody like him but I was scared to approach anybody who attracted me. I didn't realize that there were others like me so I never did anything for fear that I would be found out. When I saw Wolf in School, I knew right away that he was the person I'd dreamed of. Thank you Danny, and you Chris, for helping me face up to what I was". He looked up at Wolf who reached down and kissed him. Chris and I sat there quietly until Wolf sat back up and said, "I thank you too".

"Welcome to the club," Chris said. Then he reached over and pulled me to him saying "I love you Danny".

"I love you too, Chris".

"Hey, somebody's coming," hollered Kevin.

I looked up and sure enough there were two Park rangers coming up the trail. With a flash of sudden inspiration, I said. "Everybody get some clothes on. Alan, you and Duane get lost, I'll get Wolf to talk to them. We'll make him think that we're foreign students that don't speak English".

The two rangers were guys in their early twenties. Both of them looked like they lifted weights. But, they weren't the overbuilt muscleman type, more like the guy in the solflex ads on TV. Gorgeous hunks was the best way to describe them. The Rangers walked up and while one looked around, the other walked up to Chris and said, can I see your permit? Chris just shrugged and looked at me. "What does he want?," I asked Wolf in German. "Ask him in English what he wants?"

I've got to hand it to Wolf, he's sharp. In broken English, he asked what was the problem. The ranger explained that we needed a permit to camp here. Wolf played dumb and asked "what is permit". The ranger, exasperated asked does anybody speak English here. "nein -- No" said Wolf. "Well," the ranger said slowly. "you must have a permit to camp here." Wolf said "In Germany we camping go all the time. We good campers" In German he said to us, "Aren't we good campers?,"

"Ja," I said. "Ja," Paul answered. "Ja," Tim and Kevin answered.

Looking exasperated, the ranger turned around to his partner and said. "What'd you think we should do? They obviously don't speak English." With a grin, the other guy said, "Well, I don't know about you, but I'd sure like to see what that hot blonde's got between his legs," looking at Wolf.

The other ranger said, "there's a couple of them that I'd like to fuck!".

"Well, let them stay, they look pretty well organized and I don't see any booze. I'll guess they'll be OK".

"Good bye, enjoy yourself," He said grinning looking at Wolf.

The rangers turned around and started to walk away. Tim running came up to the rest of us and excitedly whispered, "did you hear what that one guy said?, they want to fuck! Let's invite them back!" I looked at the rest and except for Paul who didn't have a clue as to what was going on, they all nodded.

Chris turned around and hollered, "if it's fucking and sucking you want, we're game!"

The two rangers turned around like they had been stung in the ass. Tim and Kevin ran to them and each grabbed one by the hand and pulled them back to us.

The first Ranger said grinning, "I thought you guys didn't speak English".

"The 'hot blonde' there," I said looking at Wolf, "is the only one that doesn't".

Chris asked if they wanted to join the party and they looked at each other, grinned and said and "Jeez, if you kids weren't jail bait we'd be interested. Unfortunately, we're also on duty. Thanks for the invite but I'm afraid we'll have to pass. You kids enjoy yourselves".

They turned around and walked with their arms around each other down the trail.

"Darn" Chris said, "They look like they might have been interesting".

Somebody said, "I'm hungry" so for the next hour or so, we busied ourselves with making something to eat. By this time, it was getting dark and Chris and Kevin set up the tent. It was a pretty big tent and there was plenty of room. Kevin and Tim started making out with Alan and Duane.

Chris and I sat together talking with Wolf and Paul. Paul just seemed to be one question after another and I was content to sit there with Chris and talk to them. Chris, obviously wanted to get me turned on so he was breathing in my ear and trying to kiss me but I kept putting him off. Wolf was obviously really turned on too. Paul was sitting on his lap and Wolf was playing with Paul's cock. I could see Wolf's gigantic hardon peeking out from under Paul's leg with drops of precum dripping out of his piss slit.

Looking over at Kevin who was on his hands and knees getting fucked by Duane and obviously enjoying it said, "Danny, do you think that I could do that? Wolf says he'd like to do it but I can't imagine how Wolf's big dick would fit in my ass".

"I'm afraid that I will hurt him," Wolf said.

"I think you could do it. But you have to be very careful".

"Let's demonstrate," said Chris.

"OK," I said. "Chris you and Wolf lay down on your back". I handed Paul a tube of KY. "Here, put some of this on your finger, grease up your asshole and stick your finger in. I climbed down on top of Chris and positioned myself over his cock. "When you first try it, it will be tight but just relax and push your finger in. OK, now move your finger around. Your asshole's loosening up isn't it. Good, now try it with two fingers. OK, I think you are ready to try it. Get up on top of Wolf like I am with Chris. Just sit back and let it slip in. Don't try to get the whole thing in right away. You'll rip your butt open if you try."

I sat down on Chris and felt him slip in. "Now, move it in and out a little bit. Let it slip in a little more each time. When you're ready, sit down on it all the way. I think you can figure it out for yourself from here" and dropped down on Chris and kissed him.

I heard Paul gasp, "OOH, it hurts, but it feels so good too". I looked over and saw that Paul had tears in his eyes. "Pauli are you OK?," Wolf said concerned. "I, I'm o-OK, hold me Wolf," he said lowering his body down on Wolf. Wolf got Paul in a big bearhug and held him tight like he was scared to move. Concerned, I ignored Chris until the pained expression on Paul's face gave way to pleasure. He started small wiggling movements with his ass and I knew that the crisis was over and returned my attention to Chris.

Chris began thrusting with his ass and I put my hands on the ground and bounced up and down on him. We synchronized our movements and shortly, I felt Chris's cock harden and spurt his hot cum in me. This additional stimulation brought on my climax and I ended cumming all over Chris' chest and face.

Laying back down on Chris, I called over to Paul and asked how he was doing. He said it hurt for a while but Wolf had been easy on him. "Oh it feels so good," said Paul with his eyes as wide as saucers. Paul started wiggling his ass and Wolf followed with thrusts of his own. Pretty soon, the two of them were moaning with pleasure. Chris and I lying there next to them could hear them gasp as they neared climax. Wolf with a final thrust moaned and became quiet. Paul just sort of quivered and then relaxed with a satisfied look on his face.

Finally, I asked, "Paul, how was it?"

"Fantastic. I could feel Wolf's cock get real hard and I felt a warm feeling spread through me as he came. It felt so great that I came. I didn't know you could do that".

"It happens with me and Chris all the time. If your partner's cock is long enough, it can reach your prostate which is the source of the terrific feeling you get when you come. The direct stimulation usually allows you to come without touching your cock.".

Nobody was real interested in sleeping so we all sat in a circle talking. Paul, however, refused to let Wolf pull out and said he wanted to get fucked again by Wolf and would let it in there until Wolf was ready again to fuck him. He said that he was afraid that if Wolf ever pulled it out, he wouldn't get it back in. We almost brought the tent down with our laughing over that one.

Chris of course by this time was sitting next to me and everybody else was paired up with their own lover. Finally, I said, noticing that Kevin and Tim were dozing, " why don't we douse the lights and get some sleep?"

"Good idea," Chris said and turned out the light. We snuggled up to each other and soon were asleep.

The next morning, I woke up and could see that daylight was shining through the tent walls. I grabbed my pants and a jacket and slipped out to take a piss. I looked over at Wolf and Paul and saw that Paul was obviously still sitting on Wolf but they were covered with a blanket. Paul had an absolutely angelic look on his face. As I was standing at the edge of the campsite, pissing, Chris came up next to me and stood there pissing also. "Don't you piss on me" I said jokingly and Chris aimed at me and chased me laughing and pissing. He ended up getting more on himself however.

When we got back to the tent, Duane and Alan were just crawling out and they ran for a place to piss. Then, Tim and Kevin crawled out and they also ran off to piss. Chris got the camp stove going while everybody stood around jumping up and down to warm up. The sun was just coming up and only the snow covered mountains to the west were in sunlight. Chris soon had some hot chocolate brewing and everybody eagerly drank their share.

Kevin, finally said, "doesn't somebody think we should wake up Wolf and Paul".

"No," Chris said. "let them sleep. They'll get up when they're ready. This is sort of their honeymoon".

"I think Paul and Wolf are fortunate in being blessed with the opportunity of having the person of their dreams actually materialize. They are both very lucky to have each other," I mused.

"Why don't we take a hike?" said Tim.

So we all took off on the trail. We were gone a couple of hours, I guess it was 11:00 or so when we got back to camp. When we walked into camp, Paul and Wolf were up. They found the supplies and had made themselves something to eat. I looked at Paul and asked how he was, not that anybody could see that he was still in bliss. "Great," he said. "I can even walk!" This broke everybody up.

"Well, what are we going to do now?," Tim asked.

"Let's get something to eat and then break camp and drive around and see some of the rest of this place," I said.

Chris whipped up some food, we ate and soon were headed back to the cars. As we were packing up, The rangers, Mark and John drove up and asked how we were. We said fine and they said to be sure to get a permit the next time and to look them up and they might be able to help. We waved good-bye and hopped in the car. We spent a couple of hours driving around and saw all the sights like Scotty's Castle and the old Borax workings and the salt sink. Finally, Chris said that we'd better be heading back so we hopped back in and started the long drive back to LA.

I guess that Wolf and Paul must have gotten enough sleep because they chatted like magpies all the way back. Paul asked Wolf about Germany and Wolf told him about how he and Erik used to go camping and swimming in Bavaria. In the winter they went skiing and skating. I noticed that Paul's vocabulary was getting better as was mine and mentioned it to Chris.

Chris said, You aren't going to believe this but it's starting to make sense to me sometimes. I can sometimes understand what they're saying, almost. "Boy it would be great if you could speak German, we could get away with murder".

I told Chris how Wolf would make comments about guys in class and how I was embarrassed until it finally dawned on me that nobody else understood. Chris said "you're lucky to know two languages".

I replied that "I'm lucky to know you".

We finally got home and I dropped Paul off at his house, Chris at his and went home with Wolf. Mom and Dad were watching the news when we came in. Mom said, "Inga Taylor called and said you were back. She wanted to thank you for taking Paul, he apparently had a terrific time. I guess you guys are tired".

"Yes, it was great. We saw lots of neat things".

"How did you like it, Wolf?".

"It was great, we don't have anything like the desert in Europe.".

I went to my room and hopped in the shower. Just as I came out, Wolf came in the room and said. "I thought your mother would never quit asking questions about how good a time we had. I finally had to tell her that I couldn't keep my eyes open".

I shut the light off and pulled up the covers. Soon I heard the shower stop and shortly Wolf came out and came over to the bed. "Danny, can I talk to you?"


"Can I lie down with you? I'm not interested in sex, I just need to talk".


We lay there for a while talking. Wolf said that Paul was everything that Erik was but better. Looking back at it, while him and Erik were good friends, and had sex together, their relationship was nowhere near the level of Chris and me. He said with Eric, sex was something that they did but it really didn't mean much. With Paul, for the first time, sex meant something, it was an expression of his love. It seemed to be the same way with Paul. He admitted that until Paul, he never had fucked anybody. For one thing, Erik was afraid of it and he didn't want to hurt Erik so they never tried. I asked what they did and he said mainly they jacked each other off and sometimes he sucked Eric but because of his size, Eric couldn't really satisfy him that way.

He asked me if I thought that Paul would continue to love him and I told him what I told the guys earlier that day about him and Paul being lucky because the person of their dreams materialized in each other. Wolf said that that was nice. "I think you are lucky too to have Chris. -- I'm feeling better now, I think I will go to my own bed," he said and kissed me on the forehead.

Danny & Chris Part 4 The Team

The morning after our weekend in Death Valley, I woke up to Wolf shaking me. "Time to get up." He had what I guess was a piss hard-on because as soon as he saw my eyes open, he ran for the bathroom and I heard him pissing in the commode. I got up and followed Wolf into the john. He finished up as I walked in. While I pissed, he got the shower going. Neither of us shaves yet. In case you didn't read my earlier story, Wolf is a German exchange student who is staying at my house. He's 18 years old, has straw blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, stands about 6'2" has a great but not overly muscled build, broad shoulders and a narrow waist. He's also hung. Very hung, like in HUNG! Would you believe 12 inches and so broad that it's about all you can do to get the head in your mouth. I wouldn't know, I haven't tried it.

He also doesn't speak English very well. Since I speak fluent German, I've been given the special assignment by the principal at school to help out and translate for Wolf when he needs it. He's in almost all of my classes and depends upon me for transportation. He also is gay and wouldn't hesitate for a minute to have sex with me.

My name is Danny, I'm 17. I'll be 18 in a couple of months. I have dark hair and brown eyes, I'm about 5' 10" even, have broad shoulders and a narrow waist. I'm sort of into gymnastics. I have about 9 inches so most of you would consider me hung also.

OK, I guess most of you are wondering why, given everything, haven't I ended up in bed with this blonde Adonis?

It's because I'm scared to death that if I did, it would be the end of my relationship with Chris, my lover. Chris is blonde and about 5'11," has blue eyes, an average to light build a sort of cute but rugged face. Chris's biggest distinguishing characteristic is his big dick. He's got a good 11 inches and it's at least 2 inches across. His cock is what initially attracted me to him but to be perfectly honest, after knowing him, I really wouldn't care if he had only 5 inches. Well, maybe 7. Until Wolf came along, Chris had the biggest dick that I'd ever seen.

Chris loves me and I couldn't bear to let him down. You see, Wolf is, in my mind, Chris-perfected. I'm afraid that if I ever gave in to Wolf, that sooner or later, I'd have to start comparing them and Chris would lose out. Also, Wolf now has a lover, Paul. Paul is about 5' 9," has dark hair, is built about like me and has about uncut 8 inches. Until last week, Paul didn't realize he was gay and didn't have the slightest idea what sex was about unless you call beating your meat, sex. Paul, apparently had fanticized about a tall, strong blonde that was going to be his best friend. When he first saw Wolf, he fell hopelessly in love but didn't really realize what was happening at first. Wolf on the other hand saw in Paul, the perfect embodiement of his dream lover. It was like the the North and South poles of a magnet, you couldn't keep them apart. If you look at all the seeming coincidences and downright bizaare events that lead up to Paul and Wolf getting together, you'd almost believe that some cosmic power orchestrated the whole affair for their benefit. Parents, mine., Wolf's, Paul's; my Principal at school and others all made decisions that pushed us into the situation that we eventually found ourself. It's like a fairy tale. (no pun intended).

Well, anyway that morning we finally got in my car and headed for school. I stopped on the way to pick up a couple of members of our little group, Tim and Kevin who are lovers. My next stop is to pick up my lover Chris. All this got a little complicated when Wolf arrived on the scene since I have a Suzuki 4x4 and getting 5 people in it is difficult. When we got to Chris's house, Wolf had to get into the back with Tim and Kevin. Tim and Kevin are lovers but don't quite seem to have the same relationship that say Chris and I have or which Wolf and Paul seem to be developing. They don't seem to question their relationship to each other and openly compete for the attention of others. Chris and I sort of took them under our wing for their own protection. Ever since Wolf appeared on the scene, they've been trying to get a chance at him. As things happened, over the weekend, Kevin had gotten the chance to get fucked by Wolf and now Tim thought it was his turn.

When Wolf got in the back. Tim wanted him to sit next to him and Kevin wanted him to sit next to him. They started pulling him back and forth until finally, I said, "Let him sit between you. Honestly, sometimes you guys act more like you're 10 years old instead of 15."

"I'll be 16, Thursday," Tim retorted. "Hey, guess what, my dad said that if my grades were good, I could get my license. Then I can drive my own car to school."

"Thank God," I said in mock exasperation.

"What's the matter, Danny?" asked Kevin.

"Nothing, but some times you two get to be a real pain in the ass," I said.

"Our dicks aren't big enough," said Tim.

"You know what I mean," I said.

Wolf asked me in German what they were saying. I had to repeat it in German for him. "See what I mean?," I said, grinning. "honestly, it would make my life easier if you guys had your own transportation."

About this time, Chris got to the car and said "Guten Morgan."

"What's this, Chris, are you going to start learning German?" asked Kevin.

"Sure," said Chris.

"Are you serious?," I asked.

"Jawohl," he replied. I've always wanted to learn another language, this seems like a good opportunity. Besides, it might help Wolf learn English faster.

"I guess so, that's apparently what Mr. Bennett thought when he put Wolf in the German Class."

When we got to school, Paul was there waiting for us. When he saw me pull up, he came running to the car. For a minute, I got a sinking feeling when the thought occurred to me that he might just run up and throw his arms around Wolf. But, I've got to hand it to Paul, he didn't do anything to embarass us. He did come up and say to Wolf that he loved him in German but at least he didn't shout it and nobody out of our group heard it. He took off with Wolf and I said to Chris, "we're going to have to have a talk with Paul before he ends up telling the whole place he's madly in love with Wolf."

"Yeah, he's so naiive that he doesn't even realize it," Chris said.

When we walked by the office, we ran into Mr. Bennett who asked me where Wolf was. I told him that he had made friends with another student who spoke German, Paul Taylor.

"You mean there's another student here who went to school in Germany?."

"No, his mother's German. She married a GI and brought her here. He grew up speaking German and English."

"Well, that's great," he said. "Be sure and let me know if you have any problems."

After school, I had to drop Chris off so he could go to work. Paul said he wanted to study with Wolf at my place. I asked him why they couldn't go to his place and he said because my Mother would monopolize Wolf and I'd never get to talk to him. I couldn't help but laugh.

When we got home, Wolf told Mom that Paul was going to study with him. They went back to our room so I grabbed my books and went out to the patio to study. I do this quite often so nobody took notice. Pretty soon, Mom hollered out that I should go get Wolf and Paul for supper.

I knocked on the door and said "It's me" and they hollered come in. I went in and told them to come and eat.

At supper, Mom said that she and Dad were going out to a meeting and would be back around 10:30. "I guess I can trust you boys to stay out of trouble while we're gone."

"Sure mom," I said.

Mom and dad had hardly gotten out of sight of the house when to my surprise, Chris drove up.

"I thought you had to work tonight," I asked him.

"They had an electrical problem at the store and had to close up early. What are you guys up to?."

"Wolf and Paul have been studying, I was just about to head down to the Bucket but since you're here, I can think of better things to do."

"Wasn't that your Mom and Dad I saw coming down the street?"

"Yeah. You want to swim?"

"Sure," he said as he started stripping off his clothes.

It was cold outside but the pool heater kept the water warm. All of us jumped in, nude, and we started horsing around. Then Chris and I did some laps and pretty soon Wolf and Paul joined in. Wolf was a good swimmer and usually outdistanced me. Finally, I said, let's go in, I'm getting cold. We all trooped into my room and grabbed some towels and dried off. Chris and I flopped down on my bed and I started kissing him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Paul wrap himself around Wolf and drag him down to the bed.

Chuckling to myself at Paul's exhuberance, I heard Chris say, "What's so funny?"

"Paul and Wolf. Look at Paul, he's all over Wolf. I can't get over it. Less than a week ago, Paul didn't know what sex meant and now he's carrying on like a nymphomaniac"

Paul, hearing us murmuring to ourselves asked if I had some KY.

"No, but I've got a jar of vaseline." Paul jumped up and came over and grabbed it, his hard 7 inches bobbing up and down. Excitedly, he ran back to Wolf and pounced on him with the jar of vaseline in his hand. I heard Wolf say "let me have it" and grabbed it away from Paul.

"I want you to fuck me," I heard Paul say, "let me have it."

"Patience, Pauli, there's something that I want to do." He guided Paul around and started rimming, Paul. Paul, in the meantime had the head of Wolf's big cock in his mouth and was working on it the best he could. Wolf grabbed Paul's cock in his hand and started gently stroking it. Paul responded by squirming around and moaning with pleasure. Then, Wolf pushed Paul away from him and said, "now, liebchen, grease it up." Paul eagerly reached for the jar of vaseline, reached in and got a gob of it and greased Wolf's cock real good and then his own asshole as he was backing himself down on Wolf. With an absolutely radiant look on his face, Paul squirmed a bit to get in position and then, he just let himself drop down. His face shattered into a grimace of pain and he let out an audible gasp. Wolf, concerned, pulled himself up on his elbows and worriedly asked, "Pauli, are you OK?"

"I'll be OK," he said gasping and leaned over and let Wolf embrace him. "I didn't think it would hurt that bad," he groaned.

"Is he OK," I called over to Wolf. "I'll be OK," Paul replied, his voice sounding much stronger.

With the crisis over, Chris and I returned our attention to each other. "Fuck me, I said to Chris who responded by sliding down and rimming me. After a minute or so, He kneeled and pulled me up to him. With his precum lubricating him, he slipped in and bent over and started sucking on me. Pretty soon, we were oblivious to Wolf and Paul although from the sounds of pleasure coming from the other side of the room, it was obvious that Wolf and Paul were enjoying themselves. The combination of Chris sucking me and his cock sliding in and out soon brought me to climax. As I felt Chris's cock shoot its hot load, I felt the fire flow through me as I came in Chris's mouth.

Across the room, I heard a moan of pleasure from Wolf as he shot his load into Paul's ass. Apparently, Paul came too since he was moaning along with Wolf.

With everybody exhausted, the room became quiet. After recovering somewhat, I kissed Chris and he looked at me. "I'm glad you were able to get off work," I said. "I love you, Chris."

"I love you too, Danny." Suddenly, I realized that it was getting late. "Shit, my parents will be back any time and our clothes are still outside. Wolf, you and Paul had better get in the shower quick and get that stuff off of you." Laughing they got up and ran for the shower. Chris and I ran out and grabbed everybody's clothes and rushed back in my room just as I heard my parents drive up in the driveway.

Mom walked in and saw Chris and me in the kitchen. Looking at us she asked, "you guys go swimming?"

"Yeah, but we didn't stay in very long, it got too cold. Wolf and Paul are getting dressed now."

Chris and I walked back into our room and I said, "We'd better get Paul home." So we all piled in my car and headed for Pauls house.

Once we got going, I said to Paul, "You scared the shit out of me earlier. I thought it was Tim all over again" and told him the story of Tim and how we had to take him to see a doctor.

"You all actually went to Chris's mother?" he asked increduously.

"We didn't think that we had any choice," Chris said.

The next morning, Tim, excitedly told us how his Dad would take him to get his permit on Saturday. "Pretty soon, I'll have wheels," he said. Paul was there waiting for Wolf when we got there and ran off with him. The Principal had arranged it so that Wolf and I mostly had the same class schedule. As a result I kept running into Paul all day as he joined us between classes so he could spend a minute or so with Wolf before running off to his own classes.

That evening, Chris had to work and I had a class to study for so I suggested that maybe Wolf could go over to Paul's after school and I could pick him up later. Paul was ecstatic. So, I dropped them off after dropping off Chris and went home.

"Where's Wolf?" Mom asked. "Paul invited him over; I'm going to go over later after I get done studying to pick him up."

"That's nice. Inga Taylor and I went out for lunch today. We had a great time. She was very impressed by you, Danny. She said that she thought you were more mature and responsible than she would have expected of somebody your age. She said much the same about Wolf and said she's glad that him and Paul are friends. She said that Paul is a completely different person since he met Wolf. Wolf and Danny is all he talks about. She is thrilled that Paul has a German friend."

"OH, OH" I thought. "the way that Paul is carrying on about Wolf, the cat's going to be out of the bag soon."

The next day was rainy which is unusual for Southern California. Instead of dressing and going outside to play ball or run around the track in gym, we had to stay inside. Mr. Marx, the gym teacher had set up gymnastics equipment in the gym and said we were going to try gymnastics today. He used to be a gymnast himself and so he got up and showed us a few simple moves on the parallel bars and asked if anybody would like to give it a try. Grinning at Wolf, I went up and did the move and dismounted with a flair to the applause of the rest of the guys. Mr. Marx asked where I learned that and told him that I'd been on the Gym team back in Ohio. Then he asked if anybody else wanted to try it. Wolf jumped up and said he'd try.

Well, Wolf didn't stop with the simple move. He went through a complicated series of handstands, flips and other moves culminating in a spectacular dismount to a perfect landing at Mr. Marx's feet. All Mr. Marx could do was stand there with his mouth open and say "SONOFABITCH. I've never been able to do that." All the guys cheered. Finally, Mr. Marx regained his composure and asked Wolf how he was on the horse. Wolf mounted the pommel horse and went through a couple of simple moves culminating in a series of moves where he rotated his body in a circle around the horse. In order to do it, he had to alternately balance on one hand and then the other. It took a lot of strength as well as coordination. Wolf made it look smooth but I knew that it had to be strenuous. Wolf ended up again with an almost perfect dismount to land in front of Mr. Marx. Chris, looked over at me and said, "I've never seen anything like that except in the Olympics on TV."

Mr. Marx pointed to the rings and Wolf said to me out of breath. "Tell him that I need to catch my breath, I'm out of shape," which I translated for Mr. Marx.

"OK," he said. "Now we're going to let you all try some simple moves." He demonstrated again the simple move he wanted us to do. It really got funny. Some of the guys in class were so weak or fat that they couldn't even mount the parallel bars without falling on their face. A couple of well-built macho types that thought that it would be easy, got their feathers ruffled when they found out that it wasn't as easy as it looked.

Pretty soon, time was up and we all headed for the showers. Mr. Marx stopped Wolf and me and asked if Wolf and I could stop by his office after we cleaned up. We took our shower and got dressed and went into Mr. Marx's office. "Wolf, I've never had a student of mine that could put on anywhere near the performance that you did today. I need you on my gymnastics team. Would you and Danny like to be a part of the team."

I translated for Wolf, and he said, "I pretty much figured out what he said,"

"I would enjoy that," Wolf said. "OK," I said.

"I'll see you boys after school."

Paul was waiting for us when we walked out of the Gym. "What in the world is going on? A bunch of guys came out of here making comments like, 'I've never seen anything like that,' or 'No way could I ever do that' and 'That was fantastic' and so on."

"Wolf put on a little gymnastics demonstration and knocked their socks off. I think Mr. Marx creamed in his jeans. He wants Wolf and I on his Gymnastics team. We're supposed to come back here after school. "You can come watch," I said.

After school, we headed for the gym and Mr. Marx was there waiting along with a couple of the coaches. The "gymnastics team" until now consisted of four other guys, Henry Shafner, David White, Tom Thompson and Jerry Baker. None of them were particularly good and I'm not really sure why they kept up with it. Jerry came up to me while we were getting dressed and said, "I hear that you are going to be on the team. We heard some of the guys saying that your friend Wolf blew their socks off this afternoon."

"You should have seen it. You could have scraped Mr. Marx off the floor. Wolf really wowed them. Mr. Marx called us in and asked Wolf to be on the team and Wolf agreed. I figured I might as well too since I have to translate for Wolf sometimes."

Wolf and the rest of us got dressed and went out into the gym. Paul sat on the sidelines with Tim and Kevin. Wolf said he was going to warm up and jumped on the rings and began some exercises then he began swinging and dismounted with a somersault to make a perfect landing. Mr. Marx asked him to do a few things and Chris got up on the parallel bars and repeated his performance of earlier in the day. Next he got up on the pommel horse and went through that routine. I looked over and saw the coaches excitedly talking to each other. The other guys all went up to Wolf and congratulated him. Mr. Marx came up and said this is going to be a great year for the Gymnastics team.

Wolf's performance seemed to really fire everybody up. I had mainly stayed away from the team because I had gotten so wrapped up with Chris and then Wolf. None of us were that good but Wolf changed all that. I could see that every body was charged. Mr. Marx usually called an end to things after an hour. Tonight, we went on for an hour and a half before he told everybody to head for the showers. Paul came up to us and said, "Do you think that I could be on the team?."

"Sure," I said, "Why don't you go ask coach Marx." He went over and talked to him and came back grinning and flashing us a thumbs-up sign. Paul went over and told Tim and Kevin that he was going to try out for the Gymnastics team and they decided to try out too.

The mood in the shower was joyful as it was apparent that for the first time, the team members actually felt like a team.

Wolf, Paul and I headed for the car. Because of our change in plans, Chris had to hitch a ride with somebody else to get home so he wasn't there. Tim and Kevin sat in the back and compared notes on the other team members. I dropped Paul off at home and walked in with Wolf.

"Where have you guys been?" Mom asked.

"We joined the Gym team." I went on to tell her how Wolf blew them away and how Mr. Marx got real excited and asked us to join the team ."

"I thought you weren't interested in going out for gymnastics."

"I didn't. I thought last year at my old school that none of the other guys really cared about the team and that it was just a waste of time. Wolf is a fantastic gymnast. He has got everybody really keyed up. Mr. Marx is talking like we've already won the district championship. Even Paul joined the team. And a couple of other guys came out for the team also. Mr. Marx said he would have been happy if 4 guys would have tried out for the team, now he's got 9. Of course, 3 of the guys including Paul are inexperienced and won't contribute much for a while but Wolf will make a hell of a difference. Coach Marx said I was pretty good too."

"Well, I guess that that ought to keep you out of trouble. I hope you guys can keep up your regular schoolwork."

"I think so," I said.

By the end of the week, the Gym team was shaping up real well. Our after school sessions were beginning to attract a number of students, including Tammy and Lisa, Chris's sister. Wolf was a great teacher and was patient with the other guys. He tried to be as impartial with Paul as he was with the rest. Even Mr. Marx deferred to Wolf saying that Wolf was a much better gymnast than he ever was. The inspiration that Wolf provided was phenomenal. Wolf was getting caught up into the swing of things and convinced Mr. Marx that we needed more practice than what we were getting after school. Mr. Marx arranged for us to come in for an hour in the morning before school and we could also practice on Saturday afternoons.

That Saturday, we had a great practice in the gym. Other than Chris and Lisa, there weren't a lot of spectators; we hadn't publicized the Saturday practice so most of the students hadn't heard about it. Tim came in all excited that he had gotten his drivers permit that morning.

After our practice session, Jerry Baker asked if Wolf and Paul and I wanted to come over to his place and get together, his parents were gone for the weekend and they had a pool. I said that Chris and I had plans and they said that if he a was a friend of mine, that he was welcome.

We all hopped in my car. Chris let Lisa drive his truck home and he piled in with us. Jerry's house was in a very expensive neighborhood. We trooped up and we knocked on the door. Jerry came to the door soaking wet with just a towel wrapped around him saying that all the guys were in the pool. It turned out that Jerry's pool had an enclosure around it so that it could be used year round. We could hear the other guys splashing even before we got to the pool. "they're here," somebody hollered as we came in.

Jerry whipped the towel away and stood there nude and said, "Come on, get your clothes off and join the party. I'll go get something to drink."

We quickly peeled and jumped in. Jerry came back with some cokes, glasses and ice and everybody went to get one. I sat down with Chris and said to him, "Look how they all keep looking at Wolf, if I didn't know better, I'd swear they all have the hots for him."

"I hope Tim and Kevin don't make fools of themselves," I said.

Jerry came up to me and looking nervous, he said, "Danny, can I talk to you?"

"Sure," I said.

"Come with me," he said.

"I'll be back in a minute," I said to Chris.

We went into Jerry's bedroom and Jerry turned around and said "Danny, I hope that this isn't the biggest mistake I ever made but we talked it over and I got elected. You have a good reputation for being straight with people, I hope I can trust you."

"What are you talking about? Are you guys in some sort of trouble?," I asked.

"Only if I'm wrong," Jerry said.

"Well, what's the problem?."

"I think the Gym team is gay," he said.

It took me a minute for this oblique remark to sink in. "What makes you think so?" I said cautiously.

"It doesn't take much for anybody who knows what to look for to see that Paul and Wolf are madly in love with each other. Tim and Kevin act like a bunch of little girls. One of the guys overheard them 'comparing notes'. The rest of us talked it over and decided that you and Chris must be lovers also even though you haven't called suspicion on yourselves. We all got together and talked about it and figured that we had to confront you. Besides, we'd all like to make it with you guys."

"Chris too?" I said.

"Sure, Chris seems to be a great guy and hung too. Well, am I right or wrong?" he said nervously.

"Jerry, that's the best news I've heard today," and reached out to embrace him. You guys are great, we'd love to make it with you."

"You're all gay?"

"As pink ink," I said.

"Let's go out and tell the rest," Jerry said excitedly.

Jerry and I walked out arm in arm. As we walked in the room, Jerry announced, "We're all in the same club, let's party." Tom ran to me and said "are you and Chris lovers?"

"You bet," I said and pulled Chris to me.

Paul, realizing what was happening, let out a whoop and ran to Wolf, grabbed him around the neck, wrapped his legs around him and kissed him passionately. Wolf staggered with Paul's weight and almost fell backwards into the pool. Tim and Kevin acted like they didn't know where to start but headed for Henry and David.

"Any of you studs that think you are going to have part of Wolf are going to have to pry Paul off first," I said.

"I see what you mean," said David laughing.

The rest of them gathered around Chris and me while Wolf and Paul settled down in a deck chair with Paul still hanging on like he was glued.

Tom said, "The four of us have always been discrete. We keep to ourselves and haven't tried to attract attention or put the make on any other guys in school. I think any of us would have loved to make it with you and Chris but you really laid a false trail with those girls you hang around with. We mainly joined the gym team to be able to get together in our own little group."

"That's my sister and her girlfriend," they know about Danny and me, Chris said.

"That sounds like a hell of an arrangement," Tom said. "Anyway when Wolf, Paul, Danny, Tim and Kevin joined the team, we all got the hots for Wolf. We were sitting around the other night kibitzing and somebody questioned whether Wolf and Paul were getting it on. I don't know whether it was wishful thinking or what but we managed to convince ourselves beyond much doubt that Wolf and Paul had to be gay. You couldn't miss the magnetism between them. I'm sure that you realize the attraction that Wolf is to others and we weren't any different. We all decided that we wanted Wolf and Paul to join our group but you, Danny were the problem. Of course, none of us knew Chris all that well at all and you both hung around with girls so we waffled on it. Then one night, Henry overheard Tim and Kevin make some comment about getting it on with Wolf. We figured we had their number. We've been arguing for a couple of days about it and finally we came to the conclusion that since it was pretty obvious that Wolf and Paul were lovers, and Kevin and Tim probably were, that you had to know. We finally convinced ourselves that you and Chris had to be lovers so we decided to risk it when I found out that my parents were going to be gone for the weekend."

"Well, I'm glad you invited us into your group. Chris and I, like you, try to be discrete. This whole affair with Wolf and him moving into my house has been a trying experience but don't get me wrong, I love Wolf and Paul dearly. I've been having nightmares about Wolf and Paul getting found out," I said. "Maybe you guys will have more luck than I have getting Tim and Kevin to straighten up their act."

"It looks like the two lovebirds aren't going to wait for us," Henry said looking over at Paul who was sitting in Wolf's lap.

"You guys don't have any qualms about sharing do you, Danny?" said Jerry.

"No," I said, Chris and I like to spread it around and you don't have to worry about Tim and Kevin.

"Great," Jerry said I've been wanting to swing on your cock ever since I first saw it.

"And I want to swing on Chris's" said Tommy.

"Hey, we want some too," said Henry dragging David over with him. We all ended up on the floor sucking each other. I really can't recall who was sucking who but I'm sure that I must have had most of them. Up until this time, the only thing going on was sucking and kissing that is until I heard somebody say, "Jeez, will you get a look at that?."

We all looked over and Paul and Wolf were going at it. Wolf was lying in a deck chair and Paul was sitting on his cock and bouncing up and down. "ride-em Cowboy," Chris hollered.

It was erotic as hell, watching them go at it. Jerry came up to me and said, "Fuck me Danny" and I heard Tom ask the same to Chris. Jerry got in front of me and bent over so I obliged him using only spit to lubricate. David and Henry got behind Chris and me and started fucking us. Things got pretty wild for a while until every body came and collapsed in a heap.

Somebody, I'm not sure who it was said, "Look, they're still at it" Let's throw them in" and everybody got up and threw Wolf, Paul and the chair in the pool. They were so oblivious to what was going on that they didn't realize what we were doing until they were flying through the air. Wolf came flying out of the pool and literally threw Tom into the pool and then started chasing the rest of us. Chris and I figured the best way out was to just jump in. With everybody in the pool, all that Wolf could do was cannonball in after us.

He was grinning when he swam up to me and said, "Why did you all throw us in?."

I said, "Wolf we were having an orgy and you two acted like we weren't even there. We couldn't resist. Why don't you two join the party."

"I guess we were being selfish," he said and swam over to Paul.

This time the orgy resumed with Wolf and Paul. Jerry was the lucky one that got fucked by Wolf. Chris and I fucked Henry and David and Paul sucked a few dicks and Tim and Kevin got their share. When it finally got to the point that nobody could get it up anymore, everybody collapsed in a big heap for an hour or more. Jerry finally got up and said, let's go in the rec room and he got out blankets for everybody. There was a gas fired fireplace there and everybody sat around fire with their lovers, soaking in the heat.

Pretty soon, somebody asked about our chances in our first meet, next Wednesday. We sat around and talked about gymnastics and other things until everybody fell asleep. The next morning, I woke with Chris snuggled next to me. As we sat up, I looked over and nudged Chris. Paul was lying on top of Wolf with Wolf's cock up his ass. As usual, he had the most contented, angelic look on his face that I couldn't help but laugh. Our laughing woke up the rest. Seeing what we were laughing at, they joined in.

Finally, Paul opened his eyes and Henry asked him how he what his secret was for keeping Wolf's cock in his ass all the time and Paul, in mock seriousness said. "I only let him take it out to pee," whereupon everybody rolled on the floor laughing.

Jerry got up and although he tried to hide it, walked like he had a broomstick up his ass. Chris piped up "it's sure easy to see who got fucked by Wolf last night."

Tommy said "Chris isn't so small either" hobbling to catch up with Jerry.

Jerry then said, "How about going to Disneyland? My Dad's got a bunch of passes." So we all ended up spending the day at Disneyland. Wolf and I, having never been there before, had a particularly good time. Needless to say, we were exhausted that evening when we got home.

The Team Part 4a (Continued)

Tuesday after practice session, Mr. Marx gave us all a pep talk. He said that we had a good chance. (The team that we were meeting wasn't from a school that was known to have a powerful gymnastics program.) He had never seen a group with our spirit. He was amazed at the progress that we had made in the past week. Wolf was one of the best gymnasts that he had had the opportunity to ever work with and he was sure that Wolf was the key to the success of the team. He wished us luck the next day and told us to be sure and get a good night's sleep.

The next evening was our first meet. The other team was arriving just as our team got to the gym after the last class of the day. We quickly got dressed and went out into the gym. we went through some brief calisthenics to warm up and the guys on the other team did likewise. Several of us got up on the pommel horses and did a few warm-up exercises. Then one of the referees blew a whistle and we all sat down on opposite sides of the gym. I looked up in the stands and saw a pretty good crowd of people in the stands including Lisa, Tammy and Chris who had arranged to be off work for a couple of hours.

They started with the beginners like Tim, Kevin and Paul. The other team's guys did pretty well. Tim and Kevin did all right and Paul did pretty well. I figured it was pretty much a draw at this time. Next, it was time for the intermediates and again, our guys did pretty much the same as them. Finally, it was time for the advanced exercises. As soon as they started their stuff, I figured we had it made. Even though their guys were good on the parallel bars and pommel horses, I knew that I would do better and of course, Wolf would do even better.

I went through a pretty simple routine that I thought was pretty good and got a good ovation from the crowd. When I went to sit down, Mr. Marx gave me a grin and a thumbs-up sign.

Wolf's turn came and he started out slowly. As the gym quieted down, Wolf put on a demonstration that absolutely wowed them. He dismounted with a double somersault to a standing ovation. Next came the pommel horses and again, their guys were good but limited. Wolf again showed his stuff and wowed them again. The audience was so thrilled that they started stamping their feet and shouting MORE! MORE! Mr. Marx came over and said the official competition was over but would Wolf like to try one more routine so he wowed them on the rings, finishing with a roar of applause.

We all rushed into the locker room and were slapping Wolf on the back congratulating him. The other team came in and some of their guys came over and shook hands with Wolf. Finally. we stripped and headed for the shower. As Wolf and I came back from the shower, Mr. Marx came in with the coach of the other team who shook Wolf's hand and said that that was one of the best amateur performances that he had ever seen. To my surprise, he said that he was impressed with my performance also.

The next morning, Paul came out waving the newspaper. Wolf, you're in the paper. Sure enough, buried in the back of the sports section under 'High School Sports' was a short blurb: "Washington HS walked away with the Gymnastics match last night with Wilson HS due to brilliant performances by Seniors Danny Walker and Wolf Mueller." We couldn't wait to get to school and show it to the rest of the guys on the team. Of course they had seen it too and everybody was excited.

That evening, Mr. Marx called us together. He said that he had had calls from just about every High School coach in the area wanting to know more about Wolf. He said that he had gotten calls from the sports editors wanting to know about Wolf and me.

Fired up by our success, we pushed even harder. All of the guys on the team were becoming really dedicated. Even Kevin and Tim forgot their preoccupation with everybody's cock and concentrated on gymnastics. As usual, Wolf was a patient teacher and pushed all of us to the limit. He and Paul would take turns studying at each others' house in the evening with me as Chauffeur. It usually worked out that Wolf would go over to Paul's house on nights that Chris wasn't working. One morning, he said that he and Paul were afraid to try anything at Paul's house for fear that they would get caught. He said that they were really getting horny and wondered if I could figure out some way for them to be able to have sex without fear of being interrupted.

I'd figured that they were managing to get it on with each other and told Wolf that they were welcome to join Chris and me at Chris' house the next time. Chris's mother worked evenings and Lisa could easily be persuaded to go to Tammy's for the evening so we could have the place to ourselves.

The next evening, Wolf and I picked up Paul after supper and went to Chris's place. We all went in Chris' room and started making out. Chris and I embraced and were just getting excited when we were pounced on by Wolf and Paul. Wolf said that it was time that he and I got it on together and that Paul wanted to be fucked by Chris. I looked at Chris who said sure, he wasn't about to throw away a chance for a good lay.

Wolf, it turned out, was fantastic. He was strong, yet gentle and soon, I found myself getting really turned on by Wolf. Wolf also had a few tricks up his sleeve and it turned out that getting fucked by him was an entirely new experience. I didn't have any trouble with his size since I was quite used to Chris who was almost as big.

Wolf and I had just finished cumming when I was aware of Chris and Paul moaning with pleasure. In a final spurt of activity they came and quieted down. "Come on down here, you two," Paul said so Wolf and I dropped to the floor where the four of us ended up in a four-way embrace. We lay there for some time until like there was some unseen signal, Paul climbed on top of me and started kissing me passionately. He lay on top of me and started writhing around. He got my dick between his legs and managed in no time to get me hard as a rock. Wolf on the other hand must have pulled much the same trick on Chris. I out of the corner of my eye, I saw Wolf pounce on Chris and as soon as he had Chris good and hard, spit and reached back and lubricated his asshole. He pushed up with his hands, lifted up and sat down on Chris. With a gasp, he said "That's something that Pauli can't do. FUCK me Chris."

Paul in the meantime had lunged forward and backed down on my cock. Then he proceeded to give me the fuck of my life. I didn't know how anybody could control their ass muscles like that. Paul seemed to be able to run spasms up and down my cock like there was some hand inside there stroking my cock. With his ass seeming to vibrate, I let loose into Paul and felt his cum hit me in the face, enough of it landed in my mouth so that I could taste that it was very sweet tasting. Paul collapsed like a rag doll and lay breathing hard on top of me.

I told you once before that Chris always seems to get it right and he had rolled over Wolf on his back and was pounding Wolf who was hollering, FUCK ME CHRIS, FUCK ME. With a final spasm, Chris came in Wolf and Wolf came all over his chest. Wolf reached out drew Paul and me to him and we all just lay there exhausted.

Finally, Paul sat up and said, "Chris, Danny, from now on, Wolf and I consider that the four of us are lovers. I just don't have Wolf for a lover, I have Wolf, Chris and Danny for lovers." I was really touched.

"Paul, you planned this, didn't you?"

"Of course. I had to get you and Wolf together somehow. You've avoided Wolf like the plague because you thought you would hurt Chris and Chris didn't want to hurt you either. Wolf wanted you and Chris too and I came to the conclusion that I needed you two as well as Wolf."

"Wolf, Chris, what do you think?"

"I think he's right," said Chris.

"I love you all," said Wolf.

"Paul, I love you all dearly. Although I sincerely hope that you are right, I'm afraid that your view of the world is overly simplified. In the real world, it's not that simple. You make a mistake by assuming that someday any of us won't have to choose or take sides against the other."

"Danny, sometimes you are a stuffed shirt. I think sometimes you take things far too seriously. I agree with you to some degree but I think Paul is thinking of now and not the future. I'm certain that eventually our paths will diverge and our lives will get more complicated but for now, his philosophy is good."

"Chris, I guess you are right. Paul, Wolf, give me a chance will you?"

At this, each one in turn reached over and kissed me. And Chris said, "Danny, you seem to be have the knack of understanding the implication of things that go unnoticed by the rest of us. Obviously, someday you will be a big manager like your father. We appreciate your insight but for now, why can't you just let your heart guide you?"

We lay there for a while just hugging each other until I finally said, "Wolf, we had better get Paul and you home." I reached over and kissed Chris, "Goodnight, Chris, I love you."

I drove Paul home and he kissed us goodnight.

On the way home, Wolf said, "Danny can't you love all of us equally?"

"Wolf, I sincerely hope that I can. It's just that I don't think that it will be possible always to be fair an impartial to everybody. However, if anybody can do it, it's Paul. I'm more impressed by him every day. He's turning out to be a superb judge of human behavior and a hell of a lay. Did you teach him how to fuck like that?"

"No, he's a natural."

That night, I asked Wolf if he wanted to sleep with me. We lay there for a long time talking about the team, Paul, Chris and lots of things. In the morning, I woke before the alarm with Wolf lying behind me, breathing in my ear with his arm draped over my side lightly grasping my cock and his hard cock between my thighs. I lay there for a few minutes debating on whether I should disturb Wolf and get up and piss or just lie there. The buzz of the alarm finally decided me. I reached up and turned off the alarm and Wolf, waking, pulled me to him. "I've got to piss," I said as I climbed over him and dashed for the bathroom. We both stood there pissing and I couldn't but help to get a thrill from standing there next to him remembering the feel of that big cock in my ass.

We quickly showered, dressed and hit the road, first picking up Paul, then Tim and Kevin and finally Chris. Chris got in, kissed me and then reached back and kissed Wolf. Tim looked at Kevin who shrugged. As we got moving, Chris, said, "Lisa told me that Pam Morris is trying to arrange a big Halloween party and wants to invite Gymnastic team. She thinks, that Pam has the hots for Wolf."

"Isn't that the girl who used to be Mike Wilson, the football jock's, girlfriend?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, she broke up with him because she caught him and Jerry Roberts in the bushes at a Beach party. I don't like this. She's a scheming bitch. Now that Wolf is the star of the Gymnastics team I'll bet she's thinking that here's her chance to regain her position as queen of Washington HS society," I said.

"Well, we don't have much choice. If we decline, she's sure to start making up stories that we're gay. I guess it won't be all that bad. I hear her parties are really something." Chris said. "Her parents have lots of money and she usually does it up great. She'll probably have it catered and the booze will be flowing like water."

Sure enough, that morning, Pam ran up to Wolf and me in the hall and said, "Danny, I'm going to have a little Halloween party a week from next Saturday night. I'd like to invite you and Wolf and the rest of the Gymnastics team. It's going to be a costume party, so come prepared."

"We'd love to come, Pam. Thanks for inviting us. I'll tell the rest of the guys."

After practice that night, I told the rest of the team about it. Just the fact that it was one of Pam Morris' parties was enough to get most of the guys pretty excited.

"Wolf and I have come up with a great idea for costumes for the team. You've all heard of Wagner, haven't you. He wrote some operas based on German mythology. One of the key figures, is a blonde Amazon warrior by the name of Brunhilde. Wolf will be Bunhilde. We can all go as 'her' escort. Wolf even thought of bringing along a Boom Box and making a grand entrance to the 'Ride of the Valkyries', you know, duh duh d' duh duh... humming the opening bars to the tune."

"That's absolutely outrageous," Chris said "We'll blow their socks off."

"You mean we're all going to go in drag?" I said, astonished.

"Sure, why not? The whole thing is so bizarre that nobody will think twice about it. Tammy and Lisa can be technical advisors. Halloween is one time when you can get away with something like this without anybody thinking twice about it"

We had about two weeks to get ready. We also had a couple of meets that we ran away with easily. After the 2nd one, Wolf's picture was in the sports page. It was a great shot of him making a dismount off of the bars.

My house was the base of preparations for the party. We had to make shields and spears and other items as part of our costumes. Tammy and Lisa measured the guys for costumes. The girls volunteered to go out and buy swimsuits that would make the basic costume. She also got us all blonde wigs while we made the helmets, shields, breastplates, spears and swords. Because of all the stuff we had to bring with us, Chris suggested that we rent a big van and we could all come as a group. I said, that my dad could probably borrow one from work for the weekend.

The night of the party, which wasn't supposed to start until 8:00, we all assembled at my place about 6:00 and started getting dressed. My parents had gone out to a party of their own so we had the house to ourselves. It was hilarious as the guys got into their outfits. We all wore a basic flesh colored girl's swimsuit as the basis for our uniforms. We stuffed the bra's to fill them out. Next we put on our breastplates, and shin guards. Then, Lisa and Tammy worked with each of us applying lipstick and makeup. When we got done and put on our wigs, we were the hottest looking bunch of amazons you had ever seen. Wolf was of course the hottest. He had breasts the size of melons.

We all pulled into the van and I drove to Pam's house. We all piled out and assembled in a military column and marched up the driveway. Paul turned on the boom box and to the strains of Wagner, we marched up to the door. Hearing, the commotion outside, Pam, who had been at the door, welcoming guests, opened the door and we walked in, in formation, with Wolf in the lead. Wolf boomed out in German, "I am Brunhilde, queen of the Valkyries." Then in English, "You will escort us to the festivities." With Wagner still blaring, we marched out to the patio. Pam, being quick, had somebody turn off the stereo so our entrance was not marred.

In a nutshell, we wowed them. Wolf was spectacular. I think everybody was rolling on the floor.

Pam came up to us and said, "you guys are outrageous. I never figured you guys would come like this."

Having made our grand entrance, we all dispersed and started mixing. There were a few kids who had obviously spent some time getting a costume together. There were the usual, vampires, medieval maidens and one of the football jocks came as a Gorilla. Most of the rest came as bums or just wore masks. There was no question, we were the best.

Quickly our group dispersed and soon we were socializing all over. Kevin and Tim were dancing with some girls they knew. Lisa and I danced and I bumped into Chris and Tammy a few times on the dance floor. I'd figured that everybody would just have to fend for themselves. I figured Wolf could always play dumb if things got too rough. His English was improving but he still wasn't a brilliant conversationalist in English. So, I was pretty surprised when I noticed from across the room that he was in animated conversation with a cute little blonde girl. Curious, I walked over to see what was going on. I wasn't really all that surprised when I realized that they were speaking German. I approached and Wolf saw me and introduced her to me. We soon were having a great time. Soon, Paul, getting curious like I had been earlier wandered up. Pretty soon we were having a grand time just rattling away in German.

It seems that she was an exchange student also. She came to the party as the blind date of a guy who went to our school. His buddy went with the girl whose family was hosting her. Her name was Ingrid and her host was Nicole. She didn't hit it off too well with her date who had pretty much ditched her. After she started talking with Wolf, he pretty much did a disappearing act. She, like Wolf had undergone a period of homesickness when she got here and was very happy to be able to speak German for a change although her English was pretty good. Wolf to his credit did get her phone number and promised to call her.

Finally, about 12:30, I went up to Pam and thanked her for a lovely evening on behalf of the team. I said we'd love to stay but we had to get some of the younger members home. She said that the pleasure was hers that we had been the hit of her party and that she was glad that we enjoyed ourselves.

We dropped Lisa and Tammy off at Tammy's and then went to my house. We couldn't wait to get the outfits off. We all stripped and engaged in a big group fuck that lasted until 4:00am.

The next morning, we had to take turns showering and getting cleaned up. Finally, all that remained was Paul, Chris, Wolf and myself. After cleaning up the house, which took a while, we were all sitting in the rec room watching a movie on TV when Lisa and Tammy came by.

"Well guys, you really wowed them. I'm sure everybody in school will know all about it tomorrow morning. Pam called me and said the party was a huge success; everybody had a great time thanks to you guys. She was going on and on about Wolf being incredibly sexy, even in drag. If you thought she had the hots before, you ought to hear her now. Wolf, we've got to get you a girlfriend before Pam latches on to you."

"Well, that might be easier than you think," I said, and told them about the girl that Wolf met at the party.

"Well, are you going to call her?" Lisa asked.

"I guess so," Wolf replied.

"Well, do it," Lisa said.

"Now?" Wolf asked.

So Wolf called Ingrid and asked if she wanted to go to the Bucket that evening with us. She said, "Yes, if Nicole from her host family could come too." We figured that Paul could go along too for Nicole.

About this time, my mom and dad came in.

"How did it go?" Mom asked. "Terrific," I said. Wolf told her how our entrance had brought the house down. Also, Wolf met a girl exchange student from Germany."

"Why Wolf, that's great!" Mom said.

After supper, we went and picked up Ingrid and Nicole. Since we still had the van, we didn't have to split up. Wolf and Ingrid hit it off pretty well. To my surprise, Paul and Nicole hit it off. What was even more surprising, was that Nicole and Ingrid, seemed to really hit it off with Lisa and Tammy. When a bunch of kids from school wandered by, Lisa said, "Why don't you guys get lost for a while so we girls can talk?"

When we came back a half hour or so later, Lisa said, "You guys are lucky, Nicole and Ingrid are just what you need." I guess everybody in the bucket heard us cheering at this news. Lisa told us how Ingrid had gotten interested in the Student Exchange program because she had been having an affair that broke up. When she got here, she got homesick and Nicole, trying to comfort her ended up getting seduced by Ingrid. Nicole realized that she was gay and fell for Ingrid. She had been going with this guy from our school, mainly for appearances and their relationship was already on the rocks. He had asked her to go the party a couple of weeks before and she fixed up his buddy with Ingrid. Last night, after the party, she finally broke up with him by mutual consent.

Lisa somehow sensed what was going on and realizing that there was little risk involved since Nicole and Ingrid didn't go to our school and Nicole had broken up with her boyfriend who did go to our school, laid the cards out on the table and it turned out to be a winning hand. It looked like everybody was going to win with this hand.

Since it was getting late, I suggested that we head out and get everybody home. After I dropped everybody off except for Paul and Wolf, I asked them what they thought of the arrangement. Wolf and Paul both were happy with the arrangement and said that Nicole and Ingrid didn't seem to be as bad as a lot of girls.

"That's because you're interested in them for reasons other than what's between their legs," I said.

Wolf and I dropped Paul off and headed home and to bed. Lying in bed, is a good time to talk and Wolf and I talked for a long time before we finally both fell asleep. Before we went to sleep, Wolf said that he might have to change his attitude toward girls. While Lisa and Tammy seemed to be nice, Ingrid was nice also. He didn't necessarily feel any sexual attraction but he did like her, maybe protective, toward her. I told him that that's the way I felt about Lisa. "Hell, maybe we'll all end up marrying them some day."

The next morning, I woke up with Wolf's arm draped across my chest and his thigh lying across my crotch with his big hard cock poking me in the ribs. What a way to wake up.

A couple of mornings later, Chris got in the car grinning. "Lisa said that Pam called and said she heard that we were down at the bucket the other night. Lisa said she laid it on pretty thick about how Paul and Wolf had girlfriends that they met at her party. Lisa said that Pam tried to act nonchalant about it but she obviously was steamed." This got a good laugh out of everybody.

That evening, they got the four girls and went down to the Bucket for an hour or so and then Wolf, Paul and I ended up at Chris's house.

Going into Chris' room, Chris said, "Guys I've got an idea."

"What's that?" I said while slipping off my shirt.

"Since we've been involved in the Gymnastics team, we haven't had much opportunity to get with Alan and Duane. What do you say if we get together with them this weekend and go into LA to the coffeehouse?" I'm sure that Paul and Wolf would get a kick out of it. Maybe we can hook up with Roger and Chuck. If things turn out OK, we can spend the night there."

"That sounds like a great idea," I said. "I'll bet Alan and Duane would get a kick out of it."

Wolf and Paul wanted to know about the coffeehouse. So Chris and I told them about our excursion to LA, how we met a couple of guys in a restaurant and went to this neat coffeehouse frequented by all sorts of gay people and how we eventually ended up and spent the night with Roger and Chuck.

"What about Tim and Kevin?" Paul asked.

"You have to be 18 years old to get in or at least look 18. You'd pass, Paul, but I'm afraid they wouldn't. The same thing's true for the rest of the guys on the team."

"Great, Paul," said. "It sounds like a blast, but for now, let's fuck" and pounced on Chris.

The next day, I ran into Alan and asked whether he and Duane were interested? He said, "I thought you guys had forgotten all about us."

I told him that being on the team had sort of changed things but it wasn't anything personal. It just seemed like something else was always coming up. I told him that a couple of times that I was going to try to get them introduced to the team but the opportunity never arose so we decided to do this and forget the rest of the team for the weekend.

Alan said he'd have to ask Duane and would call me that night.

The four of us were studying at my house that night when Alan called and said Duane was delighted.

Saturday, we headed for LA and got to the Act IV coffeehouse shortly after it opened. Roger and Chuck didn't have a phone so I couldn't call to let them know we were coming. We sat down in one of the booths and Chris and I filled Alan and Duane in on what to expect.

Chris nudged me and said, "Danny, there's Sally."

I stood up and caught her attention and she came swishing over to the table. "Well, if it isn't the hunks from Orange County. Ooh, it looks like they've brought some fresh meat with them. Who's this blond god here. Mind if I sit on your lap?" she said, bouncing onto Wolf's lap. Reaching under her and feeling up Wolf real good, she said, "Oooh, what a big dick, lets' go FUCK!."

Wolf sat there with an astonished look on his face while Chris and I tried to keep from laughing. Duane, next to Chris was mortified. Then, "not interested, huh? What's this?" She slipped off of Wolf's lap and over onto Duane's. "I like black cock too. Do you want to Fuck?. What's the matter, are you guys queer?"

Chris and I couldn't help busting out laughing. "So you guys came back, my offer is still good, Chris, anytime you want to fuck.."

Chris said, "Sally, the blonde god is our lover, just so you'd know, he's got about 12 inches, Duane, there next to him has 11 and his lover Alan, has only got 8. The little hunk here," placing his arm around Paul. "unfortunately doesn't have much either, only 8 inches."

"Well, I tried. Any time ...," she said batting her eyelashes as she got up and flitted off.

"Who in the hell was that?" Paul asked laughing. Duane was still sitting there trying to figure out whether he should be mortified or laugh.

"That was Sally, she's a transvestite," I said.

"You mean she's really a man?" Alan said.

"Sort of. She takes hormones to make herself look like a girl."

"Hey, look who came back." I looked up to see Roger and Chuck standing there. "I see Sally's already been over here. Who's your friends?" Roger asked.

"Hey, sit down," Chris said and introduced Roger and Chuck to the rest of our group. "Wolf and Paul and Danny and I are all lovers. Alan and Duane are good friends of ours."

"Did I hear you right, the four of you are lovers?"

"That's right," I said and recounted the tale of how Wolf and Paul came into our lives.

"Well, it sounds sort of complicated but you guys seem to be confident that it will work out."

By this time the place was filling up and Chris said, let's dance. We all got up and got on the dance floor. I paired up with Chris and Paul with Wolf. I'd seen Paul and Wolf dance together before and boy, were they hot tonight. Pretty soon, they were the only ones dancing, everybody else was watching them. After that dance, they both got asked to dance with so many others that it was some time before they got back to the table. Chris and I got a big charge out of watching them. They practically had the whole place watching them. Eventually, they came back exhausted and sat down with Chris and me. Alan finally convinced Duane to dance and they took off.

Roger said, "If you guys want to go to a party, I'm sure that we won't have any problem getting an invitation. You just say the word."

"I wouldn't mind a party where I could meet people, but we don't want to get involved in some gang-bang where you don't know who's fucking who."

"I know what you mean. Hey there's a bunch of guys I'll bet You'd like to meet. Hey, Donnie, come over here. This real cute blonde guy with turned around and looked over at us.

"OK, he hollered, We'll be right over. I saw him pulling on another cute blonde. I saw the first one whisper to the second and then he came over. He sauntered up to the table and said "Terry's getting Donnie and Larry; they'll be right over in a couple of minutes." He stood at the end of the table and Roger said this is Ronnie and introduced the rest of us. Ronnie was really cute. He had a nice build and an extremely cute face. He had long blonde hair and apparently wasn't wearing any underwear because his cock was hanging down halfway to his knee. Being the size queen that I am, I let out a whoosh and gave Chris sitting next to me a knowing look. Boy this kid was hot! He said "You're the guys that were dancing out there earlier. Boy you had them eating out of your hands!"

The other guy whom I had seen him talking to earlier came up and stood next to him. Like Ronnie, he was lightly built but with dark hair and a beautiful smooth dark complexion. He had a wiry look about him and moved with the grace of a cat. Like Ronnie, he wasn't wearing any underwear and it looked as if he was hung as well if not better than Ronnie. "My name's Terry," he said with a twinkle.

Chris introduced the rest of our group and said, "Care to join us?"

"Sure," Ronnie said. And he and Terry sat down. Roger got up and said to Chuck, "Let's dance."

"Roger, if you see Donnie and Larry, tell them we're over here."

"Sure," Ronnie said. "Where are you guys from?"

We told him that we were from Orange County. He said that they lived there in Hollywood, we're dancers. You guys are built pretty well, do you work out?."

"No we're gymnasts, except for Chris. He has to work so he's not officially on the team but he works out with us sometimes," I said.

"Well that explains why you guys are such good dancers. Dancing and Gymnastics have a lot in common. We do some gymnastics ourselves," Terry said.

Wolf said in German that these two guys were really hot and Paul said, also in German that he was getting turned on. Even Chris, said in German "look at how they're hung."

Terry, said, "What did they say."

"That you guys are hot and hung."

"Sounds like German."

"Yeah, Wolf is an exchange student from Germany." About that time I looked over at the end of the table and took a double take. SONOFABITCH."

Wolf, Paul and Chris looked over and Paul said, "Holy Cow," Chris said, "JEEZ" and Wolf said "Gott im Himmel." Standing at the end of the table were the identical twins of Ronnie and Terry.

Ronnie and Terry laughed and Terry said "this is my twin Larry and Ronnie's twin Donnie. The four of us are lovers."

"Just like us," said Paul.

"The four of you?" Ronnie asked?

"Yeah," Paul said, "if you want one of us, you've got to take all four of us."

"You guys want to dance?"


If you think that Wolf and Paul wowed them before, We really wowed them this time. When we hit the floor, everybody else cleared off. Donnie, Ronnie, Terry and Larry must be professional dancers and moved with the grace of cats. Chris, even though he wasn't one of the gymnastic team members was a natural dancer. Paul, Wolf and I had natural grace. That probably was a good reason why we were good at gymnastics. Their dancing was very erotic and we thoroughly enjoyed it.

We danced for, I guess, close to an hour before the place started to get too crowded so we sat down again. I had to piss and headed for the john. On the way, I ran into Roger and Chuck with Alan and Duane. "Danny, we're going to take Alan and Duane home with us. You know where we live, here's our phone number. You can pick up Alan and Duane in the morning."

"But what about us?" I said.

"If you danced with the twins, you're going to end up with them, I'm sure of it. They only do it together with groups of four like yours on very rare occasions. Don't worry, they're terrific and they're perfectly safe. I'm sure you guys are in for a night that you won't soon forget."

I had to stand in line to take a piss. By now, all the drunks were flooding in from the bars and the line to the john was a mile long. I must have gotten groped a hundred times before I got back.

I got back to the table, and Chris and Wolf said they had to go piss. I told them good luck, the line's a mile long. also that they'd better hold on to the family jewels because they were more than likely going to get groped.

Ronnie or Donnie said, "You guys must spend the night at our pad, it's not that far from here, we can get there before you'll ever get to the john"

"What about Alan and Duane?" said Chris.

"They already took off with Roger and Chuck, I've got their number, we're supposed to call in the morning," I said.

"What are we waiting for?" Chris said.

It took us five minutes, to get through the bar crowd and we got groped too many times to keep track of. Outside, Donnie, Terry and Larry, split away and Ronnie said he'd come with us to show us the way.

Their pad was a couple of minutes up Laurel Canyon. It was a large open room with mirrors and bars along the wall like you see in dance studios. They also had a set of parallel bars and a horse. They had a great stereo system and put some music on. There weren't any beds, just two big kingsized mattresses on the floor in one corner, that and a number of beanbag type chairs. Somebody turned out the lights and lit some candles and suddenly, the place took on an exotic atmosphere. They all stripped, so we did too and everybody lay down on the big mattress.

Their idea of sex turned out to be an offshoot of erotic dancing. Each one of them selected one of us and started dancing. For example, I paired up with Terry. He stood before me and placed his hands on my shoulders and started weaving back and forth in time with the music. Then he motioned me to follow along, moving with him. He took his hands and moved them lightly up and down my body. He flitted around behind me and drew his hands lightly up the inside of my thighs. He reached around me and lightly grasped my cock and then let it go lightly brushing his hands up my body. Then he came around to the front and pulled me to him with his hands cupping my cheeks. I could feel his hard cock against my body. It's hard to describe but it was very erotic. Then the tempo changed and he pulled me to him and ran his hands up and down my spine. I did the same to him and it felt like he was just a rippling mass of muscles. Terry got me so keyed up, I almost came standing there. I was oblivious to the rest of them, the only thing that I was aware of was Terry. And then, I was aware of Larry and Chris joining us. The two of them danced an erotic dance that we were a part of and yet not part of. We ended up with Terry fucking Larry and Chris fucking me.

After the music ended, we lay there until I heard Paul, say that he'd never experienced sex like that. "Me either," I said and I was echoed by Chris and Wolf.

After everybody lay there for a while, one of them got up and put some music on again. This time, it was Ronnie, Donnie, and Paul I was partnered with. I won't even try to describe it. However, it was the same thing all over, erotic dancing that ended up with me fucking Paul. This time, everybody was so exhausted, that we all fell to sleep in a big jumble.

One more time, we had sex. This time, it all ended with the twins all fucking: Donnie->Terry->Ronnie->Larry. And Wolf->Me->Chris->Paul.

The next morning, I awoke disoriented and picked up myself to pee. I had a piss hardon and Ronnie, I believe, saw me get up and said "the bathroom's that way." When I got out, everybody else was getting up. The rest of them got up and pissed and then we sat around drinking coffee and talking.

Ronnie got up and said, "You guys were everything we expected you to be. We are confident that you enjoyed it and you're welcome back whenever you'd like to come. We've been waiting for a foursome like you for a long time. You guys dance well. We enjoyed it very much."

"Don't you ever actually have sex with others?" Paul asked.

"Never, we have discipline. We are content to restrict our physical sex to each other," Larry said. "Besides, we're twins and having sex with your twin is like having sex with yourself. Unless you were a twin, you'd never understand. However, I have to admit that the relationship that you guys have has a lot in common with ours."

Chris said, "I think I can speak for the rest of us that we really enjoyed it. I hope we can make it back soon. I wish the rest of our Gymnastics team could experience this?."

"If the four of you want to come back and dance with us, the rest of your team members are welcome as spectators. Here is our phone number, give us a call sometime," Terry said.

In unison, they each selected one of us and gave us a kiss. Then we said good-bye and hopped in the car.

"That was the first time that I've had choreographed sex," I said.

Paul said, "That was just weird, I expected to go there and swing on those big, long cocks of theirs and ended up having some of the best sex I ever had with my own lovers and never got to touch them.."

We found Roger and Chuck's apartment and went up and knocked on the door. Chuck came to the door and opened it up as I heard him yell, "It's them."

We walked in and Alan, Duane, Roger and Chuck were still nude, sitting around on the floor. "Well," Roger said grinning, "how did you like the twins?."

"It was fantastic," I said.

"Tell us all about it," Roger said.

So we all sat down and tried to describe what happened. Alan and Duane couldn't believe that we had such a great time and yet never really had sex with any of the twins.

"Listen, you are just going to have to believe me. Those guys were so good that they almost had me comming just standing there watching them. Roger have you and Chuck ever been with them," I said.

"Not like you have. Occasionally, they dance at parties. I've been to a couple where they danced and precipitated a monster group fuck that they never participate in. As far as I know, they only have physical sex with each other. I don't know of anybody who has ever claimed to actually get it on with any of them. That's why I told you that they were perfectly safe. Rarely, they run across a foursome like you and put on a 'private performance' if you will. You guys should feel honored."

"I guess we do."

Roger said, "Lets go somewhere and get something to eat." They got dressed and we all went out to a neighborhood restaurant for a late breakfast. By the time we got finished, it was early afternoon. We said good-bye to Roger and Chuck and headed back home.

A couple of nights later, we had a meet. Because the other school was pretty far away, the meet was held at another school in the evening; not immediately after school let out like before. I looked up to see if Lisa and the girls were there. I spotted them and then I suddenly realized that the four guys sitting in front of them were the twins. I waved at them and one of them raised his finger to his mouth as to say, "be quiet and then gave me a thumbs up sign. I said to Paul "guess who's sitting in the stands?."

He turned around and looked up and turned back around grinning. "I wonder if they're going to stick around?"

After the game, we had all planned to go to Jerry's place. When we got out to the parking lot, most of the spectators had already left. There was one car sitting near mine with the motor running. As we came up to the car, I saw the window roll down and Donnie or Ronnie waved at us. We all ran up to the car and they congratulated us on our good performance.

"We never would have expected you to show up at our meet," Chris said.

"Oh we go to gymnastics meets all the time although we normally don't go to high school meets," Ronnie said. "Well, keep in touch, remember what we told you; you're welcome to dance with us anytime."

"Hey, we were going to celebrate at Jerry's house, Why don't you come over and meet the guys?," I asked.

"We were planning on getting back home since we must get up early but we will come by long enough to meet your team members.," Ronnie said.

"OK, follow me," I said.

We got to Jerry's and Jerry came to the door to let us in. He showed surprise on his face when he saw the twins. Of course, we had told him all about our escapade the prior weekend and then in the locker room after the game, Paul had mentioned that they were in the audience. "Hey, I'll bet these are the guys you were telling us about," he said.

"Yeah, they were waiting in the parking lot so I invited them over. They can't stay long, but they wanted to meet the guys.

Jerry led us back to the pool and the rest of the team were all nude and splashing around in the pool. When we came in, David hollered out, "come on in, the water's great, hey, who do you have with you?"

Paul introduced the twins and all the team members as we slipped out of our clothes. The twins followed suit. There were a couple of wolf whistles from the guys in the pool as they stripped and then jumped in. I grabbed, Jerry and told him to put some music on the stereo. I asked him if he had any good dance music and he did. "Put that on, I said."

"Wow," Ronnie came up to me, "do you want us to dance?"

"Sure," I said.

Ronnie grabbed Jerry by the hand and said lets go see whether you have any suitable music. A couple of minutes later, he came back with Jerry and said I think I've found something suitable. He went over and motioned his lovers together and they hopped out of the pool. Jerry threw them some towels and they dried off, then one of them nodded to Jerry and he started the stereo.

Ronnie had selected a New Wave piece. At first, their dancing appeared to be normal modern dance fare but soon it took on an erotic aspect as it was becoming obvious that both twins were well hung, about 10 inches. As the music reached its climax, they coupled in time with the tempo and climaxed with it.

"Jeez," Kevin said, "that was neat"

"We must be going. We hope to dance for you again some time," Ronnie said. And with that, they dressed and were gone.

Next: Chapter 4: Danny and Chris 1 2

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