
By Mikey

Published on Aug 21, 2000


Author's Note: Hey, you found this story on the Nifty gay - site, so you ought to know that it contains graphic male-male sex. It does contain some light bondage and punishment. I hope that it also has a story you will like. If you aren't supposed to read this stuff, please don't. Fantasies don't need protection. Real life does. Play it safe. Otherwise, Enjoy.

A Hot Shower:

Horace, dressed and ready to leave for the morning's business, looked at the sleeping boy tied to the bed in the spare room.

Streaks from his tears ran through the precum that had dried on his face. He was curled up on his side, still in the leather from last night's session. His balls hung along the back of one thigh, the welts and bruises on his ass clearly visible now that the initial reddening had faded.

As the man stepped into the room, Danny's eyes opened. He flinched back in an instinctive reaction, raising his bound hands slightly in front of him before he woke completely. Then he lay still, passively looking at the well-dressed man standing by the bed. It was hard to believe that this was the same person who had been so violent the night before. He waited, steeling himself.

Horace smiled gently at him.

"Good morning, boy. I need to go out to a meeting just now. I wanted to thank you again for last night and tell you how much I am looking forward to tonight. I will tell Mack how cooperative you have been. James will be staying here. You take an nice hot soak and he will bring you something to eat. Just amuse yourself in the suite. There is plenty of stuff on the telly. I will be back sometime this afternoon."

Danny forced himself to say calmly, "Thank you, sir."

Horace beamed and patted him on the cheek. "Good boy."

Danny felt like a mixture of pet dog and punching bag. But he kept his face still as the man left.

The bodyguard returned and silently unbuckled the cuffs. He impassively stripped the young man. Without a word, he easily lifted Danny and carried him into the huge bath, lowering him into the very warm water.

"I put some Epson salts in the water. Soak as long as you can, then add more hot water. It will make you feel better," he said gruffly with a look of pity in his eyes.

Danny bowed his head and mumbled his thanks. He didn't want his pity. But he already hurt too much to annoy someone that big and rough looking.

"Here," the big man said, holding out a couple of small pills.

Danny looked at them suspiciously and James smiled slightly.

"Just ibuprofen. It will help."

Danny swallowed them obediently and James left for a while. Danny could hear him straightening up the room that he had been used in. The young man leaned gingerly back in the tub and let the hot water soak into his bruises. He did not remember the last time he had soaked in a long hot bath. He dozed, shifting occasionally to relieve the pressure on a painful bruise.

After a while, James returned. He quietly picked up a sponge, squeezing a generous amount of antibacterial liquid soap on it, and began to wash Danny thoroughly.

Danny sighed and obediently stood for the man to scrub him clean. The strong fingers massaged the shampoo into his scalp, then pushed him under the heavy stream of hot water to rinse. It felt wonderful. He felt his cock begin to harden slightly as the warm slick sponge caressed it with a mixture of silky soap and rough sponge texture. The contrast made him harden quickly.

He started to move away in embarrassment, but stopped and leaned back against the edge of the tub carefully as an equally soapy hand replaced the sponge.

He closed his eyes and relaxed as the same fingers that had rubbed his scalp earlier, now worked on his other head. Sliding up and down, squeezing gently, rubbing behind the head at that so sensitive spot.

The soap slick hand caressed his shaft, squeezing firmly enough he could feel the hard calluses beneath the slippery lotion. The contrast of textures against his throbbing cock and shaven balls was engrossing. The hot water of the tub became even warmer as his heart sped up and sweat beaded his forehead. His hands gripped the sides of the tub tightly.

Soon his abdomen was tightening and his breathing quickened as the hands cupped and stroked and pulled. He silently arched his back. The only sound he made was the slight panting of his breath as he released his load in a quiet explosion of creamy fluid that mixed with the soapy bath water.

His eyes opened and he looked into James' calm face with a shy smile. "Thank you," he said softly. He had not expected kindness from the rough looking bodyguard. The guy would make a bulldozer think twice before insisting on right of way. Mack's bodyguards were more likely to call him names and hit him, than be gentle.

James twitched his lips slightly. He wasn't going to tell the boy just how much he enjoyed handling him. Or what he would have liked to do if he hadn't known the kid was very sore right now.

The boss was coming back and would want seconds. James was a hard man, but he wouldn't wear out the kid's ass like that. Maybe later. He could hope. He changed the subject. "You're welcome. Do you feel up to eating anything now? I brought some breakfast in."

Danny's stomach growled at the thought of food. He had not had any dinner last night. He was definitely hungry. James smiled at his involuntary reply and stood him up to rinse off under the shower.

Danny pulled on the large t-shirt and loose sweats, grateful not to have to wear the leather again, yet. The clothes hung on his slim frame. 'They must belong to James,' he thought.

The street kid's eyes widened when he saw the assortment of eggs, meats, breads, and other foods he had not eaten for a very long time. He sat down gingerly on the cushion James had discretely placed on the chair and slowly began to eat. He could not believe it was all for him. He tasted everything, but despite his hunger was only able to eat a small amount for a young man his age.

James just said, "I will keep it for you. You will probably be able to eat more in a few hours."

Danny nodded, then wandered into the suite area to watch TV. Fascinated by the cartoons that he had not seen since he had been thrown out on the street, he absently ate the entire snack James brought by.

After a slightly bigger lunch, the events of the night before caught up with the young man and he fell asleep curled up on the big soft couch. James woke him just long enough to pull off the sweats and redress him in a brief leather g-string, the collar, and cuffs.

He dozed off again and was still asleep when Horace returned that afternoon. He woke quickly when he heard the voices in the other room.

Horace smiled as the handsome boy in the bondage slave costume uncoiled gracefully from the chair and stood watching him submissively as he entered the room.

"Oh my." He licked his lips. "You look good enough to eat," he said silkily.

His eyes lit up as he began to pull at his tie. At a gesture from the bodyguard behind the man, Danny stepped forward and silently helped him undress. Horace rubbed his hands all over the boy's nicely muscled body, then turned him around and had him bend over while he inspected the welts and bruises still visible from the beating last night.

Danny reminded himself that he was only a body, not a person, and swallowed his inconvenient and dangerous pride. Thus, he did not complain when a quick pat on his rear told him to straighten. Or when the man turned him around and reached into the tight leather g-string and pulled his cock out into the interested stares of both the older man and James.

He silently followed the hand pulling at his cock as if it were a leash leading him into the bathroom. He would be released tonight when the man left, he reminded himself. Obediently kneeling in the streaming shower at the pressure on his shoulders, he opened his mouth as his face was pulled into the ready groin. This he could do in his sleep.

Soon Horace was pumping into his face as the tongue stroked the huge cock and the agile throat swallowed him deeply. His fingers entwined in the boy's hair, he enjoyed the hot flowing water and the equally hot sucking mouth.

With a gasp, he pulled free and squeezed the end of his cock tightly to prevent himself from cuming yet. He turned around and leaned his hands on the wall of the shower and shoved his butt back into the waiting face.

Danny spread his cheeks and reached in with his tongue. Tracing the puckered hole, reaching across the smooth root of the still firm cock to tickle and probe at the low slung, hairy balls. He sucked the large nads into his mouth one at a time and rolled them firmly while rubbing the hole above them with the tip of his nose as he sucked and tongued. His hands went expertly to the cock and began to stroke and squeeze.

It did not take much before Horace was breathing hard again. The man pushed Danny down on his hands and knees, pulling off the g-string. He reached for the condom James handed him, sliding the latex over his huge dick before shoving it forcefully into the younger man's ass.

Danny gritted his teeth and closed his eyes against the stretching, burning pain of the invasion in the muscles still sore from last night. Then he felt his muscles slowly relax as the man took up a steady pumping that soon had Danny panting and arching his back to offer easier access to his hole.

Danny couldn't believe it felt this good even as the man's body slammed into his bruised ass. The pain of his abused backside blended in to the pleasure of a thorough fucking and he no longer even tried to think. But he did know what to do. He clenched his ass tightly to increase the friction. Horace pounded deeper and harder. The only sound was the endless stream of the water and the gasping breaths, the slap of flesh on flesh.

Soon Danny felt the huge cock stop and the throbbing spurt of cum filling the condom. Horace pulled free, leaving Danny with a hard aching cock and a sudden empty feeling.

Then the older man reached beneath the younger man and grabbed the jutting cock, and with a rough hand, quickly began to jerk on the eager cock. Danny spread his legs to give him easy access and bit back his moans as three fingers shoved into his plowed ass, finding and stroking the prostate in a rough way that felt so good.

Within moments, he was pumping out his load also, again amazed that the customer he was supposed to be serving was allowing him to feel this good also. Most didn't.

Danny rose, and taking the sponge, began to wash the older man languidly. Both enjoying playing gently with every inch of their bodies. Horace told Danny to masturbate as the older man played with his nipples and watched eagerly as Danny's face glazed over with the continuous sexual arousal. With the guard's enthusiastic help, he kept Danny just short of cumming until they were out of the shower and the boy writhed on the bed.

Danny's eyes widened with alarm as Horace reached for the belt he had used so brutally last night, but he was far too excited to think coherently. He just rolled over on to his stomach, stretched his arms over his head, and spread his legs as widely as he could. And waited, cringing slightly.

Horace smiled. 'What a cooperative lad.'

But Horace did not whip him this time, just greased the thick leather, and carefully inserted it into Danny's asshole, feeding it slowly inside the pumping body, then equally slowly drawing the entire length out.

Danny's back arched and he moaned as his cock responded to the slow drag of the greased leather across his prostate and out of his sensitive hole. He rolled on to his back again and watched with glazed eyes what was going on between his widely spread legs and bent knees.

Soon Horace was erect again. The huge slab of meat responded quickly for a man of Horace's age. And Danny was silently begging for more, his ass raised as far as he could, stomach and flanks quivering with the strain of their effort. Horace stuffed his cock into Danny's tight hole, smiling as the boy sighed in relief as the man began to move after teasing him for so long.

Danny gasped and bit his lip to silence the moans as Horace reached out and began to stroke up and down the flushed and eager cock. Ropes of creamy white cum shot from the quivering tip, draping over his chest and stomach.

Now the man took his turn again. This time he lay on the bed with Danny kneeling between his legs.

Danny tried to suck one more load out of the tired man, grateful that the threatened beating had not reappeared. His body still tingled with the after effects of cumming so hard and so many times tonight. He wanted to make the other man feel just as good as he did and eagerly attacked the widespread crotch and ass with mouth and hands. Now it was personal, no longer just a chore.

Horace groaned softly in pleasure and stroked the boy's head as it rooted between his legs and over his hard cock. He enjoyed the tongue probing the slit, sweeping around the sensitive head, the warm wet mouth sliding all the way up and down his thick shaft, and the tight throat swallowing against him.

The man was glad he had decided not to hurt the boy again. It was not good to make them too frightened. They were no longer as enjoyable when they only cried and tried to escape. Besides, they tried to please him so much more when they knew what the alternative was.

He would have Danny again sometime. But he would wait until the anticipation grew. It was better that way. But just the thought of that gorgeous young body tied spread eagled to the bed, writhing silently beneath the lash, was enough to make him pull out of the warm wet mouth and cum all over the beautiful face.

He sighed and rose, taking a robe from the guard.

"Thank you, Danny. Now why don't you go wash up and change. I have to catch a plane in an hour. I need to be on the road."

Danny nodded and obediently went into the bath to wash his face. When he returned, dressed once more in the faded jeans and old t-shirt he had worn the night before, Horace was already dressed to leave. The man cupped his chin and rubbed a thick finger along his lower lip.

"You are very good. The next time I come into town I will expect to see you again."

Danny flinched slightly, but met the man's questioning eyes.

"Yes sir," he replied with a mixture of reluctance and anticipation. His back burned and the bruises ached. He felt humiliated by all that had happened. But… it had been a long time since he had been fucked so well. He was confused and the bemusement showed in his eyes.

Horace smiled internally. He would own the boy yet. The young man just did not know it, but his leash was there. Invisible to him, but there none the less. He smiled at the young man and strengthened the leash.

"Here, I know Mack had his own arrangement with you, but I just wanted to express my appreciation."

Horace pressed a folded bill into the boy's hand. Danny thought he saw a ten on it and thanked him. Anything helped. Then the guard ushered him to the door and solemnly handed back the two knives and the baggie Danny had set down earlier.

Danny left. He walked back to the tiny room he shared with the five other young people. It looked, and smelled, worse than ever after the day at the nice hotel. He sighed and lay down on the rough pallet of cardboard and papers. Then he remembered the money and looked, gasping in amazement.

'A century!' He clutched it tightly. He and Carlos could actually go out and eat and get some new clothes to replace the torn rags he had been wearing. He could get a good deal at the thrift store and still have enough left over to last them for a long time, especially since Mack had waived the rent for the next week.

He smiled. It was worth the aching bruises. Now if Carlos would hurry back to share his good news.

Enjoy, Mike. Ps, I love email. Hint, hint. My email address is: mikey@maileditor.com My author page where my stories usually live is: http://www.eroticstories.com/unreg/g/author.php?id=237 Or if you have an ES login: http://www.eroticstories.com/my/author.php?id=237 My other stories: Nifty: Jordan's Story, Beginnings Danny, Authoritarian EroticStories.com: Jordan, gay Danny, gay Baby, bisexual

Next: Chapter 4

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