Dani and Ria

By SerenityInSound

Published on Jul 19, 2022


Dani and Ria - Chapter 1

Dani and Ria

By: SerenityInSound

Chapter 1

My name is Ria. My twin sister, Dani, is trans. This is something I've known for as long as I can remember. Even before either of us knew what being trans was, I knew she wasn't a boy. I think I probably knew it before even she figured it out.

Our parents didn't take it particularly well. They weren't that great at being parents in the first place though, rarely being around, and usually had a nanny take care of us. After my sister came out to them, they basically just gave up and left. We still get money from them, and live in their house, but they haven't been home in years. They claimed to just be busy with work at first, but… Honestly, I'm not sure I would even remember their faces well enough to recognise them in the street.

Enough about that though. To be honest, I don't especially care about our parents. They were never a big part of our lives, so they just don't really matter that much. What is relevant is that they call us on the phone once a year or so, I think mainly to check we're still alive, since neither of them ever sound particularly interested in the conversation.

The most recent conversation, however, revealed that they had, in fact, been paying for a babysitter for the last few years. Neither of us knew about that though, because apparently said babysitter had realised they were never around to check, and stopped bothering to come. Our mother was furious that she had been cheated out of her money. I don't think she actually noticed that the babysitter not being there also meant we'd been left without supervision for the last 6 years. We were 12 when she stopped coming, so my sister and I have been looking after ourselves ever since then.

Either way, she arranged for a new babysitter. We're 18 years old now, and have been living by ourselves for years, but apparently that didn't matter. My sister and I had a shock when our babysitter arrived the day after.

It was a little surprising to have someone actually knock on the door. We rarely get visitors, except for the mail.

It was more surprising when I opened the door and our classmate, a girl called Sarah, was standing on the other side. Neither of us really knew her.

Sarah was also surprised. "Umm, hey. Ria, right? I was hired to babysit some twins here…" She trailed off.

I had a moment of shock, before I realised what must of happened. Typical of our mother, she hadn't bothered to check anything, before hiring a babysitter. She had ended up hiring someone our own age, our classmate no less. I gave a small sigh.

"Umm, please come in. I think our mother probably hired you to take care of me and my sister." I mumbled.

I'm actually not sure if my classmates know my sister is trans or not. It's not really a secret or anything, but she's been taking hormones since pretty much at the same time as I started getting my own. Even though we're technically fraternal twins, we both look so similar that I think most people assume we're identical, especially since we share a lot of our clothes together.

There's also the fact that neither of us is any good at socialising, so there isn't really an occasion for them to have been told. Perhaps if they paid close attention in the changing rooms? My sister still has a penis after all, since she wants to keep it.

Sarah stepped into the house. "Is it just you and your sister living here? Your mother said neither of your parents would be around much." she asked.

"Oh umm, yeah. Our parents don't live here. It's just us." I said, softly. I guided her to our kitchen, where my sister was sitting. She was also surprised to see Sarah.

"Mother hired her to babysit us." I sighed, and a look of understanding washed over her.

"I'm sorry, our mother is like that, you can just keep the money and pretend you're looking after us if you want." My twin Dani said.

Sarah blinked. "I was paid to babysit you, so I will. I will be here each day after school until 11PM, and will come in the morning to feed you and take you to school. We'll be eating dinner at 7PM, which I will be cooking." She said with a tone of finality.

My sister and I both stared at her. She was… The same age as us? Yet she expected to babysit us?

"Umm, y-you don't have to-" I started, before she interrupted.

"Did I make myself clear?" Sarah asked with narrowed eyes. Her voice had such a tone of authority, that I stumbled at a "Y-Yes Miss." before I knew what I was saying.

Normally the only authority figures… and actually the only people me and my sister ever interacted with, was the teachers at school. We always called the female teachers "miss", which is why that slipped out.

I didn't really know how to handle this situation. But that didn't really matter, since Sarah absolutely did, and neither me nor my sister had much we could do except go with her flow.

"Have you two already eaten dinner?" Sarah asked me.

"Yes." I nodded.

She narrowed her eyes again. "You'll address me as "Miss" or "Miss Sarah" while I am looking after you. Try again."

"Y-Yes Miss." I stuttered in response.

"Good. Have you had a bath yet?" She directed towards Dani. It felt like she was testing us.

"No Miss Sarah." Dani said meekly, her cheeks blushing. Apparently neither of us could stand up to the pressure of Miss Sarah.

"Well, I guess the first step will be for me to get you washed and ready for bed." Miss Sarah said decisively.

Dani and I stared at each other blankly, not sure how to take that.

"… Well? Chop chop, both of you to the bathroom now." Miss Sarah said.

We both silently took her to the bathroom, neither of us knowing how exactly to get out of this. We weren't… exactly good with people, what with the whole growing up in near-isolation thing.

When we got there, she saw that there was only a shower and frowned. "Hmm… Well, it'll have to do. Come on, clothes off."

Me and Dani froze like deer in headlights. For a moment, neither of us moved.

Miss Sarah narrowed her eyes, before settling on me. "Ria?" She said sharply.

I jumped at the tone, and before I knew it I was unbuttoning my shirt. Dani shyly followed my lead. We both undressed, first our shirts, then our skirts, and then finally our underwear. Until we were both standing awkwardly naked in our bathroom, with a classmate we'd hardly spoken to before 10 minutes ago.

Miss Sarah's eyes caught my sister's penis. She made a small `hmm' noise, but I couldn't tell if she was surprised or not.

Dani's penis is actually quite big, at least by my reckoning. Since she'd decided to keep it, she applies a topical ointment to it that keeps it growing along with the rest of her. Normally it wouldn't do that due to the hormones she takes. I would estimate 6 or 7 inches, though I don't really know. I've not checked closely, except occasionally to help apply her ointment.

"What do you call it, Dani?" She asked suddenly. Dani squirmed, but couldn't help but answer.

"M-My penis… cock or dick feels too masculine, but penis is fine." Dani said faintly.

"And you?" Miss Sarah asked me.

"My pussy." I mumbled. I couldn't believe I was just standing here naked like this.

Miss Sarah just nodded. She turned on the shower and checked the temperature, before pushing the two of us to enter together. Our shower cubicle isn't that big, and me and Dani normally shower separately, so being in such close proximately while naked was a new experience for us both.

When we both awkwardly tried to clean ourselves under the water, Miss Sarah sighed with exasperation. "I want to see you both cleaning each other. You're sisters, so act like it."

I paused, hesitant. Was that a thing sisters normally did? I didn't really know. My sense of what was normal was pretty skewed in all honesty, as I didn't have a lot of points of reference. I think maybe I've seen siblings washing each other in anime before though?

It didn't much matter, as neither of us had the will to push back against Miss Sarah's demands. Shyly, Dani and I started cleaning each other. It was a weird and very intimate experience. I've never actually touched her breasts before. I made sure to be gentle, knowing that my own breasts were pretty sensitive, and I didn't want to cause my sister any discomfort. She was blushing very red, as I cleaned her.

Then she cleaned mine. I understood then, why she was so red. It felt… really pleasant, having her gently wash my breasts. When her thumbs gently circled around my nipples, to give them a clean, I gave a shuddered breath as arousal rushed through me. I was a bit embarrassed that I was getting aroused at my own sister's touch, but it was a weird situation anyway, so oh well.

When we thought we were done, we looked at Miss Sarah. She just frowned. "Wash ALL of each other, you two. You've got to always take special care to wash the genitals so that they don't get dirty."

I kind of just automatically followed the instruction, and I knelt down to wash my sister's genitals. I didn't think about the practicalities of this until I was already on my knees - being in such a small shower, my sister's penis was practically touching my face, especially since she was apparently also a bit aroused just like me.

Although I was making sure to be gentle, when I pulled back her foreskin and began to wash the head, Dani winced and immediately stopped me.

"U-Umm… fingers are a bit too rough to touch the head directly." Dani said apologetically. I blinked, not realising penises were so sensitive. Unsure of how to clean her, I looked at Miss Sarah, who had a thoughtful expression.

"Hmm… Well if you can't use your hands, best to use something softer like your tongue." She said finally. "Saliva is naturally cleansing, you know, so it's probably better anyway."

She wanted me to… lick Dani's penis? I felt a bit doubtful of this, I knew that was normally a sex thing, even though it did make sense as the best solution to the problem.

"I guess…" I mumbled in agreement, and after a moment's hesitation, I popped the head of my sister's penis into my mouth, and began to gently wash it with my tongue. Dani whimpered quietly.

Her penis began to noticeably grow in my mouth, so I knew she was getting pretty aroused. A small part of me was proud that I helped make my sister feel good. I made sure to use lots of saliva, to wash over the penis.

Some liquid escaped from the head of her penis. I vaguely recalled it being called precum? It had a sweet taste which I kind of liked, but as it mixed with the saliva it actually ended up making a bit of a sticky mess, so I had to carefully clean that up too.

Once I was sure it was clean, I left it. My sister was breathing heavily and fully erect at this point. I felt a bit bad about leaving her like that, but she didn't say anything, so I guess it was okay.

Then it was Dani's turn to clean me. Before I could tell her that fingers were actually okay on my genitals, she was already using her tongue on me in return. I gasped, as I felt her tongue gently wash my clit. It felt incredibly intense, as each little lick tried to clean up the wetness that escaped me.

I only got wetter as she kept licking me though, which was a bit of a problem as she had to lick that up too. Realising the problem, she focused on licking my clit. I think she was hoping that once I came, I'd stop getting so wet, like when she came and her penis softened.

As she focused on licking my clit, it wasn't long before an orgasm wracked through me. My body shuddered, and I had to brace myself on the wall as my legs weakened. It wasn't my first time having an orgasm, we obviously have both masturbated before, but it was my first time having an orgasm from someone else, and it was incredible. It felt completely unlike anything I'd had before.

After that, Dani gently cleaned the rest of my fluids, before getting back up. I suddenly realised that I'd forgotten about Miss Sarah's presence - She had watched the entire time, including my orgasm. I turned beet red in embarrassment, but couldn't bring myself to say anything.

"That's better. Come on, out you both get." She said, handing us both some towels as we stepped out.

Something about the intimacy we'd just experienced stuck with me and my sister, and after a moment of silent conversation, we decided to help dry each other instead of ourselves. Miss Sarah looked pleased at our decision.

"Good. Sisters should always look after each other in all things." She said, watching us.

After that, with the two of us still naked, we went into my and Dani's bedroom. Miss Sarah looked surprised to see only one bed.

"You sleep together?" She asked curiously. Dani shyly nodded.

"We always have. It would be lonely by ourselves." She mumbled, and Miss Sarah nodded.

"Of course. It shows just how much you both love each other, I suppose." She said.

That comment had me preening in pride. I love my sister deeply, more than anybody in the world. Of course I want to share a bed with her, that was only natural. My sister, likewise, was giving me a shy but loving smile.

"Hmm. Well, it's getting late, so goodnight kisses before bed, and then I'm off home." Miss Sarah said decisively.

I blinked. Goodnight kisses? Was that a thing? I felt like I'd heard the term before. Something I might remember from long ago, maybe from one of other other nannies? Were me and Dani always supposed to be giving goodnight kisses?

We looked hesitantly at each other, but I recognised the glint of resolve in my sister's eye. The comment a moment ago about how much we loved each other was obviously still in her mind, and she stepped closer.

We were both still naked, I absently realised, as our nipples brushed against each other. Both of us have small breasts, so it wasn't much of a gap. I could feel her still half-erect penis touch my belly.

There was a moment of indecision, as we both suddenly realised we didn't really know how to have a goodnight kiss. Being too shy to ask, I reached for the first reference on how to kiss that came to mind, and thought about the romance books I'd read. They always had the deep, tongue kisses be the ones to show your love, right?

I gently brought my mouth to Dani's and gave her a kiss. Dani was momentarily surprised, but quickly reciprocated. I felt her tongue ask for entrance, and we both deepened our kiss together. I hugged her closer, enjoying the warmth of her skin. Her mouth and tongue felt amazing, like we were almost becoming one. I felt so close and safe with my twin.

When we parted, we put our foreheads together, smiling at each other. I loved my sister so much. I was really happy I got to have my first kiss with her.

Miss Sarah cleared her throat. I blinked, looking at her.

"Very good. Now both of you give me a kiss, and off to bed with you." She said. Her tone gave no way to say no to her, and I felt myself automatically saying "Yes Miss." yet again.

She kissed me first. It wasn't as deep or as loving as with Dani, but it still felt really nice. She kissed different from Dani. Where Dani and I were equals, both showing each other our love, my kiss with Miss Sarah made it absolutely clear that she was in charge. I left it feeling breathless.

Then she kissed Dani. I kind of expected myself to feel jealous somehow, but the feeling just didn't appear. I was already safe and confident in my sister's love for me, so seeing her get so thoroughly kissed by Miss Sarah was just nice. I could see my sister was enjoying it a lot.

When they were finished, Miss Sarah stroked both of us on the head like we were cats. "Alright, off the bed with you now."

"Umm. w-what about our pyjamas?" Dani said shyly. Miss Sarah tutted. It was weird to hear someone our age tut, but I didn't dare say anything about it.

"No need. Letting your skin breathe as you sleep will be better for you anyway." She said.

I suddenly realised she was fully expecting us to go to bed naked.

"What about just undies?" I tried hopefully, but Miss Sarah looked at me sharply. "Definitely not! You'll get thrush wearing underwear to bed." She narrowed her eyes at me. "In fact, I'd better confiscate your panties just to be sure. Show them to me."

Helplessly, I showed her where me and Dani kept our underwear. She wordlessly just… took all our panties. Then guided us to bed. Neither of us could say anything.

Finally, she bid us good night, and shut the door. Me and my sister cuddled up together like we always did, though it was a bit weird to do it while still naked. I didn't want to sleep by myself though, and we'd always had that comfort, so we made do.

"… Today was a weird day." I said after a moment.

"Ah, y-yeah…" Dani said, trailing off. I realised she looked a bit uncomfortable.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, just. M-My balls feel… Kinda painful. From before." She mumbled, hiding her head in my neck. I blinked, thinking back to earlier. She hadn't actually had a chance to orgasm had she? I knew that that could be painful when you had her parts.

"Because you didn't…"

"Yeah." She confirmed my suspicion.

I was silent for a moment, as I internally debated. Miss Sarah's comment earlier about how much I loved my sister came back to me. I did love her. If I could help her when she was feeling pain, then I would do so.

"I'll help you." I murmured, moving down the bed so that my head was inline with her penis. I opened my mouth, and began to wash her penis with my tongue and saliva like before. Dani gasped, and she instinctively pushed it further into my mouth. I let her do so, before gently bringing myself back to suckle on the head again. More of the sticky precum leaked out of her, making my mouth sweet and frothy. Occasionally this cycle would continue, her pushing it further into my mouth, and me moving back to pleasure the head, which seemed to be the most sensitive bit.

After a few minutes of this, she suddenly gave a cute squeak, and the weird sweet yet salty taste of her cum exploded into my mouth. There was a lot of it, completely filling my mouth, and it was really sticky and viscous. I actually found I really enjoyed the flavour.

The amount of it was a bit of a problem though, as it was so sticky that I was worried it'd get stuck in my throat going down. I wasn't sure what else to do with it, without making a mess of the bed. After a moment of consideration, I let her penis plop out of my mouth, and moved up to kiss her. Dani was surprised, but gave a cute little moan when I began to share the mouthful of cum with her. There was something deeply personal and intimate about sharing her cum between the two of us like that, letting it swap between our mouths as we kissed. And since we had two of us, the amount was halved, so we were both able to swallow it.

I licked my lips of any remaining drops, before going to give my sister's penis another gentle clean. Not enough to really get her going again, but just to fix the sticky wetness that was still left on her penis. I wanted her nice and clean after all.

After I'd cleaned her, we kissed and cuddled together again, sleepiness overtaking us. I felt her smiling sweetly, and I gave her a loving little squeeze in return. I'd never done anything like that with my sister before, but I was sure we'd be doing it again.

Next: Chapter 2

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