
By Art Fex

Published on Dec 29, 2002


If you are under eighteen please leave now. The following story contains male/male sex, if you are likely to be offended exit now. This story is not copyright, it is given free of tie to Nifty. All comments, good or bad to ayedee@tiscali.co.uk Many thanks to all who have contacted me and your kind comments. Happy reading.

At the end of part 6 Adam had just left after a very loving night, leaving Adrian and Danny cuddling in bed, Adam will return having experienced something he had not known before...love!!!

Danny Part 7

Adrian and Danny spent almost an hour in bed, no sex, just cuddling and kissing and talking

"If we are going to get to the match on time we had better take a shower otherwise everyone will know what we have been doing" I said

"Sometimes I feel I want everyone to know that we are in love" said Danny, "But I realise you would be in prison if I did, I will be so happy when I'm eighteen and we don't have to hide it"

As we got out of bed Danny said, "What are those tiny things hanging between our legs, are they what gave us and Adam so much pleasure last night" I doubt if either of us were more than two and a half inches.

"Well these two plus the third one provided by Adam, I could hardly believe it as his thick pole slid inside you, are you sore this morning " I asked.

"No, not really, I was really stretched as he entered but once he was there it was wonderful, not as good as my boyfriend of course" he quickly added, "He is just like you, so gentle and loving and when he climaxed it was like a volcano errupting, it was his third time but it was if he hadn't cum for a week, he must have a factory producing that stuff, I loved the taste, slightly more salty than you, maybe that's because of the salt water he swallows when he is surfing, am I kinky because I like swallowing cum juice."

"If you are I must be, when I first started having sex the feeling of having my best friends cum sliding down my throat was fantastic and I soon told him what he was missing and from then on we would 69 almost everyday it was only later that we started fucking, sometimes he was almost begging me to put my cock up his ass, we were both still at school" I said.

"What happened to him, do you still see him" Danny asked.

"Oh he got peculiar and started dating a girl but he still came back to me for sex, even after he got married" I replied.

"Do you think Adam enjoyed it as much as we did" asked Danny

"I'm sure he did, I love you more and more each day, you have just said 'we did' but I haven't said I enjoyed it"I said

"I just know you enjoyed it, you don't have to tell me, the same as when we started loving Adam we hadn't made a plan, we just knew what each other would do" Danny replied.

As we parked at the sports ground another car pulled up beside us, "Hi! Mr. Morton, this is a friend of mine Adrian, Adrian this is Ben Morton one of my tutors at college" Danny said as the guy got out of the next car. I shook hands with the newcomer as the young guys headed off to the changing rooms, Ben was about forty at a guess and had brought his son who was in the opposing team.

We passed the time of day as we waited for the game to start, "Are you related to Danny" he asked

"No, his mother works for me, his Dad often works on Saturdays, I usually watch a match somewhere and once I knew Danny played I decided to support his team and ferry him to and fro"

"As you can guess, I am the Dad who provides the transport but without the type of wheels you have, it's a nice looking car" Ben said.

"I was very lucky, I won the lottery which enabled me to buy a nice apartment and the car, I still work but only as much as I want to, I don't push myself, Danny often visits me to use my PC, his parents can't afford things like that. What is he like as a student, he certainly works hard when he is at my place"

"I don't say this often but he is a very good student, the important thing is he enjoys what he is doing, I wondered where he got the computer from, his work has always been well layed out but recently it has been first class, but don't tell him that"

"I know Danny wants to go to university but he has never mentioned what he wants to study, has he told you" I asked.

"Oh yes we need to know in order to guide our students, his first aim is to become a Naval Architect or failing that anything to do with shipping, but there are only a couple of places that do those courses and competition is fierce. With the right help I'm sure Danny can make it but it might be difficult if his parents can't back him" Ben answered.

"I know his parents can't give financial backing, his Father works in the docks and his Mother works for me, but I know someone who can" I replied

"Are you meaning what I think you are meaning, you will back him" Ben asked.

"When I won the lottery it wasn't peanuts, I have no relatives and it is pretty certain I will never have children so why not use it for Dannys benefit, it's far better than leaving it to the government when I shrug off this mortal coil" I said

"Does Danny know this" Ben asked

"He knows I'm wealthy but we have never discussed his future, I know what his Mother would say, 'Oh you can't do that Adrian' but I'm sure all three of them would be thrilled, by the way no mention of this to Danny, this is between ourselves. Is there something I could get, say PC wise in order to help him now before he goes to Uni" I said.

"The most useful thing would be a CAD programme, but I warn you it's terribly expensive, it helps design shapes and figures in 3D and you can rotate them and things" Ben told me.

"Does he use one at college"

"No I'm afraid not, as it would only be used by a few students our budget can't afford it"

"Right, I've made an executive decision, CAD programme coming up, would you be prepared to show him how to use it when I get it" I asked

"Of course anything to help a good student and it will be fun for me as well, are you sure you want to do this" Ben said.

"I've never been surer about anything, Danny is a nice kid and his Mum is a poppet, an absolute treasure to me, I've sort of adopted the family, they came to me for Dannys birthday"

By this time the game was almost over and once again we were winning , the coach even came to speak to me at the end and said "You are certainly our lucky mascot, we haven't lost since you started supporting us, we are away next week will you be coming?"

"I imagine so, my passenger hasn't given me my orders yet" I said with a laugh.

As we got into our cars I shook hands with Ben and thanked him for his help.

"What help did Ben give you" asked Danny

"Oh, just an idea I had and he gave me some advice" I said

We were almost home when Danny said....."What was the idea that you discussed with Ben"

"You are a nosy bugger aren't you, you might find out someday, until then it's between Ben and me, so you will have to kill your curiosity, OK", I saw the look on his face and added.."And don't sulk or you won't get any supper"

"Are you going to wash this mud off me" he asked

"You know what will happen if I wash you, aren't you hungry" I asked

"I'm hungry for food and I'm also hungry for my boyfriend and I think I need you more than the food come on, we've got all night to eat, first you can feed me with your very special cream"

As usual Danny had his way, not that he had to twist my arm, I jumped at any chance to get my hands on his gorgeous body.In between kisses we soaped each other paying special attention to those parts that gave us so much pleasure and I needed a pee. I knew from experience that he wouldn't mind so decided to get my own back and just peed all over his legs and feet.

"You sod" he exclaimed, and pissed as well, just before I finished Danny dropped to his knees and took my flowing dick into his mouth and swallowed my hot stream, then slowly stood up.

"I wanted to do that because it was yours, it came out of your body but it was horrible I certainly won't do it again , unless you want me to" he said with a grimace.

"I would never ask you to, I hated it when that guy did it to me but you wanted it so I didn't stop you, we both have to learn" I said.

"I'm surprised you still like me, I do such childish and stupid things, anyone else would throw me out, have you got something to take the taste away, something hot and thick and creamy, and it will take the weight off your big balls if you empty them onto my tonsils" Danny said

"I agree my balls need to be emptied before thay reach my knees and I can't think of a better place to do it, well for now anyway, I might think of somewhere else later when we go to bed"

"Do I have to wait that long or are we going to bed early" he said with a smile as he swallowed me. I had received quite a number of B.J.s in my life but Danny was giving more and more pleasure each time, he was becoming a master and it wasn't long before I covered his vocal chords.

As we prepared the meal, I discovered Tessa hadn't neglected the part of her sons education that involved the kitchen, Danny was just as good if not better than me at cooking. After we had cleared the debri we sat together on the couch watching TV, It wasn't terribly interesting and after a while Danny said,

"Would you mind if I finshed my computer work instead of leaving it till tomorrow"

"Of course not, it's our computer, you don't have to ask" I replied.

"I wasn't asking if I could use the PC, I was asking if you minded me leaving you to do it"

"I'm not likely to stop you working, after all it's your future and your career, I want you in my arms but I also want you to be a success, get on with it" I said.

About thirty minutes later Danny looked up and saw me smiling and asked why.

"I was just wondering how many of your college friends sit in front of their PC naked, I bet they would have a laugh if they could see you now" I laughed.

"They don't know what they are missing, they haven't got their boyfriend watching them" and he then worked for another thirty minutes before coming back to me.

"Do you mind if we talk seriously for a little while" I asked.

"Of course not, have I done something wrong, you are going to tell me to leave, aren't you" said Danny with a look of anguish on his face.

"Now you are being stupid, how could I exist without you, would I be sitting here with you in my arms if I was going to throw you out, I would like to talk about your future, in fact our future"

"OK, I'm completely lost, I thought our future was together" he said.

"Our life is together, at least I hope it is, I would like to talk about your education is that alright with you" I asked Danny nodded with a bewildered look

"I think you have the makings of a good student and a good allround guy, that is what Ben and I were talking about, you want to go to Uni, right" Danny nodded again.

"I believe you would like to be a naval architect, right" Danny nodded once again.

The best place for you to do that is right here in Southampton and I think you can do that if you carry on your hard work, I don't pretend to understand your work but I do notice how hard you work so I want you to keep it up" he nodded again and I laughed.

"Why are you laughing at me"

"I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you, you look just like those nodding dogs you see in the back of cars" at last he smiled.

"From now on this is going to be a partnership, you work hard and I provide the money to get you through Uni, and the top Uni is right here, I must be honest I'm being selfish, I don't want you to go away"

The look on his face had to be seen, "I can hardly believe this, why would you do this for me"

"Danny, Danny, Danny, You can be surprisingly thick for a top student, you realise how much I love you, if I don't do it for you who would I do it for, you are now the beginning, middle and end of my life, if you can't see that I will have to take you to bed and fuck some sense into you"

At that he burst into tears and buried his head in my shoulder, I got quite wet, we were both still naked.

When at last he managed to stem the flow he said, "Apart from you, going to Uni is the thing I want most, as you might have guessed, I enjoy work and the thing I really want is to design ships and boats and do it here so that we don't have to part, I think I can do that"

"I think you can and a gentleman I was talking to today as you ran around a field looking as if you still had Adam's dick up your ass agrees with me" I said.

"Ben said that about me" he asked, I nodded, "Do you realise how much that will cost"

"Danny, do I look worried, I've never told you how much I won on the lottery, three and a half big ones so I don't care how much it costs but if you don't work hard I will kick your ass all round town and back again and your bum won't be worth anything" I told him.

"I've known how much you love me right from the start, but this is just out of this world, how can I ever thank you"

"I'm not sure but I can think of one or two things for starters, will you go and wash your face so that I can make love to the guy I fell in love with"

When he returned I was already hard, "It doesn't take you long does it" Danny said.

"Well if you could see your bum winking at me as you walked out of the door you would be hard as well, if you went on the streets you could make a fortune with that thing you sit on"

"Before we get to carried away can I phone Mum and Dad and tell them" I nodded

"Hi Mum is Dad there.... will you sit together and hold the phone so that you can both hear, we have something to tell you" we had the speaker phone on.

"Provided I get my A's I am going to university next year and I hope it will be here"

"We would love you to go, but you know we can't afford that sort of money and if you get grants you will be in debt for ever" Tessa said.

"I have thought of a way round that Tessa, John, I am going to finance your little boy as far as he needs to go, look can you put your shoes on and come round here and talk, no don't do that, if you don't mind we will come to you, and John don't put your tie on and change your shoes, I'm family now" and I hung up before they could object.

Danny was already on his way to the bedroom, we didn't bother with underwear, just jeans and sweatshirt and we were out of the door, the journey took about three minutes.

My lover unlocked the door and we walked in, "Look Adrian I told you they would tidy up" said Danny laughing

I explained what we had in mind and I mentioned my conversation with Ben, "We feel he can do it, I'm perfectly happy to pay, so what do you think?"

"This leaves us speechless" said John, "We want Danny to go to Uni, but for you to pay doesn't seem right, you two are so happy right now, but what happens if you fall out, he is left in mid-air"

"Today is the first time I have spoken to Danny about this but I have had it in mind for some time, I will let my lawyer deal with the details but my idea is that I put a sum of money on deposit with him, that should we fall out the cash is there to pay all his bills but I just can't see that happening"

"It's a lot of money" said Tessa

"Mum it is a lot of money but Adrian knows I'm not being rude or ungrateful but he will hardly notice it, he's a millionaire" said Danny.

"You what" said John, "How long have you known this"

"I told Danny about half an hour ago because he was concerned how much it was going to cost, you know how much we love each other so it doesn't matter how much it costs, he wants to be a Naval Architect and I am determined to help him" I said.

"Adrian this is only the second time we have met but I do know how much you think of our son and I believe you, will you give us time to think it over" John said.

We left them and went home, "This has been some evening" said Danny. "Dad will think about this and no matter how much money you have if he didn't like you he would say no, but we are in luck, he thinks you are a gentleman, it's amazing how wrong parents can be, he really likes you. I've never told you this but one evening over dinner he told me he wasn't happy with me being gay but if that was the way I was made, I had his blessing, and I had linked up with the right guy, that was a long speech for Dad, and he frequently talks about you"

"After that I need a whisky and dry" I said

"I know I don't usually, but can I have one" asked Danny "and after that, you know that bit about fucking some sense into me; can we try?"

We sat together on the couch finishing our drinks, no sex just holding each other, "How do you feel about Adam, do you like him" I asked.

"Oh yes, I think he's a lovely guy, if I wasn't already in a relationship with the loveliest guy in the world, I could quite easily fall for him, he is so loveable" said Danny.

"Would you like him to come again" I said.

"Oh yes, especially if his fat cock is inside me, no seriously, I would like that but only if you think so" Danny replied.

"I like him very much, but not as much as the guy I'm in love with, but like you I could easily fall for him if I wasn't already in love with you, I like him as a guy apart from the sex. Now I think it's about time I fucked some sense into you, I have quite a lot stored up" I said.

As we moved towards the bed I said, "I would like to have sex with Adam, but only if you are here as well, we are partners so we share everything and that includes Adam, do you think you can manage with my dick after taking him"

"No matter the size, the thing that matters is it is you, besides you are longer" Danny replied.

I'm not sure how long we spent fondling and kissing each others bodies but finally we were close to bursting point and Danny said, "Darling Adrian I need you to fuck some sense into me so that I can love you much much more"

"Only on one condition, afterwards I want to feel your gorgeous love pole inside me forcing up into my belly until you flood me with that wonderful love milk that you make so well. Then I want to sleep with you inside me so that when we wake you can do it all over again" I said. I didn't say it to impress Danny I really meant it, having him inside me, or me in him was the nicest thing I know.

Danny fell backwards onto the bed pulling me on top and we kissed as our hips drove our throbbing cocks together, the feel of his large piece of pulsating flesh rubbing against mine was almost as good as fucking. My lovers tongue was almost as long as his dick, at least it felt that way as it probed around my teeth and gums, I reckon it covered every bit of my mouth from my lips to my throat and I could sense he was getting as worked up as I was.

"I am so happy, but you will never fuck any sense into me this way" said Danny, "I need to feel a long thick cock pushing up into my body, not any old cock, a very special one that is attatched to a pair of large globes filled to bursting with hot thick cream that stand out from a glorious nest of hair on the guy I love more than anyone else in this world. Adrian my darling, please enter me and feed me with your love"

I lifted my body from his and pushed my dick towards his lips and as he covered it with saliva, I used my own juices to lubricate his tiny entrance. It was amazing that after he had taken me so many times and also Adams thick weapon, I still had to force my finger into his body, first one then two. Danny was giving little sighs and grunts of satisfaction.

"Dearest Danny, I know that you need me but I must first taste your delightful little rosebud, I wish you could see it it is the most beautiful thing in the world" and I applied my mouth to the little puckered ring and slipped my tongue inside, the smell and taste of his anus was intoxicating and I quickly changed position to touch my flesh against him and with one long stroke I gave him everything I had.

Danny gave a long drawn out sigh and said. "Darling, that feels so wonderful, please fuck me hard, I want to feel your cock so far inside me that you will cum in my throat"

I remained upright and watched Danny's face as I pulled back until only my tip was inside his precious bum then thrust deep until my pubic bush was tickling his velvet cheeks, then repeated the motion again and again for almost ten minutes and with each stroke my lover gave a long satisfied groan.

I'm not sure how I controlled myself but at last I was on the brink and Danny moaned, "Adrian please" then as I fired my first shot I lowered my body onto his and our lips met. Danny matched me shot for shot, as my hot cream shot up into his belly his fired up between our chests providing pools of juice for our bodies to slide about on.

"Adrian you gorgeous guy, I don't think I lived before I met you, every time we make love it gets better. Each time I think we have reached the pinnacle but then we make love again and it is better still, please don't ever leave me, I promise I will work as hard as is possible to make sure I get into Southampton Uni, by that time I will be old enough for us to live together. I promise your investment in my future will be an investment in our future, together"

Gradually my cock deflated and slipped out of my lover, but my young partner was still as hard as ever so I turned away from him and pushed my bum back against him. Just the touch of his totem pole against my cheeks aroused me and as I pushed back he slipped inside me. We had become such a team that there was no pain or discomfort, having my partner inside me gave a warm glow that spread right through my body and this got better and better as his nine inch weapon parted my flesh with each thrust . I was willing him to push harder, I needed to feel his tip up in my chest. I had taken quite a number of cocks in my time but this one was different, not because it was big, but because it belonged to the only guy I had really loved and I wanted to be joined to him for ever. Five minutes later we were both in heaven as he gave me his love juice.

"Darling Danny, I want to fall asleep like this and when I wake I want to feel a lovely hard cock ploughing into my belly" I whispered.

"OK, as soon as I wake up I will go out and drag in the paper boy, he's built like a horse" Said Danny.

"How do you know" I quickly asked.

"I don't, just joking".........and we fell asleep

Next: Chapter 8

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