Dani and Ria

By SerenityInSound

Published on Jul 20, 2022


Dani and Ria - Chapter 2

Dani and Ria

By: SerenityInSound

Chapter 2

The next day, Dani and I were woken by Miss Sarah, who was nudging us awake. Apparently she'd arrived earlier.

"Come on you two. I've laid out some clothes for you to wear, so get dressed, and come downstairs for breakfast." She ordered.

We both sleepily got up, and went to our clothes. It took me a moment to realise Miss Sarah hadn't laid out any underwear.

"Mm…" I said, sleepiness rendering me unable to talk properly.

"U-Umm. Miss Sarah, there's no underwear." Dani said shyly in my place. Miss Sarah raised an eyebrow.

"You don't need any. I didn't think to bring you any panties, and anyway, you'll be wearing a skirt so it hardly matters. And neither of you have big enough boobs to bother wearing a bra. You shouldn't wear one if you don't have to, it'll cause your boobs to sag." She said informatively.

Dani and I shared a glance. Somehow I had a feeling something like this might happen, I thought with a sigh. So we got dressed with what she'd already given us. Strangely the skirts felt slightly shorter than normal. Didn't my skirt normally at least reach mid-thigh? It felt like it would hardly cover me. I wasn't sure though. Maybe it was just my imagination, the idea of going to school without any panties was a bit nervewracking, after all. I'm sure even the longest skirt would have felt too short when like this.

Dani likely had it worse, anyways. Without panties, her skirt was only just long enough to cover her penis. If she had even the slightest erection, or moved too fast, it would likely peek out the bottom. She'd probably have to be careful not to accidentally show it.

Weirdly, I was actually kind of glad for the excuse to not wear a bra though. To be honest, I actually think they're kind of uncomfortable, and the straps dig into me, so not having to wear one was pretty nice. When I looked into the mirror, it was pretty obvious I wasn't wearing one though, as you could clearly see the pink of my nipples through my thin school uniform shirt.

Once we were dressed, we went downstairs to find that Miss Sarah had already made a stack of pancakes for us. It was… really nice.

Nobody had ever gone to such effort to make both of us breakfast before. Me and Dani would treat each other if the other was feeling ill, but that was rare. I felt… butterflies in my tummy, at the thought that Miss Sarah had gone to the effort to make all of this for us.

Despite the weirdness of having someone our own age take care of us, I actually couldn't help but give her a soft smile. Miss Sarah smiled back, looking oddly shy and proud.

When I heard a sob from Dani, I looked at her and my heart melted. She looked so happy at the idea of pancakes that she'd literally started crying. I couldn't blame her. We'd never… really had anyone care about us enough to do something like that, before. Not our parents, not our nannies, no friends. Only each other. And now Miss Sarah.

Miss Sarah stroked Dani's head, and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Go on sweety, it's getting cold." She ordered kindly.

They were the most delicious pancakes I've ever eaten.

Afterwards, Miss Sarah brushed both of our hair. That was also really nice. Dani held my hand when it was her turn. I think she just wanted some emotional support, at the idea of someone else actually caring about us.

Before we left, Miss Sarah directed us to kiss each other again. I enjoyed my kiss with both my sister, and with Miss Sarah. The feeling of being controlled by Miss Sarah's kiss still felt really intense, but also had a different sort of closeness to it? It was like she was giving me a promise of protection, or something. I liked it.

All three of us walked to school together. Miss Sarah seemed quiet and pensive on the journey, but perhaps that was just how she was when she wasn't in private? I didn't really know.

"At lunch time, I want the two of you to come find me. I'll be in the girl's old changing rooms." Miss Sarah said, just before we got to school. I was surprised - to my knowledge, nobody really used those changing rooms.

"Yes Miss." Me and Dani said dutifully.

Sarah's POV

Yesterday was insane. I'd gotten an amazing offer to be a full-time babysitter, while still allowing for school hours. And it was paying double my usual rate. I'd taken the offer of course, agreeing immediately.

Finding out that the twins I'd be looking after were the weird girls, Ria and Dani, from my own class was kinda surreal. As was finding out that Dani was trans. Wasn't an issue of course, nobody in our generation really minded something like that, but that fact that I never even noticed when we'd changed together had me questioning my own preconceptions.

The really surprising thing was just how… pliable the twins were though. The moment I took a slightly authoritative tone of voice, they both just turned completely submissive, and did whatever I said.

At first it had just been a bit of a joke, but when they both actually went to take a shower when I told them… I started pushing a little, just to see how far they'd go before actually making a stand against me.

When Ria started sucking Dani's cock just because I said so, that was when I realised these two would do literally whatever I told them. Dani even gave Ria an orgasm without prompting. I wanted them. I wanted them both, to be mine.

When I went home that night, I masturbated to the biggest orgasm I've ever had. It was fucking intense. I imagined making them my sex slaves, to pleasure me and whoever else I wanted, without a word of complaint. By the time I went to sleep, I had a concrete plan, to have them acting as the class's sex slaves, pleasuring anyone who wanted it. This idea was almost feverish in me.

And the next morning, I enacted that plan. Get on their good side, make breakfast, etc. But… when… when I saw their reaction to some stupid pancakes… I mean, Dani was literally crying, because nobody's ever bothered to show the two of them the slightest bit of kindness before?

I didn't know what to do. I suddenly had this deep urge to protect them. But I still had an absolute need to make these two mine, to bring out their submissive sexuality. And I spent the whole walk to school trying to work out which feeling was most dominant in me.

I finally came up with a plan that I think could do both. If… If I made Ria and Dani the class's sex slaves, but… rather than have them be objectified and victimised, instead make them the focus of love and protection for the class? That idea sounded nice.

I wanted to have my cake and eat it too, I guess. But I've always been like that. And the plan made sense. It was basic science that when humans had sex, they were inclined to form emotional attachments to the people they had sex with. If I could get the twins to form that sort of attachment with their classmates, then it could actually be beneficial for the two of them in the long run, as well.

I had to be careful though. I don't want to hurt them. I want them to enjoy this too. So I'll have to be careful about how I go about it.

Still, I have a feeling it's going to go great. :)

Ria's POV

Me and Dani went to see Miss Sarah during our lunch. When we got there, we found that Miss Sarah had made packed lunches for the three of us. Dani was starry eyed at the idea, and the three of us sat down and ate together.

"You two… I've been put in charge of looking after you. That means your welfare is important to me. I'd like to help you make more friends in school, and that might include things you aren't completely comfortable with. But if either of you ever feel genuinely scared or threatened or upset, even if it's by one of my orders, I want you to tell me immediately, okay? Remember: Scared, threatened, or upset." Miss Sarah said to us.

Me and Dani looked at each other uncertainly. "Yes Miss." We finally said in unison.

"Sometimes… sometimes scared is good though, right?" I said softly. Miss Sarah smiled.

"Yes. Sometimes scary things can be good, or can feel good, provided we feel safe. I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about if you're scared you can't say no, or that you're in trouble. Do you understand? If you're scared because something's new or you feel vulnerable, that's okay. But if you're scared because you're being forced to do something you don't want to, I want you to know you can always tell me, even if I'm the one ordering it. You can always say no, and I will respect that." She said.

We both nodded. I felt like I understood what she was getting at. Good scary was fine, bad scary was not.

I think… this was her version of making sure we were consenting, for sex things. The fact that she cared enough to go to that effort made me feel mushy inside.

The idea that she was obviously planning for us to go further with the sex stuff made me feel an entirely different type of mushy.

"With that in mind, I will be inviting a few of my friends to come meet you both, tomorrow lunchtime. In order to make friends, you have to help people. So with this, you'll be helping them with their biology lessons, by showing them your bodies." Miss Sarah said decisively.

"Yes Miss Sarah." Dani said simply. She had obviously taken to Miss Sarah quite strongly. I was also beginning to feel that attachment. Nobody had ever taken the time to genuinely care about our wellbeing before, and it was a bit overwhelming. But in a good way.

"For the rest of lunch, I want us to become closer. And I want to learn about you two. Have you ever done anything like yesterday before?" She asked us. We both shook our heads. We'd played doctor as kids I guess, but that was nothing like yesterday.

"We've masturbated before, but neither of us had done sex stuff with anyone yet." Dani mumbled with a blush.

I grabbed Dani's hand, comfortingly. My desire to have Miss Sarah like us had me hesitantly saying something that would normally be kept private between me and Dani. Though I held her hand just in case she wanted to stop me. "We did… some more things yesterday. In bed, after you left." I said, softly. "I sucked her penis until she orgasmed, and then we shared her cum together."

Miss Sarah looked almost shocked. "O-Oh my… that is something. It's good though, it shows just how much you care for your sister. In fact, you should be doing that daily. Giving her, or anyone, pleasure is something you should be proud of. And sharing cum is something you should always do with your sister, if you can. Swallowing someone's cum is polite anyway, but sharing it together before swallowing really shows your love and connection with each other." Miss Sarah taught them.

I nodded shyly. I wouldn't mind making Dani feel good, as much as she wants. If was fun, and tasted good. And making my sister feel good could never be a bad thing.

"For now… Hmm. You two could use some practice at pleasuring people, if you want to make friends. People are more inclined to form emotional attachments with someone who causes them to orgasm, as I'm sure you both remember from Biology. Physical pleasure will cause them to have a positive association with you, as a Pavlovian response." She said.

Did they say that in Biology? I wasn't sure. I do remember something about pavlovian responses, I think. It made sense to me, people like things that bring them pleasure.

"Ria, we'll start with you. Both of you can practice on each other of course, but since Dani has a penis, it's better for you to get some practice pleasuring a pussy. Come kneel here." Miss Sarah ordered.

"Yes Miss." I said instinctively. I was pretty much resigned to the fact that I couldn't really say no to that voice. I did what she said, kneeling in front of her. She wanted me to lick her. I… liked the idea of Miss Sarah becoming attached to us. If giving her pleasure would help with that, then that is what I'd do.

She scooted forward pulling her skirt up, and pushed me encouragingly towards her core. She wasn't wearing panties, like me and Dani, I noticed absently. My face felt the heat and wetness from her, and I took a tentative lick.

I realised I quite liked the taste… it was different from Dani's cum, but still nice. I began pleasuring her to the best of my ability. I licked around her entrance, drinking down her juices, before gently working on her clit. Miss Sarah moaned, and her body jerked violently when my tongue touched it.

I felt… heady, licking Miss Sarah's pussy. I was well aware that that we were still in school. Not many people came here, but it wasn't like the door was locked, anyone could walk in and see me, tonguing my classmate's pussy.

It didn't matter. I was already in the middle of this, and I… wanted to do my best, to thank Miss Sarah for making the effort to actually connect with us.

Miss Sarah bucked wildly, but I kept my mouth steadily on her clit, tongue pleasuring her. Her orgasm shuddered through her, and I made sure to keep her going through it as long as possible. When she was finally done, she pushed me away, panting.

I glanced at Dani, who was looking at me starry eyed. I was grinning like a cheshire cat, knowing I'd done good. Miss Sarah looked like she was still out of breath, but was quickly recovering.

"Good girl." She murmured, stroking my head like a cat again. "You obviously have a talent for that. Wow. We'd better make sure to hone it."

I was still kneeling in front of her. Dani knelt down next to me, and began cleaning Miss Sarah's juices off my face with her mouth. We kissed, Miss Sarah's flavour swirling between us, and I could feel the excitement resonating through both of us. In the kiss, and also in our innate connection.

"Dani looks like she could use some help, Ria. In fact, you both do. Why don't you both please each other here. I enjoy seeing how much you both love each other, and we don't want you distracted during class." Miss Sarah said.

I nodded, looking down at Dani's erection peeking out from under her skirt. Me and Dani were already feeling a strong need to connect with each other. The order crystallised that need into one of mutual pleasure.

"Alright, Dani, you lie down, and Ria you'll go on top." Miss Sarah instructed, positioning us so that we could both pleasure each other at the same time.

The fact that neither of us were wearing underwear made access trivial. I began suckling on Dani's cock, while Dani was licking my pussy earnestly.

"Ria, move your head like this." Miss Sarah came to guide my head into gentle bobbing motions, which had Dani moaning in her super-cute way. I smiled around the penis in my mouth, feeling inordinately happy. I really liked bringing Dani pleasure.

"Here Dani, focus on her clit, slow but firm." I heard Miss Sarah teaching Dani. I could immediately feel the difference it made. Dani was always a quick learner, and she soon caught on to the rhythm that worked on me best. I was struggling to concentrate on anything but the pleasure, but I made sure my sister felt good too.

It's weird, being a twin. I have a weird sort of… resonance, with my sister, that connects us. Dani calls it our twinsense, which I think she got from a movie. But I could absolutely feel that resonance in this moment, guiding us.

As both of us pleasured each other… the rest of the world faded away. Just me and my twin sister. Our rhythms instinctively synced up, and we both intuitively knew we wanted to cum together. We didn't even have to think about it.

When we finally went over the edge, it was unlike… anything I've experienced before. It wasn't like the wild pleasure of Miss Sarah, but it was more like… a circle of beautiful and intimate connection. Both of us melting into each other as our orgasms resonated between us, wracking both of our bodies. I didn't even know where my body ended and my sister's started.

I tasted Dani's thick, sticky cream fill my mouth, even more than yesterday, so much that some spilt out. I let her penis plop out of my mouth, strings of cum stretching between the penis head and my lips.

I got up and kissed her, sharing the cum like Miss Sarah had ordered. She simultaneously shared my own juices with me, and we let them swirl between us as we kissed. The flavour was incredible, and addictive.

Miss Sarah stroked our hair. I felt blissful, cuddling with Dani, kissing her, our shared essence between us…

When we both finally swallowed the sticky mixture, we continued to kiss until Miss Sarah ordered us to eat our forgotten lunchboxes.

The food was delicious.

Next: Chapter 3

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