
By Mikey

Published on Jan 31, 2023


Author's Note: Hey, you found this story on the Nifty gay - site, so you ought to know that it contains graphic male-male sex. I hope that it also has a story you will like. If you aren't supposed to read this stuff, please don't. Fantasies don't need protection. Real life does. Play it safe. Otherwise, Enjoy.

Danny's Birthday:

Danny's eyes lit up and he licked his lips when he caught sight of the young man squirming on the bed. About six feet tall, with cropped white-blond hair and ice-blue eyes, the well-secured man was a vision of Nordic beauty.

Too strong to be pretty, he was handsome in a masculine way that made Danny's mouth water. His face was partially obscured by the gag, but the furious glint in his eyes could not be hidden, nor the straining muscles that bulged out the uniform.

Danny grinned. Horace had told him he had hired a special treat for his birthday. Danny had once admitted that uniforms turned him on and that he had occasionally fantasized about having his way with one of the handsome young cops around the city. Horace must have hired an actor to play a cop for him. He would make sure he let him know how grateful he was, later.

But first, his present.

The bound man glared at him over the gag. He could not move with his arms and legs fastened to the four posts on the specially designed bed. Danny had spent many hours tied to that bed for Horace's pleasure and knew that it was impossible to escape.

Danny studied him for a moment, then decided to partially unwrap his present first. 'But not all the way. The uniform is a real turn on. It looks so real. Even an equipment belt with a toy gun and radio. And handcuffs. Oh, this is nice.' He smiled at the man.

"Hi, I'm Danny. That's a really great costume. It looks real."

The man's eyebrows rose with a look of confusion and he tried to say something through the gag. 'Costume?'

Danny just shook his head and said cheerfully, "I really appreciate your act. This will be fun for both of us."

The man shook his head violently and jerked at the cuffs.

'Oh, he wants to play. Okay.' Danny grinned. "Great! Let's see what you brought."

He unbuckled the belt and lifted it up. The man on the bed paled as the young man pulled out his gun and looked closely at it. The black-haired young man frowned at his captive and shook his head reprovingly.

"This is real! I'm surprised the guards let you bring it. You should be careful, the cops would not like you carrying this. You could get in trouble."

A look of confusion crossed the eyes of the other man, unseen by Danny while he turned to empty the clip out and set the handgun in a drawer in the dresser.

The tied man shook his head. 'Something's not right here. I was waiting in the bar for Joe after I got off duty. The room started spinning. Next thing I know, I'm waking up with three huge goons cuffing me to this damn bed and leaving without a word. What the hell is going on?'

He watched alertly as the young man in the black t-shirt and jeans turned the equipment belt curiously in his hands. 'This kid can't possibly have anything to do with the bruisers that left me here. Where did he come from? Damn, whatever they gave me is still working. I can't think straight.'

Danny unfastened the nightstick and grinned at his captive audience.

"This could be fun later," he said cheerfully.

The man's eyes widened, then narrowed. That was a threat he knew how to deal with.

Danny set down the belt on the dresser, then swung lithely on to the bed, straddling the other. He reached up and unbuttoned the shirt, ignoring the pointless struggles beneath him.

'Horace must have told the actor to resist. This makes it seem like there is a real cop tied to the bed. How nice of him to be so cooperative.'

Danny appreciated the realism. He paused and tipped his head to the side when he encountered the plain white undershirt, then smiled in realization.

"Oh, you were trying to be authentic. That's great. But I don't think we really want this in our way now."

With those cheerful words he reached into his pocket and pulled out a hand sized pocketknife. With an expert flip of the wrist, the blade locked into position and poised above the now pale man below.

Emil swallowed behind his gag. 'Here we go.'

But Danny just sliced the shirt open, baring the lightly furred chest and said with open delight, "Oh, all of your hair is that same color!"

The man on the bed rolled his eyes and wondered if he were in an insane asylum. Then he felt the gentle hands stroking his chest and the warm wet mouth closing over one tit. Alarm flared and he began to thrash, yelling behind his gag.

Danny ignored his wiggling and went to work on the hard muscular pecs with the rippled abdomen below. This man was slimmer than Carlos, but must spend just as many hours working out or exercising somehow. He kept his body really nice.

Danny slid down to the belt and slowly unfastened it. He pulled it free and stretched it experimentally, then shook his head. No, the stretchy elastic material would not be interesting at all, at least, not the way Horace liked to use a belt. But he could use it to supplement the cuffs when he decided to unwrap the rest of his present. He unfastened the pants and opened them, then looked up at the man watching him in horrified disbelief,

"Smiley face boxers? In rainbow colors? Hey, man. These are great!"

The man flushed bright red. 'I don't believe this is happening.'

Danny slid his hand inside the boxers feeling for the meat of the present. He was going to prolong the anticipation as long as he could. There was a short whimper and a violent lunge on the bed as his seeking fingers closed around a nicely sized cock and began to quest. He looked up questioningly, and then grinned knowingly.

"Don't worry. We'll get there. I just want to play first. We have all night."

'Don't worry. Yeah, right. Now I'm worried.' Now the man began to get rather alarmed. The fingers stroked and cupped the warm balls, rolling them in the sack of flesh, squeezing lightly. To his absolute horror, the bound man felt his cock begin to respond to the sensual touch.

He could not believe this kid was molesting him this way. He struggled harder and only succeeded in pushing his growing groin against the hand again and again. His nostrils flared as he struggled to breath through his nose.

Danny grinned. 'Okay, if the guy insists, I can move along a little. First though, it's time for the rest of the clothes to go.' He looked at the cuffs and decided to do one limb at a time.

But he needed to distract the guy first. It wasn't fair to just yank off his clothes and jump on him. It would ruin the whole fantasy. Besides, if he was one of Horace's boys, he would expect a little extra stimulation. Danny would oblige him.

Danny stood and rooted around in the dresser until he came up with a pair of clamps attached to a small control box. He held the clamps and pressed the button and a dreamy look came into his eyes at the mild shock that coursed through his hand.

Horace and he had really enjoyed playing with these the other night. He tightened his legs in memory of the current pulsing through his testicles. 'That had hurt so good.' And the way they had felt pinching the delicate ring of flesh at his asshole could not even be described. He panted slightly as his cock began to twitch in remembrance.

Emil stared from behind the gag and tried to control his breathing. 'Surely those are not what I think they might be. The kid is smiling so strangely.'

Danny considered it for a moment, then he shook his head decisively. 'Now is not the time to play with myself. I have a partner tonight. And very anxious he looks. I bet he thinks I might ignore him.'

He pulled open the man's uniform shirt and licked at the nipples on the heaving chest a few times getting them into nicely wet, tight little nubs. Then he let the alligator clips nip them. The man jumped in shock at the brief pinch.

Danny twisted the control until a steady pulsing of light shocks went from the batteries to the tits. The man convulsed in surprise and began yanking his arms against the cuffs again, muffled sounds coming from behind the gag. 'There, that should satisfy him until I can get his clothes off. Then we'll play.'

Emil writhed with the unsuspected pain. He did not even notice as his legs were freed one at a time and his boots and then trousers removed quickly and easily, then his legs refastened. His boxers were left on. Danny thought they were hilarious. He did unbutton them and let the big cock point out of the slit. 'Mr. Smiley and all the little smileys.' he thought in amusement.

Pulling off his own shirt, Danny covered the man with his body, and pressed his own chest into the clips, sharing the shocks. The man froze and stared at him. He could not believe what the other was doing to him. The kid's face was dreamy and becoming aroused, his cheeks flushed lightly and he licked his parted lips as he wiggled slightly with each pulse. The loose long-sleeved t-shirt had hidden a surprisingly fit body. The guy must spend hours a day exercising. Emil didn't know how close to the truth he was.

Danny reached between their bodies and undid his jeans, pulling his own aroused cock free to rub against the other one. He began to pump his hips lightly, stroking cock to cock, while he leaned down to chew on the man's shoulder.

Emil whimpered again when he felt the silky stroke of cock to cock. The warm mouth on his shoulder tracing the taut muscles with light bites and sucking. This could not arouse him! He wasn't gay! He was straight! It could not possibly feel that good to have the shocks stop abruptly, replaced by a hungry mouth, nor to have that mouth lick and suck and chew down his chest and flat hard stomach to the waistband of his boxers.

He raised his head and watched as the boy began to lick at the tip of his erect penis, thinking the frantic thoughts that he could not get past the gag.

'Stop that! Don't do this.'

'No. I don't like it, I don't.'

'Damn it, stop. Please.'

'Please. No. No. Don't. Stop.'

'Oh, don't stop. Please don't stop.'

Emil stopped straining. He just watched as the agile tongue covered his entire seven-inch length thoroughly. A sigh of resigned relief escaped the gag as his cock slid slowly between the lips into the hot wet mouth. And then it really began to get good.

Hips thrusting his cock into the eager mouth, the tongue sweeping up and all the way around the shaft and then the sensitive head. His first-ever deep throat swallowing him all the way and the tongue probing his balls at the same time.

Emil had stopped struggling a while ago and was now only trying to hold a coherent thought. He gave that up also and allowed himself to sink into bliss under the boy's expert mouth.

He screamed behind the gag as a band clamped over his cock in place of the other man's mouth and something squeezed his cock and balls into a tight ring at the base. He looked down in disbelief at the silver colored band constricting his cock and balls until he thought they would be cut off. 'It hurts like hell, so how am I still erect?' He wondered.

Danny inhaled the scent of fresh sweat and male arousal and nibbled down until he reached the hole. It was tight and pale pink. It did not look as if it had ever been used at all, Danny thought vaguely while he began to eat. He licked around the edge until he could hear moans through the gag, then began to probe with his tongue.

When the rosebud hole was wet and quivering, he rose and quickly pulled off his jeans and on a rubber. He lubricated himself thoroughly, then pushed into the tight ring. The man's hips rose off the bed and he tried to clench his thighs together, pushing desperately with his ass muscles to force out the invading cock.

Danny paused for a moment, his head thrown back, his eyes closed as the incredibly tight sphincter closed around his cock head. Then he looked down and watched while he slowly slid past the muscle into the warm soft ass.

Oh, this felt so very good. The guy was pushing against him just strongly enough to help him in easily. He paused for a moment to let the guy's ass adjust to the stretch. Then the young man began to move slowly, stroking in and out, savoring the heat and the tight grip.

Emil watched him also, in disbelief, as tears of pain ran down his cheeks from the agony of the invasion. He was being fucked. He could not believe that he was actually being butt-fucked by some kid. And there was nothing he could do about it.

Even worse, now that the initial penetration was over, it was beginning to feel good. This wasn't real. He closed his eyes, but that only intensified his awareness of the thick rod filling him and the slide of the knob every time it caressed his prostate.

He had to cum. He had to cum now. And couldn't. He watched in frustrated agony as the other shuddered and pulsed with his own release.

Danny pulled slowly out and smiled down at the flushed arousal and intense frustration on the bound man's face. He knew exactly how that felt and had every intention of taking care of it now. He rose and opened another small foil package.

Taking out the flesh colored ring of latex, he waited until the dazed eyes focused on him. Slowly he licked both sides of the rubber, poking his tongue into the little bell tip that would hold the cum.

Emil watched in fascination as the guy mouthed the condom, then held it lightly between his lips with his tongue indenting the center. Danny met his eyes, then lowered his head until he could touch the straining end of the man's cock with his rubber tipped tongue.

Emil's back arched as the slick rubber stroked the slit that gaped urgently in the thick cut head of his aching cock. The rubber swirled around the tip, then slowly slid down, propelled by the dark haired man's strong lips. A swirling tongue made sure that it went down evenly.

Emil just stared in amazement. He had never even imagined someone doing something like this or how good it felt. He began to wish his arms were free to touch the black curls. He wondered what would come next. And hoped it would be him.

Danny smiled, all the resistance had gone out of the man below him. The iceman was eagerly watching with anticipation lighting his eyes. Just one more thing, then he would release the actor and they could really start to have some fun. Danny was almost warmed up now and ready to get into the real pleasure.

But first he needed to do some stretching exercises. He'd start with his ass muscles. With a lithe jump, he straddled the man and impaled himself to the cock ring with one swift, smooth push. He ignored the brief discomfort of the sudden fullness, knowing how good it would feel in a moment.

The man's back arched up off the bed and his arms jerked at the bonds for the first time in quite a while. But he wasn't trying to escape. He was trying desperately to push further into Danny's ass.

Danny began to move on him. Soon he had the man thrashing and moaning, his hips pumping furiously giving the young man above him an excellent ride. Thrusting in and out fully with each stroke. Filling him wonderfully with his big, thick cock. Danny reached back and easily unclasped the thick cock ring, allowing the blood to flow back into the balls and cock.

He closed his eyes in pleasure, as the cock got even larger and harder, then began to pulse wildly. He continued to ride slowly even as it softened slightly, then began to harden again. He watched as the man's eyes glazed and then he sped up slightly.

Leaning forward without slowing the deep plunging rhythm, he removed the gag. The man gasped for air, then licked his lips. Danny kissed him deeply, rewarded by a moan and an eager tongue. Then the man pulled back slightly.

Hoarsely he said, "Untie me, please."

Danny flipped the catch at the back of the wrists on the cuffs. The man stretched gingerly, still breathing in time to Danny's ass sliding up and down his cock.

Emil looked at the handsome young man who had just fucked him, then made him feel better than anything he had ever experienced, and was still overwhelming his sensitized cock. The quick thinking rookie made an instant decision. He lifted his arms and put them on Danny's hips, holding him still for an instant.

Danny looked curious.

Emil heaved him over, noting with vague surprise that his legs had been unfastened some time ago and he had never noticed. He looked down into the crystal eyes dreamy with passion and bent to kiss the man. Driving his tongue deeply into the slightly parted lips and tasting everything. He smiled down at the surprised face beneath him and quickly recited a different version of the Miranda. One much more appropriate right now.

"You're under arrest. And under me."

"You have the right to be silent or to moan with delight."

"You have the right to get fucked out of your mind."

"Anything you want can and will be held against you and shoved deeply inside you."

"If you desire an attorney, he's out of luck, and can go play with himself, not you. The only call you get to make is top or bottom or both."

Danny smiled in delight and wrapped his arms around the other man.

"This is the best birthday I've ever had."

Emil began to thrust with all the power of his strong athletic body. A vague thought occurred. He'd have to stop being so critical of the partner he had resented as a fag. But now he had business to take care of.

Hours later, both Danny and Emil were at the point of collapse. If two people could do it, they had tried it. Some things they liked, some they didn't, but they both knew that they had found something, and someone, special. They dozed off from sheer exhaustion, still tightly entwined.

Emil still did not know why he was here. How he had gotten here had been driven completely out of his mind. He had no idea where here even was. Vaguely he hoped that he would get to keep Danny whatever happened next. He pulled the sweaty young man close and slept. He was too tired and too sated to worry now. Later was soon enough.

Horace stepped quietly into the room followed by an older man in uniform. The two young men on the bed were spooned tightly together, Emil wrapped around Danny. Emil did not stir. He was completely exhausted. His eyes were closed and his lips sucked almost unconsciously on Danny's ear.

Horace smiled. The young blonde's limp cock was still mostly in the trim ass tucked tightly against him. Danny liked falling asleep with a used cock inside him. Sometimes he would beg Horace for just a few more minutes. Horace would oblige him when he had time. When he didn't... well, Jose would put his cock in just about anything and leave it there as long as possible. Danny was seldom forced to sleep alone between Horace, James, and Jose.

Danny's eyes opened and he focused with a tired, but happy expression. "Thank you." He whispered, tightening his arm around the arm of the beautiful young man embracing him. "This was the best birthday present I ever got."

He twisted around just enough to gently kiss the other young man and was rewarded by a dazed and completely sated stare and then a soft moan as Emil dozed off again with a smile on his face. His arms pulled Danny down closer to his body and one leg trapped the other partially beneath his limp form. Danny smiled and snuggled back into his grasp.

Horace leaned over and softly, but deeply, kissed Danny on the mouth. "You are welcome. I'm glad you approve."

Danny yawned, and as his eyes closed, the man turned to leave. Horace was not jealous. He knew that Danny was available for his, different, desires whenever he wanted. He liked to keep the young man happy. Danny's gratitude could be utter exhausting... as Emil had found out. Danny was a wonderful mixture of a strong sense of adventure and absolutely no inhibitions at all.

Besides, everything had worked out better than he had even planned. Especially since nothing had gone as planned.

The biker he had hired to soften up Emil, had been distracted by a little he-she in leather and never showed. The whore he had bought for Danny had been late and the guards had put him in the wrong room. He almost suspected that Jose had done that on purpose, either from jealousy or dislike of the prostitute. James would undoubtedly have a word or two with that young man.

Horace rolled his eyes. The guards knew very well that Danny never played with the dildos and other such toys in that room and would not even bother to go in there unless he was told to. They should know. Danny was usually in one of their beds or the other. Occasionally both. The young man really preferred a live cock to a rubber one. The other whore was different. He was probably still playing with the dildos and other toys in the room he had been left in.

Emil had turned out to be what Danny wanted anyway. And Danny had done a better job on Emil than anyone would have ever expected.

He chuckled. Best laid plans of mice and men, and all that. He could not wait to replay the films. Everything in this room was always taped. Danny knew that and loved to watch the tapes while they were together.

After the door shut behind them, the man who had been a silent observer of the short encounter smiled and turned to Horace, asking him with a raised eyebrow,

"Are you ever going to tell Danny that his friend really is a very straight cop?"

Horace chuckled. "No. It would only confuse him. He's spent too many years on the street to be comfortable with the idea. He'll find out sooner or later. Besides, eventually the rookie will get around to convincing him. Otherwise, they'll just stay in bed until the point is moot anyway. I have a feeling that Danny has more energy than young rookie Emil has resistance."

They both laughed.

Emil's partner said in amusement, "When I asked you to soften up Emil's attitude, I had no idea you were going to convert him so thoroughly. I wonder how long it will take him to realize that his nightstick is still shoved all the way up his ass? And his balls and cock are handcuffed to Danny's. By the way, what did you do with the guy you really hired for Danny?"

Horace grinned. "He's amusing himself in one of the spare rooms. Want to share? I hear he can take two cocks up his ass at the same time."

The other man's eyes lit up and he licked his lips. "Oh yeah? Let's see if the rumors are true."

Know what? They were. But that's another story.

If you like it, write me. If you don't, tell me why not.

My email address is: mikey@maileditor.com My author page where my stories usually live is: http://www.eroticstories.com/unreg/g/author.php?id=237 Or if you have an ES login: http://www.eroticstories.com/my/author.php?id=237

Other stories by Mikey:


Jordan's Story, Beginnings Danny, Authoritarian Come Home, Beginnings Til Death Do Us Part, Relationships

Next: Chapter 10

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