
By Art Fex

Published on Oct 4, 2003


If you are under 18, please leave now. The following story contains male/male sex, if this likely to offend, please leave. This story is not copyright, it is given free of tie to Nifty. All comments, good or bad to ayedee@tiscali.co.uk. I find it difficult to believe that what started out in November 2002 as a piece of fun is now embarking on part 20, I hope you get as much pleasure reading it as I do writing it. (Frequent changes of underwear)

At the end of part 19, Tony proposed to Adam and was accepted and Adrian made love to Tony for the first time as the new Musketeer..........

"DANNY" part 20.

Danny takes up the story.........

I am now at Southampton University and I love it, I guess I'm pretty freakish, a student who loves his work. I'm at the best Uni in the country for my subject, 'Naval Architecture' and also I can go home at night to sleep, and other things, with the man I love. Over time the love that Adrian and I have for each other has grown and grown, we fell in love at first sight and never tire of each other.

There is no doubt I must be one of the luckiest guys around.

The guys I work with at Uni are some of the best, it isn't exactly a subject you take for want of something else, all of them are dead keen. I have formed a couple of friendships, with Kevin and Andy,

they both live in 'Hall' so are very glad when I invite them back for a meal after we have been working together, I don't think either of them are gay but neither have girlfriends

About three weeks into the Autumn term, Kevin was sitting with me at my home computer as we used my CAD programme on some home study when I realised that his leg was pressed hard against mine. At first I took no notice but after reaching for some books his leg returned to mine, and I began to wonder.

"Let's go to the kitchen for some drinks" I said, I took two cokes from the fridge and offered him one noticing that his jeans were rather stretched at the front. I think he noticed my glance because he followed up by saying.....

"How did you come to live here with Adrian in his flat" he asked

"Adrian needed a housekeeper and my Mum got the job, we met, then he invited me to use the PC as I didn't have one, I spent two or three evenings a week here. Later he invited me to a movie and I slept over, then he started supporting our rugby team and I spent weekends here. In the end he invited me to move in as I was spending more time here than at home" I said.

"You sure are a lucky bastard, a glorious pad, full use of a PC fitted with CAD, I imagine you have your own room, can I see it" said Kevin asked.

I took him to the bedroom and he shewed surprise, "This is twice the size of my room in Hall, and it's so tidy" he said.

"Well I'm a pretty tidy person and also remember my Mum is the housekeeper, she soon puts things away" I said as I opened the built in wardrobe.

"Hell, is all that gear yours" touching a suit and a blazer.

"No half of it belongs to Adrian, we share this room." I said

"You share, you mean you........."

"Yes we share, Adrian is my boyfriend, we are gay" I replied

"You are GAY" he exclaimed.

"Yes, does that make any difference to our friendship" I asked

"Of course not, in fact I think I could be Bi, I'm just not certain, I like girls but I'm attracted to guys as well, in fact I got hard when our legs touched earlier" Kevin answered.

"Were you trying to come on to me earlier when we were at the computer" I asked.

"Maybe I was, I just don't know, I liked it when our legs touched that is why I pressed harder, then my dick jumped to attention, does that make me queer?" he said.

"I would prefer you use the expression gay" I said, "Queer makes us feel like something from a freak show, I am gay and I'm not ashamed of it, I just don't broadcast it around. Just because you got hard doesn't make you gay, quite often physical contact can arouse you"

"Does me being near you arouse you, do you want to have sex with me" asked Kevin.

"I do find you attractive, let's face it you are pretty good looking" I replied, "But sex is a two way thing, both guys have to want it, have you ever had sex with a guy?"

"No, never, in fact I've never had full sex with a girl, I've got half way then lost the urge, they just don't get me excited" said Kevin.

"Do you think you could get excited about me?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure, I do think you are pretty sexy and there must be something there for me to get hard, would you want to have sex with me?" Kevin replied.

"I think sex with you would be pretty good but I would have to ask Adrian"

"You mean you would ask him" said Kevin in amazement

"Of course I would, we are always honest with each other, and we usually have sex together, do you think you could go along with that"

"I'm not sure about that, to be honest I would like to touch your cock and feel your hand on mine but I wouldn't want somebody watching"

Just then I heard the front door quietly open then Adrian said, "Hello Kevin how's things, am I cooking for two or three"

"If that is an invite to supper I accept, anything to get away from the food in hall" said Kevin

"Kevin has just been telling me he thinks he may be Bi, I have told him we are an item and he is happy with that but he has never done anything" I said.

"Well, why don't you two guys go and take a shower, that is usually a good starting place" said Adrian, "while I get on with the cooking; and remember Kevin all you have to say is STOP, and nothing will happen again and nothing will ever be said.

"Thank you Adrian" said Kevin as I lead him into the bathroom.

Once in the bedroom I started to strip and after a pause Kevin followed my example and when I dropped my boxers Kevin said, "Bloody hell Danny, I guessed you were big but that thing is enormous, it must be the biggest cock around, remind me not to bend over when you are behind me"

"Well you aren't exactly small yourself" he was about seven or eight inches but quite thin, "You have the choice, you can shower alone or we can go in together and wash each other"

He hesitated so I grasped his elbow and drew him into the shower cubicle, we faced each other with my hands on his hips and stared into each others eyes. I saw that little sparkle that told me he was dying to do something but he wasn't sure what.

Slowly our heads got closer and our lips touched, at first it was just our lips then I parted them and it was our tongues. He forced his lips onto mine and his tongue darted into my mouth then he gripped me in a powerful hug. The kiss lasted several minutes with our tongues intertwined, when we parted Kevin gasped and said, "I have kissed a few chicks but it was never anything like that, please don't turn round or you may get raped"

"Maybe we can try that later, lets try this first" I said as I slipped his raging cock between my legs and closed them. I took a cheek in each hand and pulled him close, his bum was soft on the surface but underneath I could feel the lovely roundness as his muscles moved.

As our lips met again we started humping, his dick felt good as it glided between my thighs and the tip kept touching my crack and my monster was crushed between our bodies. Kevin started panting and groaning and his thrusts got harder and longer as he tried to suck my tongue from my head, then he gave a mighty groan and I felt his load coat my cheeks and the wall behind me, I matched him shot for shot and covered our chests.

It took a few minutes for Kevin to return to earth after his first bout of sex with a guy. When he did he said, "Thanks Danny, that was out of this world, I am certainly Bi as I can't wait to do that again, in fact I might be biased towards guys, I think.

I took the soap and started washing him starting from his shoulders then from his feet up eventually reaching his groin where I took great care in washing his balls and cock. He had softened after our climax but within seconds he was rock hard again, I glanced up, he was leaning back against the wall with his eyes closed.

"Turn round" I said, he did and put his hands on the wall while I washed his shoulders and arm pits then slowly down his back. I admired his bum, the cheeks were perfect, two beautiful round globes of silken flesh. I parted his cheeks and gently massaged around his rosebud.

"MMMmmm!! do that again" he whispered, I touched him again and this time pressed in and the tip of my finger slipped inside. "Oh yes" he exclaimed

I pressed again until he had up to the first knuckle, he made no sound so I pushed again until he had the whole of my middle finger. "MMMMmmmmm" he repeated. I could have stayed there for ever but I didn't want to rush things so stood up.

"Thank you Buddy, I am learning so much, I never guessed that my bum was so sensitive and erotic, that must be one of the nicest things that has ever happened to me" he said.

"Come on Adrian will have the meal ready, put on these clean boxers of mine, they should fit, don't bother with anything else" I said.

As we finished eating Kevin said, "I don't think I have ever felt so comfortable anywhere as I do with you guys, thanks a lot, Adrian you could make a living as a chef"

"I enjoy cooking but we already have one chef in the family" answered Adrian.

"Who is that?" Kevin asked

"Our business partner is a professional chef, he is chef/manager of a restaurant, 'The Minerva', maybe you know it, Danny, Adam and I are partners in the restaurant " Adrian replied

"Maybe I should explain" I said, so I explained our busines set up.

"There is a little more" said Adrian, "Adam isn't just a business partner, he is a life partner, Danny and I are boyfriends and Adam has a boyfriend called Tony, we spend a lot of time together, often in bed, all four of us"

"I'm having a job to absorb all this" said Kevin, "You mean all four of you have sex in the same bed, I have heard the expression top and bottom, who is which?"

"All four of us enjoy being top and bottom, we all get as much thrill in receiving as we do in giving, when the four of us are together we don't have sex, we make love" I said.

"You will probably need time to think about this but you are welcome to stay tonight, either in the spare room or share with us, nobody will push you, the decision is yours" said Adrian.

"I would love to stay if I may, I'm not sure at this time how far I want to go but I am sure I would like to share your bed. What we did in the shower has made me understand I'm more than a little interested, I've never had those feelings before.

As the couch was a two seater I threw the cushions on the floor inviting Kevin to join me with our backs to the couch, by this time Adrian was in boxers and he sat beside me as we watched TV.

After a half hour or so Kevin said, "There must be something wrong with me, I just can't lose this erection, you guys aren't hard"

"That's because we have developed self control, would you feel more comfortable if we were hard?" I said. Kevin looked down at Adrian and me and his eyes popped as we both came to life.

"What were you thinking about then" Kevin asked.

"I was thinking about what we did in the shower and what might happen later, I was thinking about your lips sliding around my dick, why don't you try it" I said.

I'm not sure about that, what does it taste like?"

"Just like this" and I wiped my finger across the tip of my dick and pushed it into his mouth, at first his face showed shock but slowly changed.

"That tastes unusual but it's not bad, can I try." within a couple of minutes he was sucking my dick as if he had been born to it and Adrian took him into his mouth. "Bloody hell" he exclaimed, it seemed to be a favourite expression of his.

I gently changed my position until I could swallow Adrian and for the next fifteen minutes we enjoyed a three way suckfest.

"Adrian has all of me in his throat, why can't I do that" Kevin asked.

"As the tip of my cock touches the back of your throat just swallow as if it was food and it will slide into your gullet" I told him, "Adrian will swallow your cum and I will swallow his, I will warn you when I'm cumming and you can move away"

Kevin tried swallowing me, the first couple of times he gagged but on the third try I slipped right in. "Who is a clever boy" I said lifting my head, "You now have nine inches of cock in your mouth"

Kevin nodded and his eyes sparkled but he didn't stop sucking and five minutes later when I started pumping my juice into his throat he swallowed everything"

When he at last let me have my dick back he had a self satisfied smirk on his face, "I think I could get addicted to that" he said

"Which, being the sucker or the suckee?" I asked

"Both" he replied, "It was terrific pumping my cum into Adrians throat but I loved the taste of your juice, do all guys taste the same?"

I had noticed that Adrian hadn't spoken so guessed he had kept some spunk in his mouth, my suspicions were confirmed when he moved up and kissed Kevin, the kiss lasted some time

"How do you like your own taste" asked Adrian

"Pretty good, I know I probably sound like a sex maniac but I might need to taste yours later to continue my research" Kevin replied

It wasn't long before we were on the bed, Kevin in the centre, a hard cock in each hand as we took it in turn to kiss him and suck on his nipples

"I can't believe you guys, never before have I felt like this, this is mind blowing, I'm pretty certain I'm not Bi, no girl could ever make me feel like this, I am certain that I'm 100% gay. Everything we have done so far has been fantastic but what about the other thing?"

"Do you mean the anal bit?" asked Adrian

"I guess I do, what does it feel like to have a dick in your bum?" said Kevin.

"To me having Adrian pushing his big cock up into my belly and then flood me with his love is the nicest thing in the world and putting nine inches of my body into him is the peak of our love making. That final moment when I climax and coat the inside of his love shute with my spunk is what our love is all about" I told him

"I loved it when you fingered my bum in the shower, I'm not sure I can take your monster but I really do want to try" Kevin said.

"There is one snag" said Adrian, "I broke one of our cardinal rules when I swallowed your juice, If we make love to you we will wear a condom so you won't feel our juice in your passage, I took the risk just now as you said you were virgin. Danny, Adam Tony and I are tested every six months even though we normally only go with each other, we would like you to be a frequent visitor to our home but we would like you to take a test"

"Of course I will take the test, it's just common sense, how long does it take?" he replied

"If you go to the clinic tomorrow you will have the results in three days" I said

"I certainly owe you guys, you have helped me recognise who I am, when I was only 13 or 14 I had the feeling I might be gay but I told myself that was stupid, there was no way I was queer. I started dating girls, it was fun but something was missing. For the last year I wanted to meet a guy and try things but never had the guts to approach anyone, then I met Danny. I have fancied you since the first day we met but I never suspected you were gay, you act so straight, so do you Adrian.

"How does a gay guy act, you don't act gay" said Adrian.

"Oh, effeminate I guess but that is stupid, I suppose there are hundreds of gay guys out there who I would never recognise, I guess I'm stupid for thinking that way" said Kevin.

"You aren't stupid, I'm sure if we stood in front of our friends at Uni and said we were gay they would laugh because we don't act gay" I said, "It is just a few effeminate queens who get the whole homosexual world a bad name" I replied.

Four days later Kevin came home with me to work on a project and as soon as we greeted Adrian, Kevin produced a piece of paper which he showed us, "I'm clear" he said

"We never thought you would be anything else but it's better to be safe than sorry"

"You know what this means" said Kevin with a light in his eyes

"Of course" I said, "Now you can sit in the bedroom chair watching Adrian and I make mad passionate love, you can watch as his long fat dick parts my buns and slides up into my belly"

"You rotten sod, you know what I want, tonight I'm going to lose my cherry" he answered.


''Who will take his cherry?.... tune in to the next episode of Danny.''

Next: Chapter 21

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