
By Art Fex

Published on Jul 13, 2003


If you are under 18 please leave now. The following story contains male/male sex, if this is likely to offend you, please leave. This story is not copyright, it is given free of all tie to Nifty. All comments good or bad to ayedee@tiscali.co.uk. Other stories are 'Private Study'under Ad/youth, and 'Cherry Picking' under beginnings Coming shortly....."Rich and Me"

At the end of Part 15 Adam and Ted had just made up.....

Danny Part 16

Danny and I returned to the living room with the four coffees, two of them stood there to get cold, I think Adam and Ted had other things on their minds. For the next hour quite a lot of noise came from their direction but I can't remember them actually saying an intelligable word as slowly various items of clothing ended up on the floor. Come to think of it, Danny and I were only wearing boxers when I took his hand, (yes, his HAND) and lead him to the bedroom. None of us were self concious of fucking in front of the others but I felt as it was their first time for a month they deserved some space. That night Danny and I didn't have sex we were just happy to be together but I think the bed springs in the spare room were sorely tested, if the noises were anything to go by.

It is rare for me to sleep in so I was awake at the normal time in the morning, I looked into the next room, both of our friends were lying on their backs pointing at the ceiling, it must be piss proud, I'm sure they couldn't be horny after the night they had.

I made coffee for the four of us took two mugs to them and shook them. Adam just looked at me and smiled Ted opened his eyes, frowned and muttered, "I can't possibly go to college today, I want to stay here with you" as he turned towards Adam.

"I am opening the restaurant and if you want to get to Uni you better get your ass in gear, I want a qualified boyfriend not a layabout" Adam said quietly but firmly.

"Yes Boss, if you wash my back in the shower, I will dream about you all day" Ted answered After the younger guys had left for college Adam and I sat in the kitchen drinking yet another cup of coffee.

"How did things go" I asked

"Fantastic, I'm so happy he is back, Adrian , I love him so much. We started by making love then we lay there with our arms around each other as he explained himself, he told me he never stopped loving me but he needed to know what it was like to be with a girl. The only sex he had ever had was with us"

"But why didn't he tell you" I asked.

"He was scared that if he told me I would reject him, so he tried to keep it a secret, he didn't realise he was giving himself away" Adam said.

"Did he say anything about having sex with this girl" I asked

"Oh yea, he was honest about it. He told me enjoyed it but it didn't give him the thrill he had with me, in fact the second time he had trouble keeping it up, there's no doubt he his gay"

"I'm so glad that is sorted out, it hurt me to see you so unhappy" I told him.

" I'm sure things will be OK from now on, but there is one thing, I love Ted with all my heart but I don't think he will ever satisfy me the way you do, can I still come and see you so that you can give me a good seeing to" said Adam.

"Of course you can, next to Danny I love you more than anyone, and, I would never say this to Danny but we make the perfect pair when it comes to sex" I said.

Sex with Danny was 100% but with Adam it was always a little bit more.

Before we could think about it Christmas was coming to us in leaps and bounds, which meant hard work from all of us, particularly Adam, he was a perfectionist and second best just didn't exist. In the three weeks before Christmas we were open for two sessions a day seven days a week so that we could accomodate all of our regulars. Normally Ted would spend three nights at home with his parents and four with his lover, when Ted was at home Adam would stay with us and on Sunday nights we would have a foursome often splitting different ways. For two weeks up to Christmas I don't think we had sex at all we were far to knackered although we usually slept together, I'm sure the only erection I got was piss proud in the morning.

We worked on Boxing day then took a few days off until New Years Eve. Our Christmas celebration was on 27th. when Tessa and John, with Ted's parents joined us for a family meal, that was when we opened our presents.

I gave just one envelope to the three guys, "I got just one present for all three of you" I said.

I could see all of them were surprised, particularly Danny who opened the envelope. He pulled out the card inside, "What does it say" asked Ted, "Check your Email" said Danny.

He swiftly scooted across to the computer and logged on watched closely by Adam and Ted. When the page opened out Adam read it out, it was addressed to Danny.

'Dear Sir, this is to confirm your booking of a Suite to accomodate four people at the "Ocean Hotel" in Newquay from 21st to 28th February both dates inclusive.

Adam leapt across and kissed me, not a peck but a real good smacker, Tessa and John didn't turn a hair but Teds Mum and Dad looked rather surprised, "You remembered, Newquay is the best place in UK for surfing"

Danny was still sitting at the computer and said "Wait a minute, this booking is in my name, I haven't said I'm taking you, that tall blonde in college you know Megan would love a holiday and she would want to bring Teresa, and that new waiter would make up the foursome"

A minute later he was on the floor underneath Adam and Ted pleading for mercy.

After a few minutes Tessa said, "Come on John take me home we are two young for this, I have an idea what these boys get up to when we aren't here but I'm sure I don't want to watch it"

Within a few minutes the four older party goers had left and Adam and Ted had Danny naked on the floor with two very hard male organs trying to get into his mouth, that was no punishment to Danny.

Adam got up and joined me and as we watched the two studentsmoved into a position where they could enjoy each other and take a nightcap.

Adam drew me to my feet, kissed me and lead me into the bedroom firmly closing the door behind us, knowing that Danny and Ted wouldn't open the closed door. It was something we had never discussed but none of us would open a closed door, if the door was open we would enter and join in with what was happening.

Adam and I kissed as he slowly undressed me, he was already naked. When our lips parted Adam said, "Do you realise we haven't made love for over two weeks, I need you Adrian"

"I need you just as much, if we weren't already spoken for I know we would spend the rest of our days together" I said. That was very true, I sometimes needed to guide Danny but with Adam it was almost as if we only had one mind our bodies seemed to merge.

"I'm glad the restaurant is closed tomorrow" saud Adam, "I have a feeling this might take a long time. He was right, it was almost daylight when we finally fell asleep, I had no intention of leaving Danny, my love was to great, but I did wonder what my life would be like if I had met Adam before Danny.

We fell onto the bed as Adam said, "I am so randy I'm going to spoil everything by cumming to quickly"

"Me too" I replied, "Let's suck first, then take our time" We were quickly in a sixtynine position, on our sides and we drew our right foot up behind our left knee to give each other better access. As two large pieces of male flesh pushed between two pairs of welcoming lips, two long fingers eased into two tight rosebuds. It still amazed me how quickly the human body recovered after being invaded, even after the number of times we had entered each other our bums were still as tight as anything. We quickly found each others sensitive spot and within minutes we were hungrily drinking man milk as it flooded our throats.

For sometime we kissed and cuddled and explored our bodies and then I saw the look in Adams eyes, he didn't say anything but I knew he wanted me inside him.

As always, Adam let me set the pace as I invaded his body and it was almost ten minutes before my pubic bush was brushing his soft cheeks and we kissed for another five minutes before I started moving my hips. After ten minutes of slow gentle thrusts I stopped and allowed my dick to absorb the heat from his body, then I started again. We repeated this two or three times until we sensed we were ready then I thrust harder and quicker, I could feel Adam's cock throbbing between our bellies and I knew that we would have a mutual climax.

Our breathing became louder and faster as we approached the point of no return and then Adam gave a long sigh as I felt his hot creamy juice shoot up between us and his bum clamped on my dick and I fired my thick spunk into the depths of his body.

We kissed and stared into each others eyes, I think we were the happiest guys in town. "Do you think you can make it three times in a row" I asked Adam.

"Being here with you I feel I can go on for ever, give me a moment to recharge" he replied.

"I need that as well, do you realise we have been joined for almost an hour, I need you to return the compliment, my bum is twitching." I said.

Before we fell asleep Adam stretched my hole with his thick dick and then pumped me full of his glorious man milk then I took him again. Adam loved to enter me but even more he loved having me in his body.

When we awoke it was almost midday, we relieved the pressure in the bathroom and wandered naked into the kitchen. Danny and Ted were preparing some toast and coffee and hadn't heard us enter, and the sight of their lovely silken like teenage botts made our love poles rise yet again.

Without a sound we moved across behind them, Adam with Danny and me with Ted and we kissed their necks as we pressed our bodies to theirs. "Didn't you two have enough last night" asked Danny, "I swear you could make love anywhere"

"Oh, I don't know, I've never made love in the kitchen " I said.

"Well what are you waiting for" said Ted with a laugh.

I bent my knees slightly then straightened them and my rigid cock slipped easily up into his body, his welcoming flesh felt red hot and wet as it gripped me and out of the corner of my eye I saw Adam was following my lead as his thick member stretched my lover.

"You can thank your boyfriend for the lube" said Ted, "He took me twice last night then again this morning, I'm beginning to feel naked if I haven't got a big cock inside me"

Adam and I were starting a long gentle stroke into our teenage lovers when Ted whispered to me, "Please stand still and kiss me"

I moved my head across his shoulder and our lips locked and his anal muscles started work on my throbbing digit. He was working wonders on me. I thought Adam was only person who could do this but he had obviously taught Ted well and Ted was an excellent student. The only parts of the four of us that were moving were our tongues and the muscles in the rear entry of these wonderful teenage guys. I was drifting away on a cloud, Ted wasn't just clamping and releasing on my cock, the muscles were rippling up and down my flesh, almost as if he was using his bum to wank me.

I knew that I couldn't stand this treatment for much longer and judging from the sighs and groans that were coming from Adam he was in a similar state. My hands were moving from Teds hips to his groin and a gentle caress of his balls without actually touching his dick but as I fired my spunk up into his belly he splattered the cupboard in front of him.

After our third cup of coffee Danny said, "I think we should have a completely lazy day, let's just lay around and if we feel like sex just go for it, I know my college friend won't complain if some one slips into him, what about you old guys, are up for it?"

"Less of the bloody cheek kiddo" said Adam, "Sex has been rationed for the last three weeks, us old guys will outlast you youngsters any day, at the end of the day you will be pleading for us to stop"................................................."Says you" said Danny and Ted together

Our few days break was soon over, we thought that business in the 'Minerva' would be slow after the holiday period but not so. The restaurant was always half to two thirds full at lunch, Monday to Thursday evenings about the same and Friday and Saturday fully booked, as was Sunday lunch. Adam was so good at his job, his training in the hotel chain plus his twelve months exchange in the USA was certainly proving good for us. He introduced theme evenings, French, Italian, Creole, Thai etc and they were always over subscribed. I had at first been attracted to him as being cute, but now he was my best friend, (Well next to Danny) and a brilliant business partner, every day I visited the restaurant, not because I was needed but just to be near Adam, we were that close. We were good in bed together and it wasn't to get our rocks off, we made love.

There was one spanner in the works in the New Year, Adams assistant decided to leave. We talked about it and decided we needed someone more qualified to replace him, we could afford it and also it would allow Adam a little more time to himself. Also we needed someone to take over when we took our holiday.

HOLIDAY!!!, We were going surfing and the only guy who knew anything about it was Adam, and he was fanatical about it. Damn, is there anything he can't do, surfing, cooking, business, loving, he makes me sick, the gorgeous guy. We started training in Adam's apartment first general knowledge of the sport and safety. Then using his board in the centre of the floor he taught us how to start, where to place our feet how to stand up and how to balance. Oh were we thick! but Adam had patience (that's another thing on the list,damn). We took a day out and went to Weymouth, the waves weren't much but Adam thought they would be good for beginners, how right he was. I was really chuffed the first time I managed to stay on my feet for twenty seconds and by the end of the day the three of us were passable and Adam was pleased. I had booked the holiday especially for Adam but I was looking forward to it as well

At last the day dawned and we loaded the car, Adam's board on top, the rest of us were going to rent and we set off Danny driving, Oh well, we have seven days to get there.

In part 17 the gang arrive in Newquay on the North Cornwall Coast, about the best spot in UK for surfing. For those of you whose geography of UK isn't to good, Southampton where the gang live is halfway along the S.Coast with the Isle of Wight lying in front of it. The car will head west through Dorset and then Devon and into Cornwall, all English Counties. In the USA there are state capitals, in England we have County Towns, Winchester for Hampshire, Dorchester for Dorset, Exeter for Devon and Truro for Cornwall.........Happy reading....Tony

Next: Chapter 17

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