
By Art Fex

Published on Aug 14, 2003


If you are under 18 y/o please leave now. The following story contains male/male sex, if this is likely to offend you please leave. This story is not copyright, it is given free of tie to Nifty. All comments, good or bad, to ayedee@tiscali.co.uk Thank you to all who have mailed me, sorry for the delay!!!!

At the end of part 16 the terrible four had just set off to Newquay for a surfing holiday...

"Danny part 17"

We made pretty good time on our journey but Danny did remark that the wind was playing tricks on the car. After an hour or so I took over the driving and discovered the reason, the wind was trying to lift the surf board strapped down on our roof making it hard work controlling the steering but once I was used to it we made good progress.

Once we arrived at Newquay the hotel was easy to find, it stood close to the cliff edge giving us good views towards Wales. I had booked a family room to give us freedom to change partners as we frequently did, it was on the top floor with two queen size beds and ensuite bathroom with not only a bath but also an enormous shower, which on more than one occasion all four of us shared. We made more room by fitting the protruding bits inside the guy in front of us. It was a terrific experience to be buried deep inside the guy you loved while another guy you loved was deep inside you.

We took a quick light lunch and headed for the beach. "We must get you guys set up with boards and suits" said Adam.

"Yes, tomorrow" I said

"Tomorrow" exclaimed Adam, "I want to surf today"

"Exactly, you will surf today, we will surf tomorrow, you have been waiting for this for ages, we want you to enjoy it without worrying about us, we know what you are like, you will give up all your time for us when you could be enjoying the waves, we want you to enjoy today, tomorrow you can act as teacher/nanny to us" I replied.

As soon as Adam saw that we were serious he headed for the water. We headed for the back of the beach against the cliff face on a slight cliff shelf and took shelter behind a huge boulder about four feet high and watched. For the first two or three tries Adam came off fairly quickly, after all, it was some time since he had surfed properly, you couldn't call our short visit to Weymouth surfing.

Adam, our chef/lover soon got into the swing of things and was clearly enjoying it. I glanced to my left and saw Ted was enjoying things as well. Danny had climbed ontop of the boulder and was sitting with his legs hanging on our side. Ted was standing in front of him stroking Dannys crotch, after a few minutes he wasn't satisfied with that and his hand was inside Dannys jeans and a few minutes later he was slurping on a very hard piece of man flesh.

I looked both ways along the beach, the only people in sight were four guys riding the waves near Adam, we couldn't be seen from above, the cliff had an overhang so I moved behind Ted.

I gently humped his cute bum, even with the thickness of two pairs of jeans my dick felt good lying in his cleft.

"Adrian, why don't you do it, I love two at once" said Ted.

"No, I'm saving it for my boyfriend tonight, he gets jealous if I give it to someone else, and don't take to much out of him, I have a terrible itch that I want him to scratch later" I replied.

That broke the mood for Danny, as I guessed, he was keeping Ted happy, he pushed him away and zipped up as we continued to watch Adam. My favourite chef was just as elegant on the water as he was on land, he was in perfect control of his board with a perfect sense of balance. There were no sudden movements of his body, he read the waves the way I would read a book or examine a diagram, his body movements were gentle and smooth, I felt so proud of my friend and lover. I wondered, not for the first time, what would have happened if I had met Adam before I met Danny.

Being so early in the year the days were still short and we soon saw Adam walking up the beach carrying his board.

"How was that Ads" I asked.

"Absolutely brilliant, it felt so good, this is what I have been missing so much over the last few months. When I first went out there I was fighting the waves but I soon got back into it and from then on I was working with them. The thing I love most is being with you guys but riding waves comes a very close second" said Adam.

"Surely that can't be better than sliding your dick into my tight bum" said Ted.

"I reckon it might be 50/50, so you better smarten up otherwise I might drop you in favour of my board " laughed Adam as he planted a nice wet salty kiss on Ted.

Once back in the room I called room service and asked them to send up some tea, cakes and sandwiches, in only ten minutes there was a knock at the door and a gorgeous young guy brought in a tray at just the moment that Adam shucked off his gear for a shower.

The waiter was paying so much attention to Adams naked body that he walked into the coffee table, he quickly recovered and as he bent forward to put the tray down he showed me one of the best rear ends I had seen, (present company excepted) his black trousers fitted perfectly over his delightful round cheeks, even going right into his tight cleft. I took out some money to give him a tip but he took it and said thank you without moving his eyes from Adam and still didn't move as Adam bent over to pick up his pants and showed his back door to the world.

When he left Danny said, "Hey will you guys stop drooling, I know he's cute, in fact he's more than cute he's fantastic and also he's gay" Danny always had better gaydar than me.

"I didn't really notice" said Adam with a smile, "That time on the waves has really tired me out, why don't you guys go on down to dinner and I will get something brought up by room service"

"That wouldn't be a nice salami sausage between two nice round buns would it" asked Danny. "That's a good idea, that would be just about what I could manage" said Adam with a big smirk

"Have you forgotten that I'm here" said Ted with a pout.

"Of course not, if you think I would cast you aside for a twenty year old cute young waiter,,,, you are dead right" said Adam as he grabbed Ted and they locked lips.

I don't imagine that every room in the hotel had four virile naked young men sitting around wolfing sandswiches and drinking tea but this one certainly did. Danny made sure that I was well looked after feeding me with a delicious cream cake, then put the last of the cream on the head of his dick.

"Hey that cream is mine" I said.

"That's OK, just help yourself" said Danny, so I did, it took me several minutes to make sure I hadn't missed any. "Is there anything else I can get you" he said

"I can think of one thing, come with me" and I took his hand and lead him into the bathroom, then into the shower where we washed each other (can you believe that) taking especial care with certain pieces of delicate equipment

As I reached his lovely round bum he wriggled as I ran my fingers through the tight channel between his firm cheeks. "Hey, I have discovered an opening back here" I said, "Would you like me to make sure it's clean inside"

"Oh yes please" he breathed.

I ran my tongue along the valley until I touched his wonderful little opening then I pushed my tongue inside, his whole body jerked and my mind flitted back to when this gorgeous guy had been a virgin and he had offered me his cherry. I pushed harder until the whole of my tongue was inside and my nose and chin were in his cleft. Even though we were washing he still smelt like my adorable Danny

"I can't reach any further but I do have something that will do it, shall I try it" "MMMMmmmmmmmm" was all I got from my boyfriend.

I stood up, touched the head of my cock against him and he drew me inside in one long stroke until all seven inches were buried in his love nest.

"OOohh Adrian fill me with your love, I need it" said Danny as he pushed back against me. We had been together so long that we knew each others needs and were soon in a perfect rhythm and in a few minutes I granted his wish and gave him my love

As soon as we parted Danny kissed me, no matter how many times we kissed we never tired and it became better all the time.

"Adrian you are good to me, I don't deserve you" whispered Danny

I held him at arms length and perfectly seriously I said, "I know, you don't, as soon as we get back to Southampton I'm going to trade you in for a new model, I hope your Mum kept your room free"

"Please Adrian don't ever say that even as a joke, you know I love you more than....." He couldn't say anymore our lips were crushed together and my tongue was in his mouth.

We returned to the bedroom to find Ted full length on top of Adam whose legs were wrapped around his back.

"You guys don't waste much time do you" I said "Are you going to tell us that you weren't doing the same thing" said Adam

"Well not quite, we were both facing the same way" said Danny with a laugh. That evening was a first for us, well as a group, we went to a disco and were all dancing with females, you know birds, dolls, chicks!!!

Danny and Ted were having a terrific time with two really cute girls, I joined in but it wasn't rally my scene and I think Adam was more tired than he realised. Around midnight He and I left and returned to our room, once we were stripped I joined him on his bed and we kissed and cuddled for a while and then talked.

"Thanks a lot for this holiday" Adam said, "It is only now that we are here that I have realised how much I needed the break, and to be doing the thing I enjoy most, well the second, makes it perfect"

"I don't think you know how much I enjoy doing things for you" I said.

"And to me" said Adam with a laugh.

"Well that as well, I have never regreted the evening we invited you back to the apartment, you and Danny are the two nicest guys I know and I love you both" I said.

"I have loved you from almost the first time I saw you and I was happy to take whatever love you gave me, but then when you gave me a share in the restaurant I nearly passed out. I love you Adrian."

Nothing was said for some minutes and I realised Adam was asleep so I moved across to my own bed and fell asleep.

When I woke it was still dark and I sensed Danny was on the bed with me, but right on the far edge. I wriggled across behind him and put my arm across him, he immediately pushed my hand away. I thought he had done it in his sleep so I put my hand back again. He pushed it away again. I realised he was awake so I said, "What's the matter?"

In a very strange voice he whispered, "You don't need me, I'm going home in the morning" I was totally surprised especially when I heard him crying.

I slipped out of bed walked round it, took him by the hand and pulled him out of bed saying, "Come with me"

I took him into the bathroom and firmly closed the door.

"Would you mind telling me what is wrong, what have I done" I asked

Danny looked at the floor, "You haven't done anything, it's me, I am going home, you will find someone to love who deserves you" he said.

"Why, why, what have you done?" I asked.

"That girl I was dancing with asked me to go to bed with her" he replied

"Did you?"


"Well what is wrong?"

"I didn't go because you are my boyfriend and I love you so much, but I wanted to" "Well, that proves one thing, you are a typical horny teenage male, any guy your age would want to, Ted went one step further and did it but then realised his mistake, Another thing, you have never experienced boy/girl sex, it is only natural that you are curious. I was at your age and I went with a girl, having already experienced sex with a guy, it was only when I tried with another girl that I knew that I hated it, I wanted to make love to a guy not a girl, I admire you for what you did and love you even more"

Danny didn't say anything for several minutes and I left him with his thoughts and went back to bed. Several minutes later I heard the click of the bathroom door then the movement of the bed as Danny slid under the covers. Then I felt his chest against my back and his arm came round me. As I fell asleep I felt the proof that he was a horny teenager, a telegraph pole was lying in the valley between my cheeks. Oh to be in love.

The next thing I knew it was broad daylight and I was staring at the back of Adam in the next bed, I smiled when I noticed his hips were going backwards and forwards. I guessed he had only just started as the strokes were very slow and long so I thought, 'two can play at that game'. I reached behind me and grasped Dannys extremely hard cock and guided it into my hole as I pushed back.

I'm not sure just when Danny woke up but he was soon following Adam's movements

When Ted and Adam went to the bathroom Danny kissed the back of my neck and whispered, "I'm sorry about last night, I love you"

"Why, what happened last night" I said as I turned round and kissed my lover. By 10 o'clock, Adam was fitting us out in wetsuits and hired boards and we headed for the beach. How on earth Adam got through the morning without losing his temper I don't know, especially with Ted, he just treated the whole thing as a big joke, I don't think he spent more than 15 seconds on his board at any one time

We spent the first period just getting the feel of the board under our feet and getting a sense of balance, then Adam took us one at a time into the water, coaxing us into the right moves. Danny proved to be a natural, it took me a bit longer and Ted wasn't getting anywhere at all. After a while I said to Adam, "Why don't you go and have fun, I will keep an eye on Ted."

Adam went of to catch the waves, and I went off the deep end. I turned to Ted and said, "I sometimes wonder whether you love Adam at all, he is doing his best to teach us and you treat him like nothing"

"Well it's only a joke, I'm not really into this sort of thing, it's just fun" Ted replied

"If you don't want to do it just tell Adam, he takes this very seriously, and it's a serious business, any one of us could get badly hurt and your boyfriend is trying his best to make sure that doesn't happen. We all have our own idea of fun and if this isn't yours say so"

Ted wandered off along the beach and I watched Adam and Danny. My chef/lover was doing his thing but at the same time encouraging my student lover, it gave me a nice feeling just watching them

When they had had their fill of the waves they walked back in and you could tell by the look on their faces that they were enjoying it 100%. Just then Ted returned.

"Adam I'm sorry, I've been a rotten sod, You were trying to help me and I turned it into a joke, to be honest I'm not really into this sort of thing, will you forgive me?"

Adam just stared at Ted for a few moments then said, "I will admit you had me pissed off earlier and I was glad when Adrian told me to go, if you didn't want to do it why didn't you say so, I wouldn't think any less of you. If you promise to wash my back in the shower I will forgive you"

We took a teenagers lunch and then drove to Truro, the County Town, the cathedral was far from being the oldest in the country but it was a lovely building and then we drove on to Falmouth. I was sad to see so many ships laying up in the river Fal, some looking decidedly rusty. That evening the younger pair went to the disco again, "I will be dancing with girls" said Danny, "But I will be back to make live to you" as he kissed me goodbye.

Left on our own, Adam and I spent some time in the bar and then went back to the room, after a little while on the bed kissing, Adam said, "I know you have promised Danny but can we make love before they come back, I need you to straighten me out after this morning with Ted, I still love him but he pisses me off sometimes, I think he is still a kid, I wish he could be more like Danny"

The next hour was superb, it was a perfect example of making love, this is what a holiday should be. Making love to Danny was 100% but sex with Adam was just a bit more and we didn't feel guilty, Danny knew we did it and sometimes he made love to Adam or Ted but we never had sex outside the 'family'.

We were still in each others arms when Danny and Ted returned, "The disco was OK but we decided we would rather be with you, Adam can I have my boyfriend back" said Danny.

"And I want to make up for being such a selfish bastard this morning" said Ted Even though it was the second time around making love with Danny was very good, in fact it was very very good. Every time we made love I thanked God for the day when Tessa came to work for me and introduced me to her beautiful son, my lover.

On wednesday morning Ted didn't surf and after half an hour Danny and I insisted that Adam should leave us and do his own thing, it was a real pleasure to watch him, he was in heaven

That afternoon Danny drove us down to Lands End where we did the tourist thing and had our photos taken in front of the signpost, you know London 300 miles, New York 5000 miles, Southampton 220 miles, that evening we all went dancing.

Thursday, our last full day was a repeat of Wednesday with an afternoon on Bodmin Moor, (we didn't see the beast, well only Danny)

On Friday, Adam spent an hour on the waves while the rest of us packed before setting off home, with a diversion.

I drove down to Mevagissy to the fish quay where Adam went mad, I was glad that we didn't have an estate car so the fish wasn't in the car with us, it was carefully loaded in the boot (trunk) and securely wrapped in strong bin bags. It was the first time Danny and Ted had seen Cornish Sardines, not the piddly things you get in tins, these are 6-7inches long, they would make a perfect starter in the restaurant, plus of course a good supply of pilchards for which the place is known.

It was pretty late when we got home and Adam wanted to go straight to the 'Minerva' to check on things, the rest of us insisted that another 12 hours wouldn't make any difference so we all went to bed, in one bed. We did have a little nooky but we changed partners that often I'm not sure who owned the bum that I finally left my deposit in.

A perfect end to a lovely holiday!!!!!!!!!


All comments to ayedee@tiscali.co.uk.....Many thanks to everyone.

Next: Chapter 18

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