
By Art Fex

Published on Oct 24, 2003


If you are under 18, please leave. This story contains male/male sex, if this is likely to offend. please leave. This story is not copyright, it is given free of tie to Nifty. All comments, good or bad, to ayedee@tiscasli.co.uk At the end of part 20, Kevin had produced a clearance and now wanted to loose his cherry, but who would do the dastardly deed.

"DANNY"" part 21

Danny continues:-

I could hardly believe the look on the face of my college friend, his eyes were sparkling and I felt sure that if he didn't have sex, preferably anal, he would explode. I took his hand and walked towards our bedroom, Adrian didn't follow and he indicated he was going to the kitchen.

I started to close the bedroom door but Kevin stopped me, "You don't normally close the doors, Adrian knows what we are doing.

As we kissed I undid his jeans as he undid mine and then we pushed our shirts from our shoulders and we stood there with our jeans at our ankles wearing just our boxers and large smiles.

I slid Kevin's underwear down to his feet allowing him to step out of them and then took a quick suck on the head of his throbbing cock which was leaking precum like mad. I stood up and he did the same to me but I had to pull my dick away from his soft lips, "If you do that for much longer you will have my milk in your mouth and not your bum" I said.

"I wouldn't mind that I love your taste but I do really want you inside me" he replied.

"Are you sure you want to go on" I asked.

"Oh yes, I want this more than I have ever wanted anything but I'm scared it will hurt"

"If I told you it won't hurt I would be lying" I told him, "But once you get used to the feel of your body being invaded the pleasure will far outweigh the pain, it still hurts when Adrian enters me but once he is in I want to keep him there for ever"

I eased him gently down onto the bed and used both of my hands and my lips to tease his body, I ventured south from his lips to his neck then on to his nipples. I sucked each of them until they were standing out like organ stops, I swear they must have been sticking up about a half an inch,

"Danny Danny don't stop I didn't know my tits could be so sensitive, I feel I'm going to burst, please fill my bum"

I didn't answer, I moved onwards to his belly button and ground my tongue in, he moaned in pleasure as I slipped my lips over his broad head and his hips thrust his throbbing flesh to the back of my mouth. I moved onto his very full balls and as I tongued them I lifted his legs onto my shoulders and spread his cheeks . "Kevin this is beautiful, a lovely fresh virgin rose waiting to be plucked" I said.

I sank my head to his pucker and licked around his tight little hole. "Bloody hell Danny that must taste gross" he said

"Never, you taste like honey wait for this" I said then forced my tongue into him. "Oh yes" he nearly screamed, I'm sure Adrian heard, in fact the neighbours must have heard. I quickly replaced my tongue with my middle finger and looked at his face, he looked so peaceful.

I leaned across to the cabinet and picked up the tube of lube, "What that" Kevin asked.

"Just some lubrication to make it more comfortable for you" and I squeezed a generous dollop in his hole and pushed it inside using two fingers, he accepted them easily so I tried a third and knowing neither of us could last much longer I slid my pulsing dick into his virgin body. It was difficult to believe it was his first time, at first he resisted but then relaxed taking a couple of inches then a little more, each time I pushed he relaxed then gripped me tightly again and before we realised it my pubes were touching his soft round cheeks.

"Is that all of it" Kevin asked.

"Yes you have nine inches of me inside you, how do you feel" I said.

"Very full but I can hardly believe how good it feels, will you fuck me now".

For about five minutes I thrust into his hot tunnel, each time I drew back he gripped as if to stop me and then as I pushed in he relaxed to draw me in. I felt my love juice surging up my staff and then I let loose inside my buddy. "I can feel it, you're filling me with spunk" he yelled and then errupted over our chests.

I gently eased my softening dick out of his sticky love shute as a voice from the doorway said, "Welcome to the Club Kevin, how does it feel to be an ex-virgin"

"That must be the nicest thing that has ever happened to me, was it OK for you Danny" he said.

"It was fantastic, you have one hell of a tight bum, I think I will get rid of the old guy and move you in"

"It's time to eat, you can play again later when you change positions" said Adrian

"Don't bother with clothes" I said, "but maybe you need to sit on the throne and empty yourself" I said

"Do you do this often, sitting around without clothes" asked Kevin as we started eating.

"Most of the time if we aren't expecting visitors it's far more comfortable" said Adrian.

As soon as the meal was finished Adrian had to go out to see a client so Kevin and I cleared the dishes and each time we were close Kevin touched my dick or bum or nipples, it was clearly a novelty to him to be naked with another naked guy.

"You seem to like my bum" I said, "Do you fancy me?"

"Well, you are pretty cute, in fact about the nicest I have seen" he replied

"How many naked bums have you seen to be such a judge" I asked

"Quite a few at school in the showers, although a lot of them were gross and Andy has a nice one, just like yours" Kevin answered.

"Oh so you have been oggling Andy, does he know" I said

"I hope not, he would probably kill me if he saw me looking but it's a bit difficult not to look when you share a room and just lately every time he bends over to pull off his underpants I spring a hardon, it's strange he always turns away from me when he is changing"

"Perhaps he is embarrassed by his size" I suggested.

"He has nothing to be ashamed of, he isn't as big as you but he's bigger than me, I saw him piss proud one day when I got up early"

"Getting back to me, do you fancy my bum, you have lost your cherry but your dick is still virgin, I'd like to help you break your duck if you want to"

"You really mean that" he asked. I nodded and lead him to the bedroom.

"What do I do" Kevin said.

"You saw what I did to you, do that or anything that feels good, just remember making love is far more than sticking your dick in a hole until you cum, you must enjoy it and make sure your partner enjoys it as well. I'm used to having Adrian inside me but even so you will need to open me up a little"

For a few minutes Kevin kissed me as he held one arm behind my neck and used the other to stroke my back, his prowess as a kisser was improving all the time as his tongue explored the depths of my mouth. He gently moved his lips to my neck then my ear lobes and then my nipples, he was a natural as he rolled them around between his lips and gently teased them with his teeth, I'm sure he was drifting back to his time suckling at his Mothers breast and his right hand drifted lower onto the cheeks of my bum and then between them..

It took him a while to find my entrance and then his finger rubbed around in tighter circles until he pressed and it slipped inside. He was a considerate lover and didn't push, his long digit gently eased inside. When he withdrew he used some lube before trying two fingers then a little later, three.

"I'm ready for you Kevin, take it slowly and feed me your love pole" I whispered.

I suppose it was the fact that I wanted him and his concern that he might hurt me that I hardly felt him until I felt his soft pubic hair on my cheeks.

"How do you feel" I asked.

"I'm sure this is what heaven is like" he replied.

My college buddy slowly moved his hips and his throbbing tool moved in and out of my love tunnel and within seconds he was increasing his pace and thrusting harder and when I felt his cock swell I locked my ankles around his back forcing him deeper and then the dam burst and he splattered my innards with his hot creamy spunk.

When he recovered his breath I asked him, "How was that?"


"Now that you have sucked, fucked and been fucked, which was the best?" I asked.

"Everything was fantabulous but I think the thing that gave me most pleasure was feeling you throbbing inside me and then feeding me your love juice, I suppose that makes me a bottom, but that doesn't mean I don't want to be a top sometimes" Kevin answered.

When Adrian returned we were sitting together on the couch, still naked and still hard, me mainly because Kevin refused to release my dick and even I couldn't stay soft when another guy was determined to keep me hard.

"Have you guys enjoyed yourself" Adrian asked.

"I think the cheshire cat smile on this guys face gives you your answer" I said as I dug Kevin in the ribs, "he isn't a virgin any longer, both back and front"

My student friend proved himself to be a good bottom when we went to bed, after Adrian had made love to him he turned back to me for seconds and then fell asleep with me inside him.

As we ate a quick breakfast the next morning I said, "Kevin, you better lose that enormous smile before we get to college otherwise all the guys will know you have had a dick in you"

"I guess so, all 27 inches of it, it was brilliant" he replied.

Adam takes up the story................................

I can hardly believe how lucky I am, Tony and I had been living together for 4 weeks now and I don't think I have ever been more happy. He was so loving and considerate and caring but far from being a puppy dog, we disagreed sometimes but in general things could hardly be better. In the apartment we were equals but once we moved downstairs to work he always treated me as the boss. In bed we always kissed and cuddled but didn't always have sex, sometimes after a busy evening we were to tired, but sometimes we made love into the early hours of the morning. Sometimes Tony lead and other times it was me but always it was love which ended up with us spreading our seed.

One of the best times was on Sunday after we closed when we joined Danny and Adrian, we always had sex with them, sometimes as a foursome and other times as pairs but in one bed, and sometimes in separate rooms with different partners, it was so good how the four of us fitted together.

Danny told us about his college friend, Kevin, and what had happened, "When are we going to meet this gorgeous guy, you can't keep him to yourself" I said.

"Perhaps I will invite him one Sunday and you can meet him, but I must worn you once he sees your dick he will probably want it" Danny said.

"Bring him over, I think we have enough to go round" I laughed.

When Adrian and Danny went to the kitchen to start cooking Tony said, "Do you really want to have sex with this guy, I thought you were happy as things are?"

I looked Tony straight in the eyes and saw something I had never seen before.

"Tony I do believe you are jealous, you have no reason to be, this is just a bit of fun, you are the guy I love and want to spend my time with, I will never cheat on you but that doesn't mean we can't all have fun together. I love you Tony"

"I'm sorry, I'm just being stupid, it was just the way you said it. To be honest if he was here now I would want a bit of fun. Will you forgive me?" my lover said.

"Of course I forgive you, come here you silly bugger" I replied.

A week or so later I had a phone call from my Mum, we didn't call very much as Dad wouldn't talk to me once I told them they would never have grandchildren. Mum was calling to tell me that Dad had prostate cancer and it had gone to far. I staightway told them that I would come down as soon as I could, Dad may not like me but he was still my Father. Adrian told me he was coming with me as I shouldn't have to deal with it alone. We left on Sunday afternoon for the two hour drive to Bristol.

TBC.... Sorry for the delay I have the ideas but have trouble putting them on paper, another new character will appear soon.

Next: Chapter 22

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