
By Mikey

Published on Nov 29, 2023


Author's Note: Hey, you found this story on the Nifty gay - site, so you ought to know that it contains graphic male-male sex. I hope that it also has a story you will like. If you aren't supposed to read this stuff, please don't. Fantasies don't need protection. Real life does. Play it safe. Otherwise, Enjoy.

Danny's Reward:

James finished watching the tape and raised his eyebrow. 'Boss has a live one here.' He deliberately did not touch his throbbing erection. Watching the film of Horace and Danny had him as hard as a rock. However, he knew that he would be able to take care of his need with the boy anytime he wanted, now. He just watched the tape for the extended arousal.

Horace had told him that Danny had skipped part of his bathing and needed to be punished. James knew that Danny was lucky that the man had only strained his cock. He had seen worse things happen to those unfortunates that crossed the boss. Danny was lucky the boss was still pleased with his little pet.

But James still had to enforce the rules. Not a problem. Some extra laps should take care of it. Most of the learning process had already been reinforced. 'Nothing like having your dick ripped off to sharpen your memory. Ouch.'

He stretched and flipped off the monitor. His turn now. Danny had been napping for a couple of hours. He would still be tired and sore, but he had to learn to indulge all of the boss' whims. Or else, he would be gone just as fast as he had come.

'Besides, I've wanted him since that first night at the hotel. Unfortunately, we had to leave before he could recover from Horace's attentions. At least I got to play with him a little in the bath the next day. He's a cute kid. With the proper encouragement, he could be as much fun as Jose. Especially with Jose.'

The man shook his head as he entered the darkened room and saw the sleeping boy tied to the bed. 'Nope, better wait on that one a little. Kid's not going to be too energetic until the bruises fade some. That's okay. Anticipation just makes the meat sweeter.'

At the sound of the door shutting, Danny jerked awake. He glanced over his shoulder, but all he could see in the light from the hall was a large dark shape. 'It must be James. I hope. Mr. Horace said he would punish me. I wonder what he's gonna do. Just get it over with, please.' Danny's weary thoughts spun in circles.

He could not see who the person was. Just a dark shadowy shape slowly taking off its clothing. The bed sank slightly as a heavy weight knelt behind him without a word.


Hard hands grasped his buttocks and spread them until he could feel the stretch of his crack. A thick blunt head, moist with precum pressed against his hole. A quick hard shove and it popped inside. Still no sound from the figure mounting him.

Danny buried his face in the sheets and tried not to cry. It was almost too much right now. Not a word, nor a touch. Nothing to acknowledge him as a person. The implacable silence treating him as nothing but a convenient receptacle.

'I'm sorry, Carlos. I can't do this. Not like this. What am I going to do now? I'm so tired of being just meat for everyone.'

The figure above him stopped with just the head of his cock in the boy's ass. He could feel the shaking of the other's body as Danny tried not to sob out loud. Then he settled his arms on either side of Danny's ribs and leaned forward until his mouth was above the boy's ear.

"Do you like being treated like a whore, Danny? Is this what you want?" James' deep voice rumbled above him. He pushed lightly with his cock. Not going any deeper, just putting more pressure on the boy's full hole.

Danny sniffled and choked out, "No sir. Please..."

James continued as if he hadn't said anything, still with only the head of his cock in Danny's sore ass. "Whores get fucked and tossed out. We don't keep them around long. Everyone else here has standards they have to meet. If you want to be a part of this organization, then you need to make a decision, Danny."

Danny understood. He twisted his head as well as he could with his hands tied over his head. "I'm sorry, sir. I won't ever forget again," he apologized desperately. 'Please. He has to accept.'

To Danny's unspoken relief, James pulled free of his body and swung off the bed. The head guard unfastened his legs, and then his somewhat numb arms. Danny shuddered as the feeling began to return to his fingers in burning waves of pinpricks. He slowly pushed himself up and sat on the edge of the bed, watching James.

James twisted the dimmer knob until just the faintest glow of light illuminated the room. He stood in front of Danny, his cock erect and heavy. James put both hands on the boy's shoulders and tilted up his face, wiping the damp cheeks with his thumbs.

"Listen carefully. I'll go over the rules, so you don't make any more mistakes." Gently, he pulled the boy's face into his groin and began to rub his cock against Danny's mouth. Willingly, Danny opened his lips and began to lick, then suck on the erection. While Danny worked on his cock, James spoke. Danny listened as he ate.

His tongue stroked the deep crease and the soft edged slit at the tip of the head. He licked slowly at the ridge behind the head, swirling his tongue all the way around the sensitive head. As his tongue moved, his lips tightened and brushed against the skin of the stem. A hand crept up to cup the heavy sack of low hanging balls.

James sighed and shifted his legs wider as Danny grew more confident. He finished speaking. He brushed Danny's hair and said gently, "You know that I will assign a punishment for tonight's lapse. Don't you?"

Danny pulled his mouth off of James cock and spoke softly, "Yes sir. Mr. Horace told me you would. Are you going to beat me also?" he asked submissively, but with an obvious flinch at the thought.

"No. I think your back has enough bruises for now. I assign extra work or chores. You need practice on your swimming. You owe me a hundred extra laps. Get them done this week and report to me each time you complete a set of ten."

Danny sighed and leaned his head gratefully into the hard crotch in front of him. "Thank you, sir."

James chuckled. "Better save that until you finish the workout. Your arms are going to fall off, or at least you will wish they did before you are done. Now, if you really want to show your gratitude..." He bumped his erection against the young man's cheek.

Danny looked up at him, then opened his mouth and dived on to the throbbing meat in front of his face. James began to pump into the willing mouth. When he spread his legs further apart to widen his stance, Danny grasped the heavy, low-slung testicles and began to roll them gently in their sac. He reached back a finger and lightly circled the tightly puckered hole.

James grunted and pulled free of the wet mouth sucking so well on him. Danny looked up curiously as the big man reached for him, but rose willingly into the strong arms. James ducked his head and devoured the soft mouth that felt so good on his cock. He could taste his precum in Danny's mouth and it only excited him more.

Never breaking the deep tonguing kiss, he twisted their bodies until his back was to the bed. He slowly sank down, pulling Danny on top of him. James knew that Danny's back would be too sore to be on the bottom of his massive weight when he started slamming into the warm tight ass as he intended to do.

Danny allowed himself to be draped over the other man's hard body and enjoyed the brush of wiry chest hair against his own smooth chest. He had never been kissed like this before. James was almost fucking his mouth with his big hard tongue, probing in and out, tasting every nook and cranny.

James grabbed Danny's knees and pulled them up along his ribs, then broke off the kiss with a gasp of air. Danny's face was flushed and vague with arousal. His cock stood straight out from his body. He did not protest at all as the big guard lifted his hips and slowly lowered the boy's ass to the quivering tip of his hard, dripping cock.

Danny squirmed slightly as the thick head pushed against his sphincter. But he was more than ready, and it slid in easily with only a brief flash of pain. He leaned forward slightly, bracing his hands on James' pecs, moving them to the small, hard nipples. Then he began to move.

James stroked the smooth leather on the boy's thighs as they flexed with the effort to impale the young man again and again on the big cock. He curled his hand around the bouncing cock and surprised a moan of pleasure from the boy. He grinned and began to jack.

Danny's rhythm faltered for a second, then sped up. He slammed himself up and down the rigid pole stretching his ass so wonderfully. Beneath him, James began to lunge up to meet his downward stroke, slamming their bodies together. Danny's breath pumped from his body. His eyes closed and his mouth opened to gasp for breath.

James was just as far along. Suddenly he grabbed Danny's hips and slammed him all the way down. He held him tightly as the cum churned, then shot furiously from the pulsing slit deep inside the boy.

Danny gasped and squirmed as he felt the hot flood inside his bowels. His own cock tightened and he knew he was very, very close. He tightened his ass and squeezed down as hard as he could on the pulsating cock.

James moaned happily. He enjoyed the tight clasp of the young ass for a moment, then lifted the boy's hips, urging him off of his cock. Danny looked curious, but obeyed. James said hoarsely, "Danny, fuck me hard."

The boy nodded and silently rearranged himself, kneeling between the widely spread legs and bent knees. He felt the puckered hole and it pulsed eagerly. He began to push in gently.

James groaned in frustration, "Danny!" He sat up partially and grabbed the thick leather belt of the boy's leggings. With one hard yank, he pulled Danny all the way inside. "Hard and fast, boy. I'm not a fucking virgin for you to be diddling around down there. Now pound that ass!"

Danny's eyes widened, but he eagerly obeyed. He slammed in and out as vigorously as he had ridden James earlier. He moaned slightly as his sore balls slapped into the hard ass. James did not have an ounce of fat on him anywhere. And, oooohh, his muscles.

Danny bit back a groan of pleasure as the strong ass muscles caught his cock in a vise as he tried to pull out for another thrust. The ache in his cock from being bent was totally forgotten in the pleasure of fucking this incredibly male body. It was so hard, so strong and sturdy. 'And I am so close.'

Suddenly, James pulled free of his cock and yanked the boy's willing body to lie on top of him. He wrapped his thick thighs around Danny's to hold him close. With a hand between them, he grabbed both cocks and pumped them together.

The silky brush of cock against cock was too much for Danny. With arched back and gritted teeth, he came hard. The pulsing of his cock and the warm spurt of cum on his chest set James off also. His jism mixed with the creamy liquid still pumping from Danny's cock.

The burly man pulled Danny down on to his cum covered chest and rubbed the boy in the mixed fluid from their cocks. He sucked Danny's tongue into his mouth in a kiss a vacuum cleaner would have envied.

Danny writhed against him, completely overwhelmed by the sensations flooding his body. Daringly, he reached up his arms and wrapped them around the other's neck, pulling the kiss closer. James did not object.

Gradually, their heartbeats and breathing slowed. James looked down at the young man still held tightly against his broad chest. Danny looked sated and perfectly happy where he was. He did not show any inclination to pull away, content in the warm embrace of the strong arms, half dozing in relaxation.

James smiled in satisfaction. 'I'll bet this one works out okay. God, he's a good fuck. I could wish for a little more aggression, but that's just me. The boss will like him passive. Jose will be ecstatic either way. The kid's tired and hurting more than a little. What isn't worn out yet, will be when the 'Hose' gets done with him. But with a few days rest, he should be up to a threesome. That will be great. At his age, he should be able to stay up all night, once he's in shape.'

James tightened his arms around the sleepy young man, squeezing gently to wake him. "Danny. Come on, boy. Let's get washed up now." Danny moaned softly and tried to burrow deeper into the hard chest. James laughed and easily scooped him up in his arms. "Come on. You're not that tired."

Danny looked up with a mischievous look that James had not seen before. It made him adorable. "No sir, I'm not. But I like..." he trailed off, suddenly uncertain. Whores weren't supposed to have likes and dislikes of their own.

"What do you like?"

"I like being held," the young man blurted with apprehension in his eyes. He wasn't sure how the statement would be received.

James just chuckled and squeezed him in his arms. "Good. I like holding you. That makes it much easier, doesn't it." He paused, and looked down at the boy in warning. "But Danny, don't ever forget. You belong to Mr. Horace. He lets the rest of us share you, but your loyalty has to be to him. He comes first, figuratively and literally."

Danny swallowed and nodded. "Yes sir. I understand."

James grinned. "Okay. Now how about a quick shower, then a hot Jacuzzi?"

Danny tilted his head to the side and asked in a considering voice, "Will you take one with me?"

James did not bother to answer. Just walked into the huge shower and set Danny down. He unfastened the leggings and watched appreciatively as Danny squirmed out of the tight leather. 'So pretty. That collar sets off his hair so well against the pale skin.' He turned, bending to turn on the water. He felt a hand caress his ass and turned to grin at the boy watching him eagerly.

"Just a shower, Danny. Anything more has to wait for Jose. He would not be happy if you are too worn out to play with him when it's his turn."

Danny grinned wickedly. "Yes sir. I'll wait for him. But you don't have to." He dropped to his knees in the warm stream of water and opened his mouth, sucking James' semi-flaccid cock into his warm mouth.

James moaned and suddenly wasn't flaccid anymore. 'Definitely, we keep this one.' Then he stopped trying to think at all.

Later, Danny soaked happily in the hot swirling water of the hot tub. He was sparkling clean and his body still tingled from the very thorough scrubbing James had given him -- when he could stand again. Danny licked his lips. 'I think I could like it here. Even the beatings aren't that bad. Especially not if I get fucked out of my mind before and after. I can deal with it.'

He dozed off slightly, initially thinking about James' hard body and thick cock, but then spiraling down to Horace and the pain/pleasure of his attention. He surprised himself as he grew slightly hard just thinking about the sting of the belt on his back and ass while the huge cock pounded his ass. He yawned and sagged into the warm water as it stung, then soothed, those same welts.

Jose stared through his black eyes at the soap-slick young man napping in the steamy Jacuzzi. Danny was more than half erect already. A slow grin crossed his face, and he deliberately shed his clothes, stepping into the large tub with the other boy.

"Hey amigo, you should conserve water. Always shower with a friend," he quipped. He reached for the slender young man.

'He's gorgeous.' Danny came willingly. And later, just came.

Jose rose from the tousled bed. Danny lay curled up on his side, sound asleep, hugging a pillow to his stomach. He was completely exhausted from the long night, and the three men. The welts and bruises were vivid on his back. Danny was just as fun as Jose had thought he would be, even exhausted, but the marks bothered the guard.

Later that morning, the young guard spoke to his superior and part-time lover. "James, he whipped him," he said in an upset tone.

The bigger man just shrugged and sat up in bed. "Danny knew what he was getting into. It's not the first time the boss took him like that. I know it upsets you, but it's just bruises and they'll fade in a day or so."

Jose looked at him in disgruntlement, "Still..."

James sighed. "Jose, Danny didn't complain, did he?" At the slight shake of the other's head, he continued, "And he won't. Take a look at the film from tonight. I did. He not only didn't object, but he is halfway enjoying it."

Jose shuddered. "How could anyone enjoy that?"

James shrugged again. "It takes all kinds. You just be a little more gentle with him for a while. He'll be sore today and maybe some tomorrow. After that, Danny will be fine again. Boss won't do that more than once every week or two. He likes to spread it out. We'll go swimming today. The chlorine will sting, but the water and the exercise will ease him the most. What time did you finally let him go to sleep?"

Jose grinned. "He's had about four hours now. He was out like a rock when I left."

James rolled his eyes. "Well, he's young. He'll survive. Go drag him out of bed and stuff him into his shorts. I'll meet you at the pool showers in fifteen minutes."

Jose bounced out to get Danny up. Danny thought he was under attack by an lust-crazed octopus when he finally struggled up out of the darkness to Jose's energetic interpretation of a wake up call. Rolling over and burying his head under the pillow was not an option with Jose actively on top of him. So he lay there and enjoyed the cock and tongue probing various orifices. And the hands. Definitely, the hands. He moaned appreciatively.

But Jose knew better than to let Danny come. That would undoubtedly put him to sleep again. So the young guard stopped, and abruptly pulled out, leaving Danny hard and aching.

"Jose!" the young man protested at the sudden halt.

Jose laughed and swatted him on the flank. "Just wanted to see if you were up yet, amigo," he said cheerfully.

Danny grumbled, "I'm up, I'm up. Not awake, but definitely up."

"Come on, lazy. James is waiting for us."

"Get back down here and I'll come. You too," Danny offered wistfully. Last night with Jose had been fun. If he ever got back enough energy to move, he wanted to try it again.

Jose just yanked him out of bed and demonstrated the fireman's carry down to the gym showers. As he walked, his hand wandered familiarly over Danny's backside, stroking his balls, pulling on his cock, poking into his ass.

Danny lay limply across the wide shoulders, dozing slightly. Jose dumped him on the shower bench. James chuckled and turned the water icy cold. With a startled yelp, Danny woke up quickly. He dived into the pool and got started on the laps he owed James. It was going to be a fun week.



If you like it, write me. If you don't, tell me why not.

My email address is: mikey@maileditor.com My author page where my stories usually live is: http://www.eroticstories.com/unreg/g/author.php?id=237 Or if you have an ES login: http://www.eroticstories.com/my/author.php?id=237

Other stories by Mikey:


Jordan's Story, Beginnings

(Jordan's Story and Because) Danny, Authoritarian Come Home, Beginnings Til Death Do Us Part, Relationships


Jordan's Story / Back to School, Gay Danny, Gay Baby, Bisexual Because, Gay Come Home / Coming Home, Gay Til Death Do Us Part, Gay

Next: Chapter 8

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