
By Mikey

Published on Oct 31, 2023


Breaking in Danny

The next few days passed in a happy daze for Danny in his new home. He loved working in the gym, even if he was sore from the unaccustomed workouts. They either ran or swam every day. He had never eaten so well in his life. Even with Jose smacking manners into him, he enjoyed the meals. And the attention.

One afternoon, James brought back several bags of brand new clothes, more than the boy had ever owned before. Nice khaki's, crisp shirts, and good running shoes, were just a few of the treats. Danny held up the swimsuit and blushed. The tiny piece of electric blue spandex had little slits all over it that would flash tantalizing glimpses of flesh every time he moved. What very little flesh it covered anyway. Obviously, Jose had helped with the shopping.

James just laughed. "There's trunks in there too," he said in amusement.

Jose looked insulted. "Don't you like them? I think you would look great in those. I didn't think you would be shy. Not with what you used to do."

Danny looked helplessly at him. "Work's different," he mumbled. He seldom dressed sexily for his johns. Just opened his mouth or pulled his shorts down just far enough for them to use his ass. If they wanted him naked, that was no problem either. But this suit was neither one, nor the other.

Jose grinned. "Not when you live at the office. Why don't you model it for us?" He leered good-naturedly, enjoying teasing someone who actually gave him a reaction. In more ways than one. 'The boss better hurry up. I'm gonna burst if I can't jump the kid soon.'

James cuffed him and told Danny on a more serious note. "The boss doesn't have any further word on your friend. It may be a while before we know anything. But he got something started."

Danny looked grateful and said quietly, "Thanks."

James continued. "Mr. Horace wants to see you after dinner tonight. I'll take you to the room he prefers and help you get ready."

Danny's hands tightened for a moment on the shirt he was hanging up, then he smoothed out the wrinkle and continued without any further expression. "Yes sir." He had made an agreement with full knowledge of what would be his side of the deal and Horace was keeping his end so far. Danny would not complain.

Later, as Jamie fastened his wrists into leather cuffs and strapped him into the sturdy bed, he was still quiet. He knew enough to be scared, but he also knew that he had been fascinated by the mixture of pain and pleasure the last time Horace had used him. He did not know what to think.

'God, I feel vulnerable, not quite naked, but definitely not dressed,' Danny thought to himself. The crotchless leather leggings and thick collar did not provide any of the shield that even minimal clothing did.

In fact, the collar heightened the feeling of helplessness and submission. And the leather on his legs just made his crotch feel that much more naked. Especially spread-eagled on his back the way he was. He glanced up and then stared. There were mirrors above the bed, lighted so that even in the dim light of the room, he could see himself in perfect clarity. He swallowed. It was like looking at someone else tied to the bed.

Danny heard muffled voices in the hall, and then Horace came into the room. He wore only a robe. The door shut behind him and they were alone. Danny watched silently while he dropped his robe on a chair, sitting beside the bound boy on the bed.

Horace studied the watchful boy for a moment, then began to stroke his chest. Danny shivered at the first touch, but kept his eyes on the face of his master as he had been instructed. Gradually the man ran his hands over the boy's entire body.

Horace was delighted with his newest toy and was determined to take his time and train Danny properly. He knew the young man had the potential to actively enjoy his 'different' preferences, from his reactions previously. Now to encourage that. Mix pleasure and pain until the boy could not tell the difference between the two.

Lips closed over nipples and alternated the gently sucking and licking with sharp little nips, sending bolts shooting straight to the groin. Fingers stroked and squeezed cock and balls. The pads of the fingers teased and rubbed the puckered hole contrasted with the occasional sharp scrape of a fingernail.

Danny panted and twitched, allowing himself to react to the touches the way he had not since Mack had forced him and Carlos. It felt so good to just feel, not think, not plan, not worry. He knew he would get beaten, but refused to let it ruin everything else.

Horace licked at the tip of Danny's cock, then began to swallow him. Danny's back arched in an effort to get closer. The man eating him did not forget the balls. He took turns sucking them into his mouth, rolling the tender organs, and squeezing them between tongue and roof, until Danny moaned quietly.

Danny was desperately grateful that he did not have to focus on Horace's face as the man moved behind his balls to the very sensitive root of his cock. He could not control his reactions as the man bit him sharply between strong licks and sucking. But he knew that he did not want him to stop. He turned his face into his arm and stifled the gasp when he could not the twitch of pain.

Horace patted him, then drifted even further down. He teased the puckered hole until it quivered and the bound boy unconsciously pushed his hips towards his mouth, wanting more. He slapped the lean flank in warning as Danny moaned a hoarse plea for fulfillment,

"Fuck me, please."

"I will. Now keep quiet or I will gag you," Horace said mildly.

Danny nodded. "Yes sir," and clenched his jaw. He had forgotten for a moment.

When Danny's breathing quickened to quiet panting, and his hips jerked uncontrollably, Horace pulled his tongue out of the boy's ass, and moved on to the next phase. Danny was more than aroused now and he could begin the more rough actions.

Horace unfastened Danny's legs and rolled his unresisting body over. He pulled the boy's hips up and stuffed a bolster about the size of two thick pillows under his hips, raising his ass high in the air.

Danny felt the cool brush of air across his ass and groin as the man spread his knees wide apart. Straps from knees and ankles to clips on the side of the bed frame held the young man in the exposed position, absolutely vulnerable to anything Horace wanted to do to him. Danny tucked his face between his arm and the bed, and let his body sag on to the support. He waited with fear, and anticipation.

The dark haired boy stifled his sigh as Horace's mouth went back between his legs. It felt so good. Although Carlos had learned to make him cum, it was not the same as the enthusiastic mouthing intended to pleasure him to the fullest extent.

And Horace was succeeding. The warm mouth on his balls, on the root of his cock, along the spread crack, and probing deeply into his hole, filled his guts with warm wet pleasure. It alternated with sharp bolts of pain when he bit, pulled, or squeezed too sharply. Even those increased his arousal.

Knowing that he could not avoid the pain, and that it would rapidly be followed by even more intense pleasure, made him almost want the sting, because of what would come next. Danny had no idea how expertly Horace was manipulating him. He would not have cared if he did.

As the aroused boy's hips began to flex into the bolster, Horace rose and put the head of his cock at the pulsing anus. The man positioned himself at the entrance, then shoved his huge erection completely inside the warm tunnel, without waiting for Danny to adjust to the invasion. Danny came up off the pillow with gritted teeth and a muffled cry.

'Damn that hurt!' Danny panted while he pushed strongly with his internal muscles to relax the sphincter's automatic reaction to prevent things from entering the canal.

Even as Horace continued the agonizing thrusts, the man reached below to Danny's still erect cock and began to stroke along with the deep plunges. Quickly Danny's body adjusted, and now he squeezed down with the same muscles, trying to get as much friction from the strong movements as possible.

Horace stopped, buried to the hilt in Danny's hot ass, and began to flex his cock within the soft heat. Danny tried to pump his hips, but the man just squeezed his cock until he had to bury his face in the bed to gag the moans.

With his free hand, Horace picked up the thick leather belt he favored and brought it down lightly on Danny's shoulders even as he caressed the precum slick head of the younger man's cock. Danny winced as the strap lashed out, but did not allow himself to make any sound until the pain became too much for him. By then, Horace was sliding in and out of his ass again, timing the lashes to hit at the same time he rubbed across Danny's prostate. So a surge of pleasure accompanied every flare of pain.

Danny just writhed and chewed the sheets as deeply into his mouth as he could. He couldn't stand it any more. He felt the deep tingling as his balls prepared to release their load and tensed his back and legs as tightly as possible.

The man mounting him felt his readiness and sped up his thrusts and the beating. Danny came hard in a blaze of ecstasy and agony. His cock pulsed again and again. He felt as if the cum shot all the way from his balls, straight out the tip without stopping.

Horace set aside the belt, and grabbing Danny's hips in both hands, concentrated on fucking the younger man into oblivion. He plunged in fast and hard, then slid slowly out, again and again. Eagerly, Danny braced himself on elbows and knees, moving back into his thrusts. Horace reached under the slim body to find the flat nipples. Twisting the sensitive tits, and stroking his hands from armpits to balls, he soon felt Danny's breathing speed up as his cock stirred again.

He paced himself, deliberately slowing when he felt himself getting too close and speeding up his hand action to keep Danny at the height of arousal. He knew that at his age he was very lucky to come twice in a night and was determined to enjoy Danny's lithe and willing young body as long as possible.

Horace felt a stirring of affection for his new pet. Danny was such a cooperative and quiet boy. He traced the welts on the pumping ass with a finger. He enjoyed watching the boy wince every time the belt fell. He liked it even better when Danny was too aroused to even notice the lashes consciously.

Jose was an uninhibited and enthusiastic sex partner, and would cheerfully bend over anything, anywhere, to fuck or be fucked, but he did not enjoy being tied and hated the belt. At the first strike, his erection would be gone and would not come back for a long while. The first and last bondage session with him had ended almost before it began and by mutual consent neither ever raised the issue again.

He still took the young guard when he wanted to fuck himself to exhaustion, or even just for quick satisfaction. He chuckled to himself. Jose considered being told to drop his pants and grab his ankles one of the side benefits to his job and made his availability blatantly obvious.

Horace knew that his desire to hurt the boys was not 'normal', but also knew that there is an urge towards domination in many people. Some control it better than others. Some express it in nagging, or arrogance, or the desire to be the best, the winner. He liked knowing that he could do whatever he wanted to the person helpless in his power.

It was not a pretty part of his personality, but he knew it existed. He took out the frustrations of daily life and business physically on the boy's back. He also knew that he would never hurt Danny beyond the boy's tolerance and would not do any real damage to the young man. He would give him as much pleasure as possible, but he would hurt him while doing so.

Horace slowly and deliberately tightened his grip around the base of Danny's cock. Tilting his head slightly, he listened to the catch in the boy's breathing and then the soft whimpers as the young man squirmed to try to get away from the now painful hold. But that was why the straps were there.

He slammed one final time into the hot ass and grabbed both sets of balls, squeezing and mashing them together. Danny lurched uncontrollably and sobbed once, before biting his lip. Horace fired as the pain in his balls from his own hand drove him over the edge.

He sagged on to Danny's quivering body and rubbed his sweaty chest into the raw welts, drawing another quiet sob and wince. Still embedded in the boy's tight ass, he nuzzled the back of Danny's neck. He let go of the semi-hard cock and slowly withdrew. He pulled off the cum-filled condom and tossed it towards the bowl beneath the bed. Then he untied Danny's legs and gently removed the bolster.

As Danny rolled on to his back with his arms still bound above his head, but his legs now free, he tried to control his breathing. It hurt to lie on the welts. He bent his knees up slightly to relieve the pressure on his sore ass. He met Horace's eyes reluctantly, ashamed of the tears sliding down his cheeks.

Horace leaned over him and slowly licked up the tears, then slid his salty tongue into Danny's mouth. He explored every tooth, every ridge, every bit of the boy's tongue. By the time he lifted himself off the younger man, the tears were dry.

Horace straddled the bound man's body with his hips over the other's face and lowered his mouth to the semi-erect cock. He knew that Danny had another load of semen waiting for him in those swollen red balls and he was going to get it. He sucked the tender head inside and began to roll it on his tongue.

As he worked over the rapidly hardening meat, he felt a tentative lick at the slit in his cock. Then the warm engulfment of Danny's mouth. He smiled and went to work on the cock he was eating.

Danny tasted the cum still coating the big cock and gradually swallowed as much as he could of the flaccid organ. After a few moments, it was obvious that Horace was done for now. He continued to mouth the cock anyway, knowing that it felt good. 'Speaking of feeling good...' He flexed his hips as the man's hands cupped his butt and pulled his cock down the experienced throat.

The hot wet tongue swept over the head and laved the shaft even as Horace's throat tightened on his cock. The man rolled his mouth around the hard cock and let it slide out. Then pulled it in quickly again. He started to slide up and down on the quivering organ, using his lips, tongue, mouth, and throat. Every bit of the cock got attention.

Danny's hips twitched as the man rolled the his firm balls in big rough hands. Not gently, but not completely painfully, either. Fingers pushing inside his well-used ass drew a moan, and then another, as they found the prostate. Danny licked at the dangling balls, then began to tongue the other man's asshole as his own was stimulated.

Horace murmured approvingly and squatted lower to shove his ass within reach of Danny's eager tongue. The boy took turns sucking on the balls hanging above him and frantically licking the hole. Horace pushed closer and Danny buried his tongue all the way inside, wiggling it around the sides. The older man sped up the throat action.

Danny could barely think of anything but his mouth, cock, and ass. Nothing else existed. Danny felt his balls draw up tightly.

"Sir, I'm gonna cum now. Sir?" he whispered. He knew he was supposed to be quiet, but he wasn't wearing a condom and not giving the other notice was wrong. The Doc had said he was fine, all tests negative, but still...

Horace pulled free of the boy's slim body and drew Danny's leather clad legs between his strong thighs. He sat heavily on the other's flat stomach, pinning his crotch completely open. He continued to lightly stroke the rock-hard cock, then looked back at Danny.

"Concentrate on cuming now, boy. Tell me as you get ready to shoot."

He pulled Danny's cock down until it pointed down between his legs. The angle was a little uncomfortable, but the boy was too close to stop now. Horace jacked his hand up and down quickly and firmly.

"Sir!" Danny gasped when he felt the tingling rush of semen start up the tube. 'Oh, he felt so good!'

Danny did not even try to muffle his scream as, with one swift, strong wrench, the other man twisted his cock down and stuffed the tip into his still softened ass. It felt like his cock was going to break in two.

Danny felt the burning rush of the semen pulse from his slit, then the hot flood as his own cum flooded his ass. His back arched up uncontrollably and for the first time that night, he fought the cuffs that bound his hands. His legs pushed frantically against the larger man, but Horace did not release his grasp until every drop of cum was out.

Horace swung off of the boy's sobbing body and pulled the kid's legs down. He squeezed the welted ass cheeks shut tightly with his big strong hands. "Hold it inside you, Danny." He spoke surprisingly gently, considering how much pain he had just caused the young man.

Danny stared down at the smooth line of his crotch. It looked totally alien without the cock visible. His thighs crushed his cock and balls painfully. He could feel the rapidly softening head still inside his hole; then it popped free suddenly.

Horace lifted the boy's hips onto his kneeling thighs, bending Danny's lower body up. Still holding the butt cheeks pressed together, he allowed the other's legs to fall on either side of his. He slowly spread the cheeks and shoved two fingers deep in the cum-leaking hole. Then he leaned forward, holding out those same fingers to Danny.

"Open your mouth, boy " he ordered softly, but seriously.

Danny whimpered in denial and turned his head. He felt a drop of cum fall on his chest, then slick fingers probed at his lips. Danny could smell the fingers. 'No, please, not that. No.'

"Look at me while you eat your cum, Danny."

The relentless voice followed him. He began to cry silently. Focusing through his tears on the blurry face above him, he reluctantly opened his mouth for the fingers to slide in. The bitter fluid almost made him gag, but he forced himself to lick them clean.

Finally Horace pulled them out and brushed gently at the tears on the boy's face.

"You don't like that, do you, Danny?"

Danny was afraid to answer. The fingers were inside his ass again. They moved slightly in the slickness. At any other time, he would enjoy the brush against the sensitive rim, but not now. He was scared that either yes or no would bring them back to his mouth. Finally, he just shook his head slightly. It wasn't so much the bad taste. It was the knowledge of whose cum it was and where it had come from that got to him.

"Next time, you will remember to wash thoroughly before coming to me. Won't you, boy?"

Suddenly Danny understood. He remembered the enemas Horace had given him the first time. Danny had not used them this time. He had just shoved two soapy fingers up his ass. Obviously the older man didn't find that good enough. 'I won't ever forget that again.' He nodded vigorously, "I'm sorry, sir. I'll do it next time. I won't forget again."

Horace smiled, and to Danny's obvious relief, lowered the boy's legs to the bed and wiped his fingers on the sheet. He lay down beside the young man and pulled him close to his body, loosening the strap so Danny could lower his aching arms, but leaving his hands cuffed together.

"I know you won't. Now." Horace said softly into Danny's sweat-soaked hair. "Thank you, Danny. You're a good boy. You will learn exactly what I like. Except for that lapse, you are doing very well so far."

He bent his head and kissed the boy. Danny accepted it, slightly confused. His johns never kissed him. But obviously, Horace wanted a different, closer, relationship. 'Even pet dogs are allowed to kiss sometimes. That's probably what I am to him, not a friend or even employee.' he thought without bitterness. 'But even being just a pet is better than a stray cur on the streets.'

Hesitantly, he began to return the kiss, his body slowly relaxing in the man's embrace. The affection-starved young man did not consciously know how much he missed even Carlos' rough attention. But he did.

Horace held him until he felt the boy's heartbeat return to a more normal pace. When Danny began to doze off, Horace slid from the bed and slipped into his robe. Danny watched him sleepily. Yawning, he resignedly started to rise to go back to his own room. Horace stopped him with a soft command.

"No, Danny. You stay here. Lie back down and put up your arms." The man spoke casually while he tied the belt of his robe shut. "I told James and Jose that they could have you when I was done tonight. They will be in shortly."

'Oh god, no. Not any more tonight. I hurt so much. Are all three of them going to do this to me every day? It's too much.' He closed his eyes miserably. Danny slowly raised his arms for the strap.

"Now roll over and let me get your legs."

Danny obeyed meekly, trying to hold back his despair, as Horace spread his legs and fastened them down again.

The man poked a finger in Danny's exposed ass. "Push out the rest of the cum, Danny. James will discuss your omission with you and decide on fitting disciplinary action."

Danny glanced over his shoulder in shock, 'Discipline?' He couldn't help asking, "Sir? I thought you already..." he trailed off at the raised eyebrow.

Horace shook his head. "No, boy. I just pointed out your error to you. James is in charge of the household. He will deal with you as he sees fit. Don't ever question me about my decisions again." There was a stern warning in his voice.

Danny just closed his eyes. "No sir. I'm sorry, sir." He pushed until he felt some of the sticky fluid ooze out and slid down his crack to puddle on his balls.

Horace cupped the boy's balls in a light squeeze, rolling them in the jism. "That's good enough." He stood, wiping his hand on the young man's butt, then leaned forward, kissing his toy possessively on the mouth.

Danny did not resist, but he did flush. It was humiliating, being tied to the bed, cum smeared on his ass and balls. But he wouldn't complain, not even to himself. He knew he was only a whore, no matter how nicely they had treated him so far.

Horace sighed and lifted the boy's chin to meet the embarrassed eyes. "Danny, I told you when we spoke earlier, that I would give you to who ever I wanted to. James and Jose have much more conventional tastes than I do. But I do expect you to please them. It is your job. That's why you are here."

Danny swallowed and said softly, "I understand, sir. It's just... Well, they were nice to me. I'm afraid they won't want me around anymore, except just to..." he tapered off miserably.

'I've had so much fun these past few days. In the gym, at the pool, just following them around during their duty. I don't want to be just a convenient piece of ass and ignored the rest of the time. Not that I have any choice.'

Horace tightened his grip on the slender chin and shook it gently. "They know perfectly well that I brought you here for sex and have known since James found you hustling on the street. They also know better than to touch you unless I give them permission. James almost had to tie Jose's dick in a knot to make him wait this long. You like having sex and we both know it. Think of Jose as your reward for pleasing me. You'll enjoy him a great deal, if I know that young man."

Danny looked startled. He had never even considered that viewpoint. Faint pleasure crossed his face. "My reward?" he asked in a happier tone.

Horace patted him on his sore butt and laughed. Boys could be so predictable. At this age, their brains definitely tended to be in their southern hemisphere. They'd follow their cocks almost anywhere. He wasn't so old that he didn't remember that stage.

"I will see you tomorrow, Danny."

"Yes sir." The reply came back somewhat absently. Danny was obviously still rolling the thought of Jose around in his mind. He barely noticed as the other left.

After a while, the pain in his back and butt began to wear on the young man. His arms were tired of being over his head and the sticky cum had dried on his balls, making them itch.

He began to hope that James would come for him soon, even if he was going to be punished. He wondered if James was going to beat him like Horace did. As his discomfort increased, Danny decided he didn't care. As long as he did it soon.

'Please, don't just leave me here like this all night.' He laid his head on the bed and tried to rest, drawing on his patience. Eventually, he fell into a restless, broken sleep, waking frequently due to the uncomfortable position.



If you like it, write me. If you don't, tell me why not.

My email address is: mikey@maileditor.com My author page where my stories usually live is: http://www.eroticstories.com/unreg/g/author.php?id=237 Or if you have an ES login: http://www.eroticstories.com/my/author.php?id=237

Other stories by Mikey:


Jordan's Story, Beginnings

(Jordan's Story and Because) Danny, Authoritarian Come Home, Beginnings


Jordan's Story, Gay Danny, Gay Baby, Bisexual Because, Gay Come Home / Coming Home, Gay

Next: Chapter 7

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