Danielle's Diary: A Casino Run and A Dinner Date

By Danielle Stefani

Published on Jul 15, 2024


DISCLAIMERS: -This story involves sexual situations between one or more cross-dressers and/or other adults. All characters are 18 years old or older, regardless of role, costume or apparel choice(s).

-Any similarity between characters/institutions in this story and real world entities is wholly coincidental.

-The author takes no responsibility for the legality of this story in your locale. The responsibility is your own and by continuing to read, you accept this responsibility.

DO NOT repost/link to any of my stories without my prior written permission. This includes, but is not limited to, converting the story into an audio/video file.

Now, please enjoy yourself!

Danielle's Diary

The Amorous Exploits of a New Jersey T-Girl

Episode 1: "Vacation in Atlantic City!

Chapter XV: Playtime with Uncle Phil"

by DanielleStefani997@yahoo.com

Copyright(c)2023 Danielle Stefani, All Rights Reserved

Day 13: Friday

Danielle's eyes fluttered open and as she was facing the window, she looked up into the slowly-brightening sky. She knew it was after 5:30AM as that's when sunrise typically happened, give or take. She was lying on her side and a few inches from her lay Tom; his sleeping body on its back, his head turned slightly toward the window. She could see his chest rise and fall gently with his breathing. She was tempted to softly caress his chest as she loved running her fingers through his chest hair. But she was tempted even more to take his luscious cock in her mouth and wake him up with a morning blowjob. When they'd fallen asleep the night before, they were uncovered, as the energy they'd exerted on their lovemaking would have made any coverings too hot. But at some point during the night, they'd thrown a simple sheet over them, and that was plenty enough. But that didn't last because she was now admiring his gloriously-naked body; his soft cock lay upon his stomach, teasing her.

She smiled softly to herself; a rather devilish smile, as she scooted gently onto an elbow, close to his hip. She leaned over and as she went to give his cock little kisses to get it stirring, she could detect faint traces of soap and their lovemaking. She placed several soft kisses on the underside of his cock, feeling it twitch occasionally. She stuck her tongue out and licked around the head and then down to his balls, tracing the tip of her tongue delicately around each sexy bump. Then it was back up to the tip where she then took gentle hold of his cock and closed her lips hotly around the head. She started a slow suck as she looped her tongue slowly around, coaxing his hot sex stick to start getting hard. And as it slowly hardened, Danielle would increase the amount of his cock that she'd take into her mouth. Soon, she was bobbing hotly on Tom's hard cock, feeling it throb in her fingers and on her tongue. Tom groaned and stirred.

"God, darlin', would ya marry me?" he moaned as he caressed her head.

She chuckled around his cock and took it out of her mouth momentarily. "Don't let Suzie hear you say that."

Tom's response was to push her head, forcing his cock back in between her lips to hit the back of her throat. She gagged slightly and began her bobbing action once again, stroking his cock and caressing his balls simultaneously. As she bobbed and sucked, she began to feel his precum ooze and she moaned around his hard suck stick at the sweet taste. Tom was breathing heavier and thrusting his hips upward to meet her downward action of her head. He had a firm hold on her head and he was close to dumping another of his hot loads in her mouth. He pushed her head down and thrust his hips up, forcing his cock at the back of her throat. Danielle gagged repeatedly and Tom knew that she loved it; he did too, there was something about the head of your cock hitting the back of a hot, wet throat.

"Get ready, darlin'," he panted.

Danielle plunged her mouth hotly onto Tom's cock; the resulting impact of the head of his cock on her throat caused two things: first, Danielle gagged loudly; her eyes squinting at the pressure forced on her throat. Second, Tom gasped and tensed up; as Danielle brought her mouth toward the top of his cock, he forcefully ejaculated a handful of spurts of his thick sperm. She swirled her tongue around the head and she felt each spurt of his cum exit his cock and pool around her tongue. She swallowed his hot seed and waited for more to come out, but there were only a few more noticeable throbs of his cock as the last remnants of his semen drooled out.

Danielle swallowed a second time, moaning as she did so. Tom relaxed his body, panting heavily as he came down from his early-morning orgasm. He released his grip on her head, caressing her hair as she brought her suckling mouth off of his cock. His cock hit his stomach with a slight slap and she kissed along the underside, bathing in Tom's post-orgasmic glow.

"Jesus, darlin', you're amazin'," he said, getting his breathing back under control.

Danielle giggled sweetly as she lay down beside Tom, resting her head on his shoulder and draping and arm over his abdomen, hugging him close.

Neither was paying attention to the time until her phone sounded in the room like an air raid warning. They both jumped at the sudden sound in the quiet room.

Quieting the annoying sound, she turned back to Tom and patted his chest gently. "Giddy-up, cowboy, time ta go ta work," she drawled.

He sat up as Danielle got up off the bed. He leaned over and playfully slapped her bottom as she headed for the bathroom. She spun around as she walked, throwing him a kiss and then continued on into the bathroom where she took a much-needed pee. After giving herself a good wiping of her private areas with a couple of baby wipes, she washed her hands and face and did a quick makeup job as she intended on leaving the room with Tom. As she was finishing up her lips and perfume, Tom came in and relieved himself, then washed his hands and face after Danielle pulled off her nightie and vacated the room.

Tom chose a new pair of jeans and a dark pull-over short-sleeved, collared shirt. As he pulled on one of his new pairs of boots, Danielle slipped on a white cotton bra and panties then tossed on her denim skirt from the previous night. Tom was nearly ready and she pulled on a pink t-shirt, white ankle socks and her white athletic shoes.

"Where ya headin' so early, darlin'?"

"I figured I'd help you bring your stuff to your truck and then go to breakfast. I had a date at noon, but I'm going to see if I can push that up to nine this morning."

Danielle looped her purse over her head and grabbed a couple of Tom's bags; he grabbed the rest. She secured the door and they were on their way down the corridor.

Tom closed the hatch on his Jeep and he was ready to head for work. Danielle pulled out a 10-dollar bill and gave it to him.

"Here, honey, that's for parking."

"You're too kind, darlin'," he said, pulling her in for a hug.

"I told ya, I don't mind," she responded before he kissed her deeply.

"I had a great time last night, thanks for everythin'."

"You're welcome, honey. And you forgot your hat."

He chuckled at her and gave her a quick hug. "Give it ta me tomorrow when we meet."

"Will do, pardner. Now git, or you're gonna be late."

He kissed her quickly one more time and got in his truck. She stood aside as he started the Jeep and a moment later, backed slowly out of the spot. Danielle threw Tom a kiss and a wave, smiling at the departing cowboy. She made her way out of the parking deck and back into the hotel, deciding to swing through the lobby on the way to the Café, but not before stopping in her room to grab her iPad.

Entering the lobby, Scott was at the main desk area talking with a dark-haired man in a similar uniform to Scott's; she assumed this man was the overnight manager. She saw Jason enter from the service area tugging a luggage cart behind him. She waved at him slightly when he noticed her near the entrance to the casino. He parked the cart near the end of the counter and came up to her.

"Hi, baby," he said, smiling warmly.

"Hi, honey," she greeted him, taking hold of his hands. "How are you doing this morning?"

"Well, I woulda preferred waking up with you," he said, winking.

"You're sweet. I'll have to owe you a kiss, not sure who might be looking since it's near shift change."

"It's okay, better to be safe."

"Where are you headed with the cart?"

"That? Oh, just came in from bringing some executive and his wife to their limo. Got a nice tip, too," he said, flashing her part of a 100-dollar bill.

"Oo, nice!"

"Some days are good," he chuckled. "Where are you off to?"

"Breakfast. Thought I'd catch something in the café. After that, probably go see Uncle Phil. I was supposed to wait until noon, but I have to meet Mr. Steele at 3PM. So I'll see if Phil is available for a nine o'clock date."

"Okay, cool. Have fun, you hear?"

"I will, but I'll save my best for you," she said, caressing his hands.

"I better get going. Text me sometime today."

"I will, honey. Say hello to Scott for me. Have a good day, love you."

"You too, enjoy breakfast," he said, kissing her hand quickly and heading toward the desk.

Danielle watched her boyfriend walk behind the counter, gesture toward Scott, and then disappear into one of the offices. She turned and made her way through the casino, stopping momentarily to toss a dollar here and there in a couple of machines. Getting no results, she went straight for the Café; that early hour of the morning there was virtually no wait time. She took a table by the picture windows, logged into the hotel wifi and waited for her server.

A few moments later, a waitress that Danielle had seen previously, came over to wait on her.

"Good morning, Marcie, nice to see you again," Danielle greeted the girl warmly.

"Good morning, Miss, it's nice to see you. Can I get you coffee?"

"I'm going to settle for tea, this morning. Also, I can order now, I knew what I wanted when I woke up," she chuckled.

Marcie chuckled as well, "Alright, what would you like?"

Danielle ordered her breakfast and Marcie said she'd be back shortly. Danielle then turned her attention back to her iPad, doing various image searches and taking screenshots and making some notes. A few moments later, Marcie swung by quickly and placed a steaming cup of tea on the table; Danielle smiled softly as the girl walked past. Danielle turned her attention back to her iPad where she scrolled through several dozen images, flagging a handful that she liked.

About ten minutes later, Marcie came by with Danielle's breakfast. She placed the dishes on the table and left for other customers with a small smile. Danielle, using the condiments caddy and her main plate to support the iPad, set the tablet in front of her so she could resume her research as she enjoyed her breakfast.

Danielle was halfway through her breakfast when Marcie came by to give Danielle a refill on her tea and noticed some of the images that she'd had on the tablet's screen.

"Thinking of getting some ink?" she asked Danielle.

"Oh, yes, just giving it some thought."

"Nice. When you decide to get one, there's a place on the boardwalk, just north of here." Marcie told Danielle the name and phone number of the place. "Ask for Gary, he'll take good care of you, he's my step-brother."

"Thanks, I'll do that," Danielle said, smiling at the young woman.

Danielle spent the next 15 minutes concentrating on her breakfast, occasionally scrolling on the iPad. When she was finished, she got the check from Marcie, tipped the woman and paid the bill. She made her way to her suite and she settled on the bed.

It was a bit after 8:15 and she pulled a business card out of her purse and grabbed her phone. In a moment, a sweet voice answered the call. Danielle couldn't be sure whether it was male or female, but the person who answered couldn't have been much past 18 years old.

Sounding as cute as possible without going overboard, Danielle spoke to the unidentified voice. "Hi, can I talk to Uncle Phil, please?"

"May I ask who is calling, please?"

"This is Danielle."

"One moment, Miss Danielle."

She was put on hold and a syrupy version of a major 1980s tune flowed on the line. She sat there waiting, trying to place a name to the vocal-less track; she knew the melody, but without the original instruments being used, she was having trouble connecting the dots. Just as the pieces were about to fall into place, the music stopped and an unquestionably-male voice spoke on the line.

"Danielle! It's good to hear from you, baby, even though it is a bit early."

"Hi, Uncle Phil. I've been thinking about you."

"Have you now? What have you been thinking?"

"Oh, all sorts of naughty things."

"That's my girl!" he said, laughing afterward.

"I know we originally said noon, but something's come up and I have to be back here by two o'clock. Can you meet earlier? I can be there by nine."

"Anytime is fine for you, baby!"

"So how do I get into your playpen?" she asked cutely.

"That's pretty good, baby, I'll have to remember that," he said chuckling.

Phil relayed details to her and that she'd be escorted up to him. They said goodbye and Danielle went about the task of showering and changing into an appropriate outfit to play with Uncle Phil. When she was done, she was dressed in a midriff-baring white blouse, tied sexily between her small boobs, a red plaid schoolgirl skirt, black fishnet tights and her suede ankle boots. She rolled and slipped a pair of black panties into her purse. When she was satisfied she was ready to play, she left her room and headed out the door.

Hitting the boardwalk in the morning sun, Danielle saw that there was a tram approaching. Thinking she'd rather ride and not sweat in the morning heat, she flagged the driver and he came to a stop. A dark-skinned gentleman she'd seen the day before got off the back car as she approached him. He was dressed in a dark blue dress shirt that was untucked and hung loosely around his black slacks.

"Good morning, pretty lady," he said smiling, showing a full set of white teeth.

"Good morning, honey."

"It's nice to see you again. You're very sexy today," he said in a Middle-Eastern accent that Danielle couldn't identify.

"Thank you very much."

"Would you like one-way or pass?"

"I guess I'll get the pass."

Danielle paid for the day pass and the man fastened the blue-colored band around her wrist.

"Please," he said, gesturing to have her sit in the rear car.

"Thank you," she said, climbing in and settling herself down.

The man gestured toward the front of the tram and he sat next to her.

"My name is Başkar, you are very sexy today, Miss," he said, touching her thigh gently.

"I'm Danielle, and thank you," she answered as the tram began to move forward.

"It's nice to meet you, Danielle." He offered his hand for her to shake and she took it, shaking it warmly.

"It's nice to meet you, honey."

The tram rolled gently over the boardwalk, just slightly faster than the average person walks.

"How far are you going?" he asked, touching her thigh once again.

"I'm going to the Ocean Wave."

As she offered no resistance to his gentle touching, he placed his hand fully on her, caressing her fishnet-covered thigh. "How long are you in town?"

"Just another couple of days."

"Have you been having fun?"

"I have, yes," she answered smiling.

The tram came to a stop outside of a block of shops and Başkar got out to see if there were any customers wanting to board. Danielle had an idea and asked him if she could run into one of the shops quickly before the tram continued. Başkar agreed. She ran into one of the 'Everything 99¢' store and went directly to the counter. She picked out the few small items that she wanted and paid quickly, getting back out to the tram in a matter of two minutes. She reboarded, taking her seat; Başkar signaled the driver and sat again next to Danielle, once again placing his hand on her thigh. Danielle opened one of the three packs of bubble gum that she'd purchased, tossing the two unopened packs in her purse. She popped two pieces in her mouth and offered some to Başkar.

"Thank you, Miss," he said, taking a piece.

The tram continued on its way, not stopping as pedestrian traffic was very light at that time of morning. Başkar got comfortable; putting his arm around Danielle's shoulders and putting his free hand on her thigh. She practiced popping bubbles with the pink gum and smiled at his affection; she even occasionally caressed his thigh in return.

"I think I'm the next stop," she said, smiling at him, popping a bubble.

He stuck his head out of the car momentarily to verify that the Ocean Wave was the next stop. He called to the driver that a passenger wanted out at the casino/hotel and they waited for the tram to eventually stop.

"When you want another ride, look for me, yes?"

"I will, thank you, Başkar," she said warmly.

The tram slowed in front of the Ocean Wave and jolted to a stop. Danielle's hand on Başkar's thigh slipped and landed squarely on his hard cock. The feeling of his hot manhood under his slacks gave her a stirring in her own cock.

"I'm sorry," she said, blushing.

"It's quite alright, Danielle," he said smiling widely, getting out of the car. He held his hand out to her and Danielle took it. After she exited the car, Başkar lifted her hand and kissed it, smiling invitingly. "It was nice to see you again, Miss."

"Thank you, Başkar, it was nice seeing you."

"Maybe we see each other later?"

"Maybe," she said, smiling devilishly. "Thank you for the ride."

"Have a good time."

"Thanks," she said, before turning and walking up the small flight of steps that led to the casino. She turned quickly, walking backwards, and gave Başkar a wave. "Be seeing you!" she said before turning forward once again and heading for her rendezvous with Uncle Phil's assistant.

She saw a young man in a dark suit and shoes, white dress shirt and gray tie standing by one of the four miniature fountains that graced the backside of the Ocean Wave. He was a handsome young man, not more than 20 years old. His head of black hair was neat, but not necessarily groomed at the moment; he had no facial hair and as Danielle got closer, he looked mildly uncomfortable; perhaps it was the suit, perhaps it was the humid air. His blue eyes were strikingly beautiful; they were also checking her out from head to toe as she closed the distance between them. She popped a couple of bubbles with her gum as she checked him out in turn.

With a wry smile she asked, "Hi, honey, are you Timothy?"

"Yes, Miss," he answered timidly. "Are you Danielle?"

"I sure am!" she said cutely, winking at him, popping a bubble.

"Please come with me, I'll take you to Uncle Phil."

"Okay!" Another pop.

Danielle followed Timothy in silence around the building to the side which housed a covered, unused valet parking lane. Past the locked entrance and the valet's podium, Timothy led Danielle inside a small enclosure that was used for unloading supplies. There were two bay doors large enough to handle a medium-sized box truck and what looked to be a service elevator. Timothy inserted a key and pressed a button on a panel next to the large chrome doors. A couple of minutes later, the doors opened to reveal a large elevator car, capable of handling two large pallets of freight plus an electric pallet jack and a few occupants. They boarded the car, Danielle standing slightly behind him; Timothy pressed '49' on the panel and the doors closed silently.

The car rose slowly, the only sound being the hum of the mechanism. But that droning silence was occasionally broken by Danielle's bubble gum pops. Timothy turned a bit and looked back at her and she smiled and winked at him. Again, he appeared slightly uncomfortable, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Moments later, the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened slowly. He led her through a very quiet, carpeted corridor, stopping at a door with a gold '4901' stamped into the door. Danielle popped another bubble, not intending for it to be as loud as it was, and the two heard it echo down the quiet corridor. Timothy looked back and gave Danielle a questionable look and she shrugged her shoulders apologetically. He then put a gold keycard into the door handle's lock; it clicked loudly in the quiet hallway. He pushed the door open and Danielle followed him into a large suite.

It was a lavish suite, to be sure. It had a sunk-in section in the middle of the rectangular room; all along three of the outer rim sections were a series of tables and leather-covered easy chairs; the one section to the right, had a bar and some stools. The fourth section was the grandest; it was situated directly in front of four picture windows that overlooked the Atlantic Ocean. In front of these windows was a large bed, covered in sheets and pillows; in the center of the bed was a very large, very naked Uncle Phil. When he saw Danielle, he lumbered his way off the bed to greet her.


"Uncle Phil!" she exclaimed, hopping down the few steps to the lowered section and then running up to him on the other side. She tossed herself into his arms, throwing her arms around his neck.

"It's good to see you, baby!"

He wrapped Danielle in his big arms and she could feel his hard cock poke her. She leaned in and kissed him quickly on the lips, hugging him tightly.

"You know what to do," he said sternly to Timothy who was standing to the side, watching the happy exchange between Phil and Danielle.

"Yes, Sir."

Danielle went and hung her purse on a barstool. Seeing a few cocktail napkins on the bar, she grabbed one and spit her gum into it. If she was going to have a hot kissing session with Phil, she didn't want to have gum get in the way.

Phil came up to her as she tossed the used gum in a waste can.

"Do you want something to drink, baby?"

Answering cutely, she said, "I want this Uncle Phil," as she lightly grabbed his hard cock in her hands.

"Can't wait, can you, baby?" he asked, smiling.

"Nope," she said before getting on her knees.

Danielle moaned hotly as she cupped her hands on each one of Phil's large ass cheeks and pressed her mouth fully over his thick cock. She worked her tongue around his gorgeous member, pushing her face into his hairless pubic area. She moaned again, inhaling his manly scent mixed with the aroma of sex. She'd had a momentary thought that he'd been doing something when she'd called earlier. Perhaps it was Timothy; it would explain how he looked at her uncomfortably.

"Fuck, Danielle, your mouth is so hot," Phil moaned, caressing her head.

She sucked his cock, bobbing and slurping on his hot tool for almost ten minutes. They each moaned in pleasure as they enjoyed her oral manipulations. She thought she detected a bit of Phil's precum when he pulled gently on her chin.

"There's plenty of time for that, baby," he said as she stood up. She kissed him deeply, swiping her precum-tinted tongue against his. "I didn't get to tell you how fucking sexy you are. How did you know I love the schoolgirl look?" he asked, smiling lewdly. "It's one of my favorites."

Danielle did a little curtsey in response to his compliment. "I dunno," she answered, shyly, "I just guessed."

"Well you guessed right," he said, sticking his hand under her skirt and caressing her fishnet-covered ass. "No panties? Naughty girl."

She giggled and blushed. "I'd hoped you'd like it."

"I love it!" he said, wiggling a finger through one of the holes and rubbing her puckered hole.

She giggled again and followed it up with another small curtsey. "Thank you, Uncle Phil."

"You gonna let Uncle Phil fuck your pretty hole, honey?" he whispered hotly in her ear.

She nodded shyly a few times in response, smiling softly.

"That's my girl!"

It was then that a door to an adjoining room opened and someone came in. They walked around a few chairs to where Phil and Danielle were standing by the bar.

"Danielle, you remember my assistant Timothy?"


"Well, when he's dressed this way, he's Tami, with an 'i'. Isn't he lovely?"

"He's adorable, Uncle Phil!"

While he was gone, Timothy changed from his black suit to becoming 'Tami'. He stood before them, blushing heavily, dressed in a pink & white satin sissy dress with lace trim, a matching pink bonnet with white lace trim, white lacy ankle socks and pink mary jane shoes. He had a light coating of makeup on; a touch of mascara, blush, light pink eye shadow and lipstick.

"Someone complimented you, sissy," he said sternly.

"I'm sorry, Miss, thank you." Tami said as he did a proper curtsey, making Danielle's attempts at curtseying look half-assed.

"Now, come here," he said to Tami. "Danielle, this is sissy Tami...sissy, this is my niece, Danielle."

"Hello, Tami, it's nice to meet you," Danielle said, holding her hand out to the shy sissy.

"Thank you, Miss, it's nice to meet you," he said as he took her hand and did another curtsey.

"He's really cute when he does that, Uncle Phil," Danielle said grinning, looking back at the large man.

"Isn't he?" he said, smiling. "Why don't you two get acquainted," he said as he made his way back to the bed to lounge back on some pillows; his large body settling on the mattress, his hard cock poking obscenely into the air.

Danielle took a step closer to the shy sissy, taking her hand and caressing the nervous boy's face. Tami stood still, not sure what he was supposed to do.

"You're so adorable," Danielle whispered before she locked her open mouth onto Tami's lips. Tami inhaled in surprise; Danielle snaked her tongue in between the sissy's pink lips, searching out his tongue. Not long after, Tami got the idea and started rubbing his tongue against Danielle's.

"That's fucking hot," they heard Phil say.

Danielle wrapped her arms around the shy sissy, pulling him in close and kissing him deeply. Tami melted into Danielle's arms and brought his hands up to encircle Danielle's waist. As the two kissed, they each started humping into the other, getting themselves aroused. Danielle reached under the layers of Tami's dress and took hold of his small, stiff cock.

Surprised, Danielle looked over at Phil and saw that he was masturbating, watching them pleasure each other. "Your sissy doesn't wear a cage?" she asked.

"Not today," he answered, not skipping a beat in his cock-stroking.

"Come with me, darling," she said to Tami, taking hold of one of his hands. Danielle walked the shy boy over to the foot of the bed. "Stay here."

"Yes, Miss Danielle."

"You'll address her as 'Mistress', understand?"

"Yes, Sir. My apologies, Mistress," he said, blushing.

Phil smiled in appreciation at his sissy's obedience.

Danielle crawled on the bed and positioned herself next to Phil on her hands and knees, within arm's reach, facing his feet.

"Uncle Phil, would you like to make a hole for easy access?" she asked, cutely.

"I sure fucking would," he said as he caressed her ass.

He reached over with his free hand; grabbing her fishnet hose in his fingers, he clamped down hard with both hands and pulled roughly. The sounds of ripping net were heard sexily in the room as he exposed not only her winking asshole, but her cock and balls; they hung hotly between her legs and he caressed each one gently, making her cock rise a bit. She repositioned herself on her knees, sitting on her heels directly in line with Phil's rampant cock.

"Tami, come over here," she said, pointing to the same position at Phil's hip, but opposite her.

Tami hesitated and looked to Phil uncertainly.

"Sissy, you were told to do something, now do it."

"Yes, Sir," he said, moving to the position that Danielle had indicated. "I'm sorry, Sir."

"Don't apologize to me, you apologize to Danielle. I should let her whack your ass with my riding crop," he said as he pulled out the long black whip from under the covers.

"I'm sorry, Mistress," the sissy said, not making eye contact with her.

Danielle held her hand out to Phil and he handed her the riding crop. Danielle moved around the large bed easily on her knees; she positioned herself near Tami and lightly brushed the leather tip of the crop along the sissy's blushing face. Danielle then placed the whip against the back of Tami's head and pressed, issuing a stern indication to tell the young man what was expected of him.

"Suck," she said as she pushed on Tami's head with the crop.

Tami leaned over Phil's ultra-hard cock; the shortness of the sissy's skirt exposed his bare ass to Danielle. The sissy's pink lips parted and Phil's cock slowly disappeared into his mouth. Danielle continued to exert pressure on the crop until Phil's cock could no longer be seen. Phil moaned at the invasion of his cock into Tami's throat; he was an expert deep-throater. As Tami worked his tongue around Phil's cock, Danielle took the riding crop and traced small circles on each of Tami's soft globes.

"Such a sexy ass," Danielle whispered, mesmerized by Tami's hairless pink skin.

Without warning, Danielle brought the riding crop down on one of Tami's ass cheeks, stinging the sissy, making him gasp around Phil's cock. Just as suddenly, Danielle repeated the moderate slap on his other ass cheek, making Tami whimper.

"Fucking hot," Phil moaned as his precum flowed profusely into Tami's mouth.

Danielle smacked each side of Tami's ass twice with the small leather whip, causing a soft pink glow to emanate on each cheek as well as whimpering from the punished sissy. He did his best to give Phil a good blowjob, but the stinging on his ass was making it difficult for him to concentrate. Danielle smacked Tami's ass a few more times, reddening the sissy's ass further. Danielle then moved around the bed next to Phil. Handing him the riding crop, she leaned down and kissed him deeply, pushing her tongue into his mouth. Phil reached up between Danielle's thighs and gently grasped her hard cock; as she traced kisses down to his chest, he stroked her hotly. She kissed and licked each one of his flabby boobs, taking time to lick and suck each of his sensitive nipples. She then kissed and licked all over his large belly, caressing his fat frame wherever she could reach.

"Such a sexy body," she whispered into his skin as she moved her kisses back to his big man boobs.

"You're so fucking sexy, Danielle," he whispered to her as he caressed her ass and lost himself in the pleasure she was giving him.

Danielle sensed that Phil was near orgasm; his nipples became extremely hard and his breathing became ragged. She sucked hard on one nipple while pinching the other. Phil groaned loudly, grasping Danielle's ass cheek and Tami's hair roughly; a second later, he stiffened and flooded the sissy's throat with his pent-up load, gagging the sissy with several spurts of thick semen. Danielle continued her assault on Phil's nipples as he shuddered and gasped. Tami gurgled and slurped around Phil's cock; some of Phil's cum leaked out of Tami's nose, pooling on Phil's hairless pubic area. Danielle covered Phil's panting mouth with hers, slipping her tongue in his mouth, kissing him deeply. He released his grip on both of his playmates as he came down from his intense cum. Tami slurped his way up Phil's cock, sucking and swallowing any of the large man's semen that remained.

"You're so fucking sexy," Danielle moaned into Phil's mouth, feeling the man's thick fingers rub her precum into the head of her cock.

He caressed her head with his free hand as he shared another deep kiss with Danielle. The two made out hotly for several minutes, completely ignoring the kneeling Tami. Phil broke the kiss, gently licking Danielle's lips before she sat back on her heels.

"Get me a drink, will you, baby girl?"

"Sure, Uncle Phil," Danielle said cutely. "What would you like?"

As he sat himself a little upright, he said, "There's a decanter on the bar, just pour me some."

Danielle got off the bed as Phil stacked some pillows behind him and made her way to the bar. Before she went for Phil's drink, she took a couple of the cocktail napkins and handed them to Tami.

"Wipe your nose, sissy. And clean up that mess," she told the timid young man, pointing to the cum on Phil's skin.

"Yes, Mistress."

Tami cleaned herself and moved closer to Phil's hip as Danielle went to the bar.

"Uncle Phil, did you want ice?"

"Sure, baby, you could throw a couple in for me."

Danielle saw what Tami was doing and slapped the bar with an open hand, saying sternly, "With your mouth!," making the sissy jump.

"I'm sorry, Mistress."

Tami leaned down and licked off the cum that had leaked from his nose. Danielle turned up a whisky glass and took a couple of ice cubes from the bucket that sat on the bar. Opening the decanter, she poured Phil a half-glass of the amber liquid. Re-capping the glass container, she carried the glass over to the bed, climbing up gently so she wouldn't spill the whisky.

"Thank you, baby girl," he said, taking the glass in one hand and caressing her thigh with the other. "Mmm, that is very good. Help yourself, Princess."

"Thank you, Uncle Phil, but it's a bit early for me."

"That's okay, baby, it's not for everyone. Give me another kiss. Tami, play with my cock and get it hard again."

"Yes, Sir."

Danielle leaned down and kissed Phil deeply, tasting the liquor on his lips and tongue as the sissy Tami began playing with Phil's cock; gently rubbing and caressing the semi-hard sex toy with his thin, feminine fingers. Nearly forty-five minutes had gone by as the three engaged in their various acts of foreplay.

"You're so fucking hot, baby," Phil whispered into Danielle's mouth as they kissed.

"You make me that way," she whispered in kind, feeling his chubby fingers begin to stroke her cock once again.

She leaned over and kissed, licked and sucked his nipples again, knowing that would add to his arousal thus making his cock hard once again.

"Mmm, baby girl, I love how you do that," he moaned, feeling her cock begin to leak around his fat fingers. "You want to fuck Tami's throat, baby?"

Danielle lifted her head and smiled devilishly at Phil. "I'd much rather fuck his cute little ass."

Phil laughed and playfully slapped her bottom a couple of times. "Go for it, baby girl, fill his boipussy with your cum."

Danielle moved around on the bed and positioned herself behind the kneeling Tami, who by this time, had leaned over to take Phil's cock in his mouth. Danielle caressed Tami's soft ass, still pink from the light spanking she'd given him earlier. She kissed all around the sissy's hairless skin, eliciting a soft moan from the effeminate young man as Danielle used her lips and tongue to enjoy Tami's ass. Danielle pulled Tami's legs, making him get on his hands and knees so his ass was in the air prominently. She gently pulled apart the sissy's ass cheeks and moaned at what she saw.

"Oh, Uncle Phil, look at this cute pink hole! It looks so tight and it's winking at me," she said happily.

"Enjoy yourself, baby."

Danielle couldn't resist; she stuck her tongue out and placed it direct center of Tami's winking fuckhole, licking hotly.

Not expecting the sudden arousing contact, Tami lost control and Phil's cock slipped from her lips. "Oh, Miss Danielle!" he moaned wantonly.

Phil had a bit of a laugh and said, "Someone's enjoying themselves." He pushed roughly on Tami's head, shoving his cock back into the sissy's mouth.

Danielle lapped, licked, kissed and sucked Tami's quivering pucker. She moaned as she tongued the hot, pink ring of pleasure, making the sissy squirm. She reached under Tami and took hold of his hard cock and stroked as she tongue-fucked the aroused sissy. As she licked Tami's winking asshole, Danielle could feel each sexy ridge and wrinkle of the sissy's anal ring as she flicked at the quivering hole with the tip of her tongue. Tami moaned and writhed in pleasure at the feeling of Danielle's tongue; he could also feel the excess saliva from Danielle's oral assault drip down his hairless ball sack.

"Mmm, this is such a sweet ass, I could lick it all day."

Phil chuckled. "Well, when you're ready, baby girl, just shove that hot cock of yours in his pussy, no need to be gentle. He'll take it and like it," he said, holding Tami's head as the sweet sissy worked Phil's fat cock with his mouth.

Danielle knew time was getting away, so she reluctantly stopped licking and sucking the sissy's asshole. She positioned herself between Tami's spread legs and placed the tip of her cock at the soaking wet entrance of Tami's hot love canal.

Looking over at Phil with a devilish grin, she saw that Phil was watching her intently, a look of extreme lust on his chubby face. She detected the slightest nod from his sex-fogged head and she pushed forward forcefully, driving her hard T-Girl cock completely into Tami's tight sissy ass. The young sissy moaned loudly around Phil's cock but the sound was muffled. Phil held onto Tami's head, grabbing his hair and forcing him to bob on his leaking cock.

Danielle took hold of Tami's hips and started to pound his tight ass. Soon, the room was filled with the sounds of Danielle's skin slapping against Tami's, the sissy's constant grunts and Phil's moans of pleasure. Also added to the mix were the occasional sounds of slurping and gagging that emanated from Tami's mouth and throat.

"That's enough for now, sissy," Phil said, pinching Tami's nose closed so the sissy had to swallow and take his mouth off of Phil's cock in order to breathe.

Tami had gotten used to Danielle's pounding very quickly. The young sissy was moaning and humping his hips enjoying the pleasure Danielle's fuck stick was giving him. Danielle was breathing heavily as she gripped Tami's hip with one hand and grabbed a fistful of hair with the other. After some time, Danielle herself began moaning whorishly as she continued her assault on Tami's slimy boipussy.

Phil watched with rapt attention as Danielle fucked Tami roughly, occasionally bringing her hand down on one of the sissy's ass cheeks hard, leaving a red handprint behind. She was on the brink of orgasm, ready to fill the sissy's used boipussy with molten T-Girl cum.

"No more, Mistress, please," Tami cried, torn between the pleasure he was feeling in his sissy pussy and the pain that he was experiencing on his reddened ass cheeks at the slapping hands of Danielle.

Danielle couldn't hold off any longer and Tami's sissy asshole sent her over the edge. She gripped the sissy's hips hard, pushing her T-Girl cock fully into the quivering asshole that surrounded her rampant cock. She pushed so forcefully that the inertia pushed Tami forward across Phil's thighs; Danielle's weight crashed down onto Tami, making the young sissy grunt loudly.

Danielle erupted into the young sissy, moaning loudly into the side of his face and grabbing his hair roughly and holding on as she fell into a deep abyss of ecstasy. She spurted five heavy shots of T-Girl cum up into Tami's used boipussy, moaning hotly with each spurt. She panted heavily into the side of Tami's head, inhaling the sweet scent of the sissy's hair.

"You're so beautiful, Tami," Danielle whispered sweetly as she came down from her explosive cum.

And although Danielle's cock continued to throb inside Tami's love chute, no more cum was forthcoming. But that didn't lessen the pleasure each felt from the other's sex organ. Danielle let go of Tami's hip and hair and wrapped her arms under the sissy's body, hugging him close, nuzzling into the side of his head, giving him little kisses as they both moaned and softly mewed while enveloped in Danielle's post-orgasmic glow.

"That was fucking hot," Phil said from his sitting position, his cock throbbing obscenely with his heartbeat and leaking heavily.

Danielle reached over and took Phil's cock in hand, stroking it softly, rubbing the fat man's heavy precum all around the head and shaft. She brought her fingers to her mouth and started licking them of the sweet nectar, when she had a thought and offered her fingers to the silent sissy. Tami snaked a finger out from between his pink lips and lovingly licked and then sucked on Danielle's fingers, enjoying his Master's precum.

After a handful of minutes, Phil said, "Danielle, wipe your hands and come lay with me. Tami, bring me the room phone."

"Yes, Sir."

Danielle found a small washcloth and wiped her hand of the saliva/precum residue from her fingers as Tami minced to go get the room's phone. He could feel some of Danielle's T-Girl cum leak out of his loosened asshole and run down his thigh. Danielle crawled on the bed and nestled herself in Phil's right side, feeling his thick arm wrap around her, holding her closely. Tami returned and placed the phone on the bed, close to Phil's left side.

"We're gonna relax a bit and have a snack. What time did you say you had to leave, Princess?"

"One o'clock, Uncle Phil."

"Alright, it's eleven now, so you have time. Feel like having some champagne with lunch, baby girl?"

"Okay, I'll have some," Danielle replied, smiling up at the big man.

He picked up the handset and dialed a number.

"Let me speak to Nina."

Phil held a moment and then spoke, ordering lunch and telling the girl to bring the cart right into the room to provide the required service. He hung up and Tami returned the phone to the bedside table. Crawling into the other side of Phil's big body, Tami rested his hand across Phil's large belly as he wrapped an arm around the sissy. Danielle reached up and rested her arm along Tami's, making it a two-way hug.

"Nina will be here in about twenty minutes, so relax you two."

They spent the time cuddling and caressing each other lightly, occasionally leaning up to kiss their Uncle Phil. A couple of times, they leaned over to kiss one another, rubbing and flicking their tongues together, much to Phil's delight.

Twenty or so minutes later, they heard the distinctive sound of a door unlatching from the deposit of a key card. The door swung open and a service cart was being pushed by a young brunette in a uniform almost like the rest of her hotel associates; the difference being where instead of dark slacks, she wore a short skirt, black thigh highs with lace tops and she walked sexily on 5-inch-heel stiletto pumps.

The door closed and latched automatically as she wheeled and parked the service cart in between the bed and the bar.

"Danielle, this is Nina, a special girl from the kitchen staff," Phil said as Danielle got up on her knees.

"Hello, Nina," she said to the girl as the brown-haired beauty climbed onto the bed. "It's nice to meet you."

Nina shook Danielle's hand, saying, "Likewise. Hello, sissy," she said to Tami.

"Hi, Mistress, it's nice to see you," Tami said, moving aside from Phil.

"Uncle Phil," she began, "it's really busy in the kitchen today, a weekend and all, and I have to get back soon." She unbuttoned her skirt, tossing it to the side, revealing a perfectly smooth pussy.

"Come up here then, baby," Phil said, waving both hands to her, beckoning her to come closer.

Tami and Danielle backed off enough and watched as Nina straddled Phil's face, lowering her hairless cunt onto the fat man's mouth and extended tongue.

"Oh, Uncle Phil, I love your tongue in my pussy!" she moaned hotly.

Tami and Danielle watched as Phil brought his hands up and caressed Nina's soft ass, pulling her cheeks apart and playing with her pulsating asshole. They saw Phil's tongue snake around and lick and poke the brunette's pussy; Nina writhed on his mouth, moaning hotly toward the ceiling. She reached down and held onto Phil's head.

"Oh, Uncle Phil, fuck my slut cunt with your tongue," she begged as Danielle reached over and started to stroke Tami's hard cock.

Phil gripped her hips and assaulted her pussy with his tongue. He darted his fleshy mouth tool in and out of Nina's increasingly-sloppy cunt. Tami gasped loudly from the sight of Phil's tongue snaking through Nina's slit and the sensations that Danielle was causing by smearing the sissy's precum all over his sensitive cock head. Phil sucked on Nina's pussy lips and flicked his tongue on her clit; she humped into his face roughly, fucking herself on his wagging tongue.

"Uncle Phil, make me cum!"

Phil took a couple of quick swipes of Nina's asshole with his tongue, making the winking hole slick. He moved his attention back to her clit, sucking it and flicking his tongue. Then he began fucking her cunt with a stiff tongue while simultaneously sticking a fat finger past her clenching anal ring. The combination of penetration in both sex holes drove Nina over the edge and she stiffened and screamed. She humped Phil's mouth wildly, getting lost in the waves of orgasmic pleasure. Phil continued by assaulting her clit; he knew she was still in the throes of orgasm as he felt her anal ring grip his finger tightly in time with her orgasmic pulsations. She reached the end of ecstasy and her body shuddered as if she'd slammed into a wall. Nina let out a long breath and went limp, falling backwards and sideways, right into Danielle's arms.

"You're so fucking hot," Danielle said just before she locked her lips on Nina's red-painted mouth.

Girl and T-Girl kissed hotly for several moments; Danielle reached down and delicately caressed Nina's sensitive pussy, Nina reached under Danielle's skirt to fondle the T-Girl's semi-rigid cock. Tami crawled the short distance to Phil, licking his lips and chin, tasting Nina's juices. Danielle kissed Nina's neck as the spent girl came down from her short-but-explosive orgasm. She caressed Danielle's head as she caught her breath. They shared one final, deep kiss before Nina crawled gingerly off the bed, catching her breath as she clipped her skirt back into place. Danielle sat back on her heels and watched Tami wipe Phil's face of any moisture.

"Don't you want to stay for lunch, baby?" Phil asked Nina.

"I'd like to, Uncle Phil, but it really is busy down there. Besides," she added with a wry smile, "I need to change to my regular uniform." Danielle and Phil chuckled along with Nina, knowing the chaos she might wreak if she stayed in her short skirt, stockings and ultra-high heels. "I can come back after my shift, if you want me to."

"That would be great, baby. Gonna let me pound your hairless cunt with my fat cock?"

"Only if you shoot a huge load of sperm in me, Uncle Phil," she said smiling sweetly.

"You love it when I cum in your cunt, don't you?"

"How else can I get you to make me pregnant?" she asked cutely.

Phil gave a hearty laugh, "Oh, you're such a naughty girl."

"You know it," she said, smiling slyly.

"I'll have a good load for you."

"Okay, Uncle Phil, see you after five. 'Bye, Danielle, it was nice meeting you. Maybe we can get together sometime, I love T-Girls."

"I'd love that," she said, smiling at the beautiful brunette.

"And maybe we can team up on the sissy. I have a strap-on at home that I use on him sometimes."

"That sounds hot!"

"Uncle Phil will give you my number," she said, walking toward the door. "Call me sometime."

"I will," Danielle agreed.

"See you later, Uncle Phil, thanks for the ride," she said, chuckling. "Goodbye, sissy."

"Goodbye, Mistress."

Nina gave a final wave to the three sex partners and disappeared, securing the door behind her.

"Okay, time to recharge!" Phil bellowed as he clapped his hands together. "Danielle, give the sissy a hand bringing down the trays and glasses. And grab a bottle of champagne."

"Certainly, Uncle Phil," she said, throwing the reclining fat man a kiss.

Danielle first grabbed a bottle of the Moët Grand Vintage, leaving the other two in their buckets to remain cold; she handed the bottle to Phil so he could open it while she, and Tami, opened the food trays and moved them onto the bed. Tami grabbed three of the champagne glasses and held them as Phil poured each of them a full glass.

"Cheers!" Phil said, holding his glass in the air.

"Cheers!" responded Danielle.

"Cheers," Tami said shyly.

They touched their glasses together and enjoyed a long sip of the bubbly refreshment.

"Excellent champagne, Uncle Phil," Danielle said, leaning down and kissing his wet lips.

"Glad you like it, baby girl. Now let's relax; no sex until after we enjoy lunch," he chuckled.

For the better part of an hour, the three enjoyed a light lunch of stuffed mushrooms, baked clams oreganata and prime rib finger sandwiches with au jus dip. They enjoyed the food immensely, feeding themselves as well as taking turns feeding each other playfully. They were nearly through the second bottle of champagne when the light in the room dimmed gradually, but noticeably.

"Wow, that moved in quick," Danielle said, looking out the large window and seeing dark gray clouds roll across the sky.

"We're safe, don't worry," Phil said. "Sissy, clean up the trays."

"Yes, Sir."

Tami finished his champagne and went about collecting the used trays and utensils, piling them onto the service cart. Danielle kept herself busy by leaning in and kissing Phil deeply, mixing her tongue and spit with his. Danielle reached down and grasped Phil's cock which was still in a moderately- hardened state as he had a leather strap fastened tightly around the base of his shaft. Danielle and Phil took a pause from their kissing to finish their champagne; Tami obediently took their empty glasses to the cart. They noticed several flashes of lightning and heard a few distant rumbles.

"Are you ready, baby girl? My cock wants your hot boipussy."

Danielle giggled sweetly, saying, "Only if you try to get me pregnant, Uncle Phil."

He chuckled at her words and her cuteness. "Come on, Princess, on your hands and knees," he told her as he moved his big body off the bed.

Danielle took Phil's spot and got on her hands and knees, facing her ass toward the end of the bed. Phil reached up and pulled her skirt down her thighs; she momentarily lifted her legs so he could remove the garment completely. Next, he unzipped and removed her boots, tossing them gently to the floor next to her skirt.

"That is fucking sexy," he said looking at Danielle, only in a short white blouse and ripped fishnet hose. "Sissy, get Danielle wet for my cock."

"Yes, Sir."

Tami climbed onto the bed from where he was standing at the side. He got behind Danielle and sat on his heels, reaching up and caressing the T-Girl's soft ass. Momentarily lost in the admiration of Danielle's ass, Tami snapped himself back to reality, not wanting to disobey Uncle Phil. He gently peeled open Danielle's ass and leaned in and began licking the T-Girl's pulsating asshole with a wet tongue.

"Oh, Tami, that's very good, keep going," Danielle moaned, encouraging the sissy to continue with more passion.

As Tami lapped and sucked at Danielle's boipussy, Phil leaned down and lifted one of the T-Girl's feet slightly. He sniffed and kissed all over her fishnet-covered foot, rubbing it on his face and sticking her toes in his mouth.

"Oh, Uncle Phil, suck my toes," Danielle panted hotly.

Phil stroked his cock furiously as he took a few of Danielle's sexy toes in his mouth; he licked and sucked each one, getting them wet with his spit. He lowered her foot enough to rub his rampant cock all over her foot, getting him more aroused. Phil changed position and he noticed that Tami had his mouth embedded in Danielle's ass crack; he could tell by the motions the sissy's throat muscles were making that he was deeply tonguing the T-Girl's tight anal ring. Phil repeated his worship of Danielle's other foot; as he rubbed the fishnet-covered foot all over his face, his cock began to drip and ooze precum freely. After spending several minutes sucking her toes, he nudged the sissy.

"Move now, I want that tight boipussy around my cock," he said as he smeared his copious amount of precum all over his raging hardon. Tami moved out of his way off to the side and Phil lumbered behind Danielle, smacking each of her sexy ass cheeks playfully. "Hold her ass open."

Tami reached over and pulled open Danielle's ass, allowing Phil to have access to the boipussy he'd been dreaming about for days. And although the sissy did a satisfactory job getting Danielle wet with his spit, Phil leaned over and dropped and large dollop of his own saliva; it landed right onto Danielle's tight hole and he saw a noticeable wink on impact.

"Get ready, baby girl."

"Fuck me, Uncle Phil, fill me with your seed," Danielle panted.

Phil rested the head of his missile at Danielle's quivering target; he lifted his big belly, resting it across Danielle's ass as Tami removed his hands. Taking firm hold of Danielle's sides, he pushed forward hard and fast; there was some resistance, but between the large amount of spit and precum and Phil's unrelenting pressure, his fat cock broke past her tight anal ring and he plunged it inside her, all the way to the base, in coincidental time with a bright flash of lightning outside the building.

"Oh!" she wailed loudly at the ceiling. "God, Uncle Phil, your cock is so thick!" she shrieked, slapping her legs and feet on the bed as she endured the slightly-painful entry.

If she could have seen Phil, she would have seen a vicious smile play across his face as he pounded her tight boipussy furiously. Tami watched in amazement as Phil fucked the T-Girl roughly; he knew how Danielle felt as he'd been fucked the same way many times by the big man. Phil reached up, not missing a beat in his assault on Danielle's stinging pooper, and grabbed a handful of the black hair, making Danielle's face point forward instead of downward toward the bed.

"Sissy, stick your cock in Danielle's mouth."

"Yes, Sir," Tami said meekly, scurrying quickly to kneel in front of Danielle.

Phil let go of Danielle's hair as Tami cupped the T-Girl's face in a hand. Rubbing his cock on Danielle's lips, he pushed forward; Danielle's lips opened and Tami shoved his smallish cock all the way to the base in her hot mouth. He was not long enough to cause any discomfort to Danielle's throat, but she attempted to bob and suck as far as she could, feeling the sissy's cock grow harder in her mouth.

"Hold her head, fuck her mouth," Phil commanded.

Tami wrapped his delicate hands around Danielle's head, grasping just hard enough to hold her head in position as he started to pump the T-Girl's mouth.

"That's it," Phil said, leering at the spectacle.

Danielle was in heaven; she was being fucked in both ends. Phil and Tami had a good cadence going, fucking Danielle's available holes in perfect sync. Danielle could tell that they were both incredibly aroused; Phil's breathing was becoming ragged and Tami's cock was leaking precum like a faucet. She wondered which one would cum first, but as it turned out, she didn't have to wonder long.

"Uhn...Uncle Phil...ah," Tami panted and shuddered, "may I cum?"

Phil fucked Danielle's slimy asshole raggedly, he too was very close to cumming. But as Tami had not asked properly, he remained silent, except for his heavy rasping breath as he continued to fuck Danielle.

"P-please...uhn...Uncle Phil?" the sissy wailed on the brink of losing control. "May I c-cum, p-please?"

Now that the ultra-excited sissy had asked properly, Phil gasped, "Yes...ah...you may."

It didn't take long for the sissy to reach the end of his rope. Danielle felt him grasp her hair roughly in both hands as his little cock grew incredibly hard. She flicked her tongue wildly around the head and a moment later, the sissy whimpered loudly, sending a handful of watery spurts of sissy cum into Danielle's sucking mouth as he fell into the well of ultimate pleasure. Tami shuddered, tumbling endlessly through waves of ecstasy, feeling Danielle's tongue move hotly around his cock; a moment later, he felt Danielle swallow his semen, to make room for any more that would leak out. His body shook and he panted heavily, releasing only a little more semen for Danielle to swallow. He released his grip on the T-Girl's head; he slumped backward on the bed, his cock leaving a trail of spit and cum along Danielle's chin.

"Oh, baby girl," Phil moaned, "I'm gonna flood your womb."

"Uhn...ah...cum in m-me, Uncle Phil...uhn...make me pregnant," she moaned whorishly to the near-orgasmic fat man.

She felt his body shudder violently a few times.

"Ahh!" he yelled.

"Oh!" Danielle gasped again as she felt Phil grasp her sides roughly and push fully into her.

Her asshole was a bit sore, but she still felt Phil's cock throb hotly several times as he unloaded thick streams of his man cum into her bowels. She moaned as he filled her up; she did her best to clench her anal ring around his thick cock to drive his pleasure that much higher. Phil shook repeatedly as he sank in the ocean of ecstasy; he'd shot so much sperm into Danielle's love channel that he could feel some of it leak out from around his cock as it throbbed hotly in her body. He was breathing heavily and Danielle detected that he'd be collapsing soon, so to avoid ending up under Phil's heavy girth, she moved to her side as she felt him begin to slacken.

His grip on her loosened and she felt his semi-rigid cock slip obscenely out of her slimy asshole. Phil collapsed on the bed, panting heavily, a thick sheen of sweat coating his head, face and upper body. Danielle sat back on her feet, feeling some of Phil's virile sperm leak from her used asshole and drip onto the sheet.

"My God, Phil, you're fucking amazing," Danielle panted, settling down on the bed next to him as lightning flashed outside their playpen.

She snuggled herself closer to the still-panting Phil. She leaned in and kissed him deeply, their breath mixing together as they passionately kissed.

"It's you, baby girl, that's amazing," he said, wrapping a chubby arm around her, cuddling her to him.

"Thank you, Mistress," they heard softly near them.

"What for, Tami?"

"For letting me cum in your mouth," he said softly.

"You're welcome, sissy."

Danielle and Phil looked up toward the top of the bed where Tami was lying on his side. They noticed that the windows had various spots of wet on it, from the apparent rain that moved into the area. They watched as Tami managed to catch his breath and was resting there in a post-orgasmic glow; his soft little penis leaking a bit of leftover cum onto his thigh.

"What a pretty little peener you have, Tami," Danielle said, taking a closer look at the sissy's soft cock; it couldn't have been even close to a couple of inches in length, if that.

"Thank you, Mistress," he said, blushing.

"And you," she said, poking Phil in the belly, "that cock of yours should be registered as a weapon. It's a good thing I'm young and have a pliable asshole, otherwise I'd not be able to sit properly for a week."

They all laughed at Danielle's comment; Phil leaned in and kissed her deeply, caressing her face with a pudgy hand. Danielle reached over and draped an arm around Phil's body, caressing him occasionally. The three lay that way for some time; Danielle kissed and cuddled with Phil, Tami rested and dozed, knowing he'd have many more adventures with Uncle Phil.

As Phil went to open the final bottle of Moët, Danielle's phone began blaring its alarm, albeit subdued as it was in her purse. She got up off the bed, still feeling a bit of Phil's manly sperm leak down her thigh onto her fishnet, and retrieved the phone, silencing it.

"Uncle Phil," she said cutely but sadly, "I have to go," she said, gathering her skirt and boots and slipping them on.

He came over and handed her a glass of champagne. "I know, baby girl, but we'll play again, I'm sure."

"I'm sure, too," she said seductively, giving him a cute smile.

As she took a long sip of the bubbly liquid, Phil reached up on the bar and grabbed his wallet.

"May I have some more champagne, Sir?" Tami called from the bed.

"Yes, go ahead," he called over his shoulder.

"Thank you, Sir."

"I have something here for you, Danielle."


Phil opened his wallet and pulled out a black card with gold trim, similar in size and shape to a credit card. He handed it to Danielle and she took the metal card from him, smiling softly. She looked at the face and saw the sky blue and teal logo of the Ocean Wave Resort in the upper right corner. In the lower left corner, stamped in gold lettering it said 'Danielle Stefani, VIP Class AA'. Flipping it over, she saw that across the top of the card was Phil's phone number; in the lower left corner read 'Card No.007 - No Exp Date' and in the lower right was his signature and company title, all embossed in gold ink. She looked at Phil happily, but questioningly.

"That's basically a courtesy card, but it's only reserved for a very select few, that's what the 'Class AA' means. It will get you free rooms and food, room service, whatever, anytime, without question, at either of our locations. Currently we have resorts here in A.C. and one in Los Angeles. Near the beach, obviously," he chuckled. "We're working on securing a site for a resort in the Bahamas. The only thing you'd have to pay for is your gambling."

"Thank you, Uncle Phil!" she said, smiling happily.

"Oh, and here, there's one more," he said, handing her a second card.

She threw her arms around his neck and hopped into his chubby arms, kissing all over his face. The second card was similar to hers, but personalized 'Jason Spencer'.

"Thank you, Uncle Phil," she gushed happily before she kissed him deeply.

He hugged her tightly, passionately rubbing his tongue against hers and moaning in her mouth.

"You're the best, Uncle Phil," she said, kissing his face repeatedly.

"You bring it out, baby girl. Thank you for making me as happy as you have, you have no idea what it means to me," he whispered in her ear as he hugged her close.

"You mean a lot to me, too," she said softly.

"You keep in touch with me, you hear?" he said as he let her go.

"I will. I'd love to stay the day, but I have an important engagement. Maybe one weekend soon I can spend a night with you," she said as she put the cards in her purse and pulled out the pair of panties that she'd tucked away earlier.

"I'd love that, baby, you just let me know when and I'll be ready."

"I will."

"Oh, one more thing," he said, taking one of his business cards out of his wallet. He grabbed a pen from behind his bar and scribbled on the card. "Here's Nina's phone number."

"Thank you, Uncle Phil. For everything," she said, hugging as much of his big body as she could. She kissed him deeply and lovingly, swiping her tongue delicately along his lower lip as she broke the kiss. Looking over toward the bed at the kneeling sissy, she said, "Goodbye, Tami."

"Goodbye, Mistress."

"Be a good sissy for Uncle Phil," she said, winking at the blushing sissy as she pulled on her panties.

"I will, Mistress."

Dropping the cutesy façade, Danielle leaned in once more and kissed Phil then said, "It was nice seeing you, darling, we'll play again real soon."

"Anytime for you, baby girl," he said, playfully patting her ass as she walked toward the door. "Do you need an escort out, baby?"

"I'll be okay, honey, unless I need a key for the elevator."

"Only to get into the building," he said.

"Then I bid you goodbye, darling, I look forward to next time," she said, curtseying as well as Tami had done earlier and throwing him a kiss.

"Me too, baby girl, me too."

With a final wave to Phil and Tami, Danielle left the room and headed for the special elevator to head back out to The Starr.

When Danielle exited the service bay, the rain was coming down softly, not much to worry about, but she decided she'd rather not get soaked walking back to the Starr. So as she walked along the concrete entryway to the resort, she saw the back end of a tram; but it appeared to be parked and the words 'Closed' could be seen on the canvas flaps that had been lowered to protect the seating areas from the rain.

Suddenly, in a matter of seconds, there was a flash of lightning, a boom of thunder and the wind whipped rapidly, followed by a torrential downpour. Danielle did her best to run the 20-or-so yards to the tram quickly, so she could hopefully get under cover. As she was trotting down the short staircase two at a time, she heard a familiar voice call to her. She looked through the rain and saw Başkar holding a canvas flap open for her. He was waving her over to him.

She took the last two steps at a jump, nearly slipping on the wet boardwalk and she skidded to a halt directly into Başkar's arms. He helped her into the back seat and he sat next to her, closing the canvas after himself.

"Are you alright, Miss Danielle?"

"Hi, yes, honey, thank you. You're a life saver," she said, shivering a bit.

Başkar put his arms around her, rubbing her back and arms, warming her up.

"You'll be warm soon, yes?"

"I'll be alright, honey."

He stopped rubbing her long enough to reach over to the seat in front of them and pulled a handful of paper towels out of a utility bag. He handed her some and with the rest, he gently wiped her face and neck.

"Thank you, honey," she said, wiping the wetness off of her arms.

They sat for a few moments in relative quiet, except for the hard pounding of the raindrops on the roof of the tram car.

"You had lots of fun inside, yes?"

"I did, yes," she confirmed, but she didn't elaborate of which kind of fun she'd had.

"I can tell, you have very sexy smell," he said, smiling.

Danielle blushed and stammered, "Uh, well, I guess I should have showered," she said, chuckling.

"You want to go back outside?" he asked smiling, throwing his thumb in the direction of the 'door'.

They both laughed and she said, "No, I better not. But I hope you don't mind how I smell. I can sit in another seat, if you like."

"I like it, Miss Danielle. Very sexy, see?" he asked smiling, as he took one of her hands and put it directly on his exposed cock.

"Oh my," she said, looking at 7-inches of hard Middle Eastern cock. Its mushroom head was slightly damp and it stuck out prominently above the tight foreskin. It throbbed slightly with each beat of Başkar's heart. She couldn't help herself and she began pumping it slowly.

"Would you give me some of what you did inside, yes?" he asked, smiling and caressing her cheek

"Oh my," she said softly before she lowered her head and licked the head of Başkar's hot cock.

The rain continued to come down hard, in sheets, as noted by the sounds of the waves of raindrops pounding on the tram. Danielle slurped her way around Başkar's cock, lowering her mouth as she did so, taking in more and more of his luscious cock. Soon, she felt the head of his suck stick hit the back of her throat; at the same time, she felt Başkar caress her head lovingly as he humped his hips slightly in time with her sucking and bobbing.

"Oh, Miss Danielle, you're so beautiful," he moaned as she bobbed and stroked him hotly.

She was a sucker for compliments as such when she had a guy's cock in her mouth; not only did it make her double her efforts to give her partner an intense cum, but it also made her cock start to leak. And she moaned sexily around his cock as she sucked to let him know that she appreciated his sweet compliment.

The rain continued to fall, the wind blew and they could hear an occasional rumble of thunder. Danielle sucked Başkar's cock for several minutes more, stroking and bobbing on the hard sex muscle. She faintly heard his heavy breathing mix in with the rough weather; she knew that he'd be cumming soon. So she bobbed hotly on his cock, pushing her mouth down until the head poked her throat. She continued to let his cock poke her throat on each successive thrust into her mouth. He caressed her head and she felt him begin to caress her back. His body was jerking sporadically and he was gasping in time with her bobbing.

Başkar suddenly stiffened and moaned her name; a second later he began pouring streams of tangy sperm into her mouth. She swallowed, but had some trouble, not because of the amount or texture, but because Başkar's was the first cum she'd had in her mouth that was so tangy. She gagged a few times, but managed to swallow all of his hot cum. He pumped her mouth several times, hoping to jam his cock in her throat, but his seated position limited that. She slurped and sucked her way to the top of his lovely cock, swallowing once more, before taking the cock from her mouth and rubbing the tip on her lips. Başkar sat there and panted as she softly sucked his softening cock back into her mouth, lowering her face as far down as his pants would allow. Başkar continued to lovingly caress her head. She made him shiver as she sucked softly as she slowly removed his cock from between her lips. She sat up and saw that Başkar had his head tilted back and his eyes closed; he was regaining his breath as his cock continued to soften. Danielle realized that the torrential rains had stopped and there was absolute quiet around them.

Suddenly, the canvas flap that Başkar had held for her earlier flew up harshly; the tram driver was there, looking at the two. His gaze shifted from Danielle who was wiping her mouth at the time to Başkar as he sat with his soft cock visible in his open slacks.

"What is this?" the driver asked incredulously.

All Danielle could do was smile sheepishly and shrug her shoulders.

Başkar quickly made himself presentable to possible customers as the driver walked to the cab of the tram, muttering to himself in a language that Danielle couldn't identify.

"Thank you, Miss Danielle, that was sexy," Başkar said, kissing her hand. "And you're okay, the driver is my brother, he is mad at me, not you."

Danielle smiled at Başkar as the tram's horn sounded and lurched forward, starting its route to the south end of the Atlantic City Boardwalk. But there wasn't much time for the two to talk as there were quite a few passengers that wanted the tram, due to the unruly weather so Başkar had to collect fares most of the way.

Fifteen minutes later, the tram stopped in front of the Starr. Danielle said goodbye to Başkar, wishing him well in case she didn't see him for a while and waved to the tram driver, who just shook his head in disbelief. She smiled and entered the hotel.

Danielle made her way through the busy casino, hoping she didn't offend anyone along the way with her post-sexual aroma; she'd intended on texting Jason, but since she had a special gift to give him, she thought it best to hand it over right away. As it was a Friday, and the beginnings of the weekend, the casino was exceptionally busy; she got through the crowds quickly and entered the lobby. Scott was behind the main desk talking on the phone while looking at his computer screen. No other hotel staff was in the area, so she decided to wait for him to get finished. A few minutes passed and she saw Jason come out from the casino area. He saw her and waved as she walked over to him. She met him by the end of the counter.

"Hi, baby, did you have fun with Phil?"

"Hiya, I sure did," she said, smiling softly. "How's your day going?"

"Pretty good. You, you smell..."

"Sexy? Yeah, so I've been told." She saw the look on Jason's face and quickly added, "Don't ask."

He chuckled, "Okay."

"I'm gonna head up to shower and get ready for my date tonight with Mr. Steele, but I needed to stop to see you. I have something for you."

"Oh, do you now?" he asked teasingly.

She gave him a wry smile and took out the black card from her purse.

Handing it to him, she said, "This is for you, from Uncle Phil."

Jason took the card and looked it over, impressed by its design and the authority it presented. He examined both sides and tapped it this-way-and-that. "Very cool, it's made of metal."

"It's also the elite of courtesy cards. Phil told me that only a select few have these cards."

"Makes sense, mine's numbered double-oh-eight, what's yours?"


He gave her a sly look through half-slitted eyes.

"Don't look at me, I didn't plan it that way."

"Hmm...well, next time you see Uncle Phil, tell him I said thank you. I don't get over there much as I work here, but I'll hold on to it."

"I don't think you're grasping what I said."


"Uncle Phil said that card will get you free rooms and food anytime at any of their locations."


"Oh, got your attention, now, do I?" she chuckled.

"Free? Everything? Seriously?"

"That's what he told me. Everything except the gambling. So don't lose it," she said, poking his chest playfully.

"Wow, cool!"


"So I can take the little blonde from bookkeeping to dinner?"

"What?" She looked at him in surprise. "Little blonde?"

Jason laughed and Danielle resisted the urge to playfully punch his ribs.

"You shoulda seen your face," he chuckled.

"You wait 'til tonight, mister," she said, poking his chest again.

"Oo, can't wait," he teased. "Now, get going, you have an important date tonight," he told her as he put away his Ocean Wave card.

"Okay, as soon as you get done with your second shift, come to my room. Mr. Steele assured me I'd be back by midnight."

"Perfect. Have a good time tonight," he said, caressing her hand.

"I will. See you tonight, love."

They parted and Danielle headed for the elevators.

To be continued... :)

Look for it, coming soon!

Thank you... :)

Please drop me a line anytime! Hugs and Kisses!

Here are the stories in Danielle's Universe:

Episode 01: "Vacation in Atlantic City!"

  • I: The Train Ride to Atlantic City

  • II: Check-In

  • III: Dinner by Starlight

  • IV: Sightseeing and a Little Road Trip

  • V: A Casino Run and A Dinner Date

  • VI: A Day with Jason

  • VII: Posting an Online Sex Ad

  • VIII: If You Knew Suzie...

  • IX: Shopping and Businessmen

  • X: Taras and Suzies and Bears, Oh My!!

  • XI: Extend-O-Vacation!

  • XII: The Return of Suzie

  • XIII: Jason, Scott and a Surprise

  • XIV: A Morning Sexcursion and A Lonely Cowboy

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Next: Chapter 16: A Night in Philadelphia

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