
By Art Fex

Published on Dec 4, 2002


If you are under eighteen please leave now.....The following story contains male/male sex, if you are likely to be offended, go no further.

This story is not copyright it is given free of tie to Nifty.

UK English is used in telling this story, some spelling you may find strange, it is purely fiction and bears no relation to anyone living Any comments to ayedee@tiscali.co.uk

Danny 4...

I kept myself as busy as possible for three days but at night in bed my mind jumped ahead to Friday when I would have Danny in my arms. I was sure he was being honest when he said he loved me but I was his first boyfriend, what if he found someone nearer his own age and drifted away. It was pointless worrying so I tried to put it out of my mind

At last it was Friday, once again the first I knew of his arrival was when a strong pair of arms hugged me and a hot pair of lips kissed my neck, I quickly turned and we kissed and kissed and kissed until we had to break for air.

"Why do you creep up on me like that, you might give me a heart attack" I said.

"I crept in quietly so that I could catch you with your other boyfriend and see you with your pants down, you might have had Ian in here" said Danny.

"It's you that fancies Ian not me, you are all I want" I answered.

"I don't fancy Ian, I just think it might be fun to have him, and I certainly don't love him, I only have enough love for one guy and that guy is you and I'm all yours for twenty four hours, except for the match tomorrow, I want you to have your wicked way with me, I'm sorry you can't have my cherry, I gave that to some guy last week" Danny said.

"I know, and it was the nicest cherry I have ever taken because I love the guy who owned it"

I made some coffee while Danny went for his bag which he had dropped in the hall, "What on earth have you got in there, are you moving in" I asked.

"I would love to but I think the folks might have some thing to say about that" said Danny, "It is my kit for the match tomorrow"

"My favourite sport doesn't need any special gear you play it when you are naked; I have just thought, you ought to play rugger naked, you would be sure to win, you could score a try while the opposition were looking at your dick" I said.

"I'm hoping I might score a try tonight, but you won't be looking at my dick, you will be feeling it" sad my lover with a rather lascivious look.

"Promises, promises, all I get is promises" I said

"You won't be saying that when we get back from the movie, I think a draw would be a good score, one try each" he said

"Only one"

"Well at your age you can probably only score once" said Danny and ducked as I tried to hit him, then we started to wrestle. After a while we collapsed into each others arms.

"Do you want a shower before we go out, after the cinema I thought we would go for a meal, not a burger, a proper meal, you can have anything you like, English, Chinese, Indian, Thai just name it, there is a good 'greasy spoon' ( roadside cafe) just round the corner"

"If I was paying we would have to go there, but Adrian you don't have to spoil me, I would be satisfied with a sandwich if I'm with you"

"I don't have to, but I want to, until I won this money I didn't go to good restaurants but now I have met you I have someone to share it with, please humour me and let me spoil my boyfriend"

We showered together, I was glad I'd had a large shower stall fitted, and touching his body gave me a brute of a hardon but it still wasn't as big as the beautiful thing that Danny had, I drew him into my arms and as we kissed our two hard dicks lay together crushed between our bodies. As if at a command we both started to hump and within seconds we were shooting stream after stream of hot cum between our bellies, it was amazing we didn't have to speak, we just knew how to have a mutual climax.

"Come on get dressed or we will be late for the movie, what clothes did you bring with you" I asked Danny.

"I wasn't sure how you would want me to dress so I brought a blazer with me"

"That's perfect, not so much for the cinema but it will be just right for the restaurant, I will wear the same, we could pass for twins"

"In your dreams, more like Father and Son, have you seen your grey hair BoBo" said Danny laughing.

When we were dressed we both looked smart and we just managed to take our seats in the cinema as the film started. I had booked a table at a local restaurant and as we entered my young lover looked a little nervous as the Head Waiter greeted us but quickly regained his composure and said 'thank you' as his chair was drawn out for him.

"Have you any idea what you would like" I asked. Danny glanced around to make sure nobody was within earshot and whispered,

"I know what I really want but we would get thrown out if we did it here"

"Danny has anyone ever told you that you have a one track mind, you're a sex maniac" I said with a smile.

"Well it's your fault you are the guy who introduced me to the wonders of sex and now I want to make up for lost time"

"If I promise to serve you a large portion of my special sausage when we get home will you make do with something on a plate for now, I'm sure the Chef has got something you fancy"

"If he is young and good looking he probably has but I'm quite happy with you, would it be OK if I had a steak" Danny said.

We both ordered steak with an avocado starter with prawns, "do you like wine" I asked.

"I enjoy it but I haven't had very much, he replied We enjoyed our meal, and I was very impressed with Danny, for someone who had never eaten in a class restaurant his behaviour was perfect. Just as we were finishing the Chef came through from the kitchen to speak to the Head Waiter. "Do you see what I see, I think he might have something you like" I said

Danny glanced across to the guy in white, he was in his early twenties, slim, and very good looking.

Just to tease me Danny smiled and said,..."I bet he could serve a nice meal and satisfy my hunger especially if it's served with cream, alright don't sulk I'm only teasing... but I will keep him in mind" He gave me his attractive smile to prove he was teasing. It so happened we did meet the Chef sometime later in very different surroundings, a gay club.

It was only a short walk home and as soon as the door was closed Danny pulled me into his arms and kissed me. "That was a terrific evening, the very best, would you like me to show you how grateful I am and return the pleasure" Danny said.

"I can't imagine what you have in mind so I will leave it to you as long as you are never more than a few inches away from me, I was thinking eight inches would be about right."

We slowly undressed each other, we were in no hurry, we wanted our love making to last for ever and as our tongues intertwined our hands explored two perfectly formed bodies and it was fifteen minutes before we were facing each other naked.

"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are my lovely guy" I whispered

"Not since Tuesday evening, then some guy told me, I forget who it was, I have so many admirers, but I do remember he had a lovely tasting cock, I'd love to meet him again"

"You love to tease me, don't you" I said.

"I know" Danny said with a smile, "It's just my way and I love you so much, I want to give you a very special present"

"You know you don't need to give me presents, I love spoiling you" I told him.

"I know I don't need to but this present is very special, I want to give myself to you, not just my body for sex, but ME, the me that is inside and my emotions and feelings, I want to be yours for ever and ever, to be with you and love you as you love me. I'm not terribly good at expressing myself but I hope you feel the same way, do you get my meaning"

"I think I get the general idea, the guy I love more than anyone wants to spend the rest of his life with me, there is nothing I would like better and you are doing me a great honour but are you sure about this. You are in your mid teens and I'm the first guy you have met in this way, as you get older you may meet someone nearer your own age and want to go with him, I have been around a bit and once or twice I thought I had fallen in love but it was nothing like meeting you for the first time."

I lead Danny into the bedroom and onto the bed and as I sank into his arms I said. "Danny, I love you very, very much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you but if you meet another guy, experiment, experience love with him to be sure I am the right one then then if you still feel the same I will still be here waiting for you"

"You are such a kind and perfect guy, thank you for giving me a letout but I'm sure my feelings won't change, can I make love to you"

"I thought you would never offer, I am waiting for you to score that try, I'm ready for the kick off, let play commence" I said with a laugh.

Danny turned me onto my face and lifted my hips so that I was on my knees, then very gently he used his thumbs to part my cheeks..."Adrian you are beautiful" I heard him whisper just before his tongue touched my rosebud, it made tingles run through my body, then the tip of his tongue pushed through my sphincter and up into my passage, then further and further.

Danny, your tongue seems to be as long as your dick" I said

"All the better to pleasure you with my lovely guy, you taste terrific" he whispered.

"Your tongue is wonderful but I need something bigger please give me your gorgeous cock" Danny slowly withdrew his tongue and replaced it with a finger and I sighed, he then covered his fingers with KY and gently gave me two, then I felt his left hand rubbing lube all around before giving me a third, I moaned "Oh Danny please"

I felt his dick touch me, I wanted him so much all my anal muscles relaxed and he slid straight in, I was in heaven, no other cock had done this to me.

"Adrian, I want to kiss you, can you turn round"....he was rather surprised when I dropped onto my left shoulder and lifted my right leg over his head until I was on my back with my knees near my chest and his wonderful love stick still in my love hole.

Danny lowered his body onto mine and I locked my legs around his waist, then we kissed as he drove his piston into my cylinder, it was a perfect fit, we were made for each other. For ten minutes we kissed and fondled as that wonderful part of him glided in and out of my belly, I was in heaven as his large cock parted my flesh and drove right up into my body until it felt as if his tip would come out of my mouth. And as he withdrew my anal muscles gripped him tightly to draw him out and then that gorgeous dick would push back in again, I'd taken one or two cocks while at sea but none had given me the pleasure that Danny was giving me, he was a natural and perfect lover. Just as I thought we were going to climax he stopped to allow our passion to simmer down and then he would start again, he did this three times but then he kept hitting my passion button and I knew I was on the path of no return and I sensed he was as well. His thrusts became longer and harder and faster, we were on the home straight, there was no stopping us now. I felt his plum head swell inside me, it felt enormous, far bigger than any I had known before, "Oh Danny give it to me please" I panted, I had never felt the need as I did now I wanted my belly filled, and then he did. As I fired spurt after spurt of my hot juice between our bellies, his spunk poured into me.

"You beautiful guy, that was out of this world, that was the best fuck of my life" I said

"It certainly was for me, that was the most exciting thing I have ever done, I gave my love to the guy I love more than anyone, Thank you Adrian, I love you so much"

Danny started to with draw but I suddenly shouted STOP. it hurt like hell.

"What's the matter am I hurting you" he asked.

"Danny you have the biggest cock I know and it has just given me the thrill of a lifetime but take it easy, pull back slowly"

He did as I asked and as his knob passed my rosebud it really hurt, we both looked down, his bell end was enormous, I smiled and said, "Try getting that in your mouth"

He took me at my word, he rolled onto his back, swung his legs over his head and took it straight between his lips then said..."Bloody hell Adrian, that is twice the size it used to be, it nearly chokes me"

"Perhaps it will give you twice the pleasure, with you in that position I can see something that will give me twice the pleasure, can I kiss it" I said

"I told you lover boy, I am yours to do as you wish, I don't think there is anything I would like better, especially if it leads to something bigger, it will really be the climax to a perfect evening"

I kissed his sweet little rosebud, it still gave me a terrific thrill to know that the only dick to pass his gateway was mine. I slowly pushed my tongue inside and twisted it about, I wanted to get him to the state that he not only wanted my cock, he would beg for it and he soon was, his breathing became very short and laboured.

"Please satisfy me Adrian, I need you more than I have needed anything"

"I don't really feel like it now, I think I will go to sleep" I answered.

"Adrian, you wouldn't do that to me would you, I'm begging you, please love me"

"Well if you put it that way I suppose I could" I said with a big smile on my face "Do you honestly think I could stop now, I'm only teasing, I need you as much as you need me. If I swell up the way you did, you will be running down the pitch tomorrow bandy legged"

"I don't give a damn, your love comes before any old rugger match" he replied

I gently applied KY to his entrance and touched my dick against him and he drew me in without any forcing on my part. Making love to Danny just got better and better each time we tried, I'm sure it was because we were doing it for love not just sex. When I was fully sheathed in his love passage he wrapped his legs around my waist and I slid my totem pole backwards and forwards in the most beautiful bum I had ever known, and we kissed as we had earlier when he was in me.

"Danny, I don't deserve you, your body is a temple of love and I am worshipping it, you always give me 110% of your love, and I'm ready to fill your temple with my love for you"

I was already building up to a glorious climax and just as my pee hole opened to give him my spunk his muscles rippled along my dick sucking my juice from me

"Adrian, that was fantastic, just two weeks ago this was just a fantasy but now I can't live without you, can I go to sleep in your arms"

I turned out the light and spooned up behind him, what better way to fall asleep.

I was just dozing off when Danny whispered,

"Can we bring Ian home after the match, I'm really curious to see if anything happens"

"Of course, I will keep out of the way so that he is not scared off" I whispered back.

When I woke Danny had turned to face me and one leg and one arm were across me, I was desparate for a pee so gently slipped away, I looked back and he looked simply beautiful in his sleep, he wasn't a small guy at 5' 9" but lying there he looked almost baby like. After my pee I started to perc some coffee, that was another thing Danny enjoyed, at home they used Instant. It was just ready when my new companion came wandering into the kitchen, bright as a button and, I was pleased to see, soft. He was learning that he needed to be hard to make love, not all the time

By the time we had eaten some cereal and taken a shower it was time to load the car with his kit and head off to the match. As we drove I asked him "Do you remember what you asked me as you fell asleep"

"I asked if we could bring Ian home" he replied.

"That's right, you asked if you could bring him H O M E,"

"Well I look on it as my home, I'm lucky, I have two homes, it is my home isn't it" he asked

"Of course it is for just as long as you want it to be, I only wish you could stay permanently"

"I want it to be forever"

The match was a good one with Danny's team winning and Ian said

"You must be our lucky mascot, you have only watched two matches and we have won both"

"That's because I threaten Danny, I told him I will sack his Mother if he loses"

"Sack his Mother?" said Ian with a frown

"Mum is Adrians housekeeper, she doesn't like me staying to often, she has an extra bed to change" said Danny

"Well that's easily solved, sleep in one bed" said Ian.

"Oh yes, I'm sure my Mum would love that idea, are you coming back to the apartment with us to clean up"

Twenty minutes later we were through the front door and they went into the bathroom.

It was over twenty minutes before they came out, both wearing shorts.

"Are you going to stay for something to eat, there is plenty and you are welcome" I told Ian

"Yes please if I can" he replied.

"Danny get Ian a drink, do you drink beer or there is soft drinks if you like"

All three of us had a beer and talked as I prepared a meal and I found it difficult to control my cock, the shorts they were wearing were boxers and they didn't cover much so I could see 90% of their gorgeous teenage bodies

"Danny and I saw a movie last night and then had something to eat before coming back here, perhaps you could stay sometime if you would like to, you can share with Danny if you like" I said.

"Are you saying I could sleep with you and Danny" Ian asked

"I beg your pardon" I said.

"Well, I put two and two together, , Danny enjoyed me giving him a wank in the shower and the spare bed hasn't been used so I guessed you two must sleep together. Incidentally Danny, I've wanted to touch your cock for ages, it's the first I have touched and is certainly the biggest I have ever seen"

"Just because I let you give me a hand job doesn't mean I'm queer, my guess is that anyone on the team would let you wank them, you shouldn't let your imagination run away with you" said Danny

Ian was the colour of a beetroot, I'm sure his whole body turned red, "I'm sorry, when you let me touch you last week and then today you let me wank you, I thought..."

Danny had moved round behind Ian and grinned at me above his head so I gave him a slight nod.

"You really shouldn't jump to conclusions" Danny continued, "I enjoyed you playing with my cock and I promise I won't tell the guys if you promise you won't tell them about me"

Ian turned to Danny to see him grinning from ear to ear, then back to me to see me smiling.

"Are you gay or did you just want to wank me" Danny asked

"I'm gay, I've known it since I was fourteen, but please don't tell anyone" Ian replied

"I promise not to tell if you play with Adrian and me" said Danny

"What now"

"Why not leave it until next weekend after the match , I've already shot my load once tonight, and you are right, Adrian and I do sleep together, he is my boyfriend, we will have sex together but you will have to go home afterwards, I only sleep with Adrian, and do you know what might happen, things will go further than a toss off"

"That's what I want, when we were in the shower I was dying to suck you but was scared and I want to know what it feels like to have a cock inside me, do you two do that" asked Ian

"Well we certainly don't get into bed and go to sleep" said Danny, "at least not until later"

"Do you really mean this" said Ian, "You really had me going just then, I really thought I'd blown it when you said you weren't queer"

"We are sorry about that," I said "We couldn't resist having a joke, you can come back after the match next week for some fun, but that is all, no strings attached, you and Danny can do what you like, also think before you open your mouth. I know several guys who enjoy a wank but are far from being gay, also for all you could know we could have stripped the spare bed and remade it, Danny doesn't stay here on Saturday"

"Yes, I realise it was stupid, thanks for telling me" Ian said.

We had our food and Ian left all hyped up about next Saturday then Danny and I stripped and spent a wonderful hour on the couch and the floor before he went home. He was back on Tuesday to use the PC and worked hard for an hour with no interruptions from me. We than spent a lovely hour or so in each others arms, or mouths, or bums, anything as long as there was no space between us, we were both so happy and contented. Just before he left he said,

You won't believe it, Mum and Dad want to take me out for a meal on Friday, it's my birthday, I was hoping to spend it with you"

"Well that's understandable, their only son has reached his seventeenth birthday, they want to show you a good time to celebrate, we will be together on Saturday, it's not the end of the world. I will keep your present here until you come and cum and cum

On Friday Tessa (his Mum and my housekeeper) brought over his sports bag, "I know he will ask to stay the night, so I brought his rugger kit if that's OK, he has asked where we are going but we told him it won't be a surprise if we tell him"

"Of course it's OK, as long as you don't mind making the extra bed, perhaps tonight you could use the excuse you have to deliver my washing and John wants to see the apartment on the way" I said

"That's a good idea I was wondering what to say and Dad is dying to see where I work, and I don't mind making the extra bed as long as our son is happy"

When the three of them reached my apartment block that evening Tessa said, "I just have to drop these things off for Adrian and he has promised I can show Dad the apartment"

Tessa let herself in and called out to me, of course Danny was overjoyed to see me and I just hoped he wouldn't kiss me. As we moved through we came to the dining room which I had already laid up for four people. I had gone to town with white cloth, linen napkins, shining glasses, the whole works.

"Have you got guests coming tonight" asked Danny.

"Yes I certainly have and they have just arrived, would you like to take your parents coats while I get us some drinks"

"You mean we are eating here" Danny asked his Mum

"Well yes unless you have some other plans" she replied

"I get the idea that you three have set me up, that is why you wouldn't tell me where we were going, I think I'm going to like being seventeen

We sat down with our drinks, Tessa had sherry and John, Danny and I had beer, I had Tessa'a permission to give Danny a beer..."This isn't what you usually give me" said Danny with a sickly smile.

"Well as it's your birthday I thought you would like beer" I said, "Would you get me the parcel which is on...(I almost said our bed)...my bed please"

As Danny got the parcel, his Dad brought the bag which he had carried over, from the hall.

"Actually this isn't Adrians washing, Happy Birthday from me and Dad" she said as she handed the bag to Danny. Like a typical teenager he tore open the parcel and pulled out a new pair of jeans, a sweater and a couple of teeshirts. "I realised that financially that must have been a struggle of his parents. I'm sure Danny did as well because he hugged them both.

"Perhaps you'd like to open my parcel now" I told him.

Once again he ripped off the paper and feverishly pulled out a green track suit, the best I could find, but I didn't tell him or his Mum and Dad, which already had his team number on it, also a pair of trainers, I'd asked the guy in the shop what brands teenagers were going for now

"This is fantastic, thanks so much Adrian" and he gave me a quick hug only just stopping himself from kissing me.

"Danny would you help me with the food, Tessa, would you and John like to go into the dining room" I asked them

As soon as we got into the kitchen Danny giggled and said, "You almost said, our bed" "I know and you almost kissed me" I replied. "I only just stopped myself," he said, "I will make up for it now" and we kissed.

The meal was a success, I had stuck to good old English roast beef, with soup to start and a gateaux to finish, John stuck to beer and the rest of us drank a bottle of wine. I liked John, it was the first time we had met, and I got the impression I passed muster. We took our coffee back to the lounge and chatted as we got to know each other better. After about half an hour I could see Danny getting a little edgy.

"Thanks for a lovely birthday, I've got new gear for both on the pitch and off, it's terrific, ...Mum and Dad, I've got something to tell you, but I waited until I was seventeen to tell you, I'm gay"...Tessa and John just smiled, which completely amazed Danny and I.

"We know" said his Dad.

"You know" exclaimed Danny

"Perhaps we shouldn't say we know" said Tessa, "But we have suspected it for a long time, nothing in particular but it is pretty clear that you aren't interested in girls"

"Oh Hell" said Danny, "Oh sorry Mum, I didn't sleep last night worrying how you would take it but I knew I had to tell you, Adrian already knows because I asked his advice"

"We wish you weren't that way but we can't all be the same Danny, you are still our son and we still love you and want you to be happy" said John, I was liking him more and more.

"I was scared you would rant and rave and throw me out" said Danny

"If we did throw you out I have a feeling you would end up here, am I right" Tessa asked

I nodded

"Adrian I must ask you something, and when I do I will probably be looking for a new job, are you gay" Tessa said

"Yes I am Tessa, and I certainly don't want you to find a new job, that is if you want to stay after this, I don't know what I would do without you, John your wife is a jewel"

"I have to agree with you, she is sitting next to me and her fist is clenched" said John with a laugh

"Anyhow we ought to be getting home, I like you Adrian and I know Tessa and Danny love you, she has been so happy since she started work here, and all Danny can talk about is Adrian this and Adrian that, we will see you tomorrow Danny.

"Can I stay" asked Danny, "I will have to go home for my rugby strip in the morning"

"If you look in the bedroom you will find it's already here" said Tessa

"Do you know Mother you really have got things sorted out haven't you" said my lover.

"Well Adrian and I between us" she said with a smile, "And by the way, don't bother to rumple the spare bed, it wastes my time" Both Danny and I coloured up.

"Well if my son slept in that bed it would be a lot more messed up than you make it, remember I have been making his bed for seventeen years"

"Tessa, you really are a treasure" I said

As they went out John said, "Thank you Adrian it's been a lovely evening, and you are a wonderful friend to our son, look after him but if ever you hurt him you will answer to me"

"I would never intentionally hurt Danny" I said. "I don't think you would" he said with a smile.

Once the door was shut Danny said, "I can't believe that happened, to think they knew all the time and I have been worrying myself sick, and Mum guessed about the bed"

"Well I didn't know you messed up your bed so much" I said.

"Thank you for a lovely birthday, the three people I love most are so good to me, now that we don't have to worry will you take me to OUR BED!!!! and make love to me"

Hope you enjoyed it, there is more to come, Ian will return to discover sex and the handsome chef in the restaurant, his name is Adam, will feature.

Next: Chapter 5

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