
By Mikey

Published on Sep 8, 2000


Author's note: Hey, you found this story in the Nifty gay archive site, so you ought to know that it contains graphic adult male-male sex. Hopefully, it also has a story you will like. If you aren't supposed to read this stuff, please don't. Otherwise, Enjoy. Fantasies don't need protection, real life does. Play it safe. Mikey


Carlos stared in disbelief at Mack.

"What?" the young tough said, freezing in place.

Mack looked back at him steadily.

"I said, take off your clothes. There's been a change in plans. I have a new job for you and the man wants to see how well you perform. Do it."

His face reddening in anger and embarrassment, Carlos started to back away. He froze as the sharp blade of the knife poked below his ear. Mack shook his head in disappointment.

"Carlos, you are just making things harder on yourself. Either strip or Bobby is going to cut your clothes off you."

Carlos flushed and slowly pulled off his shirt. His hands paused at his jeans button. Mack just looked at Bobby and then at him. He shed the rest of his clothing and stood there in the center of the room as the visitors studied him. His face was red with humiliation and his fists clenched at his sides, but no one cared.

The man walked around him, then turned to Mack and nodded. "I think so. Now, let's see what he's like in action. You said you have another one also?"

Mack gestured at one of his henchmen and the burly man left the room, coming back immediately with Danny in tow. Danny glanced around and a look of obvious shock crossed his face when he saw Carlos standing in the center of the circle of chairs and visitors -- stark naked. The younger man quickly wiped the expression from his face. At Mack's terse order, he stripped without hesitation.

Unlike the bigger man, Danny was used to the fact that his body was merchandise. He had been selling it on the street for years now. He stood watching Mack, waiting for instructions, apparently oblivious to the man examining him, actually touching him intimately as he had not with Carlos. When the man nodded in approval and returned to his seat, one of the guards picked up their discarded clothes and set them out of sight.

Mack settled down in one of the two comfortable chairs and looked at the two boys. With a wave of his hand towards a low padded bench, he said contemptuously, "In front of the bench now, boys."

Danny glanced at it. About three feet wide, not long enough to be a couch or bed, not narrow enough for a bench. The location in front of the two chairs told him its likely purpose. He figured out what was going to happen there. He swallowed nervously. Carlos was not going to put up with this submissively. Carlos used Danny's ass and mouth, sure, but never touched the other boy other than hasty relief.

Mack continued in the same derogatory tone. "Now this is what is going to happen. You two are going give Mr. Jones here a really nice show. I suggest you put some effort into it, because I will be very displeased if he is not satisfied with what you do. Danny, you know what to do. Get him hard and keep him that way. Carlos, behave yourself or the boys are just going to hold you down and then he gets a different show. One that will be very uncomfortable for you. Do you understand me?"

Carlos glared and stiffened his body.

Danny glanced sideways at him, then sighed. Carlos was going to make this hard. He understood. It was difficult the first time you got fucked. To have it sprung on you, unaware and unwilling, in front of strangers, was even worse. He hoped to calm his friend down before he got hurt. Before either one of them got hurt.

The street-wise teen had no delusions about his value to Mack. He was worth letting live only so long as he cooperated. Carlos hadn't realized this yet. He was about to.

Danny slid to his knees and put his hands on the older boy's thighs. Carlos jumped back and snarled at him. Danny sat back on his heels and looked up into the angry man's face.

"Carlos, it's no big deal. Come on. Cooperate and get us out of here in one piece. You know better than to cross Mack," he whispered hoarsely.

Carlos flushed again, but this time he stood still as Danny slowly began to nuzzle at his crotch. 'Damn, I really don't like this. But if Danny can tolerate blowing me in front of all these guys, then I guess I can take it.' Carlos still did not understand what was going to happen here.

Danny had a much better idea, but hoped that his big friend would not do anything too stupid. He ran his hands slowly up the strong muscular thighs. He pushed gently to get Carlos to part them so he could reach the cock and balls nestled in the thick black hair. He reached out the tip of his tongue and began to lick the cock that had retreated slightly in Carlos' alarm.

Even though Carlos was still nervous, his cock knew Danny's warm wet mouth, and eagerly poked out to get the treat it knew was coming. Danny closed his lips just behind the knob and began to work the soft meat in his mouth. Tongue and lips kneaded and stroked.

Carlos sighed and began to relax. His hands moved tentatively to Danny's soft hair as his cock hardened. Danny began to really move on him. His warm mouth slid up and down the thick shaft, tongue stroking along the ridges and veins. He sucked tightly at the head as he paused for a breath, before licking and biting his way back down the quivering cock. Carlos moaned and Danny swallowed the salty precum that began to leak from the tiny slit.

Carlos had no idea of the beautiful picture the two of them made, as he stood with his legs apart, his head thrown slightly back, eyes closed. His hard tanned body and thick defined muscles contrasted with the paler, slimmer body of the young man between his thick thighs. Carlos laced his fingers into the Danny's hair and gently began to thrust with Danny's movement.

Danny's dark curly hair blended in to the black curls on Carlos' pubes and balls. The younger man's pretty face and shaved body were slender, but the wiry muscles stood out. As did his perfectly shaped cock and firm round balls. He spread his legs apart while he knelt to give their audience a better view of him. Unlike Carlos, Danny never forgot who was watching.

He wrapped his hands around to Carlos' round butt and began to knead it as he pulled the big cock deeply into his throat. Carlos groaned in a deep voice. The audience licked their lips.

Danny slowly urged Carlos down onto the padded bench. Carlos lay on his back, his eyes closed. Danny crouched along his body, never letting go of his cock. Glancing up at Mack, Danny saw him move his hands, placing fingers to wrists, palms on top of each other. Danny blinked in acknowledgement, then swung his body to kneel over Carlos.

Carlos did not notice the new position at first other than to moan as even more of his throbbing penis slid down Danny's hot throat. But all too soon, he realized what was about to happen.

A drop of liquid hit his lips and he licked automatically. But the taste was slick, not the salt of the sweat he expected. He opened his eyes to see Danny's hard dripping cock poised just above his mouth. One of the guards was jacking up and down on it.

Carlos' eyes widened, and with a garbled shout, he tried to lurch out from under the other boy. But the guards had expected this as soon as Danny had got into position. His arms and legs were quickly pinned by the two huge men. He tried to escape, and his arm was wrenched brutally. He sagged and they pulled his arms up over his head. He felt the metal of handcuffs fastening his hands together and to something at the end of the bench.

He whimpered slightly as the man pulled down on the cock in his hand. Danny lowered his hips until the wet cock head brushed Carlos' lips. The guard wiped it back and forth along his mouth, smearing his lips with the thin fluid. He clenched his mouth closed tightly.

'There was no way I'm taking another man's cock into my mouth! No fucking way!'

A guard pinched his nose closed. His body thrashed. Danny continued to slide up and down his cock, riding the writhing body lithely. Finally with a soft sob, Carlos opened his mouth and gasped for air. He closed his eyes as the head slid past his lips and pushed gently on his tongue.

Carlos froze in outrage, his body stiff with rejection at the invasion. He had no idea what to do. He could taste the salty precum oozing from the slit. The skin of Danny's cock was smooth and silky. The cut head filled his mouth perfectly, neither too large nor small. He could smell the gentle musky odor of Danny's crotch under the scent of the soap that had been at the gym when they showered that afternoon. At least it was Danny, and not some stranger.

Carlos felt Danny lick urgently at the head of his cock and slowly curled his tongue up to stroke the smoothly rounded knob that filled his mouth. Danny murmured lightly against his cock and rubbed his tongue a little more firmly.

Carlos tentatively followed his example. Slowly he got used to the smell and taste of the thing in his mouth. Danny began to bob his head up and down the shaft, taking in a little more with each movement. Lying on his back, his arms tied down above his head, Carlos could not do that, but the younger boy's hips flexed and he pushed into Carlos' mouth at the same pace and depth as he sucked on Carlos. Gradually, Carlos began to relax. He still thought it was disgusting, but couldn't do anything about it right now.

Danny pulled gently on Carlos' legs, bending them up at the knees, then spreading them apart. Carlos resisted for a second, then obeyed. He still couldn't believe he was actually sixty-nining with Danny in front of all those people.

He twitched slightly as Danny ran his hands up the back of his legs, stroking his thighs and then down to his ass. He moaned slightly in protest as the man on top of him began to stroke his tightly puckered asshole.

But Danny's mouth felt so good on his cock. He had never really let the other boy do what he could. He had always been in a hurry before. Also, he was getting used to the gentle pumping sliding Danny's cock in and out of his mouth. Danny was being very careful not to gag Carlos.

Carlos opened his eyes when he felt someone new move in above him. Mack was kneeling on the bench over his head. He had opened his pants and pulled out his cock, stroking it. He slid on a condom and ran the lubricated head along Danny's asshole, preparing to fuck him.

Carlos gasped and began to struggle. 'That's not Danny's hand probing my hole! It's that Jones bastard's cock! I'm getting the fuck out of here!'

Mack paused in his penetration of Danny's ass and glared down into the wide eyes below his cock.

"Carlos, you just spread that cherry ass for him and don't even think about doing anything or you will really get hurt."

Carlos wanted to protest, but Danny, sensing a problem, jammed his cock all the way into Carlos' throat, making him gulp frantically to keep from gagging. As he concentrated on just breathing, he saw Mack's cock push steadily into Danny's ass, pausing with the head just inside the ring of muscle.

At the same time, he felt the fiery agony of his first penetration as the man fucking him pushed through the virgin muscle. Carlos gasped and his ass instinctively tightened. His hips bucked when he tried to escape the burning pain.

Danny patted his butt cheek and sucked harder, trying to distract him from his abuse. Carlos wanted to grit his teeth at the pain, but felt Danny moan in pain as his jaw began to tighten on his cock and loosened his mouth. Hurting Danny wasn't going to save him. His fists clenched and his arms bulged as he pulled against the restraints.

He stared up as Mack's cock slowly buried itself all the way to the balls in Danny's hole. He could feel the burning entry as his own virgin hole was stretched relentlessly at the same time. With Danny's cock in his mouth and his balls hanging over his nose, he saw Mack's balls lay on top of Danny's.

The men mounting the sixty-nining boys began to move. They timed their thrusts so that they both entered in the same rhythm. Carlos was overwhelmed with the sensations flooding his body. He couldn't believe this was really happening to him.

Danny was also fascinated, but he was neither scared, nor particularly reluctant. He regretted forcing Carlos, but it was neither his idea, nor his choice. He controlled the pace of his movements on and in Carlos to match the other men's thrusts. As the cocks pushed deeply into his and Carlos' bowels, he lowered his hips, burying his cock down Carlos' throat and swallowed Carlos' meat to the root.

It was so great to see and feel every thing at once. He was fucking, sucking, being fucked, and watching from a pointblank distance as someone else was fucked. If it had been almost anyone else behind him, he would have been delighted.

Just the thought of Horace taking him while he sucked off Carlos made him shiver in delight. He tried to pretend it was Horace behind him. But Mack didn't fill his ass nearly as fully or as well. Oh well. Just think about that shower when Horace had taken him. Whores got good at pretending they were with someone else. Danny had lots of practice.

The younger man paced himself and controlled Carlos' readiness with his mouth while waiting for the two men using them to get ready. As the men plunged faster, he sped up the mouth action.

Carlos' balls drew up and his breathing turned to moans, as he got ready to cum, despite the cock still hurting his canal. Danny felt Mack shudder and the throbbing of his cock told the experienced young hustler that the man on him had come.

Mack was not as large or as forceful as Mr. Horace had been. Danny could not feel the actual cum shoot into the condom, but he knew what had happened. He watched the man fucking Carlos close his eyes and grab the younger man's hips, slamming into him again and again before gasping and crying out when he came.

Carlos figured out what was happening and closed his eyes in relief. Hopefully this would be over soon. Then he was outta here. He could get work elsewhere and never see Mack again. That would suit him just fine. The minute they let him up, he was stuffing Danny on a bus and they were gone.

Mack spoke roughly to Danny, "Make him come. I want to see it on your tongue."

Danny paused and lifted up for a second, looking over his shoulder, protesting, "But he's not wearing a rubber."

Mack, still buried in the boy's ass, slapped it sharply.

"Get back down on him and do it anyway, or you are going to find something a hell of a lot bigger back here than me. It won't be just one and none of them with condoms. And you sure as hell won't enjoy it as much. Understand?"

Danny swallowed, he recognized the threat of the crib and multiple customers at the same time using him until he was torn, bleeding, and used up. He obeyed.

Mack and the other man pulled free. Carlos jumped at the sudden sharp pain as the knob popped out of the sphincter. Danny went back down on Carlos. The two men watched greedily as the two boys quickly began to pump their hips, fucking each other's faces until Carlos was writhing in his readiness to shoot.

Danny waited until Carlos was ready, then allowed himself to relax enough to feel that first tingle in his balls that was warning of imminent release.

Carlos gasped when he felt Danny's mouth slid off of him until only the head of his cock rested on his tongue. Then he wasn't thinking at all as he fired spurt after spurt of hot cum into the open mouth over him.

Danny hated this. He never let the johns come in his mouth and always made them wear rubbers. He had seen what happened to careless prostitutes and drug addicts while he was still a young child and it had scared him. Now, with the very real threat of Aids, he was even more careful. When he could be. He was pretty sure Carlos was clean, but you never knew.

Danny closed his eyes and swallowed reluctantly. He gagged slightly. Mack slapped him and shoved his face back into Carlos' crotch, rubbing his face on the other boy's wet cock.

"Lick him, boy. Like a dog."

Carlos moaned as he felt the tongue lick him clean. He came rapidly back to reality when he felt Danny pull roughly from his automatically sucking mouth. He didn't have time to worry before a thick stream of salty sweet fluid filled his mouth. It flowed over his cheeks when he automatically tried to push it out.

"Don't spit it out. Swallow it, Carlos." Mack cupped his chin and held his mouth shut.

Carlos gagged, but finally managed to swallow. It was the idea, not the taste that he rebelled at.

Danny swung off of the other boy and stood by the bench, hoping they would be sent out now. But no such luck.

Mack said casually to the guard, "Take them out of here and store them. We're done, for now."

"Yes sir, white room?"

Mack agreed and turned back to his client, ignoring the miserable boy on the divan. Bobby unfastened Carlos from the bench, but left his hands cuffed in front of him when he pulled him up and pushed him from the room. They were taken down several halls and shoved into an almost empty room. Carlos' hands were unfastened just before the door shut behind the guards.

Danny sat on the floor. His knees drawn up to his chest. His arms wrapped tightly around his legs. His chin rested on his knees while he watched Carlos warily.

The big young man had flung himself on the only piece of furniture. An old mattress along one wall of the tiny room they had been shoved in. His face was buried in his arms while he fought to control his breathing. 'Why? Damn, I'm gonna kill those fuckers when I get out of here.'

Danny waited. He knew better than to approach Carlos right now. After all they had been through, the tough young man might lash out with a hard fist as readily as he would a cutting word.

After a while, Carlos sat up and roughly shoved the pillow off the mattress. He winced at the pain in his injured shoulder, and in his asshole, then sat glaring at the blackened window. It only reflected their images back to them.

"Damn it! Why the hell did they put us in here? They got what they wanted. Now let us go! At least give us back our clothes!" He snarled at the blank door without even a doorknob on this side.

Danny cringed slightly. He did not really think that Mack had gotten everything he wanted. He had the bad feeling that their ordeal had only just started. And Carlos was not going to take it very well.

His slight movement caught the other man's eye and he swung to face the younger man huddled against the wall. He started to snarl, then Danny's defensive posture, and his wary, upset face, registered.

The tension visibly flowing from his shoulders, Carlos sank back down towards the mattress and sighed, asking Danny ruefully, "Does it always hurt that much?"

Danny tilted his head to the side and said with a quick shake of his head, "Only the first few times, or if you aren't ready."

Carlos said distastefully, "I don't know how you can stand doing that with strangers all the time. That's disgusting."

Danny flushed and snapped back, "I never had a choice at first. And that was before I was on the street. When I was… Hell, you know what the shelters are like. You got three choices: run, fight, or get fucked. The first two are only possible while you are conscious, and no one cares enough to keep you that way. Now, it doesn't matter. I'm used to it and they give me enough money to let me stay alive. Anyway, you're fast enough to climb on me when you're horny."

Danny froze in terror. He couldn't believe that he had talked back to Carlos like that for the first time in their long association. He was going to get hurt. He could not move. He could only watch as Carlos' face turned red and his hands curled into fists.

"You little faggot whore!" Carlos hissed and stepped forward.

Danny swallowed and, despite his fear, blurted out, "Yeah, I am. But that doesn't mean I don't have feelings too. I hurt just like everyone else. Do you really think that I like selling myself to drunks on the street? I just don't know what else to do. I'm sorry. I didn't want to do that with them either. But they didn't exactly give me a choice."

He sniffled as tears began to slide down his cheeks, but he kept his eyes on Carlos' enraged face. He knew there was nowhere to run or hide in this small room.

Suddenly the bigger man turned away and dropped heavily on to the mattress. He buried his head in his hands for a moment, then looked up at Danny.

"Oh God. I'm sorry, Danny. It's all right. Come here."

Danny scrambled over in a rush. He'd take whatever comfort he could get. Mack scared him. This whole situation scared him.

Carlos pulled the smaller man close and lay back down on the mattress, holding his only friend. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know what he really wanted when Mack told me to bring you with me. I never meant for this to happen."

Danny just lay beside him and tentatively patted Carlos on the shoulder. "I know," he whispered, comforted by the strong arms holding him. "I know."

The two traumatized young men lay together, their naked bodies close, wondering what was going to happen next. And silently frightened of the unknown future.

Above, unseen, unheard, unknown, watching them on the monitor, hearing their every whisper, their every breath, two men spoke dispassionately.

"Well Sir, they might be trainable after all."

"Very well then, see what you can do. But if they cause any trouble, make sure that they never turn up to embarrass us. There are plenty of street kids to replace these two."

"Yes sir."

The one man left the room. The other turned back to watch his latest acquisitions and smiled to himself, savoring the plans he had for their future. It was not a nice expression.



Ps, I love email. Hint, hint.

My email address is: mikey@maileditor.com My author page where my stories usually live is: http://www.eroticstories.com/unreg/g/author.php?id=237

Or if you have an ES login: http://www.eroticstories.com/my/author.php?id=237

Other stories by Mikey:


Jordan's Story, Beginnings Danny, Authoritarian


Jordan's Story, Gay Danny, Gay Baby, Bisexual Come Home, Gay

Next: Chapter 5

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