Daniel and Devin

Published on May 25, 2013



Daniel and Devin Part 1

Disclaimer: This story contains content only suitable for legal adults.

Daniel had just graduated from college and moved to Florida. He is 22 years old, tall with an athletically slim body, dirty blond hair, and a young but defined looking face. He landed a job working for a government office at one of the naval bases working as an analytic. A not terribly exciting entry level job but a way to get some money, experience, and start an adventure somewhere else as he was from Minneapolis. He needed a way to meet some new people and he played on the club volleyball team in college so he decided to go check out a beach he heard had some sand volleyball courts.

He drove down to the beach and saw some guys playing that looked like they were pretty good and having fun. He went over and introduced himself and asked if he could jump in for a game or two. They agreed and in the next game he was partnered up with a guy named Devin. Daniel noticed how fit Devin is. He obviously played a lot of volleyball and worked out a lot. He had a nice tan and a bigger build than Daniel. Devin had a very defined chest and muscular shoulders and narrow waist that gave him that nice V-shaped torso. About 30 years old, dark brown hair and piercing hazel eyes. He was only wearing a pair of short red shorts that hugged his butt and thighs in a way that would make anyone walking by look twice.

After Daniel and Devin not only won the game but their was an instant chemistry between them. Apparently, Daniel had gotten there a little late and that was the last game the guys were going to play so everybody was packing their things up for the day. Devin was still sitting there taking his time and Daniel was debating staying or not. Then in a very forward way, a trait that was inherent to Devin's personality as Daniel would find out, says to Daniel, "You're really cute, would you want to go grab a bite to eat and a drink. It's on me." Daniel thrown off by the request, although very flattered, fumbled for a second with his words but ended up getting a "sure" out. "I'll drive," Devin said.

So Daniel walked with Devin to the car, chatting with small talk and formalities. Asking where they were from and what they did. Daniel found out that Devin was a manager for a contracting company and that he grew up in the area. Daniel grows more comfortable and the conversation comes easy. They really clicked and time flew through dinner and the couple of drinks they each had. Devin asked Daniel if he'd like to come over and hang out that evening. Daniel thought "this is great, one day and I already made a friend, maybe more!"

So they drive over to Devin's house, which turned out to be a really nice house. Not huge, but nice and well taken care of. They go in and flip on the TV, Devin handing Daniel another drink. They sit on the couch and keep talking. Devin, being the overly forward person he is says, "You're so cute, are you into bdsm stuff at all?" Daniel, although pretty open and confident about his sexuality, but this question threw him for a loop. Again, Daniel was there stumbling for an answer but Devin stepped in to ease the awkward situation saying "Don't worry about it man, either way is cool." Daniel had actually always been very intrigued by bdsm from the porn he watched. He was always fascinated by the exchange of power and excitement and "gay bondage" and "gay slave" was frequently deleted from his search history. How Devin picked up on this he didn't know, but was suddenly very very turned on. Daniel decided to take a chance and said, "I am interested in it, but I've never done anything close to it." Devin than said, "Want to play?" and before he could even consider it completely, Daniel gave a resounding, "Yes."




"Ok, SIR!"

"Fold them up."

"Yes, Sir."

"Stand here. Good. Now on your knees in front of me. Closer. Hands behind your head. Knees farther apart. Never did this before? You're a natural."

Devin ruffled up Daniel's hair with his hands and then walked away and said told him to stay right there in position. Suddenly Daniel had a chance to consider what he had just done and how quickly things had escalated. He was naked, on his knees, in the house someone who he had met earlier that day. He didn't even have his car there, it was still at the beach. Although doubts ran through his head, he felt oddly OK with his predicament. After a few minutes, Devin came back down the stairs carrying some things. He put them on the table and brought over item number one. A pair of handcuffs. "Hands behind your back." Devin bent down behind Daniel and after two click sounds, Daniel was now naked and in handcuffs with this guy who was practically a stranger, although a very hot stranger he thought. Daniel was already rock hard. "Stand up." Devin ordered. "Feet apart." Devin put his hands on Daniel's bare shoulders and began to massage them, then sliding down his arms gripping his muscles. His hands moved back up to his chest, giving them a firm rub down leading to his fingertips finding Daniel's nipples, pinching and twisting them gently. He slid down to the hips and reached around and gave a nice squeeze to each cheek. Daniel was pretty sure he felt a finger brush his hole but it was so quick and Devin had moved to the other side, distracting Daniel all the more. One hand began stroking Daniel's dick and the other one grasped his balls. Devin did this all in complete silence, intently watching Daniel's reactions.

Devin drew his face close to Daniel's and pulled Daniel tight to his body by grabbing his ass. Devin forcibly starting making out with Daniel, although Daniel quickly accepted his lips and tongue and reciprocated. After a few more minutes of this, Devin finally spoke the word "down," and pushed Daniel's head down and then into his crotch. Devin was still wearing his red shorts that now had a noticeable bulge. Daniel started massaging the bulge with his lips. Then Devin put his thumbs down the side of his shorts and slid them down revealing a white jock strap. Jockstraps were one of Daniel's turn-ons so he started going even harder at the growing mass hidden by the pouch. Devin finally pulled the fabric aside revealing his now fully hard dick and balls. He had thick black pube hair that had been nicely manscaped into a nice bush. "Start sucking, boy." This is the first time Daniel had ever been called "boy," and he couldn't deny that he liked it. Daniel had had sex before, but this was an entirely new experience. It was almost spiritual. He had given and received plenty of blowjobs before but this was something different. Something special.

"Get up."

"Yes, Sir."

"Go stand behind the couch and bend over, ass in the air, face on the cushion."

Daniel got into position and waited while Devin went back to his table of things. He began rolling a condom onto his hard cock and grabbed some lube. Daniel felt the sudden cold feeling on his asshole as Devin stuck his hand full of slippery lube into his crack. Every once in a while a finger or two would slide right down the hole making Daniel tingle. Devin then grabbed Daniel by the hips and the tip of his dick began to slide into Daniel's ass. Daniel could feel his ass filling up as Devin's thick rod made its way deeper. It was definitely bigger than the dicks he had down there while he was in college. He moaned when he felt Devin's balls hit him and he knew that he was all in. Then he felt it pulling out but as soon as it was about to pop out, Devin thrust it back in. This happened a few more times. Then Devin's grip on Daniel's hips grew tighter and the thrusting doubled in speed. Daniel was now moaning and panting with every thrust which made Devin smile. Then Devin let out a yell and was cumming in Daniel's ass. The ecstasy of the moment seemed to last forever as Daniel could feel the dick pulsing and expelling the fluid from his dick while Devin held it deep in his ass. When he was satisfied, he pulled the dick out slowly and Daniel, still helplessly in handcuffs, felt his powerful hands flip him over onto the couch. Devin walked around the couch while slipping the condom off and sat down on the couch. He moved Daniel so that he was laying on his stomach and his face in his crotch and said, "Clean it up, boy." And Daniel went to work with his tongue to clean up the damage.

"Follow me," said Devin. He led the naked Daniel upstairs to the shower, turned on the water and threw Daniel in while the water was still freezing. He left briefly and came back and by then the water had warmed up and Daniel was no longer shivering. He had a wash cloth and grabbed the soap and began scrubbing away at Daniel's body, specifically his dick, balls and ass. This was humiliating to Daniel. Kinky sex was one thing, but being showered by an older man, naked, and handcuffed was not something he was expecting. "Hold still," and Devin came back with some shaving gel and a razor. Daniel wanted to protest but for some reason he didn't. He just stood there, putting complete trust in Devin while he spread shaving cream all over his pubes and balls. The razor came and Daniel watched somewhat solemnly as his manly hairs began to fall and were washed down the drain. In a matter of minutes, Daniel was completely smooth down there. Devin turned the shower off, grabbed a towel and dried the helpless Daniel off which kept adding to the humiliation.

Then the unexpected happened. Devin grabbed the bottle of lube and began rubbing it on Daniel's cock. At his point, Daniel really didn't know what to expect next. Daniel had quite a shock when Devin pulled out a metal contraption in the shape of a dick. It was a chastity device. Daniel had only seen them in pictures and never imagined he'd ever see one on him. After a while of manipulating Daniel's dick into the device, Devin looked satisfied and looked up to Daniel and said, "Feel good?" "Yes, Sir, it does. How long is it staying on?" Daniel asked, slightly panicked. "We'll see, boy," Devin said with a smile. "Let's go get you dressed." They walked back downstairs and Devin slid his red shorts back on and had Daniel step into his shorts while he slid them up his legs since Daniel was still handcuffed. Devin had purposely not put his boxer briefs back on him so that Daniel could feel the weight of the chastity device swinging in his shorts. After a grab at the bulge created in the pants of Daniel by the device and a laugh by Devin, the handcuffs finally came off and Daniel slid his shirt back home.

"Did you enjoy yourself?"

"Yes, Sir. That was awesome."

"Good, boy. We're going to do it again. That's the only way you're going to get that chastity device off anyways."

"Yes, Sir."

"Let's get you home."

They hopped back in Devin's car and he drove back to the beach where Daniel's car was parked. They picked up their chatting right where they had left off which really helped ease Daniel's mind about the fact that this guy held the key to his dick. They got to the car and they sat there for a moment. Devin, knowing that Daniel didn't start his job for another week said to him, "Come back to my place tomorrow at noon. Don't eat lunch, I'm taking you out." And in a moment of tenderness, Devin grabbed Daniel for a hug and kissed him on the cheek. "Good night, boy. See you tomorrow."

Thanks for reading! Email stdari2222@yahoo.com for suggestions and comments.

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