Dani and Dawn

By moc.loa@ylloCssiM

Published on Jun 14, 2002


Colleen Thomas Misscolly@aol.com 5/28/2002

A Mile in Her Heels

Dawn sat on the edge of her bed feeling more awkward than she ever could remember. She looked down at her legs, encased in the white silk stockings and shuddered. Her hands twitched nervously from place to place and she longed to stick them into her pockets, but the short swing skirt she wore had no pockets.

I feel utterly ridiculous! She thought. How did I ever let that little brat talk me into this? She snorted, but then smiled wanly. Because she is so cute and when she really wants something you're powerless to refuse her. Even this, she told herself mockingly.

Dawn was a short, compact girl with the dark eyes and the olive skin of her Italian forebears. Her body was well muscled from years of playing softball and riding her bike. She had never liked dresses and had stopped wearing them as soon as she left home. A tomboy all her life, she was aggressive and had earned the nickname Animal for her hard- nosed play on the field. She was highly competitive and had made her way in the business world based on the same toughness and aggression that had won her all state honors on the softball field. She looked at the long tapered heel of her shoe and snorted in disgust. Some butch I am, she thought. Sitting here on the bed dressed like a tart. She shook her head again.

Her lover was almost the complete opposite. She was older than Dawn by a few years and had a shy retiring personality that Dawn adored. She blushed easily, and was almost always uncomfortable unless they were alone. She was five six and probably weighed less than one hundred and twenty pounds, Dawn had never been able to weasel her exact weight out of her. Her body was lush, made for loving, with nice hips, a teardrop ass and a large chest. She was always dressed in something soft and feminine and Dawn had hardly ever seen her wear anything other than heels in the seven months they had been going out. She had an entire chest of drawers devoted to lingerie, or frillys as Dawn called them. She was utterly feminine and Dawn loved her all the more for it.

Their relationship was strong and loving. Dawn took the lead in almost everything, and Danielle demurely accepted that. She had moved to be with Dawn and had given up her job to take care of the house. She was a good homemaker, and Dawn had quickly come to enjoy coming home to be greeted at the door and have dinner ready. She especially enjoyed the greeting as Danielle took pains to look fresh and sexy for her. Sometimes it was a nice dress and heels, others it was jeans and a halter top, still others it was something slinky and sexy and on one memorable occasion it was nothing but a red bow in her hair. Dawn had not truly appreciated it until today. She had almost forgotten what a pain in the arse doing makeup and hair was. Her feet hurt from the heels and it had taken her almost an hour, and every bit of patience she possessed to get the seams on her stockings lined up right and the garter clips attached.

The waist cincher had been a nightmare, and she had roundly cursed Dani for picking it out for her. Even now she could feel the laces biting into her back and she was forced to take small sips of air if she wasn't standing. The color had appalled her, a champaign pink. Dawn detested the color pink and did not own anything with that color in it. She loved it on Dani, but never, ever on herself. This just isn't going to work, she thought to herself.

Dawn was a confident person, but her relative lack of experience in the bedroom always made her feel inadequate. Danielle had tried many variations and she had slowly introduced Dawn to some of them. Thus far, the D&S games had been her favorites. Dawn had really enjoyed restraining her lover and having her way with her. Beyond that, the knowledge that Dani trusted her so much made the scenes very intense. Dawn knew she could never trust anyone like that, and Danielle seemed to sense this and had never once attempted to steer things in that direction.

Dawn remembered the first time she had fastened the restraints on Danielle. She had looked so vulnerable spread eagle on the bed in just her garterbelt and stockings. Dawn had stood for a long time just looking, unsure of what she wanted to do, or what she could. She had finally sat on the edge of the bed and gently fondled the helpless woman's breasts, working the small pink nipples into hard points. Danielle sighed and moaned, and Dawn realized she had never been this free to make her lover feel good. Danielle was so caught up in making her partner feel good that she had always resisted attempts to put her pleasure first.

Dawn had spent nearly an hour just licking, sucking and fondling her breasts and Danielle had come twice from that alone. By the time Dawn had moved to her pussy Dani was begging to be let go. Dawn had ignored her pleas and feasted on her dripping sex. She had driven Danielle to orgasm after orgasm until her captive had pleaded in earnest that it felt so good it was beginning to hurt. Dawn had stopped reluctantly and released her.

Dawn's mind was snapped back to the present by the alarm clock going off. She loved to remember that night, and it always got her going. Even now she was aware of how excited she was, her nipples where hard and the soft satin of her push up bra felt good when she breathed out and it rubbed against them. She realized she was moist and smashed her hand down on the clock with enough force to pop the face late off.

"Damnit!" she yelled.

Danielle would be home in half an hour and dinner wasn't ready. Dawn stood up quickly and nearly fell onto her face. She growled in frustration as she caught herself on the nightstand and fought down the almost irrational desire to kick off her heels. Six hours in the cursed things and she was about to loose it. She moved carefully towards the kitchen, acutely aware of the sway in her hips and the maddening sensation of her skirt against her stockings and ass. She was also aware of the satin of her panties on her pussy and the pleasurable sensations that shot into her when she moved wrong and they pulled tight against her bald mound. The stockings also sent ripples of pleasure through her as they moved over her freshly shaved and lotioned legs. Her nostrils were filled with the scent of lilacs, and she swore she would never again give Danielle ANYTHING from Victoria's Secret scent shop.

Dawn was a good cook, and she quickly got dinner together. She glanced nervously at the clock and hurried into the dining room to set the table. The candles were lit and she had just placed the plates on the table when she heard the car pull into the driveway. She felt a lurching in her belly and she was sweating. She could not recall being so nervous and uncomfortable in a very long time. Her hands unconsciously smoothed her skirt and she found herself wanting a mirror to check her makeup.

When it dawned on her that she was acting like a girl she cursed like a sailor and made her way towards the door. The cursing helped but in the foyer all of her anxiety returned. When she heard the key in the door she had to fight the impulse to run. I would probably kill myself in these things if I tried, she told herself and tried to smile, but the best she could do was not to frown.

The door opened and Danielle walked apprehensively into the house. She wore a blue work shirt and faded jeans, with heavy work boots. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail and Dawn saw her without makeup for the first time besides early morning when she had just awakened. Dawn tried desperately not too, but she broke out into a gale of laughter. Danielle was so cute she just couldn't help herself.

Dani smiled at her and began to giggle herself and for a few moments they laughed together. Dawn realized she must look just as comical to her lover as Danielle did to her. When they had both mastered their mirth they stood there in the silence for a moment.

"This isn't going to work, do I have to go through with it?" Dawn asked.

"You promised," Danielle said quietly.

"I know, but I feel ridiculous!" Dawn said turning her back on her lover. She knew if she was looking into those loving green eyes she wouldn't win this argument.

Dawn started when she felt Danielle's hands slide around her slim waist and pull her tightly against her. Dawn felt Danielle's soft lips on her shoulder and heard her whisper "You look edible,"

"No fair," Dawn groaned as Danielle's lips moved to her neck. Dawn's neck was so sensitive the brush of her own hair against it could send chills down her spine. Danielle knew it all to well and Dawn relaxed into her embrace when she felt the warm soft lips, and wet tongue of her lover on her bare skin. Danielle continued to kiss and nuzzle her neck, and Dawn felt herself begin to respond despite being uncomfortable. She could easily break the embrace, she was far stronger than her lover, but she had promised and it did feel good. Danielle's hands slid upward to cup her breasts and Dawn stiffened.

"All right, you win," she said and tried to step out of the embrace, but Dani held her tightly.

"You smell delicious,"

"I smell like a whore,"

"That's my little woman," she said and laughed. The musical laughter and obvious love in her touch and tone took the sting out of the words, but Dawn still felt like smacking her.

"Watch it," she growled.

"Where's my dinner?' Dani said as she released Dawn and smacked her ass. Dawn whirled and drew back, barely stopping herself from punching her lover in the face. Danielle's eyes shot wide and she took an involuntary step backwards.

Dawn felt terrible. It was just a gut reaction, but it was clear she had frightened Dani. Noting in the world could ever make her want to hurt her lover, but she had struck several men for smacking her ass like that. She relaxed and managed to force a smile. "It's on the table,"

She turned and walked into the living room, still very conscious of the way her hips swayed in the heels. Danielle followed and took the seat at the head of the table, the seat Dawn usually sat in. Dawn tensed and then forced herself to relax and took Dani's usual seat. Dawn was a good cook, and she knew Danielle loved her chicken parm, but she suddenly found herself worried about it. What if I screwed it up? She worried. They ate in silence, the candlelight was soft and Dawn kept noticing Danielle staring at her as she ate. Dinner was nearly done when Dawn couldn't stand it any longer.

She caught Danielle staring at her again and blurted out, "What? I look ridiculous don't I?"

"No, you look beautiful,"

Dawn snorted derisively, but she had to admit to herself the compliment made her feel a little better. Danielle rose and walked behind her, placing her hands on Dawn's shoulders she began to massage them. Danielle's hands were soft and gentle and had the ability to calm Dawn and make her relax. She loved the way they felt and closed her eyes, allowing them to work their magic on her body. If she had ever needed calming, this was the time. It wasn't long before she was leaning back into her lover's body, enjoying those soft loving hands.

"Let's go to the living room," Danielle said softly. Dawn nodded and stood up. She allowed herself to be led into the living room, where Danielle picked up the remote and started the Cd player. A romantic, slow song started and Dawn recognized the music as her favorite make out Cd. Danielle tossed the remote on the sofa and turned to take Dawn into her arms. They started to dance, but a war of sorts broke out as each tried to lead. Dawn was used to Danielle meekly acquiescing to her desires, but when the older woman did not Dawn remembered what was going on and forced herself to follow.

Danielle was not used to leading and was not very good at it. By the time the second song ended they were standing still, just rocking in each other's arms. Dawn was having some difficulties dancing in her heels at any rate, so she was rather glad that was over. Her mind was ripped away from her relief when she felt Danielle's hands slip down her back to her ass and cup her cheeks. It wasn't a new sensation, she had felt it many times before, but it was shockingly different now. She felt vulnerable and exposed in the skirt, and the satin felt sensuous on her behind. Danielle's hands rubbing her cheeks through the skirt and panties produced strangely intense sensations. Dawn could feel her nipples harden, pressing into the soft fabric of her bra, and she was very aware of the stockings on her legs. What's happening to me? She thought in a state bordering on panic.

When Danielle's soft hands drew her skirt up and Dawn felt the cool air on her thighs and ass she blushed for the first time in ages. Danielle's mouth found her neck as the redhead's hands slipped into the waistband of Dawn's panties and began to work her ass. Dawn groaned and pushed her body against her lover's. For some reason Danielle drew her hips back, but Dawn was not in an inquisitive state of mind and didn't even wonder why for more than a second or two. Danielle's lips and tongue on her neck were driving her up the wall, not to mention the soft hands on her ass. She did not want to be enjoying this, did not want to be reacting to it, but her body was on fire now.

When Danielle broke the embrace and took her hand Dawn meekly allowed herself to be lead up the stairs towards the bedroom. It was only when she saw the open door to her room that she snapped out of the trance she was in. She pulled her hand away from Danielle's violently and shook her head, as if she were a boxer who had taken a stunning blow and was trying to clear it. Danielle didn't give her the chance, faster than Dawn thought possible the redhead pinned her against the wall. One hand lifted Dawn's skirt, while the other shot between her legs and roughly massaged her pussy. Her lips sought out and found the most sensitive spot on Dawn's neck and began to gently gnaw her skin.


"Wow, your pussy is sopping wet,"

"I'm going to get you for this," Dawn panted. Danielle's fingers were rubbing her mound in a circular motion, concentrating on her clit. Dawn felt her hips buck involuntarily. The bitch knows exactly how to do it, Dawn thought.

"No, you are going to get it," Danielle said with a mocking smile and before Dawn realized her lover's hands were no longer on her body, Danielle scooped her up and carried her into the bedroom. Danielle dumped her unceremoniously on the big bed and then stepped back. She began unbuttoning her work shirt, not in the slow, teasing way she usually did, but in a very businesslike manner. Dawn forgot her anger; she loved seeing Danielle's naked body. She was pleasantly surprised when the shirt came off to reveal Danielle wasn't wearing a bra. Her large full tits were on display to Dawn's hungry eyes.

Danielle kicked off her boots and crawled onto the bed, pushing her breasts against Dawn's chest and riding her down onto her back. Her lips found Dawn's and her tongue forced it's way into her mouth. Danielle had always been a tiger in bed, but only reacting to Dawn's moves. Now she was raping Dawn's mouth, and the fierceness of the assault took the smaller woman's breath away. Danielle's hands worked at the buttons to Dawn's poet's shirt and soon her bra was revealed. Dawn was caught up in the intenseness and responded, sucking at Danielle's probing tongue. She did not protest and in fact helped get the shirt off, but she went stiff as a board when she felt Danielle's fingers on the closure of her bra.

Dawn hated her tits. They were ugly in her opinion and she never took off her bra during sex. She shuddered at even the thought of her lover seeing them and was careful to shower when Danielle was still asleep. She realized with a sinking feeling that Dani had anticipated this too, for her bra was a front closure and she was helpless to stop her lover from undoing it. Danielle's tongue down her throat prevented her from protesting and she cringed when she felt the fragile garment pulled free of her body.

Danielle broke the kiss and pushed herself up on her arms, gazing down at Dawn's tits. Dawn held her breath; waiting for the look of disgust she just knew was coming. Danielle's green eyes sparkled in the light.

"You little fibber, they're beautiful," Danielle breathed and lowered her head to kiss one. Dawn was really unsure as to how sensitive her breasts would be, she had never let anyone do this to them before. Danielle's lips were soft and loving and when her tongue curled around a nipple Dawn gasped. Her hands were warm and gently kneaded the tit she wasn't sucking. Dawn was biting her tongue to keep from moaning. She was not about to let this get to her. There was no way she would let Danielle win and show she was enjoying it.

For her part Danielle seemed bound and determined to wring a moan from Dawn. She licked, sucked and fondled Dawn's boobs, concentrating on the nipples and aureoles. The sensation went from mildly pleasurable to very pleasurable, to white hot jolts with every swipe of the warm tongue. Dawn tasted blood and realized she was chewing her lip, a small gasp escaped when Danielle gently nipped her left nipple. Danielle moved to her right nipple and laved it with her tongue until it was a hard pebble in her mouth. Dawn felt her suck hard, pulling the nip away from the aureole and then gently chew on it. A low moan escaped her lips then, it felt too incredible to remain silent any longer.

Danielle pulled her head up and grinned triumphantly. Dawn frowned and was about to make a biting comment when her lover's head dipped again and began to trail kisses down Dawn's belly. Dawn squirmed, she knew that Danielle could send her into orbit when she wanted too. The redhead's hands gripped her thighs and slowly slid upwards. Dawn had never felt anything as sensuous as those soft hands on the stockings that she wore. She groaned and parted her thighs.

Dawn had no intention of fighting her battle here, she had already learned that short of forcing her to stop there was no way she could keep from coming once Danielle's mouth was in contact with her pussy. Her soft lips, and amazingly talented tongue were only part of it. She genuinely loved to eat Dawn's pussy, and that made it so much more erotic for Dawn. Danielle was also very intuitive and had quickly, more quickly than Dawn had really been comfortable with, learned to react to every signal Dawn's body sent, no matter how small.

Dawn actually hoped Dani did bring her off that way, she wouldn't feel bad about that. Danielle's fingers slipped across the cool satin of her panties and tugged them down. Dawn raised her hips to make it easier for her lover, and the small bundle of damp satin joined her bra and shirt on the floor. Dawn was expecting Dani to remove her skirt as well, but the redhead just pushed it up, bunching it around her waist and dipped her head between Dawn's thighs. Dawn watched her and regretted that decision almost immediately. She loved to watch her lover, the rapt expression on Danielle's face was always such a turn on, but the sight that greeted her was so incongruous, so totally alien to what she normally saw, that if left her more uncomfortable than a whore in church as her grandmother used to say.

The first thing that impressed itself upon her was her breasts. She could see them and she wasn't used to that, nor happy with it. Her breasts were small and not firm with half dollar sized aureoles and small buttons for nipples. Compared to Danielle's large, full breasts her tits looked even smaller than the b-cup she wore. The Champaign colored cincher, with it's heavy boning, delicate lace and long garters was partially hidden by the bunched up blue skirt. Her white stockings made her legs look paler than the rest of her skin, and she still wasn't used to seeing her feet in five-inch heels. She looked so.so feminine. The whole display was profoundly disturbing to her. Not only because it was not what she was used too, but because it was also mildly erotic to her.

If the visual stimulation was mildly erotic, Danielle's tongue and lips were on another plane of exciting. The redhead's tongue traced along the puffy outer lips of Dawn's sex, teasing her, building up the tension that she knew would end only with a powerful orgasm. When her lover's tongue dipped in between the wet folds to caress her inner labia Dawn moaned. Danielle's tongue found her clit and began to tease it with very soft flicks. Dawn's hips undulated and she tried to relax, tried to allow herself to orgasm quickly. Danielle had other ideas and pulled away from Dawn's soaked pussy when the first quivers of her thighs announced she was close.

"Bitch," Dawn hissed.

"Oh no," Danielle said as she stood and unbuttoned her jeans, "tonight you're the bitch,"

Dawn was about to reply, but Danielle's jeans slipped over her hips and what Dawn saw left her speechless. Instead of the dainty garterbelt and sexy panties she always wore, Danielle had a strap on buckled around her trim waist. Dawn had three and often wore one under her jeans, and compared to the large thick dildos she had the thin, pink, five inch vibe on Danielle's was almost comical.

"No fucking way!" Dawn blurted out. Danielle smiled at her as she stepped out of her jeans and stroked the vibe.

"This has gone far enough!"

"Shut the fuck up! You're my bitch and you are getting fucked tonight, period!"

If the sight of Danielle wearing a strapon was shocking, the words were even more so. In the time they had been together she had heard Danielle curse all of three times. The quiet woman was not comfortable with it and Dawn had even forced herself to tone down her own sailor's vocabulary because she knew Danielle was embarrassed by it. This was also the first time she had ever heard the redhead raise her voice. Danielle was soft spoken and hated loud noises. The tone was what really got to her though; it was strong, confident and commanding. Danielle had never used such a tone with her before and Dawn had come to believe she was incapable of doing so.

Dawn was not able to voice another protest as Danielle climbed back on the bed and scooted between her thighs. Dawn saw the determination in Danielle's face and resigned herself to this humiliation. She loved Danielle too much to stop her, if this was what she truly wanted.

Danielle carefully placed the vibe at Dawn's slick entrance and tried to get it in. For her part, Dawn had never been penetrated by a woman and it had been a long time since her first and only time with a man. She gritted her teeth in anticipation of the pain she knew was coming. Danielle went very slowly, and very carefully, coaxing her and coaching her. When the tip slipped into her tight channel Dawn grimaced and Danielle stopped instantly.

"Wrap your legs around my hips baby. Lock your ankles and relax, the pain will go away, I promise," Danielle whispered to her. Dawn did as she was bidden, managing not to jab herself with her heels. The pain lessened perceptibly and Danielle slowly worked the rest of the small vibe in. Dawn marveled at her lover's care and thoughtfulness even in this predicament.

Dawn used very aggressive dildos, the smallest being a full eight inches long and over three wide. Danielle knew from past experience that Dawn didn't even like small vibes inside of her during loveplay. The redhead had obviously chosen a dildo that would not cause her any real pain or discomfort. It was one of the many small gestures that Danielle made on a daily basis to show her affection. Dawn was suddenly aware of them, where she had not been before.

The vibe was all the way in now and it caused an uncomfortable feeling of fullness in Dawn. Danielle tried unsuccessfully to establish a rhythm and Dawn found herself acting as coach and teacher now.

"Scoot your knees up, until they're touching my ass. Spread your legs wider. There you go,"

The vibe slid in and out easily now, in long fluid strokes. Dawn had been unaware of just how aroused she was until she saw how slippery and wet the vibe was in the mirrored ceiling as it slid in and out. Danielle was a natural at most kinds of sex play and learned fast. Soon she was stroking into Dawn with hard deep strokes, moaning as she enjoyed the flood of new sensations from the strapon.

Dawn concentrated on remembering the last softball game she had played in, play by play. She did her best to ignore the powerful pleasure the vibe was producing. She closed her eyes to shut out the visual stimulation. She would endure this, but she refused to enjoy it. Danielle slowed her pace and eventually withdrew the vibe. Dawn was hoping she had given up. Her body was taut as a spring and thrumming with desire. She was not at all sure she could have held back if that had continued much longer.

"On your knees,"

Dawn silently complied. She knew she was not going to be able to fight her lover's wishes. All she could do was endure, but there would be hell to pay when this was over she promised herself.

Once on her knees She relaxed as Danielle slowly reinserted the vibe. The angle was different, and Dawn realized more pleasurable to her. After a few gentle, experimental thrusts Danielle seized her hips, held tightly and really went wild. Dawn could hear the liquid sounds as the vibe sliced in and out of her wet pussy. The sensations were powerful and demanded her attention, but she fought with every fiber of her being to ignore them. Danielle was moaning now, and Dawn knew she would come soon.

Just...a...few...more...strokes... she thought as she gritted her teeth.

Danielle released her hips and seized a hand full of Dawn's hair, dragging her up onto her knees. One hand snaked around her waist, found her erect clit and began to stroke it in time with the thrusts. The one in Dawn's hair released its hold and wrapped around her chest to grab a nipple and pinch rhythmically.

"No," Dawn gasped.

"Cum for me baby, cum for Mommy," Danielle cooed in her ear.

I won't, Dawn thought desperately. I won't cum like a bitch on her cock, damnit. Danielle's lips found her neck and began to lick. That little bit of added stimulation was too much. Despite herself Dawn felt her cunt contract violently on the probing vibe. The orgasm that this portended was shattering. The wave of pure bliss started in her cunt and spread to her body like a tidal wave. Her mind was not ready to cope with it, and she heard herself cry out in ecstasy. Strong bursts of pleasure punctuated by violent contractions racked her small frame. It seemed endless and she was sure she was going to go mad.

They lay next to one another, Danielle holding Dawn and stroking her hair. Dawn had been silent for a long time, and it was obvious to her that Danielle was getting worried. She rolled over onto her back and looked up at her lover's face.


"I win," Danielle said with a giggle as relief flooded her features.

"I know, I know, a shopping spree at the mall and dinner at Gianni's,"

"And you have to wear your tux," Danielle added.

"You didn't have to do this, I would have been glad to take you out shopping and to dinner,"

"Blame it on your own big mouth. You were the one who was teasing me when I was getting ready. Telling me you would never understand why I took so long and what I liked about dressing up for you,"

"I know," Dawn sighed, "I know,"

" I told you that you were going to come," Danielle said and snickered.

"And I am telling you if you ever try this again I am going to tie you to the bed and fuck you half to death. Now take that damned thing off and get me out of this rig before I pass out from lack of oxygen," Dawn growled.

Danielle quickly and expertly undid the lacing on the cincher and helped Dawn out of the stockings and heels. Dawn undid the buckles on the strapon and helped Danielle remove it. They took a long hot shower together and curled up in bed, with Dawn spooned against Dani's back.

The next day they had a good time at the mall. Danielle tried on so many outfits and asked her opinion so many times that Dawn half heartedly considered telling her they made her look fat from then on so she could go home.

Dinner at Gianni's was romantic and wonderful. Dawn wore her 1800's tux and Danielle looked absolutely delicious in the hunter green gown she wore. The car ride home was pleasant and by the time they turned in Dawn was happy and feeling a bit randy.

Once they were both in bed Danielle opened the nightstand drawer and handed Dawn a small box. It was white and gift wrapped, but it looked suspiciously like something from Vicky's.

"What's this?"

"Open it and see,"

Dawn tore the box open and saw that it contained a very frilly white bra and panty set. She looked up at Danielle with something approaching anger in her face. Danielle was staring at her with those sparkling green eyes and an expression of amusement.

"What the fuck?"

"Well you promised last night if I tried this again you would fuck me half to death, So...


Next: Chapter 2: The Storm

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