
By Mikey

Published on Apr 9, 2023


Author's Note: Hey, you found this story on the gay erotic stories site, so you ought to know that it contains graphic male-male sex. I hope that it also has a story you will like. If you aren't supposed to read this stuff, please don't. Fantasies don't need protection. Real life does. Play it safe. Otherwise, Enjoy.

*** Mike

Dancing with Jose

Danny sipped the champagne and shifted his shoulders under the tuxedo he wore. He grinned to himself. A far cry from the thin t-shirt and bike shorts that had been all he had owned when he came to stay with Horace two years before.

Danny watched from the edge of the room as Horace mingled with his guests. It was the birthday of one of Horace's friends. The public part of the party had been earlier and now only a handful of very carefully selected guests remained. Now was time for him to earn his admission. He grinned and set down the glass.

His anticipation of tonight's fun and games had been almost more than he could stand all week long. Even with the 'dress' runs. No, that was not the right term. 'Undress runs?' he wondered idly while he searched for the person who would partner him. There he was. Danny met Jose's eyes and the young bodyguard nodded.

Gracefully, he wound between the guests headed towards Horace and the guest of honor, Kevin Michaelson. Jose met him in the center of the floor, looking darkly handsome in his formal clothing. A wave of the hand signaled the man running the music to change to a previously agreed song. The sultry beat of Latin salsa filled the room and the voices in the background stopped as the guests turned to see what was going on.

Jose put his hand on the center of Danny's chest and said huskily in his accented voice, "Dance with me, amigo." Danny tilted his head back and smiled brilliantly at him, then without a word, slid smoothly into his arms as they started to dance.

The dance floor cleared around them. The guests moving to the sides of the room and watching quietly. Knowing Horace as they all did, they knew that something was up. Something this particular group would enjoy.

Sinuous and sexy, the two handsome men expressed desire and eroticism with every brush of their bodies, their hot eyes fixed on each other, their tight black trousers making no effort to hide their growing erections.

Jose reached out and slowly pulled off Danny's jacket revealing that the slim young man wore only a fake shirtfront and separate cuffs under the jacket. Jose yanked off his own jacket, revealing the same brief clothing and his muscles rippled in his back and arms when he twirled the jacket around his head before flinging it to the side of the tiny dance floor. He pulled Danny close and began to rub cheek to cheek, chest to chest, cock to cock.

Danny undid the fastening on the shirtfronts and flung them free, leaving them bare-chested in their embrace. Their movements slowed as the tempo of the music changed. Opening their mouths, their tongues met at the tips, caressing and stroking, before sliding deeply into the other's mouth.

Sighs drifted from their audience. More than one hand tightened around a glass.

Jose slid his open mouth slowly down Danny's face and neck. Still moving gracefully in time with the music, he turned the young man around in his arms to rest back against his broad hard chest. Danny leaned his head back on the bigger man's shoulder and reached up with his arms to bury his hands in the short, thick hair. His eyes were closed, his lips parted and moist as he writhed in Jose's grasp.

Jose cupped his hands on Danny's pecs, teasing the nipples into tiny peaks, then stroking down the washboard abs to the bulging front on his trousers. Two years of daily weights, swimming, running, and working out with the body guards had toned and filled out Danny's slim frame into a very nice package.

Danny nuzzled his face back into the other man's neck as large strong hands grasped the zippers on either side of his trousers and slowly slid them down, letting the front panel sag open. His black leather g-string barely managed to contain the raging hard on it outlined so clearly.

He gasped as the hands cupped him through the thin leather and began to caress. His hips began to pump slowly with the caresses. Fingers slid slowly along the edges of the leather, making him press harder against the hard body behind him.

The audience gathered closer. Behind them, unnoticed, servers removed the tables with the used plates and replaced them with new supplies. And a specially padded table. Bowls of condoms, lubricants, and soft towels were set out, in every texture, color, and flavor.

Suddenly the music changed, the light sensuous music picking up a heavier beat and darker tone. Jose reached up and seized Danny's wrists, twisting them quickly behind his head to hold with one hand. Then he laced his free hand in the curly black hair and yanked the other man's head back, forcing him to his knees. Danny closed his eyes and moaned softly. The audience gasped. Some moaned with him.

Jose stood over him and spread his legs widely, then rubbed his crotch in the kneeling man's face. Danny licked and sucked at the bulge beneath the sleek black material, leaving erotic wet marks where his mouth had been.

Among the watchers, Emil bit back a moan and tightened his legs. He wanted Danny so badly. Even with Jose. One time before Danny had talked him into a foursome with that so very talented man and Carlos and it felt like he was bowlegged for a week. When he had finally been able to drag himself from the bed. But he just did not have the exhibitionist streak that Danny enjoyed so much.

He started when he felt a hand curve familiarly along his buttocks, then drift between his legs to cup his aching balls. He looked up into the face of his partner, Joe. Although both knew the other was gay, or in Emil's case, bi, neither had allowed sex to enter their working relationship before.

Now, Emil just parted his legs and reached to the front of the older man's trousers. Without taking their eyes from the hot action in the center of the room, they slowly caressed each other. They were by no means the only couple indulging.

Unseen hands slid the padded table to the edge of the crowd, and they obligingly passed it in to the center. Jose pulled an unresisting Danny to his feet and backed him against the table with a hot wet kiss, devouring his mouth and face.

Jose pressed him slowly to the surface with his body, lying on top of him, and stretching his arms above his head without ever breaking the kiss. The many practice sessions paid off when he fastened the wrists into the Velcro straps smoothly. Then he brought his hands down to the sides of the table and pushed himself up and back with a ripple of muscles.

Each hand sought the tiny zipper tab on either side of Danny's open trousers and slid them down. All the way down. The specially designed trousers opened all the way to the ankles and lifted off easily, leaving Danny's lithe bare body covered in only the tiny, overstretched g-string.

Jose's trousers were special also. He unfastened the placket that crossed the front and tossed the material over his shoulder, leaving himself in only a pair of leggings, his hard cock jutting out, his balls dangling freely from the now missing crotch. He did not see the lucky guest catch the saliva and precum soaked material and press it to his face before passing it to the next person.

Starting at the ankle, the big man licked and sucked his way up Danny's leg. He would have liked to do the toes and the strong arch also, but Danny was ticklish and giggles would ruin the mood. The first time he had tried that, Danny had howled and fallen off the table with a convulsive jump, almost dislocating his shoulders. So Jose hit the back of the knees instead and then the hard, tense thighs.

He ran his hands up the legs and parted them wider. His tongue reached out to stroke beside the leather, probing and teasing. Danny writhed silently. His erratic breathing the only sound he made. Jose parted his own legs, giving the audience behind him a clear view of his ass and heavy balls. His cock was so hard, it pointed straight along his rippled stomach.

Jose slowly untied the tight thongs holding Danny's last shred of clothing and pulled it from his body. He knelt between Danny's legs and licked the precum from inside of the thin leather before handing it to another guest to pass around. The circle of watchers had tightened and they were a mere arms length away now.

Danny pulled his knees back and spread them widely at the strong hands urging them apart. His back arched and he sighed lightly as the wet tip of Jose's tongue drifted from the far back of his crack to the dripping tip of his aching cock with one long slow sweep. Jose swirled around the head and sucked slowly back down again, nibbling with his lips this time. He paused between the rounded cheeks and pushed his tongue deeply into the eager hole. More than one guest moaned.

Horace urged Kevin forward to stand behind Jose and placed his hands on Jose's ass. Kevin began to stroke it as Jose devoured Danny's writhing ass.

Horace smiled. "Happy birthday, Kev. Enjoy." Jose pulled free of Danny's well-slobbered ass and looked over his shoulder. Danny also opened his eyes and looked at the man behind Jose.

"Happy birthday, sir,"they chorused.

Kevin smiled. The audience laughed briefly, although a bit raggedly. Then Jose slid gracefully from Danny's body and hugged Kevin from behind. Danny licked his lips slowly and met the man's eyes.

"Fuck me, please, Sir. He got me ready for you. Hot and wet." He wiggled his hips, keeping his legs as wide apart as he could.

Kevin looked startled for a second, then eager. Jose began to undress the guest of honor, running his hands all over his body, touching, stroking, probing.

Jose tore open a condom packet with his teeth and made a big show of rolling it in his mouth until it was nice and wet. Poking his tongue in it, then kneeling gracefully before the eagerly watching guest. Slowly he rolled it on to the erect cock with his lips and tongue. He never took his eyes from Kevin's ecstatic face. After it was on, he licked with an open mouth all over the cock. His tongue reaching out of his mouth to sweep across the hard meat.

Danny recognized the sound of Emil's moan. Emil adored that little trick. Everyone has a sensitive spot, something that really turns them on. Having a condom licked on was Emil's.

He had demurred about fucking Jose and Carlos until Jose had started playing with the condom while kneeling in front of him. Danny had stood behind him, rubbing gently against his ass, reaching around to stroke his cock. Emil had sagged back against him and just watched with fascination as Jose had slowly mouthed it on to him.

Carlos had mounted Jose from behind while Emil watched. Emil had succumbed quickly and had not regretted a moment of the very long night before Carlos left on leave.

Danny glanced to the side of the table as he pumped his hips suggestively before Kevin, and smothered a grin quickly. Joe was standing behind Emil, arms around his partner. One hand under his loosened shirt, the other in the unzipped trousers, obviously jacking.

Joe had a satisfied look on his face. Emil was totally oblivious, engrossed in the action on the table. Joe had wanted Emil for quite a while, but Emil was not usually open to that type of suggestion from anyone but Danny, and occasionally Jose, if Danny was there also. Obviously, he was not objecting right now, and Joe was eagerly taking advantage of his arousal.

Kevin ran his hands up the insides of Danny's thighs, focusing the young man's attention back to the guest. As the aroused man prepared to climb naked on to the table, Kevin said huskily, "If I blow out the candle, do I get my wish?"

Horace laughed. "Blow any candle you want, Kev. It's your night."

The man grinned and expertly swallowed Danny to the balls.

As Kevin's expertise rapidly had Danny gasping in delight, Jose moved behind the birthday boy and began to lick everything he could. As Jose probed the ass with his tongue, the man briefly pulled free of Danny and said over his shoulder.

"Find something bigger to use back there. Something nice and big and hard."

Jose grinned. He could do that. No problemo. He grabbed a condom from the recess in the table and without any further preparation, pushed into Kevin's body. Obviously the guy was more than ready, because with only a slight gasp, he sucked Jose's cock in easily. Jose started to plow him.

The other guest moved in closer. The lights dimmed. Hands began to touch. Clothing piled up on chairs. Bodies rubbed against the three on the table and on each other. Someone unfastened Danny's hands and used them. Danny recognized Emil's balls (and the cock ring that Danny had given him) under his fingers and smiled around the cock in his mouth. Horace really knew how to have a party.

After most of the guests had collapsed, Jose, Danny, and Emil slipped away for their own party. Jose grinned. He had some ideas he wanted to try out on the other two. And Emil still blushed so delightfully.

The handsome young guard laughed to himself remembering the chewing out James had given him for putting the kidnapped cop in the wrong room that first night. He had taken one look at the gorgeous Nordic iceman and decided that either he got him or Danny did.

Forget the used whore Horace had hired. Fresh meat was so much better. And it had worked out beautifully. Danny and Emil adored each other and Jose got both of them. Perfect.

Now if only Danny's friend Carlos would come back. There was one hot body and Jose loved foursomes. Jose shook his head and concentrated on the bodies under him. Carlos was overseas with the Army and wouldn't be back for a year now.

And Danny was squirming beneath the other two in a way that demanded attention immediately. He opened his mouth and dove down on his friend. 'Hey, what else are friends for? Fuck them if they can take a poke.' He misquoted one of his favorite expressions.

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