Danielle's Diary: A Casino Run and A Dinner Date

By Danielle Stefani

Published on Jun 3, 2024


DISCLAIMERS: -This story involves sexual situations between one or more cross-dressers and/or other adults. All characters are 18 years old or older, regardless of role, costume or apparel choice(s).

-Any similarity between characters/institutions in this story and real world entities is wholly coincidental.

-The author takes no responsibility for the legality of this story in your locale. The responsibility is your own and by continuing to read, you accept this responsibility.

DO NOT repost/link to any of my stories without my prior written permission.

Now, please enjoy yourself!

Danielle's Diary

The Amorous Exploits of a New Jersey T-Girl

Episode 1: "Vacation in Atlantic City!

Chapter XII: The Return of Suzie"

by DanielleStefani997@yahoo.com

Copyright(c)2023 Danielle Stefani, All Rights Reserved

Day 10: Tuesday

Jason made his way around the suite by the illumination of the bathroom light. Danielle still lay in bed, asleep, and he gathered his clothes and shoes. It was just a bit before 5AM; he'd woken up early and carefully got out of bed, turning off his alarm before it could wake his sleeping dream girl. He'd gotten on his underwear and half-buttoned his dress shirt. He pulled on his slacks and was in the process of tying his shoes when he heard Danielle sniffle and stir.

"Baby, where are you?" she asked sleepily.

He got up and went and sat on the edge of the bed gently. He caressed her face, slipped one of the puffy pillows in her arms and covered her with the sheet.

"I'm here, honey. I have to head home to change for work."

"Oh, okay."

"I set your alarm for 6:30. Come see me at 7 when my shift starts and I'll take you to see Mr. Steele."


He kissed her gently. "Love you, baby," he said, caressing her face one more time.

"I love you," she said softly, closing her eyes, hugging the pillow tightly and dozing off.

Jason grabbed his tie and jacket, turned off the bathroom light and noiselessly left the suite.

Danielle came out of the bathroom at 6:30 when her phone broke the early morning quiet in the room. She'd just finished showering and brushing her teeth and was getting ready to apply her makeup for the day. She silenced the phone and returned to the bathroom. Standing in front of the sink, she applied her usual black mascara and eyeliner. She chose the mauve eye shadow and rose lip gloss. A bit of gardenia perfume and she was done.

Standing at the dresser in the illumination of the rising sun that was pouring in through the windows, she slipped on white bra and panties. After donning a white denim skirt and an Atlantic City-branded t-shirt that she tied at her waist, she slipped on her white wedge heels and she was ready for the day. She made sure she had enough cash in her purse and any makeup accessories she'd need. She put on her diamond bracelet and an anklet of a simple gold chain. She took out all the relevant documents concerning her jackpot and then she locked the safe. She left a 10-dollar tip for the cleaning staff and was out the door.

Danielle had a quick ride down to the ground floor. She walked into the lobby just shortly before 7AM. Behind the main desk, she saw Jason talking with an older man, dressed similarly to how Scott dressed when he is Desk Manager. His dark hair covered only half of his head in a comb-over, the rest had stopped growing long ago. He wore sharp horn-rimmed glasses and had a sour look on his face. His gold nametag said 'John'.

"Good morning, Miss Stefani," Jason said professionally, letting her know that familiarity wouldn't be as welcome with this Desk Manager.

"Good morning," she replied, smiling briefly.

"Are-," Jason began.

The Desk Manager abruptly cut Jason off before he had any chance to continue. "How can I help you, Miss?" John asked.

With a surprised look on her face, Danielle asked, "Did you have something to ask me, Mr. Spencer?"

The man gave Danielle a look that indicated that he was not accustomed to being ignored.

"I was just going to ask if you were ready for your meeting, Miss," Jason told her.

"I'll take care of this, Jason, I'm the Desk Manager, remember that," he said condescendingly. Then he said to Danielle: "How can I help you?"

Attempting to keep her anger under control for Jason's sake, she said coldly, "I had a meeting with Mr. Steele on Sunday and he instructed me to have Mr. Spencer escort me to his office this morning. I have some paperwork that he requires."

"I see. One moment, please."

As he made a phone call, Jason exchanged an apologetic look with Danielle and she in turn, gave him a look that she was ready to jump the counter and kick John's ass. The delay did little to lessen her anger.

"Alright, Miss Stefani, Mr. Steele is expecting you," he began. He pointed to the elevators and said, "If you take the elevator signed SO-2, you-"

"Excuse me," she stopped him. He gave her another unhappy look at this interruption. "Mr. Steele gave me explicit instructions on Sunday that I have Mr. Spencer escort me to his office. The documents I have with me are of a sensitive nature. So I'm expecting Mr. Spencer to do what was asked of him."

"I see. May I see them, please?" he asked, holding out his hand.

"No, you may not," she said, visibly angry. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Jason wince slightly. John didn't look happy; neither did the few guests that were within earshot.

"Miss Stefani," he said as she went into her purse and took out a piece of paper. "Please calm down."

"Calm down?" she asked as several lobby guests were watching the exchange. "How can I calm down when you're being incredibly rude, not only to me, but also to your associate."

"There's no need-"

"What is your name?" she asked, yanking a pen that was on the counter.


"I can read. I meant your last name," she snapped.


"Now, John," she said, not paying him any respect my calling him 'Mr. Russel', "do I call Mr. Steele from my personal phone," she said, taking her phone out of her purse, "or does Mr. Spencer escort me as Mr. Steele instructed?"

Russel looked uncomfortably to his left slightly, hoping Jason would say something, but Jason was standing far enough behind him that Russel couldn't see him. Just as well, too, as he was looking at Danielle with a look of shock on his face.

"Um, he'll escort you right away, Miss Stefani." He turned around to Jason and nodded and said, "escort Miss Stefani to Mr. Steele's office. Return as soon as you're through."

"Yes, Sir," he said to Russel. "This way, Miss Stefani," he said, pointing the way down the counter.

Danielle threw the pen back on the counter and left without addressing Russel further. When they were almost to the elevator, Jason let out a very audible sigh of relief.

"Pompous little prick," she said, waiting for the doors to open.

"Honey, are you alright?"

"I'm fine," she said, closing her eyes and taking a couple of deep breaths.


"And if the twit tries to discipline you or anything let me know. I'll buy the whole fucking hotel and take care of his ass."

A few guests heard her outburst and looked her way.

"Easy, baby, it'll be okay," he said, caressing her arm. "I've never seen you this way," he said, concerned.

"Sorry, honey, it's my Italian temper."


She took another deep breath. "I'll be alright."

The doors opened and they got on alone. Jason pushed the button for the proper floor and the doors closed slowly.

"You going to report him to Steele?"

"I should," she began, "but no. I'm not looking to get anyone fired. I'll let him think I did, make him sweat."

"Just be calm, okay?" he said softly, caressing her arm.

"I'm good, I'm okay."

"I have some family things to do after work, so I'm going to have to hold off on seeing you until tomorrow."

"That's okay, honey, I understand. I'd smooch you, but I wouldn't want anyone to check the security camera," she chuckled.

"Should I take you up and down a few times?"

"Not on an elevator ride," she chuckled, smiling.

He smiled. "It's good to see you smiling," he said. "I was worried something was wrong back there."

"I'm okay. Just sometimes my temper shows up."

"Phew, Italians," he chuckled.

"You know it, honey," she said, winking at him. "He just set me off; there was no reason for him to have cut you off like he did or his behavior. 'I'm the Desk Manager'," she finished by mimicking Russel.

"Yeah, he's usually our overnight manager, but he's on days for a while. He's really a stickler for rules and such."

"Nothing wrong with Scott, is there?" she asked, concerned.

"No, it's just a rotational thing they do with the schedule."

"Okay. I'll try to avoid the lobby."

The door opened and the pair walked to and entered Steele's outer office. Steele's secretary, Sally, was behind her desk, enjoying an early-morning muffin and coffee.

"Oh, excuse me," she said, chuckling, wiping her mouth.

"It's no problem, Sally. Good morning," Danielle said, smiling.

"Hi, Sally," Jason chimed in.

Sally looked sharp in her white short-sleeved blouse and blue skirt. She hit a button on her intercom and announced that Danielle and Jason were there waiting. She told the pair they could go in and she buzzed the door. They thanked her and entered Steele's office.

He was sitting behind his desk; the amazing view of the ocean and surrounding beach area was visible beautifully behind him.

"Good morning, Danielle, Jason," he said, getting up and extending a hand.

"Good morning, Mr. Steele," she said.

"'Morning, Sir."

"Danielle, please sit," he said, reseating himself. "Jason, you might want to head back downstairs, Russel didn't sound too happy on the phone."

"Yes, Sir."

"If he gives you any trouble, have him call me."

"Right, Sir."

"He's a bit over the top with the rules, but he does get the job done," he said to Danielle.

She nodded as Jason started for the door.

"Have a good day, honey," he said.

"You too, love. I'll text you later," she said, tossing him a kiss.

He smiled and waved at her then disappeared. She turned back to Steele, he was smiling warmly. He sat for several moments, waiting for Danielle. She was still smiling.

"So, I think you have some papers for me?"

"Oh!" she laughed, "sorry, I was..." she said, blushing.

"It's okay, Danielle," he said smiling as she took out the papers from her purse.

"Um, here you are, there's the information on my new account. I have the form that you gave me, shall I sign it now?"

"Please do," he replied, handing Danielle a pen.

Steele jotted information down in her folder and then took her signed form. He counter-signed it and called Sally into the office. As he was handing back Danielle her bank memo, Sally came in and Danielle marveled at how sexy the secretary was; her blouse and skirt fit snugly, but not overly so. Danielle was attracted immensely by Sally's long nude nylon-encased legs. Her black suede pumps looked absolutely fantastic on her. Danielle realized she'd been staring and looked downward, blushing.

"Sally," he said, handing the woman the folder, "enter all the relevant account information into the computer, notify the bank that they are to release Miss Stefani's funds and then file that. Oh, also, please bring in copies for Miss Stefani."

"Yes, Sir. Congratulations again, Miss Stefani," she said.

"Thank you, Sally," Danielle replied warmly.

A few minutes later, Sally came in and handed Steele several papers.

"Here you are, Danielle. These are copies of all the forms we signed, plus your receipt to the Treasury Department. Keep these files in your records."

"Thank you, Sir," she said.

"Well, Danielle," Steele said as he rose behind his desk, "I think that concludes our pleasant business."

Danielle stood up, smiled and held out her hand to the tall gentleman. "It does. Thank you for all your help."

"My pleasure, Danielle," he said, shaking her hand gently. "If there's anything you need or anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to ask."

"Thank you very much."

"Good luck to you," he said, smiling.

"Thank you, Sir. Take care."

"And you, Danielle."

She left Steele's office smiling, saying goodbye to Sally, heading for the elevators.

After stopping at her suite to drop off her jackpot papers, she arrived at Suzie's door at about 7:30AM. They had a breakfast date, but it wasn't scheduled at any particular time. She knocked on the blonde's door, normally this time, and waited for her tall friend to answer.

A moment later, the door opened and a very-awake Suzie smiled and waved Danielle in.

"Damn, don't you look hot," Danielle said, taking in the blonde T-Girl's hotness from head to toe. Suzie was dressed in a very short sheer black nightie, black stockings and marabou-accented heels. She wore no panties and her semi- hard cock hung sexily out in front of her body. The fact that the nightie ended just slightly higher than her pubic bone made it that much more erotic. "So fucking hot," Danielle whispered, taking Suzie's cock in her hand, entranced by the sight and feel of it.

Suzie playfully slapped Danielle's hand away. "We're supposed to be having breakfast," she giggled.

"I can think of something I'd want," she retorted, still looking at Suzie's growing cock.

"Later," she began, "slut." She smiled, chuckling.

Danielle sat in Suzie's easy chair as Suzie sat down on the edge of her bed.

"Are we going out for breakfast or staying in?" the tall blonde asked.

"Whatever you want, sweetie."

"Let's eat here, then we can go get Tara and hit the beach," Suzie suggested.

"Sounds good."

"What would you like to eat?" She asked. And realizing where Danielle was looking, she quickly said, "Food, I mean!" she laughed.

The dark-haired T-Girl laughed and then said, "Eggs, ham, home fries, toast. The usual, nothing fancy."

"Tea or coffee?"

"Oh, let's go for tea today."

Suzie called in the order for breakfast and hung up the phone.

"They'll be here in about 20 minutes. I'll have to hide when they bring it in."

"Shame. I'd bet the guy would get a rise out of you. I did."

"Oh, did you now?" she chuckled.

"Well, when you're dressed like a whore, what do you expect?" Danielle asked, chuckling.

"You oughta know, the way you dress sometimes."

"Dress like that at the Sampson or Blue Barn and you'll be treated like a whore."

Suzie threw a pillow at her friend. "You wait, I'll show you whore," she laughed.

"Uh huh."

Danielle threw the pillow back at Suzie, but threw it high and hard enough that the tall T-Girl was caught off-balance and tipped back on the bed. Danielle saw an opportunity and quickly got on her knees between her friend's slightly-raised and wide-open legs. She plunged Suzie's hard T-Girl cock in her mouth, swirling her tongue around the head as she took inch-after-inch of the lovely girl's luscious sex pole.

"Oh, you fucking slut," Suzie panted.

Suzie remained laying back on the bed, bringing her hands up to caress Danielle's head as she worked magic on Suzie's cock. Danielle bobbed up and down and sucked as she did so, enjoying the fresh taste of Suzie's cock and the slight traces of precum that the blonde T-Girl had started leaking. Danielle changed her attack on the pleasure-submerged Suzie; she bobbed slightly on the top half of Suzie's hard cock while stroking the bottom half. But Danielle also had decided to tease her friend by inserting a finger in the blonde's hot asshole and wiggling her finger. This caused Suzie to moan loudly as she humped her hips up, attempting to drive her cock into Danielle's throat. But Danielle had other ideas. She stopped bobbing and reduced her sucking to a very soft suckle on the tip. Then she gradually took her mouth and hand off of Suzie's cock, allowing the hard love stick to fall back hotly onto Suzie's tummy. Raising herself up and placing a knee on the bed, she leaned over Suzie, locking her mouth onto the panting blonde's mouth, giving her a deep tongue kiss as Danielle continued to finger-fuck the writhing T-Girl.

"You're so fucking sexy, you know that?" Danielle whispered into Suzie's panting mouth. More lip kissing and tongue-sucking elicited moans from each horny T-Girl. "So fucking hot."

Their moans of ecstasy were interrupted by the knocking on the door. As abruptly as Danielle had started the hot affair, she ended it by pulling her finger out of Suzie's wet asshole. Suzie groaned at the sudden removal of Danielle's finger.

"Come on, love, time to hide," Danielle said, chuckling, as she smoothed out her clothing and walked to the door. As she was ready to open the door, she saw Suzie, still dazed by pleasure, make it into the bathroom and close the door.

Danielle opened the door to the smiling young man behind the service cart. She greeted him and let him in and agreed when he asked her if she wanted him to set things up. It didn't take long and she signed the bill for Suzie. She tipped him and he left. Danielle went over and opened the bathroom door to an annoyed-looking Suzie.

"You are so mean for letting me hang like that," Suzie said, standing just inside the door.

Danielle chuckled and saw that Suzie's cock hadn't lost any of its hardness or its sexual attraction. She brushed her fingers lightly on the tip of Suzie's pleasure stick, getting drops of precum on her fingers.

"Come on, Precious," she said licking her fingers, "mmm, breakfast is here."

Suzie playfully gave Danielle a dirty look and followed her dark-haired friend to the dining table. She sat down across from Danielle, tucking her hard cock between her thighs so it wouldn't touch the underside of the table. They began to enjoy their breakfast; a few moments later, Suzie heard a couple of soft beeps.

"What was that?"


"I heard beeping."

"Oh, my watch chimes on the hour. It's 8AM," she said, showing Suzie her watch.

"Looks very retro."

"Thanks," Danielle said, biting into some toast. "Shit, I better do this before I forget."

She got up and took her phone out of her purse. Calling her attorney, and getting voicemail, Danielle made an appointment to meet the following Tuesday. She signed off, put her phone back in her purse and rejoined her friend at the table.

The two T-Girls enjoyed the rest of their breakfast, exchanging ideas for the day, as well as exchanging soft caresses; Suzie would caress Danielle's bare legs with her marabou heels and Danielle would caress Suzie's hand that was resting on the table. They also talked about things from money, guys, and clothes to Suzie's impending departure.

"I'd love to stay longer, but I'll have to bail on you tomorrow after breakfast to get back to Monroe. I'll want to have a day to get things in order before I go back to work on Friday."

"I understand, honey. It was such a pleasure spending all the time that we did. We'll have to make a point of seeing each other more often," Danielle said, lifting Suzie's hand and kissing it.

"Speaking of work," Suzie began, sipping some tea, "what happened yesterday?"

"Well, the bank went fine, I got everything taken care of there."

Danielle then told Suzie about all that happened with Breckinridge and how a positive outcome came about. She told Suzie that she had offered to work until the end of August, not just two weeks, as her friend suggested. And that she'd be working from home, as they'd discussed.

"I felt offering the end of August was the right thing to do."

"I'm sure he'll appreciate it."

"And it'll give him time to find a replacement. I'll just have to find an hour or so on a weekend to go in and clean out my desk."

The girls finished breakfast and Danielle began to clear up the table.

Suzie disappeared into the bathroom and Danielle stacked the used dishes and containers on the service cart. She heard Suzie return to the room, but she didn't expect what came next.

Suzie deftly shoved her hands up Danielle's skirt and yanked her panties down to her knees.

"Oh! What are-"

Suzie cut Danielle off by shoving her hard, wet cock in between the dark-haired T-Girl's ass. She didn't penetrate her, rather she pushed forward, and Danielle felt the head of Suzie's cock rub between her thighs and against her balls.

"I'll teach you to tease, you little fucking slut," Suzie whispered hotly in Danielle's ear.

Danielle moaned loudly as Suzie licked her ear and traced hot kisses and nibbles to her neck. Suzie then wrapped her arms around Danielle's mid-section and picked up the shorter T-Girl with ease. Danielle grunted in surprise as Suzie carried her over to the bed, setting her down and pushing her forward. But Danielle did not have any time to settle; Suzie was on her in an instant.

In a quick thrust, Suzie stabbed her large cock into Danielle's tight asshole.

"Oh, God, you're cock is so big!" Danielle gasped loudly.

"Yeah," Suzie panted, "and you love every fucking inch of it," she said, pressing forward swiftly, making Danielle wail.

Suzie pushed her cock in Danielle's clenching ass as far as she could. When she hit bottom, she positioned her knees on each side of her friend's legs and started pumping her love channel roughly. Danielle grunted with each thrust of Suzie's hips and she could feel her cock grow harder under her bunched skirt. Suzie lay herself down onto Danielle's body and slipped her hands under Danielle's tummy, making long forceful strokes with her cock. Suzie's panting in Danielle's ear was making her friend hot; eventually, Danielle started pushing her ass back to meet Suzie's thrusts.

"You love that cock...ah...don't you?" Suzie whispered.


Suzie pushed roughly making Danielle moan wantonly.

"Your asspussy...uh...loves my cock...uhn...doesn't it?" Suzie asked hotly as she raised herself on her hands and began to increase the speed of her thrusts.


"Answer me...uhn...slut!" She said, yanking on Danielle's hair.

"Ahh!," Danielle yelled. "Yes!...uhn...love your...ah...cock!"

Suzie let go of Danielle's hair and concentrated her attention on assaulting Danielle's slick fuck hole. Suzie grunted with each powerful thrust; Danielle, too, let out a grunt, adding to the mix of sexy sounds of grunts, moans and her squishing asshole.

For several long minutes more, Suzie invaded Danielle's tight asshole; with each thrust Suzie's cock grew a bit harder. She was on the edge of an orgasm and there was no stopping her from plunging head-first into it.

"Ah, fuck...I love your hole," she said, pushing forward and holding her cock completely up Danielle's love chute. She stiffened suddenly, gasped into Danielle's hair, and unloaded a flood of semen into Danielle's churning bowels. Danielle felt each and every spurt of her lover's sperm enter her body; she pushed her ass back onto Suzie's cock, not wanting the tall T-Girl to pull out. Suzie's cock throbbed hotly inside Danielle; the dark-haired T-Girl lay under her friend, moaning in pleasure as she could feel Suzie's orgasm. Soon though, Suzie started coming down from her ecstatic high and she lowered herself onto her panting friend. They lay that way for some time, catching their breath, exchanging soft kisses and cuddling.

Suzie rolled off of Danielle, causing Danielle to grunt and finally breathe normally. Suzie's softening cock left a trail of fluid across Danielle's ass cheek as she settled herself on the bed.

"You were just itching to do that to me, weren't you?" Danielle chuckled, getting her breathing under control.

Suzie shrugged and smiled sheepishly. "What can I say? Someone has to treat you like the slut that you are," she said smiling. "Besides, with an ass like that, I'm surprised Jason isn't fucking it all the time."

Danielle giggled and said, "Thanks."

"You're sexier than you know," her blonde lover complimented her.

Danielle leaned over and kissed her friend deeply. "Maybe next time we can cum together."

"I'd love that. Did you cum this time?"

"No, I'll wait 'til later."

Danielle's watch chimed.

"I guess it's nine o'clock," Suzie said, chuckling.

"Let's get with Tara," Danielle began, grunting as she lifted herself off of the bed, "see if we can get down to the beach by 9:30 and spend a few hours in the sun."

Danielle got her phone and called the redheaded T-Girl. She told Tara that she was with Suzie and they wanted to take their young friend to the beach. Tara was happy and said that she'd love to go. Danielle told her to dress for the beach and that she'd be down with Suzie soon and then they hung up.

"Okay, get your hot ass in a bikini or shorts and then we'll go up to my room."

Danielle watched as Suzie took her skimpy nightie off, followed by her heels and stockings. She admired Suzie's hot T-Girl body; Suzie may have been slightly over six-feet tall, but everything about her from her fingers to her toes was perfectly sculpted. There wasn't an unsightly hair or odd bone or over-pronounced muscle anywhere. Suzie went to her dresser and took out a black two-piece bikini and slipped them on sexily. She put her bright yellow short shorts on and pulled a beach towel out from a bag in the closet.

"Wear flip-flops, leave the slutty heels for when we go to the Sampson tonight," Danielle winked.

Suzie did exactly that: slipped on her flip-flops and then looped her white clutch purse over her shoulder and grabbed her towel, tossing it over the opposite shoulder. Making sure the door was closed and locked, they headed to the elevator to go to Danielle's suite.

Danielle got undressed quickly as Suzie divided her attention between the raven-haired T-Girl and the spectacular view outside her window. Danielle tossed her outfit on an easy chair and went into the bathroom to tend to the wetness that had built up in between her ass cheeks from Suzie's fuck session. Coming back in the room, Danielle went to the dresser and donned her bikini for the day: it was a white two-piece, covered with hot pink circles and baby pink abstract shapes. She too, slipped on flip-flops and then wrapped a white cover- up sarong around her waist. Grabbing two beach towels and her purse along with a small beach bag with sunglasses, sunscreen and wet wipes, the sexy pair exited the room to meet the third member of the torrid T-Girl trifecta.

Minutes later, they were knocking on the door of Room 2757.

A smiling Tara greeted the two and they came in the room, exchanging kisses and hugs.

"Ooo, sexy!" Suzie exclaimed.

"She's gonna make us look bad," Danielle teased.

Tara was wearing a metallic, dark purple two-piece bikini. The material shimmered with each curve and movement of her sexy young body. She had her hair in a slight bun, the rest of her long locks hanging down to the back of her neck.

"Thank you," she said, blushing.

Danielle gave Tara a warm hug and a kiss.

"Now come on," Suzie began, patting Tara's cute ass playfully, "towel and purse and let's get a move on!" she cheered.

"Don't forget your sunglasses, sweetie."

Tara wrapped a black cover-up around her waist and carried her belongings as the three T-Girls left to wow the world.

And wow it they did; passing through the corridors and the casino, the three beautiful girls got many appreciative looks and smiles. Suzie and Danielle smiled warmly at the attention, but Tara was giddy and she giggled and blushed under the admiring eyes of a lot of men of various ages. As they were passing through the casino, Danielle saw Jason as he was performing his duties and she waved and threw him a kiss. She knew the best he could respond with was a smile and soon after, the girls entered the bright sunshine, donning their sunglasses. They walked hand-in-hand, with Tara in the middle, as they made their way to one of the entryways to the beach. Stopping to rent chairs and an umbrella, they soon found a comfortable spot on the beach. In very little time they were set up; Danielle made sure, as she'd done previously when she was with Jason, to wrap the straps of their purses around the pole of the umbrella so no one could walk off with them. Covering them with her spare towel, they were ready for fun and relaxation.

"Now that we're set up, we should get the sunscreen on before we sit or go out to play," Suzie said.

Danielle took the large orange tube out of her fishnet beach bag.

"Come on, you little hottie, you first," she said to Tara. "Show me that sexy back."

The young T-girl smiled and giggled and turned her back to Danielle.

"Hold your hair up," she told Tara as she squeezed a large dollop of the lotion in her hand.

"Who's gonna do my back?" Suzie asked.

"Oh shut up," Danielle said.

Tara laughed and Suzie stuck her tongue out at Danielle.

Before Danielle began to put the lotion on Tara, she leaned in and softly kissed the back of her friend's neck, causing the girl to shiver. Danielle giggled and then applied the sunscreen to Tara's back and shoulders. Tara moved out from in front of Danielle and Danielle made a motion to Suzie to turn around. She repeated the process of rubbing the slick liquid onto Suzie's back and shoulders. Danielle then had Tara do her back. When Danielle's back was done, they each took turns rubbing the sunscreen on their own skin. In no time, all three girls had some basic sun protection.

"So what do we do?" Suzie asked.

"Let's walk around a bit," Danielle suggested as she placed their flip- flops and the fishnet bag on top of the spare beach towel, adding a bit more cover to their purses.

There were people on the beach, but they were here-and-there; and even so, the beach was rather empty. So the girls walked hand-in-hand on the sand a little ways south of their camp and then they went to the water's edge. They enjoyed getting their ankles wet, but decided the water was still a bit too cool to be going in full-body. Keeping an attentive eye on their camp, they walked in the surf as it impacted the sand and splashed their ankles and legs, talking about the different things that they'd be doing once their awesome vacation was over. They talked about the men in their lives; they all knew fairly-well where Jason and Tom stood in the lives of Danielle and Suzie, so they discussed Tara's potential relationship with Trevor.

"He's really nice," Tara said. "He was a bit shy at first, but he's since been more comfortable."

"You guys gonna go steady?" Suzie asked.

"We're not sure. I live in Englishtown and he lives near the Vineland area. I'm not sure how things are going to go. My employer has a location in South Jersey, so I think I can transfer, but it's up in the air at the moment. I do need to find my own place."

"Well, you can always see him on your days off. I'm going to do my best to come down every weekend and stay with Jason while I'm working," Danielle said as they walked in the cool Atlantic Ocean.

"You're going back to work?" the young T-Girl asked.

"Not permanently. I agreed to work remotely until the end of August."

"Oh, okay, that's not bad."

"It's sort of a long-distance relationship, but if the guy's worth it, don't pass up a great opportunity," Danielle said.

"Yeah, especially if he's great in the sack," Suzie chuckled.

"You're too much," Danielle laughed, kicking some surf at Suzie's legs.

Tara chuckled and blushed.

"So is he?" Suzie asked excitedly.

"Yeah," the shy T-Girl said smiling. "He's really good," she added, blushing.

Her two friends chuckled in fun and slapped her gently on the back.

They started their walk back to their camp.

"When are you gonna see him again?" Suzie asked.

"We're meeting for lunch and possibly dinner."


"What time are you guys doing lunch?" Danielle asked.

"He's coming to get me at one o'clock."

"Okay, so as long as we leave here at 12:30, you'll have enough time to get back, shower and dress."

The three girls got back to their area a little bit later and Suzie and Tara sat in their chairs. Danielle told the two that she'd be right back, returning several minutes later with bottles of juice for them. They lounged for a while enjoying the hydration as they watched the ocean crash into the shore. They joked and played and took turns with each other's phones snapping selfies and other shots. The three girls decided to play a little on the sand. First they decided to take more pictures; some were glamour-type shots of bikini girls on the sand, others were of them playing and goofing off. They took pictures of each other alone and in pairs; they even managed to get some shots as a group as a couple of guys with metal detectors strolled by looking for treasure in the sand. The guys got an added treat as the three girls posed playfully so the guys could have some shots on their own phones. After the impromptu photo session, they got down on the sand and dug holes and built mounds and weird things that were supposed to be castles. They laughed and made fun of each other's creations; when they felt they were sufficiently covered in sand, they decided to go in the water.

By this time of day, the beautiful weather brought more people onto the beach and the sun had warmed the water; and even though the three friends didn't submerge their heads, they did wade shoulder-deep. They stuck close together, holding each other, splashing and playing around. When they felt they were tiring, they emerged from the salt water and set themselves down in their beach chairs. They finished their drinks and exchanged more conversation, enjoying their close friendship.

"You and Tom have anything planned before you head back tomorrow?" Danielle asked.

"We were going to do dinner tonight, but he has to work late, so we'll probably do something after."

"That's good. Will you commute down here on days off to see him?"

"We kinda figured we would take turns; one weekend I'd come down here and stay with him and the other he'd stay with me. I think he'd like spending some time in Monroe. It's quite a bit different than a shore town."

"We're going to have to come up with something to see each other occasionally," Danielle said, caressing Tara's hand as she was right next to her.

The young T-Girl blushed and nodded, smiling at Danielle.

"You should buy a house and we'll all live in it," Suzie chuckled.

"You think we could all stand to live together?" Danielle joked.

The girls shared a sincere laugh as Danielle held Tara's hand and Tara held Suzie's.

"Well, maybe at the very least, we should all think of being in a more- accessible area to each other," Suzie concluded.

"It's something to think about."

"It would be fun," the redheaded T-Girl said.

Danielle and Suzie agreed absolutely.

"Let's walk a bit more, maybe check out the guys," Danielle chuckled.

Her two friends playfully laughed at her idea and they got up and started on the same route they'd walked earlier. And they did manage to check out a few guys sunning themselves on their towels. But just as there were guys on the sand, there were girls as well; as the day progressed, more and more lotion-slicked bodies appeared, glistening hotly under the sun.

It was a little after noon when the girls got back to their area. As they had to return the umbrella and chairs, Danielle suggested they head back a tad earlier, this way they could all shower and take a breather before lunch. So they packed up what little cargo that they brought and stopped at the vendor to return the equipment. Outside the hotel, Danielle stopped her two friends momentarily.

"Suzie, I have an errand to run. Swing by my suite at one o'clock and we'll do lunch. Think about where you'd want to go, but it's on me. And you," she said to Tara, taking the sweet girl in her arms and kissing her quickly, to the delight of a few guys that were walking by, "you have a good time with Trevor. I'll text you after dinner and we'll hang, if you want."

"Okay, Danielle," the sweet T-Girl said, smiling.

"See you guys later," Danielle said, waving as they went into the Starr.

Danielle ran into town as quickly as she could, going in her bikini and flip-flops. She made the run to a store in the area of Atlantic and Michigan Avenues and back to her suite in a matter of twenty-five minutes. Entering the room, she went to her safe, opened it and then secured the items she'd just bought. Making sure the safe was locked, she slipped off her skimpy bikini and jumped in the shower, washing off the lingering remnants of sand and sunscreen. After she dried herself off, she touched up her makeup. She dressed quickly in her black sleeveless blouse and black and gray houndstooth-checked skirt. She slipped on and zipped her ankle-high black suede boots and made sure she had all that she'd need in her purse. When she was done, it was ten minutes before one. Figuring to save Suzie a few steps, she locked and closed the door and headed for the elevators. The elevator chimed and the door opened, revealing a surprised Suzie.

"Couldn't wait to see me?" she teased.

"You know it," Danielle winked at her. The door closed and they started their trek downward.

Suzie looked hot in a cream-colored knee-length skirt and black satin blouse. She had the top two buttons opened showing the effect of the bit of sun they'd gotten earlier. Danielle saw that Suzie had completed her outfit with a pair of simple black pumps.

"Did you get done what you needed to?" Suzie asked.

"Oh, yeah, it's all good. Just had to run into town for a little something. You decide where you wanted to go for lunch?"

"Yeah, actually, I did. I don't know the name, but it's that place we went where I met Dr. Devlin."

"Oh, great. That salad was good. Maybe we can get it with grilled chicken this time."

"Sounds great to me."

They walked out of the elevator and through the hotel and casino. Danielle looked for Jason, but she didn't see him. They exited onto the boardwalk and the tourist traffic definitely built up since they'd spent time on the beach.

"Are we doing dinner tonight, too?" Danielle asked, taking hold of Suzie's hand.

"Sure, why not. Tom won't be around 'til much later."

"Do you mind if Tara joins us after dinner?"

"Don't be silly. I enjoy seeing her and I know she'd love it," Suzie stated.

"Okay, so after lunch we'll go back to my suite and we'll relax."

"Maybe we can order some wine from room service."

"Sounds like a plan," Danielle agreed, smiling.

They walked the rest of the way to the restaurant, holding hands.

"We'd each like the Caesar salad with the grilled chicken, please, and a glass of Chardonnay," Danielle said, telling the young man taking their order.

"What type of dressing?"

"Oh, Italian, for both, please."

"Be back shortly with your drinks."

"Thank you."

The man walked away and Danielle took a look around; they'd sat at the same table in the outside dining area. The crowds walking past on the boardwalk were heavy, but not bothersome.

"So tell me," Suzie said.

"Tell you what?"

"You're the one in love, sorta. What do I do with Tom?"

"What's wrong with him?"

"Nothing, silly," she chuckled, "how do I decide if I want to get real serious?"

"Oh, you'd have to decide that all on your own, but I guess it would depend on whether or not you want to devote all your time to him or to continue sucking cock at glory holes."

A moment later, their waiter brought their wine. Neither girl knew for sure if he overheard Danielle's explicit statement. He placed their glasses on the table, smiled, and departed.

"Thank you," she said to him.

"Cheers," Suzie said, raising her glass.

They touched their glasses together slightly, the soft 'ding' sounding happy and intimate. They each took a full sip of the white wine, savoring the fruity accents.

"Mmm, this is good wine."

"We'll order a bottle when we get to my room," Danielle said. "So," she began "what do you want to do with Tom?"

"Well, I'd love to tie him up and take advantage of him."

Danielle laughed and tossed her cloth napkin at Suzie. "Would you be serious? You started this line of questioning."

"Okay, sorry," she said, giving back Danielle the pastel blue cloth. "One thing, I ain't getting any younger."

"True, but it's not like you have some mystical biological clock ticking away. It's not rocket science that we can't have kids."

"There's adoption."

"Okay, I'll give you that, but there's one other factor you're not considering."

"And what is that?"

Their handsome waiter approached and served each T-Girl their salad. Politely declining anything else, they thanked him and he left for other patrons.

"You're forgetting Tom."

"He's the subject of the discussion," Suzie said, taking a bite of chicken.

"Yes, but, and you know I love guys of all ages; if you're thinking of having a child, I'm not sure Tom is the one," Danielle replied, enjoying some salad.

"He's a nice-enough guy, no?"

"It's not that. First, he's divorced and has been living on his own. He might not be into the idea of running around after a kid. Second, he's in his mid-40s. Again, not sure he'd be wanting to run around after a kid," the dark- haired T-Girl stated, stabbing a piece of meat.

"I see your point."

"Listen, love, I'm not trying to discourage you, but you asked. You have to look at all angles, not just the one pointing up from between your legs."

"That's a fairly acute angle."

"Oh shut up."

They enjoyed a good laugh and continued with their lunch.

"You don't need me to tell you that Tom is sexy or attractive or desirable. You made love with him, so you know more than I do, in that department. Listen, even though it's been a few days, you guys have history. Run with it. You don't have to commit to enjoy him on a regular basis. Just be straight with him from the start."

"Thanks," Suzie said, caressing Danielle's hand. "I knew I could talk to you."

"You're welcome, sweetie, but keep in mind, I'm new to this too and just passing on what Jason and I have talked about."

"I appreciate it anyway."

The girls quickly finished what remained of their salad and wine.

"What do you say to going back to the room and enjoying more wine?" Danielle asked.

"I say let's go. And let's get a tram."

Danielle settled the bill and tip and the two sexy T-Girls took the next tram that was heading north on the boardwalk.

The pair entered Danielle's suite and the door closed quietly behind them. Danielle locked slide bolt and then put her purse on the dresser.

"Whoo, it was getting a bit warm out there," Suzie said, looking out of the window.

"A bit," Danielle agreed, taking off her boots.

She walked to the nightstand and picked up the room phone.

"Hi there," she said after calling down to room service, "could you send up a bottle of Chardonnay and two glasses, please. Thank you."

She hung up the phone and went to the closet, pulling out two hanger sets.

"Here, sexy," she said to Suzie, "get comfortable," handing the tall blonde a set of the hangers for her blouse and skirt.

She watched as Suzie unzipped and dropped her skirt. Danielle saw that Suzie was wearing a sexy pair of black lace panties and her bulge showed invitingly behind the delicate lace design.

"Aren't you going to undress?' her friend asked when she saw that Danielle was watching.

"After the wine gets delivered, he should be here shortly."

Suzie then unbuttoned her blouse, revealing that underneath her classy outfit she was wearing a black corset with dark red panels and highlights.

"God damn, honey," Danielle whispered, getting aroused just by looking at her tall friend.

"Should I keep the heels on?" Suzie asked as she handed Danielle her clothes.

"Honestly, you look fucking hot and they look great on you, but if you want to be comfortable, just kick them off," Danielle responded, hanging Suzie's things in the closet.


"Just pull down the bed cover and relax, I'll join you after we get the wine," Danielle said as Suzie took her heels off and gently nudged them aside.

Suzie pulled down and off the heavy bed cover and roughly folded it, placing it on one of the easy chairs. As she was pulling down the sheets and setting the pillows, Danielle took her phone out of her purse and started playing one of her favorite playlists. Soon, the room was filled with the smooth sounds of instrumental blues guitar. She put the phone on the nightstand as Suzie got onto the bed and lounged against one set of the puffy pillows, leaning on her side. Danielle then busied herself looking for something to change into while she awaited the wine.

She was just choosing what to wear when there was a knock at the door. She made sure the visitor was room service and she opened the door, smiling.

"Brian, it's good to see you, please come in."

"'Afternoon, Miss, how are you doing?" he asked, entering the room.

"I'm doing well, thank you."

"Hello, Miss," he said, when he noticed Suzie.

Suzie waved and Danielle asked, "How have you been?" as she gestured to Brian to put the wine on the dining table.

"I've been good, no complaints, know what I mean?" he responded.

"I do."

"Would you like me to pour for you, as well?" he asked, popping the cork.

"Please do," Danielle said, going to her purse momentarily.

She returned as he was pouring the second glass full of the white wine.

"Thank you, honey," she said, handing him the 10-dollar tip.

"Thank you, Miss Danielle, you're very kind."

"You are very welcome," she said, looping her arm through his, walking him to the door. "I have one small favor to ask."

"Anything, Miss."

"Well, if you see Jason, would you tell him I said 'Hi', please?"

"Absolutely, Miss Danielle," he said as he entered the hallway.

"I don't want to have another run-in with John Russel."

"Oh," he gave her a look that told her he knew exactly how bad Russel could be. "I know what you mean."

"Thank you, honey. Have a good day."

"You too, Miss Danielle, and please tell your friend I said goodbye."

"I will," she said, smiling warmly.

He smiled in return and walked down the corridor. Danielle put the 'Do Not Disturb' card on the handle and went in and closed and locked the door.

She went to the dresser and undressed, putting her skirt and blouse on the hanger and hanging it. She shook off her bra and panties and shimmied into a sheer black nightie. Taking the glasses of wine and the bottle, she went over to the bed. After placing the bottle on the nightstand, she handed Suzie her glass. They softly touched their glasses together and then sipped the wine. Danielle maneuvered herself on the bed; resting on her side and leaning on her pillows, she faced her blonde friend, lounging very closely.

As Suzie sipped the wine, Danielle said, "Brian wanted me to tell you that he said goodbye."

"What a sweetie. But I think it's funny that every time he delivers, I'm on your bed in next to nothing," she chuckled.

Danielle swallowed the wine that she'd sipped and then said, "I'm sure he doesn't mind."

"He's got to think we're an item by now," Suzie chuckled as Danielle reached back and got the bottle of wine.

"Maybe," she said, placing the bottle firmly between them so it didn't topple.

The pair lay there for some time, sipping the wine and exchanging a sporadic word or two. Occasionally, one of the girls would rub her foot against the other's foot or leg. Danielle refilled their glasses and they lounged on the bed, enjoying the intimacy.

Soon though, as they sipped wine, their attention became more focused on the other's face. Still holding her glass, Danielle reached up and traced a fingertip along Suzie's lower lip. Suzie closed her eyes at the tingling sensation that her friend was giving her. Danielle leaned in and placed a delicate kiss on Suzie's partially-opened lips, lingering for several seconds, finishing the kiss by brushing the tip of her tongue lightly around the blonde's mouth, tasting the after-effect of the wine on Suzie's lips. They savored more wine as they gazed deeply into each other's eyes. They spent quite some time just lightly kissing one another and caressing each other's lips or cheeks.

Eventually, the bottle lay empty on the floor; Danielle drank the last of her wine and Suzie followed suit soon after. Danielle reached behind her and dropped the glasses gently on the floor. Shuffling a bit closer to Suzie, the raven-haired T-Girl brought her hand up and cupped the back of her friend's head, pulling her face closer. Danielle opened her mouth and locked her lips onto Suzie's, slipping her tongue into the blonde's hot mouth. Suzie brought her free hand up and caressed Danielle's head and side as they made out hotly.

They continued to kiss and caress, occasionally exchanging a moan or an intimate soft word. Their kisses grew hotter and more erotic; their hands and feet caressed any part of the other's body that they could reach. As Danielle was tracing kisses across Suzie's cheek to her neck, she reached down and lightly caressed the tall blonde's growing bulge. Soon, her panties would need to come off as they were getting tighter by the minute. Suzie was running her hand around Danielle's hard 6-inch erection, caressing from tip to balls with her fingertips.

They were incredibly aroused; their moaning increased and the passion of their kissing was at an intense level. By this point, Danielle's teasing of Suzie's cock caused the latter's excited member to poke hotly above the waistband of her panties. Each of the sexy T-Girls was leaking precum and their fingers were getting wet with each other's sex fluid. Suzie brushed her fingertips along Danielle's lips, transferring the sticky precum to the dark- haired girl's mouth. Suzie leaned in and kissed her friend deeply while pushing her gently, indicating that she wanted her to lie on her back.

Danielle shifted onto her back, leaning her head on her pillows as Suzie raised herself up, slipping her panties down her bare thighs and legs. Kicking her panties on the floor, the blonde T-Girl straddled her friend's thighs and lowered herself down, effectively getting their cocks to rub on each other's tummy. Suzie leaned down and kissed Danielle passionately; Danielle brought her hands around Suzie body, pulling her in for a tight hug. As they made out, each of the hot girls humped against the other; their precum making their tummies slick with the sexy fluid.

Suzie raised herself and pushed Danielle's black nightie up to her chest and then leaned in, trailing a line of kisses and licks down to her navel. Suzie then rubbed her lips and tongue through the precum that collected on Danielle's skin and she leaned up and kissed Danielle hotly, smearing the sticky sex mix on her friend's mouth. Danielle moaned at the sexiness and the taste of it. She rubbed her hands through Suzie's blonde mane and held her close.

Suzie repeated the line of licks and kisses, this time not stopping until she shifted her body and raised her lover's legs, opening her thighs. Her licks then went straight to Danielle's quivering asshole; Suzie licked and moaned hotly as she devoured the dark-haired T-Girl's anal opening. Danielle moaned at the ceiling wantonly, rubbing her hands all over her lover's head in addition to humping her hips, helping to drive her slick asshole into Suzie's face. Suzie spent several minutes licking and enjoying her friend's hot hole; Danielle writhed in pleasure, moaning, as she rubbed her bare feet on Suzie's corset-covered back.

"Oh, Suzie," Danielle moaned, "make love to me," she panted.

Suzie raised herself on her knees as Danielle kept her legs open. Reaching down and swiping her fingers around the head of her cock, Suzie smeared her precum around. She leaned forward on a hand and positioned her hard fuck stick at the entrance to Danielle's tunnel of love. She pushed forward gently, exactly the opposite of how she took Danielle earlier that day. Her raven-haired lover moaned in ecstasy as she felt all 7-inches of her friend's gorgeous cock enter her. Suzie set her other hand down on the bed, positioning herself over her gasping friend. After several heartbeats, Suzie began a steady but leisurely motion; she'd pull back until the flared head of her cock reached Danielle's anal ring, then she'd push forward, driving the full-length of her love stick into Danielle's love chute.

"Kiss me, love" Danielle panted as she reached up and pulled Suzie's face to hers.

They locked their open mouths together and rubbed their tongues against each other hotly. They moaned and panted into each other's mouth, their lips getting wet with their sexy exchange of saliva. Danielle wrapped her legs around Suzie's thighs, occasionally rubbing her feet along the blonde's long legs. Suzie pressed her hot cock in Danielle's asshole as far as she could on each forward thrust; Danielle felt Suzie's cock twitch in her bowels. In turn, Danielle would clench her anal ring around the base of Suzie's cock, giving the sexy blonde extra erotic sensations.

But Suzie soon had to increase the speed of her thrusts as well as the intensity as she was getting closer to cumming. Danielle kept her legs wrapped around Suzie's as she got wildly fucked. She groaned and moaned with each forceful thrust of Suzie's hips. The sounds of moaning, kissing and bodies slapping together were intensifying their passion, spurring each other on to break the barrier of orgasmic bliss.

They were close, very close; without words, each of the T-Girl lovers knew how close the other was to orgasm. They rubbed and panted, caressed and kissed; nothing else mattered except their lovemaking. Danielle pulled Suzie down on top of her, holding her tightly, panting rapidly.

"Cum with me, love," Suzie whispered hotly into Danielle's ear, then placing little kisses and nibbles on her friend's neck.

Danielle took an intake of breath sharply, then just as suddenly gasped and moaned loudly. She held Suzie tightly, stiffened and then Suzie felt a molten pool of semen collect between their tummies. Danielle spurted several heavy streams of sperm, built up from her earlier sex play with Suzie, when she didn't ejaculate. The pulsating of Danielle's clenching anal ring around Suzie's cock sent the blonde T-Girl over the edge; she stiffened and pushed forward, moaning loudly into the side of Danielle's head as she unloaded a flood of semen in her lover's sex canal. They each panted and moaned into each other's mouth and they held each other as they were overtaken by waves of pleasure. Spurts of Danielle's cum ended up between their bodies; Suzie's hot spurts found their way to the inner core of Danielle's bowels. They were lost in a sea of orgasmic euphoria; but they were lost together. But like ripples on the surface of the water, the little waves of ecstasy lessened and lessened; soon, the girls were back into reality, lying in a heap of entwined limbs, softly kissing and cooing as they came down from their shared sexual high.

"I love you, Princess," Suzie said softly in between delicate kisses.

"Mmm, I love you, Suzie," she whispered in her friend's ear.

After they regained their normal breathing and feeling Suzie's soft cock ooze sexily out of Danielle's slimy hole, they shifted gently to their sides and held each other close. They kept their legs intertwined, exchanging sporadic soft kisses until they each fell asleep in the other's arms.

Danielle awoke and by the time she pulled herself free from her lover's embrace, she saw that it was 4:30PM. She took off her nightie, and even though it wasn't completely cum-stained, she tossed it in her laundry sack. She left Suzie napping; Danielle figured with a smile that it would be quicker if they showered separately, this way neither would be tempted to start round three of their sex play. So she quickly lathered and rinsed, washing overall, but mainly paying attention from her tummy down as that's where the fun took place. She got out, dried and touched-up her makeup and perfume. Then she went back out in to the room and carefully got up onto the bed.

Suzie was lying on her side, with her face turned slightly upward. Danielle leaned down and placed a few soft kisses on her succulent lips. Getting a little response, she repeated the kisses, but this time adding a couple of delicate licks of Suzie's mouth. The tall T-Girl stirred, lazily opening her eyes, to see the smiling face of her afternoon lover.

"Come on, sleepyhead, we have a dinner date."

"Dressed like that?" Suzie asked sleepily, raising herself on an elbow.

"Don't you wish," Danielle chuckled. "Now, come on," she said, slapping the bed a couple of times, "get your sexy ass in the shower and I'll dress."

"We couldn't shower together?" she asked getting off of the bed. "Afraid you wouldn't be able to keep your hands off of me?"

"That's exactly right," the raven-haired T-Girl responded, grinning.

"Your loss," Suzie chuckled, pulling the corset off.

"I'll get dressed while you shower."

"Where are we going?" she asked as she laid the corset on the bed.

"I thought we'd hit the 6th floor."

"Okay, sounds good."

Danielle went to dress while Suzie showered.

By the time Suzie returned, Danielle was all dressed except her boots. The tall blonde came over to her, slightly damp, and wrapped her arms around her close friend. She pulled her close and kissed her deeply. They moaned into each other's mouths, then licked the opposite's lips delicately as they broke the kiss.

"You're amazing, you know that?" Suzie asked, looking into Danielle's eyes.

"Me? You're the one that got us to cum together."

"We each got us to cum together. You were real hot down there on the bed."

"Thanks," Danielle blushed.

Suzie pecked Danielle's lips quickly and let her go. The tall T-Girl went to the closet and took very little time dressing. As Suzie was slipping her sexy feet into her pumps, Danielle put on and zipped her ankle boots. Danielle closed her now-quiet music app, put the phone in sleep mode and tossed it in her purse. Suzie, likewise, grabbed her purse and the two were out the closing door, on their way to dinner.

As it was in the beginning of the week, the crowd in the steakhouse on the 6th floor was low-to-moderate. The two T-Girls were seated quickly and they were looking over the menu when Max, the waiter that the pair had seen before, came up to them.

"Good evening, ladies. It's nice to see you again."

"Hi, Max," Danielle said, smiling.

"Hello, Max, same here."

"Can I get you lovely ladies a drink?"

"Thank you," Danielle said, smiling warmly. "And yes, please."

"What were you thinking of getting?" Suzie asked.

"I was thinking of ordering a bottle of wine for us."

"Go for it," she said, "you're the chef," she chuckled.

"No pressure," she chuckled toward the smiling Max. "Would you bring us a bottle of the Lamaione, Max."

"Right away, Miss Danielle," he said, winking.

Before looking at her menu to decide on an entrée, Suzie asked, "What did you order for us?"

"An Italian Merlot, by Marchesi di Frescobaldi," she said, pointing to the entry on the wine list.

"Mm, nice. What were you thinking of getting for dinner?"

Danielle thought a moment and said, "I thought we'd share an appetizer of stuffed mushrooms, and for my entrée I was thinking Filet Mignon. How about you?"

"Since I had chicken for lunch, the grilled lamb chops they have sound real good."

"Good choice."

Max came back with their wine and glasses. After uncorking and pouring glasses for each of the girls, he stood ready to take their order.

"Max, we decided we're going to have the appetizer of stuffed mushrooms."

"And your entrée?"

"My lovely girlfriend will have the grilled lamb chops."

"What would you like with that, Miss?" he asked Suzie.

"I'd like the garlic & herb roasted potatoes."

"Miss Danielle?"

"Filet Mignon, please, with sautéed mushrooms and the garlic & herb roasted potatoes."

"How would you like your steak cooked?"

"Medium, please."

"Excellent, see you soon," he said, heading for the kitchen.

"What were you planning after dinner?" Suzie asked, before taking a sip of wine. "Mmm, this is fabulous!"

"Isn't it?" Danielle said, taking a sip of her own. "I was thinking of giving Tara a bit of time to enjoy dinner with Trevor, so how about we head over to the Sampson?"

"Sounds like fun."

"It's almost five o'clock now, so if dinner takes until 6, we can enjoy a cock or two by seven, I'm sure."

"Or three," Suzie added, chuckling.

"Guess you didn't get enough today," Danielle laughed.

"Did you?"

"Fair point," she agreed, sipping more wine.

"Besides, sucking cock is completely different than fucking or being fucked."

"Again, fair point," Danielle said.

Max brought their appetizer and the two girls dug in, enjoying the sizzling mushrooms.

"So what's on your mind?" Suzie asked after eating one of the pre-dinner treats. "You've been looking like you've had the wheels there in your head working overtime."

"That obvious?" Danielle asked, having another mushroom.

"Oh yeah. Anything wrong?"

"No. But I do have a serious question for you," she said, sipping her wine.

"Uh oh."

"It's nothing bad, but you do have the option to say 'no', if you want."

"Okay," Suzie agreed, drinking her Merlot.

Danielle told Suzie about the digital camera that she'd bought for Jason and the ensuing discussions they'd had concerning his hobby.

"Would you consider being a model for Jason?" Danielle queried, then picked up one of the last two mushrooms.

"Me?" Suzie asked, surprised. "Seriously?"

"Of course. You're beautiful, sexy, classy. You know how to dress, whether it's a classy outfit like what you have on now, or slutty like the sheer nightie I caught you in this morning," Danielle said, grinning.

"Wow, I never thought of myself as model material," she said, taking the last tasty delicacy.

"Yeah, well, you are."

Max came over with a large tray, delivering their dinners. After refilling the girls' glasses, he excused himself and left to wait on other patrons.

"Oh, this looks fantastic," Suzie said, eyeing her scrumptious meal.

"I agree," Danielle said, assessing her entrée as well.

They wasted no time enjoying their meals. As they ate, Danielle gave Suzie more of a background on the different things that Jason was considering for his photography hobby. Danielle mentioned that she suggested to him that he start a studio, and hopefully, make it a successful business where he could leave being a bellhop behind.

Max came by their table once again in the middle of their conversation to refill their glasses. The girls thanked him and he was on his way again.

Danielle explained that, at least at first, the photography for Jason would be a hobby and that it would require some time before he'd be able to turn it into a business. She told Suzie that most pictures that he'd take initially would be outside location shoots, possibly doing some in his apartment, depending on who the model was.

"Did you mention me to Jason?"

"Of course. And Tara, too. I even volunteered to pose for him to get him started. The more he has in his portfolio, the better it will be for him."

"But a studio takes money."

"Yes, and I have plenty of it. But I didn't mention financing a studio to Jason yet. That's a delicate issue and it'll take some time."

"How so?"

Danielle explained the situations with the camera and equipment she'd bought for Jason as well as the 'tire incident' and his reluctance to have anyone spend money on him. Suzie understood, but Danielle said that she would be discussing it with him as the idea of getting back into photography seemed very important to him.

The girls finished what little of their meals and wine that they had left and Danielle signaled Max, then asked for the check. Danielle took the bill, pulling out enough cash to cover the total, plus a generous tip for Max. When he returned, she gave him the leather-bound folder.

"Thank you, Max. Keep the change."

"Thank you, Miss Danielle. It was great seeing you lovely ladies again."

"Thank you, Max," Suzie piped in, smiling.

"Good night, Max."

"Please stop in again soon," he said, smiling and waving goodnight to the girls.

By the time the girls got to the Sampson Adult Emporium, the sun was setting slowly and it was a little after six o'clock.

"I have this," Suzie said chuckling as they stood at the counter. "You paid for lunch and dinner today, so this is on me," she said peeling a few bills out of her purse.

"Okay, it's up to you," Danielle agreed, smiling.

"Yes, it is," Suzie retorted, leaning down and kissing Danielle full on the lips, lingering slightly, to the enjoyment of the middle-aged surfer dude, as the two T-Girls stood closely together. Suzie paid their admission and with a wink from each of the girls to the excited man, they headed for the booth area.

There was a respectable crowd for this time of evening. Four of the single booths were occupied by guys of various ages watching the porn and stroking themselves. One of the two buddy booths was occupied; those two guys were busy, one with his clothes around his feet and the other a fully-clothed guy with his cock sticking out of his zipper, pistoning his extra-long piece of man-meat into the nearly-naked guy. There were five guys milling about, watching each other and the different action going on in the booths. They all perked up when Suzie and Danielle walked into the room.

Danielle took Suzie and turned her around to face her. She leaned in and placed a deep kiss on her surprised mouth. Danielle then took the opportunity to whisper in Suzie's ear, "Let's stick together, be on the safe side."

Suzie nodded and took Danielle by the hand, leading her to the empty buddy booth. Inside the booth, as the guys watched them, both gurls took off their panties, revealing semi-hard cocks. Two of the five guys wandered off, but the other three watched with smiling faces, and bulging pants, as Suzie and Danielle kissed hotly while stroking each other's cock.

In no time at all, they each had the other fully erect. They playfully traded kisses and tongues as their skirts bunched atop their lewdly-displayed sex organs. They kissed again and winked, knowing what the other was thinking, and they turned their backs to one another and then kneeled down in front of the holes in each partition. Nothing happened immediately, so the girls looked out into the room; all three guys had their cock out and they were rubbing and stroking as they watched the two T-Girls.

Grinning, Danielle asked them in a Tom-like southern drawl, "Y'all boys need ta have an invitation?"

The guys must have been deeply entranced by the two T-Girls, because they all stood there grinning for a few moments; then two of the guys got the message and they each took a booth on the other side of the girls.

A moment later, a circumcised cock with a beautifully-mushroomed head emerged through Danielle's hole. The tip was a tad wet and she playfully licked at the glistening spot. She then kissed the tip and ran her tongue around the flared head. Taking the head in her mouth and sucking gently, she heard a moan come from the other booth. Her stranger's cock was fully through the hole and she had five-inches of hot cock to enjoy. As she slowly lowered her mouth on the throbbing flesh, she heard gagging coming from behind her; apparently Suzie was not in the mood to take things slow. Danielle bobbed back-and-forth on the hard stick, flicking her tongue on the underside when her lips encircled the pulsating head. Her anonymous lover's cock throbbed hotly in her mouth; with each minute, the man's precum flowed more freely. Moaning, she swallowed the spit-and-precum mixture then bobbed and sucked more, coaxing more fluid from his cock. She sped up her motions on the beautiful cock as the man's moans became louder and more frequent. She pushed her mouth down as far the wall would allow and the man gasped and flooded her mouth with watery, tangy ejaculate. She swallowed, but gagged a bit at the taste. After spurting five streams into her mouth, the cock stopped throbbing; she heard what sounded like the man leaning on the wall, spent from his orgasm. She kept his cock in her mouth as it softened; but within minutes, he pulled his drooling cock out of her mouth and through the hole.

She wiped her mouth of the dampness that had accumulated and turned and saw that Suzie had her lips to the wall and the sounds of her guy pounding the divider filled the small booth. A moment later, she heard a gasp and then a gurgle; the man was emptying his balls into Suzie's throat. Danielle heard a long, low moan; this came from Suzie's lover. Suzie's moans then added to the sex mix as Danielle saw Suzie's throat muscles move as she swallowed the man's hot seed. She watched Suzie swipe her lips up the black cock that was in her throat and then as it disappeared through the hole. Suzie sat back on her heels, gasping and wiping her chin.

"That," she panted, "was fucking hot."

"It certainly looked like it," Danielle said. "Sounded like it, too," she chuckled.

They got to their feet; their hard cocks still pointing outward from under their skirts.

"Let's go into the theater room," Danielle said.

It must have been 'Lesbian Hour' in the theater, for when the two T- Girls walked into the room, they were greeted to four girls on the video screen: two blondes, a brunette and a redhead. The two blondes were hotly making out on a pink-covered bed, the redhead was alternating between blondes, sucking their toes and the brunette was busy giving the top blonde a wet tongue ass-fucking. As far as the guys in the theater, there were six guys; two were together in the front row making out, the other four were scattered through the benches, sitting by themselves. The girls, through hand signals, decided they'd each take an end of the couch that was along the back wall. They were close enough in case either needed the other, but far enough that 2 or 3 guys could enjoy sitting between them. They sat down in the soft leather, their cocks lying hotly in between their thighs. They sat and rubbed themselves, watching the lesbian action unfold on the screen.

A short time later, the two guys from the front row came up the aisle. Neither of the girls was paying them much attention, but they stopped just short of the door.

"May we join you ladies?" one of the guys leaned down and asked Danielle.

She couldn't see much in the semi-darkness, but the first guy was dark- haired and he was dressed in a t-shirt, shorts and sneakers.

"Yes, of course," she said.

The second guy seemed a bit younger, blonde, and he too was similarly dressed.

The first guy walked past Danielle and went to Suzie; the younger guy set himself next to Danielle. They both pulled their shorts down before they joined the girls on the couch.

"Come here often?" Danielle asked her blonde partner, placing her hand on his thigh.

"Isn't that supposed to be my line?" he replied, smiling.

They shared a laugh and as she turned slightly toward him, she could see Suzie and her partner making out; Danielle hoped that would be the beginning of a hot time for her close friend. Danielle's blonde partner began to caress her thighs and cock; she in turn, took hold of his nice-sized cock and began a slow stroke. She could see in the dim light that he'd been previously aroused or edging as the tip of his uncut cock was slick with precum.

"What do you like to do here?" he asked.

"Suck cock, basically."

He had a look on his face that he found her answer very pleasing.

"How about you," she asked, slowly pumping his hardening cock.

"Well, I love getting sucked, of course. Occasionally I'll fuck an ass here in the theater. Less occasionally, I'll take a cock up my ass. But I have to be in the right mood for that."

"That's understandable."

"You like getting fucked?" he asked, starting a slow stroke of her gurlcock.

"I do, yes," she answered, but added, "at times," as she was only looking to suck cock on this outing.

"Do you top?" he asked.

"Well, as you said, I'd have to be in the right mood. That doesn't happen very often. Do you like to kiss?"

"Yes, very much. Do you?"

Danielle took that as an invitation and she leaned in with her partially-open mouth and closed it over her blonde partner's. As she slipped her tongue into his mouth, he moaned and nearly melted into her. His cock grew harder as they made out. They rubbed their tongues together, moaned into each other's mouth and swapped spit as they took turns lightly sucking on the other's tongue. She felt him start to hump into her fist and she decided that she'd rather have him cum in her mouth than all over her hand. So she broke the kiss and shifted to the floor on her knees between his legs so she could easily take his cock in her mouth.

As she was settling down, she took a quick peek at Suzie and the blonde was already on her knees, but she wasn't sucking her partner's cock; he had fistfuls of her blonde mane and he was using her mouth as one might use a fleshlight. Getting back to her partner, Danielle leaned in and licked around the slick head; the man's precum was thick and slimy, but tasty. He opened his thighs wider as she lowered her mouth on his pulsating cock. She moaned at the hardness, taste and his clean, manly smell. She bobbed up and down repeatedly at a moderate rate; as she was on the down-thrust of her mouth, he would hump his hips up, driving his cock further in her mouth. Occasionally, he would hit the back of her throat, but nothing that would cause her any major gagging. She caressed his thigh as she took hold of his shaft and stroked, continuing to suck on the top third of his spit-covered cock. He took her head in his hands and alternated from caressing her hair to holding her head as she bobbed on his suck stick. On one of her upward swipes on his cock, she saw a figure standing next to the couch, a hand around a wet, stiff cock, stroking hotly.

She turned her attention back to her blonde partner; his head was leaning back on the couch and his eyes were closed, he was breathing heavily and she knew that he was close to cumming.

He moaned hotly and said, "Oh, baby, can I cum in your mouth?"

Danielle's answer was a sexy moan around his cock; she swiped her tongue around the head and swallowed the spit-and-precum mix that had built up in her mouth. Then she lowered her mouth as far down as she could go, poking the back of her throat, and then swiping her mouth up the slick shaft. As she was licking and suckling the head, her man groaned loudly, holding her head tightly. She felt thick, chunky globs of cum spit out of his cock onto her tongue. She brushed her tongue across the tip, making him shiver. She swallowed his spent seed with a bit of difficulty, but she managed to get it down. She plunged her mouth down on his cock as he let the last couple of minor spurts drool out of his throbbing cock. He panted, caressing and petting her head, as he came down from his intense cum.

"Oh, baby, thank you," he panted, caressing her cheeks and the top of her head.

She sucked lightly up the length of his shaft one more time, collecting any fluid that she could. As the wet tip brushed her chin as it drooped down, she swallowed and smiled at him; his eyes were still glazed with the ecstasy he'd experienced, but he was coherent enough to return the smile.

"Can I fuck you?" she heard from the guy to her left.

She turned her head and looked up at him. He was a young guy, college age, dressed in dark pants and a light collared shirt. His cock was sticking out of his open fly and his fist was wrapped firmly around his 6-inch cut cock.

"To be honest, honey, I'm fucked out for the day," she said. She saw his disappointed look and added, "But I'll suck your cock, if you want." She would have suggested it anyway, but tried sounding sympathetic as she'd turned him down on fucking her.

"Okay," was all he said.

She shifted her knees so that she was kneeling in front of him. Her blonde partner remained seated where he was, still recovering from his orgasm. The standing guy took his hand off his cock and it pointed hotly at Danielle. As she was apt to do, she licked around the head, licking off the precum that had built up; and there was a lot of precum as it oozed freely from his cock. He was close to cumming and she could see it the way his cock looked and the expression on his face.

So she wasted no time lowering her sucking mouth on his throbbing lollipop. She sucked and swirled and felt his precum tickle her tongue with its sweetness. She swallowed and moaned and sucked more. She began a bobbing motion that matched in time with his slightly-thrusting hips. He was panting heavily, looking down at her. She looked at him and kept her eyes locked on his as she pleasured his sex organ. He reached up and began to softly caress her head. She moaned at this as she loved it so much when her sex partner caressed and pet her; she felt it was immensely intimate. She was bobbing up-and-down at a steady rhythm, getting into the feelings that his cock was making on her lips and tongue. Suddenly, she felt two hands grab her head roughly and her face was shoved forward forcefully, driving the college guy's cock at the back of her throat.

"Take that cock, you fucking slut," she heard Suzie hiss hotly.

Danielle gagged violently; her eyes closed tightly and began to water. Suzie pulled her head back and Danielle took a breath, but just as quickly, Suzie shoved her head forward again...and again...and again. Prior to this, the sounds in the room were a mix of moans, slurping, skin slapping and the low- audio from the video screen. Now, the predominant sound in the room was Danielle's gagging and choking as Suzie assaulted the raven-haired T-Girl's throat with another man's cock.

Danielle held onto the college guy's pants tightly; spit and precum ran out of her mouth and down her chin, dripping to the floor. The college guy threw his head back and groaned at the ceiling. Suzie saw his imminent orgasm and let go of Danielle's head; Danielle backed off, coughed and swallowed and took a breath. The college guy grabbed her head and held it still; his cock erupted, firing six strong spurts of hot semen, the first two splashing against the back of her throat. Coughing slightly, she got her tongue and throat muscles in sync and she swallowed the guy's sticky goo. She bobbed her head slightly, on her own, as his cock pulsed out a few minor drools of what remained of his load. Danielle swiped her tongue and lips up and off his cock, swallowing roughly, her throat a bit sore from Suzie's ministrations. The college guy staggered back and leaned on the wall, panting heavily, though he did give Danielle a bit of a smile. She smiled back at him and rose gingerly onto her feet. Suzie took ahold of Danielle's arm and waist to steady her.

"Thanks," Danielle croaked.

Suzie handed Danielle a couple of napkins from her purse.

"Thanks," she said, wiping her nose, lips and chin.

She felt Suzie caress her bare ass.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, a bit sore," Danielle responded. "That was..."

"Brutal? Yeah and you fucking loved it," Suzie responded, making Danielle gasp loudly as Suzie jammed a finger up Danielle's hot asshole, making her gasp loudly. "God, I can't wait to get my cock in your asspussy again," she said hotly into Danielle's ear. "Let's get back to the room."

"Mmm, why not do it now?" she purred.

Suzie took her finger out of Danielle's clenching asshole and Danielle went around to one of the unoccupied benches and got up on her hands and knees, her feet sticking off the end of the bench with her ass pointing toward the aisle, toward a very-hard Suzie.

"Oh, this is gonna be hot," the gurls heard one of the guys say excitedly.

Suzie got between Danielle's legs and opened her ass and licked the horny T-Girl's asshole, making her moan. Suzie then spit hotly on her friend's puckered hole and then positioned the head of her precum-coated cock at Danielle's pink hole. Taking hold of her friend's hips, Suzie pushed forward roughly; a gasping moan from Danielle's open mouth filled the room followed by several cheers from the onlookers. Suzie slapped Danielle's ass, making her wince; then she held Danielle's hips firmly and began fucking her needy asshole. Aggressively, rhythmically, Suzie pounded Danielle for quite some time without missing a beat. Sounds of 'oo' and 'ah' from the guys mixed with Danielle's moans and Suzie's panting made for an arousing soundtrack to the overall sexual action.

Encouraging words, such as 'slap her ass' and 'pull her hair' were heard from the horny guys and Suzie gave them what they wanted. She slapped Danielle's soft ass several times, making her wince and whine with each slap; Suzie then grabbed a fistful of Danielle's black hair and increased the thrusts on her used asshole.

The girls heard an 'oh fuck!' and looked to see one of the guys move toward them, jerking his cock. His intention was to cum on Danielle's face, but he was woefully short; his cum shot out of his cock and splattered on the floor, only hitting the edge of the bench. By the time his cock got to Danielle's mouth, he was only emitting a few stringy drools, which she licked off his wet cockhead after Suzie let go of her hair.

Suzie moaned loudly and called to Danielle: "Fuck, I'm gonna cum, baby!"

The remaining guys egged Suzie on, saying this like: 'make the slut pay!', 'let's see it', 'cum in the whore!' and 'do it!'.

Suzie moaned loudly and shoved her cock into Danielle's ass to the root; Danielle wailed and then Suzie emptied her hot T-Girl balls into her lover. The guys cheered as Suzie panted and moaned hotly, sending spurt after spurt of her gurlcum into the raven-haired girl's quivering love canal. The guys were excited watching the two hot T-Girls have sex; Suzie trembled and shivered as she came down from her intense orgasm.

"Oh, fuck," she said, panting hotly, slowly sliding her semi-hard cock out of Danielle's slimy fuckhole. Even with the noise level in the room as it was, they all heard an audible squishing/sucking and pop sound as the head of Suzie's cock slipped past Danielle's anal ring. The black-haired T-Girl's hole quivered and clenched at the sudden loss of its sexual invader. Suzie patted Danielle's ass a couple of times and Danielle raised herself on a knee, placing one heel on the floor, trying to steady herself. But Suzie was right there to support her friend. They stayed that way for a few minutes, each recovering from the hot sexual encounter. Suzie wrapped her arms around Danielle and gave her a tight hug, even though Danielle was still facing away from her. She nuzzled her face into the side of Danielle's head.

"You okay?" she whispered.

"Yeah," Danielle nodded, getting her breathing under control. "Where do you find that much intensity?" she asked her friend.

Suzie chuckled, "I just love your asspussy."

Danielle chuckled as Suzie let her go and she got on her two feet as the gurls smoothed out their skirts as best they could. On the way to the door, Danielle saw the college guy that she'd previously turned down for an ass- fucking. She saw the look of disappointment on his face. She reached up and caressed his face, then kissed his lips softly.

"Sorry about that, honey, she didn't give me much choice."

"No, I didn't," Suzie piped in.

"Tell you what, honey. Look for me in a couple of days, in the morning, and I'll let you fuck me," she said, winking at him. "How does that sound?"


She nodded an affirmative, smiling.


"And masturbate all you want 'til then, but don't cum. It'll be that much more that you can spurt up my asshole," she said, kissing his lips again.

"Awesome!" he said, smiling.

Danielle kissed him again and said, "See you then."

Out in the booth area, Danielle stopped Suzie momentarily.

"Wait one sec, I want to text Tara."

Danielle fished her phone out of her purse and texted Tara asking if she was free. A moment later, Tara responded with a 'Yes!' and a heart emoji. Danielle told the young T-Girl that they would be by to get her in about 15- to-20 minutes. Tara responded with the heart-filled eyes smiling emoji.

As the two entered the store area, Danielle noticed that the surfer dude was sitting behind his counter, his light blue dress shirt open, showing his hairy chest and pudgy abdomen. His zipper was open in his loose khaki shorts and he was stroking his cock, looking at the collection of four security monitors that were situated in a cubby on top of the display counter. He heard the girls come into the room and he turned and watched as they walked by, holding hands. Just short of the door, Danielle stopped.

"Hold on a bit, honey," she said, pulling the blonde girl back in the store.

Danielle then walked around the display case, leaving a surprised Suzie at the end of the counter. She got on her knees in front of the surfer dude and plunged his cock in her mouth.

"Oh, fuck," he moaned, surprised at her boldness.

Danielle moaned around his cock, flicking her tongue wildly, sucking him as far as his shorts would allow. If the clothing wasn't in the way, she would have estimated his cock to be a respectable 7-inches and a bit above average thickness. She held onto his thighs as she bobbed hotly on his man stick. He moaned and humped his hips slightly in time with her downward movement of her head. He reached up and lightly grabbed her hair; he kept groaning and moaning 'oh, God' over and over as he got closer to cumming. Danielle sped up her motions and his cock grew harder.

He grabbed her hair more strongly and moaned "Oh, God!" loudly, his legs stiffening.

His cock throbbed hotly once and unleashed a stream of watery semen that Danielle swiped her tongue through as it filled her mouth. He spurted and trembled a few more times, and then his body relaxed in the high-back chair. Danielle took her mouth off of his cock, sucking all along the way. As he sat there panting heavily, she got up, winked and walked over to Suzie. She pushed on Suzie's shoulder and the blonde got the message and got down on her knees.

Danielle winked at the surfer dude one more time and then looked down at Suzie. Danielle took hold of Suzie's chin and gently turned her face upward. Using her tongue to open the blonde's mouth, Danielle then opened her lips slightly and pulled her head back; the surfer dude's sperm dripped obscenely from Danielle's mouth into Suzie's. Some of the sticky liquid even missed and landed on the blonde's red-tinted lips.

"Oh my fucking, God," they heard him say as they swapped his cum and got into a hot kissing session. The girls spent several minutes kissing and slurping and playing with the cum-and-spit mixture, making many threads and tendrils of slimy fluid connect their lips and chins. With Suzie still on her knees and Danielle standing over her, they eventually slurped and licked up and swallowed the sticky sex fluids. After they finished swallowing his semen and cleaning their faces with their tongues as best as possible, Danielle helped Suzie to her feet, pulling her in and holding her close for one more deep, hot kiss. After gently breaking the kiss, Danielle took Suzie's hand, threw the dazed surfer dude a kiss and left the Sampson with her girlfriend in tow.

By the time they got back to the hotel, the gurls had wiped their faces again with a few napkins and were presentable; as it had darkened out, there was little chance of anyone seeing their semi-hard cocks swinging freely under their skirts. But by the time they entered the hotel's well-lit foyer, they were sufficiently soft that there would be no chance of an incident, unless Suzie's cum decided to leak down Danielle's thighs as she hadn't bothered to put her panties back on. They walked to the elevators, still holding hands and got on, exiting moments later on the 29th floor. They stopped in Suzie's room where she picked a simple nightie and heels to bring to Danielle's suite. Locking up, they made their way to the 27th floor.

After a couple of turns in the corridors and greeting and flirting with a couple of guys from the hotel staff, they came upon Tara's room. They knocked and a moment later, a bright-eyed, happy T-Girl opened the door.

"Hi, guys," she greeted them.

"Hi, sweetie," Suzie said.

"Hi, Precious. You ready to come up to my room?"

"I am, yes," the young gurl smiled.

"Why not grab some lingerie and heels to lounge in?"

Tara smiled and nodded at Danielle, taking a moment to grab a couple of things from the closet. Then grabbing her purse, she made sure the lights were off and the door was locked securely; the trio then made their way around to the elevators for the short ride to the 39th floor.

After entering the room, Danielle instructed the gurls to pick a drawer in the dresser to put their things.

"How about I order us a snack from room service?' she asked.

Suzie and Tara agreed happily and Danielle called the familiar number to place her order.

"Good evening, I have a couple of friends visiting me, could you send up a bottle of the Lamaione Merlot. I'd also like two orders of the stuffed mushrooms and an assortment of cheese." The kitchen repeated her order and she confirmed it and thanked them. Hanging up, she put her phone on the nightstand after selecting and starting the instrumental blues playlist.

"They'll be up in a little bit, I'm going to take a quick shower," she said, undressing quickly. "Tara, I'm sure you don't need a shower, so go ahead and change into your pretties to lounge in. And don't worry about wearing panties, we're going to relax. Panties can be restrictive sometimes. Now you," she said to Suzie, pulling her in and kissing her, "you get naked, because when I'm done, you're going in."

"Yes, Ma'am," Suzie chuckled, saluting Danielle. Tara giggled at the two.

Danielle left the two gurls for a little while; she turned on the shower, getting the temperature right. She jumped in and washed her face and body, making sure she washed all the remnants of the Sampson off of her body. She rinsed and got out, leaving the water running for Suzie; after drying, she went over to the sink and quickly brushed her teeth. She applied extra coatings of black mascara and eye liner; then she went with the dark purple eye shadow. She dashed on a few sprays of vanilla-blackberry perfume and she went back out into the room.

"There you go, honey, I left the water running for you," she told Suzie.

Suzie nodded and disappeared into the bathroom. Danielle chose her outfit for the night and as she was dressing, she saw that Tara was sitting on the end of the bed, cross-legged, dressed in a baby pink nightie, white thigh highs and white wedge heels. She was sitting holding the bear that Danielle had given her, smiling at her raven-haired friend.

Danielle smiled warmly at the young T-Girl as she slipped on black thigh highs and a black satin nightie, the same nightie she'd worn for Jason her first night in Atlantic City. She slipped her feet into her black strappy stilettoes, securing them around her ankles. Finally, she tossed a black satin robe on and tied it around her waist; this she would only wear long enough for the room service staff to deliver their order.

Suzie came out a moment later, beautifully naked.

"You look hot, but are you going to wear that robe all night?" she asked, slipping the sheer red nightie with red marabou trim over and down her body.

"No, just long enough for room service."

Danielle then watched as Suzie pulled nude thigh highs up her long legs, making sure that the lace tops were set and positioned properly. Slipping her sexy feet into red marabou-trimmed strapless heels, Suzie was done dressing.

"Very sexy, honey," Danielle said, kissing Suzie and walking her to the bed. "Why don't you climb up over there and lounge, I'll wait for room service."

Suzie got up on the bed and lounged against a couple of pillows much like she'd done earlier when she and Danielle had spent cuddling time on the bed.

"And you," Danielle said, standing over the sitting Tara, "look absolutely adorable." She leaned down and kissed the young T-Girl deeply, causing the redheaded dream to moan. "So beautiful," she whispered, caressing Tara's hair and gazing into her eyes. She kissed Tara one more time and then sat on the edge of the bed to await their evening snack.

"How'd it go with Trevor today, Tara?" Suzie asked.

"Oh, it went great," she said, smiling.

"Come on, girl! I want details!" she exclaimed playfully.

Danielle laughed at Suzie's words as she got out the tip for room service.

Tara giggled and blushed and said, "Well, he came to get me at one o'clock and we went to the cafe downstairs for lunch. After, we took a little walk and then went back to my room."

She was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Hold that thought," Danielle playfully said to Tara. "And don't worry about covering up. None of the guys I've had come by have even batted an eye."

She poked her eye to the hole and saw it was room service. She opened the door and invited him in, smiling.

"Good evening, Miss," a mid-20s African-American man greeted her.

"Good evening."

"Did you want me to set up for you?"

"Actually, just wheel the cart by the bed," she said. "We're going to chill over there so the cart will make it easy. Just open the wine for us, if you would, honey."

"No problem, Miss."

The young man wheeled the cart next to the bed, positioning it toward the head of the bed as not to crowd Tara.

"We're having a bit of a girls' night in," Danielle said as he looked over the two lounging T-Girls.

"Good evening, ladies," he said smiling.

They each greeted him in kind as he set the glasses upright. He smiled at the two T-Girls, uncorking the wine.

"Cute bear," he said to Tara, smiling at her.

She blushed and giggled and softly said, "Thank you."

He poured three equal glasses of the wine and set the bottle on the cart. He took the lids off the trays containing the mushrooms and the cheese and placed them on a lower shelf of the cart.

"Have a good evening, ladies," he said before turning toward Danielle.

He heard them each say a soft "Thank you" as Danielle signed the bill and then escorted him to the door.

"Thank you, honey. This is for you," she said smiling, handing him a 10-dollar tip.

"Thank you very much, Miss. You have a wonderful night," he responded, smiling.

She gave him a wave and he turned and walked down the corridor. She slipped the no disturb card on the handle and closed and latched the door.

She took off her satin robe, tossing it on the dresser and returned to her friends. Grabbing two glasses of wine, she handed one to the smiling Tara and the other, to Suzie. She took the third glass off the cart and sat on the bed, facing her friends.

"To us," she said, holding her glass up.

Tara and Suzie repeated the toast and the three clinked their glasses together. They sipped the wine and settled in for an evening of intimacy.

"Now," Suzie began as Danielle placed the trays on the bed between them so they could get to the hors d'oeuvres, "you were going to tell us about your day, Tara."

"Oh, yeah," the young T-Girl said, taking a piece of cheese.

"Thought we'd forget, huh?" Suzie teased as she reached for a mushroom.

Tara blushed and giggled, "No."

"So, we were in your room after a walk," Danielle said, enjoying some cheese.

"So after we got to the room," Tara began, sipping more wine, "Trevor asked me to change into the corset, stockings and heels that you bought for me, Danielle. He said I look hot in it and that it's his favorite."

"You do look hot in it," Suzie agreed.

"Very," Danielle said grabbing a mushroom, winking at the smiling T- Girl.

"Well, I told him that I would change, but that he had to be naked."

"Whoa!" Suzie exclaimed playfully.

Danielle "Ooo'ed" and the young T-Girl laughed and blushed profusely.

They each had another round of mushroom, cheese and some wine.

"So we got on the bed and just kissed a while, played with each other."

"Did he fuck you?"

"Suzie!" Danielle exclaimed and playfully added, "crude!" as Suzie reached for some cheese.

Tara giggled and Suzie responded "What?"

"The term is 'make love'. Get it right," she said, sticking her tongue out at her blonde friend and mouthing a chunk of cheese.

Suzie returned the tongue gesture and Tara said, "Yes, he did."

Danielle and Suzie playfully cheered and gave a blushing Tara several kisses each.

They finished up the tasty hors d'oeuvres and Danielle refilled their glasses. She wheeled the cart out into the corridor and then relocked the door. Stopping at the safe and pulling out a small white paper bag, she secured the safe, grabbed her glass and retook her position on the bed.

"I have something important to say," Danielle said as her two friends watched her.

"Uh-oh," Suzie said.

"Oh, shush," Danielle chuckled, Tara giggled.

"The past week and a half has been amazing. So far, it's been the best time of my life; I met a great guy in Jason, I reunited with a friend I hadn't seen in a while," she said, raising her glass at Suzie, "and I met a new, dear friend who is absolutely wonderful," she concluded, raising her glass to the blushing Tara. "I can't begin to tell you how much you mean to me. I hope that after this week, we'll see a lot more of each other, and never lose touch." She raised her glass to her friends, "To you," she said.

Suzie raised her glass, smiling warmly, and touched her glass to Danielle's. A misty-eyed Tara raised her glass and touched it to Danielle's, smiling softly. They all took a sip and then Danielle set her glass on the nightstand. She took Tara's and Suzie's glasses and placed them next to hers.

Reaching into the white bag, she pulled out a small, square white box about a half-inch thick. It had a pink bow on it and she handed it to Tara. Taking out another box that had a blue bow, she handed that one to Suzie. A third box, with the bow in white, she kept.

"They're for you with my deepest affection," she said.

Each of the girls pulled the bows loose and opened their respective boxes.

"Lovely," Suzie said, admiring the gift.

"Oh, Danielle," Tara said, smiling warmly.

They took out their gifts and each friend held up a 1-inch 18K gold charm on an 18-inch gold chain. Danielle described the three-intertwined arcs with a circle interlaced through each loop as: "It's a triquetra. It has quite a long history. It goes back somewhere to the 3rd or 4th century B.C. But most recently, it's attributed to the Celtic. But I thought it was the perfect representation of us. Each one of us is a loop, Jason is the circle that runs through each loop as he's so very close to us all."

"Danielle, that's so sweet," Tara said, looking at the back of her charm that was engraved 'All my love, Danielle'."

"Lovely, Danielle," Suzie said seeing her engraving, caressing her friends hand.

"So as a cap to finish off, let me just say this," she began. She leaned in and gently took Tara's chin, bringing the misty-eyed girl's face to hers. She placed a soft but deep kiss on the young T-Girl's lips, then traced a few kisses across her cheek and whispering in her ear, "I love you, sweetie."

"I love you, Danielle," Tara said as Danielle backed away. Seeing some tears fall down her young friend's face, reached up and wiped them away delicately with her fingers.

"I hope those are happy tears," Suzie said softly.

Tara nodded a few times, sniffling, as Danielle leaned in and gave a similar kiss to Suzie. "I love you, honey," she said to the tall blonde T-Girl.

"I love you, too," she replied, caressing Danielle's face.

"I wish I could've said more on them, but there wasn't much room on the back."

"It's perfect, Danielle," Tara said.

"I agree," Suzie said, taking and raising her glass.

Danielle and Tara got their glasses in hand and they all clinked their glasses again and took a drink of the wonderful wine.

"Now, let's get them on!" Danielle said, chuckling.

Danielle got up, laid the bear Tara was holding on the bed and put the chain around Tara's delicate neck, hooking the fasteners together. Tara, in turn, helped Suzie getting hers on and finally, Suzie did Danielle's for her.

Suzie settled on her knees on the bed and Danielle leaned in, kissing her deeply. As Danielle kissed Suzie, Danielle reached over and took Tara's hand, pulling the young girl over to join in. Suzie leaned over and kissed Tara hotly. Danielle kissed Suzie's neck as the other two T-Girls made out. Soon, Tara and Danielle were kissing deeply, with Suzie placing little kisses all over Tara's hand.

Danielle reached in as she was kissing Tara and took hold of Tara's stiff cock, making the girl moan. Suzie and Tara resumed kissing and Danielle began stroking Suzie's rampant cock. When Danielle got into a lip-lock with Suzie, she felt a soft hand on her hard T-Girl cock. Soon, each T-Girl had one another's cock in a hand; Danielle was stroking Tara, Tara was pumping Suzie's cock and Suzie worked Danielle's. They were all moaning and trading hot kisses, occasionally licking one another's lips or sucking tongues or giving each other nibbles or kisses on their necks.

After some time, Danielle got up off the bed, taking Tara by the hand. Gently pushing on the young T-Girl's shoulders, Tara got on her knees down on the floor, resting on her heels. Danielle joined her down on the floor seconds later, taking up the same posture. Beckoning Suzie over with a finger, Danielle had the tall T-Girl came over and stand in front of the two kneeling gurls. Suzie looked down wondering what was on the mind of her dark-haired friend.

Danielle pulled Suzie the short distance needed for her to envelop the standing T-Girl's lovely cockhead. Suzie gasped audibly at the sensation of her friend's hot tongue. Danielle caressed Suzie's bare ass as she tongued and suckled her friend's cock to full hardness. Taking her mouth off of the throbbing gurlcock, she reached up and pointed it toward Tara's face. The young T-Girl did not need any prompting and plunged her mouth hotly onto Suzie's suck stick. Danielle moaned at how hot Tara looked with her lips spread wide and a hard cock pistoning in-and-out. As Tara sucked Suzie's cock, Danielle caressed Tara's head and placed soft kisses on her cheek, encouraging the young girl to take more and more of Suzie's 7-inch love stick. Tara tried to get it all in her mouth, but gagged each time.

Danielle gently pulled Tara's mouth off and took over sucking Suzie. By this time, Suzie was moaning and gasping, holding a fist of each girl's hair in each of her hands. Danielle sucked and Suzie pumped her mouth. As she felt Suzie's precum ooze profusely, she also felt Tara get under her face as the young T-Girl began to lick Suzie's churning balls.

For several long minutes, Danielle and Tara would take turns sucking Suzie's cock and licking and kissing her balls, then they would switch. They repeated this switch several times, with each successive swap driving Suzie closer to the brink of orgasm. Soon, she couldn't take anymore and she gasped loudly.

"I'm gonna cum!" she moaned.

"Jerk your cock for us, honey," Danielle said, pulling Tara's mouth off Suzie's throbbing cock.

Suzie backed up a step and took her cock in her hand, stroking rapidly. Precum was dripping off onto the floor and Danielle positioned her face in front of the leaking cock. Reaching up and pulling Tara's face to hers, the two T- Girls waited cheek-to-cheek for their tall friend to climax.

Suzie let out a long, animalistic moan and stiffened.

"Shoot it, you fucking whore," Danielle commanded.

A second later, Suzie shot the first of seven heavy spurts of gurlcum onto the waiting faces of her friends. One spurt hit Danielle on her upper lip, dripping into her mouth. The second landed on their cheeks, squishing as they moved to catch as much of Suzie's cum as possible. The third hit Tara's chin, dripping down onto her stocking-covered thigh. The fourth landed squarely on Tara's tongue, landing far enough back in her mouth that she gagged when the heavy sperm hit her gag spot. The fifth, because it didn't have as much force as the earlier shots, splashed the two girls' chins. They had to lean in closer to have the sixth and seventh spurts of Suzie's cream land on their tongues.

Suzie panted hotly and staggered back and plopped down on the edge of the bed. Before Tara had a chance to swallow Suzie's hot semen, Danielle turned the young T-Girl's face to hers and kissed her deeply, smearing sperm all over their lips and chins. They rubbed their tongues together and moaned in ecstasy as they swapped Suzie's cum in between their sloppy, wet mouths.

"That is so fucking hot," Suzie said, breathing heavily.

The two T-Girls continued to kiss hotly, licking and swapping cum and each other's spit. Both of their T-Girl cocks poked up hotly between each other's thighs, but they concentrated all their attention on their hot, cum- swapping kisses. Suzie sat on the edge of the bed, composing herself as Danielle and Tara licked and swallowed all the cum that they could collect. There was nothing left on their faces except a thin, shiny layer of slime and saliva. They looked at each other with sex-filled eyes as neither had cum yet. But they turned their attention to Suzie, who had gotten on her knees near them.

She leaned in and kissed each of her friends deeply.

"I love you both, but I'm going to have to let you two play by yourselves. As I'm leaving tomorrow, I promised Tom he could stay with me tonight."

Danielle pulled Suzie in for another kiss. "We understand, honey. Enjoy your time with your boyfriend."

"Thanks," she said.

Tara kissed her, as well, "Have a good time," she said.

Suzie got up followed by Danielle who helped Tara to stand. As Suzie got dressed, Danielle fetched a warm washcloth from the bathroom. After gently dabbing her mouth, she offered the cloth to Tara who repeated the minor cleaning of her lips and chin. In no time, Suzie was dressed in her previous blouse and skirt outfit and were giving her two sexy companions hugs at Danielle's door.

"Let's do breakfast tomorrow before you check-out, okay?" Danielle asked.

"It's a date," she said, leaning in and kissing her friend.

"Good night, Suzie," Tara said, kissing the tall T-Girl.

With a wave, the two lingerie-clad T-Girls watched their friend disappear down the corridor.

"I'll be right back," Danielle said, grabbing some money out of her purse and tossing on her satin robe and exiting the room.

When she came back a few minutes later, Tara was lounging back on pillows on the bed, holding her bear. Danielle took off her robe and turned off all the lights except one small one in the bathroom. She restarted the music on her phone and she handed Tara a bottle of soda.

"Here, honey. We don't want to wake up with a headache, so let's sip soda."

"Okay, Danielle," the young T-Girl said.

Danielle noticed that Tara had removed her heels and stockings so she was deliciously naked except her short pink nightie. Danielle sat on the edge of the bed and removed her heels and stockings, and then joined her friend on the bed. They sat for several minutes, enjoying the cold drink and talking about different things that they'd each done that day. Danielle told Tara of the different things that she'd accomplished with Suzie after they'd left the beach. Tara said that after Trevor made love to her they cuddled a bit then they went to dinner, then after he walked her back to the room, he gave her a hot blowjob, with her eventually cumming in his mouth.

"That's good, you need to have a partner that's willing to please you as much as you would please him."

After several more sips, they placed their bottles on the nightstand and Danielle lay down on the bed on her side, close to Tara, with Tara's bear in between them. They lay together in the soft illumination coming in from outside off the low clouds. Danielle would occasionally lean in and kiss Tara's lips softly or caress her tummy or hands. Eventually, Danielle placed the bear on one of the easy chairs and turned Tara to face her. She wrapped an arm around the young T-Girl and they became incredibly aroused as they kissed, cuddled and caressed each other for quite a long time. Eventually, their legs intertwined, their bare feet caressing the other's lovingly. Every so often, while kissing, their hard T-Girl cocks would touch or rub together, getting each of the girls aroused even more.

There was just enough light that the girls could see each other's face or gaze into the other's eyes.

"You are so beautiful, baby," Danielle whispered softly as she looked into Tara's eyes, caressing the young girl's face.

Tara smiled and whispered, "Thank you. But you're gorgeous."

"Thanks, but don't put yourself down, you're lovely in more ways than one," Danielle said, leaning in and kissing her newest friend deeply.

The girl moaned in response and put a hand on Danielle's arm, caressing her softly.


"Yes, darling?" A soft kiss to Tara's lips.

"Make love to me, please?"

Danielle leaned in and placed a deep kiss upon Tara's open lips. She pulled her close and made the young T-Girl moan in anticipation. Danielle then gently nudged Tara's shoulder and her friend rolled onto her back.

Danielle raised herself on her hands and knees, placing her knees on either side of her friend's thighs. She leaned down and kissed Tara's lips, then traced her kisses down her chin and her neck. Danielle lifted Tara's nightie slightly so she could plant several kisses along Tara's trim tummy. She licked around the panting girl's navel and down to her cock, just lightly teasing the head with the tip of her tongue. Danielle kissed, licked and nibbled her way down the topside of Tara's thigh, over her knee and down her shin. Kisses and licks found their way across the tops of Tara's soft feet and her delicate toes; Danielle made sure to lick and suckle on each of the young T-Girl's delicious toes. By this time, Tara was breathing heavily and moaning at Danielle's oral ministrations. Danielle retraced the route up Tara's leg and thigh and then traveled downward on the other thigh and leg, paying close attention to the young girl's foot and toes. She crawled back up and covered Tara's mouth with hers, moaning into the redheaded girl's panting mouth.

"Turn over, baby," she told Tara.

The young T-Girl complied with Danielle's soft command and she moaned and shivered when she felt Danielle kiss down her spine and across her soft ass. Danielle left a trail of saliva down the back of Tara's thigh as she kissed and licked her way down toward the bottoms of Tara's feet. Tickling the girl slightly as she licked and kissed across her sole, Danielle lifted the girl's foot and slowly sucked and licked her toes again, making the young girl squirm and hump her cock into the bed. After several minutes, Danielle finally traced her lips and tongue to Tara's ass.

"So beautiful," she whispered as she caressed Tara's smooth skin.

Gently peeling apart the young girl's ass cheeks with her thumbs, Danielle leaned in and licked her lover's hot asshole, making the girl gasp in pleasure. Danielle herself moaned as she licked and sucked Tara's quivering love hole. Tara was moaning and squirming as Danielle made love to Tara's ass with her lips and tongue. When she felt that Tara was sufficiently wet, she raised herself up again.

"Turn over, love" she urged her friend.

Tara once again lay on her back. But this time, Danielle raised the girl's legs, opening her thighs. Licking her fingers and reaching down to her own hard cock, Danielle wiped her fingers around the head and shaft, smearing her spit and precum, making her cock slick. She shifted upward and placed the tip of her cock at the entrance of Tara's anal opening. Leaning down and kissing the girl softly, Danielle pushed forward, feeling the head of her cock pop past Tara's tight anal ring into her hot love tunnel. Tara gasped at the intrusion and tightened up somewhat.

"Easy, baby," Danielle whispered as she caressed Tara's hair. "You'll be alright."

The young T-Girl nodded and Danielle left her cock stationary in the girl's asshole for several moments so she could get used to the stretching. Danielle kissed the girl's lips and cheeks softly several times.

"Ready, honey," Danielle asked.

"Yeah," Tara responded, smiling gently.

Danielle pushed forward, her 6-inch cock sliding hotly into Tara's ass. Tara moaned loudly, enjoying the feeling that Danielle's cock was giving her anal ring. She wrapped her legs around Danielle's thighs and took hold of her hips, pulling her in and giving the signal that Danielle should begin pumping her asshole.

Danielle, at first, began a slow in-and-out motion, thrusting her cock into Tara firmly but not hard. She wanted the young T-Girl to get used to the motion before she fucked her to orgasm. Tara moaned into Danielle's mouth as they kissed; Danielle's cock was giving Tara's anal ring a series of tingles that the T-Girl felt into her leaking cock. The more Tara moaned and writhed under her, the faster Danielle fucked her young friend. The faster she went, the faster Tara approached the point of no return. Danielle felt Tara's hands clasp tightly on her hips, she felt the young T-Girl's legs wrap tighter around her thighs. She took these sensations as silent desires for her to speed up her thrusts as well as their force. Soon, the room was filled with Tara's wanton moaning and the sounds of Danielle's skin slapping against her writhing companion.

"Oh, Danielle," the girl panted, "I'm...uhn...I'm gonna cum."

Danielle fucked Tara rapidly; she was approaching her own orgasm as her young friend was closing in on her own.

Tara moaned loudly, stiffened suddenly and grasped Danielle's hips roughly. She hit the wall of ecstasy at full-speed and she was splattered across the universe in a senses-shattering orgasm. She spurted her seed in between them and her anal ring clenched and pulsated hotly on Danielle's cock, sending her falling into a deep well of swirling sensations and emotions. Danielle's semen shot forcefully up into Tara's hot bowels and they panted and moaned into each other's open mouth as they felt wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure.

Slowly, each of them returned to reality, breathing heavily and holding onto each other tightly. They traded soft kisses as they took several minutes getting their breathing back to normal. Danielle lay on top of Tara, feeling her heartbeat against her chest; she peppered the young girl's face with kisses and nibbles. Danielle then rolled to the side, still holding onto Tara, and the two lay facing each other, but now more comfortable. Danielle's soft cock dislodged itself from Tara's slick asshole and she wrapped a leg over the young girl's legs, holding her close.

"Oh, Danielle, I love you," Tara said softly, kissing Danielle's open mouth.

"I love you, baby," Danielle responded, caressing the girl's red hair. "Such a sweet girl."

They lay in each other's arms lovingly; eventually Danielle's music stopped playing and the two had fallen fast asleep, holding each other close.

To be continued... :)

Look for it, coming soon!

Thank you... :)

Please drop me a line anytime! Hugs and Kisses!

Here are the stories in Danielle's Universe:

Episode 01: "Vacation in Atlantic City!"

  • I: The Train Ride to Atlantic City

  • II: Check-In

  • III: Dinner by Starlight

  • IV: Sightseeing and a Little Road Trip

  • V: A Casino Run and A Dinner Date

  • VI: A Day with Jason

  • VII: Posting an Online Sex Ad

  • VIII: If You Knew Suzie...

  • IX: Shopping and Businessmen

  • X: Taras and Suzies and Bears, Oh My!!

  • XI: Extend-O-Vacation!

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Next: Chapter 13: Jason Scott and a Surprise

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