
By Art Fex

Published on Sep 25, 2003


If you are under 18 please leave now. The following story contains male/male sex, if this is likely to offend you please leave now. This story is not copyright, it is given free of tie to Nifty All comments, good or bad to ayedee@tiscali.co.uk.

At the end of part 18 Ted had decided to be just friends with Adam, now Tony a waiter is spending time with the '3 Musketeers'????????

"DANNY" Part 19.

As the summer progressed, business at the restaurant became better and better, even at the start of the week we were usually over 50% full and Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday lunch were always fully booked. Adam was over the moon and Danny and I were pleased to see him so happy, we both loved him as much as we loved each other, and of course, the Bank Manager was happy as well.

It was soon time for Danny to start at UNI, he had no fears at all, I was so happy that he had so much confidence in himself and also I would be able to have my lover living at home, snuggling up to me every night in bed with Adam as well most nights. The CAD programme I had bought while Danny was at college proved invaluable at UNI, his tutor was most surprised he had it, the only guy in his group, he also made some good friends. (Straight, at least I thought they were)

We reached a stage where Tony spent every Sunday with us after work and usually he and Adam spent a night or two in the apartment above the 'Minerva'. One Sunday afternoon Adam and I were in his flat waiting for Danny and Tony to finish downstairs. We were kissing on the couch when Tony came in, "Hey, what are you doing with my boyfriend" he asked.

"Surely we can share" I said.

"Did you mean that" asked Adam, "You have just called me your boyfriend"

"Well, you are aren't you" said Tony. "I don't know, you have never asked me" replied Adam with a smile.

Just as Danny came in Tony very dramatically got down on one knee and asked, "Adam, I love you more than you can understand, will you accept me as your boyfriend"

"Of course I will, I love you so much" said Adam as he pulled Tony to his feet and tried to pull his tongue out of his head with lip suction.

When they parted Tony exclaimed, "I can't believe it, my boss has agreed to be my boyfriend" "We are so pleased for you, it couldn't happen to two better guys, Adam, make sure you don't give Tony a bollicking at work, he might go and sleep in the spare room" said Danny.

"I don't think so, there's no bed in there and anyhow I think we are mature enough to keep our work and pleasure separate" said Adam.

"I think this calls for an immediate celebration, Tony can you get a bottle of the best 'champers'" I asked

"I will square the till tomorrow" said Adam.

"No you won't, I think we can put this down as a business expense, welcoming a new member of the team" I said.

"He's been a member of the team for ages" said Danny. "We mean OUR team" said Adam and I together.

It wasn't long before we were throwing an empty bottle into the bin and Tony presented the cork to Adam, "There you are partner, our first bottle as lovers", I had a very good feeling about this partnership, Tony was so much more mature than Ted had been even though Ted was a nice guy.

We walked the short distance back to the apartment and spent the next few hours watching TV, well it was switched on, but we spent more time kissing and cuddling, not always with our own partner. Tony was a perfect lover, when I held him in my arms his body just melted into mine and his kisses were passionate but not sexy and neither of us was aroused.

Tony looked across at Adam and said, "Adam, aren't you jealous that another guy is kissing your new boyfriend?"

"Not at all, I trust Adrian with anything including you, all four of us are partners even though you are special, with the four of us together we are equal except in business, as you will discover we all give and take. As you well know sometimes I want your bum and at other times I want your dick, I love each equally. You may think Adrian is the dominate partner with these two but he likes to feel Danny inside him just as much" said Adam.

"That is very true" said Danny, "I love sliding my hard cock into Adrian and flooding his innards with my love but just as much the wonderful feel of him inside me sends me to heaven and when he withdraws I have that lovely feeling that I still have part of him inside me"

"Being with you guys is as near to perfect as I can imagine" said Tony, "I don't just have a boyfriend, I have three boyfriends, I still have a lot to learn"

"That is the way we want you to feel" I said, "We are now a team, love one and you love us all but fall out with one and you have the other two to deal with"

"I can't imagine falling out, I'm pretty even tempered and I want to thank you guys for taking me in, I want this to be a lifetime thing" replied Tony.

When I went to the kitchen to make a start with our evening meal Adam followed me, he slid his arm around my waist and said, "I'm going to ask Tony to move in with me, is that OK?"

"Of course it's OK, you don't have to ask, I have a good feeling about this" I replied.

"I know I don't have to ask but it's nice to know I have your approval, Tony is so good for me, I loved Ted, in fact I still do, but he wouldn't dream of being in bed without sex, but Tony is so different, sometimes he starts some action and sometimes I do, but a lot of the time we are so happy to be together, lying in each others arms, kissing and feeling. His fingers are just like yours, it feels as if an electric current is flowing from them into me, he stimulates me in areas I didn't know I had. Our love making starts so slow but by the time we finish we feel we are floating in the clouds" said Adam

"I get just the same feeling, when I kiss him" I said, "That guy is so gentle, his body just moulded to mine, I can't wait to have sex with him, assuming he wants to."

"Oh he certainly wants to" said Adam, "I think he might offer himself to you tonight he is dying to know what a long dick feels like. The first time he entered me he was so gentle that it was only when his pubic hair tickled me that I realised he was fully in. He was so excited that he had broken his duck that he came almost as soon as he was in. He apologised that he hadn't given me pleasure but he was so hard that I told him to start again. The second time it took fifteen minutes and then I felt the head of his dick swell inside me and he produced a gusher and afterwards he was so gentle and considerate"

Adam went back to the others and a couple of minutes later I went in and offered Tony a key. "What's this" he asked.

"The key to the front door, you are family now, you don't have to wait for Adam to visit here, you are to treat this as your home and if your boyfriend is busy during the afternoon you can always come and visit me" I said

"I feel honoured and I would love to visit you, you will be able to give me a few tips on how to keep my lover happy" Tony replied.

"He can certainly give you one tip, he's an expert" said Danny with a laugh.

"Oh Danny, get your mind out of the gutter, I mean advice, from what I have heard from Adam, Adrian can make love better than anyone"

"I have to second that" said Danny "he certainly knows how to please his lover. The four of us spent a very pleasant evening and later Danny said, "Come on Adrian, let's leave these guys to consummate their union.

"Oh no" said Tony, "We did that sometime back in your bed when I was invaded from both ends, I will never forget the first time that Adam slipped inside me and gave me his love, tonight I want to discover what Adrian can teach me about making love while Danny satisfies my boyfriend

I wanted Tony so much I had to stop myself from dragging him into the bedroom. As I followed him to the bed I couldn't tear my eyes away from his bum, it was beautiful, so round and soft, but firm and I knew that only one cock had parted those tantalising cheeks.

We dropped onto the bed and as I fastened my lips on his he grasped my love pole and gently squeezed it, I wanted this to be a long passionate session but Tony had other ideas.

He soon opened his legs drawing them up towards his shoulders giving me perfect access to his lovely body. "I need you inside me Adrian, please make love to me"

I reached for the KY but he stopped me, "I am ready for you, I did it in the bathroom" he said. My cock was in just the right position so I applied a little pressure, his muscles rejected me so I pressed a little harder. My head popped through his entrance portal into his tight love chamber, he gave a little groan, not of pain but of pleasure so I pushed again. This guy was so tight but not tight enough to give me trouble, he relaxed a bit at a time until I bottomed out.

"I was worried I might not be able to take all of you" said Tony, "It is a wonderful feeling that I have 9 inches of you inside me, now make love to me"

For several minutes I thrust with my hips as we kissed, then Tony kissed Adam who was lying next to him in a similar position covered by Danny, then he kissed Danny before returning to me.

"I want us to climax together, I think I will sense when you are ready but tell me just in case" said Tony. Adam was certainly right when he said Tony was gentle, his anal muscles were massaging me almost the same as Adam did, and I was using my cock in the best way I knew, I was moving slightly with each stroke so that the tip of my flesh was stroking every part of his love tunnel and it did the trick

His breathing became quicker and he was producing fascinating little sounds and the look on his face was one of divine bliss.

"I'm nearly there" panted Tony, "Me to" I grunted and then we shouted together as the head of my dick expanded and flooded his innards as his love potion covered our chests

"Are you OK" I whispered. "Never better, I thought the first time was out of this world but each time I make love it gets better" he said, with a gorgeous smile.

Danny and Adam had reached their peak at the same time as us so the four of us could lie back and enjoy being with each other.

"Do you mind if I ask how you guys met" asked Tony

"I won some money on the lottery and bought this place and needed a housekeeper, that is Danny's Mum" I said.

"Then one afternoon I was helping Mum with some shopping and we met Adrian, I fell in love with him as soon as Mum introduced us" said Danny

"Danny started visiting to use the computer and then stayed a night or two, we went to the 'Minerva' for a meal and saw this good looking chef there" I continued

"Unfortunately he left and we had to put up with Adam" said Danny with a laugh.

"Hey watch it" said Adam, "I spoke to them as customers and a little bell rang in my head then after closing I met them in a gay club, they invited me back here and 'Voila'

"Well, who owns the 'Minerva' then" asked Tony.

"All three of us" I took up the story, "the previous owners were selling up and Adam couldn't raise the money so I bought it"

"Yes, but he didn't tell me, this solicitor guy (attorney,,yes we Brits have some strange words) made me the manager and allowed me to make some small alterations, it was only later that I sat down to have a drink with them and Adrian told me I was part owner" said Adam

"Adam and Danny each own 25% and I own the other 50% but we make decisions together like the kitchen changes" I said.

"I don't believe this, I'm lying in bed with my three employers, two of them have made love to me, when do I get the third" Tony said.

"We always save the best things till last" said Danny and Adam and I punched him. We fell asleep soon afterwards.

In the next part Danny discovers that two of his UNI friends aren't as straight as he thought they were.

TBC... Following a suggestion I am trying to open up the story and introduce a couple more characters, you see, I do listen when I can get my ear trumpet working

All comments welcome.....ayedee@tiscali.co.uk.

Any Brit. phrases or words you don't understand, please ask.

By the way it works the other way round, quite a lot of American words I have had to work out when reading other stories on Nifty

Keep it up Nifty.

Next: Chapter 20

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