
By Art Fex

Published on Nov 15, 2002


If you are under eighteen please leave now the following story contains male to male sex, if you are likely to be offended, go no further.

This story is not copyright, it is given to Nifty free of tie.

My apologies to the readers of Danny 1, it was originally written for my own pleasure and the layout was very poor, I hope I can improve in the future.

Comments are welcome at ayedee@tiscali.co.uk

Danny .........2.....to continue,

For some time we lay there without speaking, our hands were talking for us examining every part of our bodies, Danny was only approaching his seventeenth birthday but he was a man in every way, he was the most beautiful, loving and sexy guy I had ever met.

"Danny, what are you doing to me" I asked.

"Cuddling your gorgeous body, you lovely guy" he answered.

"No, not physically, what are you doing to my mind" I said, "I have never felt like this in my life, I am head over heels in love with you, our love making last night and again this morning was out of this world, just being with you gives me feelings I have never had before, I don't understand why you want to be with a guy like me"

"I love you more than I can explain" he replied, "I told you I fell in love with you the moment Mum introduced us and ever since a picture of you had been etched into my head, I want to be with you for ever, not just for sex although that is fantastic, but to cook a meal together, or take in a movie or a rugby match or even just sit, I have never felt this happy before"

"Come on let's get some breakfast to recharge our batteries, you have given me more spunk than anyone before and your mouth and tight little botty have drained me, let's eat" Danny reached for his pants , "Don't bother with those I don't" I said, "Besides I want to look at your gorgeous body so that I can't forget it when you leave"

We moved into the kitchen and as we put out the dishes Danny said, "It is strange moving around without clothes and looking at your bum will keep me hard for ever, and one thing worries me, my cock is already fatter than yours and I haven't finished growing, what if it gets to big for you"

"No matter how big you get I will still want you, and don't worry, a bum is a very flexible thing" I replied.

Once we had eaten I asked Danny to dress ready to go home, "I would rather spend the day with you" he said, "I would love to keep you here but Mum will be wondering what's happening and we don't want to make her suspicious besides it has stopped raining"

As he left we kissed then I pressed something into his hand, (no, not that) two keys, one for the street door and the other for my front door, "Now you can come over whenever you want, I think it would be better to tell your Mother you are coming here because if she finds out later it will stir up a Hornets Nest, you can always use the PC as an excuse, but remember to bring your books"

"You really are the best Adrian, I love you" he smiled at me.

After I had closed the door he was still standing next to me, then in the kitchen I could see him leaning across the table, naked with his wonderful smooth buns smiling at me, then he was sitting in the lounge and when I went into the bedroom to make the bed he was lying in the middle with that wonderful cock of his standing up from his pubic bush reminding of the thrill he had given us both as he had eased his virgin tool into my bum and in my mind I could feel him thrusting into me. The vision was so perfect that I shot my cum juice all over the carpet without even touching my cock. No matter what I tried to do I had this vision of my wonderful lover just in front of me, I had become fond of guys before but now I was desparately in love, I wanted Danny with me for ever, but I knew that wasn't possible, for one thing he was still a minor, in years anyway, in every other way he was very much a man.

I decided to go to the pool and swim a few lengths to get some exercise and to try to take my mind off Danny, the swimming was good and there were several well developed teenagers there who gave me something to think about. I knew Danny was playing rugby that afternoon but I didn't know where so looked in the local news sheet and there in the sports section I found the fixtures, his team was playing at a local sports field so I hopped in the car and went along. I purposely kept behind other people as I didn't want him to see me and be distracted, as the game progressed I found Danny was good, in fact very good not only as a player but encouraging the others and I was so pleased when they won.

I was waiting outside the changing room as they came out and as soon as Danny spotted me he came over, followed by the scrum half and I remembered Danny saying he thought the guy was eyeing him up in the showers.

They were still covered in mud so I said, "What no showers" "No, this is purely a changing room we have to wait until we get home" said Danny, "Well my shower has plenty of hot water, can I give you a lift back" I asked. "Oh yes please, can Ian come too" Danny quickly replied, I was a bit disappointed that I wouldn't have Danny to myself but realised I couldn't come between him and his team mates. As Ian got into the back Danny got into the passenger seat and as he caught my eye over the top of the car he put his thumb up and I wondered what he was cooking up.

When we arrived home I said "Right you guys get cleaned up and I will get us a drink and a sandwich, you better use my room, your Mum won't want to clean up an extra room" It was about twenty minutes before they joined me, Ian was dressed but Danny was wearing a towel. We talked for a while about the match and the team before Ian said he had to be going, "I'm going to stay on and use Adrians computer" said Danny.

When we were alone I asked Danny what had happened. "Well nothing really, once we stripped Ian just stared at my cock and I got semi hard so I said, 'I know I'm a bit bigger than usual but you can take your eyes away' 'I can't believe thats all you you're built like a horse' 'It is real, here touch it' and I took his hand and put it on my dick he squeezed it and then carried on drying himself, I feel sure he wants to go further but is scared, would you mind if I played around with him sometime" Danny asked.

"Of course not, I will be jealous but you have to experience other guys, after all straights go with more than one girl" I replied. "I know but you are my lover, it would only be for fun if I did, anyhow it might not happen" Danny told me and then we kissed. "Can I stay a little while" he asked.

"Of course you can, get your self worked up with Nifty and then you can give me this" I said as I squeezed his rigid digit, but first ring Tessa and let her know where you are, but you can't stay".

"Oh please lover man" he said rather like a small boy.

"No, if you make a habit of it your folks will get suspicious now ring your Mum" Danny explained to Tessa about me seeing him at the match and he was going to use the computer and would be home later, she asked to speak to me so I told her it was OK and I would throw him out early.

"Now that we are alone can I take this off" Danny asked,

"Certainly, but you realise what will happen when I see your naked teenage body don't you"

"Oh no, not that" said Danny holding his hands up, "Anything but that, surely you're not going to take advantage of me like you did this morning and put your big sausage up my tiny bum"

"Well that is an idea, but I was rather hoping that the guy I love would do that to me"

"Well I could, as Ian has gone home I suppose I shall have to make do with you instead of his tight little virgin bum, it looked terrific in the shower"

"You cheeky sod, for that I will keep my jeans on and send you home hungry and sex starved"

"You wouldn't do that to your boyfriend would you" said Danny, "I am your boyfriend aren't I, I'm looking forward to the day when we can live together"

"Of course you are my boyfriend, and I would love to have you living with me, but for the present we will make do with our short times together and right now I need to feel you inside me" I told him. Danny took my hand and lead me into our bedroom, (I was already thinking of it as our room) and I started to strip,

"No let me do that" he said as he unbuttoned my shirt and eased it off my shoulders, then it was my socks and shoes. He pushed my hand away as I tried to grasp his bouncing totem pole

"Don't be so impatient, everything comes to those that wait, by the time I give it to you, you will be begging me to ravish you" Danny said with a sly look...

He slowly undid the top of my jeans and very slowly slid down the zip, stroking the outline of my raging hard-on, he was certainly teasing me as just as slowly he pushed the jeans to the floor, my boxers were really bulging. I could see that he was getting just as eager as he quickly had me naked and on the bed, all I wanted was for him to make love to me and that he did. I felt the tip of his love stick touch me.

"Hang on lover boy, what about some lube" I said, "That monster would tear me apart and it wouldn't be very comfortable for you either"

"I'm sorry Adrian, I wasn't thinking, you look so tantalising lying there, I wanted to give you my love"

As I smothered his cock with KY he did the same to my rosebud using first one finger then two as spasms passed through my body, I had always considered myself a top and as an occasional bottom but with Danny it was different my body was crying out for him.

"Danny, I'm ready, please make love to me, put your lovely cock in me and fill me with your love juice"

I felt Dannys' cock touch my puckered ring and without any concious effort I opened up to take him and his tip entered, there was no pain just a wonderful warm feeling as his thick prick parted my flesh and up into my rectal passage, I could hardly believe that this wonderful guy was only having his second fuck he was so gentle. Without any pushing he was slowly allowing his rigid cock to slide up into my body and when I felt his pubic hairs on my cheeks I knew I had the largest cock I had seen right inside me.

"Are you sure I'm not hurting you, your hole looks very stretched" Danny asked.

"You are right there" I replied, "you have the biggest cock I have seen and it's giving me the greatest thrill I have ever known, now lie on me so that we can kiss, then just move your hips, take your time so that we can both enjoy it, I want to stay in this position for ever"

As we kissed Danny started moving, he wasn't really thrusting, his prick seemed to glide in and out and each stroke seemed to take an age, I was over the moon with pleasure, as his cock probed the depths of my belly his tongue was searching my mouth. For over five minutes we continued and then he speeded up gradually getting faster and pushing harder and this went on for another ten minutes and I sensed he was almost there. His breathing was becoming laboured and then he started moaning, then we both went over the top. My cock fired up between our bodies and his inside me, I had never known a guy have such a climax, it felt as if he had balls as big as footballs with the amount of spunk he gave me.

"Adrian that was fantastic, I never dreamed that sex could be such pleasure, I hope I satisfied you"

"Danny you are the loveliest guy I have ever met and I love you so much, I'm thirty years old and I've been having sex since I was sixteen but I've never experienced anything like that, it was out of this world, where did you learn to make love like that"

"I've never learnt anything, I just did what seemed natural and would give us both the maximum amount of pleasure, I was doing it mainly for you and in doing it I enjoyed it as well, promise me can stay together for ever, I will do anything to make you happy"

"You make me happy just by being here, I wish we could stay like this but you better go home now, you can come back one evening during the week to use the computer, and I will think of an excuse for you to stay next weekend"...

I hope part two pleases everyone, I will try a part three, I have one or two ideas....ayedee.

Next: Chapter 3

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