Daniel and Jeff

By Daniel Wolf

Published on Feb 23, 2009



The following story is a work of fiction. This story contains graphic descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult men. If you are offended by such a story or it is illegal in any way for you to read it, then please go no further. There are also minor depictions of cannabis and/or alcohol abuse. All characters are fictional even where based on actual persons such as the author. All situations are complete fiction.

It had been a number of years since my last relationship, and thus a number of years since I had sex. The last relationship ended hard involving drugs and physical abuse, so I had decided to stay single a while. I wasn't into the whole one-night-stand thing so I had been without sex other than my own hand.

My name is Daniel. At 35 I was back in school studying philosophy. Most of my fellow students were much younger than I at 18-20 years old on average. I had never been much into guys more than a few years my junior, but I found myself looking at the tight asses and big bulges sported by the young studs in barely nothing clothes, being California, and getting that growing feeling in my pants. I figured I'd never approach any of them because they were too young for what I'd consider for a relationship and I still wasn't too keen on a quick fuck and goodbye.

A few weeks into my 3rd semester I was having a tobacco pipe at the smoking bench, smoking is restricted on campus, and talking to my buddies Jeff and Jason. Jeff was a stoner dude wearing a bandana and Jason was his straight-laced appearing friend. Both were 19, but so were most of my friends on campus since most of the people on campus were that age. I had never hung out with them outside of campus, but they were the type to come up and hug me and treat me like a brother when they saw me at school.

I was just finishing my pipe and still had 10 minutes before class when Jeff said, "Hey, you wanna hang out after you get out of your last class?" I was a little surprised, but I had time and he was cool so I agreed and we arranged to meet at the smoking bench and we would go in his car since I take the bus to school. Jason couldn't join us until hours later because he had classes late so we arranged for him to meet us at Jeff's place later.

The only class I had that day was philosophy of the Bible because my other MWF class was cancelled for the day so I actually met Jeff early. He was already done with his music class so we got in his car and took off. We grabbed food on the way back to his place and he told me about his video games and that he had some good weed. I do smoke marijuana with a prescription for arthritis, but I'm not a stoner like this dude. I figured it'd be a good way to kill the end of the day anyway.

At his house his roommates were gone at school and work and we had the place to ourselves. We smoked more herb than I intended and played an RPG on his console game system. I was blazed off my ass from the herb and it was getting really hot in his house because it was the end of summer and still incredibly hot outside. Jeff's air conditioner only worked a little. Jeff suggested I take my pants off to cool down, but I balked at the idea not wanting him to see that I was sporting a major hardon for him. It was all I could do to hide it in my pants. I did take my shirt off and he jokingly said, "Oh stud-man. Now take off your pants and let me see if you're a stud all the way down." I laughed and said, "Take your shorts off." He looked at me with a crazy-serious look in his eye and did exactly that, slid his shorts right off. Then he said, "Now you." I sat there and went back to the game, trying to convince him to put his attention on it.

That distraction seemed to work for a minute before he suddenly tackled me and pulled my pants off. Because he couldn't undo the pants first, my underwear came right off with my pants. He fell back with my pants in his hands laughing, my underwear dangling from the top of my pants. I figured I'd play right along and see how far he'd go, at least I'd have something to think about when playing with myself later. I didn't intend to actually have sex with my young friend. I jumped up, no pain thanks to the herb, and tackled him, grabbing his underwear and pulling them off. I then leapt forward and pinned his shoulders with my hands, smiling and looking back and forth from his eyes to where his dick and mine lay erect against one another.

I said, "You've got a hardon." He snickered and said, "Yeah, so do you." I chortled and said, "Well, so I do. What do you want to do about it?" He wiggled to get his arms free enough to grab my arms and pull me down so we were chest to chest and face to face along with groin to groin, pressed together. Immediately, he locked his mouth onto mine and started in the deepest kiss I had in years. Though I was startled at first, I quickly decided I liked what was happening a lot and was no longer thinking with my upper head. I kissed the stoner-boy back just as deeply and wrestled my tongue with his strong tongue, soaking him in.

He broke the kiss and slid down, still under me, and took my dick immediately and fully into his mouth. I didn't need any further encouragement as I gently fucked his lips while his tongue did amazing things to the shaft of my throbbing dick. It had been a couple days since I had last masturbated so I came pretty quickly in his mouth the first time. He swallowed every drop eagerly and made sure my dick and balls were good and clean before he came back up and kissed me some more.

Even though I'm in my mid-30's, I have a sex drive to rival a 16 year old boy's. I can go numerous times in a day and this young stud had me ready for more right away. I broke the kiss and slid down to caress his nipples with my tongue. I followed my way down and tickled his naval with darting licks as I traced his light treasure trail, he was otherwise hairless, down to his beautiful dick.

I slid my lips down his shaft as he thrust his hips up, driving his dick into the back of my throat. My unpracticed throat remembered its duty as it accepted his young meat willingly with very little instinct to gag. I slid back up his dick a bit and allowed him to fuck me deep into my throat until I felt his load building. I pulled back further to allow his seed to hit my tongue instead of the back of my throat so that I could fully enjoy it. As predicted, the boy filled my mouth with his seed in large bursts that sprayed my tongue, the roof of my mouth and the back of my throat. The slightly salty, slightly sweet, intense taste of the young man's cum filled my mouth and nostrils as I eagerly ingested his semen. I almost blushed as he actually said, "Thank you," as he rubbed the back of my head with his hands.

He was still perfectly erect in my mouth and I could tell he was also ready for more. I wasn't going to get him off that quickly again, so I let up off his dick and went back up and kissed him deep some more. We rolled around on the floor kissing for a while until we silently got up and walked to his king-size bed where we continued to roll around kissing and fondling every part of one another's body, occasionally sucking each others dicks, but not cumming again yet.

At one point he got some lotion out and was rubbing it all over us, especially on our dicks. I was on top of him again. The rubbing almost made me cum again so I had to have him stop so I sat back on him where his hands couldn't reach. That put his penis right lined up my ass-crack. The familiar feeling of a young stud's dick pressed against my ass brought back some really horny memories. He flexed his dick in my crack, stimulating my anus and sending chills through my body.

He slid back on the bed so that he could bend forward and grab me and he laid me down on my back and pressed my legs against my shoulders. He slid his dick up and down my ass-crack, holding it in his hand so that the head put pressure as it went up and down. Each time it passed by my hole I instinctively pushed along with him and each time he slid in a little further, but always pulled right back out and continued going along my ass-crack. The feeling of the 19 year old entering me each time a little more got me wanting him all the way inside me. Finally, he didn't pull out as he pushed in and decided to push in all the way. I pushed back against him, helping it along. When he was all the way in me he looked at me in the eyes and asked, "Are you sure?" I thought it was a funny time to ask, so I held back a laugh and just nodded at him.

Jeff fucked me slowly at first and had an intense look of lust as he gazed into my eyes. The studs dick sliding in and out of me had me over the edge of ecstasy. He fucked me harder and I felt his dick swell inside of me. I could feel the muscle walls of my ass gripping his throbbing dick as it drove into me. Finally with several deep thrusts into me, the boy let loose his sperm deep inside my ass. It had been so long for me and he came so hard that I could feel his warm jets spraying my insides. He collapsed on top of me and we kissed as his dick softened and slowly slid out of my ass.

We kissed for a while and he kept saying, "Thank you," and, "I love you." I didn't expect the latter for sure, but we had been pretty good friends prior to this so I accepted it. He finally slid off of me and lay face down on the bed next to me. He turned his head to me and said, "If you want to do me now that's cool. Just go easy because I've never buttfucked anyone before now and I've never let anyone poke my ass." After the horny pounding he just gave me, I most certainly wanted his ass.

I spread his legs apart and played with his hole gently with my fingers. When I had his hole good and relaxed I asked him if he was sure and if he was ready and he said, "yeah" both times. I spread his legs further apart and reached up under him with one arm to raise his waist slightly. I rested my dick against his asshole and slowly let the head slip in. I asked him if it hurt and he grunted a no, which I figured meant it hurt a little but he wanted me to continue. I slipped in further and he pushed back against me, shoving my dick deep inside of him. He let out a yelp of pain and I asked him if he wanted me to pull out or stop. He said no, just wait a minute, so I did. He finally told me to go on so I slowly slid back out of him and slowly slid part of the way back in. I knew he wasn't ready for a deep fucking right away. I could feel him relax as I went on and eventually I was fucking him deep and hard and he was wriggling his ass around and bucking back into me, making it feel that much better. I came in his ass hard once, but I was still ready for more with this tight young ass wrapped around my dick, so I kept fucking him. He grunted as I came in him the first time and went back to silent panting as I continued fucking him. Finally the feeling of the boy-man's hot ass stretched around my dick was enough for me to give it a second treat. My juices flowed abundantly still, but much slower this time. I collapsed on top of him and kissed his neck, back and cheeks before finally pulling out and laying beside him.

We fell asleep like that and weren't awoken until Jason walked in and said, "Boy, it looks like you two had fun, next time wait for me." I woke up and looked at him stunned, Jeff still slept and was snoring beside me. I finally said coyly, "Hey, if you want to suck my dick after its been in your friend's ass you're welcome to. Maybe I'll even put it in your ass if you want." He was stunned for half a second at most and quickly quipped, "Nah, but maybe you want what I've got up your ass." I honestly didn't. Jason was a young stud like his friend, but as I said, I'm not into one-nighters. I just wanted Jeff, but something inside me said that Jeff just wanted a quick fuck and that his, "I love you" was just post-orgasmic bliss. Jason was quickly naked. I said, "I don't know man, your buddy's dick was pretty nice up my ass, but I don't think you can match him." I figured talking about his buddy fucking me would take the piss out of him, but it only encouraged him. O.k., so I was half-awake and not thinking clearly.

Before I could listen for him to respond he was already on the bed pinning me down. I still really did not want the boy to fuck me, but he had me well pinned. He slid his erect dick into position against my asshole and used one of his hands to hold it in position while the other rested on my chest, still pinning me. I probably could have reached and grabbed his arm to destabilize him, but I think part of me couldn't resist the feeling of another young studly dick pressed into my asshole. He looked at me and let out a gasp of air of a laugh as he slipped his dick all the way into me in one motion. I was still loose from Jeff's earlier activities with my ass, so it didn't hurt at all as he slid in. He was fucking me hard right away and saying, "Oh god your ass is good and Jeffy-boy's cum makes a great lube."

Jeff heard his name and woke up at that moment and said, "Man Jason, what the fuck are you doing?" Jason continued to fuck me as he said, "I'm getting me some of that ass you had earlier." "Did he say you could." "No, but he isn't exactly stopping me." Jeff tried to wrestle Jason off of me which caused Jason's dick to move around inside of me in really exciting ways. Jeff finally gave up and Jason focused hard on my face as he pounded my ass even harder. I felt washes of pleasure over my whole body each time Jason's dick plunged deep inside of me. Jason let out a series of grunts as his dick finally exploded, his seed joining Jeff's deep in my nether regions. No kiss, no I love you, but he did say thanks as he pulled out and sat on the side of the bed wiping himself with a napkin from the bedside table.

Jeff asked me if I was alright and we discussed what Jason had done. Jeff was very pissed at Jason, but I calmed him down and said it was alright and at least it felt good, but I'd much rather have him (Jeff) again. Jeff got a bright look on his face and kissed me. While Jason still cleaned himself off, Jeff rolled on top of me and slid his dick right into my asshole. Jason noticed what was happening and cheered his buddy on thinking Jeff was just getting his jollies with me like Jason had been. He didn't know what I was learning, that Jeff really wanted me. Jeff said nothing as he continued fucking me. His loving fuck was better than anything anyone else had ever done to me. When he came inside me it was an explosion of loving passion that even Jason saw in Jeff's face and mine. He commented, "Damn, you guys really get into it." Jeff finished and once more collapsed on top of me, kissing me again despite Jason's shock.

Jason stayed around and I found out he smokes herb and drinks too, so he was stoned and drunk with us by the end of the evening. He passed out first and Jeff and I were drunk off our asses, but still awake. Jeff got an idea and told me, "Hey, Jason fucked you without asking you right?" I said, "Yeah, it's alright though man, he's a cool guy and won't do it again." "No no man, just listen. He's passed out drunk off his stinkin' ass! Now's your perfect opportunity to get him back." "What, you want me to fuck him in the ass?" "Yeah dude, well I mean I'd rather have you fuck me again (that made me blush again) but you owe it to him. Shoot a hot load up his ass and I'll wake him up just as you're cumming."

I was really drunk so I thought it was a good idea. Jeff had already rolled Jason onto his stomach and taken his pants off and was playing with his asshole. I walked up to Jason and Jeff moved and helped me get in position. My dick was raging hard at the thought of pounding this other young stud's tight ass, especially as a means of taking back power since he had fucked me without asking earlier. Jeff held my dick against Jason's asshole and Jason continued to sleep. In my drunkenness, I wasn't careful at all and ended up slipping into Jason's presumably virgin asshole fully with the first sloppy thrust in. The shock and pain woke Jason up and he shouted, "AH, what the fuck!" His protests somehow made me hotter and I started fucking him really hard. He collapsed back under me and closed his eyes grunting and saying, "Oh god, I can't believe this is happening," as he cried a little while I fucked him. I came in his ass, but kept fucking him. By this time he was starting to relax a lot more and I could tell by the new sound of his moans and grunts that he was really getting into it now. At one point he even shouted, "Oh man, fuck harder." So I did. I continued assaulting the boy's tight ass with reckless abandon until finally I let loose my seed once more inside of him and rolled him onto his side with my dick still in him, causing him to collapse laying on his back, on top of me.

Jason was a bit upset at first, but surprisingly agreed that he had it coming after we talked it over. Jeff helped a lot in the convincing. We're all friends still, but Jeff and I are more than friends. Jeff was never interested in Jason, and Jason actually claims to be straight. Despite that, Jason still likes to fuck me at least a couple times a month and once in a while even asks me to fuck him. Other than my exploits with Jason, Jeff and I have a pretty exclusive thing going. Jeff knows about me and Jason and he's cool with it, but he doesn't want anything to do with Jason or with anyone other than me when it comes to sex. gayalphawolf@yahoo.com

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